My Life and Other Disasters

By Amy Jenkins

Published on Jul 26, 2005


October 17th 2005, the exact date when i met her. She was around since September but I never really met her before the 17th of October. I remember that day forever, just as it happened yesterday. She had long brown hair with blonde highlights, a California girl. Well maybe I seen something different in her. Most love stories often end with happiness and peace and they end up always together. Sometimes when I look back, I wish my story hd an ending just the same. I really didn't know what love was until she introduced me to it. I didn't understand how one person could love and want every flaw in another person, how both people could love each other no matter what happens. She showed me. Let me get to the story;

It was a normal day at school, nothing exciting I thought one more boring year at brookswood academy. I cleaned my new locker out getting ready for the new school year. Of course it was September 7th and the first day of school. My usual friends met up with me at lunch and we were about to go and get a burger or something. They waited for me at my locker, since I was the neat- freak they rushed and hurried me on. When I think about it im glad I did take so long. Its funny how fate works, as so happens Samantha was also running late. As polite as I usually am, I wanted to get a good head start into meeting my locker-neighbor for the rest of the semester. In pure excitement, I closed my locker door which led me to facing Sam. I put out my gentle but warming hand to shake hers. I looked in her eyes.

I said calmly "Hi, I guess were neighbors"

"I guess so", Sam said as she shook my hand. I will never forget how her hand felt on mine. Soft but almost as if we were in heaven. Since sam was late she hurried off and yelled "I didn't catch your name?"

I replied just as loud but as heart-warming as before "it's Crystal, and yours?"

"Sam, I'll see you around school"

By then she had disappeared into the herd of confused children trying to find the cafeteria. I replaced the lock on my locker and went to the cafeteria with my friends. We all ordered a cheeseburger after waiting in a large line-up. Sarah, one of my friends, was served first and reserved a seat for the rest of the gang. We all sat down and shared what classes we had and who was in our home-room class. We looked over the sheet of paper that our individual teachers had given us that contained the names of the student in our class. For a grade 9 class there wasn't many students that were new. I went down the list, careful not to miss a name. Then I seen hers. Somehow I had an excited feeling in me, which I thought at the time was just a heartwarming feeling that I have received from already making friends with this girl.

I asked my friends, "So guys, what do you think about Samantha Callaway? I think she's really nice."

Sarah replied in a brief yet scowling voice "She is a prep, I knew her back in the third grade and I hated her then and I still do"

"I agree with Sarah, everyone thinks she is a prep, and I don't even think she had a boyfriend yet!" replied Katie.

Kayla just nodded, with her mouth stuffed with the mighty cheeseburger we had previously ordered. I ate a couple more bites of my burger and threw the rest out. For some reason I didn't feel like eating anymore. Something about me went off whenever my friends would talk about Samantha, I felt almost insulted as if they were talking about me. The rest of the day I just blocked everything from my teacher and I couldn't wait until the afternoon bell. I hopped on the bus and sat in the back seat, considering I was 'popular'. Samantha got on our bus which was pretty filled up.

"Can I sit with you Crystal?" she asked, while looking into my eyes and smiling.

"Sure" I replied with the same heartwarming smile. I moved my school bag and let her sit down. I didn't take up much of the seat because I was average since, 110 pounds and a size 7. She was about the same maybe a size 8. Most of the bus ride home was silent, so I decided to break the ice.

"So, your in my home-room class, what do you think of our teacher Mr. Smarter?" I asked. "I don't like him that much, not as much as Ms. Fumer my old home-room teacher in grade 8" she replied while looking down at her book-bag.

I then took my hand and raised her chin so she could see me. "I don't like him either" I replied.

Then the bus took a stop at Southerland drive and she stood up waiting for it to completely stop. I thought then most of the bus ride home was going to be a bore so I took out my CD player and skipped it to song number 3, 'Let me go" by 3 doors down. She suddenly sat back down in the seat and pulled and pen out of her pocket and grade my arm and wrote down her number.

"Here is my number, call me after school ok? Bye" she replied before she stepped off the bus.

I was dumbfounded, but then I started to think, I had Ms. Fumer for my home-room teacher last year too, so I must have been in her class! I hadn't noticed her though, funny how that works. The bus came to a complete stop and the beginning of my road and I stepped up and as I got off my usual friends had spotted me.

"call me ok Crystal! love you!"

I just mumbled my usual ok and left the bus. The whole walk home I just starred at her number on my hand. It read "555-5823 call me! x0". I went home, finished my homework and went to bed early, which was unusual for me, but I was angry for some reason at my friends so I didn't feel like taking to them. The next day when I arrived back to home-room I noticed Samantha was sitting next to my seat so I went and sat down.

"Im sorry I didn't call you, I went to bed early because I had the most terrible headache in the world!"

"Oh, im so sorry to hear that", she replied sympathetically.

Just as she said that our teacher walked in and quieted the whole class. Before I knew it, it was lunch time again, I noticed I must have dozed off a few times during math period. I went straight to my locker and put away my calculator and math books. Sam walked up to her locker.

"Hey Crystal, what's up?"

Just as she said that my friends came behind her and said "Um Crys why would you talk to that prep" and Samantha looked down at the ground. So did I, I didn't notice how embarrassed I was, for me or for her? I knew I liked her and it insulted me the way some people treated her, if they only knew her.

"Shut the fuck up you guys, she is better than any of you so go blow a horse" I replied in a threatening voice.

When they heard that they just walked away and said "we'll hold a place for you in line Crys, let you talk to your girlfriend first! Hahaha"

I gave them my middle finger and they walked away.

"Im sorry for that Sam, they're jerks, don't listen to them" I said apologetically.

"Thank you Crystal, you are such a good friend" she said as she hugged me. I noticed a tear run down her face so I wiped it and she just squeezed tighter.

"Anytime Samantha" I said meaningfully. "Could you come sit with me at lunch today, I'd really like it you know"

"sure, I mean if you want me to" she replied to my question.

"I do", I reassured her.

We both walked up to our table, but it was packed and I noticed there was only one chair and Sam did the most surprising when I sat down she sat on my lap. My friends just looked at me funny wondering why she would do that. I rested my arm around her waist and she didnt even mind. Lunch was over before we knew it. Then we noticed we had P.E. we decided not to play so we all sat on the floor leaning against the wall. My friends and I that is. Then Sam walked over sat down on the floor and leaned against my chest.

"Hey do you mind? Im so tired today!"

I replied, "No, not at all!" She stayed there for the whole period. I knew I liked her, maybe I was starting to fall in love with her, yes that easy!. I decided to get brave so while she was lying on me I laid my arm around her waist. She only replied to this movement by putting her arm on top of mine and slightly stoking it.

-Amy Jenkins End Of Chapter 1 MORE TO COME! I need FEEDBACK! Email me at THANK YOU PS : please send the feedback on weather or not to publish another chapter

Pps: thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Next: Chapter 2

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