My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Nov 19, 2007


Disclaimer: This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such.

Story: This story has multiple parts. There's no sex in this so refer to one of the other ones for that. Also, this is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 1

High school health, they might as well call it Sex Ed part two. Okay, so we covered nutrition, doctor's visits, and exercise, but the last week has been nothing but sex. I'm just about sick and tired of it. Not the sex part mind you, just the part were the guys squawk like a herd of animals, and the girls begin denying everything they deal with once a month. Yes, its been bad, and to make matters worst, I'm in a practically public school, so there's little the teacher can do, or will do.

As I round the hall, and head down to health, I begin to spot members of my class heading the opposite direction. Since we've hit sex not one member of my class has missed a single day, so why would they choose today to skip? To make matters worst, these idiots are not my friends. My friends got lucky and ended up in a smaller class early in the morning. This late afternoon class is a pain in the butt. Everyone's awake at this time of the day.

As I continue down the hall and see more of the male population of my class head in the opposite direction, I can only wonder why they all head in the different direction. I don't dare ask one of them to tell me what's going on, after all, there all testosterone junkies, and I'm considered a nerd by most surveys.

I finally make it to class just in time to see the entire female population of the class in their seat, discussing something. It's only then I notice the announcement on the board.

All Male students please head to room 222.

`Well, that's not fair.' I think to myself. My only explanation of this is the fact that my classmates are idiots and now I'm suffering for them, again.

With little hesitation, I turn around and head for the door. I don't have much time as the bell is to ring in about two minutes, and room 222 is on the other side of the building.

In about five minutes I finally make it to the room. I only just avoided several hall monitors who would have very easily sent me to the office to sit around for an hour while the principle plays computer golf, but now I have to deal with a new teacher, with new policies. I don't know what this one will do to me for being so late. (Keep in mind the class is only forty-five minutes long)

As I gaze into the room, I realize the teacher isn't here yet.

`That's good.' I think.

I can't even start moving into the room before I receive a tap on the shoulder. I turn to see a young woman; no, girl would probably be a better description. To be completely honest, she's hot, but I figured I recognize a girl that looks like her. Her hair is a light to dark brown, eyes green and lively, and a face so lovely that a blind man could see it. I'm to close to make out her body, but from the top of her, which only comes to about a few inches below me, I'd say she's probably loaded. To make me even more confused is the simple fact that she's here. Aren't all the girls in the other room?

"I know you're late because of the class change," she starts in the nicest, sweetest tone I've ever heard. "but I need you to take your seat as soon as possible."

"Yes?" I immediately follow her order, but I'm still left asking questions. `Is that girl the teacher, she looks like she could be younger than me?'

I take a seat in the front of the room out of habit. Of course, that could be a mistake. While these bums are sex-a-holics, they'd still never sit in the front of a room. I ignore the glares from my `peers' and refocus on the woman, who is now placing her name up on the board, who claims to be our teacher. I was right, she is a complete knock out. Her rather short pleated skirt, black stockings, and white, form hugging blouse only accentuate her rather generous proportions. While she doesn't have the biggest chest in the world, its perfect for her size, and shape. To be completely honest, her whole body is rather perfectly shape, almost athletically. She is extremely cute, its just to bad she's a teacher. After she places the name Ms. Marset on board, she places the chalk on the ledge and turns towards the class. Her stance is rather childish, and causes a few of the guys to gasp at how she is acts.

"Hello everyone." She starts, "I am Ms. Marset and I will be taking over the last part of the sexual education chapter."

"By doing what, stripping?" One of the guys yells from the back.

The girl just tilts her head and closes her eyes. "You know, its an attitude like that that got you guys separated form your previous class. Now," she then goes down to a book on the desk in front of her. "First I will need to take roll, and then I can introduce how we are going to perform the course from now on."

"In you pussy I hope." Another student replies. It is immediately followed up with hoots and hollers from the rest of the class.

"Zip it." The girl says.

While I figured to say something like that is a complete waste in a high school class, everyone in the class immediately stopped talking. To make matters odder, I felt an eerie urge pass over me that focused on my throat. I grunted a little just to make sure I wasn't coming down with a cold.

"Good," The teacher continues. "Now, I just want to hear here, that's all got it?" I heard nothing, but she seemed to get the answer she wanted. "Now, Anderson."

After a few seconds, I finally here him say, "Here."


"Here." With fear in his voice.














That would be me. "Here." I respond. Of course, I'm also the last. One of the main jokes of the class was that there was always more girls then guys in this class, about twice if you count me as one of the girls according to most jokes.

She then looks up from the page. To be more specific, she looks straight at me. "Good, but Mr. Madison, I have noted down here that you don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"Yeah, that's right Jessie. Go back with the..."

That voice was immediately stopped by a stare from the teacher. I'm actually surprised it worked.

"Its okay I guess. Unless I go back to the other room, theirs no were to go."

The teacher must understand my point, and simply nods her head in agreement.

"Okay then, class. Were going to do something special today." She says with a smile on her face.

I can here people moving around in their seats, but I know were not having sex, so I don't know why they're getting happy.

"Hey Ms. Marset?" One of the guys suddenly calls out.


"Were havin sex right?" With that, another laugh goes off from the back of the room.

Ms. Marset on the other hand, just dips her head slightly. "Is that all you guys think about?" in a rather depressed tone.

"No, sports." Another D- students yells from the back.

"Well then, you will enjoy what I have in store for you." She says with a smile.



"Its about Time!"

All kinds of comments fly from the back of the room. Of course, I feel differently on the subject. I don't necessarily want to have sex. I mean, I can get off looking at any girl just as easily as the next guy, but come on.

"Yep, in fact, this assignment will continue into next week."

`There goes spring break. Last class of the day, on the last day before the break, and we get homework.'

"Yep, you will all have so much sex, you'll get sick of it." She continues.

Cheers immediately erupt from the back of the room. I remain silent.

"And the best part of all is,"

I here someone in the back shush everybody in anticipation of the news. The room quiets so well, I think I can here the classes on the other side of the cinder brick walls of the room.

"You will all be girls." She finally finishes.

I didn't think it was possible, but the room actually gets quieter. Of course, even I'm left speechless to that one.

She may be cute, but she's off her rocke...' Its only then I realize that she may be more genuine than everybody thinks. The feeling I had in my through earlier, the fact that everyone's been almost respectable. Could she be a... no she can't that's impossible. Is it?'

"That's right, because all of you think having tons of sex is so much fun, you will all get to view it from the other side of the fence. You will all be like broken candy machines, putting out like theirs no tomorrow. You guys are only so sexed up because you forget what it's really about, having children. But don't worry, your female counterparts are also getting in on this. Some of them, the more decent ones will become guys, and they will all have you until your `pussies' can take no more. Not to mention, the spell I've chosen will also make you madly attracted to your friends, and when they do you, they will all cum buckets. Of course the girls who do have a few brain cells in the other class will get other activities, but from what I last heard, that's almost none."

After a long pause, a question finally erupted from the back of the room.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes Hans?"

"So you mean to tell me that your going to turn all us into...girls. Isn't that like, impossible."

"Oh, no. It's actually quiet easy, much easier that the reverse. You see, if any of you had bothered to listen during class you'd know that both the male and female body have all the parts for being the other, except the female body doesn't contain a Y chromosome. So converting a guy to a girl on the genetic level is easy. Of course, its harder doing it the reverse cause once that Y is gone, its gone, so basically we have to sort of extract one from your other DNA, and that takes time. Time I'd I won't spend on those of you who get pregnant over the break. Any one of you who are pregnant will spend the rest of their lives as a girl. Of course, on Saturday, I'll expect you all to write a paper on your experiences of worrying over weather your pregnant, and yet still wanting to lay the next thing with a penis the next day."

"But, what we if don't go along." Some else asks.

"You have simply no choice in the matter, because while you'll remember being boys, your personalities will be as if you were always a girl. So in a since your male selves will only be highly realistic fantasies, that mean a lot to you, but are just that, fantasies."

There was no response, and I have to admit, I don't like the sound of this one bit. I can't be a girl, besides I had been looking forward to this recital my band is having on Saturday. The only problem is, I could have never been on that band if I was a girl. Its with guys I new from my elementary school, an all boys elementary school. Matter a fact, I'm only still on that band because the leader is a friend of the family and says I had too much talent just to quit when I left. I wouldn't have met none of them, and I don't want to be some whore. This isn't fair, why am I always the one paying for what everyone else does.

"Okay guys, here you go."

Immediately, I tightened every muscle that I could control. I figured that if I can control were my parts are, she can't do anything to me. While a good idea, my resistance wasn't enough. Her powers simply pushed past the tightened muscles. I felt pressure build on my member, and then suddenly disappear. I can feel my chest begin to balloon out, and a strange tingling in my fingers. Next thing I knew, I could feel my waste sort change shape. I could feel my hips slightly expand against the chair, and my internal organs begin to twist into different shapes. Finally, I can feel my hair slide past my shoulders, but from what I can figure, it didn't go too far. Well, I have always worn my hair long.

Before long, my body stopped, and my cloths took other. My jeans shrunk until they were just over form fitting, my shirt shrunk several sizes until it to was form fitting, but to my relief, it was left a little long so I don't have to worry about the world seeing my underwear. Then finally, I feel a piece of smooth fabric rap itself around my new, larger chest, and then my shoulders.

`It must be a bra.' I thought. I almost cried.

After that though, there was nothing. I figure now its going to be my brain. I waited and watched the teacher in fear. She just stands there with her eyes closed. Changing so many people at one must be a serious burden on her, but like I should care, she just pretty much ruined my life. As time moves on, I become less afraid and more get this over with. But eventually, Ms. Marset just slumps and then looks back up at the class in a rather tried version of her rather chipper attitude. I turn around for the first time to see the rest of the class. As I do, I feel my new proportions move about. My breast flapping about introduces an interesting feeling that I've never felt before. Especially as they shift around in their seemingly silk prison. The class, however is an equally odd sight. They all look like a bunch of bimbos. Those who obviously don't have large breast, keep what they do have pushed up to display what little fat packet's they have to show everyone. All there clothing is skin tight, and their makeup heavy. The whole time I'm left thinking, `She only realizes this is going to make more regular girls sluts. If they think that's the only way they can get a guy, more and more are going to convert.'

I turn around fully intent on yelling this to the teacher, but the bell rings before I can do anything. The herd of sluts immediately leaves the room. I don't even have a chance to stand up. So I decide to just take it for now, and stand up and grab my back pack. I start walking to the door only for Ms. Marset to close it before I can even reach it.

"Okay." I say to myself. "What's she up to now?"

Suddenly the woman comes towards me. Her face seems apologetic, but of course I doubt that's the case.

"Jessie, I know your probably feeling kind of bad right now." She sounds rather pathetic. `Of course I'm feeling bad, what did I do to deserve this?'

"Of course I'm feeling bad, what did I do to deserve this!" Okay, so for the first time ever I yelled my mind at a teacher.

She just nods and continues, "I figured as much. Please, don't feel bad. They've been harassing a friend of my mother's and I was called in to help out, to give them a new perspective. That's why I did what I did. Of course, she told me that you were to be left out, but when I try to put a spell on so many at a time, I can't always pick certain people out of the spell as a whole. Fortunately, I can specify some of the parts, or at least minimize there effects. It's why you still have your memory, and not starving for sex."

"Than why don't you change..." I stopped immediately. She's standing only a few feet in front of me, so the reason why she can't change me back immediately is obvious. She's exhausted. She's almost to the point of passing out. "So.." I say trying to change my stance, "when can you change me back?"

Her head shifts towards the ground, and for the first time I see the conflict within her. This just isn't a logistical problem; it's a moral problem for her.

"I'm hoping by tomorrow." She says in a rather lethargic, but sweet tone.

I actually feel sorry for her. To make matters worst, for the first time I realize my new height. By some rather hidden instinct, I picked up her hand, and lead her to the teacher's seat. I figured that not only is it easier to get in than those lousy chair-desks that they sit us in but its closer as well. Of course, the solid oak piece of junk isn't all that comfortable ether. I then kneel in front of her, looking straight up in her face. She smiles gently towards me and starts, "You are very kind aren't you?"

I have no choice but to smile back at her. She is extremely cute, too bad she's the teacher.

"You know, you can have your feelings for me, I'm not a teacher. In fact, I'm probably younger than you are."

"Huh, but..."

"I'm about fourteen, and I can't read you thoughts, but I can sense your emotions, and there as close to your thoughts as you can get. Of course," She peeks up as she changes the subject, "you can always enjoy yourself until then. Matter a fact, we can meet up tomorrow at the mall, and maybe can get together."

"That sounds like a plan." I say with an unintentional smile.

I was about to get up, and except my temporary fate when an unknown guest enters.

"Oh, Ms. Hammond." Ms. Marset says suddenly.

I stand and turn around to face her. It's Ms. Hammond. She's new her for this semester, but is in the lower classes, so I've never had her. Although there is a rumor going around that she got in some sort of trouble in her last school and resigned under even more unusual circumstances. There are also some warnings about her. She's mean, and a man hater. She's been listed as avoid at all cost.

"So did you do it?" Ms. Hammond says looking completely past me.

Ms. Marset struggles to her feet, although I'm sure it wasn't on purpose. For some reason, she seems afraid of her.

"Yes mam."

"Is this one of them?"

Always nice to be referred to as it' right in front of my face.'

"Yes mam."

"Good. But she doesn't seem as, slutty as I would imagine." She says looking me over.

"Um, miss, this one was innocent. I was told not even to involve him..." Ms. Marset is immediately cut off.

"I don't care. There all guilty of something, or is it that your to tired to do the job you volunteered for."

"Listen, I was told just.."

"Well were changing the plans a little okay. Now do I have to..."

"No!" Ms. Marset yells. It's obvious she's been caught up in something she didn't want to get involved in. "I can do it."

"Okay, but I'm watching you."

From that point, I can feel my mind begin to change. I can feel part of myself begin to burn for some reason. I try to dull out the feeling, but a combination of lack of experience, and this new spells is preventing it. I can feel my crotch begin to get hungry for something, but what I don't know. I can also feel my perception of things begin to change. I no longer want to just experience life as a girl, but being a girl feels more normal to me, but its there that the growing feelings suddenly stop.

"There, he's just like the rest of them." Marset says with a huff.

"Good." Hammond then walks out the room.

As I wonder why she's so upset, for some reason, the actually purpose of her visit is a mystery. Of course, it isn't hard to tell that Hammond is outside waiting in the hall.

I decide there's no reason to fight it anymore, and begin my departure. Of course, I'm grabbed by Ms. Marset, and she begins whispering in my ear.

"I will meet you outside the Food Court of The Avenues Mall at noon, and please keep fighting for you memory. Question everything, you will regain it."

I don't know what she meant by that, but for some reason, something inside me agreed to what she was saying. Figuring that at the moment, remembering a few tid-bits of memory is second to getting home.

To Be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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