My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Aug 22, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. The characters of Harry Potter, Hogwarts, etc. are copyrighted by J. K Rowling and Scholastic Books AND Warner Bros. Also those characters not part of said series are being used without their consent. I do not know their true sexual orientation, though I might wish it otherwise.

I woke up the next morning and ran through my martial arts routine. It felt good to be back in a routine, and though my muscles were sore from yesterday, it felt great once I was settled.

I found myself humming the melody I'd heard the night before. It seemed to be stuck in my head. And haunting melodies have a tendency to do that, don't they? While my mind was free to wander, I figured out several of the Christmas presents I was going to get. Only two were difficult: Harry Potter and Wills.

I showered and dressed before the others woke up and started breakfast (as usual). I knew I had to do some shopping, as we only had another day before Christmas, and I wanted to talk to everyone together. I was waiting for the water to boil, still deciding what to get my two closest friends here in England when the doorbell rang.

I hurried over to the door, pulled it open, and gaped in surprise. "James! What are you doing here," I asked. He laughed at my expression and stepped inside.

"Hi, Matt," he replied in an accent I hadn't heard in six months. It immediately reminded me of home. I remembered my manners and officially asked him in. He stepped in, and gave me a big, back-slapping hug. Then he looked around and whistled appreciatively. "Not bad, man," he grinned. "You've done well for yourself."

I returned his grin. "Highest-paid Auror in the world." He faked shock. "You know it."

"You've never been so...overt about having money."

"It's more fun to spend over here. Speaking of which, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Checking up on you. The office hasn't had a report, so they sent me to follow up."

"Bastards," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" He laughed.

"Why'd they send you? England's a very dangerous place right now."

He looked hurt. It was an expression I wasn't used to seeing on his face. "I'm sorry," I apologized, "but when I left, you were still in training. Even if you HAVE finished your Academy work, you wouldn't be up to this."

"Look again," he said with a smirk. I stepped back and looked. He stood at 6 feet, just like me, and had light blond hair. His eyes were a shocking blue. Nothing different there. I looked into his eyes and they flickered momentarily.

"No," I gasped. "No way."

He grinned again. "You always were sharp, man. Looks like karma, doesn't it?"

I groaned. "Oh, so you're the Pet Boy at the office now, eh?"

"I always was."

I made a rude noise. "You're welcome to it."

"So, what'cha up to now," he asked. I knew he meant my mission status, but I replied, "Making some breakfast while I wait for some guests to wake up. We got time. You wanna get some exercise?"

James could never resist a sparring opportunity. "Let's do it."

I flicked out my hand, on which appeared a piece of parchment telling whoever woke up first that I was downstairs and to come and get me when they were finally awake enough.

He watched with interest.

"You've gotten stronger," he stated. "I'm impressed."

"That was nothing. Wait'll you see me in real action."

"I can't wait."

We removed ourselves to my training room, and he looked around again. "Nice. Very nice."

"I knew you'd appreciate it. I got a spare gi if you need one."

"Nah." He pulled out a pair of satiny shorts. "These're all I need."

I shrugged and pulled out a pair of pants made of similar material. We both changed and, bare-chested, began to stretch. I couldn't help but notice that he'd REALLY filled out in the past few months. His chest seemed a wall of muscle, and his pecs and abs were all visible squares. His arms were almost as thick as my legs. I shrugged it off. I could find out later.

"So, what rules are we gonna use for this one?"

"Weapons," he asked.

"Fine by me."

"Me, too."


"I didn't bring my wand."

"You're going around in hostile territory without a wand? Moron," I chided.

"No, I've got it. It's in my pants." I chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Your wand's in your pants." I laughed. "I'd hope so."

"Ha ha ha," he deadpanned. He reached over to one of the walls and grabbed a katana. "A little curved for my taste," he shrugged.

"Then grab yours," I offered. "I'll wait."

"'Sokay," he declined. "Close enough."

"OK," I said dubiously. "I'll make it a little more fair and won't use one of those," I told him. He looked disappointed. I grabbed a naginata off the wall and spun it over the back of my wrist. "This'll work."

He laughed and both of us set the weapons to the side.

We stretched a few minutes longer and took our places. "Let's begin," I said. He nodded and we bowed to each other.

I lunged forward, my wrist moving only a few inches, and he jumped back. "Jumpy, aren't we," I mocked.

He gave me the bird.

"Hey, I'm number one," I smiled.

"'re no fun."

"That's not what your mom said last night," I smirked.

He yelled in mock-anger and lashed out with a front snap-kick. I blocked it and rolled to the side, my fist already moving towards his chest. He lowered his arm and snapped it back across my face, but I pulled my head back and dropped low into a leg sweep. My left leg caught behind his knee and my right slammed into his stomach, knocking him onto his back. I spun on my ass and my left foot smacked him across the jaw. I hefted my feet under me and stepped back, letting him rise.

"First strike," I laughed.

He muttered something under his breath. "What was that?"


Thus began the best sparring match I'd had in years. I was faster than James, but his added muscle gave him more power than he used to have. And for a while, I was winning. For every punch of his that landed, I'd land two. Yet his hurt a hellofalot more than they used to. Finally, his strength came through. I threw a reverse punch and he caught it. He hefted me easily into the air and flung me across the room where I slammed into the wall and slid to the floor with a groan.

"I (huff) win (huff)."

I held out my hand and the naginata flew into it. I placed the butt of the spear on the ground and pulled myself to my feet.

"Not yet." I stood upright and my back protested. "DAMN, you've gotten better. What the hell was that?"

He smiled held out his hand. "Accio katana," he called. The sword flew into his hand and I lowered the spear.

This time, I was at a disadvantage, as my back didn't give my full range of motion, and a staff-spear is not an easy weapon to use anyway. I parried his attacks, but he blocked mine rather contemptuously, as well.

As we fought, however, my powers flooded me. The pain in my back was suddenly gone, and I began to exude that blue aura.

James' mouth tightened and his eyes narrowed, but he kept on coming. His thrust, though, came a little too far away from his body, and the butt of my spear came up under his arms, lifting them into the downstroke of the blade. As he lost his grip on the sword, I spun, once again driving his legs out from under him and finishing with the tip at his neck.

"You cheated," he groaned, though he had a smile on his face. "We said no powers."

"Unintentional." I swore.

"Yeah, right." I helped him to his feet. "You've gotten REALLY good, James. That's the first time anyone's beaten me in at least two years. Maybe more."

"Yeah, well..." he blushed, the color standing out against his pale skin.

"I'm impressed. But how'd you get so strong?" I wanted to know.

"When I found out about my..." he hesitated.

"I saw it in your eyes," I affirmed. "Has it caused problems?"

"Not really." He shrugged. "I found a spell to enhance the benefits I get from it, but in exchange, I have to suffer some of the penalties. I thought it over and decided it'd be worth it."

I quirked an eyebrow. "It's true," he protested.

"Whatever. So, are you hungry?"

"Starved," he agreed.


We went upstairs. As we headed to the second floor, we passed Will on the stairway coming down. He was dressed only in a pair of boxers as he descended.

"Morning Will," I greeted.

"Who's your friend?"

"Will, this is James. He's an old friend from America. James, this is my friend Will." I introduced them.

James frowned, his blue eyes searching. "You look familiar..."

Will shrugged uncomfortably, gave us that heart-melting grin and descended to the kitchen, where I heard him pour a cup of tea.

"Come on. You can shower in here," I told him, showing him to one of the guest bathrooms. It was attached to the Chess Room and the Zen Room (all black-and-white, but flowing curves instead of rigid lines), and so was also black and white, but integrated subtle shades of gray, turning straight lines into curves and vice versa.

I went into the master bathroom and showered quickly. I'd pulled on a comfortable pair of jeans when Harry P walked out of the Chess Room. "Matt," he called. "Someone's in the bathroom."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I know. That's my friend James. He surprised me with a visit today."

"Oh. Do Ron and I need, know..."

"No. Don't worry. He won't be here for very long. And he won't be in your room anyway. You WILL be sharing a bathroom for a couple days, though, so no shenanigans," I joked.

He flushed and I laughed.

James came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of black sweatpants (jogger bottoms) and a black t-shirt. Somehow, he even managed to get the blacks to match. (Don't ask me how. He's just good at that.)

He wiggled his eyebrows at me after Harry left. "So, what about Will, huh?"

I choked. "What do you mean?"

He laughed. "You've got the hots for him, don't you?"

"Shut up," I muttered.

"I KNEW it," he gloated.

"Shut UP!" I could feel my face go red.

"Matt's in lo-o-ove," he sang (badly, I might add).

I gave him a death stare, and he quieted down, chuckling under his breath.

"Well, look at him," I ordered.

"Not my type," he declined. "Besides, you know I'm taken."

"Yeah. How's Brian?"

"We're doing great, thanks for asking."

"Lucky you." I deadpanned. "Now leave me alone."


"I'm still trying to figure out Will's Christmas present."


"Yeah. I've got to get them all today. Which reminds me, you want to come shopping?"

"SHOPPING?" If ANYONE has the gay-shopping gene, it's James. He nearly flipped. "Good. Now go eat breakfast. When everyone's awake, fed, and watered, we'll go."


I sighed. "We're going to a wizarding area, so don't forget your wand."


Gradually, everyone came awake and we met at the table. I made some more introductions, and the conversation got underway. "Uh, I still need to do some Christmas shopping," I said. "So I'm going to Diagon Alley today. Anyone want to come with me?"

Harry and Will wanted to see what it was like, and the Hogwarts Three were more than willing.

"That reminds me," I added. "What do you want to do for Christmas? I've got some Floo Powder, so you can go home," I said to Harry, Ron and Hermione. "And I can drop you and Harry off at the Palace, Will, if you like."

"We should stop by," Will agreed, but Harry protested. "But can't we come back, then?"

I shrugged. "Fine by me, either way."

Harry, Ron and Hermione got into a huddle, from which they emerged momets later. "We'll stay with you, if you don't mind," Hermione said. "Our parents are used to sending our Christmas presents."

"All right," I agreed. "So, would you all like to help me decorate when we get back?"

It was unanimous. We cleaned up and prepared to leave. I pulled out the Floo Powder and threw it into the fireplace. Hermione walked over to the giant green flames and shouted "Diagon Alley," before she was wooshed away. Ron and Harry followed suit.

"Go ahead, James," I prompted him.

"I passed my Apparation test," he protested.

"But you don't know where you're going. So get going. You can Apparate next time," I told him, acting like his older brother (despite the fact that I'm younger than he is.)

He groaned, but followed the others into the flames. "Harry, you and Will haven't used this stuff before, so I'll take you. Hold my hands, please. And do me a favor."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Don't get me in trouble, so keep anything you see or buy there between us, ok?"

"Oh, all right," he sulked.

I grinned. "Thanks. Now, grab on." They did, gripping a little more tightly than I thought they would. With a blink and a thought, we vanished and reappeared in the middle of Diagon Alley.

"Excellent," Will gushed.

"Now, we need to wait here for everyone, then we can go to the bank and change some of your money."

"Change our money," Will asked.

"Money," inquired Harry, looking scandalous.

"Yes, your Royal Highness," I mocked. "Money."

Will slugged him on the arm, and he dropped the "I'm famous, I don't need money" air.

The others met up with us moments later. "We're going to the bank." I checked the clock. "It's about ten-thirty. Meet back here around three? Will that be enough time for everyone?"

Again, they all agreed. "Harry and Will, stick with me. Have fun," I added to everyone else.

I took them to Gringott's and they stared in amazement at the goblins (they'd seen them in Avalon, but not in Bank uniforms) and read the inscription on the great doors.

The bank was more than happy to exchange their money, and I withdrew a few more funds from my own vault. I think Harry enjoyed the ride down, but Will looked a little green.

We spend the next few hours going up and down Diagon Alley. It was very crowded: last-minute shopping and all.

We all met at the appointed time, everyone carrying parcels and packages of different sizes and with happy expressions. James used a simple Floating Charm for several of his packages, and they trailed behind him some three feet above the ground.

I shook my head with a smile. I should've known better than to bring him.

"Matt," Hermione asked, "didn't you buy anything?"

Will and Harry exchanged a look and smile, but I ignored them. "I bought a little," I told her.

Harry rolled his eyes and tried to stifle a laugh. Ron gave a confused look, but didn't say anything.

We all returned to the house and I stopped, frowning.

"What's wrong, Matt," James asked me.

"I forgot something. Blasted hell. OK, I'll be back in a few minutes." I turned and stopped again. "Wait." I lifted both arms in front of my face and swung them into a circle in front of me. A grayish-black oval hung in the air when I lowered my hands. I pointed into the living room and boxes of lights and decorations flew out of the oval and into the room. A giant tree seated itself in the corner, filling the room with the smell of fresh-cut pine.

"If you need anything that's not here, you can look in the oval, but just don't go completely in. I'll be back in a few minutes. Shouldn't be more than an hour." I vanished into a twinkling of blue-white lights.

A little under an hour later, I reappeared in the house and saw the decorations. "Nice," I called. I noticed the oval was gone, so I assumed they'd finished. "Hello?"

"Downstairs," James called.

I moved downstairs to watch James, dressed in an official gi this time, giving lessons to Will and Harry. They were working with a long sword apiece (though Will's was almost big enough to be a bastard sword) and running through some basic forms. Meanwhile, Harry and Ron were practicing some basic martial arts.

I walked in. Hermione was watching with interest, but she still had a book in her lap that she frequently returned to. "So, am I operating a dojo now?"

"Hi, Matt! Where'd you go," Harry called, finishing a side kick.

"I had some errands to run. Ministry stuff. Will," I added, "don't listen to Blade here too much. He's not that good."

"Shut up," James laughed.

"Blade," asked Hermione.

"Yeah. Like the comic book character. James here loved comics when he was a kid, and when the time came to pick up code names for the Aurors, he chose Blade. Admittedly, he did train well when up against vampires, but..." I let it go, my grin getting bigger and bigger every moment.

"Shut up."

"What's your code name, Matt," Harry wanted to know.



I grinned. "Angel of Destruction."

We stayed up late, watching movies and shooting the shit. Owls arrived late that night, and I then placed the presents for everyone under the tree. I noticed a few for me and was pleasantly surprised. One is never too old or "grown up" to receive gifts.

I fell asleep in the living room in front of the fire, which bathed my face with a pleasant warmth. I heard the same melody again, the lyrics unsung but remembered.

Christmas morning dawned, and I put a pot of tea on. Everyone came down in varying states of undress and I poured them each a cup of tea and wishing them a Merry Christmas. Once we were all gathered together, I nodded to the tree, which then picked up the gifts and tossed them to the correct recipients.

Ron and Harry got sweaters from Ron's mom (as seemed to be a tradition with them). I waited until all of the gifts (except mine) had been opened, and then I pulled a hidden, long package out from underneath the couch and handed it to Ron. "This one's from me, Ron."

He looked at it and his eyes widened. The paper ripped away to reveal a sleek, polished black handle with golden lettering reading "Nimbus Two Thousand and One".

"I know it's not a Firebolt," I apologized to his shocked expression, "but I did try to balance the difference." He unwrapped the rest of the broom and silvery writing covered the rest of the handle to the bristles. He examined it closely. "Th-these are the Cannons!"

"Yup. Harry told me the Chudley Cannons are your favorite team. So I asked them to sign the broom for you."

He took it gently, hardly breathing. I smiled. "James, you caught me off guard, but this is for you." I handed him a lumpy packet. Inside lay a suit of clothes, all in black. Boots, pants, tunic, belt, cloak, gloves and bracers (leather wrist-cuffs). "I think these'll prove useful when you go on missions." I gave him a wink. He grinned and thanked me.

"Hermione," she looked at me curiously. "I thought you'd like free choice. Any three books in my library are yours except the two I've been working on translating." She flushed in excitement and ran into my arms, squealing with excitement.

"Harry," I turned to the young prince. "Here." He opened his long package to reveal a slim, double-edged long sword. "It's enchanted, so it will cut through anything. Be very careful." There was a small box in his package. Inside, a small crystal ball glittered on a piece of parchment. "This is an instruction ball. The paper is like a table of contents," I explained. "When you want some instruction for that sword, it's inside the ball. Do it alone and in an empty space." He nodded, looking very excited.

"Now, you, Harry," I said. I held open a mahogany box. Inside, my four wands glittered on their velvet cushioning. "You can choose any one of these. I know you have a wand already, but each of these has a specialty."


"Yeah. They'll work as a normal wand, but if you only speak the command word, each will specialize in something. Like this one," I pointed to the reddish-hued wand, "specializes in fire. With the command 'ghash,' it will shoot a ball of fire. A powerful one. This one," I touched my crystal wand, "specializes in ice magic. The command is 'hel' and whoever you point this at will be frozen solid. The amber one has the command of 'quel' and will create a mantle around you. Remember the lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" He nodded.

"What about that one," he asked, pointing to the black one.

"I'm not entirely sure what it does," I admitted. "The command is 'morsmordre' and I've never used it."


"Never had the right timing."

"I think this one will be good, thank you," he said, taking the amber wand. "It's cool, thanks."

"I know it's not the same kind of present I've given everyone else, but I thought it'd be suitable."

"Er, yeah. It's great..."

"Good. And to go with it," I tossed him a small bundle.

He unraveled a small bit of leather with three openings. "That's a wand-sheath for a broomstick. It's so you don't have to try to tuck it into a belt or other clothing while you're trying tricky flying," I informed him. "I asked for one with a second holster.

He grinned at me.

"Will, you're next."

I'd been thinking long and hard about what to give Will, so I gave him two small packages. The first held a ring bearing a large, red dragon. He looked at it in confusion. "Arthur's," I said simply. He smiled, and it lit his face. The second package held a cell phone. "Take a look," I said with a grin. He flipped open the phone, and instead of numbers, the screen took up the whole face. Mystical green letters floated to the surface. They read, "Hello, Prince William. Who would you like to call today?"

"That'll let you call anyone in the wizarding world, as well as in the Muggle world. For us, a crystal ball or mirror will allow two-way communication. I'll keep that small hand mirror on me at all times, but don't call during class. It'll really piss off my teachers."

He nodded. I flicked my finger at his phone. "There is an emergency button right on top. If you need me, hit it. I'll be there."

He nodded again. "This is for you," he said sheepishly. "Harry and I got it together."

He handed me a small package and I opened it. A small gold watch sat on a shimmering, light material. The watch had two faces: one that told the time, another that worked as an alarm for all your needs such as waking, class/work times, warnings for the end of breaks, etc.

The material, when I held it up, turned out to be a shiny new invisibility cloak. "Will, Harry, this is too much," I protested.

"After all you've done for us? Don't be ridiculous," Harry told me.

Ron looked sheepish when he and Harry me a small round target. I looked at them curiously. "It withstands damage like heat and electricity," Harry told me. "So you can aim at it with your spells and not break it."

I grinned. Sweet. A levitation charm will make it a nice, small, moving target.

Hermione gave me a quill that never needs to be dipped or sharpened. Only specify the color of ink and it will do write in that color until you change it. This would be perfect for the book I've been working on. I thanked them all profusely. Then I looked at Blade expectantly.

"I couldn't really figure out what to give you. But then I figured you'd find this handy." He gave me a small vial filled with a dark-red liquid.

"That's vampire blood, specially prepared. Drink it, and you'll get all the strengths and benefits of a vampire for a day. Regeneration, strength, speed, etc."

I smiled. That WOULD come in handy. This had been a great Christmas. But that was just the beginning of the day.

Next: Chapter 14

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