My Latino Dudes

By moc.loa@3891zlegnA

Published on May 10, 2001


OK all you people thanks for all the feedback on my story, thought that I would decide to write another coz the last one left a lot unsaid! One or two of you wanted to know if anything was gonna happen with the dad and Des, but to be honest I'm not gonna do that coz I don't like that shit, but if u want I'll write a "Parrell universe" story for you OK? :) Enjoy people (P.S. This is all a fragment of my imagination!)

My Latino dudes pt 2

OK just to pick off where we last were, I'd just finished sucking (and fucking!) some of the hottest guys that I've ever had the grace to see, when at the end (naturally) the dad walks in! I've never put my clothes on so fast before! Last I heard was that Ramon were grounded from now to the end of time, and Carlos was no longer in contact with his family, which left Xavier. Since I'd never been able to get a number of him I thought that I would never be able to see him again, but I did have allot of memories to get some REALLY horny jerk off sessions later! Well two months later something happened which, while totally unexpected, was sooo totally welcomed! I saw Xavier!

I was walking back from my college in my own dream world, just thinking that I've just finished my last A-Levels, and now have to wait for the results to see if I'm gonna go to Uni or not, when someone bumps into me!

"Watch were your going for chris......." the words died on my lips! Here was my one personal Adonis figure standing in front of me looking even more sexy that I've ever seen him! "Xavier?" I ask.

"Hey Wayne, how's things going?" He looked decidedly pissed off and more to the point, not interested,

"Ahh nothing man, just finished my exams and gonna go home, what you up to?"

"Dunno, thinkin' about finding a place to live? U'know, after we got caught fucking about in Ramon's and u got run off, me and Ramon both got chucked out"

Oh shit, I had NO IDEA that things had gone this far, I felt like a bitch,basturd,hoe and every other name that I've ever heard. "Fuck man! I had no idea, I'm sorry" I offer my useless platitudes.

"Ahh don't worry, u wanna know the truth?" He whispers "I think that it was worth it!"

"really?" I sound surprised "How's that exactly"

"Me and Ramon are in love"

"oh" oh!?! OH!!??!?! FUCKING OH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? THE MAN OF MY DREAMS WAS IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER MAN!?!?!? "err, so where u staying at? mebbe I can visit ya some time?"

"We're living at his auntie at the mo', she's nice and don't get along with the old man so we're safe for a while anyway till we can both get jobs and, u'know fuck off outta this place" He's smiling at this point with the radiant smile that although I've only ever seen a few times was imprinted on my memory, "we're thinking of moving back to NY u'know, since I ain't gonna be able to go to college here, why not u'know?"

"oh" Oh, that fucking oh, I could struggle that fucking OH!!!!!! I'm awe-struck, I feel like I've been struck by lightening, I feel like a fucking idiot!

"Well man u wanna cum round to mine? We got some good porn and pot, nice to chat to the guy that broke my cherry!" X says jokingly

"Umm, sure" What is it with me today? Can't I string along TWO FUCKING WORDS without feeling like a total prat! I've just done a three hour essay?!? God I feel like an idjit!

"All rite dude, let's get walking" He says with a sly smile on his face, it's at this point when I realize that mebbe things aren't all that bad, he did mention porn, didn't he?

So we're walking down to his place that he's sharing with Ramon and just getting to know each other better, in all things considered we didn't actually get that much of a chance to talk last time! So we're just chatting bullshit when all of a sudden.

"We're here, I know it ain't much, but it's something, mebbe when me and Ramon move back to NY we'll be able to get something better right?" I'm looking at him in profile at this point, looking at his delicate cheek bones, the goatee that he's since grown, the sunglasses that he's wearing, and think 'Damn that fucking Ramon!'

We walk inside and he has this dreamy look on his face and he calls into the lounge and says something in Spanish, I can't understand, hell, I have trouble speaking English! He just looks at me with a guilty smile and puts his finger to his lips like a naughty lil' kid and points upstairs while miming tip toeing so that we don't make much noise. I find out later that the women he's living with is an acholic, who would let Hitler use her room providing he gave her some beer. Not a very nice women.

So we finally get upstairs into his bedroom and X moves around the room closing the window and locking the door so he tells me "Just sit on the bed, I don't fancy someone walking in on us watching some gay porn!" We both laff, but at the moment just being with him was enough.

"Where did you get these vids from?" I ask,

"Oh, they're not mine. They're Ramon's"

"Ermm? What was he doing with them exactly? I thought that he was str8?"

Xavier, for some reason laughs at this, "Naw mate, Ramon has been bi for the past 2 years since he started jerking off wid his brother, Carlos who's a fruit as well!"

Well now! That put a new twist on things! So that's why Carlos has always been kind to me! Ohhhh, I could get used to this!

X then just jumped on the bed next to me and I ask him when he's settled down, "Why's there only the one bed? U 2 sleeping in the same bed might cause some problems if his aunt found out!"

"Ahh, we don't worry coz I just say that I sleep on the floor and she don't really care, it's nice sleeping with him," I bet it is, basturd. "But there is a problem, we've been here for a month and we've only slept together twice, I know he's horny coz I hear him jerk off in the shower every morning, he, just doesn't seems to be interested in me anymore" He says in a low voice

My heart breaks to hear him speak like this but Xavier then jumps up and says "Ah don't worry, it'll be OK!" Like I would believe that even for a second. X has picked the wrong guy, that I can see for sure, I'm betting that they had sex twice and that was in the first few days, Ramon isn't interested whereas X has fallen in love!?! God! I hate this! I decide to take the piss out of it though just to lighten up the atmosphere coz X has seemed to withdraw into himself. Butttttttt, mebbe I can get something outta this!

"Come on m8! It can't be that bad!" Could it I ask myself? "It's not as if your a crap shag, hey, I should know!" Laughing out loud I realize EXACTLY WHAT I'VE JUST SAID.

"Wha...?" X stammers, he's now giving me his full attention "What do u mean by that u fuck wit!" He laffs out.

"Well u know exactly what I mean mister!"

Without warning the basturd jumps on top of me and pins my arms down to my side and is sitting on my chest, now THIS is a site that I could look at for ages and ages and ages and ages................ u get the idea.

"So what then 'mister cum slut extradonaire' u think that ur a better shag than me!?" oh DARLING

"Oh yeh! Course I'm a better shag! U haven't had ANYTHING like me before coz I'm sooooo good!"

X's smile at this point falters and while he's just looking at me with his dark soulful eyes he seems to be making a decision and then he kisses me. Damn this guy was a good kisser. We snog for about 10 seconds when a vital part of my body is demanding for attention, and no it wasn't that. It was my lungs! Xavier might be my ideal man but he's fucking heavy!

"ARghhh get off u slut! Ur crushing me!" I groan.

"Fuck, sorry mate" THAT'S IT?!?!?

As I get up and am once more able to breathe again (air! Beautiful air!) X gets all sheepish again, he's playing with his hand over his crotch trying to hide the bulge that's growing there. So being the kind and considerate person that I am, I decide to help him out with it. =] I take one of his hands in my own, my other caressing his face and kiss him again. This time for real. I lie him down and then sit on his groin feeling his cock pressing into the small of my back as I start roaming my hands up and down his chest slowly under his shirt, feeling his 6 pack, chest, nipples and taking care to feel them as if a blind person would read Braille! I slowly start to unbutton his shirt and pull it open with my teeth licking at all the flesh which becomes available, working my way up his packs, to his nipples and playing with them for about a minute at a time when I reach his gorgeous face which is in that dreamy state I remember from last time. Without warning he flips me and sits on my own groin and starts to repeat the exact same thing that I've just done to him! WOW! Guy knows how to use his tongue! After about 5 minutes of this indescribable sensation! We're both topless and X looks lost. Again.

"What's the matter?" I ask dying for a shag,

"Nuthin', I just never got this far before, I donna know to do for fuck sake!" Looks like I'm gonna have to be a teacher in this lesson!

"Don't worry, I'll show u anything that u wanna do, I've got a bit more experience than u or Ramon!"

He laughs and gets off me lying down on his back in a classic pose, left hand on his head, right hand creeping up to his crotch and his legs lying flat.

"Fuck me" He says with total sincerity.

He might as well said, "I'm worth 15 million and I want to share it with you" because my reaction was soo extreme! My cock jumps up demanding to be let out of it's cotton prison so I start to fumble with my belt in an attempt to get them off.

"Shhhh, don't worry, I'll do that" he says, he starts to unloop my belt pulling them down revealing my shorts, I'm wearing loose ones which flap around allot and don't really show much. "Wow" he whispers "nice shorts! U'know I thought u looked so good in shorts last time I wanted to take them as well but Arron get there first, fucker!"

This guy just keeps getting better and better! First he looks like my ideal man, complete with perfect body and package, then, he tells me that he likes men in (and out!) of boxer shorts as well! Oh boy! As he runs his hands up my legs, over my boxer shorts and carefully avoiding my cock he brings my head down to reach his and gives me another deep kiss. I then finally manage to release myself from this gorgeous hunk of meat and start to lick my way down towards his own trousers listening to his own moans of pleasure as I tease his nipples and stomach I slowly undo his own belt to find his own boxer shorts which unlike mine are extremely tight! There is only the slight problem that its only half erect! I don't think much of it at the time when all of a sudden he pushes me off him and runs over to the closet!? What the fuck is all this about?

"Stay there! I wanna do something" He tells me "Close your eyes az well" Bullox to that.

I half close my eyes but can't see much so I close my eyes and hope to dear god that he doesn't have any other fetishes that he hasn't told me about! I wait for around 5 seconds when I hear him walk over again and feel more than hear him lower his head down to my aching Dick and slowly lick it over my boxer shorts! For a "str8" guy from NY this guy knows how to suck/lick some cock! I begin to open my eyes but he notice's and sez "Not yet, there's a surprise I want you to see later" how could I resist that temptation? He begins to sneak my own hard cock out and slowly circle the head lapping up the small amount of pre-cum that's gathered on my head. Once my cocks fully outside along with my balls he gets up from my side and gets on the bed standing on top of me and then tells me to open my eyes. The sight that I see is absoluty fabulous! X is standing over me in his glory wearing a black jock strap and stroking the front of it and tells me,

"I want you to fuck me wearing your own shorts and me wearing this ok?" How on earth could I refuse?!?

"Fine then, but if u wear that I'm gonna fuck u hard like a bitch ok? I'm not gonna go easy on you ok?" He looks slightly anxious at this point but nods anyway.

He grabs a condom and rips it open and with the tenderest of care places it and rubs in down my Dick and then lubes it up with ALOT of lube! Guess he wants to make sure that it's gonna be a smooth ride! He places some lube on his ass and then gets on the bed lying down,

"fuck me then, please red"

The sight was incredible, this stud is lying face down wearing a jock strap and a lubed up ass pointing in the direction of my own throbbing latex incased cock! WOW. I move over to him and start to kiss his arms, shoulders, moving down his spine sending shivers off delight down his back till I reach the small of his back and look at the two perfect mounds of his ass and slowly position my Dick while opening his legs. Just to make sure I ask one more time,

"Are you sure this is what you want Mate?"

The response I get was his ass humping back trying to impale himself! Gee, guess he must be horny! I place my cock head at the top of his hole and slowly move back and forward making sure that there's enough lube inside and outside his hole so that it won't hurt him. Once I'm satisfied I slowly start to edge my way in using the straps around his legs to pull myself in. He knows what his doing coz he's pushing out with his ass muscles and the feelings are making me think that I'm gonna cum before I even start pounding! I slowly inch myself in making sure that I go slow for the both of us when I'm half way in after 20 seconds and can't take anymore and take the plunge in! All 8.5 inches of my cock slam home in his ass! He jumps and quickly tightens his ass making me swoon with pleasure, while he adjusts to having my cock up his hole I stroke his back and try to make him relax so that he enjoys this almost as much as I am! Without warning he tells me to back up and he lefts himself up so we're in the doggy position!

"Fuck me hard now please!" He begs, Who am I to withhold anything from this stud? =]

I start slowing moving an inch or so in his ass evoking small cries of pleasure from his mouth and then when I feel that I won't hold for long on myself start really moving into it! I start to move and fuck his ass really fast moving in and out around 4 inches per fuck, slamming him forward onto the bed. I fuck him so hard that his hands can't take it and he just places them flat out on the bed panting in time with my fucks speaking in gibberish in Spanish when I realize that I haven't seen his cock yet! I snake my hand down to his jock and he slaps it away without warning and just leans back on my cock tightening his ass at the same time making me forget about anything else other than cumming! I start to really pound his ass this time, stronger and harder than I've ever done anyone coz my cock feels so hard! I begin to feel my balls tighten up and I know that I'm gonna cum so I whisper to him this piece of news and he cum's (!) up and sits on my cock! FUCK! He slowly starts to bounce up and down with maddening slowness making groaning sounds like he's gonna cum when I just can't take it any more so I just bend him over and start to fuck the shit outta him! I've got a hand on his back and another on his jock pulling him further and further on my cock till I feel his own body shudder for some reason and then, I fucking cum in buckets! I almost scream before I realize the old lady is below us and have to stifle it with my hand biting in! I slowly start to edge out and turn X over and ask him,

"So when do I get to make you cum then?"

"I came when you were fucking me! Didn't you feel it?" Didn't I feel it?!? If it was what I thought I was then that was what made me cum!

"U'mean u came without anyone touching you?" I can't believe this,


Oh, My, Gawd!!!!! I've never seen that before!

"Your kidding me right!?! Wow, I've never seen that before u'know"

"Yep, best fucking orgasm that I've ever fucking had!"

I want to see his cock and the evidence of his cumming at this point so I snake my hand down and slowly start to edge them down without him complaining so I yank them all down and smell the distinctive smell of cum and realize that the fucker was telling the truth!?! Jaysis Christ! He must've REALLY enjoyed getting fucked to get that type of result! I begin to stroke up and down X's arm with the realization I'm probably not gonna be able to fuck him again, or anything and so I want to get as much as I possibly could from this encounter.

"I'm gonna fall asleep red, u wanna spend the night here? Ramon isn't gonna be back till Monday coz he's at a party and didn't invite me, Fucker" Do I want to stay the night? Is that a trick question?!?

"Sure mate if it ain't gonna cause any trouble"

As we snuggle up to one another he slips off my shorts and in a short while we both fall asleep in contentment.


CRASH! Something falls down and breaks followed by the sound of loud and subdued laughter, a guy and a girls? CRASH! Something else falls on the way to the room where me and X were sleeping. Then came the sound of someone fumbling with the lock and opening the door........

"Hey Wayne!" Says Ramon "Meet my new girlfriend...................."

I'm half tempted to leave it at that, but if you guys wanna hear more then just gis us a bel, any ideas on what should happen next, and remember people "its just a story!" Later people, e-mail with your criticisms, advice, pleas for mercy, pornography at


Next: Chapter 3

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