My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Dec 22, 2007



This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 6

The next day finds Rachel, Michelle and I on our tiny Brazilian made jet waiting for clearance to leave. In the three abreast plane, Michelle sits on the far row of single seats, while Rachel Marset and I sit on the left. By luck, I received the window seat. Its only a shame its such a short flight. As for Sean and his parents, they left on an earlier flight, and will meet us at the airport.

"So," Rachel all the sudden speaks up, "What did your brother mean by deal last night?"

"Uh," I try to make something up, but the more I realize it, I really don't have to keep that up, so why lie. "Well, I said that for not telling mom and dad about us in bed, I would do it for him to see." I say it in a whisper so the people in front of us don't here.

"Oh, well, that's interesting." She says rather flatly. "But, if you said you would, I will gladly go along with it."

I couldn't tell whether she was lying or telling to truth. "You must be kidding."

She looks at me as if trying to figure out what I mean. `I guess she would be willing to go threw with it.' I think to myself.

"Well," I start trying to shift things, "I'll be back to normal, and as far as that goes, he still won't be able to tell mom and dad anything because they won't believe him."

"Yes, but that would imply him remembering everything."

"He does, oh yeah, I've meant to ask you about that."

"Huh, he remembers?" Her facial expression is one of complete surprise. "I could see your cousin, but your brother as well?"

"No, he's worst. He has no memory of me as a girl." Thankfully the other engine powered on just as I said that. No need having the other people on the plane thinking I'm some sort of nut. "He didn't even know who I was until he overheard us that night."

"What do you mean, overheard us?"

"You know, you sort of came onto me in your sleep." I say as the seat belt noise goes on and off.

"Martha, be seated for takeoff."

"Oh, that. I thought I dreamt that." Her face turns a bright shade of red as she looks at the ground.

"Oh, well, you did."

I look past Rachel and see a smile spread across Michelle's face. `If she can here us, then I guess everyone else can to. When do we take off so this thing can get loud.'

I look out the window to see a plane landing on an intersecting runway. Are plane is stationary on our own, and probably won't move until the other one stops.

"Do you think your brother has been expressed to magic before?" Rachel asks.

"No, I don't think so. He was even too young to know Michelle as a guy."

"Has anything happened to him over the years?"

Just as she says that, our planes engines power up. The aircraft immediately begins racing down the runway. I look outside, hoping to enjoy the view, but Rachel's question begins to eat me alive. That's one event in both our lives I don't like to relive.

Its not until the small jetliner takes to the skies do I say anything.

"Well, yeah. You see, when I was seven, and he was four, we were in Colorado for a ski trip. Of course, a blizzard blew in, and we got trapped at a log cabin in the mountains. Of course, we tried getting down hill during a break in the storm, but Timmy slipped down the hill and hit a tree head on and hard. I made my way to him and found he was unconscious. I got us back to the cabin we were in from the beginning, and put some snow on his head. I tried talking to him, rubbing him, I even hugged him as I fell asleep that night. I did that for two days when they finally came. When we arrived at the hospital, they said he suffered a major concussion, and was in a coma. Me and my sister never left his side. Mom and dad eventually managed to get in from the lodge. But he still hadn't even moved. One day, about a week latter, the doctors determined that the machines were the only thing keeping him alive, and that he was brain dead. They were discussing pulling the plug. So while everyone else was out of the room, I asked him to wake up, and he did. Matter a fact, he was fully awake, as if nothing happened. After we talked for a while, we found out he was aware of everything, the bump on his head, that night, the helicopter ride. He just said that for some reason, he found it hard to figure out how to move any part of his body. Since then, he's showed no signs of anything associated with a brain injury. He even walked out of the hospital that week under his own power. Then ran into a McDonald's wanting real food."

The plane reached the beach and banked hard right. From here it should follow it south to Fort Lauderdale.

"Wow." Rachel says. "I didn't know, but that could be what triggered it. Do you remember how his memory was before the incident."

I turn to her. "About average, why?"

"How about now?"

"Now he seems to remember everything. Even stuff he only glances at, but why?"

"That would explain it then. For a lucky few, a head injury can release parts of the brain that couldn't be used before. He had a side effect, and it was his ability to gain, and store memories, sort of like a photographic one. Its hard and long to explain, but the only type of spell that would change reality enough for him not to be immune is one that changes time, and only a few people can do one of those, and live threw it."


"Takes a lot of energy, that's all."

"That' sounds familiar." Michelle says from the other side of the plane.

I wanted to ask her what she meant by that. She said it loud enough to be head over the engines, yet, when I turned to her, she simply turns away.

"Huh, I'll just be happy when this whole thing is over." I complain. The plane touches down from its forty five minute journey perfectly on time. We meet up with Sean and his parents in baggage claim, head to the rental car desk, and then head on down town. The hotel we pull up to is completely new. The glass, skyscraper is an obvious departure for the rather art deco looking buildings, but its still nice and is loaded. Lightly colored marble, dark woods, and a fountain decorate the lobby. The halls are richly appointed with high quality, textured wall paper, and the rooms are excellent. The room is a large, two bedroom suite. Inside one of the rooms is a two queen room with adjoining bathroom. The view from the room is equally excellent, even though its mainly of town. The master bed room gets the ocean view. But we are on the twelfth floor and that more than makes up for that. After all, we have a perfect view of the docks were all the yachts are lined up at.

"So how are we going to handle sleeping arrangements?" Sean all the sudden says.

As I look at the window at the view, habit decides to answer his question. "I'll just share a bed with you, and Michelle and Rachel can sleep in the other bed."

I turn around to see Sean's face completely red. At first, I was wondering what was wrong with him, but a sudden feeling of hair dangling down my back reveilles the problem with that suggestion.

"Oh, well, I can trust you right?" I say, trying to lighten the mood.


"Besides," Michelle starts up, "I'll be here the whole time."

Sean nods his head. "Okay, well, I'm going to go and get the show schedule from my parents." He then leaves the room. Rachel closes the door behind him.

"What was that for?" I ask her.

"Because, we need to get dressed."

"Why?" Michelle and I ask in unison.

"Why, were at a beach in the spring that's why. You don't just go around wearing any old thing. You need to put on beach wear."

"I ask again, why?"

"So, we can enjoy ourselves."

"I guess." I say, trying to think over her rationalization.

"Well," Michelle starts, "Jessie can get dressed up, I'm not."

"Why not?" Rachel asks.

"Because, I don't have any beach wear."

"You don't have any swimwear?"

"I have a swim suite."

"Okay then, lets see it."

Michelle takes out the one piece suite from her suite case. Honestly I can see what she means. The swim suite seems mainly meant for swim competition, not looking good in.

"Well I cannnnn..., you know what, lets see what else you have." Rachel says as she dives in the suite case.

I know exactly what she was about to say. I can change that into a two piece for you. But she knows very well Michelle is rather sensitive to this magic stuff, and that wouldn't fly well with her.

"Her you go, you have a nice pair of shorts. Just wear this with the bathing suite and you'll be fine." Rachel says with her usual smile. I know Michelle wants to say no, but even she realizes Rachel is trying hard not to offend her. So she takes the cloths and heads into the bathroom.

"Now, what about you?"

Within ten minutes, Rachel has me in a red bikini with the light white shirt, and shorts that she picked out yesterday. Michelle comes out and looks the two of us over.

"Well, isn't that a sight." She says. It doesn't help that Rachel has her arm around me. Rachel herself is also wearing a very similar outfit, the main difference being her swim suite is blue. Michelle herself though doesn't look all that bad. Truthfully, she's hot, even in the one piece red suite and shorts. "So, were did you two get dressed?"

"I didn't look." I say as I turned towards the door. Honestly, I would have, its just that Rachel just popped her cloths on. There was nothing to see. So I just open the door were Sean is standing at patiently.

"I got the schedule." He says happily. He walks into the room, and sits on the corner of the bed.

"Okay, today, nothings happening till six. That's when the boating association is having a dinner for everyone, Its formal, so I hope you guys brought something. Then tomorrow the show opens. They have wave runner test drives, and a few harbor tours on the yachts. There's also an entry for a beauty contest tomorrow too."

While I'm sure Michelle shares my sentiments on that, I can tell that Rachel is ecstatic.

"How old do you have to be to enter?" She eagerly asks.


"Well, looks like you barely make it Ms. Marset." I say joking around.

Sean thinks for a little bit. "Marset. There's a teacher at school named Marset. I here she's new."

`Man, news travels fast.'

"Well, any way," Sean starts back up, "They also have a few other things going on, including a closing dinner."

"Well," Michelle starts, "I guess that's not that bad."

"Yeah, and since nothing starts until six, I say we head down to the beach!" While Michelle and I had are reservations, Rachelle's suggestion eventually won out, and we all pilled out to the beach. Are hotel, somewhat positively, wasn't located on the actual beach. We actually have to walk across Ft. Lauderdale Beach boulevard in order to get there. That was made easy by a bridge. Of course, once we got onto the beach, I suddenly became glad I live in Jacksonville. The beaches here are crowed, and its only eleven in the morning. There is people everywhere, and it seems as if every square inch of real estate is taken. We head up to the actual shoreline and look around. Its easier to spot availabilities here as most the people actually aren't in the water.

"Well, I say we split up." Michelle suggests. "I'll take north up on the beach. Rachel you go threw the middle headed North, and Sean you go south threw the middle. If anyone finds something call the others on their phone."

We all agreed. Figuring the last direction that wasn't mentioned wasn't given, I took it as my cue to go south on the beach. I figured that walking in the surf would be nice since I have the opportunity. So as the others head on their way, I take off my sandals and head a few more yards towards the water. With seconds of hitting the dark dirt, a small bit of water hits me bellow the ankles. The feeling is exhilarating as it provides a perfect contrast to the high eighties heat. I start on my way down at a leisurely pace. To be completely honest, I've never really gone to the beach, even though I live only about four miles from one, and when I do go, I find it more interesting to walk down, and look at the idiots back in the sand.

Instantaneously, I stop looking for places to sit, and start watching the people. I first look to the land and watch all the women sitting there on their beach towels, trying to get the perfect tan. In the middle of my path, directly ahead of me, play the little children and the family members. There usually always the best to watch, as its usually most of the little kids first day at the beach. So there always doing something. Of course, right now, it seems to be sandcastle building time, so nothing really interesting. Then I look to the water. Out there, mainly the males, are out swimming, or even surfing. The water is actually to calm at the moment to do anything realistic, but it seems good for a lot of the young kids out learning the ropes. Some of the guys are actually quiet cute. Most are in excellent shape, some are even built quite well. Most bear the huge chest out in the open for all to see. Those tend to instructing the little kids like a god over his people. Some could even pass for one. Especially one with the dark brown hair, perfect smile, and teeth so white I can see them from here. He must be in his early twenties from the look of it and... What the hell am I doing.' My mind suddenly registers. Its just then do I register the reaction between my legs. As I look the guy over, my special area gets somewhat warm, and tingles. I can even feel a streak of fluid beginning to ooze down into my swim bottom. I'm getting hot. This stupid body is even more sensitive than my male one. I guess my mind must also still be that of a girls as well, even though the software is running Straight Male ver. 2.0.'

I take my gaze to other points of the water. Of course, I end up falling one of the guys students. He looks to be about my age. He to is built, and rather hot looking in the face. His muscles are well defined. He does nothing to calm the reaction of my body, which is all the time getting hotter.

Stop it!' I yell to myself. You know what, since you can't seemed to control your body, and are quickly loosing control of your mind, face the shore line. There's no guys up here anyway. Or at least no guys worth looking at.' My mind notes the rather fat guy I saw earlier sunbathing.

I turn to face forward when I see him. He's gorgeous, and even though my mind wants to turn away, every other part of me wants to jump his bones. There's only one word to describe him, and that's hot. His skin is an almost perfect bronze. He has nice, rather flowing blonde hair with green eyes. His face is rather boyish, but in a way that broadcasts his cuteness. His face is free of all signs of the skin issues facing a lot of people my age. His body is rather toned, not muscular, but perfectly tone. He must work out for agility sports. However, what muscular definition he does have lies in his perfect, yet muted six pack. To make matters worst, he is wearing a pair of Speedo briefs. I have a perfect outline of his cock from here. It seems rather on the small side, but then again, I remember just how small mine got when the last thing on your mind is sex. But if it is in its `up right and locked' position, then he's actually sporting a quite large Marvin. I figure at the moment its about only two, to three inches, but extended it could be as much as nine.

At the moment, the boy is overlooking the ocean, with another by his side, all while holding a full sizes surf board. The younger one looks a lot like him, and could easily be his brother. He to is holding a surf board. Suddenly, the boy darks back to the shore line. My gaze fallows his. A woman on the beach seems to be calling to him. Judging by her removal of some belongings, I guess she's going back to her hotel. Of course, the space she leaves is now big enough for me and my group. I start to detour, but decide to take one last look at the boy before I go up. I look at him, are eyes instantly meet. Apparently, as I was staring at the abandoned spot, he must have turned back and spotted me. His look is so striking and so erotic, that I can feel my body to begin to pulsate and want him. My crotch quickly burns and moistens while my nipples begin to become tender. He smiles at me, and I instinctively smile back, all while pushing my hair back from in front of my face, mainly do to the wind. My face begins to burn as I see his positive response to this unintended flirt, but I don't care. Suddenly, his brother grabs his attention. He stares back over the water, says something and the two head out into the sea, but before he does, he sneaks one last look, as if to say good bye. He then refocuses, dives into the water, and paddles off.

I reach the spot not taking my eyes off him for a second. My entire body feels as if it is on the verge to a mini orgasm, but my mind manages to take over, and I call my friends.

By the time I finish, the boy and his brother disappear into the waves. I can only pray that I see them again.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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