My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Apr 10, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. Therefore, the nature of the sexuality of the characters is all in the mind of the author. Namely me. Harry Potter, Hogwarts, etc., are all copyrighted by Scholastic Books and J.K. Rowling. Enjoy

The next day, I met the nice real estate agent for tea and we began looking at the houses. The first was a lovely townhouse with two stories and some (admittedly) nice neighbors on both sides. I thought about it and asked to see the next one.

The second was almost identical to the first, save it was in a slightly nicer area as it bordered a park. I frowned. I never liked houses like that.

The third made up my mind instantly. It was an old Victorian manor house.

Apparently, the gentleman who'd lived there (an earl or something) had died in debt and the bank had repossessed the manor. Her base asking price was almost a million quid! But it had almost an acre of grounds surrounded by a garden wall and four floors. I hesitated. Privacy, luxury and costly. In the end, I haggled her down to 750,000 quid and paid in cash. (Uniqueness pays.)

She seemed shocked, but happily accepted and I set off immediately to purchase some furniture, although the house was nearly fully furnished. I just wanted to make it my own.

It took about a week, but my manor house (that sounds so cool!) was finally completed to my likings. I spent some time in London proper trying to learn my way around and to find anything else my mind took a fancy to. Since I hate the whole tourist thing, I avoided the traps until the last moment. The final week of August, I headed for Big Ben, and of course, Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London.

Despite my predilections, I was suitably impressed by the Palace and as I was leaving, a caravan approached. A large limousine pulled up and I looked around the security guards (the guards weren't holding me back, but they wouldn't let me get closer) to see His Royal Highness Prince William (long titles these people have) step out. His younger brother Harry stepped out as well.

Despite looking young for my age, I'm still 6' tall, and I'd totally forgotten how tall both of the princes were. It's unusual for me to have to look up to anyone, but I sure did to William. By only an inch or two, but who's counting.

He passed within only a few feet of me, gave me a rather wicked grin (what was showing on my face?!) and headed into the Palace. Some business of State, I suppose. I blushed slightly, and walked back to my manor.

I got home, made myself comfortable, and sat down in my library to read. I'd only just gotten to the part where the two boys are ready to have sex on the beach when I heard my front bell. I'd never had anyone ring me before, but my parents on the phone and one owl from Hogwarts. Curious, I pulled on a robe, crossed the sitting room, passed through the living room, skirted the dining room and entered the foyer. I hastily checked to be certain I wasn't showing more than I cared to and opened the door.

Two rather tall, young-looking individuals stood at my door. The younger one, with red hair grinned. The blonde one looked somewhat shocked.

"Can I help you," I asked, not really caring who they were, only that they'd interrupted my reading.

"Erm, well, perhaps," answered Harry. I was surprised at how deep his voice was for such a young face.


"Yes. May we come in?"

"I suppose so." I stepped back and let them into the foyer. No guards stood behind them, no cameras at my front gate. I was rather intrigued by the most informal visit.

"Anything to drink," I found myself asking as my eyes probably stared at William.

"What do you have," Harry asked.

"Whatever you like," I grinned and winked.

He grinned too, but William gave a slightly stern look and he sighed a little. "How's a Guinness, then?"

"Sure. You, your Highness," I asked rather mockingly to William.

"That will be fine."

I bade the two of them to make themselves comfortable (no doubt different for them than for me) and went to the kitchen. I returned with a silver tray bearing two pints of Guinness and a tall glass of a dark, reddish liquid loaded with ice.

After we'd all taken a sip of our respective drinks, (I shuddered when I saw them. How can people even get through the head on that damn beer?) I inquired as to the nature of their visit.

"You were a new face," grinned Harry, "and as you began heading for the Nobles' Quarter, we thought we'd follow."

I raised an eyebrow.

"It's true," answered William with a smile. "It's rather unusual for an American to be in this area. But we all know about this house. It's been empty for almost a year. No one wanted to buy it."

"Really? Why is that?"

"It's supposed to be cursed."

I rolled my eyes.

"No, honestly," Harry protested. "It is!"

"I've lived here a while and had no problems with any 'curses,'" I informed them casually.

"Alone," William asked.


They looked at me speculatively and I could tell that this would be a prolonged visitation. "Feel free to make yourselves at home. Explore around, if you like, but if you'll excuse me for a moment, I should probably make myself somewhat more presentable." I gestured to my robe and quoted one of my favorite characters. "Besides, I never could carry on an argument naked." They laughed, but their eyes widened a little when I said that. I went to the third floor where the large master bedroom was and changed. I pulled on some boxers, a pair of jeans and a rather tight t-shirt before pulling a brush through my shoulder-length golden hair and returning downstairs.

I found them in the armory in the lower level.

"You've got quite a collection," William offered.

"Most of it came with the house, but I'm very pleased with it," I replied. "So, what brings you to my house, really?"

"Well," Harry began. William cut him off. "We were rather hoping, now that we know who you are and that you're in this house, that perhaps we could have a welcoming party for you."

"That's very kind of you. But I'm leaving for school on the first of September, and don't know how much time could be arranged for a..."

Harry cut me off. "If we could use your phone, we could arrange it by tomorrow."

Wills smiled approvingly. I shrugged and smiled. "Why not? But I've never had a party with nobles before. Need I get a tux," I asked, affecting a British accent passing well.

"Not at all," he replied with a grin. "This is an informal party welcoming you to England!"

"Right. Meaning I need to supply the kegs and food, right?"

"Of course!"

"Fine. But you're coming with me. BOTH of you!"

"But," Harry protested.

"But nothing. I'm gonna need some help, and you need to show me where to go and what to get."

"Don't you know?"

"No. I didn't really party all that much back home."


"Didn't really have many friends my own age."

"How old are you?"

"I just turned eighteen, William."

"Please, call me Wills."

"Thank you. Anyway, I don't have a great many friends my own age. So not many parties."

They both gave me a strange look. I grabbed some shoes and a wallet from the table near the door. "Well, let's prepare. If we're having a major party tomorrow."

They grinned and we left. Wills called for his car and we went shopping. Due to an agreement with the media, the princes were left more or less alone, but many regular people did come up to pay their respects. After spending probably WAY too much money on beer (I had to do all of it, since we didn't want Wills to get bad publicity) and wine and food. His car took us back to my place and we loaded up the kitchen.

We were sitting down in the living room watching my big screen television (a great muggle invention) when a thought occurred to me. "Uh, Wills, I wonder, is there any way I can set a couple of rooms off limits?"

"I suppose so, but why?"

"My practice rooms. I don't want them disturbed."

"Practice? What do you practice?"

I looked at the two young royals, lounging around my house looking a little bored.

"Come on. I'll show you."

I led them downstairs to the lower level, which I had completely revamped. We passed through the armory and I opened the farthest door. Inside was a somewhat thick blue matting on the floor and floor-to-ceiling mirrors along most of the wall. On the wall nearest the doorway hung several weapons. >From the ceiling in various places hung heavy bags of sand and other material. I had a target set up with already many marks in it. "I practice here."

Wills examined the weapons. "Karate?"

"More or less, yes."


I dove into the center of the room, rolling into a somersault and springing up as I landed to spin into a kick into the center of the nearest heavy bag. I flowed around the room in a dance, striking various targets throughout the room with hands and feet, dodging back and forth, diving, rolling, jumping. A few minutes later, I stopped in the center of the room. Wills and Harry applauded and I smiled. "I'd rather not have this room trashed."

"I understand," he agreed.

"The other room is similar, but I do other kinds of practice in there."

"Surely. We can keep this floor cordoned off. Everyone will understand. We all have things too expensive to have destroyed in a party." Harry nodded in agreement.

"Oh, speaking of which, do you want to use the phone to make calls?"

They agreed and we went upstairs. As they entered the sitting room, I closed the door behind me and carefully marked a small star on the latch and murmured under my breath, "kramaval." Then I followed my new...friends?

They left quite late that night, with promises to return the next day. I went to my master bathroom, filled the large tub and let myself relax.

A tapping on my window startled me. An owl bearing a message waited for me. I groaned and opened the window. It dropped a parchment with emerald green ink into my hand. I opened it and it read,

"Dear Mr. Arico,

We have received intelligence that a Warding Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at ten minutes past ten. As you know, underage wizards are not permitted to perform spells outside of school, and further spellwork on your part may lead to expulsion from said school (Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, Paragraph C.)

We would ask you to remember that any magical activity that risks notice by members of the non-magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense under section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy.

Enjoy your remaining holiday.

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda Hopkirk

Improper Use of Magic Office

Ministry of Magic"

I asked the owl to wait a moment, and pulled myself out of the bathtub over to my desk in the bedroom. On a sheet of paper, I quickly wrote,

"Dear Ms. Hopkirk,

You can blow it out your arse. As an official member of the League in the Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADL) I am authorized by MY government's official division of magic to use my powers however and whenever I so desire. As I have only recently achieved the age of eighteen, I am technically not underage, and rest assured that I am fully in control of my abilities. I ask that you remember this fact, though as you read these last words, you will forget all else, including that you ever sent me such a warning. Have a nice day."

I murmured "obliviate" to enspell the last words of the letter and handed it, along with a few Knuts, back to the owl, who flew off. I then returned to my tub.

Once more, I heard the high laughter and flash of bright green. And I felt a stab of pain.

I woke up with a start, still in the tub. The water was cold and I shivered as I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I pulled out my suitcase and opened yet one more small box within.

Inside lay two books, both completely identical in black leather with bloodred gold lettering. Inside, in ink the color of dried blood, they were written in a language I'd been trying to puzzle out. I felt I really needed these for my job, but didn't know what I could do with them or who could read them. Maybe show them to Dumbledore? My fingers trembled as I touched the bindings. The books I knew were written in the Old Tongue of Magic, which I'd learned in my studies, but I couldn't recognize the script itself.

I was lost in trying to decipher the script for hours when my front bell rang. Wills and Harry were back again to help me set up. Shortly after, the party was in full swing. Many of Wills' friends were nobles and they treated me a little shabbily when they first met me. For Wills' sake, I put up with them rather than letting my temper go and blasting them out of existence.

After a few drinks, however, their attitude changed. Before long, they were MUCH nicer to me, and began making not-so-subtle passes at me. I was actually embarrassed by that. I couldn't believe that they were acting like that. Finally, I'd had enough and went to find Wills. He was sitting on my fluffiest sofa with a drink in one hand and his other around one of his friend's shoulders. He laughed at something I couldn't hear and I caught his eye. He smiled, rose, and came over to join me.

I hesitatingly told him what had been happening and he laughed. "Are they always like that," I wondered.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," he chortled.

"So what should I do about it," I asked, worried.

"What's wrong? It's just a joke isn't it?" He looked at my face more closely. "Isn't it?" I still didn't respond. "You're not...I mean, do you think you're..."

"Gay," I answered.

"Oh, fuck me," he exclaimed, surprised. I raised an eyebrow and he laughed a little uncomfortably, "NO, I didn't mean that! I mean...uh, erm...are you sure?"

"Pretty sure, yes."

"Oh bugger," he moaned.

"No, thank you," I answered with a grin. He didn't seem amused. "Look, Wills, I brought it to you because I didn't want to do anything stupid. Some of your friends were rather rude to me, but I will not deny that they're also quite attractive, and I wanted to make sure I should never take advantage of the situation. I'm sorry to have made you so uncomfortable. Go on back to your friends and your party. I'll be downstairs."

I walked to my door, opened the ward, and went down to my training room.

I stripped off my shirt and pants (trousers, I suppose) and put on a pair of bright-blue jogger bottoms. Then I walked barefoot into my martial arts training room to work up a good sweat.

For half an hour, I beat the bags and worked on my katas. Strangely enough, as I'd progressed in my studies of martial arts, my own magic had grown stronger and vice versa. I didn't know why, but I wasn't going to complain!

To finish my practice, I pulled a pair of swords from the wall. These katana were unusual because they were so light. Normally, working with two of them at once would be extraordinarily difficult, but I'd worked long and hard over the past year with them and I was moderately decent. I whirled, blades moving in a corkscrew as I practiced thrusts and parries. The dance became deadly (how cliché. Sorry) as I moved faster and faster, striking my own blades in cross blocks and making singing sounds as they scraped together.

I was jerked out of my lovely concentration with a startled, "Matt?"

I stopped, panting, and turned to look at Wills. He stared at me intently and I looked straight into his eyes. As I watched, I noticed they dipped down momentarily, then jerked back to meet mine. I gestured for him to enter as I re-sheathed the swords and hung them on the wall.

He handed me a towel and we moved out of the rather muggy room to talk.

"What is it, Wills?"

"Everyone wondered where you were."

"I assume you told them."

"I said you were feeling a little tipsy and needed some time to recover."

"How diplomatic."

He sensed my sarcasm. "I appreciate your telling me..." he began, but I cut him off. "It doesn't matter to me. It's who I am. A few years ago, I figured that out and I've come to accept it. So it's not like you're the first person I've ever told about it. It's just that..." this time, I fell silent.

"Oh, good, you're finished. Now let me, for once," he snapped. "As I said, I appreciate your telling me about your...orientation. I have no problems with that," he paused, "I think. It's only that I've never met anyone who's..."

"...A poofter," I supplied.

"Not the word I was searching for, but all right," he allowed. "And I wasn't entirely sure how to react."

"Hate to tell you, Wills, but if I know anything, you've got more gay friends than you thought."

"Perhaps. But none so...openly."

"You mean none who've ever admitted it," I rebuked.

"Right. There is a big difference."

"Oh, please. They were hitting on me, if you'll recall."

"I do. And I'm not pointing any fingers."

"You are, but go on."

He sighed patiently. "I'm only saying that I'm sorry you feel driven off."

I thought about it. "I'm sorry. I overreacted."

He grinned. "I'm glad that's over with. Go back and enjoy the party. It's for you, after all."

"I dunno, Wills,"

"Go on."

"All right. I need to shower first."

"That you do," he agreed. "I'll tell everyone you'll be down in a few."

"Great, so instead of a poofter, I'm a pansy," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Did you HAVE to tell them I don't know how to hold my beer?"

He smiled. "I had to come up with something. Besides, it happens to me all the time, so they're rather used to it." I snorted indelicately and followed him upstairs. I quickly went to my bathroom and started a hot shower. In my mind, I saw Wills' face. It amazed me (still does) the way his face is actually rather ordinary-looking. Good-looking, but nothing striking about it. Until he smiles. Then, his mother shines out and my God is he ever hot! That smile, and that subtle glance towards my crotch were enough for me to follow my baser instincts.

I was still going at it when Harry opened my bathroom door. "Matt," he called, "what's taking you so bloody long, you wanker?" I yelped and shut off the water. He then realized what was going on when he heard the sudden, absolute silence in the bathroom and he began to laugh. "You ARE a wanker!" I stuck my head out of the door, "Oh, shut up!"

"Wanker, wanker," he laughed and began to leave. "Hey everyone," he called, "wait until you hear th-"

My hand covered his mouth and I pulled him backwards, off balance. His eyes widened as out of the corner of his eye, he saw me in the mirror: fully naked, dripping wet, and holding him very tightly against me. Luckily (for us both) I was no longer hard.

"I don't think you're going to mention this to your pals. Do you," I said evilly. He smirked and nodded his head drunkenly.

"All right. Then explain why you're so wet, whilst you're at it," I added, making sure to have my other hand flick water onto his crotch. His back, already soaked by his compression against me, needed no extra work. He shook his head and I grinned and let him go. "Good. Now get back downstairs and leave me alone. I'll be dressed in a moment."

"Uh, what about me?"

"What about you?"

"I'm a little wet," he pointed out.

"Not my fault."

"Well, it IS, rather."

"Fine." I looked at him closely. I'm a little taller, he's a little bulkier, but about the same size overall. Especially since I wear my clothes a little baggy.

"All right. I've got some clothes you can change into. Come on." I could feel his eyes on me as I walked into my bedroom. I opened the drawers and pulled out two pairs of boxers, two pair of trousers and two shirts. I tossed one of each to him, and began to dress. I overtly averted my eyes, but used my peripheral vision to see him as he undressed. Not bad. He was uncut, perhaps three inches long (soft, of course). But the red pubic bush caught my attention. I'd never seen red pubes before and I was fascinated. I dressed and waited for him to finish before following him downstairs. The pants were a little bit tight in the rear and I had a very nice view.

The party resumed and after another hour, everyone was exceedingly drunk. Someone shouted out that we should watch some movies on the big screen and I asked what the consensus wanted to see. One guy, possibly as a joke, shouted out "PORN!" and the rest of the group laughed and joined in.

"Uh, I don't have any," I answered. "But we could watch, uh, like Star Wars?"

"Horse shit," another called. "You're a teenager living alone and you don't have porn?!"

"Not any you'd want to see," I shot back. Hey, I was drunk, too, and my...caution was down a little.

"Nowt we haven't seen before," yelled yet someone else.

"Wanna bet," I muttered under my breath and looked to Wills to calm them down.

He shrugged and I goggled. He chuckled and came over to me. "Why not? You said yourself that you think some of these lads are gay," he quietly murmured. "Sure," I replied, "but no one likes to be outed. Me or them."

"Aw, come on, Matt. Everyone's pissed. It'll not make a difference."

I raised my voice. "OK, this is under protest. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Cheers and catcalls rang through the room and everyone maneuvered for good seats in front of the tele. I popped in one of my random videos (don't forget I'd been a muggle for fifteen years myself) and went to the kitchen to grab a snack rather than watch the shock on everyone's face.

Granted, another part of me thought that perhaps an enormous orgy would occur. Luckily (?) neither happened. Everyone watched the video without any more complaint than they would have a straight porn, I guess, and some called for another. Others decided one was enough, but they didn't say anything else. Those of us who didn't want to watch it went into my games room to play some billiards. I noticed that Wills and Harry had apparently elected to stay with the movie. Interesting...

Around one in the morning, many of the guests decided that it was time to head home. Others asked if they could maybe stay instead, and I said sure. I had plenty of bedrooms, but I'd still have to put about two to a room. No one minded.

I asked the two royals if they wanted to take my room, and I'd chill in the basement, but they insisted they not kick me out of my room. The master bedroom, being quite a bit larger than any of the others, could fit all three of us comfortably, so I agreed.

People drifted off to bed singly or in pairs and I began to clean up.

"So, Matt," Harry offered, "rather...erm, interesting video collection you have there."

I grinned. "I did warn you."


"That you wouldn't like it."

"That's not it at all," he disagreed.

"No?" I was surprised, but continued working as we talked.

"It was...interesting."

"Well, I've always preferred porn with plots, you know," I grinned.

They laughed. Wills was strangely silent as he helped me clean. Soon, only we had stayed awake, and all of us yawned hugely. "Good enough," I sighed. "I'll finish the rest tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me," chimed in Harry.

"Yeah," yawned Wills.

"So," I asked as we trundled up the stairs to bed, "what do you need to sleep in? I have spare shorts and t-shirts, or stuff, but I don't have pajamas."

"Whatever," shrugged Harry, biting back a yawn.

We passed a couple of the bedrooms on the way to my room, and though most were silent, I could've SWORN I heard some squeaking coming from one of them. I stopped and Wills stopped too. "Wha-" I shushed him and bade him come hear.

We put our ears to the door and sure enough, we heard a rhythmic creaking accompanied by some stifled groans. I bit my lip to stop from laughing and Wills looked ready to piss himself. "I told you so," I whispered, and we continued to my bedroom where we finally broke out in laughter.

"What's so funny," asked Harry, "and where'd you go?"

"Nothing," I said as Wills said, "Nowhere." We looked at each other and laughed some more.

"Anyway, you two take the bed. I'll find a sleeping bag or something..."

"No, no. That's a very large bed and will fit all of us," protested Wills.

"Please. You probably each have a bed this size to yourself."

"Yeah," admitted Harry. "So?"

"Never mind," I sighed. "So much for being a good host then."

"We won't let you," Wills grinned.

"Fine. What do you need to sleep in," I asked as I moved towards the drawers again.

"What do you usually wear," Will asked.

"Usually just my boxers or nothing," I said, "but I'll grab a pair of shorts."

"Don't do anything unusual on our account," he assured me. "We'll do the same." At that, he started to remove his clothes.

Harry followed, and I had no choice but to follow suit, trying to think of something suitable to say. Finally, a little late, it dawned on me. "The same, eh? Which same is that?"


"Well, I said I usually sleep in underwear or nothing. Which are you going to sleep in," I grinned evilly.

"Whichever you do," Will replied, smiling sweetly. Harry laughed and tripped onto the bed, since he still had one leg in the pants.

"Right. Any preference?" I was egging him on. I knew I was. I wondered if he'd really rise to the bait.

"None. Right, Harry?"


They rose to the bait. This was a whole situation of, "I bet you don't have the balls to...." They seemed comfortable with the situation. I really doubted that, but I figured I'd test it anyway. Who wouldn't? So I shrugged with false nonchalance and removed all of my clothing. Without more than a brief hesitation, the two brothers did the same.

This time, I WAS caught fully off guard. I never expected that. Apparently, this was visible on my face because they both started laughing at me. "Well, lover boy," Wills crooned, "are you coming to bed?" Harry doubled over and I chuckled.

"Sure." I took a quick run and jumped into the middle of the bed. "I call the center!"

They stared at me, lying in the center of the bed, naked as the day I was born, and as they were as well, I got to see what I think most gay guys my age have dreamed of...IN STEREO!!!! Harry's fiery pubes still attracted my attention, but this was my chance to see William and my GOD it was worth the wait! Flat, hard body with a nice uncut 4" member. The tip of the head poked out of the foreskin just a little bit, and his dark bush was full. It took ALL of my willpower not to pop a huge bone right there, so I started thinking about how much work I still had to do in order to find and arrest Voldemort.

Harry chortled as he slid into bed on my right, and Wills did the same on my left. I turned off the lights. He kept laughing until I finally had to ask, "What's so funny?"

"You've got such a little peter," he said, referring to the fact that I'm about 2.5 inches soft.

"Hey, fuck off! I'm a grower, not a shower, you little prat!"

"Sure you are," he laughed. "Then show me."

"You show me yours."

"Both of you, cut it out," Wills ordered tiredly, though it sounded like he was grinning as he spoke. The bed was large enough for the three of us, but not by much, so we naturally all gravitated towards the middle, and before I fell asleep, I realized that I was sandwiched between two very hot, very naked and (dare I say it) very aroused celebrities in my bed. What a great feeling! I felt a few inches of hardness against each leg in the darkness, and I smiled. I'd never had this much fun on an assignment before.

With that thought, I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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