My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Oct 12, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. You know the drill. Copyright, etc. Blah blah blah

I awoke with my arms still wrapped around Will. I liked how that felt. He snuggled into me a little more, and I sat still, watching him sleep. God, he's so cute. Barely older than I, it seems that despite his maturity, he just has a naivete that I couldn't resist.

After perhaps fifteen minutes, he stirred. He felt my arms around him and he seemed startled. I smiled down at him as he twisted to see if I was awake.

"Morning," I murmured.

"Er, morning," he said uncomfortably. He twisted more and I lowered my arms. "I guess I fell asleep here," he said abashed. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I said. "I fell asleep here, too."

"Yeah, but."

"Will," I said sharply, cutting him off. "I don't mind. If you feel uncomfortable with that, why have you been in the same bed with me for the last week?" He looked like he was trying to puzzle that out himself when I leaned my head down and gently brought my lips to his.

They didn't respond, and I pulled back. I searched his face and saw only shock. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" he put a finger on my lips. "I'm glad you did," he answered before bringing us together. His lips were very soft and warm, and I gave myself into the sensation. After what could have been hours, but what was probably only a minute, I felt his tongue pressing against my lips, asking for entrance. He seemed unsure, despite initiating the snog, so once we began, I took charge. I wrestled his tongue with mine, sucked on his lower lip, nibbled, all the things I'd read about and done with previous encounters. But they meant more with Will.

A flash and a bang pulled me out of my reverie. Will and I pulled away from each other, and I whirled around to see what happened. From the stairway to the basement, James stumbled up. There was smoke clinging to him and his clothes were so tattered they were ready to fall off. It was actually rather cartoonish, and I had to laugh. "You OK, James?"

He didn't answer or acknowledge I was there. He just shuffled by. Will and I shared a confused look and I followed him. "James? Hello? Earth to James. Blade, come in. You OK?"

As he reached the front drawing room, I finally noticed what he had in his hands: my two books! They sat one right on top of the other with their bloodred lettering smirking at me. "JAMES! What are you doing," I yelled, and grabbed for the books.

Before I had time to react, his left hand whipped around, smacking me in the side of the head and sending me flying. "Stop," I yelled as I got back up. I jumped at him with a side kick, but he didn't stop when my foot slammed into the back of his knee. Instead, he let the knee buckle and dropped to the ground, spinning on the knee. His other foot came around quickly and hit me behind both knees. I dropped to the ground as he stood and kept moving for the door.

"God damn it," I cursed as I tried to stop him with a wall of air. My power flowed off him and I gaped. The front door opened and I saw several people waiting outside the range of my wards. James moved purposefully towards them with my books. I had no choice. With a thought, I summoned his gift to me-the vampire blood-and downed it. I immediately felt stronger. My muscles solidified and grew and my vision and other senses grew sharper. I hurtled myself at him and grabbed his arm, wrenching it away from my books.

He couldn't pull his arm away, though his muscles strained. I snarled and with three quick kicks-to the shin, thigh and chest-sent him flying. I dove on him and now that my strength was equal to his, he lost any advantage he had. The books were momentarily forgotten as I swore to destroy him for his betrayal. My anger gave me even more strength and my power exuded from me in a bright blue aura-tainted by streaks of red, though I didn't know it. I beat him nearly senseless and would have continued until I heard a high voice call out "Accio!"

I whirled in time to see my books flying into the hands of a tall, pale, red-eyed wizard. "Voldemort," I snarled, "not a chance in hell will you get those books!"

He laughed at me and grabbed the book of defensive magic. The moment it touched his hands, the book exploded in white fire and Voldemort screamed in pain. I laughed and called the book to my hand. It returned smoothly, but the book of darkest magic stayed frozen between him and me. Each of us strained to draw the book to us.

Voldemort stared at me with those reptilian eyes of his and suddenly he laughed. Keeping his Summoning Charm active, he waved his wand. "Wampir no dominatus!" he cried. I felt a jerk and a rip of pain flood through me as my muscles expanded even more and I literally felt fangs growing in my mouth. Against my will, my power on the book faded. Unrestrained, the book of the most powerful necromantic spells ever created flew into the hands of the Dark Lord. With another high laugh, he Disapparated, as did his followers. I threw my hands into the air and a thunderstorm burst overhead, shattering trees and throwing up fountains of earth where they struck.

I lost myself in my rage and when I came to my senses, the ground around me was pitted with craters, Voldemort was gone, James was unconscious and everyone else was standing at the door staring at me in horror. Even Will.

That calmed my anger. The sight of his blue eyes so frightened of me. I pulled myself together and stalked towards the front door. Everyone pulled back from me. I frowned. "Don't do that. I'm not mad any more."

Hermione surged forward. "What is WRONG with you, Matthew," she snapped in a very adult manner. "You could've blown up the house! You could have hurt all of us, and yourself as well!"

I glared at her and she quieted. "Voldemort," everyone but Potter and I flinched at either the name or the tone of my voice, "got away with the book of darkest magic, Hermione." My voice didn't keep the temper of my words. "It will take him some time before he puzzles it out, but he will. He's very, very good."

"What are you going to do," Ron asked hesitantly.

"I'm going to triple the strength of the wards around these two," I said, nodding my head towards Wills and Harry. "And pack. We leave for school tomorrow. Aside from that," I sighed. "I need to talk with Dumbledore."

"Everyone, you need to pack," I finally said after several terse moments of silence. They nodded and split up to go to their separate rooms. I translocated myself to the wards I'd laid and decided there was only one thing I could really do to make them stronger. Pulling out the defensive book, I willed a silver dagger into my hand and slit my left forearm. I grimaced in pain and read from the grimoire. As it fell it flared in blue-white flame and the wards around the school shimmered briefly, lighting the sky as a lightning flash before fading from sight. I took a step and was at the other school, where I repeated the fortification.

When I returned to my house, I was far too tired to try to heal a minor thing like a cut on my arm, so I wrapped a bandage over it and gathered my bags. I'd never failed before. I didn't want to tell Dumbledore how badly I'd messed up. I looked around the room. Will or Harry had cleaned up. It was nice of whoever it was.

"Matt," Hermione's voice called upstairs, "we have a car waiting for us!"

I shrunk my bags and stuck them in my pocket. I grabbed the house keys in my other pocket. I headed down where everyone was waiting for me. James was already gone, of course, and I didn't blame him, though I'm sure he wasn't happy with me. Prince Harry led the three from Hogwarts out to the car, which I could see was a limousine through the open door. He took one look at me and knew that I needed a moment alone with William.

"I'm sorry to have put you through all this, Will," I said softly.

He gave me a look. "What are you talking about?"

"I failed, Will. I'm not used to failure! I've only made the enemy of the world stronger than ever and can't stay around to protect you!"

He gave me a half-smile. "You've done more than enough, Matt. We will be fine." His voice firmed. "We don't need your specific protection. The rest of the world needs it more. You have a job to do, my friend. Perhaps you should focus on the greater good."

I frowned. "But-"

He put a finger to my lips. (Again! I must babble a lot) "I appreciate your caring so much about me," he whispered as he brought his lips to mine. I felt the warmth of his breath before his lips, and I closed my eyes. His kiss was soft and gentle. Comforting. Reassuring. I have no idea how long we stood there in each other's arms, gently sharing our souls. All too soon, however, Harry coughed at the doorway.

Blushing, we pulled away from each other and got into the car. Harry gave me a grin and I elbowed him in the ribs. His grin broke into a smirk, and I couldn't help but laugh.

The ride to King's Cross was silent and solemn.

I was the last of the students to exit the car. "I'll call you," Will said.

"I'll steal his phone and call, too," Harry added. I laughed and gave them both a hug, quickly so the public might not realize who had just dropped us off.

Harry and Ron snuggled close on the seat across from Hermione and I once we were safely back in our own cabin. She and I were busy reading, though I was sure I felt her eyes on me constantly.

My mind was wandering all over. I read the same page seven times before I realized that, so I closed the book and went to get a snack from the front of the train. Strangely, nothing looked appealing, and I decided to head back to the cabin and try to catch a nap.

My mind was still out of sync when a foot stuck out in front of me and I tripped. Forgoing my usual grace, I fell face first onto the floor. As I pushed myself up, I heard some snickering. Draco Malfoy sat on my right, laughing. Goyle, who's foot I'd tripped over, still had his leg extended. Crabbe sat next to him, chortling. I growled as I got to my feet. "You just don't seem to learn, boy."

He laughed. "Do your worst, mudblood. My father showed me how to deal with the likes of you."

"He did, did he? I'm sure." I whipped my hand out, expecting him to be sent flying, as usual. But I felt my power strike some sort of shield, though I couldn't see it. "So he has," I muttered.

Three wands came out and fired, but I struck away the colored bolts contemptuously. My anger grew at this. These three DARED to interfere with me at this time? What did they think they were doing? But Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle.their fathers are all Death-Eaters. Perhaps show Voldemort's followers that they are not safe in following the Dark Lord. Yes. That would do nicely.

The world had taken on a red haze, and my hands filled with flame, glowing nearly white from the intense heat. I clapped them together and lighting played around the outside of a perfectly-formed ball of fire. "Did daddy protect you from this, you little fuck?" I unleashed the ball and watched with satisfaction as their shields evaporated under the blow. So did their clothes, their hair, a lot of their skin, and the rest of the cabin. The train shook violently as the outer wall exploded into shards, streaming flames and smoke into the brisk January air. Three charred, blackened forms lay still on the floor in front of me. I watched closely as their chests rose and fell slowly and infrequently.

"Still alive," I asked aloud. "Pity." Then I started making my way back to the cabin.

I know this chapter is shorter than most of the others. Sorry. I've been busy, and this seemed a good place to end it so I can sort out my thoughts. Hopefully, part 17 will be much longer and a little more completed.

Next: Chapter 17

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