My Landlord

Published on Jun 3, 2022


My Landlord 1

An experience I made some years ago. While I maybe took some liberties with one or two details the main story is a true one.

Unfortunately English is not my native language so forgive me about some mistakes which may have slipped past my attention.

If you decide this story is worthy a review or feedback or if you have questions do not hesitate to mail me! No flames please, alright?

Well then, read and have fun!

My landlord - part 1

With another trust he slammed his cock from behind into my ass eliciting another loud moan from me only slightly muffled by the red rubber ballgag he had stuffed into my mouth. I was trapped between his body and the cold concrete basement wall with nowhere to go and my hands tied behind my back. My naked hard nipples rubbing against the rough wall with each of his thrusts were sending shivers of slight pain mixed with extreme lust through me.

"You little bitch, I'm gonna cum!" he hissed through clenched teeth and in the next second pulled out of me. I knew what he wanted and turned around and got down on my knees as fast as I could. Needing no more invitation, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to look up at him. This time he didn't even need to jerk off, he just aimed his cock at my face and then spurt after spurt of his hot cum splashed on my face and some of it dripped down onto my chest. That feeling alone almost made me cum right there although he hadn't touched my dick a single time. I had my eyes half closed and just relished in the feeling of his jizz running down my cheeks and I heard my hearth racing as if I had been running for hours. When he had stopped cumming he let go of my hair and finally unfastened the ballgag.

"Lick it clean!" he ordered and obediently I leant forward and took him into my mouth, licking his cock all the way from base to head and sucking the last drops of cum out of it. When he was satisfied he pulled away and went over to the small pile of our clothes and put back on his pants and shirt. Finally he came back to untie my hands.

"That was fun" I grinned as I got up and he nodded.

"Definitely" he agreed, "we should do it down here more often."

"Well, maybe you'll surprise me here again" I laughed and used my fingers to wipe his cum off my face.

"Maybe I will" he said, "Here or somewhere else. See you, Danny."

"You too, Tom, bye!" I called after him as he left. When he was gone I put back on my own shirt and pants and picked up the few items I had come to get from the basement originally before our unplanned fuck-session. There were no shoes as I hardly put some on if I don't absolutely have to, I just love being barefoot too much. And if I have to it's mostly sandals or flip-flops. But more of that later.

Finally I left the cellar and took the stairs back up to my apartment. I locked the door behind me and quickly undressed again and lay down on my couch. My hand found my rock-hard cock immediately and I began to jack off fast and hard and in less than a minute my own jizz sprayed onto my heavily heaving chest and my stomach. Breathing deeply I just lay there in the aftermath of my orgasm while my thoughts drifted back to today's happenings and how this all had started.


"So, how's work?" Tom wanted to know and handed me another beer. We had been drinking more than usually and I was starting to feel the effects so I promised myself that this was the last bottle.

"Not too bad" I shrugged and smiled at him as he sat down. I opened the bottle and took a swig. "The job could be easier and the customers less demanding but I manage."

We were sitting on his balcony and sharing a few beer, a habit which had almost turned into a tradition in the barely six months we had known each other. Thomas was my landlord and as such usually didn't invite a tenant like me into his apartment but we went along really well ever since we first met and after some weeks he invited me over for the first time when I came home from work one day.

It was only a few weeks after I turned eighteen that I left my parents' home and moved into my own apartment. Don't get me wrong, my folks were cool and we didn't argue much but I just wanted to stand on my own feet and have my freedom. After all, I already had a job which earned me enough to live not in luxury but nevertheless quite comfortably. At first I was a little bit lost with everything I had to take care of and one day Thomas apparently took pity in me and showed me around, sharing a few tips and tricks and generally really made my life a lot easier. I was extremely grateful and he was a nice guy with a dry and more than once seemingly rude sense of humor; that was one thing I particularly liked about him: You could talk about everything and he would not take offense if you just named the things as you thought they were. This went so far that we had even discussed or sex lives once or twice, what we liked and what our fantasies were.

To thank him I showed up on his doorstep (top floor of the building, the lucky bastard) one evening and we began to have a drink once or twice a week.

Now, don't get me wrong, there never had been anything going on between the two of us. I knew he was gay and he knew I was bi and yes, he was single and he was quite handsome and I had checked him out more than once. Hey, I mean, who would blame me? Slightly taller than myself, he had light brown hair, was always cleanly shaven and had a beautiful smile which showed his perfectly white teeth. He was doing a lot of kickboxing in his spare time which meant he was not a bodybuilder but well trained, strong and defined muscles making him even more of an eye-catcher.

Yes, I definitely didn't mind eyeing him whenever I was sure he wouldn't notice but first of all he had never made any suggestion that he was interested in me sexually and second I didn't want to risk to affront him by making the first step which could lead from an awkward situation to him kicking me out of my flat. Things being as they were I had resigned to fantasize about him in secret and so far this had worked out pretty well.

I myself have slightly darker brown hair as well and green eyes and as I said I was slightly shorter than him and I certainly was not as ripped as he was. I had a pretty slender body but while not as impressive as his my sixpack was not bad. I wasn't scrawny but compared to him I looked a lot less impressive. I had also caught him eyeing me up when he thought I wouldn't notice but as he had never made an approach I had written it off as nothing important.

"So, no problem paying the rent this month, right?" he continued with a sly grin and winked at me. We had been doing this for some time and the alcohol made us both a little bit more playful than usually.

"Nope, none at all" I replied in the same way knowing he was just teasing me. After taking another sip of my beer I added: "Although I still think my landlord is a greedy git sometimes."

"Is that so?" he wanted to know with mock surprise. "Well, talk to him, maybe together you'll find a better agreement."

"Nah, don't think so" I shook my head trying to look thoughtful. "He's just too much in love with his cash."

We both knew this was only partly true; his family was known to be quite rich and he didn't really need the cash he was gaining as a landlord but he did it anyway, maybe because he, too, didn't want to depend too much on his parents.

"Well, if nothing else works most men agree to almost anything if you suck their dicks" he laughed and I grinned and nodded in agreement. I was, by no standards, innocent or inexperienced and I knew he was right. I had been with some girls throughout my school time but the truth was that while I was bi I was much more drawn towards men than to the female gender. I had my first gay experience when I was seventeen with a classmate, sucking him off in the school toilet and he was not the last one. Sucking a hard cock on my knees getting fucked from behind just gave me a thrill I had never experienced with a girl.

I never really found out what made me do the next step, maybe it was it was the images of me giving a blowjob to my classmate which flashed behind my eyes or the well present feeling of how hot it felt when he first took me doggystyle and most likely the alcohol as well. Whatever made me brave – or stupid enough – in that moment to continue our little banter on an all new level brought a crazy idea to my mind.

"Well, what do you think he would do if I sucked his dick, then?" I said calmly but a little bit less playfully.

"What do you mean?" he asked and seemed more attentive as well.

"What..." I said in a sultry voice and got out of my chair and closed the short distance between us until I was standing right in front of him. I licked my lips, feeling nervous all of a sudden but finally decided go ahead nevertheless and take the risk. " you think he would do if I went down on my knees and sucked him off?"

"Maybe you should try and find out" he challenged but his tone made clear he still thought I was just messing around. To this day I don't know exactly why but I just cocked an eyebrow at him and then went down on my knees and grabbed his pants and pulled them down before he could react. I grabbed his dick at the same time he finally realized what was happening and bent forward to cover himself.

"Holy shit, what the fuck are you doing?" he yelled both in surprise and anger.

"Shut up" I replied with a courage I still don't know where it came from and then leant closer to him until our faces almost touched. "You said I should try and now I am trying."

"That was not what I meant!" he argued.

"Too bad" I grinned, "because at least some part of you is getting excited."

True to my words I could feel how his cock was starting to grow in my hand and I gave it a soft stroke as if to emphasize my point. Thomas briefly closed his eyes and I could see him shudder a little bit. He finally leant back in his chair and I took this as a sign of invitation. I knelt down onto the wooden floor and swiftly bent forward and took his cock into my mouth. He was cleanly shaven – a fact which pleased me immensely – and growing by the second. In less than half a minute he was rock hard and I continued to run my tongue along his shaft, sucking and licking the head before I took him fully in my mouth.

All of a sudden he grabbed my head with both hands and started pumping his cock in and out of my mouth, shoving his dick deeper and deeper into my throat with each trust. I was surprised at first but relaxed almost immediately, relishing in the feeling of being under somebody else's control. I wrapped my lips around his cock fucking my mouth and felt how my own boy-pussy started to ache. Here I was, kneeling on the ground and getting throatfucked by my landlord on his balcony like a cheap slut and I loved every second of it.

"Your mouth is so fucking hot!" he hissed after a few minutes through clenched teeth. "You little slut, I'm gonna cuuuuuuummm!"

He grabbed the back of my head and rammed the full length of his throbbing cock into my mouth. I was gagging and couldn't breathe and then he came, shooting spurt after spurt of hot, salty cum down my throat and all I could do was swallow his whole load.

When he was done he released me and dropped back down into his chair. I was still on my knees and gasping for air and for a few moments none of us said a word, both trying to wrap our minds around what just had happened.

"Did I hurt you?" he finally wanted to know.

"No, you didn't" I assured him. I managed to get back to my feet and my own chair. "I just didn't expect you to cum so quickly."

"You took me by surprise" he grinned a little bit sheepishly. "You're crazy, you know that?"

"So I've been told" I smiled innocently. After another minute I got up and slipped into my flip-flops. Some of my previous nervousness was coming back and I felt it would be better for both of us to spend at least the rest of the evening apart so we could both think clearly. "So, you've experienced the offer, now it's your turn."

"My turn?" he asked a little bit confused when I left the balcony and stood up to follow me. "If you're leaving now then it's my turn to do what?"

Just before I left his apartment I looked back over my shoulder and grinned at him. "To let me go have a shower and then start negotiations."

After that I left quickly and went back to my place and true to my word took a long – and cold – shower. Crawling into my bed that night for the first time in years I really had trouble falling asleep. What had made me do it? What would happen if he decided it had been some kind of affront? Would he kick me out? But he seemed to enjoy it?

I trashed around for several hours until I fell into an uneasy slumber during which I dreamed a lot about a certain landlord and that hard dick of his.


The next day I had decided not to mention it again if Tom didn't bring it up. If he wouldn't say a word about it again, either, then maybe we could classify it under "alcohol-induced-stupidity" and "to-forget-immediately-and-forever".

However, once I checked my mails I gulped hard and my heart started beating a lot faster. There it was, a message from him. I debated for maybe a minute if I should open it or not but then decided "what the hell".

Hey Danny

You left rather quickly yesterday, I hope everything is alright? I was a little bit too, well, surprised to react fast enough, sorry about that.

I don't know if you really meant what you said but I have to say I really liked what happened yesterday. If your offer still stands continue reading. If not you should stop here and delete this mail.

Well, you're still reading, I guess that means you're still interested ;)

Truth to be told I've had an eye on your cute little ass for some time and I also know we share some "interests" but I just wouldn't have dreamed about having sex with you someday. You said I should start negotiations, alright, here you go. You're awesome at giving head but if you really wanna do this I want more. So, I think I know what you like – and I sincerely hope I'm right - but to be sure I want you to be a good boy and tell me what kinds of stuff your into. No holding back and no lies, I want to know it all!

I read the message several times and although almost scared with the turn of events I could not help but feel more and more excited and finally started writing. If I was going to act crazy I could show him how crazy I really was:

Hey Tom

Sorry about my hasty departure, I was a little bit off track yesterday.

You certainly have noticed that I like to suck cock (yours in particular). I also love to get my ass fucked.

I'm not a masochist so I'm not into pain but I really enjoy being submissive and being used for sex.

Well, that and a lot more.

I attached some pics I found on the internet and sent the message. I only had to wait for about 20 minutes for his reply and my mouth fell open when I read it.

Thanks for the mail, I wasn't sure you were going to reply. Nice pics, by the way ;)

Okay, let's stop beating around the bush.

You know I'm gay and I enjoy playing the top part during sex. That means I love to dominate a young boy like you, command you on your knees and to suck my cock whenever I want to, to cum into your mouth or jizz on your face. I want to tie your hands behind your back, throw you onto my bed and fuck your cute little ass until you moan with pleasure and beg me to make you cum.

I'm not into pain or anything the like, either, but I like my partner behaving a little bit slutty in bed.

What do you say, wanna have some private chat? We don't have to rush anything.

My place. 6 p.m.

Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?

At precisely 6 p.m. that day I was standing in front of his apartment with a mixture of excitement, nervousness and fear in my stomach. I was ready to bolt down the stairs and yet couldn't get my body to turn around and walk away.

"Come in!" came the muffled command from inside the apartment and I flinched in surprise. After what seemed like an eternity I opened the door and stepped inside. There was no sign of him but there a small white plastic bag on the floor with a note attached to it. Curiosity killed the cat, they say and me, too, couldn't help myself and picked up the note.

Strip and put the blindfold on if you're serious, then get to the balcony!

Strangely calm I kicked away my flip-flops and took off my clothes, let my shirt and let I fall to the floor, my pants and underwear followed suit only moments later. I was still nervous inside but I was also got hornier with every second. Then I was standing stark naked in the middle of the hallway with my dick hard as a flag pole and took the blindfold out of the bag. With slightly trembling fingers it took my about a minute to cover my eyes with it and attach it correctly but then I was in complete darkness and started to slowly shuffle forward in the direction of the balcony. I could feel the smooth carpet underneath my soles and an ever so slight breeze caressed my skin, all of those subtle sensations making me even more excited and I realized this was the most erotic experience I had ever made.

When I stepped through the door and onto the balcony I could feel the sunlight on my skin, warm and inviting.

"You took your time" came his voice from my left and I jerked slightly in surprise which made him chuckle. "Sit! To your right."

Some more blind shuffling around and I found the mentioned chair and sat down.

"So, you really wanna do this?" he asked and his voice sounded slightly hoarse. Not sure of my own voice I resigned to a silent but no less honest reply and nodded eagerly. "Good, because I certainly do."

I could hear him standing up. "We start slowly. You know what I want but if I go too fast or if you're uncomfortable with anything you just say stop or shake your head, alright?"

"Okay" I said hastily.

"Alright, any questions?" he murmured and I shook my head. "Then let's begin. Stand up!"

The last word was a firm command and I got out of my chair almost automatically. Although I couldn't see him I was pretty sure I could feel his eyes traveling up and down my body.

"Nice" he said with an appreciation which somehow made me feel proud. Without warning he suddenly grabbed my erect cock and I gasped but didn't step away. He squeezed it lightly and gave me a few soft strokes which made me moan to which he chuckled softly before letting go again to my great disappointment.

"On your knees!"

I obeyed his command quickly and looked up to where I suspected to be his face. I could feel him moving closer and slightly parted my lips in anticipation. The next second I felt the tip of his cock against them, slightly slick with precum, and I opened my mouth further, inviting him. Slowly I began moving up and down his shaft, swirling my tongue around it. His quiet moan encouraged me and I sped up my pace.

"That's it" Tom whispered quietly, one hand resting on my neck but not forcing my movements, yet. "Suck my cock, you little slut!"

His words made me bolder and every time I bent forward I sucked him a little bit deeper, moistening his shaft with my saliva and pushing more and more until he was starting to hit my throat. I suppressed the reflex to gag and forced myself to go deeper and deeper until my nose touched his belly. At that moment he grabbed my head and held it in place, forcing me to keep his cock deep in my mouth. Like the day before I couldn't breathe, of course, but I trusted him completely and the feeling of being at his mercy alone sent yet another wave of lust through me.

"You really know how to suck dick!" he said breathing rapidly. Without warning he pulled his cock from my mouth all of a sudden, leaving me panting and coughing once or twice but he wasn't about to give me any reprieve. "On all fours, bitch!"

Once I was on my hands and knees he reached around my body from behind and shoved something round into my mouth – a ballgag, I would realize later – and then knelt behind me placing both hands on my ass.

"Do you know what little bitches like you are good for other than suck cock?" he asked with a teasing undertone. By that time I was gone so far I hardly understood him. My heart was pounding loudly in my ears, my body covered in hot sweat, my own dick was so hard it almost hurt and all I could do was moan in response press my backside against him. He placed the tip of his slick cock against my entrance and slowly pushed inside me and growled. "To get fucked!"

Inch after inch he pushed his cock into my ass, never stopping completely, his hands firmly holding me in place. I was shivering and moaning all the time until after what seemed to be minutes he was fully buried inside me, stretching my asshole and filling me out completely. It was a little bit painful at first but the lust compensated it more than enough. My arms had lost all strength and I was supporting my upper body on my shoulders with my ass stuck up high in the air. When he seemed to think that I was ready he started fucking me, slowly at first but gaining more and more momentum with each trust. After about thirty seconds he gripped me by the waist and started pistoning in and out of me, ramming his cock fully inside my ass each time. It was the most rough fuck in my life and as I was getting used by him I felt like nothing else but a helpless slave and I loved every second of it.

I was shaking and squirming under him, moaning uncontrollably into the gag like a bitch in heat.

After what seemed an eternity of fucking my ass he abruptly pulled out of me an roughly turned me on my back. I barely had time to realize what was happening when he came with a last and loud moan and I felt his cum splatter on my chest, feeling hot and sticky. The sensation of his jizz landing on my skin was the last thing it took to make me cum myself and I sprayed my own load onto my belly, screaming my lust into the ballgag not caring if somebody could hear me. It was the most powerful orgasm I've ever had and so far the only one I've achieved without touching my cock.

Completely bathed in my wave of lust I just lay there, panting and shivering, all strength or will to move gone from my body. I barely noticed how he took the gag out of my mouth and unfastened the blindfold until the sunlight hit my eyes and I squeezed them shut in surprise. When I opened them again I looked up at him, standing over me with his cock still semi-hard and grinning from ear to ear.

"Enjoying yourself?" he wanted to know rhetorically. I just gave a weak laugh and nodded before pushing myself up into a sitting position. I felt his cum running down my chest an mixing with my own.

"That" I said still slightly out of breath, "was the best fuck of my life!"

"Glad to be of service" he mocked and handed me a towel. I stood up on shaky legs and wiped the cum off me. "Let's get inside and cool off a little bit. And then we need to talk, slut!"

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