My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Sep 24, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Characters are owned and copyrighted by J. K Rowling, Scholastic Books and WB. The real-life characters are NOT known to me, and their sexuality is not being brought into question. You all know the drill by now.

I woke early the next morning, not completely refreshed. I wanted to sleep longer, but my new watch just wouldn't let me. I groaned and stretched, but as I did so, my hands encountered two other chests. I stopped suddenly, and flopped back with a laugh. I'd forgotten about my guests, even with everything I was doing. I checked my watch: 6am. Great-I thought. -I fuckin' hate mornings.- With an inward groan I crawled out of bed and into a hot shower. Twenty minutes later, I was in my casting room again, gathering some more supplies and heading off.

As I was about to step into the circle, I remembered to leave a note and quickly scribbled one on a piece of parchment on the desk. With a flick of my fingers, it disappeared off my desk and reappeared on the kitchen table. Then I stepped through and was gone.

I arrived outside Will's room at St. Andrew's and put on my brand new Invisibility cloak. As I had done the day before, I pulled out a silver dagger and carefully scratched small runes of protection around the windows and doorways. The ceiling and the floor were drawn with runes that glowed with blue power once they were completed turning the entire place into a kaleidoscope of symbols whirling around in my vision.

Footsteps approached the door, and I quickly hissed out an incantation, hooking my fingers. The glowing symbols all vanished and I pressed myself against the wall. It was a member of the cleaning staff. I watched the lady vacuum the rugs, sweep the floor and make sure everything else was clean. Twice, she walked over the center ward in the floor, but nothing happened. I reached out with a tendril of my own power to see if it was still active. It was. I'd made it correctly, and only non-muggles would be affected by the defenses. When she left, I gathered my things and began to set lesser defenses around the building. I didn't finish the building until midnight, and I instantly teleported home.

Ron and Harry were already in bed, and a quick probing thought said they were asleep. Harry and James were downstairs working with their swords, Hermione was (of course) in the library, and Will was watching television. "Hi Will," I muttered, exhausted, as I walked by him into the kitchen. "Cold supper in the `fridge," he said.

"Really? Wow. Thanks." I opened the refrigerator to find cold chicken and pasta with a creamy white sauce. I stuck it in the microwave and poured myself a glass of Coke. When the food was steaming, I grabbed it and took it into the living room.

"Go to a restaurant," I asked as I began shoveling food into my mouth.

He smirked. "No. I cooked tonight."

I made a face. "Really? Eew."

He laughed. "It's not that bad," he protested. "Everyone else liked it."

"They have no taste," I dismissed loftily. He chuckled. "Anyway, thanks for saving some for me, Will. I appreciate it."

"No problem." He hesitated. "So, where have you been all day?"

"Warding your dorm back at school. I promised your father, remember?"

"Does it take all day?"

I grunted through the food. He laughed. "What does that mean?"

"Big campus. Lots to cover, just to be safe."

"I guess I can see that."

"Yesterday I did Harry's. Smaller and I don't think I need to worry about him as much."

Will frowned. "Oh? And just what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. Just that you're the elder. You're the heir. You're the greater target." I stopped, wanting to add more, but dropping it. He looked at me strangely. I finished my food and took the dishes into the kitchen and stuck them in the dishwasher. I returned to the living room and we watched HBO in silence for an hour before I wished him good night and went to the library.

Inside the strangely library, I grabbed a pen and just began to write things. I hadn't done that in a long time, and often crumpled up the papers and threw them on the floor. After another hour of writing, crumpling and ripping, I threw down the quill in frustration, went into the bathroom and washed my face before I went to bed.

As I was getting undressed, Wills came in, the movie having finished downstairs. "Will," I asked quietly to avoid waking Harry, "why do you two sleep with me? Not that I mind," I added lewdly. He laughed. "It just seems strange that you'd still be doing it with all the bedrooms I have in this place."

He looked at me for a moment, and I just stared into his beautiful eyes. He sighed. "Have you seen Harry and Ron recently?"

"Uh, yeah...?"

"They just seem so peaceful. My life has been anything but, and Harry is the same." I nodded. "It's just somewhat comforting to know that someone's there when I'm asleep. Watching over me. I know Harry feels the same, and for some reason, we're both very comfortable with you enough that it doesn't even seem awkward." His eyes showed some discomfort now. "Are you uncomfortable?"

I smiled. "Do you have any idea how many people would hate me if they found out about this?" He started to say something, but I continued, cutting him off. "I LOVE that idea! I was just wondering why. I'm not gonna complain about sleeping with two of the most b- uh, popular people in the world. And I'm honored by the faith you two have in me to be so casually doing this."

He lifted an eyebrow and smiled. "Popular, eh?"

I blushed a little. Thank God for the dimness of the room.

"What were you going to say," he pressed gently.

"Nothing. I said it."

"Right. Go on."

I sighed. "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"

"Nope," he grinned.

"Fine. Beautiful. OK?"

"Wow. Thank you." He mimicked my earlier tone exactly.

I muttered under my breath and pulled off my trousers, leaving my boxers on before sliding into bed. He chuckled and slid into bed on the side, leaving me in the middle once more.

I was fading into sleep when his voice came out of the darkness. "You're kinda cute, too," he chuckled. I froze and could feel his body vibrating as he laughed and tried to hold it in. I ignored him, and was quite angry at myself for the confusion going through me.

The next morning, I rose quickly, showered and was out. My feelings for Will were getting more confusing, and what's more, I didn't know how serious his teasing was.

Hermione, as was usual for her, rose around 9 or so, showered and dressed and joined the others for breakfast, which they'd all been taking turns cooking (except for Potter, who'd never cooked anything in his life before) and she'd chat with them. Hermione'd found that both the princes were very nice young men and absolutely gorgeous!

They were happy to talk with her about what it was like to have a lifestyle constantly in the media and she, in turn answered their questions about being a witch and Hogwarts. She was over her initial shock, and they all appreciated being comfortable around each other more.

After breakfast, she'd often retire to the library for a while. I had a GREAT library, one that rivaled the school library in old, interesting books. She learned a great deal about the History of Magic from my library, more than Professor Bimms often taught.

But this morning, the floor of the library was covered with crumpled pieces of paper all around. "What's this," she asked aloud, bending to pick up one next to her foot. Only three words were written on it, crossed out violently. She pursed her lips and moved to the fireplace. After a quick poke with her wand, the fireplace ignited and quickly became a nice, crackling blaze. She tossed the parchment in her hand into the flames and began to gather them up, tossing the balls into the fire with a flick of her wand.

At one point, however, she stopped and grabbed another to open it. This one seemed more or less complete, she supposed. Inside, she read:

No courage have I. My

heart quails, my hand trembles

and the note falls to the cold hard ground.

The tears trail into glistening silver,

running down my cheeks. I lower the phone

placing my heart into the cradle.


Why can I not risk this?

I am afraid to lose what has begun

and so the letter remains unsent,


And silver rain dots the floor.

She looked at the parchment and recognized my handwriting rather quickly. "Hmmm..." she searched around for more, and pulled all the crumpled notes to the chair in front of the fireplace. The incomplete ones, she tossed into the fireplace. But she found four more complete notes of varying length. Those she kept with the first. She sat back to read them again, and unshed tears glittered in her eyes.

I finished with St. Andrews after another long day and again came home around midnight. Everyone was sitting in the living room. Harry and Harry were playing chess, Ron, Will and James were watching a movie, as was Hermione, though she seemed to be trying to talk to James who was actively ignoring her. I chuckled a little, told everyone hello, and said I'd be back down after a shower.

I took a quick one and as I was dressing, I heard the doorbell ring. I came downstairs to find pizza had arrived, and with a grin, I snagged a piece. I informed the princes that their dormitories and schools were complete, and that I only had one more thing to do and they'd be all set to return to their normal lives.

"What's that," Harry asked.

"I need to equip your bodyguards."

"Uh, OK."

"No worries. That's simpler than what I did before, and I can do all the preparation here. But how many bodyguards do you guys have?"

"Loads," Will answered glumly.

"All right. What about when you're at school?"

"None. We're left alone at school until we leave campus. There's campus security, of course."

"That's fine." I chewed thoughtfully. "Do you have regulars?"

"Sure. We each have two regular guards."

"OK. I can work with four."

"What are you going to do," Ron wanted to know.

"I'm going to make it so that their guns are a little more effective against wizards."


I wiggled my fingers. "Maaagic," I drew out the word. That got a few chuckles, and I asked everyone what they'd done for the day.

For the next hour, I was filled in on the shopping, exercising and decent television shows of the day. "I made a breakthrough on the singing rune," Hermione said.

"Really?" That peaked my interest a little. Enough to draw my stare out of Wills' eyes.

"Yes. It has something to do with Avalon and Merlin. The entire book does. As to why that Rune started singing, I'm not sure. I AM fairly sure the language is an Elven dialect. An old one."

"Singing rune," Harry asked, playfully swiping Ron's hand off his knee.

"Show them the book, Hermione," I said. She agreed and ran upstairs for it. "If any of you get any ideas, let us know, OK?" Everyone agreed.

She returned quickly with the book, set it on the table and rubbed the rune on the cover. The melody played forth, the haunting words etched in my mind. I listened carefully, but as I'd heard it before, I looked around the table. Hermione stared at the book in consternation, her mind obviously trying to place things. Ron was just looking down, listening, but not paying too much attention (like he does in class). Will had a thoughtful frown on his face, and his brother nodded his head in time to the music.

Harry, however, sat stock-still, his eyes narrowed. "What is it Harry," I asked.

"Nothing," he answered, his eyes still far away. "It's just...I think I've heard this somewhere before."

"What," Hermione asked. "When? Where?"

"I don't know," he said, exasperated. "It just sounds familiar. I remember hearing something like this and not knowing what the words meant, only that they were important."

"Matt," she sighed, "do you have ANY idea at all?"

I was looking at Harry thoughtfully. Why would he have heard it, too?

Will looked up. "It sounds like a woman's voice, rather."

"Yeah, it does," Hermione agreed.

Hoping I was doing the right thing, I said, "I know what it means."

"WELL?" Her impatience was clear.

I translated the song, but concluded, "but I don't really know what it means. Only the words."

Everyone was looking at me strangely. "What?"

"How did you figure this out," Herminone huffed.

I shrugged. "Just did." Her look could have stripped my skin off. "Don't look at me like that, Hermione," I protested. "How many times do I have to tell you that I can't always recognize my powers? I just have to accept them. Like Harry and his Parseltongue." She frowned.

"Anyway, at least we know what it says, and we know Harry finds it familiar," I continued hurriedly. "Harry, if you happen to get any more information, you WILL tell our resident archivist, won't you?"

"Erm, yeah."

"Good. Then that's settled. Now, anyone up for a game of Monopoly?" Hermione shook her head in disbelief, laughing, and grinned with false abashment.

The game was a fun one. (Monopoly is always best with a lot of players.) It lasted for a few hours before we were all ready for bed. I watched as Hermione wished us a good night, and James went to bed soon after. Harry gently grabbed Ron's hand and led them to their bedroom.

"Ron," I couldn't resist calling.


"Do me a favor?"


"Try not to keep me awake with all your moaning, OK?"

Both Harrys, Will and I laughed. Ron flushed a bright pink, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and leading him off. Before they left, Harry turned 'round and winked. "Kinda hard with a dick in your mouth," he chortled.

Ron turned to him in absolute shock. The princes and I were pissing ourselves, rolling on the floor. Through my laugher, I distinctly heard Ron mutter, "Fine. See if YOU'RE getting any tonight."

Harry put on a pout and kissed Ron's nose, and the two went to bed.

"Hard," Harry laughed. "That's great!"

Will and I laughed too. We finally calmed down, and headed upstairs for bed. As Will and Harry undressed for bed, I decided to take a bath and relax. The master bath has a nice deep tub, and I needed some recuperation after all the casting I'd been doing over the last few days.

The water was hot and the bathroom was full of steam. I'd just settled into the water when the bathroom door opened. "Matt," asked Harry. I sighed. "Yeah, Harry,"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure," I groaned. "Let me get a towel."

"You don't have to. It can wait."

"Is it important," I asked, hearing the strain in his voice.

"Yeah, kinda. Well, not really, I guess."

"Nevermind. Come in."

He came into the bathroom and sat at the edge of the bathtub. "OK, shoot," I told him.

"Matt, have you ever, know...been with a guy?"

I looked at him strangely. "What brings this on?"

"Well, you know. Those movies you have and seeing Ron and Harry..."

"There's more, isn't there?"

"Yeah. It's just, after what I did with Ekrasios, I realized how much I liked it and, I just wanted to know what it's like."

"Shouldn't you be having a talk like this with your brother or other family member?"

"NO!" His shout startled me, and I'm surprised it didn't wake the house.

"Calm down. At least tell me what brings on that reaction."

"Don't you know? I can't come out to my family. They'd never understand. I mean," he corrected, "Wills does, but that's it. Father and Grandmum never would."

"Neither would society," I added, understanding.

"Right. And why I don't talk to Wills, well, I'm not sure he'd be the best one to talk with about this."


"'Cause I don't think he'd want to talk about it," Harry edged.

"You're dodging the question," I pointed out, "but I have no right to interfere in your private lives." I laughed a little. "More than I have, anyway."

His relief was palpable. "So, what do you want to know?"

"What's it like?"

"I'm not exactly and expert. I've only been with one boy, and we didn't even go all the way. I'll wager that Harry and Ron have gotten more experience in this than I have now." I stopped as the idea hit. "You don't want to ask them, do you?"

"I'd really rather not."

"All right," I agreed. "Well, I know that it was a lot of fun, but I think that sex is fun for most people, anyway. It's supposed to be, at least. But my friend and I didn't do more than some detailed exploring."

"Oh," he sighed, disappointed.

"What brings this on now, of a sudden?"

"I was just thinking about Ekrasios for the past few days, and now that I'm going back to school..." he broke of with a grin on his face.

"Open showers? Dorm raids with boys in their underwear?"

He nodded with a grin.

"Sounds like a lot of eye candy."

"Maybe even more," he agreed. "The media doesn't watch me the way they do Wills. Especially not after...well, the agreement made. I'm still only sixteen, so I've got a little freedom left to explore and examine things. And I want to, it's just...I dunno. Weird."

I processed what he'd been saying. "Harry, do you want any of my videos? I mean, would those help you any?"

"Not really," he declined.

"I dunno. I just wanted some hope that it can all work out."

"You mean, will you ever find the right boy."

"I guess so, yeah. And what will it be like when I do?"

I thought about that for a while, and we sat in silence for a few minutes. I suddenly had an idea, and got out of the tub, wrapping a towel around my waist quickly. "Harry, look into the tub."

He did so.

"I'm going to feel bad about this, as it is, so don't tell ANYONE what I'm going to show you, all right?"

He nodded, a look of-was it anticipation?-on his face.

I closed the bathroom door and turned out the lights. "You must be silent, because sound moves both ways," I commanded sternly. With a wave of my hand, the water in the tub became perfectly still, then shimmered, showing a picture.

Harry and Ron lay naked on the bed, their arms locked around each other as they kissed passionately. From the angle (directly overhead), we could tell that they were hard, but were avoiding touching each other for the moment. The smacking sound of two horny boys making out reverberated through the bathroom.

After a few moments, Ron pulled off the kiss, pushed Harry onto his back and slid down his chest, licking and nibbling as he went. Harry gasped as Ron's tongue encircled his nipples, and when Ron's head passed, we could see that they were hard little nubs. It wasn't long before Ron had moved himself down to Harry's penis. I silently shifted the angle so we could see from the side. Harry's dick pulsed in time with his rapid heartbeat, and Ron spent some time just nuzzling it against his cheek or licking up and down the shaft.

He took one of Harry's walnut-sized balls into his mouth, and we heard Harry moan quite audibly. Ron sucked gently on the one and then the other before moving to the head, which was leaking precum at an almost alarming rate. Ron smiled as he licked all of the substance off Harry's penis and then opened his mouth, moving slowly down the entire six inches of boymeat.

Harry whimpered in pleasure with every breath, and we could see Ron's cheeks hollowed in from the suction he was exerting. Harry put his hands down to Ron's head and forcibly pulled him off. "Wait," he whispered huskily. He turned on his side, and indicated that Ron should turn around and do the same thing. One Harry had Ron's own dick pointed at his mouth, he dove on it with a vengeance.

Ron's eyes widened and he sucked in his breath before returning to his ministrations. Harry wasn't quite as good at this as Ron was. Ron was a little bigger than Harry (about 6.5 inches or so.), and Harry could only get about four inches into his mouth. Ron sure didn't seem to care.

Prince Harry and I shared a conspiratorial grin as we watched the two of them expressing their love. Ron, however, stopped while we weren't paying attention, and when we turned back, his face was no longer at Harry's penis, but below it. Harry proved his own earlier statement wrong as he moaned loudly despite having four inches of cock in his mouth. Harry motioned he wanted to see what Ron was doing, so I whirled our view around again.

Ron had pulled up Harry's ballsac and was licking at his hairless hole. Every time his rough tongue passed over the puckered opening, Harry moaned. I looked at the prince at my side. He made something of a face, but seemed intrigued. I chuckled silently as I watched his expression, especially when Ron managed to probe his slimy muscle past the muscular wall.

Harry's reaction to this was almost a shriek, and his dick began throbbing. Ron thrust a little more, but felt the balls on his chin pull up. He quickly put his mouth back where it belonged, but had the presence of mind to thrust his forefinger in the twitching hole. Harry pulled his mouth off Ron's dick (which he hadn't been sucking much since Ron moved to his rosebud), clenched his eyes shut and let out a low, drawn out growl as his entire body shook in orgasm.

I could tell from his face that Ron enjoyed the taste of Harry, and I watched in awe as Harry's cock twitched seven times-each indicating an explosion of boycum-which Ron greedily swallowed.

Harry sighed in relief as Ron slowly and carefully licked the dregs off his softening penis. He turned his head and nuzzled at Ron's rock-hard cock.

"Ron, that was great! If your finger felt that good," he began in a hoarse whisper.

Ron just nodded, probably not even paying attention as he partook of his favorite snack. Harry pulled Ron off his dick. "Ron," he hesitated, then firmed. "I want you inside me."

My jaw went slack.

"Harry, are you sure," Ron whispered back.

"Yeah. I need to feel you."

Ron looked very excited and (following what he'd seen done on some videos) had Harry lay on his back and raise his legs. Ron immediately went to work, licking and tonguing Harry's rosebud until Harry was at full mast again. Slowly, Ron inserted one finger and Harry groaned. He pushed in a second finger, and after a moment's resistance, it too, slid in.

Harry's cock was twitching violently, despite having cum only a few short minutes ago. "Suck on me, Harry," Ron commanded. "Get it wet." Harry was only too happy to oblige.

After a minute or so of that, Ron felt he was ready and moved to position Harry's legs on his shoulders. He used his hand as a guide and slowly pressed his head against the tight hole.

Harry grimaced as the head began to penetrate, but fought the urge to try to push out the invader. After some slow, careful pushing on both of their parts, the head slipped in, and Harry hissed in pain. "Stop! Stopstopstopstopstop!" His hardon had vanished instantly.

Ron froze. "What's wrong?"

"It hurts," Harry moaned.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Ron said. "I don't want to hurt you. I'll take it out." He started to withdraw his hips and when Harry cried out in pain. Ron froze again. Harry lay on his back with tears in his eyes and Ron was afraid to move.

Harry next to me looked on in shock, and I shook my head. Following your instincts is well and good, but Ron needed to prep Harry a lot more for his first time. Especially with Ron's dick. He wasn't huge by any means, but he did have a good diameter, especially for being only fifteen. They sat there for a while, and Ron tried to comfort Harry. Without moving his hips, he ran his hands gently up Harry's sides and belly, caressing his nipples and then his face. Finally, Harry said, "I think you can move now. But go slow."

Ron nodded. "In or out," he asked with trepidation. It was obvious to an observer he wanted to continue, but he also didn't want to hurt his lover.

"In," Harry said. "Remember. Slow."

Ron tensed a little as he carefully inserted himself into Harry. Inch by inch, he disappeared into his lover until his pubes brushed against Harry's ass. "Wait," Harry commanded again, as he tried to get used to this sensation.

"God you're so tight," moaned Ron. "You feel so amazing." He leaned in to kiss Harry, and after an initial resistance, Harry's mouth opened to admit his lover. Ron slowly began moving his hips in the way hard-wired into us all. Harry moaned and shuddered as Ron constantly (and inadvertently at this point) brushed up against his prostate. Ron kept muttering to himself how hot and tight it was, how great it felt.

Then, without warning, he increased the force of his thrusts, causing Harry to cry out in pain, though he tried to stifle it. After only two or three hard thrusts, Ron impaled himself fully and began to shudder, firing shot after shot deep into Harry's bowels.

He collapsed onto Harry, and the two of them lay intertwined while Ron softened. He slid out of Harry with a small pop and leaned forward in concern. "Harry? Harry? You're all right, aren't you?"

Harry opened his eyes. "It hurt a bit," he admitted, "but it felt so cool to have you inside me. I think, if we go carefully, we can do it again tomorrow."

Ron's face broke into a smile. "Really?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah."

"And you can do me, too," Ron added. Harry nodded, and the two pulled into a kiss before spooning together, pulling on a sheet and blanket, and falling asleep.

I let the image fade and turned on the lights. Harry was sitting at the edge of the now-cold bath, staring into the water in shock and sporting an obvious hardon.

"Well, it's official. Harry and Ron have more experience than I do," I joked.

"I didn't think it would," Harry swallowed, "hurt like that."

I nodded. "I don't think most people do. But, more importantly, look at what else happened. Because Ron was so loving, and because their feelings for each other were so strong, it turned out all right anyway." I laughed. "God, I sound like a sap."

"No," Harry protested. "No..."

"Anyway, you mustn't tell ANYONE about this, Harry. I already feel guilty about invading their privacy like this, but at least I hope it helped you answer some of the questions you might have had."

He looked at me. "Yeah, thanks." His eyes narrowed. "Guilt, eh?"

I followed his gaze to where my towel stuck up like a tent. I laughed ruefully. "Yeah. Guilt." I leaned past him to drain the tub when he pushed me in, towel and all. I fell in with a cry and a loud splash, and he burst out laughing.

The water was quite cold by now, and my erection vanished at its touch. Harry still sat on the side laughing his ass off. I smiled, grabbed his arm, and pulled him in on top of me. He shrieked (he was still dressed but for his shoes) and I pushed him under as I tried to rise.

I did manage to escape from the tub, lose the wet towel and grab a new one before he managed to get out, chasing after me.

"Look on the bright side," I said. "At least you don't have to sleep in the same bed as your brother like that."

He growled at me, but as I tossed him a dry towel, murmured his embarrassed thanks and removed his clothing.

"I will get you back, though," he promised.

"Please. You don't know when to give up, man," I laughed. "I was just getting back at you. Now make sure you dry up properly. I don't want the bed to be wet. Though," I added, "you're sleeping with me, so it'd only be natural if it were."

He groaned. "Yeah, Matt. Right."

"Hey," I protested, "I'm a sexy bitch!"

"Uh huh."

Miffed, I left him in the bathroom to finish drying off. He did so slowly, thinking, then came to bed. Neither of us had put our boxers on after the water, and he pressed into me. I was already half asleep but I felt his bare ass (it was cold, too) press against my crotch, and his back against my chest.

I kept my breathing even as he pulled my arm over his chest, clasped our hands together, and fell asleep. I popped a wicked boner, which I'm sure he felt, but as neither of us said anything, I fell asleep, too, with my hardon nestled between his cheeks.

It took me a day or two before I could look either Harry or Ron directly in the eye, but I was cordial enough with them that I don't think they really noticed. Prince Harry, on the other hand, was all blushes and stammers. Finally, Harry came over to me.

"Matt, d'you know what's wrong with Harry?"

"I think so," I said.


"Well...uh, actually, he had some questions about what it's like to be in a relationship like you two have, you know? And I haven't been in one in years, so I just told him to come to your room and talk with you. He came back a few minutes later, his face flaming." I looked at him innocently. "Did he see something he shouldn't have?"

Harry paled a little. "When was this?"

I pretended to think. "About two nights ago, I think." He paled even more, until his skin was nearly translucent. "You didn't like leave your door open or anything, did you?"

"Uh, no..."

"Oh. Then I guess we heard you through the walls," I laughed.

He groaned and lowered his head into his hands.

"Yeah, it sounded kinda like that," I agreed pleasantly.

"You suck!"

"I thought you did."

He screamed his frustration.

"Harry, calm down," I commanded. "Look. What you two do isn't any of my business. Just to warn you, though, we DO go back to school in another day. After the party tonight, we have to leave tomorrow. What are you two going to do then?"

"I dunno," he mumbled.

"Well, I'll help if I can," I said, "but we don't have to think about it now. Let's all go out. You can all show me and James around London."

He smiled. "Sounds like fun."

Everyone was up for it, but Will and Harry were concerned. "We'll be mobbed," Will argued.

"No you won't," I disagreed. I concentrated for a moment and wove my hands together in a complex pattern, (I actually almost tied my fingers together. I SUCK at this spell!) and in place of Will and Harry were two average-looking, fairly nondescript young men. Only their eyes remained the same.

"Cool," Ron exclaimed.

"That's a glamour," Hermione said, surprised. "Where did you learn that?"

"It's one of the first I learned, 'cause I thought it'd be useful for someone in my profession," I answered, "but I was never very good at it. Illusions and I just don't get along very well."

"So, how long will it hold," the new Harry said. His voice was the same, too.

"Should hold all day."


"If it doesn't, we'll come back here." I shrugged. "So let's not waste any more time."

It only took about fifteen minutes before we were out the door and on our way to the underground.

We spent the day at parks and side streets. Although it was quite cold, we found a place-Hyde Park?- that had year-round swimming. I bullied everyone into it `cause I love the water, and afterwards, we decided to head south to Brixton and do some shopping and grab some food at a café.

Finally, Will and Harry knew of some of the best club scenes in all of London, and all I had to do was remove the glamours on them.

We debated whether that was safe or not, and it was agreed that where they'd take us was safe, so their disguises would no longer be necessary.

The club was one of the most enjoyable places I'd been in a very long time. The music rocked and we were all dancing and drinking all night. Will was well-known in this place, so he felt right at home, especially as it wasn't unusual for him to be there and therefore there was very little unwanted attention. That wasn't the same for us, though. Harry, Ron, Hermione and James sat around the outskirts, sipping drinks, talking and enjoying the music. Prince Harry jumped into the dance floor, as did Will.

After a couple of drinks, I joined them. In the interim, Will told me about a club he'd been part of up at school. The Kate Kennedy Club. I had to admit, I was intrigued, and I told him that I'd do my utmost to meet him on the first of May.

He grinned and asked if I was going to join in.

I laughed and said after his first night at my place, what would I have to lose? He shrugged and laughed.

We left the club after about four more hours (and about eight more drinks for Harry, Will, James and I). We took the Underground back, as it was only a short walk back to my house, and we all felt we needed to clear our heads.

"So Harry," I called over my shoulder as I walked between the two princes, "how much did you have to drink?"

He giggled, so I assume quite a bit. "A lot," he answered.

"Oh? You shouldn't do that," I said.

"Why not? You did," he retorted.

"I don't have a boyfriend to worry about," I said.

"My boyfriend was drinking with me," Harry said smugly. Ron, half asleep on his shoulder muttered something.

"I guess you're both gonna be lonely tonight then," I grinned.

"What's that mean?"

"Didn't you know that too much to drink won't let you perform?"

"Really?" His eyes widened. "You're sure?"

"Yup," I answered with a smirk.

He thought about it, trying to fight through the alcoholic haze. "That's OK. We're too tired to do anything anyway." He seemed to realize what he was saying. "Not that we're doing anything," he added hastily.

I laughed and turned to Will. "See," I said drunkenly. "I told you."

He made a rude noise. "Open," he called out to the door ahead of us. Obediently, my front door slid open. "Hey," I protested.

"What can I say," he grinned. "Your house loves me."

"It does not. It's just trying to curry favor."

"What favor might that be?"

"It likes to see you naked. I think the house wants you to take a shower and pass out naked on the bed." I smirked.

"In your dreams," he countered.

"Wet dreams," Harry added quietly.

Will burst out laughing. "HEY," I protested loudly. "Don't help him! Help ME!"

We entered the house and I poured everyone a glass of orange juice and gave a banana to each of us. "I read in a story that this is a great hangover prevention."

"You sure," Hermione asked. She'd had the least to drink of all of us, but she was still a bit on the tipsy side.


She accepted it graciously and went to bed, after thanking the princes for taking us to the club and actually getting us in. They smiled and said it was their pleasure.

Harry and Ron stumbled up the stairs shortly after, and I sat on the sofa to watch some tele.

Not much was on, so I stuck in a movie at random--only to discover I'd put in Island on Bird Street (great movie). Will, Harry and I watched it for a while. Around the time that Alex moves from the Ghetto into the normal city, Harry decided to turn in. Both Will and I got a peck on the cheek (probably `cause he was still a little drunk) and then he turned in.

We sat quietly and watched the film for about half an hour before Will got up and asked if I'd like a cup of tea. I did and offered to pause the movie while he got them. He said it wasn't necessary, so I shrugged and turned my attention back to Alex. (For being only twelve or thirteen, he's kinda cute. Nice ass.)

Will returned a few minutes later and sat next to me--noticeably closer than when he'd gotten up--and handed me a teacup. I thanked him, and the two of us again watched the movie. I fell asleep on the couch soon after, and woke to the darkness of the living room feeling a pressure on my chest.

I tried to tilt my head down and found I could only do so partially before my chin hit something soft and fragrant. I strained my eyes in the darkness and found that Wills was lying against my chest, his head under mine. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his chest and fell back to sleep.

Next: Chapter 16

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