My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Jul 22, 2002


*This story is a work of fiction. Harry Potter and others are copyrighted by Scholastic Books and J.K. Rowling. Despite the compliments of my readers, I am NOT Ms. Rowling and therefore can make no profit from her characters without her explicit permission, which she sure as hell ain't givin'. As for other, `real-life' characters, as this story is fiction, I can make no legitimate claim to the nature of their sexuality.

Thanks to the many, many people who've constantly written me mail. I have appreciated every one of you, and especially my steady fans. I'd like to thanks James for putting my character in his story. I hope to see more of him. GRIN

Finally! The last day of classes before Christmas Holidays. The teachers seemed as ready for the break as the students did. "Mr. Arico, can I speak with you, please," Professor Dumbledore asked me after my final class: Arithmancy. "Of course, sir," I replied. He nodded to the students and faculty we passed as we rose up a series of stairs to stop before a stone gargoyle. "Twizzlestick," he told the statue. It slid gently out of the way and we ascended the steps behind it to the Headmaster's office.

"Have a seat," he offered.

"Thanks." I sat.

"So, you're going home for the holidays and taking Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasely and Miss Granger with you, correct?"


"And you think you can protect them?"

"I do, sir."


"Well, it's become my habit to create rather powerful wards around any place I live. I haven't done so around Hogwarts because it wasn't necessary."

He raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Well," I amended, "I didn't INTENTIONALLY create that ward, sir. My instincts pulled through, however, and I think we're both somewhat thankful that they did. The wards at my home in London aren't so powerful, but they're more numerous and varied. Also, if anything went TRULY wrong, I still have a doorway to Avalon. It's actually through that doorway I plan to bring William and Harry back. They wanted to spend time with the family, and if the palace isn't secure, they're more than welcome to stay with me."

"I thought you gave the mirror that served as a door to Avalon to the Queen."

"I did. But once I learned how to cast the spell, I could cast it on any mirror, now. It's easier than the first one was, actually."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm not sure," I confessed. "I just do."

He sat back, a profoundly skeptical look on his aged face. "I'm sorry, sir," I continued. "I don't fully understand. I'm still learning a great deal about my powers. They don't seem to have the same limitations that many of our contemporary wizards seem to face with their own abilities. To be honest, the only things I'm coming up that are even remotely similar are the magicks from centuries ago, when it was more pure."

"Pure? As in pure-blooded?"

"No, sir. I mean as in purer magic. When the world wasn't controlled by science. Too much science has, in my opinion, reduced the hold of magic in this world, causing much of it to flee to places like Avalon and such havens as Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, among others."

"An interesting theory."

"Sir, you know you can look in on me at any time. I doubt my wards could keep you out."

"Yet they'd hold against Voldemort?"

"You're not Dark," I replied simply.

"I see. You will be careful?"

I smirked. "Is that truly a necessary question to ask an Auror?"

"Given your previous record, I feel it absolutely legitimate."

I lost my grin. "Sir, those incidents weren't my fault."

"I acknowledge that, Matthew. Yet I cannot forget your usage of that Dark spell. Very powerful, and seductive, that spell. Many of the Dark Arts are. You have a penchant for violent magic. You like balls of fire and bolts of lightning, and though many of our kind are not skilled in such attacks and defenses, I feel your fondness of them is a dangerous obsession."

I sat back in thought. "Well, sir, to be perfectly honest, most of the wizards I've faced only needed one such attack to bring them down, or something different. I'm not an expert with the Stunning Spell, but I DO have something similar. However, I'm not always sent after criminally-inclined wizards. I've been sent after demons-both full and half-blooded- and monsters, a few automatons and quite a number of undead: both stupid ones like zombies and nastier ones like vampires. As for the Dark Arts, sir. Even the great Merlin utilized such magic when he felt it necessary. As I think would you. As do I. I respect your opinion, but frankly, sir, we have two very different pasts and duties. The one primary thing we have in common, aside-I hope-from mutual respect, is the desire to stop Voldemort."

"And what of the well-being of my students?"

"That's your responsibility, sir, not mine, although if there is any way I can achieve my mission without hurting any of your charges, I will. But if it becomes a choice between my charges and yours, I will choose mine."

"Is that meant to be a threat? Or a warning?"

"Neither, sir. Just making reference to the Dark spell you spoke of earlier. It was, in my sole opinion, the only spell that would be effective, and in order to activate that spell, I needed life energy. I could take all of mine, all of yours and most of the other faculty, or I could take a little from everyone in order to have enough power. I chose the latter."

"This is a side of you I haven't seen before, Matthew, and I'm not entirely sure I like it."

"I'm sorry, sir," I apologized. "I've been concerned with security ever since Harry, Ron and Hermione agreed to come, especially as I'm sure that Wills and Harry will stay quite a bit of the time with me, anyway. That's a lot of people to protect, and we can't just sit around my house during the whole break. I'm also a little annoyed that it's taken me so long to get anywhere with this damned necromancer. He's VERY good at hiding, and because I don't know how many students are his, I need to more-or-less keep my cover here, so I can't go on the full offensive trying to find him."

"I understand your frustration. I get the same feeling when some of our Ministry members refuse to see reason."

"Even after all that's happened, they refuse to believe Voldemort has returned?"

He sighed and nodded.

"Ridiculous," I pronounced. "I can accept ignorance, but willful ignorance? I'm sorry, sir, but I'd just blast them. But after all," I reiterated, "'I have a penchant for violent magic,' don't I?"

He smiled. "Have a good Holiday, and be certain to keep in touch."

"You, too, sir. Good luck with the Ministry. And, please inform her Majesty of the arrangements. You can test my wards yourself, if you like, as I'll be improving them the moment I return home. If you support my defenses, perhaps she'll let them live with me during the Holidays."

"Why do you want them to? You said that you're worried about having too many people to protect."

"I like them. I think we might become great friends. Besides," I added, "there's something that Lady Titania told me. I haven't figured it out, but I think it involves them."

He nodded. "I'll test your defenses. Then I'll tell her Majesty of my discovery. The decision is hers, however."

"Of course. Have a good holiday." I rose to leave.

He stared thoughtfully after me as I departed.

I returned to my dormitory where I found my exceedingly large bag had already been packed by the House Elves. I smiled and shrunk it to pocket-size and put it away. Shrinking it revealed Harry sitting on his bed talking with one of the House Elves who had large green eyes.

He saw me. "Time for me to go, Dobby," he told the Elf. "Have a good holiday."

"Dobby will," squeaked the Elf happily. "And Mr. Potter, too." Then Dobby turned to me. "You watch Mr. Potter carefully. Mr. Potter is a great wizard, a kind wizard. Dobby doesn't want him to be getting hurt."

I smiled. "Don't worry, Dobby," I answered in the Elven tongue. The large eyes widened in surprise. "I will watch over him. I swear it."

He nodded, seeming a little awed, and disappeared to continue his duties around the castle.

"What did you say to him," Harry asked.

"I told him I'd be careful."


"'Nother language. Don't worry `bout it. Shall we go?" The look he shot me was a little skeptical, but he let it drop.

The four of us took a carriage to the train station and then kept a compartment to ourselves. "Now look, you three," I said in my sternest voice, staring blatantly at Hermione, "I don't want there to be any problems with my other house guests. I want everyone to feel comfortable and at home in my home. So please; no squealing, harassing or anything like that. I encourage people to feel comfortable. You guys are used to me walking around in only a pair of pajama bottoms. If they, or you, feel similarly inclined, feel free. Nothing special about it, is that clear?"

They nodded. "What's William like," Hermione asked breathlessly. "Isn't Harry more your age," I joked. Harry shot me a frightened look. "Sorry. I meant Will's brother Harry."

"I don't care about Harry," she replied intently. "Tell me about William."

I gave up. "Fine. What do you want to know that you haven't read in all the teeny bopper magazines." Ron looked confused. "It's a magazine designed for young teen and preteen girls that talk about who the cutest boys are, how to dress, do your hair, and all that shit. Will's been in quite a few of those," I explained.

"Oh," he grinned, a look of mischief appearing on his face.

Harry took Ron's hand. "Don't even think of it," he warned with a smile.

"Of what," Ron protested innocently.

"You know what I mean."

"I do not."

"Yes you do. Now promise me."


Harry leaned in and gave Ron a quick kiss on the lips. "Promise me," he whispered.

"I promise," Ron's lips said, though I couldn't hear the words. Harry probably could as his lips were against Ron's in that instant. Hermione looked to me with that "why me" expression on her face as the two of them began all-out snogging.

"Don't you mind that," she asked me.

"Not really. Do you?"

"I'm their friend."

"So am I."

"I'm a girl. Girls aren't as upset by boys kissing as boys are."

"That's normally true," I agreed, "but as I helped them get together in the first place, I think I'm all right with it. Thanks for asking." I grinned viciously.

She sighed. "Speaking of which," I prodded teasingly, "how's Victor doing? Did you want me to invite him up for the holidays, too? I can, you know."

Her eyes widened in surprise and a bright flush filled her cheeks. "You-you-you..."

I caught her speechless! How hard is that to do to Hermione!? I gently patted her hand. "Now now, dear. It's all right. I was only joking."

For the next hour or so, I told her what I knew (which wasn't really THAT much, but she kept wanting it repeated) about William and Harry (except for that whole sleeping together thing). Then I pulled out my bag. "Hermione, I need to do some reading before we get there. I don't mean to be rude, but do you mind?"

She pulled out a book and flashed a smile. "Not at all."

Harry and Ron were dozing, with Ron resting his head on Harry's chest. Hermione and I shared a smile an "isn't that sweet" look and I pulled the book of Defense from my bag. I then began to peruse for wards that would be effective. After an hour, I'd found three, and I got to work memorizing the spell so I could have everything ready when we prepared for my other guests to arrive.

It took a few hours, and I was exhausted. YOU try studying centuries-old magic when two of your friends are snuggling and snogging right next to you. It's downright distracting. It was even more so when I looked over at one point to see Harry's hand was unconsciously down the front of Ron's trousers and there was a fairly noticeable bulge there (although whether that was Harry's hand or something else, I couldn't quite make out.) I rolled my eyes, wished for a camera, and continued my studying.

The train arrived in the evening and once we were back into the world of technology, I decided to show my friends some of the high life. I called for a limousine and shortly we were en route to my house in leather-bound luxury. I sighed, poured myself a drink from the excellently-stocked wet bar (Edradour single-malt scotch on the rocks. Good scotch.), and sat back. "I offer you the opportunity to choose your own bedrooms and to make yourselves at home. The gymnasium and other equipment in the basement are fine. I know you're all wizards, but please leave my casting room alone unless I'm with you. I've got a lot of volatile stuff in there," I informed them as we exited the limo in front of my manor. "Welcome to my humble abode," I grinned.

All three of them looked almost in awe as we stepped up to the door.

"Open," I said negligently. The door obediently admitted us.

I helped my guests choose their rooms. I, naturally, took the master bed/bathroom and Hermione liked the seaside decor in one of the rooms down the hall from mine. Harry and Ron took the first room up the stairs which was very much like a giant chessboard (brought back some memories, I suppose). After they'd settled in, I asked them to come shopping with me. We needed food. A lot of it. They agreed, and I pulled my car out of the drive and we were off. First stop was, of course, the bank so that I could get some Pounds Sterling for food and other entertainment. Ron looked around in wonder at all the modern conveniences of technology and Harry nudged him a few times to try to be less conspicuous.

We eventually got all the supplies home and I began placing the wards around and throughout the house while the others put away the groceries and had some hot chocolate to drink. Hermione graciously started a fire in the large central fireplace. Harry, Ron and Hermione gathered around and sat on the couch in front of the television while I brought a full-sized mirror into the living room. I set the gilded mirror down gently and pressed my hand against the glass. "Transmogro Avallone edro nal." The glass glowed brightly and shimmered as though the surface of a pond. Through it, we could see trees, bright sunlight and a warm smell of spring wafted through the air. The light was shadowed as a figure stepped through the mirror, tripping slightly from disorientation during translation. I held down my hand and helped Harry to his feet. "Matt," he exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Mmf. Hullo, Harry," I managed. He looked great: his sun-browned skin and healthy smile. He also seemed to have grown a bit stronger, as well. He turned and his smile froze. "I'll introduce you once Will is through. Move out of the way, you little maggot," I joked.

He shot me a look of false hurt and stepped aside as William also tripped through the mirror. He stood and gave me a hug, as well. "Matt. Good to see you," his deep voice reverberated in my chest as he squeezed. He'd gotten some sun and some work, as well, I noticed.

The glass shadowed once more, and the Lady stood in the wavering light. "Thus do I release my charges, young Master. Open this doorway not again, for what's done is done and cannot be undone."

"But Lady," I protested, "the danger to them is not yet passed!"

"You have grown enough to handle that danger. The way will be open but once more. You will know when. Until that time, fare you well. And remember the wonders of Avalon, my young princes," she admonished them.

Both bowed as the glow of the mirror faded.

They rose, and I turned them to face my three other guests. "Will, Harry, I'd like you to meet some of my classmates from school. Ron, Hermione, Harry, these are two of my friends. I'm sure you recognize them," I added snidely.

Wills shot me a dark look for that addendum, but I grinned impudently back at him. Once they'd all shaken hands-Hermione was still a little wide-eyed-I told Will and Harry not to worry. "Everything is set and the defenses are in place. It's all up to your grandmother now on whether you'll stay here with me during the holidays."

"Stay here," Harry inquired. "Why?"

I sighed. "The one who took you isn't gone yet, only in hiding. My defenses are beefed up here, which is why I asked Harry here to come, as well. You have a common enemy, and I'm trying to protect you all. The palace or your dormitories aren't safe enough."

"Oh," he sighed. "And I was hoping to be able to visit around."

"You can," I told him, "once your guards are with you. I know it's an inconvenience, but I think you've grown more or less accustomed to it. Haven't you?"

"I suppose we have," he agreed.

"So do we go back tonight," William asked me.

"It's up to you. I'm more than willing to drive you, but I think it would be better if you stayed here for tonight, at least. Until the final decision is rendered, I'd like to have had at least one sleepover where everyone wasn't inebriated," I joked.

"All right," he agreed, letting my comment pass by. "So what shall we do, then?"

"First off, is anyone hungry," I inquired. "I can cook or order a few pizzas, if you'd prefer."

Both Harrys jumped at the idea of pizza, so I placed the order. "Take it easy with a movie," I asked. Again, universal agreement, so I tossed 'The Crow' in the DVD. Ron stared in amazement at the television, and we worked for a while trying to explain it.

"Weird," he muttered, still disbelieving. "I think I'm turning in for the night, Matt," he said when it was done. "Good night."

"'Night, Ron," I answered, engrossed in the interview with Brandon Lee. Harry went up shortly after Ron (ouch. No pun intended there) and left Harry, Will, Hermione and I in the living room.

"Tomorrow, we'll go by the palace," I told the princes. "If you don't mind, I'll ask the others to come along. I doubt they've seen as much of it as I have, and that's nothing."

Wills shrugged amicably and Hermione whispered an excited thanks into my ear before rushing off to bed so she'd be 'presentable' the next day.

"So, tell me about what you did in Avalon," I said.

Harry began. "We stayed as guests of Queen Titania. It was amazing. She's so beautiful and so mysterious. Her power let her see all over the world and she asked us about it. We'd sit for hours talking with her about the changes the world has undergone since she'd last been here."

They continued excitedly for over an hour. They'd learned swordplay (of which I heartily approved) and archery. They'd hunted, fished and swam. Both managed a brief ride on a pegasus, something they swore they'd never forget. All in all, they seemed to be better off from when I'd left them.

Even more exciting were the people they'd met. Centaurs, fauns and pixies. Sprites, fairies and leprechauns. Dwarves, Elves and Goblins. Giants and Brownies. Even monsters such as harpies, gorgons and cyclopes were welcomed into Oberon's court. "Any cute water nymphs," I joked.

"Nereids or Nyads," Will countered.

"Both, smartass."

"Nah," she shrugged. I stared at him incredulously and he burst out laughing. "You should see your face!"

"Oh, ha ha," I bit back. "So seriously. Anything...interesting happen?"

"Harry made a friend," he grinned. Harry blushed a deep rose.

"REALLY? Who?"

"Go ahead, Harry. Tell him all about Ekrasios."

Harry shook his head.

"Come on, Harry," I pleaded. "I've been sequestered for the past few months, too."

We pestered him until he gave in. "All right. Ekrasios is an Elf. He and I got to be very close friends, all right?"

"I think there's more to it or you wouldn't be so abrupt," I teased.

"Oh, ALL RIGHT! We, sort of, well, you together." I burst into a coughing fit as my shock combined rather poorly with my drink.

"Did know..." Shit. Since when am I caught speechless?

"Bugger," he finished calmly.


"No. Wanted to, but the timing wasn't right."

Wills laughed. "What's so funny?"

"He means that he and I were almost always together, so he couldn't get some alone time."

"Oh." I grinned wickedly. "Cheer up, Harry. There's loads of fun things you can do with Will around. I point your attention to the last time you both slept over here."

Both of them flushed and laughed. "Speaking of sleeping," I continued, "it's a little later than I thought. I'm going to bed. You two, choose whichever room you like except the Chess Room and the Seaside Room." I rose and stretched. "Good night."

It was some time later when I was jerked from my sleep. I tensed immediately when I felt a presence next to my bed. Harry got in next to me and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for sending us to Avalon, Matt." I was surprised, but he settled immediately to sleep.

"Yeah," Will said from my other side, also giving me a hug and a peck as he slid in next to me. "And thanks for bringing us back. Good night."

And once again, I slept between two of the most beautiful young men I'd ever met.

Next: Chapter 12

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