My Lecture Tour

By Guillaume Bacharene

Published on Sep 28, 2016


Guillaume Bacharene

This story is a bit of fact and fiction although based on some key actual details. Some names have been changed for privacy protection purposes. The mixture of fact and fiction is what good writing is all about in my view. And, one has to write, above all, for the reader. A writer is an agent or channel to get the words right and tell a wonderful story to which readers can relate.

My romance with the US goes back to the early 1980s. While there are exceptions as there are all over the world, I was totally seduced by the general niceness of people and especially, the beautiful, confident and sexy men who were totally enthralled by my accent and my brain. But also, it was the genuine openness and way they expressed thoughts and feelings. I had never had my ego so exquisitely massaged the same way ever. So, I am 1.80m tall, worked out and had what others described as "model looks" to the extent that when I was doing my first masters degree I had been offered a modelling contract with a major fashion house in Paris. I thought about it all, the money and travel, but figured I had too many brains to be treated like a glorified clothes' horse and as some superficial entity who had "the looks" but nothing else. Added to that was what I saw as bullshit "glamour". I turned it down to pursue an academic career instead.

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My US Lecture Tour and Master Classes - Part Seven

It was 1983 and I was to have four weeks in the US doing a series of lectures and master classes based one some research I had done. It doesn't really matter what is was all about now but it was held to be extremely important. It was an offer that came out of nowhere really. Sometimes, the powers that be of the universe seem to have a plan for us. This was to be no exception. I was able to negotiate really generous terms with a week in Honolulu on the way and then sessions in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, New Orleans, Los Angeles and San Diego.

I indicated earlier about my first touch with America being the most amazingly good thing for one's ego. In each of these cities I was to have an experience, which could read like a romance novel. It was heady and all culminated some years later with me meeting the big love of my life, a beautiful American. After 30 years we are still together. But that's another complete story I might also tell one day!

San Diego

San Diego was a real surprise. I knew little about it other than the fact it was a naval town with a huge base. However, it is also a lovely city with a sort of beach to canyon and desert kind of vibe and a very casual, cruisy kind of scene overall.

I had been given the use of an apartment off University Avenue, which turned out to be very convenient. There were many bars in the area and those I sampled had a very preppy kind of clientele with mainly college boys and young professionals. Anyway, after a busy day of master classes with a lecture the next morning at 11:00am and a free day after that before I headed to LA, I decided I needed to get something to eat and have a drink to unwind. I wasn't terribly hungry so opted for eggs benedict and some fries at a pleasant garden restaurant I came across. It was efficient, professional and very reasonable with the usual flawlessly gorgeous servers, male and female. America really had a mould and a formula for such physical beauty and perfection.

My server was called Marc, and he flirted shamelessly but then I noticed he did it will all his customers. I figured that his tip take would be huge. I certainly showed my appreciation. He had done an impeccable job all through. Marc shook my hand as I left and thanked me. I would not have been at all surprised had he felt me up and slipped a 'meet me' note. He didn't.

After I had eaten, I meandered along University Avenue checking out shops and galleries and came across a bar which looked classy and not too crowded. It had a high bar with shelves and stools in front and all around the walls and a backroom pool table. I got a Calistoga mineral water and a glass of white wine and found a stool in a corner of the bar, facing out to the street. It meant I didn't have people pushing past me constantly. There were another four stools free next to me.

All of the customers were early to late twenties I decided, all well dressed, well groomed and handsome. They virtually all seemed to be drinking Corona beer with a wedge of lime. It appeared to be the standard drink, wherever I went for that particular group of twenty somethings.

And then he walked in. The entrance area had a light over the door, probably for safety reasons so anybody coming in was sort of in the spotlight for a moment at least. I did a double take. He was tall and slim but filled out his shirt really well with a nice chest and upper arms and a really nice neck with a sexy dimple where his collarbones met. He had longish dark blond hair with lighter streaks, worn slightly wild, and blue eyes. He scanned the room and looked straight at me. Somebody he knew came up and spoke with him and they had an animated conversation for a few minutes. All the while I noticed he kept looking in my direction. I turned around to look at some drawings behind me. His voice brought me back to reality.

"Hello. Would you like some company? You are all alone in your own section of the bar." He was certainly beautiful close up as well.

"I'm Robert," he continued, holding out his hand. We shook.

"Well, Robert, that is so sweet and considerate of you. And, I'm Guillaume."

"Guillaume. What a lovely name and I can tell you are not American by your so sexy accent. Where are you from and what brings you to our fair city?"

"I'm French but spend a lot of time all over the world for various research and teaching things," I replied, having developed an almost standard set of responses for what had become a very frequent series of questions posed.

"I'm in America doing a lecture tour which has taken me around the country. San Diego now and LA and that's it. I have already been to Honolulu, San Francisco, NYC, Washington DC and New Orleans."

Robert sat down on the stool next to me and ordered a glass of champagne. I noticed his two middle buttons on his jeans were undone. Without thinking I said:

"Robert, I couldn't help but notice; two of your fly buttons are open."

"I know Guillaume but it is deliberate. It pays to advertise!"

That was certainly a new one for me. His champagne arrived and we clinked glasses.

"To a wonderful evening."

"So you are advertising what exactly?" I asked. He laughed.

"Availability I guess! And it is working it seems Guillaume. You noticed and I am available!"

I laughed as well. I really like his confident, witty, friendly, easy manner and warmth.

"So Guillaume, how many hearts have you left broken on your trail through the US? Good looking men like you tend to do that."

I smiled.

"You absolute charmer you and in any case, I bet exactly the same applies to you. You certainly got my attention as you walked in."

"Well, Guillaume, this is going well. I just came for a drink and here I am spending a wonderful time with a delightful and terribly sexy man from France!"

I returned:

"And I with a really beautiful and sexy man from San Diego."

We clinked glasses again.

"In fact," Robert began "my family origins through my dad are Latvian. My Mom is Lithuanian."

"That explains your stunning looks Robert. The very best of the Baltic!"

He laughed and we again clinked glasses.

"Where on earth will this mutual admiration society end up Guillaume?"

"Well, Robert, let's just let things flow, shall we; let them take their natural course?"

Robert worked as an accounts manager for a publishing company and was well read, highly intelligent and a lot of fun. He had done a BA and MA at UCLA. He was 29 but looked 18.

We had another drink and Robert's hands ended up on my knees as he moved closer.

"You are such a charming man, Guillaume." He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You are such a charming man, Robert." I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on both cheeks.

"Typical Frenchman getting me all hot and bothered."

We finished our drinks and he said:

"Let's go." It was a simple statement with no plan attached. Outside on the street he just started walking and I tagged along. That was the plan: Robert walking and me tagging along. We walked a short way and turned off on a side street, arriving at a house set back a little from the street. Robert unlocked the door. It was his house.

"Welcome to my parlour, Guillaume." The house was beautifully decorated, minimalist and sleek. I complimented Robert. His taste and decor reminded me of Markus.

"Make yourself comfortable Guillaume."

His living room was lit with side lighting making a very intimate and beautiful setting. Music began to play, Erik Satie's 'Gymnop‚die' to be intermingled with Camille Saint-Sa‰ns 'Danse Macabre' and others, two of my preferred French composers and much loved compositions. Robert certainly knew how to up the ante in the charm department.

"Do you like champagne, Guillaume? I have some Pol Roger on ice. It's really all I drink. I have to slum in in the bars though!"

This really was becoming a pattern, Pol Roger being a connecting force. I smiled inwardly yet again.

"Pol Roger is my fave," I said enthusiastically. "On this trip, much has been drunk in every port of call!"

"All as part of the trail of broken hearts. Perfect choice then." Robert brought in the Pol Roger, an ice bucket and two elegant flutes. He opened and poured, handing me a flute and coming to sit next to me.

"To us, to Guillaume and Robert." We clinked flutes.

I leaned over and kissed him, our tongues aflame, with both passion and the effervescence of Pol Roger. Between sips of Pol Roger we continued to kiss and this we maintained for well over 30 minutes. It was so beautiful, sensual, erotic because it carried its own completeness and perfection.

Robert broke away and disappeared. I heard water running. He came back smiling.

"I am running us a bath. I love baths and want us to have one together as the first real intimacy between us. Come."

Robert took the Pol Roger and I followed. He placed it beside the bath on a low table and then took my hand, leading me to his bedroom. He began slowly to undress me and I him and within a short time, both erect, we held each other close, skin to skin and kissed with even greater urgency, admiring each other's naked beauty. Robert was truly beautiful. His cock was almost identical to mine, smooth and neatly cut. He looked like an innocent angel.

But, the bath called, all fragrant with cardamom, thyme and lavender. I stepped in, my back to the rear. Robert climbed in and leaned back against me. I held him close, caressing his lean body and kissing his neck and ears. He moaned with each touch. I ran my fingers around his balls, pubes and the creases of his upper thighs where they met the private Robert. He turned his head so we could kiss as his hands kneaded my thighs. My hand moved to his cock. He began to shudder and moan. After about 20 minutes, he raised himself slightly, reached back for my cock and slowly sat down again, my rampant cock threading neatly and without hindrance deep inside him. The warm water relaxed him and the suds acted as lubricant. He leaned back and I worked his nipples and cock as he started to fuck my cock in a gentle rocking motion, buoyed by the water. It was intensely sensual and erotic again. I was so turned on I had to whisper to him to take it easy as I was close to shooting.

"I want you to Guillaume. It makes us complete."

He began with greater vigour as I jacked his cock. He actually came momentarily before me, his shudders sending tidal waves around the tub, and collapsed back in my arms. He ran more warm water and we returned to the Pol Roger while I held him close and kept caressing him. Eventually with the Pol Roger done we got out and dried each other off before collapsing into his bed. He fell asleep, enveloped in my arms, breath caressing my neck. It had been a very satisfying ending to a busy day.

Next morning after much more caressing and kissing, we sucked each other off, and after breakfast, he walked me home. It was barely 10 minutes from his house. He had the day off work in fact but still had a meeting and so I told him I would be cooking us dinner at my apartment which was well set up. He could arrive when it suited. My 11:00am session would be over by 1:00pm and the limo would bring me home.

By the time Robert arrived around 4:00pm a casserole of turkey with ginger, cardamom and cloves was sending delicious aromas throughout the apartment and into the street. I had prepared ready to cook caramelised carrots and baby peas and seared garlic potatoes with a green salad and had baked mini pear tarts for dessert. I had bought more Pol Roger and a nice Chablis.

"I could track you from a mile away, Guillaume. The whole neighbourhood is licking its collective lips from the aromas wafting about from your kitchen! Le tout San Diego is saying, M. Guillaume has arrived!"

I kissed him. Playfully he started flicking his tongue around my face. My cock sprang up. Robert had an art to all he did.

He had brought some artisan chocolates and looked amazingly beautiful in black dress pants, a blue open shirt and a tailored charcoal jacket. He took his jacket off and washed his hands ready to help. I got him to set the table, which ended up like something from Vogue Living. Then, Pol Roger in hand, we went out to the lanai, which looked out over the valley. I put my arm around Robert who leaned his head on my shoulder.

"This is almost perfection," he said softly.

"Almost?" I answered.

"Yes because you will soon be leaving. However, I promise not to be morose. We will just have to see what might be possible. I've become extremely fond of you, Guillaume."

I kissed his eyes.

"And I of you Robert."

Well, dinner was a leisurely one. Afterwards, Robert asked if there was a tub in the apartment. There was and he went and ran it for us. We did a repeat performance of the previous night and followed up in the morning with sucking each other off. I was due to leave the day after next so we were determined to make the most of the time we had. We certainly did.

Robert insisted on taking me to the airport. In those days it was a pretty ghastly place in San Diego, largely a commuter place. He was surprised they had decided to fly me up saying it was so much easier to drive. He would have driven me.

But, we found a quiet corner until my flight was called. As the time got closer my emotions really started to run away. Tears started to run uncontrollably and I had a terrible lump in my throat. Robert was the same. We hugged.

"We both need to be strong my sweet Guillaume."

When my flight was called he came with me to the gate. We kissed cheeks, French style. He waved, a vision of sheer elegance and beauty.


Robert and I kept in frequent touch. He was a great correspondent. About a year after we had met, I received a letter from him telling me he had contracted HIV and was moving back to his family in New Jersey as things were rather grim. Thereafter it was a very sad spiral. Less than a year after that, I received a card from his sister announcing that Robert had died. It was very tearful news. I still remember him, a truly sweet and beautiful man, with the greatest affection. The Robert's of this world make it a much better place.

Next: Chapter 8

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