My Lecture Tour

By Guillaume Bacharene

Published on Sep 28, 2016


Guillaume Bacharene

This story is a bit of fact and fiction although based on some key actual details. Some names have been changed for privacy protection purposes. The mixture of fact and fiction is what good writing is all about in my view. And, one has to write, above all, for the reader. A writer is an agent or channel to get the words right and tell a wonderful story to which readers can relate.

My romance with the US goes back to the early 1980s. While there are exceptions as there are all over the world, I was totally seduced by the general niceness of people and especially, the beautiful, confident and sexy men who were totally enthralled by my accent and my brain. But also, it was the genuine openness and way they expressed thoughts and feelings. I had never had my ego so exquisitely massaged the same way ever. So, I am 1.80m tall, worked out and had what others described as "model looks" to the extent that when I was doing my first masters degree I had been offered a modelling contract with a major fashion house in Paris. I thought about it all, the money and travel, but figured I had too many brains to be treated like a glorified clothes' horse and as some superficial entity who had "the looks" but nothing else. Added to that was what I saw as bullshit "glamour". I turned it down to pursue an academic career instead.

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My US Lecture Tour and Master Classes - Part Eight

It was 1983 and I was to have four weeks in the US doing a series of lectures and master classes based one some research I had done. It doesn't really matter what is was all about now but it was held to be extremely important. It was an offer that came out of nowhere really. Sometimes, the powers that be of the universe seem to have a plan for us. This was to be no exception. I was able to negotiate really generous terms with a week in Honolulu on the way and then sessions in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, New Orleans, Los Angeles and San Diego.

I indicated earlier about my first touch with America being the most amazingly good thing for one's ego. In each of these cities I was to have an experience, which could read like a romance novel. It was heady and all culminated some years later with me meeting the big love of my life, a beautiful American. After 30 years we are still together. But that's another complete story I might also tell one day!

Los Angeles

Los Angeles signalled the end of my trip, a trip so redolent with amazing experiences and amazing men. I had two intensive days of master class sessions and a lecture and then three days to unwind. I wasn't sure I'd like LA with its sprawl, pollution and love affair with the car but there were some cultural experiences to be had. It was certainly all confronting but the coalition booked me into a nice boutique hotel with a rooftop pool in Beverly Hills. The in-house restaurant was excellent with wonderful food based on a lot of seasonal and fresh ingredients and, it had a small covered terrace area with a table for one to four people and the charming manager whose name was Josh, designated it my private dining area. Josh was yet another classic American beauty with dark brown hair, complete with sun-kissed highlights (he was an avid surfer), dark brown eyes, lashes the envy of any girl, nice build and the teeth of course, plus a gorgeous smile. I figured he was around 26. He always looked so smart in a beige waistcoat, cuffed white shirt and a full-length black apron. We had a lot of banter going on. He told me he lived in-house which caught my imagination and off-duty, had free access to all services. Well, I thought, at least at dinner, he was perfect eye candy and with my brilliant imagination, the stuff of legendary fantasy. I got hard just looking at him. Since the terrace area was quite confined, Josh had to squeeze past to attend to the table and there were some pleasant moments of contact.

One of the master classes I did with post-graduate students was especially memorable. There were eight in all in the group with three professors sitting in. Now, each of the students - three young ladies and five young men - was yet another example of American-bred beauty. It was intense but of course, nothing happened. Nothing could have happened regardless of interest or proclivities. Beauty and brains is a natural aphrodisiac for me. The intense intellectual and physical is highly arousing. Also in the musty world of academia, students often associate their teachers with power and control, which of course teachers do have in real and often absolute measure. Some abuse it. I never did. But, being propositioned by students does happen. Still, there is intensity in anticipation and what might have been as well.

So, I arrived back at the hotel around 4:00pm after my lecture, which followed the master class sessions, and decided to have some unwind time at the rooftop pool. I put on my white speedos and board shorts and went up, bare- chested, towel slung over a shoulder. There was nobody else around. I called down to room service for a bottle of Pol Roger, my lucky talisman. It was a pleasant surprise when Josh arrived with the Pol Roger in an ice bucket and with two flutes. I was fully extended on a comfortable contoured banana chair enjoying the sun. I sat up and he set the Pol Roger and flutes down on a low table. In the sunlight he looked totally ravishing with the sun catching his hair, spinning it into a swirl of gold.

"Hi Guillaume. I am off duty now but thought I could bring this up on my way. My apartment is off this same level, at the back. Things are really quiet for two days and then we have a full house. Are you eating in tonight? My assistant Thom is in charge. I doubt there'll be many at all. We have only six in house and a couple of dinner bookings from externals. Thom knows there's a permanent reserve on your table."

"Well, Josh, I probably will. But hey, why don't you go change into something more comfortable and help me with the Pol Roger. I'd love to share it?"

"Thank you Guillaume. What a great idea. I'll sort the Pol Roger and be right back."

He sat down almost knee-to-knee on the next deck chair, attending to the Pol Roger.

"Tell me about your work Guillaume."

"Heck, it's boring as hell to most. A lot of research stuff is. It's really for those who get off on stuff that's either dry, heavy, incomprehensible, challenging or impossible. Then the challenge is sharing it with others and trying to sex it all up so they are panting and drooling over it and want more and more."

I hadn't really intended to put it in semi-sexual terms. It sort of just came out.

Josh licked his lips. His eyes brushed across my body and my speedo bulge. Behind my dark sunnies, I knew and saw and noticed. I took a deep breath and back stretch, which made my cock bulge buck. I thought Josh would drop the Pol Roger. I knew at that moment I had him hooked. He poured, shaking perceptibly. We clinked glasses and sipped.

Now, working out, I had nice lightly haired pecs, nice shoulders, good abs and a treasure trail. I found natural body hair to be masculine and erotic, sensual and a turn on and when combined with a sexy man's natural scent, it was all redoubled.

"Boy, I so needed that. It has been a long and draining day!" I smiled at Josh.

Josh stood up.

"Be right back, Guillaume."

Now, I thought, Thom, Josh's assistant was another beauty to behold. He also had the most beautiful hands as well, the hands of a concert pianist.

When Josh returned, I almost choked on my flute. He had put on dark blue speedos and mirrored sunnies. And, he was so hot looking. A beautiful, tanned, muscled body but not too much and a covering of dark blond hairs over his body, arms and legs. As he moved in the sunlight, his entire body sparkled as his hair had done earlier. I had to take a deep breath. A gilded Adonis I thought.

"That's better. What a great idea Guillaume. Now we're equals!"

I asked Josh about his surfing.

"It keeps me trim and fit and I run as well," he explained. "Actually I'm pretty good at it and had the option to go professional. I'm still thinking about it but I love my job here. I get to meet really nice and interesting people like you and the surfing scene can be a bit rough. I'm not a really strong 'roughing it' kinda guy." He sipped some more Pol Roger.

"I'm also a bit of a romantic. I write poetry. I drink Pol Roger too, Guillaume. I have more if we need it."

I thought for a moment.

"Can you recite me one of your poems, Josh? I write poetry too and in is one of my passions."

Josh blushed.

"They're a bit sensual."

I replied:

"That's OK. I love and do sensual. If it makes you feel normal, when I write some poems and stories I get totally turned on. Then I know my readers are going to be as well!"

He looked at me although an impenetrable sunnies barrier effectively screened us both. Eyes could wander unnoticed. They did, both his and mine. I could tell Josh had a nice cock and he was clearly cut. He could tell the same about me. I felt my cock stirring. I saw his was too.

"OK, Guillaume. I can't remember them all but, here goes."

'I Look'

I look and see your eyes, Floating over me, With desire.

I look and see your face, Smiling at me, With desire.

I look and see your body, Calling me, With desire.

A body landscape, Of hills, Of valleys, Of promontories.

And, I long to lay upon it, To explore hidden secrets, To discover the inner you,

Your desire, Has made mine; All that remains, Is completion, Connection; Two made whole; Two made complete.

Josh modulated his voice as the beauty of the words unfolded. I whistled. It was intensely erotic and sensual.

"Josh, that truly is beautiful. As you were reciting it was as if I were the object of your words.

He took of his sunnies and said simply:

"You were and you are Guillaume."

My jaw dropped. I took my sunnies off as well. We looked deep into each other's eyes. By now my cock was on its own trajectory and so was Josh's. I leaned forward and kissed him. He drew in a deep breath and leaned back. Then, standing up he picked up Pol Roger, I picked up the flutes and he said:

"Let's go private."

I followed. His apartment was off a kind of service corridor beyond the pool area. Josh unlocked the door. It was spacious with the same classy furnishings as the hotel and hard large panoramic windows with voluminous drapes. There was a full kitchen, large living and dining area and a bedroom with en suite. Josh put the Pol Roger and ice bucket on the kitchen counter. I barely had time to place the flutes before Josh enveloped me in his arms. The sense of erotic and sexual energy was overpowering for us both. I wanted him; he wanted me. Josh was around 6 foot 2 and so taller and he also had more muscle than me. He was hungry, animalistic, urgent.

We kissed and caressed as our cocks rubbed together in an intense sexual grind through our speedos. Josh reached into my speedos to grasp my cock. His was already well beyond the confines of his speedos, rampant against his belly. He had to have been at least 23cm, beautiful and cut to perfection. He smelled of soap mixed with his own manly scent and his kissing was voracious. He took my hand and we went to his bed. He sat down and pulled me close.

"Fuck, Guillaume, I am so horny and turned on. I wanted this to happen but had no idea how to make it happen. As it turned out, it just did."

"You've no idea," I replied "but it's all thanks to Pol Roger."

Josh began to devour my nipples as he pulled my speedos down. Then he went for my cock, his passion and urgency really setting me off big time. He started fingering my crack and pucker. My cock vanished to the hilt down his throat and I was ready to blow within seconds and I did, not being able to exert any control whatever. He was possessed. Josh extracted every bit of cum he could, milking my cock. Then he pulled me back on top of him and kissed me deeply, my cum sealing his kisses. He was moaning, gasping, writhing and panting like a rolling California earthquake.

I stood up and pulled off his speedos. I whispered:

"Josh, you've done a great first course but there's more to come and now I am going to have you climbing the walls."

"Fuck yeah, Guillaume. Send me to fucken heaven although I'm hotter 'n hell!"

I thought how out of character it was for Josh to be saying such things but then realised, I - we - had entered into a primeval state of sexual lust and need. All things else had been thrown aside and this was about those intense and raging hormonal needs having to be satisfied.

I straddled Josh. His hands were all over me. I bent forward and started to lick him; nipples, chest, neck, face, ears, eyes, pits. He moaned and writhed beneath me almost clawing at me trying to engulf me, to make my body part of his. I moved down between his legs, parting them as I placed my bent knees under his thighs, raising them up and making his more cock accessible. I grabbed a pillow and he rammed it underneath his ass. His powerful legs wrapped around my body, leg hairs painting sensuality on my skin, his feet locked together. And then I went to work on his cock. As I sucked and licked, Josh went into an absolute delirium. We were in a foam of sweat and passion. I disengaged from his legs so I could attend to his pucker, taint and balls and the creases between his legs and equipment. His rosebud did a dance of its own as I tongued him, trying to suck me in. Josh moaned and writhed even more to the point of almost thrashing about. So, when I got back to his cock, he was leaking a continuous stream of sweet pre-cum. As I began to deep throat him, after about four passes down his shaft, he let out a muffled scream and blasted off, gush after gush into my throat. His body was shuddering and writhing, legs and feet flexing as if he were doing horizontal squats on his back.

He pulled me to him and held me so tight I felt as if I would break in two. I then realised that Josh was one of those guys who experienced incredibly long and deep orgasms. Although he came quickly, the real intensity for him came afterwards. It was amazing to see and feel. I had never come across it so intensely before. We lay there for a good 20 minutes as Josh slowly stopped his tremors, moans and shudders. By this point, I was hard as steel again. Josh realised.

"Get the lube," he whispered almost painfully, gesturing to the bedside drawer.

I reached over. It was a pump action container. Josh took it from me and between lessening tremors, lubed up his ass and my cock, drew back his knees and said:

"Fuck me Guillaume. I want it hard and heavy."

Well, I am not really a hard and heavy fucker but the entire scenario had me so turned on still; the vigour, potency, lust, sexual energy and the sensual smell of our sweat. His cock was standing almost vertically again. My cock slipped into Josh. He was so tight but then, he reached back and used his hands to show me how hard and heavy he wanted it, pulling me firmly and rapidly, thrusting my cock into him like a piston. Then he used his ass muscles in tandem. I really lost all sense of control and within a couple of minutes was ready to blow again. Josh arched his back too. I knew I was really hitting his prostate. He let out another muffled scream and arcs of cum erupted from his cock, moments before I exploded inside him. I collapsed on top of Josh, my cock still hard and deep inside him. This time I was a part of his tremors and shudders and flexing and they went even longer, a good 30 minutes plus.

We eventually got up and showered. All Josh could do was smile and take in deep breaths. We were both dressed in towels.

"Fucken amazing Guillaume."

I said:

"Look Josh, I have an idea. I am going to cook us dinner, here. The mark of a brilliant chef is to make something breathtaking in somebody else's kitchen with whatever is at hand."

He responded by taking my hand and opening the refrigerator. There were all sorts of vegetables, some chicken breasts and in the pantry, lentils, herbs, spices.

"But, I had better go back to my room and change into clothes."

I put my speedos and board shorts on and with the towel around my neck, took the elevator back to my floor. There was nobody anywhere. I dressed in Bermuda shorts and a white T-shirt and went back to Josh. He was still floating.

So, we had the rest of the Pol Roger, which Josh had re-chilled in an instant re-chiller and I set to work with Josh assisting. I decided to do a warm seared chicken salad with some garlic pasta and date crˆpes, all very simple and quickly done. Josh set a beautiful table with linen and crystal. We retired to a corner of the living area where Josh had bucket seats around a low table. He sat adjacent to me, legs over the table. He bent down, picked up my legs and placed them over his. We looked and smiled. Josh reached over and scraped his fingers sensuously over my hidden cock. I spoke first:

"Well, Josh, what can I say. Of course, you are a really sexy, hot and beautiful man and that was totally the most mind-blowing sex I've had in a while."

I meant it in the sense of the sheer animal intensity. It was totally true.

Josh smiled.

"I never said anything before but I got the hots for you the moment I saw you, Guillaume. You looked so suave and smart and then when you spoke to me that first night at dinner, I was glad my apron hid all, shall we say. Your accent was like lube on my dick and it started singing in my head."

I smiled and blew him a kiss.

"You, Josh, are a true poet and in that regard I want to see more."

"Deal," he said. After dinner I will show you. I figure I have around 60 or so."

He fixed me with what I called 'the Josh look'.

"I could fall in love with you, Guillaume."

"I could fall in love with you, Josh."

He gave me the look.

"Yeah but it's fucken impossible isn't it?"

"Probably with immigration and residency and all that official stuff, " I said "but no matter what, we have friendship and memories."

We were both being intelligent about the situation. Josh grinned and gave me the look again.

"Well, until you leave we can do a lot of stuff. We can fuck like crazy!"

We certainly did do a lot of stuff to the extent my head was reeling from it all.

After dinner and a bottle of Sancerre, Josh let me read his poems. They were really very good: sensual, erotic and beautiful. Josh watched intently as I read.

"Josh, these really are magical. They could even be published. Would you like me to check with my contacts?"

"You're not just saying that are you Doctor Guillaume?" He threw in the title having seen it on my card.

"No Josh, I am not. Indeed, they are some of the best poems I have ever read."

I selected four and stood up.

"I want you to close your eyes Josh and listen. I have selected some I especially like. I want you to detach from the fact you wrote them and just listen to the words. Let the words and their beauty and meaning, caress you, caress your soul, your inner being."

With timbre, intonation and modulation using my every oratorical skill, I read each, ending with the one Josh had recited by the pool.

His mouth opened.

"Wow, Guillaume. They sound amazing when you read them."

"When I read them, they are still your poems, but they take on another dimension. Poetry is like that. It opens magical doors which prose never can. It appeals direct to our emotions and they give the reader a sense of partnership."

I didn't want to launch into teacher mode.

"I never thought about it in that way."

Josh went over and poured us both a cognac.

"I loved it when you fucked me, Guillaume. I can never fuck anybody. I want to but I lose it and so I love all the kissing and caressing and licking, I totally love being fucked by the right guy, but then, that's it and then, once I am back on earth, I am ready to go again."

I sipped my cognac.

"I did rather notice, Josh!"

I thought a bit more.

" I have to say, Josh, you have the most amazing orgasms ever. I have never seen such absolute intensity. I was so turned on!"

"I know. My entire body, all my nerve endings get super-charged. When I was a teen at home, I had to gag myself when I jerked off in my room so as not to alert the entire neighbourhood, let alone the house! I was almost gagged permanently as I was always so horny!"

He laughed at the memories.

"When I was 17, my Dad gave me the big sex talk. It was a bit awkward. He also asked me if I knew about release and relief through masturbation. I smiled: "Sure Dad," I said, "I already got my master's degree in it and am working on my PhD." My Dad looked at me and smiled. "That's good Josh." We never talked sex again."

Well, needless to say, LA with Josh, thanks to Josh, was totally memorable. Each sexual encounter just got better and even more intense. I shudder even today, many years later, thinking about it all.

As the plane took off from LA, I had to say to myself:

"What a trip that was Guillaume, baby; what a fucken trip!"


I kept in touch with Josh of course. We met up again when I was doing a teaching stint in Australia and he was there for a surfing tournament. He was all tanned and sexy. He just oozed it all. We fucked like proverbial bunnies. I knew of course he had a steady stream of guys wanting to get into his pants. He was a real magnet although I knew he was very selective. Over dinner one night in Sydney, he said:

"You know, Guillaume, I can have almost any guy I want. I have to fight them off almost but I tell you one thing: sex with you is the best ever. Nothing matches it. I simply don't get the same intensity with another guy. You are like the gold standard against which others are judged!"

Of course, that had potential for a serious relationship and partnership but as always, in days of difficult immigration officials and before gay marriage and civil unions, there were far too many obstacles in the way. In response to Josh, all tanned and truly magnificent I said:

"For that absolute compliment from the most beautiful, sexy man on earth, After dinner I will try to excell myself."

I tried. Josh said I again succeeded all expectations!

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