My Landlady

By ua.moc.dnabdaorbeissua@dbpp

Published on Jun 23, 2010


My Landlady Continued Part 2.

Any comments appreciated. Peter

Following the theme of My Landlady and the introductions of guys through knowing this woman, as you know I'd already had encounters with her 2 sons Chris and Tim, now I will describe other fellows that I have met through this association and fishing trips.

It was a horrible spring day in my hometown, I had not been working for a few weeks after a dispute with my employer over a colleague's behavior and attitude, if I held out long enough I knew I would win the battle of witts,after all how can they do without me.

I'm not one for sitting around and doing nothing or watching TV for the sake of it, seeing the weather was so shitty outside I decided I would re-arrange the layout of my 2 spare bedrooms, I started with the smaller one closest to the end of the house, I mainly used it for storage of the things you don't need too often, it also housed a small gym machine so I was in there a few times a week at most.

I had been in the room maybe 2 minutes and there appeared to be this constant humming noise coming from one of the walls, initially I thought it was noise filtering from across the rear street where an outdoor auditorium often played host to hoons and undesireables,but no, it was definitely in the wall.

I went outside into the shitty weather and noticed an insect fly into the wall cavity, on closer inspection I saw maybe 3 or 4 others follow it in, I went closer again and much to my horror it was indeed a nest of wasps, those real nasty buggers,the European variety, yellow and black, twice the size of a bee and very aggressive.

The buggers had found a way into this tiny crevice and built a nest, it was definitely time to call the landlady and get rid of the potential hazard, I had encountered them before, I ran over a nest entrance with the lawn mower the previous summer and they attacked me furiosly,17 bites and a couple of days in hospital reminded me that they are not friendly and will take over given a chance.

I called the landlady and she put me on to the local pest controller, he claimed to be too busy to come out for a day or 2,I told him it was urgent and there were kids in the house, it pays to over dramatize things a bit when dealing with tradesmen I've found so he agreed to have someone come over straight away to assess the situation.

About a half hour later there was a knock at the door, much to my surprise it was a young fellow I had seen at the Squash Club and had a keen eye on him, we'll call him Michael, I knew he was 17 because we had chatted before, I invited him to fill in on my squash team a couple of times, he seemed an OK guy for 17,very short around 5' 4" or perhaps 160cm to 165cm,thin build, dark short hair, dark eyes and a little smart ass if you know the type but nice enough, well mannered and decent I guess.

Michael seemed just as shocked as I when I answered the door, he was very chatty and keen when he realized who I was, he told me he was doing odd jobs for his uncle who owned the pest control business, I also knew the uncle but hadn't realized who I was talking with on the phone, the uncle was definitely a smart ass and not very well liked about the town, I tolerated him and that's about it.

Anyway, Michael was sent to make judgment about how serious the infestation was and how urgent, I showed Michael inside and took him to the bedroom, we made the usual small talk for a couple of minutes before Michael determined that the nest was active and had to go.

He phoned his uncle and told him the news, the uncle agreed to come take care of it on his way home, perhaps an hour or so away, Michael stayed with me until the uncle finished his current job, Michael did not have a driving licence,his uncle had dropped him off at my place on the way to a job a few blocks away, if my job was not urgent Michael would have had to walk back home to his parents house some 40 minutes away which I thought was a bit rude of his uncle,anyway,it looked like the job was going to get done.

So we had maybe an hour to kill, I offered to make Michael a drink or something to eat, he asked for coffee, a strange request from a 17 year old, I told him I had beer but he wanted coffee, Michael had this laconic charm about him, almost a country hickiness to his mannerisms but very respectful, his short body was well defined, not muscular but showing signs of development, short legs that meet gradually at the hips with a longish sort of torso, typical short man if you know what I mean, we chatted about squash and his current situation with employment and the near future.

Michael had left school at the end of the previous year, his parents operated a council run Tourist Park on the other side of the town, I had met his Father who was not unlike his brother the Pest Controller, pretty much an asshole but funny in his own right, Michael explained that he had hoped for a job with another uncle in the tropics on his fishing charter business but that had not eventuated.

Michael's parents decided he was too young to leave home and go out into the world some 2000 miles away with a wayward uncle, so he basically bummed around with whatever he could get, most weeks he had no income apart from income support from the Government which for a 17 year old amounts to about $50.00 a week, Michael smoked so I was guessing he didn't really have a lot of money to spend.

Seeing that there was an interest there in fishing we chatted about that for a while, he seemed very keen on the idea that we should go sometime, I offered to take him if he had permission from his parents, Michael had never been freshwater fishing before and fly fishing had never really crossed his mind but he agreed he would try it if I took him.

The Uncle arrived to rid the house of wasps, the whole operation took all of 5 minutes, he sprayed into the cavity with this fine dust and the noise almost disappeared instantaneously, we waited about 2 minutes for any stray wasps to surface, there were none, so the Uncle drills a hole into the plaster board to locate the nest, his guess at its location was spot on.

The wasps had eaten away a huge section the plaster board, it was only a matter of days before they would have been inside the bedroom and rampant, a section maybe 2 square feet was removed from the wall and the huge nest of wasps was dislodged, of course I had to ask if they were all dead to which the uncle replied yes.

The nest was like a huge vacuum cleaner bag, it did not break apart when handled, very clever these wasps, the nest was completely water proof and strong, I could see the huge blob of dead wasps at the bottom of the nest as Michael takes it down the hallway and into the truck, I ask Michael if I can see into the bag as a matter of curiosity, Michael splits the bag and sure enough there are hundreds of thousands of wasps in there.

As Michael gathers up the lose pieces of the nest a wasp comes from nowhere and bites Michael twice just above his hip, there was an opening in Michael's coveralls just above the hip line,instantaneuous pain is followed by a burning sensation that often lasts days, Michael was in quite a bit of pain, I knew the feeling, he quickly disposed of the nest and called the uncle who promptly sprayed around the nest once again.

The uncle seemed disinterested in Michael's plight, I asked what remedy or treatment I could apply and the answer was cold water and vinegar works best, I set about finding some vinegar while the uncle disposed of the nest and wrote out the bill !!!!!!!!!!

Michael tried valiantly to hide his discomfort and pain, the uncle seemed only interested in the money coming towards him, I offered to take care of Michael and take him home if necessary, both Michael and the Uncle agreed, in fairness to the uncle he did stay a few minutes to make sure all was well, he then called Michaels mother and she said she would pick him up from my place in about 30 minutes.

In the mean time the uncle leaves and I take Michael inside and apply the potion, initially Michael wants to do it all himself, he cant quite manage the application, I tell him he needs to take off his coveralls, he reluctantly agrees.

Michael was wearing a fleecy top over the coveralls and work boots, underneath the coveralls was his briefs, so we go into the bathroom to apply the potion, I can see that Michael has a nice young body,thinish and slender, definitely under developed muscular wise, he has a big bush of hair under his arms, no visible hair on his torso or chest but a smattering of hair at his treasure trail leading down to his bush.

Initially he seems a bit embarrassed try to make jokes about the situation, Michael is now in quite a bit of pain but tries not to show it, the potion doesn't seem to be offering much relief so I suggest that he should shower and we will re-apply it, Michael agrees.

I watch Michael strip down, he does this facing away from me, I see his skinny bum with a tiny bit of hair around his crack, he gets into the shower without turning around, he obviously feels uncomfortable with me there in the bathroom with him, I turn the fans on and leave, I left the door ajar a bit so I would know when he is finished.

A few minutes pass and I go in and check on him, he has finished showering and is carefully drying himself off in front of the mirror, I ask if all is OK and he acknowledges me, I then ask if he is ready for the potion and says "yes come in", so I enter and find Michael semi naked in front of the mirror, he has his under shirt on but nothing else.

Of course my eyes are drawn down to his crotch, Michael is packing a decent cut dick indeed, a nice thick bush surrounds his plump nutts,his dick covers just about all of his nuts but is slightly pointing to the right, I get a very good view of everything.

Michael is your typical short man, his buns are fairly well developed but not firm, there is little evidence of where his torso starts and his legs begin, he has a reasonable amount of leg hair which is also typical of short people I have noticed.

Michael is now putting on his underwear in a casual manner, it seems he is not shy after all, we begin the application of the potion again, I squeeze the vinegar out onto his cupped hands and he applies it liberally, I spray some cool water on the affected area which is now bright red and angry.

I touch the affected area and there is no withdrawal from Michael so he seems at ease about me placing my hands on him, we carry on in this manner for a few minutes when we both decide its not going to work ,we go into the living room and await his Mother, its only a few minutes before she arrives.

Michael is still in his undershirt and briefs when his Mother arrives, she takes one look at the affected area and asks that he get ready for a trip to the hospital, Michael seems unperturbed but his Mother is concerned.

They leave pretty much straight away.

About 2 weeks later Michaels mother calls me to bring me up to date, apparently Michael had an allergic reaction to the bites and stayed in hospital overnight, he had recovered by this time, I told her to tell him Hi from me, she then reveals that Michael had mentioned about the fishing and that she is in agreeance for him to go sometime, I said anytime.

That night Michael comes around to my house, his Mother dropped him off, he comes inside to thank me for taking care of him with the wasp incident, I hadn't invited Michael inside, he just came inside through the open door which was a bit brazen but typical of his laconic mannerisms, I didn't really mind but was a bit surprised, at least he felt comfortable enough to come over.

So we get to talking about the fishing, Michael admires the fish that adore my living room walls, I explain to him the virtues and advantages of fly fishing and he seems quite smitten, he is very relaxed now and almost excited at the prospect, we agree to go that weekend, it would be an early start around 5am for the 2 hour ride to the fishing spots.

About 2am of the morning we had agreed to go fishing I hear a coughing noise coming from my front verandah, initially I thought it was someone walking past the laneway that runs along the side of the house, but no it was definitely coming from the front of the house, I get up to investigate and it is Michael sitting down on the steps having a cigarette.

I turn the lights on and invite him in, I ask him what he is doing and he said he couldn't sleep so he came around early, obviously excited about going fishing !!!!!!!!!

So I get ready slowly and engage in general chit chat, we arrive at the fishing spot while it is still pitch dark, we prepare our gear and I offer basic tuition so he will know what to do, we spend the whole day together fishing in one of the most spectacular places imaginable, pity the fish were not co-operative.

We leave around 4pm for the 2 plus hour ride back, Michael is very tired by now and dozes off to sleep, he is wearing loose fitting track pants and a heavy jumper, he has slumped into the seat in a comfortable position.

I guess he remained in that position for about 20 minutes, I kept glancing at him to see if his dick was stirring, there was no action.

I'm sure you all know the scenario when you are over tired, you spark up for a few minutes and the retire back into sleepiness, this state is usually followed by constant yawning and an erection,this time was no different as I would find out.

By now Michael was very comfortable with my presence and company, he hadn't introduced any discussion of a sexual nature at all in the time I had known him and neither did I, there was perhaps this unspoken respect of not treating me as an equal still evident from him, although for the most part it would appear from Michaels point of view we were now mates . After another brief snooze Michael again stirs and announces that he has an erection.

I sort of burst out laughing as did Michael, we were behaving like 12 year olds and I think he appreciated that, so I asked Michael was he now going to have wank to take care of his stiffy and he replied, "do you want me to"

I said to him you do what you have to do so Michael asks "where am I going to shoot my jizz,all over the dashboard or what" in a very matter of fact way.

He then laughs again and that was the end of the conversation, at least we had discussed dicks in a casual manner and he didn't appear to be upset by the topic, in fact he seemed somewhat relieved that the subject had been broached.

Again Michael drifts off to sleep, I can see through the impression of his track pants that he is still close to a hard on, I wait until there is a straight section of road and then place my hand over the top of his dick pushing through the track pants, it immediately responds to my hand's presence by standing up in his pants, I wait a few seconds and go back for more and again Michaels dick pulses.

Given the awkward nature of driving and having to reach for Michael's dick and not watch the road I ponder that I shouldn't be really doing this at all, but the temptation is too much for me so again I place my hand across Michael's dick,this time it fails to respond at all.

I leave my hand there for a couple of minutes, my hand is resting against Michael's lap and dick,he obviously cannot feel its presence, I occasionally take a slight squeeze of Michael's dick and it occasionally responds but more often than not it is lifeless, I decide to let be and concentrate on the driving.

Michael remained asleep for about half an hour, we were now about half way home, Michael wakes up and seems very lucid for someone who had earlier been so tired, he fires up and starts talking about anything and everything, we have a good chat and I get to know him as a decent kid with a very cheeky streak,sex did not really feature in our conversations at all.

I drop off Michael at his house and don't see him for about a month, again he arrives at my house unannounced and invites himself inside, he asks when can we go fishing again and I inform him I am leaving that weekend for a 2 night stay up in the high country, Michael asks why I didn't invite him and I responded by saying I didn't realize you wanted to go again.

Anyway I tell Michael he best get his Mum to contact me so I can inform her of what's going on and if she agrees he can come along, he goes out into the kitchen and calls his Mum immediately, so he obviously wanted to go it seems.

I go through all the details with his Mum and she agrees he can go if I want to take him, she more or less left it up to me, Michael's mother was fairly friendly with Chris's mother, the Landlady, so no doubt they had chatted about the fishing and whether I was trustworthy.

Michael arrives at my house early Friday afternoon, I did a short day at work and we left for fishing around 1.30pm,we arrive at the fishing camp about 4pm and settle in, the camp is basic stuff, room only, meals and drinks are served pub style, we survey the water and head back for dinner.

After dinner we go into the pub for a few drinks, although Michael is under age he is allowed in on the understanding the publican thought he was my son !!!!!!!!!!

I had never discussed with Michael whether he drank alcohol or not, most guys his age are quite adept at it these days, but we had never even mentioned it, it turns out he is a big drinker but not often, I guess lack of money has a lot to do with it.

We had a few beers and then Michael starts drinking jelly beans and other varieties of mixed drinks, he seems to be able to handle alcohol quite well.

About 9pm I decide it is time to head off to bed, it would be a relatively early start to fishing so sleep was necessary seeing I had worked 4 hours in the morning, Michael asked if he could stay a while to watch football on TV in the pub, I said it was up to him.

I went back to the room and got into bed, there was a double bed in the room and a single bed, I had been in bed about an hour before Michael came back, he was obviously affected by alcohol, he entered the room and stumbled around the seats and tables in order to find his way to his bed, he never said a word.

Around about an hour later Michael is up again and fiddling around for the light switch, he tries to be quiet but that's impossible, he apologizes for making noise and goes into the bathroom for a leak, he comes back out and sits at the end of my bed chatting away about the 2 guys he met in the pub who bought him beers.

Michael is quite the joker it seems, he has a very well developed sense of humor and he and it are quite mature for 17 years old, he is definitely under the influence of alcohol, I suggest he should go to bed because we are having an early start, he agrees and gets into his bed after stripping down to his underwear which consist of loose fitting briefs, his dick hardly makes an imprint in them.

The alarm goes off at 5.43am,it is still dark outside, I get up and rustle around for my clothes, I turn the lights on and go into the bathroom for a piss,when I came back out I notice that Michael is lying on his back fast asleep, the alarm did not wake him, he is covered by the blankets and I can only see his face.

I make some coffee and toast and turn on the TV so the room is hardly quite yet he still sleeps, I ponder on whether I should try a fiddle on his dick but his location and position is not exactly agreeable.

I move over to Michaels side of the room and sit down next to his bed and put my hand under the blanket and try to locate his dick,the weight of the blankets makes it a bit difficult to cruise around with ease, I find Michael's high side of his right thigh and then navigate up and over onto to his crotch area.

Given Michael's state when he arrived back in the room he should be still under the influence of those drinks so I figure I can wander around fairly unrestricted by carelssness,my hand lands on top of Michael's dick which is laying flatly across his crotch area, is it semi hard and very floppy indeed, I have a fiddle with his knob, he is cut and fat, a nice dick you would have to say, not big but better than average.

I fiddle around with his dick to see if I can get him hard for about 10 minutes, very little changes, I occasionally feel some life from his dick but then it subsides fairly quickly, I decide to focus on the fishing and retrieve my hand and set about getting ready, I go for a quick shower and once finished am surprised to see Michael standing at the door of the bathroom.

He is in his underwear and sporting no sign of a stiff dick,he tells me to leave the shower running and he jumps straight in as I get out, I dry myself off and have just about finished as he appears from the shower looking all refreshed and upbeat.

We leave for fishing about 20 minutes later and have some success which is important for fishing people, enthusiasm is always a good thing to have but results is what everyone craves and this was a good day, we both caught fish.

That night we again went to the pub after dinner and had a few drinks, this time Michael accompanied me back to the room but he did buy some stubbies for later, we watched a bit of TV in the room and chatted about fishing and other matters, nothing really of consequence.

I suggest we try a different approach to the next fishing outing in the morning which would require an even earlier start, it would also mean we would have time to come back to the room before the midday check out and clean up before heading off home.

I set the alarm for 4am,Michael protest that it is a bit early but given that it just past 9.30pm now he agrees it should be sufficient time for decent rest, on retiring he begins conversation and asks how many times I had sex and with anyone he knew, to be honest I actually gave it some thought and mentioned a few females names he may have known from squash and also mentioned a guys name,Damien,it either flew over the top of his head or he ignored it by choice.

Michael then volunteered info about the girls he had fooled around with but never mentioned penetrating any of them, this is something that youngsters usually announce with great pride so I guessed he may have been a virgin !!!!!!!!

Michael practically talked himself to sleep, he would be telling me something and then there would silence for about 2 minutes and then he would carry on with the conversation, he was all over the place really, I just thought he was extra tired but maybe he was tipsy, it was hard to tell.

Finally some silence fell across the room, the light in the bathroom was still on but I was too lazy to get up and switch it off, the light provided some help in seeing Michael's shape in his bed, so if he tried to have a wank I would be able to tell, alas there was no such attempt.

Given that Michael had very little sleep the night before and the day before I'd sort of guessed he may be a candidate for better fiddling tonight, but I was pretty tired as well, I must have dozed off with that thought in mind, next I remember is the alarm going off at 4.03am,much to my disgust.

I scratched around the room for a few minutes gathering my composure after a decent sleep but it was not long enough, I stared over at Michael and he was still sound asleep, I woke him up by touching him on the shoulder and gently shaking him a bit, it took a few shakes to get him aware but he got up without any protest at all.

We were fishing within a hour and there had been chat of nothing other than fishing, our success was not good and we were back in the room by 10am with no results at all, we basically had 2 hours to pack up and vacate the room, I decided to again introduce dick talk with Michael to see how he would re-act, it wasn't long before he was engaged in topical discussions.

You know chatting with young men about dick is something they have no inhibitions about given the correct settings, Michael volunteered info about his wanking exploits and claimed that he could almost hit the roof of his room with his spoof if he was horny enough, I told him he would have to show me that someday.

Anyway, I got to fiddle with Michael's dick which was a bonus but the bigger bonus would come in a months time when Michael announced that he would like to come on my annual fishing trip for a week, he had been asking to come but I was a bit reluctant letting him come because he was still unemployed and the cost would be significant.

His parents agreed to finance his trip if I said it was OK,so we headed off on the 9 hour journey, Michael was very excited and was very upbeat for the whole trip up there, on arrival into our cabin it was discovered that in Michael's haste to leave he had left his sleeping gear at home !!!!!!!!!!!

He had no bed covers or sleeping bag or pillow, I of course was well prepared.

I told Michael we would have to go and ask the owner of the Park for any spare stuff he could offer us, we knocked on his door but there was no answer, I left a message on the door asking him to come down and see us when he got back.

There was no mention of the subject at all, it seemed to have gone totally from Michael's mind completely or, maybe he just didn't care that he may have to share my bed for the night.

I waited up until about 11pm and still the owner had not been down to see us, I offered to go back up to the house and Michael said don't worry about it, so I was happy to acknowledge that he would have to sleep next to me that night.

I kept Michael up as long as I could, it was close to 1am when I agreed it should be bed time, to deflect attention away from me and any thoughts of impropriety that Michael may have had about sharing the bed I asked Michael not to try and fuck me during the night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael laughed out aloud quite incessantly which was a bit of a releif,he even suggested that it wont hurt for very long because he was not a big dick guy.

Anyway we get into bed, there is plenty of room and Michael takes the left side of the bed, we talk about fishing for a while before we are both over come by sleepiness and doze off, I wake up about 2 hours later and make my move, the room was in total darkness, I turn over on to my side facing Michael, I am unsure of his current position so I began a fleeting sweep of the bed to see where his legs are, sure enough they are positioned facing me which suggests Michael is facing me.

I navigate down into the zone and find Michaels arm is preventing any attack towards his dick,the arm is firmly wedged between his legs, I drift off into sleep again very disappointed.

By daylight I am once again trying to find Michael's dick,this time I can see what I am doing, Michael is still in a similar position as my last failed attempt, however there is no arm in the way restricting access, I go straight to his dick which is again semi hard but nestled up into the foetal position so not able to fully extend.

I play around with it for about 10 minutes, there is little movement with it at all, Michael seems to be well and truly in a deep sleep, the knob on Michael's cut dick is quite large compared to the rest of his dick I'm guessing it would be quite a big mushroom head once erect.

20 minutes must have passed before there was the slightest of twitches coming from my continued fiddling with his dick,it was definitely a growing movement so I kept my fingers firmly against his knob to see what would happen, sure enough I could feel Michael getting harder and harder, within 30 seconds his dick was fully erect but still coiled up against his belly and inside legs, I moved my legs against Michael's hoping that he would feel the contact and move slightly allowing his dick to grow into a better position.

Sure enough Michael moved onto his back and let out a huge sigh as he dick quickly filled the void now created, I imagined this perfectly before investigating for myself, my hand gravitated onto Michael's dick and I could feel his hardness, very nice indeed.

I went up and down his shaft with my fingers several times, each pass promoted more response from Michael's dick,it reflexes with each touch I made at his knob which was indeed very hard and large, almost out of proportion to the rest of his dick.

I probably fiddled around in that position for another 10 minutes before Michael again moved, this sudden movement forced me to take my hand away, Michael was still on his back but was now facing the other wall, I would have to negotiate his hip to again access his dick which I was not prepared to do, so I just lay there with my leg firmly against his.

I have reasonably hairy legs, not course hair but not soft either, Michael on the other hand had course hair on his legs, they were similar composition actually, my extra body height and longer legs allowed me to position my leg perfectly against his without it appearing as though I was deliberately encroaching onto his side of the bed.

Another 5 minutes must have passed and Michael is now awake, typically with youngsters they usually have to pee on waking up and Michael was no different, he didn't check to see if I were awake, he got up out of the bed and went into the bathroom to take a pee,once finished he came back into the bed and laid on his back.

I owned up to being awake and asked what he was doing, he just said that he had a piss to try and get rid of his piss horn !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I moved onto my back and put my hand onto Michaels' dick to see if he still had a stiff dick,sure enough he was rock hard, his initial reaction was typical, his dick flexed as I touched it, not knowing whether it should be excited or ready for action, I had my hand on Michael's dick for about a second and then removed it.

Michael asked what was I doing in a very matter of fact way, not aggressive or annoyed at all, I said " I'm just feeling you up to see if you have a big dick or not", he sort of giggled a bit and claimed it was big enough and I agreed with him to which he again giggled.

Michael made no attempt to get out of the bed, usually when so called straight guys get patted on the dick like that they either protest or move away completely, I'm pretty experienced when it comes to dick play and reactions and I could tell that he may have been surprised but he was not upset which was a good sign.

We laid there for another few minutes before I decided to get up, it was fairly cool out of bed so I put the gas heater on to take the chill out of the air, I took a piss and prepared to make a cup of coffee, once it was ready I asked Michael if he wanted one to which he replied yes.

I took the coffee into the bedroom and gave it to him, my dick was displaying the later stages of having being aroused, I think there may have been a smidgen of pre-cum on display as well, either that or a bit of spittle from the piss I just had, either way Michael noticed it and asked if I had a stiffy !!!!!!!

It was good to hear him ask that, it cut the ice so to speak, at least now I could be a bit more confident with my behavior without fear of him being upset, its not often I guess that 17 /18 year olds talk to 30 year olds in that manner, asking a guy if he had an erection is really not the norm, but I guess the fact we just shared a bed made things a bit more comfortable for him.

I sat down on my side of the bed, Michael remained inside the bed, I rested the coffee on the floor and got a cigarette, as I leaned forward it seems my butt crack was exposed a bit and Michael made the comment that I had a lot of hair around my crack leading down to my ass,I asked him "does it look good" to which he replied "yeah it kind of looks manly I guess".

I then turned around and asked him about my chest hair which is not exactly hairy, a splash across my pecs of dark short hair, a reasonably obvious line of dark hair filtering down the center of my chest and then into the bush, the top of my bush was slightly visible, my dick was slightly aroused but not showing any signs of getting hard and it was tucked nicely into shape pointing downwards over the top of my nuts, it would have been very obvious to Michael as his eyes looked me up and down a couple of times.

Michael says "pretty impressive" which sort of made me feel warm all of a sudden, it wasn't any sign of him being interested it was just an off the cuff comment to which I had sought an answer.

Michael then says "I wish I had more hair on my chest" so I childishly asked for a peek to which Michael obliged, he quickly put down his coffee and laid back in the bed and removed the covers, he then puts one arm behind his head and displays his thick arm pit hair, there was no hair around his pecs,there was a slight hint of hair developing onto to his chest and then the beginnings of a treasure trail leading onto a fairly defined bush.

As he displayed this he gave a running commentary about where the hair was located and how long it had been there, he brushed his hand over his chest and down to his bush around the crotch and back again, he displayed this without any inhibition at all, his dick was pretty much resting as mine was against the top of his nuts and not showing any signs of being aroused at all, but it was a very sexy pose indeed.

If I had to compare Michael with someone well known to most he would best be described as a skinny Sean Astin from Lord of The Rings fame, same sort of features and stature but a much thinner young man.

Michael laid there in that state for several minutes firing off all these questions to me about what to expect as far as body development went, I think he honestly appreciated my candor and willingness to offer comments, I continually re-affirmed to him that in time he would develop into a nice looking man with hair in the right places to attract attention, he seemed good with those comments.

I also told him that its not good to be shy around people, he has to be confident about showing off what he's got so people will respect him and see that he doesn't have hang ups about anything, it more or less places you into a position of equality no matter what company you are in, these are the sort of things that other people notice, he seemed very pleased with that kind of revelation.

I cant emphasize enough the fact that he remained there on top of the bed in this state for several minutes chatting to me, normally I would have expected most guys to have moved on from the show after a few seconds, but not Michael, he was quite Ok with me staring over his display of semi nudity, little did he know at the time I was drooling big time.

So from that point on we got along even more famously, semi nudity was the norm for the next 8 night we were there, there was never an occasion where Michael attempted a cover up, not once.

Anyway, the owner of the cabins arrived mid morning with a spare doona for Michael, he didn't ask any questions but I could tell he was thinking about the fact we had shared a bed last night,I;m sure its happened there many times before.

The next night was fairly uneventful, Michael slept in his own bed and I slept in mine, I made no attempts to feel him up while he was a sleep and I am quite sure that he did not have a wank,I'm sure I would have heard that.

On the third night we went to bed very late, Michael had drunk a few beers and smoked a joint prior to bed, to me he did not really appear to be affected by either.

We had been there for 3 days and I still hadn't really had a good look at his dick,I caught glimpses of it as we passed in the bathroom after showering but not a good stare at it for more than a few seconds.

After being in bed for more than an hour I thought it was time to see if I could get Michael hard again and see how he reacts subconsciously went over to his bed, the bed he was on was a normal single bed but it was raised off the floor, beneath it was a cupboard and drawers, it was at perfect height for a fiddle, I did not have to struggle with anything.

I arrived at Michael's bedside but could not determine if he was facing me, on his back or facing the other way, I made my way over to the light switch and turned it on momentarily to see his location, he was facing away from me but he was mostly outside of his doona,only the tops of his legs were covered.

Given the height of Michael's bed it did not matter to me, I could easily reach him from any position, all I had to do was lean against the bed and go for it.

I listened to see if there were any signs of irregular breathing, everything appeared to be in order so I leaned against the bed and put my arm across Michael's hips and down in front of where his dick should be.

Much to my delight Michael's dick was outside of his underwear just laying there in all its glory, it wasn't hard but it was on the way, maybe that joint tempered Michael into a more relaxed state, anyway his dick was in reach and it appeared to be ready for action.

It didn't take long for it to reach full hardness, maybe 20 seconds or so, I held his dick and big knob in my hand for a couple of minutes squeezing every few seconds to maintain its erect state.

Michael pretty much remained in that position for about an hour, I was tempted to simulate wanking him on several occasions but thought better of it, given that I was leaning over him I wouldn't be able to maintain a very soft approach for a wank,it would have to be semi fierce to keep a rhythm going, so I decided against it.

I turned the light back on so I could have a glimpse at his stiff dick,it wasn't exactly easy but I could see it was a fat dick,not long, around maybe borderline 7 inches, but the knob was exceptional, almost twice the width of the dick shaft, very very exciting indeed.

By now I was in the throws of producing copious amounts of pre cum,I gathered some on my fore fingers and pasted it across Michael's knob, Michael's dick would receive the pre cum with delight it seems, the slipperiness encouraged his dick to escape my clutches for a fleeting moment and then recede back into my grasp.

I was still not satisfied with the arrangement, I wanted more access to his dick rather than having to lean for it, I gathered the balls to try and move Michael onto his back, he was a fairly slight man as I mentioned, maybe all of 60kg or around 130lbs so it wasn't actually going to be difficult, it would all depend on how and where I made the move.

I put one of my arms under Michaels' shoulder and lifted and moved him onto his back, it was a swift and bold maneuver indeed, it seemed to have worked, Michael lay there prostrate for about 2 minutes before waking up.

Remembering that I had turned the light on to get a better view and to complicate matters I was now standing at his bedside, Michael now had his eyes open.

He looked down at his dick and then back at me, I had this dreadful feeling that my friendship with him was about to end in that very second.

Michael had this big grin and smile on his face as he realized and acknowledged that I could see his stiff dick and that I was only a matter of feet away from it, he placed his dick back under the cover of his briefs and then faced me and asked "what are you up to" with a kind of innocence I was not expecting with a very croaky voice and child like manner, it was priceless and endearing.

I responded by saying that I heard him talking in his sleep and I wanted to know if he was OK,I was clutching at straws by offering that comment but Michael seemed convinced that he had in fact being talking in his sleep, he asked me what was he saying?

I said I didn't understand what he said, it was more of a call out rather than a sentence.

So we sort of had a chat for a few minutes before we agreed he was capable of getting back to sleep, I went back to my bed after turning out the lights in a very dissatisfied mood indeed.

Anyway, I played out very similar scenario's across the next few nights, groping and fiddling with Michael's dick while he was asleep and occasionally while he was awake, he would reciprocate in a very few instances by cupping my dick and balls in his hand if I were in a vulnerable position, we kind of goofed off together regularly.

The second last night of our trip was the most pleasing and eventful, we had been out all day fishing and arrived back after a night session as well, it was around 1am after we had eaten and settled, we had a few beers and Michael smoked a joint or 2.

We had a meaningful discussion about why he should not rely on dope to relieve tensions and make him feel at ease, he sort of agreed, he said he was introduced to it by other guys around his neighborhood, mostly older guys than him who he would hang with when he had nothing to do, he claims it is harmless and it really only helps him to relax.

I had to ask why he needed to relax, "for goodness sakes Michael you are just 18 now what on earth can the high pressures of life be for you to need to realx",he couldn't answer it, his only comment being that it was a cool thing to do, I didn't want to carry on this conversation anymore because it would have led to an argument and in reality its none of my business what he does in his life, just as it is the same for me and his perspective about my life. After about another hour or so of chit chat Michael fell asleep on his bed and I went to bed, shortly after that I could hear noises coming from Michael's side of the room, "could it be that he is finally have a toss after a week being away from home, surely the urges must be there by now seeing he is 18 and hormonal", I listened intently for the tell tale signs of wanking but the noise was not consistent with that kind of activity.

I called out to Michael to ask him if he was OK,he answered immediately by saying he just felt a bit weird, I asked him to elaborate, was he sick?, was he hallucinating? Or was he just in the zone after a joint or 2 ?

He claimed he was just enjoying the buzz, I said " Oh I thought you were having a wank", he laughed and admitted he was thinking about it, I said to him "if he was going to have a wank make sure to turn the lights on so I could watch him", he laughed and after a moment he said" are you going to let me watch you when you have a wank", I said of course and then there was silence.

After a few minutes I could hear Michael moving around again, this time it was more rustling rather than movements, then I heard his zipper being undone so I was thinking he is either getting undressed for bed or preparing himself for a wank.

Another few minutes passed and then I could hear that he was definitely undressing himself, the question now was is he going into bed or his going to tug on his dick.

I was thinking to myself he is probably waiting and giving me enough time to go off to sleep before he has a savage toss that had been building for 8 days, or at least that's what I imagined, had he been wanking without my knowledge, I had been watching him like a hawk and saw no evidence of it at all, there was never any mess in his underwear, I checked them !!!!!!!!

Maybe he had been sneaking a wank while in the shower but even then I was always close by and would have seen him through the glass doors which I always left ajar.

The silence was broken by a big sigh coming from Michael, it was a sigh of acknowledgment rather than relief, but then again I couldn't be sure, I remained silent.

Then Michael asks if I am awake, I think to myself if I answer him it will prevent him from wanking maybe, he is probably testing me out to see whether he goes ahead with it or not.

Again he asks if I am awake with a bit more depth to his voice, he definitely wants a response I guess so I say "yeah I'm awake why?"

Michael announces that he is going to have a wank now.

Again there is silence.

So I say to Michael " am I allowed to watch" he says to me "you are serious about watching me take a wank aren't you", I could tell by the tone of Michael's voice he is somewhat confused about the conversation he is now having with me, there is a hint of hesitation in his voice now which leads me to believe he is not going to put on a show for me.

Another few moments pass before Michael again asks am I serious about watching him wank,I answer by saying " its OK Michael you can have a toss in private if you want", Michael then says No I meant " do you want to watch it not", I said "its up to you, I'll join you if you like".

Michael laughs and says OK, I'll come over there.

Michael gets out of his bed and comes over and gets into my bed next to me, he seems to be extra careful not to touch me in any way, he is almost at the edge of the bed on my right side, it was a very weird situation indeed.

Michael asks, "so what now"

I said " well for starters you can get into the bed instead of hiding over there and then toss away", again Michael laughs but his voice has changed, his characteristic smart ass mannerisms have been replaced by a voice of subdued excitement mixed with a slight emotional under tone that suggests he is in the zone for some kind of excitement he hasn't had before, an initiation if you like.

Michael now owns up to the fact that he had been hanging onto this load for a few days now and he needed to unload big time, the very thought of him getting sexually excited instantly gave me a stiff dick.

So I ask Michael what's he doing?

Instantaneously he responds by saying he is thinking about Sarah someone and her big tits,I ask if she is nice looking, big thighs ect and he volunteers complete details of her body dimensions,complexion,skin type and facial features, the kind of stuff only hard core straight guys would notice and bother to talk about out aloud, I sort of felt a bit disappointed in the response but I wasn't going to get lost in the moment and allow thoughts of a female prevent me from getting dick.

So I ask Michael again how it is going and responds by saying "getting there", I ask what does that mean and he claims to be getting a hard on, I respond by saying I've had a hardon for a few minutes now.

Again there is silence.

Michael now moves into the center of the bed and stretches out his legs and body across the bed and touches base with my leg, there is no attempt to remove his leg away from mine, I imagine now that his dick is getting to a peak and that he is about to get ready to wank.

Michaels breathing is now quite evident and pronounced, not excitable breathing, steady but loud, he lets out the occasional sigh, a sexual sigh, the kind of sigh you make when you are definitely in the zone for activity.

I notice a slight movement as Michael again stretches a bit more, I can now imagine that he is fully erect and flexing his dick and nuts ready for an explosion a few days coming.

Michael asks me " have you wanked with any guys before", I respond by saying "yeah of course I have haven't you" putting the pressure back on him.

He says " yeah a few times with one guy and with a few other guys a couple of times and once with my uncle.

I immediately had horrible thoughts of Michael wanking with that dickhead who came to rid my house of the wasps, so of course I had to ask that question.

Michael was thinking exactly the same thing as me and he retorted by saying "no I wouldn't wank with him, he's a shocker"

I was relieved to hear that he did not find that uncle of his sexually attractive enough to wank with, he is not a very attractive man at all in all sense of any description.

So I pressed for more info and Michael told me about his uncle in Queens land who was only a few years older than him, it was apparently this uncle who introduced Michael to booze and joints, Michael claimed that he was bisexual and rooted around with anyone who would let him, he also volunteered that this uncle had a big uncut dick that looked horrible but he liked the feel of it, wow what a confession, this made me even more horny.

So I ask Michael is he is going to wank or is he going to talk all night?

Again there are a few moments of silence, then Michael asks if I am going to have a wank as well, I said sure.

With that cue I turned onto my side and took Michaels dick in my hand, it was indeed stiff as a board, his big fat mushroom head was alive and kicking, moving with every touch I made onto it, I commented on the fatness of his knob and he said "yeah it's a doozy isn't it".

Michael made no attempt to stop me from touching his dick,in fact he seemed relieved that it was in my hand, I started stroking his dick up and down a few times and Michael became more aroused, I could feel him enjoying the moment and his breathing was now very evident, excitable and erratic.

I would stroke his dick a few times at normal speed and then go faster for a while then back to normal to find which system suited him best, he seemed to appreciate the slower wank more so so that's what I concentrated on.

A few times Michael touched my dick but didn't go through with any wanking motions, he seemed impressed with my hardness, he said "shit you have got a rock hard dick,god its hard".

I continued to wank Michael for another 3 minutes I guess,occassionally he would quiver as though he were about to cum but then revert back to normal breathing and stillness, he didn't really move around much which led me to believe he was enjoying the session rather than having a goal of cumming as quickly as possible.

So we had been going for about 4 minutes I guess, Michael started making regular comments and noises now, "God that feels good Pete" he would then breathe harder and moan a bit.

Michael's dick was almost as hard as mine by now, he was an easy guy to wank because he had no belly to speak of and his hairy bush was not getting in the way at all, his thick mushroom head made it easy to recognize where to end the strokes and carry on down again, it was like a door stop !!!!!!!!!!!!

Each time my hand came up to his knob his breathing got a little more excited and the moans were beginning to be more regular, we had been going about 5 minutes which is usually about my limit as far as comfort is concerned, my arm usually gets a bit tired by then but this was not the case this time around.

Michael calls out that he is not far from blowing his load, he warns me by a "look out" and with that comment he moves his hand into the front of his dick to stop the squirts from going onto his belly and possibly his face, I could feel his hand in the way as I brought my wanking hand up to his knob.

Michael is beginning the throws of his climax now, his body shakes and his dick gets even harder, I feel the spoof coming up his shaft and exploding onto his hand ,there are several powerful spurts and sighs of relief from Michael as his blows his load, I can feel the drips of errant spoof dribbling down on to my hand, the climax lasts about 20 seconds I guess.

Michael lies there acknowledging it was a great toss, he says " God that was good, real good let me do you now".

I lay onto my back and get into position, no sooner had I got comfortable and I feel Michaels wet hand going up and down on my dick,he didn't wipe away any of his spoof from his load, it is all still on his hand and he is wanking me with it.

The extra moisture on my dick helps me get into the cumming zone a lot quicker than usual, in less than a minute I am ready to blow my load as well, I didn't want to be this early because I wanted to savor this time with Michael but I had no control over what was coming.

Within a couple of seconds of telling Michael to be aware I am spoofing all over his hand, my squirts are not as powerful but there is just as much cum as he had, neither of us are big time cummers but perhaps a bit better than average.

Michael continues to wank my dick after the threshold has been passed, my dick is till rock hard, the last remnants of spoof are now out of my dick and Michael asks " how was that", I said "great one of the best I've had for a while", with that admission Michael's gets out of the bed and goes over to his bed and puts his briefs on, he then comes back and sits down beside me on the bed and lights a cigarette for the both of us.

Michael then pulls back the doona to reveal my dick still partially hard and spoof lying on my belly, he looks at it intently and says " so that's your man juice huh" I say "yeah that was it, Michael then begins to wipe it up with his hand and goes into the kitchen and wipes it onto a paper towel and into the bin, he comes back and sits next to me on the bed and we have a conversation about the wanks he has had over the years since has been sexually active.

We talk for about 2 hours as he discusses in great details about the sex he has had with girls and guys a like, he claims there is nothing like a "man wank" but admits he doesn't mind a wank who ever it comes from when he needs one, he does qualify that comment by saying he doesn't seek out guys or his friends for a wank though," if it happens then it happens, if not then I do it at home anyway".

I told him there is something unique about having a wank with your mates, "your mates know what's required to reach the pinnacle without having to supplement it with foreplay and kissing ect,you just get caught up in the moment and then you can leave as though nothing has transpired", Michael agreed to a certain extent but also said "when a guy wanks you you can think what you like, when a girl wanks you, you have to keep asking her to speed up or slow down, they just don't seem to have any idea on how to get you going". I agreed with him.

We didn't talk about wanking after that other than to offer ourselves to each other on the last night together.

After we had packed up everything for the trip home, we decided that an early night should be the go, we were in our beds just after dark around 8pm,Michael seemed dog beat as did I.

About 4 hours into my sleep I hear Michael in the bathroom, I race up to the door to see if he is wanking,he is taking a piss and then looking at himself in the full size mirror, he is wearing briefs and nothing else, I could see the outline of his dick quite clearly, it is nowhere near hard so I guess he is not excited tonight.

I get back into bed just before Michael enters the room and acted as though nothing had waken me, the light remains on for a few minutes, I take a peek over to Michael several times to see what he is doing, he is just lying there in his bed motionless.

Another couple of minutes go by and then Michael gets up and turns out the light, he comes over to the side of my bed where I am allegedly asleep and asks in his croaky sexy voice " hey Peter you want to toss off " ?

I ignore him to begin playing the sleeping game, Michael again asks if we can toss off and as he asks this, his hand is finding its way down to my dick under the covers, he holds my dick in a few of his fingers and gives it a wiggle from side to side a few times trying to get my attention.

I say to him in a sleepy sounding voice , "yeah sure jump in here and lets go for it", so Michael gets in but this time he gets in on my side and is right up next to me, almost squashing me in the process, he is really horned up this time, I hear that he takes off his underwear just after he gets in, he gets onto his side facing me and starts playing with my dick, "I'll do you first this time OK " he announces, I said sure.

Michael begins to work on getting me hard, it doesn't take long at all, within 20 seconds I am rock hard and my dick is dancing around in and against his hand, Michael begins to wank me,a bit awkwardly to begin with, I move my closest hand over to Michael's side to feel around for his dick,it is important for me to know whether he has a stiff dick or not, if he is soft then the act of wanking may be just a token gesture to satisfy me rather than an exciting sexual experience for him, if he is stiff then that means he is sexually excited about touching and playing and wanking my dick,Michaels dick is pretty stiff so I am satisfied he is in this for real.

I know this sounds like self indulgence but if guys are not part of the whole scenario in a genuine stiff way then really you are only getting a token wank.

Michael announces that his current position is uncomfortable and in order to swap hands he needs to go over to the other side of the bed, so with those comments he climbs over the top of me and our dicks touch like passing ships of the night, it was only a glancing touch but I could feel Michaels dick flex as it touched mine.

He gets into position on the side and again starts wanking me, he then asks if I want him to suck me off ?,I say if you want to sure go ahead. Michael goes down on me straight away, he was rather rough and displayed none of the skills a good or experienced cock sucker would have, I ask him if he has done this before to which he says NO.

Michael could taste the pre cum on my knob and comments that it is rather salty, he says he likes the notion of pre cum but cant produce any himself, he thinks it is a sign of excitement to which I agree, I am capable of producing very large amounts of pre cum, in fact on occasions it is so prevalent it completely wets my underwear or bed clothes, it can be an embarrassment actually.

Michael continues to suck on my dick asking if he doing Ok,his mouth is very wet and he more often than not brings his mouth off the top of my dick before going back down again, I am not complaining.

I would probably have cum in Michaels mouth if he continued for much longer I didn't want to do that because it may have given him the impression I didn't care where I dumped my load of spoof, thankfully Michael announces he will continue with the wank.

Michael squeezes up next to me and continues to wank me, I can feel his dick pressing against my hips and he has settled into a steady rhythm now, even though the lights are out I can feel that he is looking at me, he asks if all is Ok and I respond by saying, you are doing a wonderful job, he asks "am I"

About another minute passes and Michael is doing exceptionally well, he had been working on my dick for about 4 minutes now and I would normally have blown a load by now, I was sort of pleased I had managed to gain this type of control given how exciting it was to be with Michael in this way.

Michael asks if I am getting close, I tell him " it wont be long now just keep going as you are" he responds by saying "Oh OK"

I put my hand under the covers to find Michaels dick,I take hold of Michaels dick in my hand and play around with it, I can feel Michael flexing his dick regularly so I know he is excited, his big fat mushroom head is again the dominant feature of my minds eye, I'd love to see it in the flesh and in light but I wont push the issue.

My hand holding Michaels dick is helping me to reach orgasm, I tell Michael to get ready and he continues to wank at the same rate, I decide it is best to moan a bit and breathe heavy to see if it helps Michael capture the moment in his minds eye, I can hear Michael breathing just as heavy as me and I can also feel his dick getting harder, I begin to come, I tell Michael its on its way and he steadfastly keeps rhythm and remains focused on bringing me the ultimate pleasure, he wanks my dick past the threshold again and keeps wanking for another 10 seconds or so but at a much slower rate which indicates to me that's how he likes to come down from his own orgasms keep that in mind.

I have blown another decent load onto my chest, Michael leans over me and takes his underwear across my chest and wipes up the remaining spoof off my belly, this act excites me immensley,to think that he wants my spoof on his underwear is very erotic indeed, Michael completes this act as though it were normal practice for him, I say nothing.

I lay there for a few moments and Michael moves into position for me to wank him, but of course I ask, Michael says " shit yeah man go for it now"

Michael now has his hands behind his head, I move over onto the other side of the bed and take Michaels really stiff dick into my hand and start caressing it a bit, Michael responds with " god that feels good mate", I decide to be a bit more creative this time and go under the covers without asking and begin to lick Michael's balls, they are decent balls indeed, full and loosely separated, my tongue rolls across them with ease, his pubes are not a factor ,they are in place and not bushy as such, a perfect spread really he obviously doesn't trim them.

I can feel his balls muster up and back as my tongue rolls over them, Michael sighs several times in ecstasy lather them up a bit with some spit and then take them into my hand and give them a gentle feel up, Michael is really enjoying this indeed.

After about 20 seconds I begin wanking Michael, I remember that he likes it not too fast and not too slow so I begin the perfect rhythm for him,Micahel appears to be even more in the zone tonight, his hips are gently gyrating with me as I wank his dick,he appears to be even harder than the night before and his knob feels like a door knob such is its circumference.

It takes about another minute or so for Michael to reach his climax zone, I can tell he is nearing it because his balls scoop un into a tight bundle, I give them a gentle tug as well and this brings him to the cusp of blowing.

Michael is now sighing regularly and gleefully, there is no announcement forthcoming as yet, all of a sudden Michael announces that he is about to shoot, they were his exact words.

I put all of my concentration into making this an unforgettable experience for him, I tighten my grip ever so slightly on his dick and give his balls a bit of a tickle, this is enough for Michael to begin his spoofing, I again feel his shaft get rock hard and the tell tale signs of the spoof coming up his shaft in several motions.

Michael pulls down the covers to allow his spoof to explode onto his chest without hinderances,he also leaves his hands at his side.

The cum fountain begins, Michael groans with excitement, his load is deposited onto his chest in 2 very noticeable squirts of immense power, I feel them hit him high up on his chest above his pecs,the next few spurts are not as heavy but quite wet, another 2 spurts come onto my hand and then another 2 before another decent squirt onto his chest, as the last bits of Michaels spoof rein out Michael writhes in delight that he has blown such a good load, he comments, "I haven't blown like that for along time mate, it was awesome".

Michael lays there taking it all in, he breathes heavily for a few seconds and then relaxes, "wow man that was sensational again, thanks for that", I then give Michael a gentle slap on his chest a couple of times in acknowledgment of his willingness to get off with me.

After about a minute I go around to his side of the bed and pick him as though I were taking a bride across the threshold,Micahel does not resist, I carry him over to his bed, it was perhaps 5 steps away, he was not heavy, my dick was slapping against his hips with each step I took, that was kind of erotic as well, I placed Michael on his bed and patted him on the head and allowed him to make a move or sleep, he chose sleep.

Sadly that was the last time I got to fool around with Michael, later that year he moved to his uncles fishing business in Queens land and I have not seen him since, I have spoke with him on the phone a few times, he mentioned our wank sessions a couple of times but never indicated he would be willing to come 2000 miles to experience it again and he never invited me to visit him there.

I have had no contact from any of his family or friends since then and have no idea what his status is as far as marriage is concerned.

In all of my encounters I would have to put Michael very close to the top of the list, almost entirely because of that massive mushroom head on his dick,unbelievable.

This is a true account of an experience I had with that young man, only his real name has been substituted to Michael, he was not pressured in any way to do anything he did not want to do.

Love to hear your comments and or similar experiences, just email me thanks.

Peter P

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