My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Jun 13, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. The sexuality of the characters is all in my imagination, and therefore they do as I like. Hogwarts, Harry Potter, etc. is copyrighted by Scholastic books and J.K. Rowling. I get no money, so they get no money. The author apologizes for the shortness of this installation, but it seemed a decent pausing point. Hopefully the next section will be a little longer.

Dumbledore showed Michael around the school personally, and we noted in amusement how nearly all the girls and a not-so-insignificant number of the boys all fell in instant lust. I smiled behind my hand in the Herbology course as Professor Sprout was explaining to us the properties of Nightshade.

"Arico," she asked a little too gently, "you find something amusing about the deadliest plant known to exist?"

"No Professor," I apologized, dropping my smile. "I'm sorry."

She nodded and continued to the lesson. I had to focus to keep Michael's thoughts and experiences from flooding mine, but eventually, I got it down to a somewhat muted buzz in the back of my head.

The day's classes weren't very difficult, but I did have some homework to do for Ancient Runes before the end of the week. Hermione and I compared notes on the Rune translating we had to do, when I suddenly recognized one of the runes from my dark book! I opened my textbook to the same page and quickly examined the language. Elven! Old High Elven! I made a quick notation for the page in the book and finished my homework with a sense of relief mingled with anticipation. Once I'd finished here, I could get to work on that translation! Finally something was going right!

It was then I noticed Harry come into the common room. He looked tired and was talking quietly with Ron.

"Hey Harry," I said, approaching. "Got a few minutes?"

He looked up at me, sighed, and nodded. "Can you excuse us, Ron," I asked, as I pulled over a pair of chairs. Ron looked surprised and a little hurt. Harry nodded to him. "All right," he agreed sullenly.

Once again, I waited until Harry and I were by ourselves before casting the ward of silence around us.

"So, tell me all about your second year here."

He told me about the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle, the diary, Hagrid and his giant spider-monster. How he felt about being the suspect, Professor Lockheart and THAT fiasco.

We finished around eleven and Harry slumped back. "This isn't getting any easier," he complained. "I know," I commiserated. "But I have one more favor to ask tonight, if you've got enough energy."


"Fetch your invisibility cloak and show me this Chamber of Secrets."


"I don't speak Parseltongue."

He grumbled a little but did what I asked. We walked to the dormitory and Harry removed the cloak from the trunk at the foot of his bed. "What's going on," Ron asked as we went upstairs.

"Nothing," I said. Harry shot me a look but silently fetched his cloak.

"If it's nothing, then why do you need the cloak?"

"I'm just trying to borrow it."

"And Harry's just going to give it to you?"

"Why not," I shrugged. "I'll give it back."

Ron rolled his eyes in exasperation and flopped back onto his bed.

Harry grabbed the cloak and we walked out the portrait-hole into the hallway. He put the cloak over both of us with a practiced ease, and I gave him a grin which he returned. All his weariness seemed forgotten. He led me to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and moved immediately to the faucet with a small snake carved into the wall next to it.

"Here," he told me.

"Show me," I said.

He frowned. I heard a hissing, sputtering sound andd the hole opened very wide. We both slid into the slimy pipe and moved down until we came to a small, gray granite room with statues of serpents. Again, Harry spoke the hissing tongue and a hidden doorway opened up leading to a gigantic room, with a huge statue of a wizard in the back corner.

"This is it," Harry muttered. He sounded tired again.

"Scary place," I muttered. He nodded.

"I've seen enough. This will do nicely, I think. Eventually. Thanks, Harry."

We returned to the dormitory and Harry promptly changed into his pajamas and fell asleep. I pulled out my rune translations and books and began searching for the runes that matched my books. I went through, translating some of the letters to English, but as it turned out, only about one of every three letters was Elven. Not always in that order, though. Sometimes whole words, or first-and-last letters, etc.

I finally closed the books and fell asleep around four in the morning.

Classes passed by in a blur, and I DID learn a lot of new things about normal wizard magic. Unfortunately, I was still unable to perform most of those spells, but my own power was usually enough to let me fake my way through it. For example, we were in Transfiguration class and our job was to turn a pebble into a bird. But more importantly, "to test your abilities," Professor MacGonagall told us, we had to transform it into a bird in flight.

So, as one, everyone in the class waved their wands with a cry of "wingardium leviosa!" Every pebble rose gently off the table. Except mine, of course.

"Arico, what's the matter?"

"Sorry, Professor. I never managed this spell very well."


"Hold on a tic, please." I focused on levitation and let my irritation allowed the pebble to rise. "All set now, Professor."

"Well it's about time," she snapped.

THAT did it. I spoke a single word. One that I probably shouldn't have, admittedly, because a shocked MacGonagall screamed at me as the tiny pebble transformed instantly into a beautiful blue-banded hawk.

He flew around the room and landed on my shoulder. I winced as he did so: his talons cut through my robes and shirt rather easily. The Professor was so impressed, she forgot to be angry about my swearing.

At the same time, Michael was speaking to a VERY frightened fifth year Defense class. "Now, last year, I believe you were put under the Imperius curse so you could learn how to fight it?"

The class-Hufflepuffs-nodded. "Excellent beginning. Now we will continue that. As I'm sure you are aware, the Dark Lord Voldemort is back. So, I will teach you many countercurses, shields and other defenses. But first, I will teach you something of what you are dealing with. It will be painful. If you do not wish to undergo this test, I will understand. But it will hurt."

No one rose. I-Michael-smiled. "Good. Now," he checked the roll and called off names alphabetically. The first student rose and Michael raised his wand and said, "I need someone to time five seconds, please."

A girl in the back said, "I've got it, sir."

"Good. Call out immediately when five seconds have passed."

"Yes, sir."

He turned back to the first student. "Be brave." The boy nodded. "CRUCIO!!!"

Instantly, a high, piercing scream left his mouth and reverberated throughout the classroom. Everyone watched in horror as his body shook violently and his eyes rolled back in his head.

"Sir," the girl squeaked. The spell stopped instantly and the boy slumped to the floor. Michael bowed down and helped the boy to a chair, where he gently placed him. "That was only five seconds, ladies and gentlemen. The Cruciatus Curse is absolute pain. Pain can be defeated. It takes control, and, to be perfectly honest, it takes constant feelings of pain. If we were to do this curse every day," the class paled, "then gradually, I could increase the amount of time you could withstand, or at least bear, the curse. Who knows, some of you might actually learn how to withstand this curse completely."

"Now, give your classmate a round of applause. His bravery just earned Hufflepuff fifty points." He turned back to the semi-comatose boy as the class applauded. "Would you like to see Madame Pomfrey in the infirmary?

He weakly shook his head.

"Now, did any of you face the Imperius Curse last semester?"

Most of them nodded. "Good. Now," he turned to the blackboard and wrote a complex spell with words and symbols. "This is a shield. Unlike the weaker Shield Charm, this is a true mantle, and it is an advanced magic. Far above the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. levels. Yet we will begin to attempt this spell, and hopefully some progress will be made. I hope you're all taking notes."

The class went on in such a manner, with Michael explaining the very shield I'd used against Voldemort and his companions below Stonehenge. As such, I allowed my mind to wander and as I had completed my assignment for Transfiguration, I let my eyes see through Michael's. Hmmm...that boy there, and that girl there, and boy over there, as well. They would all be suitable. They had a good deal more bravery than the standard Hufflepuffs, and perhaps they could deal with what was coming...only time could tell.

That night, Harry and I continued our speaking about his time here. He constantly mentioned Ron and Hermione, but I left them out of the equation for the moment. The Dark Lord would concentrate on Harry. He filled me in on his godfather, Sirius Black and his friend Professor Lupin. He told me about the Dementors, and I growled. I never liked those things. "Do you know how to create a Patronus?"

"Yes," he answered. I found out about Buckbeak and Wormtail. Afterwards, I shook my head. "You've been through a lot, Harry."

"I know," he answered sadly.

"I hate to tell you, but it won't get any easier."

"I know."

I stayed in the common room to continue my translations and work. I also wrote down the names of those three students Michael had recognized with potential. They were right under Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. I looked up and nearly jumped out of my seat. An upset Ron was standing in front of my chair in his pajama bottoms and nothing else.

I calmed myself and looked up at him as I closed my leather tome. "Something I can do you for, Ron?"

He seemed unable to speak. His face told me he was nervous, but his eyes flashed with anger.

I called over another chair. "Have a seat." He sat, reluctantly, and stared at me. I sighed. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"What are you always doing with Harry?"

"What do you mean?"

"He always comes up and goes straight to bed. For the past three nights, except when you and he went...wherever in his Invisibility Cloak. He doesn't even say good-night any more."

"I didn't know he was getting so tired out," I said. "I though he had more stamina than that, especially from everything I've heard," I tried to soothe him. His mouth tightened and his eyes flashed with each word I said. He stood up. "Leave him alone!"

"I thought we were friends, Ron?"

"Leave him alone!" He surged out of his chair, flushed from the top of his head to his waistband-and below, I assume-and returned upstairs. I tsked and looked at the page with Ron's name and the three Hufflepuffs. I thought for a moment, then dipped the quill again and put a question mark behind it.

Hagrid was once again teaching Care of Magical Creatures, and he had apparently learned from experience. He actually called some of his centaur friends out of the Forest to come and speak to the class. I noticed that some of the Slytherins were chortling, others staring. Admittedly, these centaurs were smaller than Chiron, but they were well-built and quite handsome. They began speaking of the signs in the heavens and telling us a little about their family life when a larger, black-haired centaur approached. "It's time to leave," he told us.

"But Bane," Harry protested. He was enjoying spending time with some old friends.

"But nothing." He sighed and looked upwards a little. "Mars grows brighter daily."

Harry sat back with a chill and I watched intently. Mars?? What was THAT about? The guests waved goodbye and Hagrid told the class that we had to find at least ten other creatures that would be considered half-breeds. Malfoy snickered.

"Excluding Malfoy," I added with a grin.

He stopped laughing and swore at me. "Now now, Malfoy. Temper temper," I chided, wagging a finger at him. He, Crabbe and Goyle all flinched. The Gryffindors laughed as the class was dismissed.

I meandered to the library for an hour to translate my book before my Arithmancy class. Professor Vector was in a good mood, and we discussed theories of Arithmancy in open debate. Hermione was in her prime element, and I had fun playing both sides of the debate against each other. We walked to the library together after class and I decided to talk with her. After all, she was on my list of possible allies, and her friendship with Harry gave me the feeling she knew how to keep secrets.

She told me about her family, happy to see that I was taking an interest in her. Ron had come to her to complain about me monopolizing Harry's time and hesitating to talk about other things. Hermione proved to be as intelligent as she seemed, and an excellent spellcaster. Though her power was nothing special in and of itself, her dedication to improving herself and helping her friends proved more than suitable to fly her through her studies.

I told her a little about my life, and we got along splendidly: both being from Muggle families, both being intelligent, and both of us enjoying a good challenge.

"Hermione, I don't know how to say this," I began awkwardly.

Her face grew suspicious, and I had to laugh. "Not that. No offence," I said hastily, "but you're not my type."

She thought that over and nodded amicably. "No offense taken. So, what are you having trouble saying, then?"

"Actually, I've come across a book that I've been trying to translate, and I'm having an awful lot of difficulty." I could see her interest was peaked. "I think most of it can be found throughout the books of Ancient Runes, but that only translates the letters, not the languages. It's too much to do alone, and I was wondering if you' interested in helping." I had to choke out that last bit. I HATE asking for help.

Her eyes sparkled with anticipation. "It sounds FASCINATING! What is it?"

"An ancient book about Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Oooh! Let me see it!"

I pulled out one of the books. I'd already been able to gather which of the two was which, but hadn't fully translated even the covers yet.

We got to work immediately, raiding the library for every book on ancient languages and alphabets. I winked at Hermione as I quickly pulled out a scrap of paper and signed it with Michael's signature (as he and I are the same, no problem at all) and handed it to Madame Ponce, so that we could get any of them from the restricted section, as well. She examined the note carefully, but was forced to admit it was genuine. Hermione hid a smile behind a huge stack of books, and we found three more.

Three hours later, we'd found that aside from Elven, Old English and Gaelic alphabets had been used to write the book. When translated into English letters, the words were still gibberish, but I recognized the title on the book. It was in the ancient language of magic. "Arie shinoma necronos dei to." I grinned at Hermione. "For the Protectsion 'Gainst the Powyrs of Darknesse." She smiled at me, but we had to call it a night. Besides, I had a whole other book to translate into English lettering.

I met Harry in the common room again. "Go ahead and tell me, Harry. I can see it's haunting you."

He filled me in on all of his fourth year. He did get excited when telling me of the challenges for the Triwizard Tournament, but when he came to his fight with Voldemort in the graveyard, I saw unshed tears glisten in his eyes. The whole tale took hours to tell and I sat back. "Wow, Harry. That is amazing. You've done more than I'd thought anyone could do." He nodded. "I have only one question before you go to bed, Harry. You don't have to answer, but it will be helpful if you do." He looked at me curiously.

"Ron was the thing you'd miss most, right?"

"Right." He looked confused.


THAT caught him off guard. "W-well, erm, he's my best friend. Why wouldn't I miss him?"

"Is he more than that," I asked directly.

Harry slumped his shoulders slightly and looked down. "No."

I nodded. "I know how you feel, Harry."

"You can't." The tears were running down his cheeks. "No one does," he choked out.

"Can't I?" I told him about Wills and Harry who were still in Avalon and how I actually felt about both of them. There had been the physical attraction, but something even more, something I couldn't place, and with both of them. He looked up at me, and I pulled him into a hug.

Ron, unseen in Harry's cloak, stormed up the stairs.

Next: Chapter 8

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