My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Dec 5, 2007



This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 4

At that moment, I whisked Michelle upstairs to my room so fast, even a bolt of lightning outside didn't have time to reach the ground. I lead her inside my room, closed the door, and prepared for whatever she had to say. She took a seat in the chair by my desk, and I sat down on the edge of my bed. Of course, she's immediately caught of guard by the felinity of the room, but somehow I can tell she's seen this before.

"So, go on." I say impatiently.

"How long ago did this happen to you?" She asks.


She nods, as if confirming a theory. "Then I was right. It hasn't been long. Well then, you see, I to have been in your predicament. The main exception that I know of so far is that I wasn't aloud to keep my memory."

"Neither was I, I just, got it back." I say rethinking how it happened.

Michelle nods, and then continues. "Then are situations weren't all that different. You see, about ten years ago, when I was still in high school, I was asked by the woman's gym coach to see if I couldn't help the girl's basketball team out. You see, back then, the girls team, well... stunk. They were horrible, but the commonly accepted theory was that they just needed a star that could get the rest of the team motivated enough to want to do well. Since the school couldn't attract one, they decided to make one. So they called me down. Her name was Ms. Lester I do believe. As apart of their ploy, they asked me to one of the girls practice sessions. They were terrible, but I figured their theory was correct. All the girl's needed was someone to make them motivate. They all seemed to have talent, and they all seemed to have some skill, but since they were use to loosing, they didn't mind continuing with that trend. Lester decided that they were going to have an additional practice session on one of the days off so that I could better help the girls. I should have known something was up. On the boy's team, as I was at that point, I was second string. I was good, but there was better. So why would I be asked? I just figured I could get service learning points, maybe an additional recommendation, and more importantly points with the girls. So I showed up, on time, to see only Lester there. She asked me a few questions, I guess trying to believe that I was doing this voluntarily, and then she did it. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, and worst of all, couldn't stop what she started to do. I felt every change that happened to me, but then came the worst part. She began feeding me suggestions. I knew she was wrong, and said I would never fallow threw, but when she asked me the first question, as if testing me, I naturally gave her the answer she wanted. Before I knew it, the event seemed to erase itself, I suddenly thought I was the first of the team to arrive. It was as if the me the existed before was simply pushed out of the way, but I knew it wasn't. Almost immediately after, I started wondering why certain things didn't seem to add up. But they were all small things like, not knowing why I liked brushing my hair, or loved seeing my feminine reflection in the mirror, or even a sneaky suspicion that I was suppose to like girls. It wasn't like I did, it was if I was suppose to. Conflicts like that plagued me all the way to our first game. Of course this time I was first string, but I had trained an army by then. During the first half of the game we scored twenty points, over ten more than the other school. It was the second half that got me. The other team had the ball, and had shot for the hoop. The ball missed and I caught the rebound. We were in enemy territory, so I was already surrounded. I pivoted left, but for some reason I expected to see Marty there. Marty, as I would latter realize, was on the second string as I was and would have been out their with me. Before hand, we were also best friends, but now he was my boyfriend and had nothing to do with my basketball career. At that point, I began to wonder, and I froze on the court. If it was for Chelsea jumping up and down like an idiot, I would have never shrugged it off. I would have remembered everything right then and there. But I decided to keep in the here and now, so I passed the ball and we got the point. After that game, Lester started treating me with a special' sort of attention. I figure she must have realized that I must have realized. It was a good thing their was always other people around, and my mind screamed avoid her at all cost when alone.' I followed that advice up until she resigned that semester. No one knew why, but I was relived, I didn't know why, but I was. From there on, I lived as a normal girl, that is up until prom night. You see, I was a virgin as a guy and that must translated over when I was a girl. And why not? An athlete about to go to a top ranked school on an athletic scholarship didn't need to be having sex. But Marty convinced me other wise. So that night, I was going to loose it, but my mind was screaming no. As we kissed over next to the bed, still wearing are prom cloths, my mind was saying things like how could you fall for the oldest trick in the book,' and you know Marty's a sleaze bag, you've seen him do this before,' He's only you best friend because you and Paul were no longer in the same classes anymore.' Eventually, the voice were beginning to say things that I could no longer ignore. As Marty began unzipping my dress, I decided to ask these voices why, why do I know these things and they all answered, BECAUSE YOU'RE A GUY!!!' By that point Marty had me on the bed, and was beginning to pull my dress straps off, but the flood of memories of what my life was like, what had happened to me, what I had become, and what I was about to do, was to much to bare. I was as sexually stimulated as one could be fully clothed, and yet I simply pushed Marty out of the way and ran into the bathroom. For what I guess must have been at least two hours, I just starred at my reflection in the mirror. I just looked, looked for the joy of seeing my female reflection use to give me, of signs of me being a guy again. All I saw that night was some girl I never knew taking my life from me. After that long stair, I just simply sat on the bathroom floor. I stayed their until ten the next day, when the maid came in. Marty was long gone by then. So I just gathered my dignity, headed home, and decided to continue life as best I could. What I really did was continue life doing what was expected of me. I did however, discover the new identity of Paul, who was also changed. Now that I had regained my memory, it wasn't hard to figure out who else was a victim. On the school Cancun trip, I asked her, and she told me everything. It was what she said about not being able to turn back that hurt me the most. She, of course, was now use to it. She never lost her memory apparently, so that's why she was targeted. I got so angry at her, specially since she just sat there and watched this happen to me, that I never spoke to her again. So in college, I just played ball until my scholarship was up. I won tons of awards, was invited, and played for the Olympic team, and even got invited to a seat on the WNBA, but the fact that I got all this only because I'm a girl now stuck with me. I got so aggravated, I dropped basketball all together. Of course, it was only then I noticed that it was the work outs that kept my mind off this whole thing, so every time I get, I go running, or swimming, or something. I've tried finding my own ways back, but they were all dead ends. I even ended up getting my masters from the same school Ms. Lester and her cohort, Ms. Hammond discovered this book of spells from. I never found it, nor did they ever have anything close to it ever. I figured, that somehow, some one must have given it to them, or placed it were they could have found it. They didn't learn it..." She suddenly stops and stairs at me. "Or you okay?"

"Actually, I just had a thought." I said realizing something. "Is you Ms. Hammond a scary lady, somewhat tall, dark hair, rather mean?"

"Yeah, somewhat. Why?"

Great, her people are now my people. That bat who was responsible for this is the one who did that to her, if that makes since.

"I think your Ms. Hammond is at my school."

All the color drained from her face. " No wonder. I guess though, it is best if there are only a few like her around, and not many." She says sounding depressed.

"You said they resigned, maybe she just got a three thousand mile transfer?"

"No, apparently a covenant of witches gave them a taste of their own medicine. The last I checked, they were both bimbos in Las Vegas. Both had been arrested several times for prostitution. I still have that article."

"That's were she was killed." A voice suddenly says from the cover.

For the first time since we arrived, Michelle notices the supposedly sleeping figure in my bed.

"Who's that?"

"Oh, that's my witch friend Ms. Marset. She's the actual one who turned me into a girl, but she's suppose to turn me back. Eventually."

"Huh. If she did that then she's just..."

Marset then sits up fully. There are tears running down her face.

"No. I was just to help her get her friend back, but if I knew she was like this, had done this to people before I would have never agreed to help. What she has done has violated everything that I believe in. If she was a full blown witch her powers would have been stripped by now. As for turning one back its much simpler than most think, its just that you have to know how. If one doesn't know how, they can't do it. But I am sorry if you think that I would ever have anything to do..." Marset stops her tearful speech and looks up. "Mother."

"What? What do you mean?"

"My mother knew both of them, all of them. She knew that Ms. Hammond's friend was what we call a near witch. She must have thought that they could have handled it. She gave them the book. This is all her fault. It must be why she decided to help her." She still on the verge of crying. This revelation that her mother must have obviously broken some major rule must be hard for her.

I turned back towards Michelle. I can tell she is mad, but I'm not sure if she'll act upon it. Its almost if she's been a girl so long, she got use to the concept. Then again, maybe not, but I can tell she's not furious. Then again, how mad could she be? Marset was about four years old when this happened to her. There's no way she could be responsible.

"Well," She finally starts, "I guess it may have been hindsight on her part." After that, we pretty much just caught up on other things. Marset of course spent the whole time dozing in and out on us. By night time, I'm too tired to really do anything. The weather cleared at sun down, so Michelle decided a run to the beach was in order. Of course the beach is only four miles one way from my house. To make matters worst, I had done that run with her many of times, but now in this feminine body, I don't have the range or endurance to keep up with her. I basically walked the whole way. At least I made it to the beach. This body of mine was designed for show, and not for output.

While as I undressed for bed, I found the sight of my nude form somewhat interesting, I decided just to ignore it, slap on a night shirt, and go to bed. While I found the sensation of not wearing a bra odd, my lack of energy leaves me not caring one bit. Of course, Marset is still in bed, and completely knocked out. So I just give her some space, and use a spare pillow I found in the closet.

After about ten minutes, I or so, I find myself finally drifting to sleep. Its then that something happens I don't expect. Without any warning, an arm flies over me, and firmly attaches itself to me. I try wiggling out of it, but the more I do, the more the arm massages one of me breast. It starts to become rather invigorating, and I instantly become wet.

Great,' I think to myself, I may have my mind back, but I'm still in the body of a sexed up girl.'

I try to rotate around towards Marset, which is actually much easier than I thought. When I get there, I see her staring me directly in the face. I must admit, it's a beautiful site, but why now?

"Hello Jessie." She says in a sleepy, but unmistakably sexual voice. "I know you like me, and I like you." She moves her arms around to my front, and once again begins to feel me up. She massages my breast with expect hands, and even makes sure to press my nipples every once and a while. This immediately get me more excited than before. Soon, my mental restrictions on this whole process go away, and I begin to give in. I move my hands over to her body. I place them under her shirt, and begin to move up and feel her bra. The tight fitting silk piece of clothing is actually very sensual, and I find myself following the way it wraps around her body. I then move one of my hands down to her pants, and push into them. Her underwear is silk, just like her bra. I move my way around to her crotch, were I find she is already wet herself. This only manages to make me even more excited. She must see this, and decides to reciprocate by moving her hand down to my crotch. Of course, she has an easier time getting access as I'm only wearing the long, gown like night shirt. She immediately moves past my panties, and to my private area. I feel her fingers assault my clit. My body immediately bucks from the pleasure. "I don't care if you a girl." She starts up again. "I still want you." She moves towards me in the most seductive way, and kisses me on the lips. I immediately move to stick my tongue in her mouth, this move finds very little resistance. Of course, the level of pleasure she is giving me also suddenly begins to drop. Before long, her kiss slides towards the pillow, and her arms stop. I open my eyes to see she's fallen asleep.

`Well, that figures. She probably doesn't even know what she was doing.' I think to myself. So I kindly take my hand from her area, and move her hand away from mine. At this point, it wouldn't take my body long to orgasm, and from how it felt the last time, I would love to do so, but I figure that isn't called for right now. I just rap my arms around her, and embrace her, figuring that's the only thing left to do right now.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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