My Latino Dudes

By moc.loa@3891zlegnA

Published on May 19, 2001


OK people, usual crap again, this story is FICTION! :) Thanks for all the feedback you horny guys have been giving me. Really been giving me a HUGE ego boost! LOL, Well here's the Third instalment, dunno how many more there's gonna be, but I'll let u know, Enjoy (P.S to all those guys asking me if my measurements are correct, yep I've got a 8.5" incher hidden somewhere down in my shorts!)

X 'n Me

Alright, so you've kinda guessed already that Xavier's "boyfriend" Ramon isn't really his boyfriend if he's shagging other girls, and u might have also noticed that I have ONE HELLVA thing for Xavier himself :). Things after Ramon get back and find me and X in bed kinda get weird for a while so X actually moves in with me (yah!) for a while until he can find his own place. In the mean while however, things are very, very, good.

It's been two weeks and X has been sharing my room with me, pity it's not been my bed as such, but we7 all make sacrifices. My dad, who I live with, had a mental fit when I first asked him if X could crash a while.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!?" He screams at me, within earshot of X mind u, "What's to stop him from slitting all our throats in the middle of the night and running of with our money!?!" he demands to know. I musing, would it really be so bad if someone slit this guys throat?

"Whatever dad, he's got nowhere to go and I've been friends with him for ages so I know he ain't gonna do anything like that" I tell my dad.

"hey!" Sez X who's walked into the Kitchen unannounced, "If you're worried about me, I'll pay rent if that's what you want" clever boy, the one way to get around my dad, offer him money, "and don't worry, I only slit the throats of people who piss me off" he remarks as we walk upstairs to our(!!!!!!) bedroom.

For the next two weeks, the words "Bliss" and "orgasmic happiness" only begin to describe just how much fun we had together! I'm lucky coz my dad goes to work early in the morning and my sisters are staying up my mums, so till around 7 till 11, when we've both got to get to work, we can fuck each other senseless!

"OH FUCK, OH FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK!" I whisper in a harsh tone as X's nine inches slowly rides itself up me arse.

"Oh fuck Wayne, your ass is so tight!" He whispers into my ear in a desperate attempt to keep quiet, the reason for this is that my older sister has come home and has decided to stay the night meaning that we can't fuck in the open like we usually do, so we just do it in my bedroom and do our best to keep the noise down! Which is pretty damn hard as X loves to be verbal during sex!

Slowly but surely, he moves his cock in and out of my ass in an attempt to edge for as long as possible, while I'm doing everything possible just not to explode over his face! His hands are all over my body feeling up my chest, my back, my groin in a desperate attempt to stay away from my cock which has gone bright red and leaking pre-cum at a steady rate, something which only happens with X fucking me. After a few more thrusts I just know I can't hold on anymore and that I have to cum so I start sliding myself onto his cock while he starts to move back, the more I push back in an attempt to get more of his cock inside of me, the further he pulls away.

"Turn around baby, I wanna see yer face as you cum" he tells me, I move around swivelling on his cock making him almost cum there and then, so I'm then on my back with my legs on his shoulders and his cock deep in my arse, "I'm cumming, oh god I'm cumming" He moans gutturally.

"So am I, FUCK, so am I" I whisper back when I feel his hands quickly jerking my cock, I lose all control and just start to push myself further and further on his cock till I can feel his balls slapping against my ass. "OHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKK!" I moan, and then WHAM! FUCK! I can feel my orgasm just boil outta me and I can feel X lean over me fucking me even harder! "ARGHH" I hear him stifle his moan by burying his mouth in my leg.

He's shuddering under the sheer intensity of his orgasm attempting to plug even more cock up my ass and my own cock is just jumping about wildly dripping cum and pre-cum everywhere! He finally stops juddering for a second and composes himself and gives me one of his killer smiles, the one he uses to get anything he wants. It's the type which lightens up his entire face, and makes my ass jittery again for another fucking!

"Thanks X, I really needed that fucking" I whisper to him,

"turn round babes"

I do this and with his cock still in my arse we lie together, him on top of me, slowly kissing and massaging my shoulder blades and kissing the back of my neck.

"That was one of the best times ever!" He tells me, "I just wish we had our own place and could do it more often" muzzling the back of my neck he tells me.

"Well considering that it's only been like the third time..." I say teasingly back,

"OI! U dirty slag!" He sez laffing,

"Oh I wish I was a slag," I remark "U know how much those guys make in an hour? Fuck we could buy our own house with that type of money!" I say in a dead pan voice which sends both of us laffing our heads off.

"Hey U 2! U told me to get u up at 9, so get the fuck up already!" Shouts my sister, Little does she know that we've been up since 8 fucking each other!

"Well, I'll catch u after work today all right?" I tell him as he pulls out living a space that I want to be filled again!

"Yeh sure, oh yeh we've got that party to go to tonight" he reminds me.

"Party? What party?"

"Carlos' party? It's his 18th!" Ohhh,

"Well don't blame me! We were doing other things at the time if u remember mister!" I tease him with

He coughs and goes bright red, for a guy who's been fucked and been fucking me for three weeks, he stills goes bright red at the first hint of gay sex!

"Well get changed and I'll see u after work and we'll go together alright?" He tells me


The party

OK, so we're both here at Carlos' party were it turns out that its also his coming out party! He's showing off his new boyfriend! Wow that guy has guts! Most of the guys don't really mind as Carlos has been sucking them off for a few years now, but his parents.......... Whoa, guess this isn't what they had in mind for their son, even if they do have something like 4 or 5 more to fall back on! Well the parties going on alright, but it turns out that most of the "Str8" guys are leaving early coz Carlos has invited quite a few of his gay friends along as well and they feel ever so slightly intimidated! And this was all made worse when one of the gay guys went to snog a "str8" one and ended up kissing his fist! So in the end it's just the gay guys in the flat, watching a bit of porn, smoking some pot.

I'm sitting on X's left, and since that most, if not all of the "str8" guys have gone I'm lying down on the couch on his lap just chatting and having some fun when Carlos walks out of the bedroom wearing a towel after having a shower. We all look at him puzzled, when he says,

"Jose's and Mario's idea of a birthday present, they both let me fuck them." Ohh so that explains alot. What isn't clear is why he just sits down opposite me and X with just his towel so that I can see right up it! Wow, guess I wasn't mistaken first time with him being hung! Already it's starting to stiffen as the other two, Jose and Mario, walk outta the bedroom with slightly foolish smiles on their faces.

"Hey Red" he says, "You remember a few weeks ago when u gave head to me, my brother and X there?" Oh my God, he didn't just say that, did he?

Everyone's laffing as I turn bright red, and his boner has taken quite a pronounced tent in his towel which I'm fairly sure everyone's noticed coz one or two other people are starting to sport wood as well.

"Well, yeah Wayne sucked me and my dudes off, fucking good one it was as well!" Carlos continues despite the fact that Jose is staring daggers at him. However, I'm starting to feel even Xavier getting a boner! "Yeh, that dude REALLY knew what he was doing with his tongue!" Jose stares even harder at him.

There around 8 guys in the room at the time, and this is NOT including me, Xavier and Carlos! So there around 10 guys in the room looking at me with astonished looks on their faces while me and X are both starting to blush on the scrutiny of those guys, some of them aren't even that bad!

"hey u guys, I gotta run, its getting late" Sez on of Carlos' friends.

"Yeh us too, our mum's are gonna kill us coz it's fucking late enough!" Another guy sez.

"U guys sure?" Asks Carlos as 5 guys all start to get up, luckily for us the REALLY good looking ones are staying, and is it coincidence that all those guys are having trouble with their cocks az well? :) I like to think so.

As Carlos walks his friends to the door the porno starts up on a massive orgy scene of around 8 guys just fucking each other and X's boner is starting to throb, a sure sign that he wants to cum!

"U guys wanna stay the night?" he asks the other six of us, "I've got some pot, some porn, and we've got each other in case we get horny!" He jokes.

We all mumble "sure," while most of the attention has gone of me and X, Carlos has somehow managed to squeeze into a pair of CK shorts, they don't leave much for the imagination. They also show that he's got a HUGE boner in his shorts and leaking pre cum as well.

"U guys wanna bed out here? Right? I'll just get the sheets and the rest of it, u kin get ready to get ta sleep if u want" he "casually" tells us.

"just to let u guys know" one of them sez "I sleep naked if that ain't a problem" Oh boy, this looks like its gonna be a long night.

As the "nudie" guy starts to strip taking off his top, his jeans and then finally his shorts, his got quite a nice cock, not as nice as X's, but it would do................

"Come on u guys!" Carlos shouts "It's fucking 3 o'clock in the morning! Get ready to sleep u vampires!"

I look up at X who is looking faintly nervous as this guy is prancing around with a half mast cock and just sitting there on a chair and absently playing with his dick. One or two of the other guys are also getting changed as well, and like the "nudie" guy are going naked as well!

"hey!" Sez Carlos "R u 2 gonna sleep in your clothes?" He asks.

"Nah" I say "X is just kinda nervous 'bout getting changed coz he gots a fully blown boner!" I shout.

Everyone laughs good natured like, X, however looks horrified.

"Ahh don't worry X-man" Sez Carlos "I've got a full woody as well" and then pulls down his shorts to let us all see, "If I was sleeping with that guy (me) then I would have a full wood all the time!" He jokes.

At this moment, every other guy has stripped and is just lazing around with cocks at various angles, semi, not even turned on, almost erect, or in Carlos and X's case, totally erect.

"you sure we can't just go home Mate?" X asks me.

"sorry m8, u heard what my dad sez" I tell him "'back before 11 or don't come fuckin' back at all' he told us, Don't worry, u can keep your shorts on" He looks slightly relieved, but still nervous. These gross displays of male nudeness and cocks isn't something that he's ready for yet, the darling!

I get up and also start to get undressed, guess those days working out in the gym are really starting to pay off from some of the looks that I'm getting! X is in a state, he also gets up, and very slowly starts to take off some of his clothes. I get down to my shorts and think 'what the hell' and slip them down. I've got a half mast cock and Xavier's eyes bog out as he's also down to his shorts, he gives me one of those ' what the hell ' looks and also strips. So there are now 7, naked guys all sitting down and watching some hard core porno in a fucking hot(!) scene! One by one, they all start to pop boners, including yours truly, and causally like start stroking themselves. Only me, Xavier and Carlos, are cut out of the 7 guys there, so there is lots of different eye candy to look at! Weird to see them play with their foreskins the way they do. One of them has a really long one which goes about an inch over his cock head and back down again to a few centimetres below revealing a nicely rounded cock head. Another one has hardly any fore skin and a fairish cock, around 6" in size and thick enough around, but az I say his foreskin only goes up to around 1 cm up his head. There are other dudes there, Jose is hanging around with Carlos who is watching the porn and just ignoring the prattling on of Jose who has a small 5 incher which also isn't very thick, and Carlos is stroking his 7.5 incher like his the only person in the room. X is sitting back down with his huge 9" sticking out, I sit down with him and again put my head in his lap, just inches from his own huge inches which is starting to leak small amounts of pre-cum. The other dude tho, he's something interesting and he hasn't taken his eyes of me since we all got naked and ready for bed. His cock is around the same length as mine, 8 inches, we've got the same thickness almost, but he's got a foreskin and I don't, so it looks kinda weird. He's also very good looking, nothing on the scale of Xavier's good looks coz he looks like he would kick the shit outta u if u gave him a dirty look, X has a softer look, and who could forget that dazzling smile!

"Hey u guys" Says Carlos over Jose whining "u guys wanna play truth or dare?" he asks saucily.

We all say sure and gather around in a circle on the small floor, we've all got full hardons at this time and no body really cares about it, it's just who's being more obvious in checking who out tho!

"So who goes first" I ask,

"Well since u asked u dweeb, I'll go first and spin the bottle!" Carlos remarks,

He gets an empty barcadi bottle and lies it down on the floor and tells us, "the dare is to, try to suck your own cock for 10 seconds!" We all laff "and the truth is tell us who u would want to fuck here!" We don't laff at that.

He spins the bottle and then it falls on............................ The guy almost opposite me.

"Ok Arron," (not the same one people!) "wadda u wanna do" sez Carlos,

"umm, truth" he sez, "I wanna fuck............ Xavier!" BASTURD! FUCKING BASTURD!

All the other fuckers fall around laffing while X has gone bright red and tries to hide his own boner, which is pretty damn hard!

"Ok u roll" Sez Carlos,

"Ok, the dare is, to suck the guy opposite you for ten seconds!" Oh shit, I'm opposite Jose! FUCK "and the truth is to, tell us would u ever get fucked by more than two guys in a hour?" Oh please, how weak. It ain't nothing that I haven't done before either!

He spins the bottle and it points at.............. Himself! Stupid basturd! That'll teach u to say things about my X!

"Wadda u gonna do?" I ask, since he's facing Carlos I really wonder what the hell he is gonna do!

"What do u think shithead?" He jokes, I honestly would have said the truth, but instead that FUCKING SLUT walks over and starts to give Carlos some head! Carlos however, does not look amused.

"Watch your fucking teeth u idjit!" Screams Carlos, "For Christ's sake already! Even Jose gave better head than that u stupid prick!"

"FINE THEN U FUCKING PRICK!" Screams Jose, "U and me are finished u fucking sod! I can't believe that I wasted almost 9 months on you!" (in case u haven't noticed already, Jose was Carlos' boyfriend!) Jose stalks of and starts to pick up his clothes muttering to himself while Carlos is just rolling himself another joint seeming like he doesn't really give a fuck. Jose then said something in Spanish which sent Carlos raving mad. Now I don't know a word of Spanish but from the tone of things, I guess that Jose wasn't saying, "I love you," I suppose that I could've asked X to translate like he usually does, but he was sill embarrassed with having the biggest boner in the room! They finally stop arguing and the guy with the small foreskin is quite high and shouts out to Jose "Goodbye Jose, You are the weakest link!" This makes EVERYONE burst out into laughter and Jose just storms out.

"Right, now that we've got rid of that fucking queen, u guys wanna watch the rest of that porn?" Sez Carlos

"Fine" We all murmur, so we all move back to where we were sitting in the first place, but no one seems to be alone? Hmm, this looks good! I'm sitting with X, stroking his thigh watching this new porn which is pretty good and just glancing around to see "Thug" just watching me and jerking himself slowly, and then I look at the other two sitting behind us. They're giving each other blow jobs!

"Whoa ho Guys!" Screams Carlos who is as high as the Mir space station, "Look likes those guys are having fun!" and with this he murmurs something else and just quietly falls back down into sleep, which leaves me, X and the "thug" awake watching these two fairly good looking guys giving each other head!

"Hey, u 2" Sez thug "U want sum head? Betcha I give better head than these fairies!"

I look at X who really doesn't really know what to make of this and I look at the "Thug" who is really starting to jerk himself off now. He wanders over to us and tells me to sit up. He gets down on his knees in front of us and when we're both sitting up he grabs both of our cocks in each hand and starts to massage them. Xavier at first tenses up, but I take his face and start to slow kiss him, relaxing him. Mister Thug is really going to town on our cocks and then he stops!?

"Stand up" He tells us "I want both your cocks in my mouth" WOW, if this guy can do this then I will be impressed!

We both stand up, my arm around X's waist giving him some deep kissing and his hands are running up and down my body while the thug works on our cock. He moves us closer together, working on my own 8.5 incher one sec, then moving onto X's 9 incher the next. Although he isn't as good as I've ever had, he's pretty good! He knows how to use his tongue which is kewl, he uses his tongue in little whiplash thingys, going all up and down our cocks, sipping at the piss hole and then attempting to deep throat us but only going down to around 6 inches and then just keeping us in while his throat muscles relax and soothe our cocks. He then moves our cocks together and tries to put them on top of each other, he slowly, but surely, tries to push both of the cocks into his mouth which doesn't really work to be honest, he gets around the first inch in, and then his teeth grate against our cock heads which hurts too much!

"Sorry u guys, I really wanted this" He apologises.

X, being the nice guy he is, stops kissing me for a few and then gives him a quick kiss on the mouth to let him know that it's OK and then brings his head back up to kiss me again.

"You mind if I just blow each of you then? Please" he asks us. He's looking like the lost puppy at this point who doesn't know if he's going to be put down and we all know this. X looks at me and just gives me a look to say "Why not, a pity suck?" He nods to the guy and then goes back to kissing me when the Thug goes DEEP down on his cock, almost choking from the sounds of things and then taking hold of my cock and slowly jerking it.

"Don't worry about that" Sez Carlos "I'll take care of Red here" Carlos has since rose from his slumber and seeing a virtual orgy here, decides to make the best of it! He removes "Thug's" hand and then looks at me once, and just goes deep, deep down on my cock!

So that leaves Me and Xavier, getting hot and heavy on the couch kissing and making out big time, with this two other studs sucking our cocks as if their lives depended on it! WOW! All this makes X even more horny as he loves to kiss and is also a great kisser! The whole thing is making him super horny and is literally trying to shove himself into my mouth! Carlos' own mouth however, feels great! He's doing everything to me that I did to him, using his hands to grab the base of my cock and using his mouth to concentrate on the head of my cock, licking the piss slit, lapping up the small amounts of pre cum that is appearing once in a while.

"I wanna fuck u so badly!" Whispers X in my ear. Well the problem with that is the two guys sucking our cocks!

"Fine babes" I whisper back. "hey guys!" I tell them, "Take 5 will ya? We wanna fuck each other."

Carlos gets this really goofy look on his face and wanders of talking about "get ya some lube and condoms" while "Thug" refuses to let go of Xaviers cock! He also is starting to jerk me off again making me edge for a while as well! Carlos gets back and throws us some lube and condoms, he then pulls "thug" off our cocks and sez,

"Marco! Give it up already! Just watch with me as these guys fuck each other!" Well I certainly ain't complaining!

X rips open the condom and lube pack and gives them both to me, he then moves back to allow me to place them both on.

"Hey Red, Stand up for a sec" Sez Marcos. I don't see anything wrong with it so I lean over X kissing him and placing his condom on, slowly rolling it down his cock and then applying the lube to it.

Without knowing, Marcos has scuttled over to behind me and has started to rim my ass! DAMN! Brother might not be able to give a good blow job, but he does know how to suck some ass! I moan loudly and grind my face and body against X, and at the same time, thrust my ass forward into Marcos' willing tongue who is licking me out! X DEFINITELY notices the difference and grabs my cock and starts to jerk if.

"Turn around" He says hoarsely, so I manage to pull Marco of my ass with some small regret. But I don't really mind coz I know what's gonna happen next!

I lean over X with my back to him, and slowly position my nicely lubed asshole over his prick and steady myself for the cumming invasion! I feel the cockhead at my ass and slowly start to back down on it. X is speaking in Spanish again as he usually does when we fuck! It's such a fucking turn on I think. I move past his cock head in my ass and he jumps! Another 2 or 3 inches jump up my ass! FUCK! That's feels good! I slowly start to tease him as he settles down, I clench my ass hole while moving over the first 4 inches, and then I relax it.

"Please babes!" He moans "Go all the way down please!" Looks like my chico can't take much more of the pressure! I slowly slide down the length of his cock, vvvvveeeeerrrrrryyyyyyy sllllllooooowwwwllyyyyyyy. It takes me around 30 seconds so that I can bury his cock in my ass, and I savour all of it! X is starting to buckle under the pressure and is really coming out with the Spanish remarks!

We both stand up and he bends me over, one hand on my chest and the other one my cock slowly jerking me off. He moves slowly in and out so that he doesn't cum too quick. Marcos, it appears, can't take the heat either as Carlos is just jerking off to the combined picture of X fucking me and the other two dudes giving each other major head! Marcos wants to be a part of the action which is obvious! He slides over from the other couch and knees down in front of me, he removes X's hand and then slowly starts to engulf all of my throbbing cock! Once X realises that he has two hands free and doesn't have to wank me off anymore, he places both of his hands behind my arms and lefts me up, so that my pits are exposed and I'm stretched out in full view of everyone! The sensation of being fucked and getting head are great! I slowly start to edge towards cumming, and Marcos acting like the proverbial thirsty man in the desert is sucking my cock so hard that I have to recite the times tables so that I don't cum almost straight away!

"I'm gonna cum babes!" Xavier whispers in my ear "I'm gonna fucking CUM!"

With this, he lets go of my arms, and bends me over Marcos and really starts to pound my ass! It feels like a jack hammer back there! Just as I can feel him starting to cum, coz he always grabs my balls when he cums, I feel myself starting to cum due to the rapid fucking at the back and the rapid sucking at the front! This gets too much and I don't even have time to warn Marcos to get back when I feel myself literally explode my juices inside of Marcos' mouth!


"OH BABY! OH FUCKING BABY BABY BABY!" Screams X at the back as his pounding reaches fever pitch and he starts to buckle as he cums in my ass. "OH FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams one last time and then really goes deeeeeeeeeppppp into my ass with his last thrust.

Both exhausted we sit down on the couch cock still deep in my ass, we're sated for now at least and I get my first good look at Marcos since I've cum. He's got cum all down his face! Damn, I feel like an idjit for not warning him, but then he gets his finger and starts to lick it all up and smile!? Looks like he likes the taste of cum the dirty bugger! Since its so late at night and I feel really relaxed, I start to get really drowsy, and from the feeling of X's cock looks like he's getting sleepy as well! We both lye back down on the couch just in time to see Carlos lead Marcos over to his side of the room and start to kiss him deeply. I don't really have time for much more as I feel X's hands run themselves all up and down my body in decreasing circles and feel his stiff (ish) cock still up my ass. I just think "Damn! What a fuck!" as i fall asleep with my mans arm around me and hope to dear God this feeling lasts forever.

To be continued still?

Ok people, same drill :) Email me with your complaints, porn, praises, criticisms, questions and pleas for mercy at And it is just a story remember? X is based on my man at the mo, altho a slightly idealised version, its still my man! Anyway, happy jerking dudes!

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