My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Dec 2, 2007



This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 3

`Well, that's not fair.' "Madison." She is a complete knock out. "And the best part of all is, You will all be girls." "Here." "I'm hoping by tomorrow." "I don't care. There all guilty of something." "please keep fighting for you memory." "Of course I'm feeling bad," "Question everything, you will regain it." "There, he's just like the rest of them." "Good. But she doesn't seem as, slutty as I would imagine." "What's she up to now?" "...because while you'll remember being boys, your personalities will be as if you were always a girl." "That's right, because all of you think having tons of sex is so much fun, you will all get to view it from the other side of the fence. You will all be like broken candy machines, putting out like theirs no tomorrow." All Male students please head to room 222. All Male students. Male students. Male .

I awoke sweating. Like a dam had burst in my head, I remembered everything now. I couldn't even stop it, once it started, it all came back. Of course, I have to remember what I just did. I looked to my side and saw Michael laying there. He's completely knocked out. I decide its best just to leave. I slowly climb out of bed, but the second my legs are required to support my weight, they fail. I guess the sex was that good.' What's left of my female mind says. I manage to right myself, and try leaving as fast as I can. I walk downstairs not even caring if anyone is home. The whole time, I can feel my female mind slip away, and the awkwardness of this body take a hold of me. That's why she wanted to meet at the mall. She wanted to help me.'

Fortunately the dryer was finished. I ripped out my female cloths and put them on. I had a little difficulty with the bikini, but managed. I guess that now that my mind is back to normal, my female habits are gone. I dart to the front of the house, were my shoes still sit. I though them on and leave. Of course, its still raining, but I don't care. I just want to get back to the mall as fast as possible.

It only takes me three minutes to reach the mall, but it seemed like forever. Once again this body is completely new to me. The feeling of its different proportions through my step of, but it was the shaking of my breast that really got me. To make matter worst, the bikini top came loose. Of course, this all does explain why those memories of having sex before seem so odd to me. They never happened. But that's not important know. I just run into the mall, and look around. There are people, mainly girls all over the place, but she is no were to be found. I look on every level, every store, in ever bathroom, still no nothing. Of course, at first I did make the mistake of going in the men's room. Fortunately, no one was in their, but as I exited and noted my mistake, a man did walk by and give me an odd look.

I spent twenty minutes going threw the mall. I was finally about to give up, when someone else notices my problem.

"Are you alright miss." `Miss?' I turn to see the officer looking at me with a look of concern.

"I, fine. I guess."

"Okay, its just that, I've been watching you run around this place seven times. Are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, but I guess she's gone now." I stand up, looking pathetic, and walk for the door.

`Yes something is wrong, but I can't tell him that. No, best now just to head home and hide for the rest of the week, but I can't do that ether, I have band practice tomorrow. Of course I doubt I'm apart of that now. That was from an all boy's school. I would have never gone there.'

I mope my way to the nearest, and only sanctuary I know of, my church. Well, its not mine, but I go their every week, and at this point, I need my spirits lifted.

As tradition with most Catholic churches, the doors are unlocked, and the facility is open for prayer. Its to bad even the priest is out for lunch. So I take a seat on a pew. To be more specific, my families pew.

The church itself is pretty traditional looking. While I've never truly gone here voluntarily, for some reason, being here felt better that being in the rain. But the more I think about it, the more I realize what that spell did. Not only did it change me, it changed Mike as well. Mike would never just do a girl like that. He's actually pretty tame when it comes to girls. He's even said how he has too much career ambition to deal with a girl, well he used the phrase screaming teenage baby, but that's another story. Well, Marset did say that the spell would make my friends hornier. But is this what everyone else in the class is going threw? If I ever needed guidance, it is now.

At that very moment, a man begins walking in from the front of the church. He has long, curly brown hair, a long beard, blue eyes, has a rather mystical presents to him, and is currently wearing what looks like a bathrobe. I've seen him before.

The man sits down next to me, and looks me over. Of course, I get the first word in.

"Are you God?" I ask.

The man's looks at me in what must be his annoyed stare.

"Hello, we've been threw this before: 60's, rock concert, LSD overdose, don't you remember anything?"

"I suppose." I say, still rather depressed.

"Oh, come on. Listen kid. Your going to be fine."

"But didn't I just break a commandment or something."

"No unless your friend was married. Now listen, the guy up stairs knows what's going on. You'r not at fault. The whole time, your real mind was trying to stop the whole act, its what caused you to remember." Now that I think about it, I do remember try to think of him as what he was, a guy. But I guess as a hot blooded female, that's not the argument you use. "Remember, sometimes it's the thought, not the ending that counts."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what, your a girl who just did her second best friend and now your afraid of getting pregnant?"

"Yes on the first part, yes on the second, but thank you for reminding me of the third." I say getting somewhat mad. "But that's not it. I can't face my family like this, and that concert next weekend. I've been looking forward to that for months. That and my sister WAS suppose to come in for it. I haven't seen her in a year. Now, none of it is going to happen."

"Well, you are right. Since you never were around to suggest that the band stay together, the idea never came up, so everyone went their separate ways." The man responds. "But, its not over yet. You still have time. That concert is exactly one week away. Matter a fact, the woman your looking to turn you back may be close than you think."

With that, the man turns my head towards the door. Standing there is Ms. Marset, and she looks completely confused.

"You know, I'm not really suppose to tell you this, but she has a larger crush on you then you have on her."

With that, the feeling of the man's hand disappears. I turn to see he's no longer there.

I decide to ignore his usual disappearance, and turned back towards Ms. Marset. By that point, she had already seen me and was in route. Her motion is somewhat odd though. She appears to almost be slightly tipsy, or is she just that tired. She pulls up next to me, and sits down.

"Hi." She says in a sort of sleepy, yet depressed manor.

"So, how are you?" I try to say with some sympathy.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any thing to happen. Actually, I didn't even think that was you coming in here, but something told me I should try. To be specific, I think it was a guy who looked like he was from the 60's to be specific."

"Yeah, that guy's, an original."

"So, I see you've regained your memory. That is actually quiet impressive. I knew you could, but I didn't think you would that fast."

"Yes, well, I rather not talk about that." I say remembering how I remembered. "So, are you going to turn me back?"

She then dropped her head on her plastic raincoat. "No. I've been too tired. I haven't been able to get any sleep recently."

"Why? Does it have something to do with Ms. Hammond?"

She nods her head yes.

"What's up with her anyway?"

"She's trying to do something, but I still don't think its possible."

"Do what?"

"Apparently a friend of hers was killed a few years back, and she is trying to revive her. The best way to do so is to gather life energy."

"So she's going to suck it out of the students?"

"No. You see there's several types of life energy that we all have, but if she can get someone who's gets pregnant at the right time, then she can get energy from the source. You see, some time after the egg is fertilized, the newly formed zygote begins to generate a field that funnels energy from a source. You can say from heaven, or Gia, or whatever, but this is when the soul is originally implanted with the body. This link is open for a few months, but the longer you wait, the harder it is to get energy from it, but if she can get it at the right time, during a one day window, she can easily get all the energy she needs."

"What does that do to the person?" I say wondering for my own safety.

"Well, it depends on when she tries. If she tries to early, she can suck the energy from the person. So it depends on the energy she ends up taking at the time. The one type we sometimes call entropy, that's the type that builds in the body, and cause ageing. Without it, one would reverse in age."

"Well, that's not too bad. You just younger."

"Yes, but it could reverse your age all the way back to when you were in embryonic stage."

Of course, there is one thing I have to ask. "So, is that the thing witches are always trying to take in the movies?"

She stairs at me in a rather annoyed manor, but I guess it is justified. "No, not that any real witch wouldn't, but the type of energy they always having them go after is positive energy. That type usually runs out as you age. It usually looses out to entropy, even though both are needed. Of course, there is standard energy, which is what we use every day, and finally there's soul energy, but that isn't usable to any one but the person themselves. But she would need the first three types to revive her friend. I didn't mind helping, but the more I think about it, the more I feel as if she wouldn't care if the person themselves was hurt."

"So why if entropy is so important would aliens take it."

"First, you need to stop reading Manga, and second, it is true that some of these creatures work in the opposite direction, were they loose entropy as they age, and build positive energy."

"So, what happens to the kid?"

There is a long pause before she finally answers that question.

"It depends. It can kill them, or it can accelerate their development to a speed that would kill the mother, and the baby. It just depends on how reckless the spell is."

That's not good. With the info she just gave me, I could be in deep trouble.

"What's wrong?" She asks noticing my mood.

"I just want to be a guy again, so I don't have to worry about any of this."

"Well I love to, and I possibly could, but..." She pauses, but its obvious what she's about to say.

"It takes that standard energy which you can't live without, and if it goes down to much, it could kill you." I say filling in for her. She looks at me rather surprise, but then turns back towards the front of the church. "You know," I start, "You can stay at my place. If you want." `Great, I just invited a girl to my house.'

"Are you sure your parents will go along with that?"

"Why not, I'm a girl aren't I?" It wasn't an argument I wanted to make, but it works. With that thought I head home.

Home, as I found out today, is heavily overrated. I arrived to dad greeting me as, "Hey young lady, why are you walking around like that."

I stood their depressed for a few seconds before I decided to reply.

"Well, it was ether this or stay at the mall for another five hours."

"Well, go get dressed, your mom is coming back soon with your cousin."

That's right, my cousin's coming over. She always comes this time of year since she can never make it on Christmas.' Dad didn't even notice Ms. Marset standing behind me. So I just took her up stairs to my room' and told her to get comfortable. She hadn't been down for a minute before I heard my mom arrive down stairs. I quietly proceeded down stairs and into the kitchen were my cousin stands. Michelle has always been my favorite cousin, even though she is twenty six, she and I have always seemed to get along. We even get along better than my sister. One interesting thing I have to admit, she is about the only girl in my family that I would actually considered doing. She's a hot red head with a decent chest, and hot firm body. From what I've heard, she uses to be a big time high school and college athlete, although she'll never admit it. For some reason, she doesn't like talking about her past. But at any rate, she exercises every time she can, which explains the nice body.

"Hey Michelle, your looking good." My dad says as he hugs her. Off hand, my dad actually thinks she's strange. She's always worn her hair short, even shorter than what mine was before this. But, well, I've seen shorter, and she is from California.

"Hey, Jessie, come here. Say high to your cousin."

`Why not, she shouldn't know the difference.'

I walk up towards her, following her facial expressions all the way. To my surprise, she seems somewhat, stunned. As if, she doesn't recognize me. I want to stop, but she's my mom's favorite niece, so I can't disappoint, but it's obvious she thinks the same thing.

"Hey kid." She says as she takes me in her arms. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, fine. You?"

"Okay I guess."

"I know how much you two like to talk, so I'll leave you alone." With that, mom goes and drags my dad off for her usual `how you treat my niece speech.'

Now alone, everything becomes awkward. Normally, she'll ask me how my Swim season went, and whither or not I'm looking forward to Track. But, today, dead silence.

"So," She finally offers. "How are you doing?" She says in a tone accentuating the feeling of the moment.

"Fine, fine. You?"

"Fine. So, any changes, anything different?"

`Okay, I need to know now.'

"Do you know?" I ask rather suddenly.

"Know what?"

"That," I then lean in and whisper. " I am a guy?"

Faster than you can say smart move, were up in `my room.'

"As I was on my way over, I had this strange feeling something was off. Then these thoughts tried to enter my mind, but I pushed them out. By the way, whose the girl in your bed?"

I look over, and for the first time since we got up here, I remember that Ms. Marset is in the room, sleeping.

"That's a friend, apparently." I say realizing she not really anything to me at this point.

"Oh, well, so I'm glad to see you have your memory." Michelle says.

For some reason, I was taken back by that response. `How would she know about that?'

"How would you know about that?"

To Be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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