My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Dec 24, 2007



This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 7

As I waited for my group to arrive, I sat and thought about the boy who disappeared into the water. I thought about his youthful appearance, his angelic smile, his perfect body, and why is my mind so wrapped around him. Yes, I have allowed myself to become obsessed with this boy. But so far, as I watch the horizon, I have not scene him on any incoming waves. Plenty of surfers have come in, and gone back out again, and unless it's like the departure runway to JFK airport out their, I assume he should have been in by now.

Of course, Sean's arrival left me little time to continue. Then the eventual arrivals of Michelle and Rachel saw me investing more time into setting up beach towels than worrying over a boy. Of course, Sean was the first to want to run into the water, of course, I followed. If I was going to spend my day on a beach, I wasn't going to spend it on the shore looking like some sort of idiot. I joined Sean in the water, and we began our rather informal play time. There was really no rules, or any formal activities. The whole idea was just to swim around, jump over or into incoming waves, or possibly even just see who could hold their position on the bottom the longest while the water ran out to sea. Eventually Rachel came to join us, but Michelle seemed occupied with a rather large book of her's. From what I could figure, it's a manual for some sort of aircraft.

"Apparently she's planning on applying for a promotion at her company." Rachel says noticing my glare at the book.

I'm not to surprised at this, she has often stated that the company she works for will max you out if your not willing to move up. In her case it means larger aircraft, and longer routes, I'm only surprise she didn't tell me.

"Well, I guess that's good." I say rather depressed to find this out threw Rachel.

I turn back towards the open sea to see several large waves heading in.

"Well, they look like fun." I say regaining my enthusiasm for the situation.

"So, you just jump threw them?" Rachel asks.

"Or under the, or you just stand up and try to take it full on." Sean remarks. "That's one thing about being were we are, there's little chance of really being sucked out and drowned because were in water that's only a few feet deep during the highest of waves."

She nods her head. Since were all kneeled down, it looks and feels as if were in five feet of water, but only an idiot would go out that far with nothing to float on.

The first set of waves sees me jumping into them. Of course, this makes my vision rather obscured as I left my goggles in the room. I settle on the surface, and try to dry the area around my eyes enough so that I can see without having to worry about water filling them. I can hear a rather large wave approaching, but think little of it. I figure its far enough away so that I could easily respond, and even if it isn't, I can simply stand up. I manage to dry most of the salt water when someone screams "Look out!"

In a panic, I open my eyes to see a yellow surf board bearing down on me. The surfer himself is slightly in front of the wave, and therefore not included in my calculation. With no were to go, I decide the safest place is down below the water. I dive down as deep as I can go in the shallow water. Basically hugging the ground, I am eventually met with the rather hard ramming of a soft yet rigid object. I surface immediately to check for damage and to see what hit me. Without even worrying about my eyes, I open them up to see him. It's the boy from earlier. From the looks of it, he bailed off his board so that it would move to the side instead of hitting me, but that didn't matter. I am immediately taken in by his perfect emerald green eyes. My heart starts to race and a warmth overcomes my body.

"Hi." I say in a rather muted, nervous since.

"Hi." His response only confirms that he to must have the same feelings that I do, or at least I think so.

Before I can say anything else, my mind all the sudden remembers the wave that I was tracking earlier. Still knelt down, and to taking in by this boy, I have no time to react to the seemingly ten foot wave that immediately encapsulates the both of us. Less that a second after that, were both under the water. Were knocked down under, and straight into the shallow bottom. As we hit, I can feel his body collide against mine. I immediately hug my arms around him, not out of shock, but out of sexual instinct.

After a few seconds go by, we both stand. Nether of us were prepared for that, and both needed that air the surface provided. We both completely stood out of the water, and gasped for breath. We then looked at each other, and laugh a little. Eventually, are two respective groups show up.

"Man, Aeron, you got creamed by that wave." The young boy I figured to be his brother says in a rather heavy accent that I'm not too familiar with. Of course, this being Florida, I'm sure it's not Hispanic. It must be European, and not a popular one at that.

"Yeah, I guess." Aeron responds in the same accent.

Yes!' I think. I fall for a guy from a foreign county. There's no way we can do anything now. He'll be off to some obscure land that I could never afford to go to.'

He then looks back at me. "Are you okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine, you?"


"I'm sorry I got in your way." Remembering how this all started.

"No, its my fault. Surfers are always supposes to look out for swimmers. They own the beaches, well, except for competitions." His smile at the end of that sentence causes my body to burn, including my face.

"So, were are you from?" I ask instinctively.

Out the side of my eye I can see his brother roll his eyes.

"Venez sur Aeron, vous avez entendu ce que la maman nous a dit. Nous avons seulement assez de temps pour un plus couru." His brother suddenly yells in what must be their native language.

Aeron looks at him and responds, "Wille, den du auf einer Minute hältst. Wir haben viel der Zeit."

Okay, not surely sure were there from, but I'm betting those are two different languages.

His brother gives him some sort `I don't care, speed it up' look. Aeron turns to me, and continues, "How about we talk some other time. Are you doing anything at seven?"

"Sort of, I'm going to a dinner..."

"For the yacht show?"

"Yes. Actually."

"That's what were here for to. How about we meet up in the lobby after dinner"


He then takes his board, which is only a few feet away, and starts for the open water with his brother in tow.

After a long pause, I remember were I am and look around. Both Rachel and Sean are still playing in the surf, and I don't think they would have noticed anything. I decide its best to head in, and lick my wounds.

Upon arriving back at my towel, I lay back, and hope the sun can dry of some of this salt water. Of course that's when a set of clouds roll in.

"Having fun?" Michelle suddenly asks. I look over to her. She appears to not have even taken her glance out of the book entitled Boulevard Airlines Boeing 777 Training manual.

"Why didn't you tell me you were trying to get a promotion?" I asked.

"Well, we've been a little busy talking about other things. Like you now dealing with pumps, dresses, bra's, and boys."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I saw the way you looked at him. I've been watching you while doing other things for years, you don't think I can't do it while looking at a book that's features tons of pictures?"

I guess she could. And she is telling the truth. While we've been close cousins she's still older than me and often responsible for me when we go places. I sit up, and decide that this may need to be reviewed.

"Its not what you think." I obviously lie.

"Yes it is. You're a girl that was made so that you could hump any man within a fifty mile radius. You told me that yourself, even if not in so many words. Your mind is wired like a girl's. Trust me, I know. I've...been there."

I look down at my lower body. Instead of looking at a flat stomach and a pair of swim trunks, all I see is a red bikini top, and bottom, and breast invading my view of my stomach. "How did you deal with this?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I just did. But you found out faster than I did. Its not as hard for you to transition simply because you know that there is a way back for you. You knew you weren't being betrayed, but this was only for your own good at the time. Unlike other kids, you've never really been a problem when being punished. Its as if you knew someone always had your best interest at heart. Me on the other hand, I knew it was for something petty, something I could have lived without. I wanted to be a pilot before I was transformed. But afterwards, I had hopes of a basketball career in the then promising WNBA. I didn't care much about anything else, except for boys. Then I realized what happened. Then I was told there was no way back. It completely destroyed me. So I decided to relive my male dreams as much as I could." She pauses, as if what she is about to say has been hard for her to except. She even places the book down, and stairs hopelessly into the sand. "To be honest, this may have gotten me what I wanted in the first place. At first, I figured the Air Force was my only way into a cockpit, but I never liked the idea of killing others, or even taking others or things to kill or be killed. I couldn't support that. As a girl, a new optioned opened, because a top school in Maryland opened recruited me. Then, one day, I say a training course being taught in on of the classrooms. I stayed, and at the end, before I could escape, I was called forward. The teacher had seen me enter. He asked me a lot of questions, of which I answered. He even gave me a number, and a website for the student pilot training program the airline had going. So I called. They had a system that would train me from the private license I already had, a sort of carry over from when I was a boy, to a full commercial license. From there, I got a job with the company, and since they were experiencing such a huge growth, and I didn't mind relocating, I advance quickly threw the company. I went from ATR's to 767's in less than a decade. While most other airlines were struggling, mine decided to take advantage of all the cuts in competitors route, and exploded in growth. I would have never had that opportunity as a guy. Honestly, I hadn't heard of the state of Maryland before that. Now, I'm set to go back for my triple seven international route training course."

"But I thought you wanted to stay domestic?"

"Well, there is another reason why I decided to apply. You see, I have a co-captain that I often fly with. Matter a fact, were always stuck on the Los Angeles to Boston run because of a shortage of co-pilots qualified for the aircraft. We decided to that we would apply together for one of the big international routes that play twice as much, and often carry two crews, like the one to Japan out of Ft. Lauderdale."

"Wait, is he a he?" I asked as carefully as I can.

"Yes. I wouldn't even started liking him if it wasn't for his son. He brought him along one day, and I fell in love with him, then with him. You know, I've been a girl now for ten years. My mind still has all that female training in it that does nothing but prepare me to have children and be a mother. For the longest time, I've felt like there's been something missing. Now I know what it is. I hate to say it, but I've hated being a girl every since I realized what was done to me. Now, its become a part of me. Even if your friend can change me back, I'm not sure I'd let her. But, I would have her place a spell on Tristan, to make sure he could never have this happen to him unless he wants it."

I didn't believe it. After everything about her began making such perfect since, she then pops a new one on me.

"So, none of that would have happened if you had found out." I say softly and still looking over my modified body.

"Yes, well, things just happened to work out for me. I mean, if I had done things the way I was going to, and gone to that school up in Daytona, I would probably be stuck working in some job I never cared for. It just so happened I met a guy in charge of hiring, and before they changed a lot of their policies, and before planes were being used like missiles. All that would have happened if I was or wasn't a girl. But, because I was I managed to get lucky. But you haven't been one long enough to have any such life changing events happen to you. You can still change back in be none worst the wear. I'm just saying, what your going threw could be good, but it could be bad. But, like any other girl now, you would have to evaluate that for yourself."

She then picks up the book and starts reading, but I need to tell her about the one missing part of this whole situation.

"I had sex." I suddenly blurt out.

Michelle drops the book again, and immediately turns to me. "What!?"

I take a deep breath. I begin to explain the situation with, oddly enough, Mike. I say how I couldn't control myself, nor did I know what to do afterward. I tell her that there was nothing used.

She takes a deep breath, and then looks me over, I guess looking for some sign if I might be pregnant.

"Does she know?"

"No. Neither does anyone else."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. The science on pregnancy changes from one girl to another. You could get pregnant, or not. But if this witch is out to make you pregnant, then odds are you might be. Then again, she wanted you to become a whore, so it may only still be the luck of the draw. It may explain why she needed many in hopes of getting lucky. Then anyone else who did get pregnant would just lead to bragging rights."

Great, that's nice to know.

"So, what should I do about Aeron?"

"Well, what did you plan on doing?"

"I planned on meeting up with him after the dinner. That's all, but I'm not sure I can trust myself with him."

"Yes, well, these feelings are nothing different from what you dealt with as a guy. Yes, they seem much greater, but all and all, there the same. All you need to do is control them, and if you do think he is right for loving, then get a condom. But tell me right afterward. We may have to do something if that fails."

"Like what?"

"Well, this is Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami is only a few miles to the south. There has to be a free clinic some were around here?"

"Your not talking about an abortion are you. I could never do that, I'm catholic for crying out loud."

"I'm talking about a morning after pill. But we'd have to act fast."

"But isn't that the same as..."

"No it isn't, and besides, do you want to go home, explaining to your parents why you got pregnant on the first time you went on a trip with friends. They'll ether lock you up, or kick you out like Kim."

She's right, but Kim wasn't pregnant.

I decide to just fall back on the towel, and stare back up at the sky. "Oh boy, now I know were those for abortion people get their argument from. I wonder if there's another way."

"There is, its called abstinence."

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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