My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Aug 9, 2002


*This story is a work of fiction. The characters' sexuality is not truly determined (to my satisfaction, anyway) and this story cannot be taken as truth. Harry Potter and other characters from such series of books are copyrighted by J.K. Rowling and Scholastic books. I'm not Ms. Rowling, so I don't get any money from stuff like this.

This story involves homosexual relationships and relationships between minors. If you are offended by this material, what are you doing at the nifty archives in the first place? Thank you to all who've constantly written me and supplied me with ideas, suggestions and support.*

I woke up early, as usual, feeling a little bit warm. It only took my fogged-up brain a few moments to realize I was warm due to two warm bodies pressed against me. It was a wonderful feeling to have two smooth, well-defined chests pressed against mine, with their arms draped over me, and I just lay back for a while, listening to my two friends breathe. Friends? I thought about that a little. Admittedly, the two times they'd slept at my house, they'd slept with me, but one time was a giant joke and this time was their first night back in the company of humans, so I had no doubt they needed company. And, I noted, somewhat to my disappointment, they kept their underwear on.

So I lay back and listened to their easy breaths. Will had a slow, steady rhythm, a peaceful, unfaltering flow. Harry's pace was a little bit quicker, but he would have short pauses between each inhale and exhale. At one point, both of them coincided for a few breaths, then broke apart again.

I realized that I was gently being lulled back to sleep, but decided that would be counterproductive, so I carefully extricated myself from their embrace (wishing I could stay there forever) and pulled back the duvet. Once I'd risen, I recovered the sleeping princes and threw on a pair of light pajama pants to make some tea. Once it was ready, I sat back, enjoying the morning. No class, no responsibilities, nothing to worry about. For perhaps the first time in weeks, my body completely relaxed.

A few hours later, Hermione came down in her nightdress and robe. "Good morning, Matt. Making tea?"

"Yeah. I thought I'd wait for breakfast," I answered as I poured her a cup.


"No prob. Sleep well?"

"I love your house. It's all very comfortable."

"You did see the library last night, right?"

The cup stopped halfway to her lips. "You have a library?"

"Of course," I grinned.

She stood. "Calm down, Hermione. Drink your tea," I commanded with a smile.

She seemed too excited. "Oh, all right," I gave in. I grabbed my tea and showed her to the library. I loved my library. The bookshelves were floor to ceiling, solid wood, and every volume in the place was old, leather-bound, and rare. She almost squealed in delight and immediately sat at the reading desk.

"I have a chair, if you'd prefer," I pointed out to her. A thick, padded chair sat before a fireplace.

She didn't even hear me. "I'll come and get you for breakfast," I informed her.

I went back upstairs to check on my other guests. Harry and Wills remained asleep in my bed. No surprise there. Interplanar travel is tiring. I moved to the Chess Room and slowly opened the door. As I expected, Ron and Harry were asleep in each other's arms, wrapped around each other completely. It was really sweet, and I smiled.

Ron opened his eyes to stare right at me, and I gave him a quick grin before making my exit. I caught his return smile before the door shut completely.

I decided that I could use some exercise, so I moved down to my cellar where my workout room waited for me. The pajama bottoms were nice and loose, so I carefully stretched our my legs and back, slowly working my way down to a side split. It hurt, as it'd been a very long time since I'd last stretched, but after a good hour of solid stretching (and relaxing the stretched muscles, of course), I could perform both my front and side splits without too much difficulty. Slowly standing, I began to run through my forms, although at first I didn't remember them as well as I'd have liked. But my body remembered, and before too long, I was flowing through kata after kata, simple and complex. I spun, flipped and rolled; I kicked, jumped and blocked. Finally, I ran up to the wall, grabbed a pair of swords and really began to move. Once the blades were in hand, I became immediately more comfortable. I hadn't used my skills to anything like my full ability since my first night at Hogwarts. It felt great to dance through my forms and to feel my muscles loosen. For a reason I'd yet to understand, my powers seemed linked to my combat skills.

I went through all of my weapon forms and stopped. I was breathing heavily, sweating and sore. I shook my head at myself. This won't do. I shouldn't let myself get so out of shape. I went upstairs. Harry and Ron sat on the couch in front of the television drinking tea. Ron still seemed fascinated by that bit of technology. I told them I'd start breakfast in a few minutes, after a shower and headed up to the master bathroom.

As I passed through the bedroom, I noticed Harry was still asleep, but Wills wasn't there. I shrugged and walked into the bathroom. Once the door was open, I heard the shower running so I called out, "Will?"


"Just makin' sure that was you. Let me know when you get out," I told him.

"Just a tic," he answered. Sure enough, a second later, the water turned off and a dripping wet Will with a towel around his waist (sound appealing? I think so!) stepped out. "All yours," he told me.

"Thanks," I said. "I just need a minute, and I'll start breakfast."

"I'll start it," he offered.

"That's not necessary," I objected.

"I don't mind," he told me. "Really."

I shrugged and gave in, reaching into the shower to turn on the hot water again. "Thanks."

"My pleasure." He left the bathroom, and I removed my clothes and stepped into the shower. I was rinsing off my hair when the shower door opened.

"Will, where's Ma-" Harry began, when he saw that it wasn't his brother he's just interrupted. I yelped in surprise. "Oh, sorry Matt. I thought Will was in the shower."

`No biggie," I lied, "you just caught me off guard."

He smirked. "'No biggie,'" he mimicked. "Well, that's an accurate statement." With that, he closed the door.

"Look who's talking, Pee Wee," I called out after him.

"You wish," he answered.

"We covered this last time. I'm a grower, not a shower," I reminded him. "And I proved that you're not one to talk, so unless you grew a couple of inches in Avalon, you're shit outta luck. You wanted something?"

"No," he responded quickly. I continued rinsing my hair, and he huffed off in artificially miffed silence. I grinned in amusement and finished my shower.

When I was dry and dressed, I headed downstairs where I could already smell breakfast cooking. Will stood at the stove frying some eggs, with toast and biscuits already sitting on the table. It smelled great, and my stomach growled. He must've heard it, because he looked up at me and smiled.

I wonder if he knew what his smile did to me...? Anyway, my knees went weak (as usual) and I had to look away. "I'll get Hermione and tell everyone breakfast is ready."

"Sounds good," he agreed with a grin as I hurried away.

I had to literally drag her from the library, and I was amazed at her strength. She REALLY wanted to stay and read.

"So," I said, finally sitting to join the rest for breakfast, "what are we going to do today?"

"Well, we need to get back to father," Harry said. "Seeing as how we've been gone for several months, and all."

Wills agreed, and I nodded. "I'll go with you. I want to make sure you're safe." Will began to protest, and I held up a hand, silencing him. "MY decision, here, Will. I'm your friend, but until Her Majesty informs me otherwise, I'm also your guardian. I gave my word." I smiled slyly. "Would you rather have someone else as your guardian?"

He gave in and shook his head with a smile.

"Would a tour of the Palace be suitable for my other guests today, at least until we know what future awaits us," I asked.

Harry, Ron and Hermione held their breaths, surprised. "I suppose that can be arranged," Will agreed. The three Hogwarts students beamed at us.

Now that the day was planned, everyone left the table to get changed and cleaned up. I cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to change clothes and brush my teeth.

Harry was standing in front of the mirror with a towel around his waist, and both he and William were brushing their teeth. I joined them (I have a large master bathroom, with a long sink/mirror/counter thingie) and while we were all engrossed in cleaning up, I "accidentally" brushed by Harry, causing his towel to drop.

His eyes widened in surprise and he choked out, spraying the mirror with suds. Will nearly choked on his toothbrush, he was laughing so hard. I merely spat into the sink and turned to Harry. I stared at him from head to toe until he blushed red and started to get a little aroused. As he stood at attention, I grinned. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that, Tiny."

"TINY?" He spluttered, spraying more foam. Will burst out laughing and Harry shot him a look. I bent, picked up his towel, (putting my face at his waist. Hmmm......) and handed it back to him. Then I sauntered away, leaving him naked, hard and holding his towel. Will came out, still chuckling. "That was evil, Matt."

"He started it in the shower this morning," I protested. "I was just getting him back."


"Seriously." I relayed the morning's experience, and he let it drop after giving me a silly grin.

Once all of us were ready, I pulled out my car and drove us all to Buckingham Palace. Will called ahead, so security was ready for us and let us through the gate. We dropped Harry, Ron and Hermione off at the front where official tours began and ended, then we drove around to a more private entrance where I could take Their Royal Highnesses and park.

Once inside, we were greeted by security and taken to the sitting room of the family. I waited outside while Will and Harry rushed in to meet their father.

I waited for over half an hour, and while I waited, I let my mind focus. I could feel my magic stirring within me, almost like a living thing, and I wasn't sure I liked how it'd grown. It wasn't beyond my control, yet it threatened to do so. I allowed it to flow in miniscule amounts through my body so that I could examine it. It stirred the air around me, moving my fine hair as though in a stiff breeze.

The door opened behind me, and I jerked out of my reverie. Prince Charles stood there, hand extended. "Mr. Arico, I want to thank you for all you've done for my boys."

I shook his hand hesitantly. I didn't want this. "It was my pleasure, sir. They're both great young men, and in a short time, we've become friends. It's been an honor to spend time with them, although I regret that the initial methods of their protection were so...extreme."

"I can't say I didn't miss them, but we understand that there are times that sacrifices must be made for the sake of security."

"I appreciate your understanding, sir."

He opened the door wider and let me in. I answered some polite questions about school, etc., and we got down to business.

"So, Matthew," Prince Charles asked, "what sort of defenses do you have that we may not have here?"

"Whenever I live anyplace, I create barriers of protection in and around it. They've only been tested twice, and both times have proved up to the task."

"I see," he said, looking a little sad.

"If you like, I could begin to lay some defenses so that Will and Harry could return to a normal life, but it would take me all of the holidays, and, to be quite honest about it, I could either make them here or at their dormitories. I don't have the time to do both, sir." I offered.

He thought about it for a while. "But what if the boys are not in their dormitories?"

"My house is open to them, even while I'm gone. They're more than welcome to use it." I grinned. "Provided they don't wreck it, of course." They grinned back.

"The choice is yours, sir. I just want you to believe that I'm doing all I can to help them and end this particular threat, but it will still take time."

"I'll discuss this with the Queen. In the meantime; boys, would you like to show Mr. Arico around the Palace?"

They nodded, and away we went.

It was really cool. I saw their rooms and parts that I don't think anyone outside the Royal family and ministers see.

It was a long tour, and when we returned, Charles and the Queen had reached a decision that I would ward the dormitories of the boys and they could use my house on any visits to London.

I agreed, and promised that I would begin immediately after Christmas and would finish before the next school term began. Afterwards, we were dismissed-both Will and Harry receiving hugs from their family and gathering several sets of clothing. I gave my telephone number to the Royal family and told them to call at any time.

We picked up Ron, Harry and Hermione from the front gate, and we returned to my house.

I made us a simple dinner that night. A pasta dish with tomatoes, spinach (don't knock it 'til you've tried it), garlic and a few other odds and ends. Will and Harry were a little subdued, Hermione was in the library, and Harry and Ron were lost in each other, so I had some time to think. I didn't come up with anything, but only resolved to monitor my powers as I laid down the wards. I also thought about Christmas presents for everyone. I finished cleaning and practiced for several hours, feeling my magic rise and pulse through me with each maneuver. It was addictive: the feeling of strength and power that let me flow, glide and fly through extremely difficult weapon combinations. The addiction was something I hadn't really recognized or noticed before, and I wondered what brought it on. Apparently, my magic was evolving in ways different than ever.

I sat in the steam room, easing sore muscles and wished that I understood why I was so different. With a sigh, I went upstairs and took a quick shower, being careful not to wake Harry and Will, who apparently still wanted to sleep with me for reasons unknown. I gently got into bed (on the outside next to Will this time) and pulled the duvet over us.

That night, I heard a very eerie song. It seemed to flow around me, whispering words just beyond my understanding. And out of the torrent of sound, I heard a mystical voice, echoing and insinuating sing. I THOUGHT I recognized the voice, but couldn't place it.

"Come, little children, I'll take thee away...

"Into a land of enchantment.

"Come, little children, the time's come to play...

"Here in my garden of magic." *

I felt myself warm and in a sunlit glade. I knew it somehow, but just like the voice, I couldn't say exactly where I'd seen it. The voice was all around me, and it's power flooded through me, lifting me effortlessly into the air.

"Come, little children, my song calls to thee...

"Hear it now, children of magic.

"You have the power to change what will be...

"If you but hear my enchantment.

"Come little children, you are not alone...

"Wielders of ancient enchantment.

"You'll be together through flesh and through stone...

"When you surrender to magic."

At that, I was gently lowered to the ground, and the garden faded from my sight, leaving me in darkness and confusion. Then, I fell into a deep, restful sleep, forgetting all about the dream...

Author's note. First off, I'm sorry this chapter was so short. It happens with writer's block, sometimes. Also, the first verse of the little song is from the movie Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. I have to give copyright for the song and let anyone know who wants to hear it. Hopefully, part 13 will come a little sooner. See you all.

Next: Chapter 13

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