My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Dec 20, 2007


Disclaimer. This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 5

As I dream, I can swear I feel something hitting me. I now that that tends to happen when dreaming, but this seems different, like its coming from the outside world. I open my eyes. I immediately realize that its not Marset. She's to busy dreaming away. Of course the two of us are still holdingmgper...

Oh no.' I think to myself. Please let it be Michelle, please let it be Michelle.' I rotate around and low and behold, its not Michelle. Its my little brother Timmy. To make matters worst, he has a tie and dress shirt on.

"Uh, Jessie, its time to get up." Well, that's not good.

"You know, its not what you think."

"Yes it is. I saw you kissing last night." `The pervert.' "Of course, it was kind of fun to look at."

I rip my arms away from Marset, and go to attack my little brother. "You can't breath a word of this to mom or dad. You know what happened last time."

By last time, I don't mean me. Not as a guy or as a girl.

"Don't worry, I doubt they would believe my older brother is now a lesbian."

I was shocked and disgusted at the same time.

"How do you know?"

"Actually, I was trying to figure out who you even were, that is up until last night. Then I overhead you two talking. Are you going to stay a girl now."

"Listen, as far as mom and dad are concerned for the time being that's what I am, your sister. Okay. But you can't tell them about last night, got it?"

He nods enthusiastically. "Fine by me. But on one condition."

"And what is that?" I ask still ready to feed him to a shark.

"That you to let me watch. And none of that you turn back first, I want to watch you as a girl."

"Fine, whatever." I say just to get rid of him.

"Good. Now, get ready for church." He then walks out of my room and closes the door.

Actually, I'm not too surprised by him overhearing us last night. He often comes by at night and tells me stuff about his day when we don't talk during the day. I guess after all these years, were still extremely close. I do remember having that feeling yesterday.

I decide I better just get ready, so I hop out of bed, and go threw my things. `What does a girl were to church?' I think to myself. Of course, most of my forged girl self memories, while badly damaged and almost dream like, are still present. Of course they appear to be only the memories I had while I was a girl, no other information is present. Fortunately, I passed a peace of clothing that gave me the impression of church cloths. I go inside of the dresser, and open it to retrieve what I was thinking of. It's a pair of black tights. Of course, they cover a bunch of fish nets, something my mother would kill me if I wore. I pull out the tights and drop them on the bed.

`So if I wear tights, that means...' I leave to the closet, and open it up. In one area are a bunch of conservative dresses, just like the ones every girl wears to church.

"Man, I don't want to wear this." I say upset.

I look for the one that shows the least leg. That's few. I guess it must have been fallout from my mom and sister's debate in the old days.

Fortunately, the few that are the least revealing are next to each other. So I just close my eyes and grab at one. I open them to revile the dress. It's a satin one that is a dark shade of blue. The dress is about knee length, but not much longer. Well, considering the rest are skirts, I guess this will have to do.

I take the dress and place it on the bed along with the tights. I then pick up a towel and head to the bathroom. Fortunately, my brother has been done for a while. So I simply cruise on inside, close the door, and turn the shower on. I take of my night close and place them inside of a hamper and hop under the water. While I still have memories of cleaning myself as a girl, the experience is rather unusual. I decide to make it as quick as possible, while still hitting the spots I know I should hit. After all, I was still in the middle of health class when this all happened. I still remember what they said about feminine hygiene as it was suppose to be on the test.

After taking a shower, I head to my room were I dry off as much as possible. Fortunately, it looks as if Marset went off somewhere. `As long as she isn't making more trouble for me.' I think to myself. I then figure its time to get dressed. I retrieve a pair of panties and bra and quickly place them on that is after tumbling with the bra clasp for a few moments. I then pull on the tights and then slip into the dress.

"Now what?" I say as I look around the room. `I'm fully dressed, so I guess the only thing left is shoes.'

I have no idea what I'm in for as I open the closet where all the shoes are parked. There are hordes of them, and an overwhelming percentage are high heeled.

"Oh, come on." I say as I begin looking over the rather poorly assembled fleet. There are boots, open toed, sling backs, sandals, even ballet flat. After what seemed like forever, I unearth a pair of standard shoes in a heel I think I can manage, and that has a sole thicker than a piece of paper.

I slip them on, and secure the strap. Making sure to stand slowly, I pull my self from the corner of my bed, and try to balance myself. I find the task very easy as the heel is very thick, even though its about two inches tall. I carefully proceed out my room, and down stairs. Of course just about everyone's there, including Marset. There all eating breakfast.

"Hey Jessie, why didn't you tell us you had a friend over?" Dad starts. "If we knew you were entertaining, we would have let you stay home today."

`Yeah, forgot that rule.'

"Sorry, but..."

"Seeing as your dressed I guess you can still go." Mom suddenly says.


So the whole family heads of to church. That includes my cousin. Marset on the other hand gets to go home. So as usual, we pass into the church and take our normal bench and wait for the procession to start. Do to dumb luck, I'm stuck on the end of the family, so I get to sit next to the Henderson's. While half way decent people, they tend to smell like their restaurant, so I end up hungry a quarter of the way threw the service. I stare straight forward, not wanting to see their approach, but a tap on the shoulder calls my attention to my left. There sits Sean Mitchel. He's basically my best friend in the whole world, well as a guy that is. But if this spells still going on, he could be my worst enemy. Sean himself though is not what you would call a guys guy. He's rather short, shrimpy, rather feminine looking both genetically, and in how he maintains his looks. This look does hide how fast he is on the track, and in the pool. He's also the smartest kid I know (of course, with a 4.0 G.P.A. its sort of hard to beet that). I try to ignore him, but its sit down time, and everyone is still carrying on small conversations.

"Hey Jessie." He says.

I don't like this. For years I've wanted his family to actually come so they can sit next to me, and not the people who smell like food.

"Jess?' He calls again.

"Oh, hey Sean." I finally give in.

I turn over to him, and for the first time, I see just how handsome of a boy he really is. He has deep green eyes, and luxurious light brown, almost blonde hair. His skin tone is a flawless light tan. His feminine features only make him more sexy looking, as it makes his more masculine features softer.

"Hey," I say in a rather cute girl voice. `Stop that.'

"So what are you doing over the break?"

`Huh, well, I guess this spell is complete. Sean was on that band with me, and he knew that we were to spend the majority of the week practicing. Now, I guess he has no idea.'

"Nothing ." I say rather disgusted. "You?"

"Actually, I was going up to Fort Lauderdale for the boat show. Wanna come?"

`The Fort Lauderdale boat show. It's a Mecca to large boats, yachts, and every related. He use to go every year, but this was to be the first he skipped. Of course, I've never been because my cousin always comes about this time, and well, she is family.'

"I'm not sure if I can." I say quietly. "You see my cousin is in town."

"Oh, you mean her with the red hair?" Sean says. `Of course he knows who she is, he's met her before. Matter a fact, he's had a crush on her for years.'


"Oh. Well..."

"But I can ask my parents." I say quickly. I have to admit, its not something I would have normally said like that. They never let me go before, and these trips, Sean is usually on his own while his parents are working. I know they should say no, but why not try?

"Hey, mom, dad?" I whisper over.

"What is it dear?" Mom ask.

"I was wondering. Sean's going down to Fort Lauderdale for the boat show, and I was wondering, if I could go with him?"

And here comes the no.

"Well, I'm not sure?" She says looking at dad.

Dad lets out a huff. Overall, I don't think he cares, but... "I don't think it's a good idea. Your cousin is here." That's what I figured. He doesn't want to be left alone with Michelle. Of course, help was about to come from an unexpected source.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind going to Fort Lauderdale." Michelle suddenly speaks up. "Besides, I can keep an eye on her."

My dad's facial expression immediately changes. "Well, if you have supervision, then sure, I guess its okay."

I can tell my mom was annoyed by that, but since it was already said, there was little she could do. That night I packed for Fort Lauderdale. Of course, what I was packing I didn't like. But for the moment, I completely forgot about the negativity of my situation. Yes, I'm a girl, and yes I still don't like it, but I've always wanted to go, and so I might as well take advantage of the situation.

"I've always wanted to go to Fort Lauderdale." Marset says.

"Yes, well, unless you have the money for the ticket, I afraid you can't come. Nothing personal, but we got socked with last minute rates. Its going to be a hundred dollars just for me."

"How is your cousin getting down?"

I shrug as I grab some underwear. "She has a ton of frequent flyer miles, of course it helps to work for the company."

"She can come." Michelle says as she walks in the door.

"Yeah, I've told you before, please knock?" I respond to her intrusion.

"Why, the way you've looked at me at times, I'd think you want me in here more often."

She has me there.

"What do you mean by I can come?" Marset asks.

"Well, you know my company operates the Florida inter-connecter shuttle. I just called the employee travel desk, and they say the flight that we're getting on is predominantly empty. So we only have to pay about twenty bucks a person."

"Wow, good to work for an airline." I say.

"Good to work for my airline, they don't layoff."

"Well," Marset starts, "I guess it does help to currently be the fastest growing airline in the world."

Michelle shrugs, "I guess. So I just need your name and that's it."

"Its Rachel Marset."

Michelle nods, and heads back out the door.

`Her first name is Rachel.' I think to myself. It's the first time I've actually heard it.

Rachel then looks at me pick a bunch of shirts at random out of the dresser. "Hey, you can't do that." She yells.

"Why not?"

"Because, your headed to a beach city." She then proceeds over to my dresser. She then picks out a bunch of bikinis, all more tasteful that what I wore yesterday. She then grabs some silky underwear and bras. She neatly places them all inside of my suite case, and heads over to the closet. There she picks out a few more tropical looking attire, such as thin, somewhat transparent shirts meant to be worn with a bikini, thin material skirts for the same purpose, and then finally some regular cloths. All of those, of course, all match perfectly. Finally she pulls out two rather dressy, but classy looking skirts and a few multilayer style tops, a thin strap shirt and a sort of frilly, mesh top red shirt. She then properly places them all in the suite case. Finally she heads back to the dresser, and picks out a few pairs of tights and some short socks.

"Now what do you prefer, sandals or flip flops?"

I look at her stunned, but answer, "Sandals?" As a guy, I rarely wore ether. If I wet to the water, I wore pool shoes.

She goes over to the closet, and pulls out a pair of sandals and a rather dressy, yet casual looking brown pair of Mary Jane flats. She places them inside of the suite case, and then closes it. Its probably the first four day trip that I've ever had so many close for. I'm only happy I packed towels a while ago.

"Well, that's it for you, now me." Suddenly a suit case appears on the bed. Its slightly larger than mine, and I can imagine its slightly heavier.

"Wow." I hear coming from the door. I turn to see Timmy looking amazed at the door. "That explains a lot."

"Timmy, what do you want?" I ask not really in the mood for him at the moment.

"Well, since you and her are going with each other, I just want to remind you of our deal."

"What deal?" Rachel asks.

To Be Coninued...

Next: Chapter 6

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