My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Jan 6, 2008



This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 9

I have no idea how much time passed, but a lot must have. I opened my eyes, and the first thing that captured my attention was the full moon behind my head. While this scene is rather peaceful and serine, it only brings one thing to mind, I did it again. The feeling was odd. Michelle said that all girls experience this, but I've never been laid before. If it's the same as being a guy, then why couldn't I call my self to stop, or what happened to that little voice. I can't end up pregnant, for multiple reasons. The most important of which is the witch who wants to suck my energy dry.

I brush off the thoughts. `I can't think about that now. It's too late. I'll just get Michele to take me to a clinic in the morning.' I turn to my left, noticing for the first time a cover over me. I gaze at Aaron, who also is awake, but he seems disturbed, or worried.

"What is it?" I ask him in an almost classic post sex woman voice.

"Nothing." He turns the other way.

"You can tell me. Your upset about what we just did, aren't you." Kind of ironic if he is though.

Aaron rotates back towards me. "Well, its that, I shouldn't have done that. This is exactly what got, well.."

"Why your mom left your dad?"

"You know?"

"Well, I figured it had to be something since your mom seems to barely work, and you never mentioned him. But, your brother did fill me in on the rest."

Aaron stares down, upset at what he is hearing. "He wasn't suppose to say anything."

"You did nothing wrong. Okay so you did, but not alone. I came on to you."

"But I should have stopped it. I should have said no, but I couldn't."

"Aaron," I start sensing were this is going. "Your not a pig or a sex-a-holic. And its not because all guys are like that, and you weren't going to hurt my feelings, its just that..."

"No, I don't mean that. I mean its just that, I expected that I would want to stop. I wanted to just before you touched me, and then something happened. Like a switch in my brain." What he said sounds like one thing, but I think I know what he's getting at. His ability to stop himself, just like with me, was disabled. Then again, part of this spell was that all the boys that I meet would be just as horny as I am. It was my fault, again, but I can't tell him that. Of course, he continues, "Besides, I wanted something a little more, well permanent before I did something like this."

"You mean, like engaged, or married?"

"Well, yeah. I know it sounds old, specially for an American, but..."

"Wait a minute. Now which one of us comes from one of the most classically romantic cultures in the world? Besides, I'm Catholic, Roman Catholic, and my parents aren't rich, their struggling with two mortgages, dealing with two kids and all their crap, two car loans, a church bill that's threw the roof, and not to mention the insurance and the power went up again this month. If I get pregnant, my parents would probably through me out, or send me to a special school for `female teens who went astray.'"

"Why would your parents through you out?"

"Well," I stop and think for a moment, not to think of were I would get the idea, but more so, how to break it to him. "I have an older sister named Kim. She was my parents favorite, well, that's what me and my brother believed up till about a year ago. My parents caught her having sex, with another girl, and being the devout Catholics that they are, kindly showed her the door. My cousin, Michelle, took her in, and got her a job as a stewardess since she never did finish college, and no one wanted her working at McDonald's for the rest of her life."

"She's still serving drinks for a living." Aaron says as if a joke.

"Yeah, well the pays better, and there's more benefits. But, back to the point, I have more to loose than you do. Now, about the whole permanent thing, I sort of know what you mean."

Suddenly, the mood immediately changes as Aaron says, "If you were to get pregnant, I would marry you. And you'd just stay with me."

"Your just saying that."

"I mean it. I, well, have feelings for you. Besides, I would never let a child of mine run around without knowing me. I couldn't live with myself."

From the way he interacts with his younger brother, I think he's right. I was once told that the way I get along with Timmy is a sign that I would be a great father. I look at him to see the honesty on his face, and the same eyes that made me cave into him earlier.

"You really mean that, don't you?"

"I do."

"Well then," I say as I move in towards him, "Consider us engaged." The next day, that line Consider us engaged,' started eating me alive the second we left his cruise liner in the morning. Of course we cleaned up after ourselves before leaving, but engaged. If I do turn back though, he wouldn't remember any of this, but I still would. I'm not sure how much, but I think to a point, I honestly meant what I said. But I've only been a girl for less than a week, how can I already be ready to marry a guy. It must be some by-product of the spell. Its messed with my mind so much that I'm thinking like a girl. Like I thought earlier, my software may still be that for a guy, but the hardware is still meant for a girl. Of course, I still think there's something else going on in my mind. Like another spell, that must have been overlooked. I figure it must be cutting off my ability to mediate these feelings, or even say no to sex. Then there's the whole thing about me possibly being pregnant. According to health class, I wouldn't show one sign, or even get morning sickness for another week or so. So until them, I'm left with nothing but worries. Man, I miss being a virgin.'

We arrive at the hotel just in time to meet the others coming down for breakfast. Of course, we all play it cool, and act like we just fell asleep on the boat, and didn't here the storm clear.

After breakfast, I pull both Rachel and Michelle aside. "I'm in trouble." I tell them in a rather empty corridor heading to the pool area.

"You did it with him didn't you?" Michelle immediately asks.

"Why would, I, you, I." I had nothing to say, so I turn to Rachel. "You did something else to me didn't you?"

"Do what, what else, I did nothing else. You should be immune to what I did to you, well, except for your body, but..."

"But, I got down in front of him, and practically knocked him on the ground. I couldn't say no, matter a fact, no never came up. Then we talked, and the same thing happened to him."

"Well," She says looking perplexed, "Its possible that she place another spell on you. I was so tired, I wouldn't have detected it when she did it. If it's the type of spell I think it is, then I wouldn't have detected it, because I wouldn't have known to look for it."

"What spell?" Michelle says visually and verbally annoyed.

"Well, there's another type of spell I don't like to use. Its sort of a virus. Most are relatively undetectable if you're not looking for them, or don't know were to look. The reason being is that there technically not there until activated. I'm guessing she must have placed one on you that prevents you from stopping. It would make since as it is passable on to others, but only to those who meet specific conditions, and only for the amount of time they meet those conditions."

"So," Michelle starts, "Since you and Aaron were in heat last night, they both met the conditions, but afterward, it shouldn't affect him."

"Yes. Fortunately, and if we defeat it in you, it should no longer show in him at all, in any situation."

"Well that still does nothing for me right now." I say mad. "I still need to get one of those morning after pills."

As I stare at Michelle, who seems to be trapped in thought, Rachelle places her hand on my forehead, and then moves down to my waist.

"I feel something, but its, or there dead. I have no recent activity in you."

"What?" Michelle and I say in unison.

"Oh, I mean, I found the virus, but enough of that. I can detect a foreign substance in you, and lots of it, but it's inactive. Like the sperm died before they could impregnate you."

"Wait, it was last night, they should last another three days."

"They should, but these seem much older."

`There Mike's she's detecting. That's why they seem older.' "But what about anything new."

"Nope. Nothing."

"Wow," Michelle starts. "It appears that Aaron's shooting blanks."

`No, it can't be that. Well he does wear that tight fitting swim stuff, but that shouldn't cause it. Maybe, what I felt last night, what was missing. Did he pull out of me?'

"Well, whatever, your not pregnant, I detect no other presence inside of you."

"Good, now for the virus."

"I can't. Like traditional viruses, you must take a special medication in order to eliminate it. But I can call my mom, and have some sent to your house. Its should be there by the time we get back."

"Yeah, about your mom?" Michelle starts again, "what is she doing about this witch?"

"She's angry, and looking for her, but she hasn't found her yet."

"Great, I can't say no to sex, and there's a mad dingbat on the loose. At least things can't get much worst." I say not believing it myself. After all, didn't I say that on day one?

We proceed out of our little nook for me to almost run into one girl head on.

"Excuse me." I say as I manage to port round her.

"Jessie?" The girl asks.

I turn back and take another look at her face. It doesn't take long for me to recognize her. She's one of the other guy's in class, or, ex-guys. I think she use to be Howard Caplin.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?" I ask as if I care.

"Why, Its spring break. I'm hear for college guys. Got lucky all week. What abou..." Suddenly the girl's eye's glass over. She then turns and begins walking off.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Caplin I assume?" Rachel asks as she studies her work.

"Yeah, but what's up with her?" I repeat.

"Well, there is one thing that can be wrong." Rachel immediately fallows the girl. Curious both I and Michelle fallow her. She leaves the hotel, and starts walking, dazed out and down the walk. She proceeds all the way to the first bridge, and takes it to the main land. Her little trip takes her about a mile in land, down to a rather low end looking hotel. She goes to the first stair case in the two level motel and heads up to the second level. Proceeding around the open floor, she proceeds around the building until she gets to one of the hotel rooms. The door slowly opens, letting her in, and promptly closes behind her.

Rachel walks out to the door. There is an air of anger about her that I didn't know she was capable of. Of course I've only known her a few days.

"Not again." She says. She then throws her hands at the door, knocking it off the hinges. She then stomps inside, and we fallow.

Inside, is a site that is very disturbing. It's Ms. Hammond, and she has her hand on the other girl's stomach, similar to how Rachel's was on mine.

"What are you doing?" Hammond says infuriated.

"I'm stopping you."

"What? I thought we had an agreement young..."

"I never would have agreed to this if I knew you were destroying people's lives. My mother would have never agreed to this." Rachel yells at the would be teacher.

Hammond moves away from Howard, who I assume is still in a daze. "There men, they have no lives. For everyone of them, you know how many of use were beaten, killed, treated like garbage? They used use for there own personal uses, so I'm just returning the favor."

"No, your killing people. I know you have no intentions in doing the procedure properly. I see that now, and I won't let you go threw with it."

"So what are you going to do about it. I may not have been born a witch, but I'm still much more powerful than you, and who's going to come to your aid. Your mother isn't here, who are you expecting, those two." She then stops as she looks us over. Then again, as I look closer, she looking more at Michelle. "Ruin lives you say. I recognize you." She says as she walks towards Michelle. "Your Michelle Clancy, aren't you."

"It use to be Michel." Michelle says almost ready to attack Ms. Hammond.

"I don't know why your so upset. I heard you made out quite good for yourself. Went to UMD on a full scholarship, became a starter for that team in your freshmen year, won all kinds of awards. If this is what you call ruining ones life, then you have your priorities messed up."

"No, its you who have their priorities messed up. Its your fault she's dead, and yet you see the need to kill others just to get her back." By her I'm assuming she means Lester.

"She's dead because some man killed her." Hammond says as if she's rehearsed it.

"No she wasn't. She was killed because the two of you were drunk on the highway, dancing. Then she decided to run out into the street, and well, what do you think happens to flesh when hit by a tractor trailer doing eighty."

Hammond turns around with a nervous smile on her face. "It was driven by a guy, but no matter. I will bring her back, and I will go up to Boston and kill Cindy and her aunt's little coven. Then, no longer will I just turn men into whore's and sluts, but they will be made no more. I wipe them away."

"Yeah," I say for the first time in this whole conversation, "That will cause the species to go, well, extinct."

"I'm making provisions for that." Hammond says. "But since you three so kindly want to interfere, I guess I must deal with you first."

Suddenly, something knocks me out of the way. I have no idea what it is, at first, I assume its Ms. Hammond's doing, but I turn towards the door to see Sean and Aaron, both of which are holding a large fire hose.

"Now." Sean yells. Suddenly, the hose lets out a huge burst of water, knocking over both Howard, and Ms. Hammond.

After a few second of holding Hammond up against the wall, Aaron yells something, and the hose turns off. Hammond is left in a heap on the wall, a furious looking heap.

"You know," She starts, "That only worked in one movie."

"We know, that wasn't why we did it though." Sean states as he ushers towards the bed.

Oddly enough, the spot in which Howard was at earlier is now vacant. Then out of no were, a woman appears directly in front of us. She has a rather light brown hair, but this is about the only feature I can make out from behind. She is wearing a long black robe, but that's about the only thing I've seen so far that screams witch. She never bothers to turn around, she just stairs at Hammond.

"You." Hammond says.

"That's right, I spotted the boys following these girls here, and I saw an opportunity. Nice work using a masking shield by the way."

Hammond slowly, and clumsily, stands up from her puddle on the wall. "You knew."

"I didn't. But my daughter told me she needed help, and what was going on. I immediately realized what you were up to, and decided to plan an intervention. All the `boys' have been bugged. I placed a spell on them so I could track them, and so that none of them would be pregnant. Then it was a matter of producing a signal that would get you to come out. Halley, or Howard played that roll. Now its time for you."

"You can't do anything to me, I'm just a regular human as far as your little council is concerned."

"Not anymore. You may have had a masking shield up, but since there was a Trojan Hoarse in here, they were able to listen in on your conversation. Now, they consider you a threat to the natural order, and I can use any means at my disposal to eliminate you."

"You wouldn't."

"Your right. I'd never kill you, but I can punish you. I didn't want to do this, but you left me with no choice." She then sort of stairs back at the ground, as if upset at something. "You know. For the past twenty years, I've been following up on spells placed on innocent people. After a while, I started coming across people, people who had a specific signature, that I recognized. It was you, and your friend. You've been doing this. To too many people. We would have stopped you at that high school, but a few nears got involved, so we couldn't officially."

`Near? I assuming those were the half witches Rachel mentioned a few days ago.'

"Now, your doing it again. But it stops here. You were a good friend in college, and you taught me just how great people with out powers could be, and that a lot of the stereotypes were wrong, but you've changed since I left that book for you to find. I guess I miss judge just how well Marcie could teach you using real magic, and not the Wiccan religion of hers. So now, I've come to issue punishment for you."

"And what's that going to be?" Hammond question sounds a little bit apprehensive.

"Well, normally, as a human, I could turn you into a real sub creature, and let you live out your days as such, but I'd still like to believe that you're my friend, so I'll give you something I think you'll need more than anything, a second chance."

"So your letting me go?"

"Not that type of second chance. I hope to see you again." With that a slight glow appears around the woman. Then the same thing appears around Hammond. She instantly begins to shrink, but not a getting smaller sort of shrink, her body is regressing. At first she becomes more toned, her breast start to perk a little more, but it doesn't last long. She soon looses her breast, and her height. Her age goes from an estimated 16, to 13, to 10, to 8. Before long, she's swimming in her cloths, but the process doesn't stop there. She keeps going, quickly past 5, to 3, then to a newborn. I figure that's were she will stop, but no, she keeps going, to the point were there's nothing left.

"You killed her." I say immediately.

"She's not dead." Rachel speaks up. "She's been reverted to the point where's she's just energy."

Suddenly, a small point of light rises out of the pile of cloths and it flies towards the woman. Its stops short, allowing her to study it, but before I could get closer, it zooms off threw the ceiling, were we immediately loose it.

"Where's she, or it, going?" Michelle asks.

"She's going to be born again, and hopefully learn a little more about life."

The woman then turns around and looks over Rachel. "Hello Razi."

"Mom." `Razi?' Rachel and the woman, who is obviously her mother, hug. Eventually they break up. "I just have one question for you."

"And what's that?"

"Why are you wearing a bed robe?"

`It would be a bed robe.'

"Oh." Suddenly the robe transitions into a normal pink tank top, and shorts. "How about this."

"That's fine."

"So wait a minute!" Michelle starts. "You know what, If you were heading all over the place, turning everyone back, you couldn't come to my school and do the same!"

"Well, you see we have rules..."

"TO HELL WITH THE RULES!" Michelle yells. "My life has been screwed up for the past ten years and the only thing you can give me is a spiel about rules."

I hate to say it, but in this case, Michelle may be wrong. "Michelle." I start.


"Just cool it. Even you said, well you know."

At first, she seems like she wants to respond to that comment, but then she calms down. I guess after all those years of hating it, and to see that her end was so close the whole time, it's kind of an issue. But she does back down with no contest.

"I do have one question though." Michelle starts.


"I was told, because of some chromosome thing, I couldn't change back. Why is that different now?"

"Well, There's several ways around that, but Wiccan's and most other types of magic that regular people just pick up, they can't perform any of them. In most cases you can just filter a Y chromosome, but the easiest way is to mess with your Aura. You see, your Aura is very specific. Its emission is easily affected by everything you do, so if you modify the emission, you modify the person with immediate results, regardless of the genetic of the situation. Its one technique that requires a lot of focus, and training, but its so dangerous that most aren't even allowed to train for it."

"Like dad." Rachel suddenly says.

"Yes, well, your father was a practical joker, that's why he wasn't aloud to, but anyway we can easily do anything we need to right now if necessary."

`Yes, back to being a guy, so why aren't I happier.' I rotate around, and see the reason. Its Aaron, and he looks fine, at least on the surface. I pull him out of the motel, and down the outside walk way. Even a quickly approaching Stephan takes the hint, and diverts.

"So, you're a guy." Aaron says right off the back.


"So, Are you just..."

"No, no, its this magic stuff. They changed my mind so that I can't stop anything. Its what you felt before, you just can't say no. That was my fault, well Hammond's fault. But, that's not why I came out here." I take a deep breath. "For the life of me, I never thought I'd ever say this. Even three days ago, I'd never thought I would. I thought I change back, and take Rachel out on a date, but I met you, and this body, and my mind I just, I may, I think...I... have... feelings for you."

I don't believe I said that, but for some reason, I feel better.

"I feel the same. But I won't force you to stay. I figure, even if we don't stay, well, as we are, we can still be friends. No offences, but you're the best girl I've ever talked to." Aaron then presents that smile that sends shivers down my spine.

"Then we stay like this then."

"Okay. But I recommended we do something about that part of this whole thing."

"Right. But there's one thing though."

Back in the room.

"So," I start to ask Rachel's mom. "I don't want to be a whore, I don't want be some barely getting along idiot, so how can I have at least most of my old life back, without, well, you know."

"Well, normally, I wouldn't recommend changing reality, but I'm sure I can figure something out." She responds. Then she starts to glow again, then stops. "There you go. The spell placed on you that deactivates your inhibitions has been removed. You are back in your band, your grades are back, and you're a virgin once again."

"That was fast." I say not having felt a thing.

"So you're going to stay this way?" Michelle asks.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Well, look out for that time of the month, its going to be a pain."

"I'm sure Rachel will help you." Her mom suddenly says.

"I will?"

"Why not, you got her in this situation."


"Besides, its about time you go back to school young lady. I don't want you lying around my house into you late eighties."



"Were's dad?"

"He's with his father. Apparently his shop has come under some sort of scrutiny."


After that, we all left. Yes, we fixed the door, and the water damage. We enjoy the remainder of our time in Ft. Lauderdale having fun. We swam, went to a few arcades, and finally got to take some Seadoo's out. On the last day, Aaron's mom took us all out on the harbor, on her yacht. We cruised out into international waters fallowing a cruise ship, and then back again.

When we got home, things were different. Apparently Kim arrived back early. Her first, long hall training flight went perfectly, and she managed to organize it to end in Florida. She brought her girlfriend too, but where I thought my parents would be ready to run them both over, they were very excepting. They loved having her back, and having her `friend' over as they referred to her. Of course, they don't want to admit it to themselves what she realize is. But Liz is quiet nice, and I can see why Kim likes her. Of course, Timmy was happy to see everyone, and was somewhat upset over my decision, but I promised I'd never let my new feminine body get in the way of us being brothers.

That Sunday, the day I had been waiting for finally came. My once all boy band, from an all boy's school is now integrated. But that's mainly because now that school has a girl school counterpart. So the band's merged at some point. All my former friends are still my friends, and that night we brought the house down. I played my sax as I did before, and we played some of the big movie scores like the pros do. We even got a booking on a TV show oddly enough. When we dismounted the stage, and walked down to meet our parents, I happened to get a set of flowers from, of all people, Aaron. He, and his brother flew in and surprised me. They met my family, and while dad is a little intimidated by him, I can tell he likes him. I guess this could have ended much worst, but how will this all end...

Next: Chapter 10

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