My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on May 20, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. The characters who are recognized as real are used wholly in my imagination, and others are considered fictional in their own right, some under copyright. Keep that in mind.

We were suffused with warmth, and red light surrounded my vision. A moment later, we stepped out into bright blue skies and lush green grass. I looked around. The air was the perfect temperature and everything had a crystalline clarity. Even the trees in full leaf AND flower. The air smelled sweeter than anything I'd ever smelled and some of my exhaustion seemed to vanish. The princes breathed deeply as well, and grinned at me. My legs buckled and I dropped heavily to the turf. "We can rest here for a few minutes," I chuckled.

"What's wrong, Matt," Harry asked.

"Just tired. Anyway, this seems a nice spot. How 'bout a picnic?"

"Are you daft," Wills wanted to know.

"It's lunchtime," I answered defensively. "Besides, I've been casting my tail off! I'm tired."

Out of our bags we took some food and sat in the warm sun. Simple sandwiches, but it was nice to eat and enjoy.

"We should do something like this more often," Harry mentioned. Wills agreed. We simply sat back and relished the clean feeling of the air and the sun. Giant dragonflies and butterflies hovered around us, but no ants or bees disrupted our picnic. After an hour, I felt much better and slowly stood.

"Let's look around, shall we," I suggested.

We were in a clearing. The grassy hill lay bathed by the bright sun and the forest around us cast greenish shadows beneath the canopy. Birds sang and deer seemed tame as household pets.

We took a direction and walked into the woods. It was an ancient forest, with not a lot of undergrowth and enough distance between the enormous trunks to make a highway. Though the sun couldn't penetrate the canopy in more than golden shafts, the forest was not oppressive. Instead, it seemed...ideal. All of us looked around at the trees, some of which I'd never seen before, trying to name and identify them as though we were on one of those crappy nature hikes.

Before we'd gone far, a centaur approached us. "Who are you," he asked. This was a very large specimen: a Clydesdale's body below the waist and a physique like a Greek Olympian wrestler above. I'd met a centaur before, but he was bigger than any I'd ever seen. The others, however, had never really believed that such mythical creatures really existed. I was surprised their eyes didn't start out of their heads, but they recovered quickly, though their voices quavered when we introduced ourselves. "We have come in search of sanctuary," I added.

"Sanctuary?" He snorted rudely. "There is no sanctuary for your kind here."

"Why," I asked. This wasn't good to hear.

"The Lord has ordered it so."

"Will you show me to him? Perhaps he can be persuaded."

"I doubt it, but by our law, you must be brought before him, anyway." He whistled shrilly, and two others came, though smaller than he. Unlike him, they were armed. Each had a curved blade strapped to his back, crossed by a quiver and a bow in his hands. "Follow us," the first one ordered. "And consider yourself under guard."

-This is strange-I thought. -No mention of astrology or the planets.- "Who are you," I asked. "We have given our names."

"I am called Chiron," he answered.

"The healer?!"

"The teacher," he corrected. "And now guardwarden, it appears. Keep up now," he ordered, and the three centaurs trotted away.

Wills, Harry and I had to run to keep up and we didn't talk much. They looked rather worried.

"Don't worry," I managed to pant out, "I'll handle this. Centaurs are good people, really." They didn't seem too reassured.

After a good hour, we were all very tired (YOU try running steadily for an hour in uneven and unfamiliar terrain whilst being worried about your life and see if you're not) and Chiron, not wanting to lose time, allowed us to ride on his back. "But you must give Nitra here," he gestured to the dark centaur on his right, "your weapons."

"I must get it back," I replied.

"That is up to the rulers of Avalon," he answered brusquely. I handed the sword to Nitra, but my wands were overlooked. I suppressed a smile and we rode quickly. I'd never ridden much, but Wills and Harry acquitted themselves quite well, though they seemed uncertain where to put their hands without reins.

Soon, we arrived at what could only be called a palace of crystal. It glowed in the sunlight and my skin began to tingle. We crossed the grounds, which were filled with plants and animals like I'd never seen, and entered the gate. There, a young man in a loose white shirt and royal blue pantaloons (with sky blue tights showing very nice legs) met us. His silvery-white hair was pulled back behind his pointed ears, and large, amethyst eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Mortals," he cried. "Lord above, we haven't seen them in ages!"

"Robin," Chiron said, "be a good fellow and inform the Lord and Lady that we have brought humans."

I snickered.

"Of course," he grinned. He waggled a finger at us. "Naughty humans! You shouldn't have come here! Oh no!" His feet lifted off the ground, levitating, and he zoomed into the castle laughing as he went.

The centaur looked at me. "What was so funny, human?"

"You told him to be a 'good fellow' and run along. His name is Robin Goodfellow, isn't it?"

Chiron shook his head and rolled his eyes. A few moments after, a group of armed soldiers in chain mail escorted us inside. The princes, who'd taken the existence of centaurs better than I'd expected, goggled at the sight of the soldiers. As did I. Giants, I recognized. But Cyclopes, Elves, fauns and bat-winged living gargoyles all came in ranks. I slid off Chiron's broad back, followed by my two charges.

"Very well," I said, "take us to them." I whispered very quietly, "Remember who you are. Like it or not, we're going to a royal court. You know what to do." "Matt," Harry asked, "how did you know who he was?" "Brush up on your Shakespeare, Harry. If that WAS Robin Goodfellow, that means we'll be meeting Oberon and Titania. Remember what you've read or written about them for school." They nodded, and we all walked in under guard as if we owned the place. The lead elf carried Excalibur in its sheath. I kept my eyes on the sword.

The palace truly seemed made of crystal. It glittered and glistened as we walked. People of all kinds: ogres, trolls, dwarves, sprites, etc. came to see us as we processed down the Grand Hallway-a wonder in and of itself, as it was well over a hundred feet high and vaulted. At the end of the Grand Hallway, we entered the Throne Room. On a dais raised by five steps sat two golden thrones. In one, a man in royal purple sat. His hair and eyes both a bright sapphire blue, and his pale hands clenched the arms of his Seat. On his left sat his Queen. She had golden hair and steel-gray eyes. Her red-and-gold robes blended with her coloring, and she seemed to shine like a small sun. The little white-haired elf sat on the third step of the dais, lounging idly.

The soldiers bowed and stepped away, framing us.

"Why have you come to our realm, mortals," the king asked, getting straight to the point.

"Lord Oberon, I presume." Everyone in the Hall looked shocked. His eyes narrowed. "Who are you, boy?"

"A student, my Lord. A guardian."

"Which," he snapped.

"Both. These two young men are my friends and companions, of the royal family of Britain." Someone snorted in the watching crowd. "I have brought them here to seek sanctuary."

One arched eyebrow rose incredulously. "Sanctuary? Mortals? By what right have they to claim sanctuary."

"By the same way that we came to the Realm, Lord Oberon. The Sword." He looked at Excalibur and realized what it was. His eyes shone. "After all this time, it is returned."

"It allowed us entry, and by this gateway, we are entitled sanctuary."

"You have indeed studied the old ways," he admitted. "But they no longer apply. Mortals are forbidden here. The sword I will take as my due and send you back alive in repayment."

"My Lord," I protested, "I brought them here for sanctuary from Dark Magic, and I will see them safe. You cannot stop me!"

He surged out of his seat; a bluish nimbus of power surrounded him. "You DARE make demands from me in my own court?!"

My power responded, and I, too, began to radiate an aura. "If I must."

Titania's hand gently grabbed her lord's. "Let him speak."

"I will do whatever you demand of me, but my friends must be given sanctuary. Your own laws agree to that!"

"They are HUMANS," he roared.

"Yes, they are," I agreed mildly. "As was Merlin, your friend."

"He was no friend of mine," he snapped. "He took my own sword to give to a mortal king to rule. I want it back. Now!"

"Then fight me for it," I offered. "I win, we keep the Sword and my friends are given sanctuary. You win, you keep the Sword and we leave."

He smiled a very evil, knowing smile. "Agreed." He drew his sword.

"Let's make it fair, though, shall we?"

He hesitated a moment. "What do you mean, boy?"

"We are very tired, especially me. Let me rest a day. We will duel tomorrow. I will be rested then."

"No," he said quietly with a smile. "We will duel now." He raised his sword to en guarde and advanced.

"And have your subjects think you bested me because I was tired? Would you have them think you too afraid of a mortal to fight a fair fight?"

"I rule here absolutely," he snarled. "None would challenge that rule."

"Are you so certain of that, Lord Oberon? Is the Seelie Court truly so unified?"

His eyes bored into mine, searching for something. "Very well. Tomorrow. You and your companions will be given food and rest. Now get out," he growled.

I bowed-mockingly, I admit-and a rustling followed. I turned to leave and quickly snatched the Sword out of the hands of the elven officer. He reached for it, but my foot flashed out to strike him in the gut, doubling him over. "I'll hold onto this until tomorrow. Just to be safe," I said. The guards drew their weapons, and I drew Excalibur. "Must this happen," I asked Titania, who was attempting to restrain her lord.

"Let them pass," she ordered. She had to shout it twice before we were allowed to leave the hall. I sheathed Excalibur and bowed-not mockingly this time-to her. "Thank you, Lady."

We were shown to some quarters, and I sat down with Wills and Harry. "Well, this isn't going as well as I'd hoped it would, but it also could've been worse," I sighed, closing my eyes.

"How?" That was Harry.

"Oberon is very powerful. He could probably just obliterate us."

"WHAT?!" they yelled.

"Don't worry. My shields are in place, but I'm very tired. I'm sorry I dragged you both into this. If you want to return home, just let me know."

"No, we'll stay," William said after a moment.

"Good. Oh, by the way, I don't know if you caught it, but you two made a good impression in there."

"We did? How?"

"You stood firm, held your ground. You didn't seem afraid, but let your own strength shine out. Very nice." I yawned. "Wills, if you can stay up a little while, hold on to the Sword. If you need to sleep, have Harry hold it. If he's already asleep, wake me."

He nodded and he grabbed the heavy blade. Within moments, I was asleep.

The next day I awoke early, with dawn only just beginning to stain the sky. William and Harry both slept, but each held the sword: William the hilt and Harry the scabbarded blade. I rose to a sitting position and closed my eyes, letting my own power trickle into me.

Once I felt a raging flood, I stopped and opened my eyes. From my bag, I pulled out a change of clothing that would be somewhat more suitable to a trial-by-combat. A gi. Solid black-so black it absorbed light-and very light. I washed, changed, and woke the sleeping beauties.

Once everyone had changed and refreshed themselves, we waited for the summons. We didn't have long to wait. I leaned over to the boys. "Guys, I know you're nervous. Thanks for trusting me this far, even though we haven't known each other for long."

"You've been a good friend," Harry affirmed.

"Yes," William agreed. "We'd be dead already if not for you."

I smiled my appreciation and followed our escort to the Great Hall. There, Oberon, dressed in shining mail and surrounded by a dozen of his guards, waited.

"Now, the trial begins," he boomed with a smile blossoming on his face.

I stepped forward, away from the two royals, and immediately found myself encircled by the guards. But Oberon was OUTside the circle!

"What is this," I asked, confused.

"Stupid mortal," he gloated. "To think I would sully myself in crossing blades with you? Kill him and bring the sword to me!"

The guards drew their weapons. "I don't want to fight any of you. Please don't make me," I protested. They advanced.

I was left with no choice. I drew Excalibur and concentrated. "Blade of magic, sheathed in stone, I need your help, but not alone." The sword glowed momentarily, and grew seemingly...fluid in my hands. The glow stopped, and I held Excalibur in both hands. One blade in each hand.

Oberon's eyes widened incredulously. "Impossible!"

Feeling the power flooding through me, I began to dance. I moved quickly, the swords forming a constant wall of steel around me as I lashed out at my assailants. The keen edge of Excalibur demolished the guardsmen's weapons, and my feet or the flat of the blade begin knocking them around.

I grew slightly angry during this fight. I couldn't believe Oberon had tricked me like this! Lord of the Elves or not, he'd have to pay! I started thinking about what I might do to him, and found that a rather enjoyable chain of thought.

The fact that no one was attacking me drew me out of my reverie. Twelve unconscious guards lay on the ground, their weapons and armor shattered. I clanged the two swords together, and they reformed into one. Then I advanced towards Oberon.

He snarled, and his sword leapt into his hands as he approached me. Both of us glowed with inner power, and he snarled incantations at me as he fought. As blade met blade, a crackle of sheet lightning seemed to fill the room. Oberon most certainly was a blademaster, but he seemed unfamiliar with other fighting styles, so my attacks with fist or feet caught him off guard often. He thrust at me and let my parry give his next slash some added momentum. My parry was out of position and I saw the blade streak towards my face.

My power surged out of me, knocking him off his feet, and wrenching the sword from his hands. I strode over to him and placed Excalibur's point at his neck. "Do you yield?"

"I submit," he grated.

"And my friends gain sanctuary?"

"They do."

"They will be treated as honored guest and given the utmost respect?"

"They will."

"You swear it?"

"I so swear."

I helped him to his feet, and gave Exalibur to William. "All set. Use a mirror to contact me if you need to. I'm sure the Lady Titania can show you how. She's quite good at that."

They smiled. "Be careful, Matt," Harry said.

"I will. You two enjoy your stay. It'll be cool to live in a legend, won't it?"

They grinned.

"My lords and ladies," I addressed the court. "By your leave." I focused once more and found myself standing in front of the gateway I'd opened. I stepped through to see a very worried Albus Dumbledore. I filled him in on the results, and his smile was relieved.

"That took a long time, young man. It's been almost three days."

"Three days? I was only there for about eighteen hours!"

"Apparently time moves differently. Interesting. I'd wondered where... ah never mind. You, young man, have only another day until the train leaves for school, and it wouldn't do to be late on your first day, would it?"

He winked at me. I grinned as I said, "No sir."

"Good. I shall inform her Majesty what has happened. Go home and be ready."

"Yes, sir. Thanks for the help."

"My pleasure, dear boy. My pleasure."

I turned to leave and heard him mutter something about "impossible magicks" under his breath as he studied the mirror.

The short trip back to my house was uneventful, and I gathered all the necessary implements for school. I felt butterflies in my stomach, something I'd not felt in a long time.

"Well, here goes. Hogwarts, here I come!"

I apologize for this battle being so short. I kinda ran out of ideas. It'll be back to normal now that I'm back at Hogwarts. Sorry it took so long, but sometimes these side trips are a little strange.

Next: Chapter 5

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