My Lecture Tour

By Guillaume Bacharene

Published on Sep 15, 2016


Guillaume Bacharene

This story is a bit of fact and fiction although based on some key actual details. Some names have been changed for privacy protection purposes. The mixture of fact and fiction is what good writing is all about in my view. And, one has to write, above all, for the reader. A writer is an agent or channel to get the words right and tell a wonderful story to which readers can relate.

My romance with the US goes back to the early 1980s. While there are exceptions as there are all over the world, I was totally seduced by the general niceness of people and especially, the beautiful, confident and sexy men who were totally enthralled by my accent and my brain. But also, it was the genuine openness and way they expressed thoughts and feelings. I had never had my ego so exquisitely massaged the same way ever. So, I am 1.80m tall, worked out and had what others described as ?model looks? to the extent that when I was doing my first masters degree I had been offered a modelling contract with a major fashion house in Paris. I thought about it all, the money and travel, but figured I had too many brains to be treated like a glorified clothes? horse and as some superficial entity who had ?the looks? but nothing else. Added to that was what I saw as bullshit ?glamour?. I turned it down to pursue an academic career instead.

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My US Lecture Tour and Master Classes ? Part Two

It was 1983 and I was to have four weeks in the US doing a series of lectures and master classes based one some research I had done. It doesn?t really matter what is was all about now but it was held to be extremely important. It was an offer that came out of nowhere really. Sometimes, the powers that be of the universe seem to have a plan for us. This was to be no exception. I was able to negotiate really generous terms with a week in Honolulu on the way and then sessions in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, New Orleans, Los Angeles and San Diego.

I indicated earlier about my first touch with America being the most amazingly good thing for one?s ego. In each of these cities I was to have an experience, which could read like a romance novel. It was heady and all culminated some years later with me meeting the big love of my life, a beautiful American. After 30 years we are still together. But that?s another complete story I might also tell one day!

San Francisco

Since I knew people in San Francisco, I already had somewhere to stay and so the organisers of my tour were happy for me to make my own arrangements. I was staying at a large house on Powell. In a sense, I could have a double life: do all the tour things and meet obligations and yet also have time out from being grilled endlessly about research and theories.

I already knew that arriving in the afternoon at 3:00pm, I had time to clean up, change and be ready. I had been invited with my host friends to a 24th birthday party at 7:30pm. The party boy?s name I also knew: it was Phillip.

?Phillip speaks some French so he will love you, Guillaume!? my main host, John, had said. ?They will all be late teens and twenty somethings so you and I will be the old men of the evening.? John knew Phillip as a medical student who worked in his medical centre part time.

I chuckled. Barely 30 and already ?old?. Oh well, I thought philosophically. It sure as hell didn?t stop me from having a blast in Honolulu so why start thinking in dotage ways now?

Stopping off at a market on the way so I could buy Phillip chocolates, we arrived at the party house around 7:36pm. The party was already happening, having started on cue, but quite subdued. Great music was playing but not too loud, drinks and food were happening and there was a very exotic aroma floating about: hash and grass were liberally present.

John had been right. They were basically boys and girls, all singularly handsome and beautiful. Phillip bounded over and gave John a huge hug and a kiss.

?Phillip, this is my friend Guillaume. He?s from France but speaks perfect English.?

?Bienvenue alors, Guillaume.? ?Welcome!? ?I?m so pleased you are here. But please don?t put me on the spot with my French!? He kissed me on both cheeks. We handed over our gifts. John had given him a weekend for two at a weekender place in Sonoma. I figured my chocolates would complete the scene. All he needed was somebody to share it all and, at that point I had no idea about his relationship status.

?€a commence bien alors, Phillip; ... la fran‡aise! Et en plus, bon anniversaire!? I said to him, ?So, that?s a great start, Phillip; in the French way and indeed, happy birthday!? He kissed me again, beaming. He was dressed in jeans, a shirt and a light sweater and was extremely good looking with a flawless skin, sleek black hair, bright blue eyes and a melting smile. Certainly easy on the eye, I thought plus broad shouldered, well built.

Then there was a round of introductions to the fifteen-odd guests. I noticed they all had very exotic names: Cerise, Damon, Keren, Malachi, Donetta, Carlos, Marisol, Terrence, and all were dressed appropriately with style and glamour. John and I got drinks and found seats on the terrace outside amidst a wild profusion of garden plants. It was actually nice to sit in nature as for me it had been a long day flying over from Honolulu. We were joined by two boys, Terrence and Carlos, both fresh-faced and sweet, both medical students and both bubbling with confident conversation. Terrence looked me right in the eye and said:

?So I hear you are a very famous scholar, Guillaume.? He stressed the very.

I coughed and laughed.

?Heavens no. It seems I have been given a bit of fame and a build up. But no. I am not famous at all. I merely seem to have researched something which people like and about which they want to hear, nothing more.?

Terrence flashed a smile. He was another classic, All-American boy who exuded sex appeal. They all did. John wandered off for another drink. I nursed mine as I had already drunk four glasses of red on the flight over from Honolulu or, was it five, six, even I wondered?

Carlos also wandered off, leaving Terrence and me alone. John was chatting to somebody else, just inside the doorway, balancing a very large glass of red wine and talking animatedly.

?So Terrence,? I said, ?we?ve determined I am not really famous. Are you?? He chuckled.

?Guillaume, I am just a humble medical student. Phillip and I are the same year and he?s my best friend. I love him like a brother.?

Just then, Phillip came and did the rounds. He bent down and kissed Terrence on the top of his head and sat beside me.

?So my gorgeous and bestest friend Terrence, are you trying to charm Dr Guillaume??

I interjected, ?Terrence has been perfectly sweet and charming, Phillip, but he doesn?t need to try to charm me, he already has,? I added, ?And that?s not a come on, it is a mere statement of fact. I feel as if I am sitting in a modelling agency; all of you are so beautiful and handsome.?

Terrence looked me straight in the eye and smiled, tipping his glass and raising his chin. Amongst a lot of good-looking boys, he was a stand out and exuded sex appeal.

Thereafter there was a parade of boys and girls, all wanting to talk. By the end I think I had managed to convince them all that I was not famous since the rumour had run around all the guests.

As the evening wore on, I decided to go get some finger food at which point thereafter, the official birthday proceedings began. The MC was a tall and striking redhead called Amelia, who looked like a Vogue model. She made a very funny and very clever speech, at one point saying, ?And I laud and magnify this gorgeous friend of ours, Phillip. Happy birthday darling and maybe tonight, you will get your wish and lose your fucking virginity! You so fucking deserve it! Any takers? The boy is ripe for the taking and needs it to be complete and completed shall we say.?

The entire place erupted. Amelia carried on.

?Now, it is Phillip?s 24th birthday ? happy birthday again darling ? but, I want to acknowledge Dr John, who helps many of us here in his medical centre. It?s how we get to afford to go shopping in Paris.? The place erupted again.

?I also want to acknowledge Dr Guillaume, Dr John?s friend from France. We were actually told he was very famous but, he is in total and absolute denial! So, Dr Guillaume, welcome to you, the not-at-all-famous person you are! You already have a few admirers here tonight, let me tell you and it?s for you to find out and perhaps choose.?

Amelia took a sip of her drink, and a puff and spluttered to a halt. After much coughing and throat clearing, she took up the banter once more.

?Now my darlings all. We don?t have a birthday cake for our gorgeous birthday boy Phillip. Now really: is not this boy the most gorgeous creature on earth and we all may ask ourselves how it is he is still a fucking virgin? But, we do have some special brownies instead.? A cheer went up although I had no clue why then, I would later find out. The evening was set to become ?interesting?.

So, everything proceeded wonderfully. The entire event, charged with hash, grass, alcohol, physical beauty and hormones. I did start to feel older; tired certainly.

Amelia came towards we with a large silver tray.

?Guillaume, these are in lieu of a cake; they are brownies, indeed, birthday brownies.?

I looked at the tray. They were small, miniscule almost.

?Well, Amelia, those are the smallest brownies I have ever seen here in America where everything is bigger and better!? She laughed.

?No, that?s just in Texas! We are far less boorish and superior in California and fuck, don?t let that worry you, Guillaume. Take as many as you want. We have absolute heaps in the kitchen. We?ve been baking all day!?

I selected four pieces. Their aroma was heady, all chocolate and spicy. I nibbled slowly. This was after all a famous American institution. Within minutes of eating them all, however, my head was swimming. It was then I heard Carlos exclaim, off to the side, ?Fucken hot hash brownies! Boy, potent fuckers!? That was when I realised with considerable dread: I had already eaten enough to drug a racehorse.

Thereafter, as my head spun, the entire mood of the place softened. The music was turned down and guests were talking in smaller groups. I saw John with Carlos perched on his knees, both with hands flying in all directions in emphasis as they debated something. I, however, felt nauseous and had to go to the bathroom. Everything was swimming and undulating wildly. I splashed my face with cold water and tried to throw up but nothing worked. I turned on the tap a drank as much water as I could and then gathering myself together, went back to the cooler air of the terrace. I came close to lying down on the cool of the bathroom tiles but realised it was probably not a good idea: I would have passed out behind a locked door.

Phillip was doing his rounds, thanking and kissing everybody. He appeared to glow in the half-light. Then Terrence came back, almost tripping and falling on top of me.

?Wow, fuck, Guillaume; awesome HBs huh?? He leaned close.

?You know what, Terrence, I have never had them before. In fact I had no idea they even existed and now I have eaten four and I?m not feeling at all well.?

?Shit. You ate four?? Terrence looked incredulous. ?Boy, that?s fucken heavy stuff. You be floating for ages.?

It was hardly what I needed to hear.

?Now you tell me!

John came over. ?I have a call out, Guillaume, not quite an emergency but almost. I am going to have to go but you have your house key and either someone will drop you home or you can get a cab.? Then he looked at me. ?You OK??

I explained what had happened.

?Damnation! I should have warned you. I don?t touch the stuff.?

Then, Terrence spoke up.

?Don?t worry Dr John. I will look after Guillaume and see to it he?s OK.? John left, reassured. Terrence looked at me again and stood up saying, ?You need lots of water, Guillaume.? He was back moments later with a giant bottle of mineral water. He poured me a glass. I guzzled it down. Four more followed. The tangy sparkle reinvigorated me and settled my churning stomach. My head cleared a bit and I started to feel almost human again, with the occasional urge to throw up. Gradually too, those feeling dissipated.

Terrence put a protective arm around my shoulders. He was being very sweet and solicitous.

?You feeling better Guillaume?? I was and wasn?t at the same time but put on my most positive face.

Terrence leaned close again. He smelled of cloves and lavender.

?You wanna split? My place is about five minutes away. You can relax and crash there.?

This made utter sense. I stood up rather unsteadily. Terrence braced me. He was a little taller than me and had a few more kilos of muscle as well. After a bit, being vertical came back as a semi-natural state.

?Let?s go.?

We found Phillip with Amelia holding him steady on a divan. We wished him a happy birthday again. I gave him a kiss on both cheeks and Terrence returned Phillip?s earlier gesture, kissing him on top of his head.

?Thanks Phillip,? I said. ?I ate four hash brownies with no idea what they were and without any knowledge of their effects so Terrence is kindly looking after me to make sure I don?t end up sprawled in a gutter somewhere.?

We both kissed Amelia.

?I?m still hoping our gorgeous birthday boy is going to lose his virginity tonight but the field of options and solutions is thinning badly.? She laughed and Phillip moaned.

Terrence and I walked out of the house and onto the street. I felt better already. A cool wind coursed and licked up the street from the Bay. The pangs of nausea were coming less frequently. I was starting to feel human again, a part of the world. It was all re-assuring.

Terrence was ever supportive and sweet, maintaining a strong arm around my shoulders. It felt good. And within minutes we were at his place, a small garden apartment, which smelled of roses and pines. My head cleared more. Terrence took off his jacket, sat me back on a large sofa and went to make coffee.

?You sure need a coffee hit after that overdose, Guillaume.? I laughed.

?You are so right Terrence. What an ignorant babe in the woods I was. Thanks to you I have survived!?

As the coffee was brewing he came and kneeled on the floor in front of me.

?Thanks for being so attentive, Terrence. I am forever grateful,? I offered.

He smiled. The lighting in his apartment was better, more defining. I looked at him and realised again how handsome he was. I figured that smile would melt hearts at a thousand paces. He filled his T-shirt well, muscled but not overtly so and in perfect Pythagorean proportions. It was then I suddenly realised he reminded me of someone. I agonised. Who?

Terrence got coffee. ?Black,? he said.

After a few sips of coffee and feeling better by the minute, I said:

?You so remind me of somebody but can?t think who.?

He laughed.

?You ever watch porn??

I replied, ?A bit. A friend has a collection.?

It was then I made the connection: Terrence had sown the magical seed. My jaw dropped as realisation dawned.

?You?re ?..? but the name escaped me. He rolled over and retrieved a VHS cassette from a cupboard, presenting it to me. Instantly I made the connection. He smiled back from the cover. I had two versions right before me, one a photo the other real.

My god. Here was the hottest porn star ever for me and I was right there, in his apartment.

?You know Terrence, porn never really interested me until my friend insisted I watch you. Well, let?s just say, thereafter I wasn?t exactly addicted but I sure as hell was to you.?

He smiled again. ?Does that addiction still hold Guillaume??

I drained my coffee.

?Ask a silly question!?

With that he stood up and began to strip off his clothes. It was intensely erotic.

?Guillaume, I?m going to be your own private porn star except you get the real thing.?

Before long, he was totally naked and through the fuzz of the hash brownies, it was for me the final antidote. He was quite simply, naked perfection. My cock responded accordingly.

He came over and pulled me to my feet. Brushing his lips across mine, he began to undress me. While his cock was soft, mine certainly wasn?t: it was raging. When he removed my belt and my trousers and briefs in one gentle, revealing move as he sank to his knees, like a champion gymnast, my cock snapped back. He kissed my balls and my cock. Of course, through prior knowledge, I already new every nook and cranny of his anatomy and his statistics, especially his beautifully cut 21cm cock but, this was now for real and not the stuff of masturbatory fantasy. He stood up and I pulled him close. I felt his cock rising against me as was the heat between us. I kissed him. He kissed me and then led me to the bedroom. As he turned down bedclothes, I leaned in close to him, holding him, painting him with my pre-cum, by then dripping profusely. He leaned back against me. I nuzzled the nape of his neck and caressed his front. My cock found a natural niche in his ass crack and he clenched his buttocks and pushed back, massaging my cock with a strength and determination by flexing his glutes. He knew exactly what he was doing. Without words we discovered what we both liked: caresses, licking, kissing, sucking. And, he was exquisitely beautiful with smooth skin, a killer smile and a liquid, sinuous sensuality.

?This is so fucking hot, Guillaume,? Terrence uttered breathlessly when we came up for air. And then our tongues were at it all again, building us both up to what would be an opus to end all. I will admit, there was a bit of a dilemma, which presented in my head. I knew that Terrence ?in character? in his videos was always a top. Then, as if he read my mind he said, ?Guillaume, when we get to that point and there?s so much to explore first, I want you to fuck me slowly, I want you to make me moan. I always wanted to be fucked by a hot Frenchman.? Being French it seemed had at least one advantage.

Of course that turned me on no end but Terrence was to prove endlessly creative. On the bedside table was a vase but instead of flowers, it had a collection of feathers; big, small, stiff, floppy, fluffy. He reached over, rolling me onto my front and stretching out my arms and legs so I was spread-eagled. And then, allied with his tongue, the feather teasing began. It was quite a menu. Well, it was a bit of a mixture really; part teasing, part exquisite torture, part unbridled pleasure. I writhed as Terrence worked away. He was a skilled operator for sure. He had a really long tongue and what he was able to do with it, had me climbing an imaginary wall. I swear he was licking my chin through my insides. It gave me goose bumps and tremors wherever he licked; my ears, my neck, pits, back, spine, arms, legs. But, when he ran it down my crack and then started to tease my hole with it, I saw stars, and heard the Hallelujah chorus. The sensations were electric as if my entire body had been super-charged, centred upon this one entry point to the portals of exquisite pleasure. I moaned and writhed in involuntary ways as if a force had taken over my entire body; every nerve ending was sparking, red-hot. And then it was his turn.

I mirrored every action he had done to me, his front, back, neck, chin, eyes, ears, chest, nipples, pits. His belly button was especially sensitive, as were his balls and taint, his inner elbows and inner knees. I wet my index finger with saliva and gently inserted it inside him as I sucked his cock, its skin velvety smooth. He moaned and pushed down. His warmth enclosed tightly around my finger, massaging it as his cock jumped and shuddered in my mouth and throat. We both had this sense of a growing and exquisite tension. I went back to kissing him, his amazing tongue extending right to the back of my throat. By this stage also we were both damp with sweat. It gave a heady, sexual aroma to our lovemaking and made our bodies slick, adding to the overall panoply of sensations, an encyclopaedia of love sensations. Momentarily I thought about my fucking with Kevin but this was different again. It isn?t really a matter so much of comparing lovers as comparing sensations, feelings. Kevin had an animal edge and intensity; he so knew what he wanted and when. Terrence, in essence, was pure sensuality, sexuality, romance and passion. He and I were playing a duet and when he looked at me with his deep brown eyes, any part of me not yet melted, succumbed voluntarily. We were both transported.

By now my cock was straining and as we kissed and my body ground against his. Our natural fit meant it was right against his sphincter at the important moment.

?Lube? bedside drawer,? he moaned, exhaling.

I kept kissing him and did a contortionist act to retrieve the lube. Terrence took it, removed the cap and prepared his ass and my cock. When he did my cock, I almost came right then and there. He guided me in, rubbing my cock head around his entrance and then pulling on my hips strongly. I popped inside him and he moaned, drawing up his knees and holding them in place. We kissed and I massaged his nipples while he ran his nails along my spine. It was symphonic pleasure. His tightness was sublime and his muscular ring and insides seemed to milk me as he contracted and released; a choreography of thrusting, withdrawing, being gripped and being released. I knew that I was not going to be able to hold back; that delicious point and precipice loomed ever larger, our conjoint moans. We were riding the twin stallions over the top of the parapet.

?Oh, fuck Guillaume; you are hitting right on my prostate. Whatever that particular angle and position was, he maintained it.? Terrence?s voice trailed off again as he moaned ever louder, turning me on to another level. He cried out as a flood of cum erupted from his cock and his ring tightened so much around my cock, my own cock exploded, literally. I collapsed upon him, a pile of totally satisfied bodies, joined as one, slick with cum. It was another state of perfection, culmination.

?Smell our cum, Guillaume, better than any perfume!? I laughed and kept kissing, nibbling, nuzzling, licking his neck. It sent him into a series of delirious moans and shudders. Now I was really sweating, wetting him. He tasted salty. My cock gradually subsided inside him and I eased out. I lay down beside him and pulled him into my arms.

?Boy did that ever sort out the hash brownies!? I exclaimed! He laughed. After a long while just coming down from the heights we had been, he sat up crossed legged, leaned over and kissed my forehead.

?Fuck, what a mess we made of the bed! There?s lube, cum and who knows what juices are all over.?

?But it is all ours, Terrence,? I retorted.

?Let?s go shower Guillaume and then we can sleep. I will wash everything tomorrow.?

The shower was refreshing and it finally cleared my head. Although a certain fuzz was there, I couldn?t work out if it was the hash brownies or post-orgasmic bliss or both. We both soaped and cleaned each other. Our cocks were hard again within moments, such was the sensuality of it all. With wet hair and muscled body, Terrence looked stunning, a model man and he was so sweet as well. We dried off and headed back to bed, the room still fragrant with cum and sweat. We fell asleep, spooned together. It had been quite a night! And, it was neither over nor destined not to be repeated and, there was still morning to come. It did, with another ascent to the mountains of pleasure.


Terrence completed medical school and specialised in men?s sexual health. We are still close friends. We made love every day I was in San Francisco. Actually, I would have married him on the spot. But again the residency challenges were there. Those were the days of visa stamps and close scrutiny; gay discrimination even. And then I got to thinking: somewhere in the world, I needed to get all these amazing, beautiful men together as a sort of sexual commune. But then, that was my fertile imagination going off again.

Next: Chapter 3

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