My Landlady

By ua.moc.dnabdaorbeissua@dbpp

Published on Jun 16, 2010


True story only the names have been changed,any comments can be emailed to me at

My Landlady, a personal friend has 2 sons, at the time of this story one was 17 and the other 20, both resonable looking guys, masculine, thin, hairy and selfish, sound familiar?

The 17 year old we'll call Chris, redhaired and hung, the 20 year old we'll call Tim, brown haired and hung, Chris was a part time fishing buddy of mine, he was doing his last year of school and trying to get an apprenticeship in motor mechanics, he loves fishing as I do and would pester his Mum to come along with me on any trip I made.

I always made a week long trip in late October to my favourite spot up in the mountains, of course Chris insisted he come along, his mother was resitent about letting him go so close to exam time but she allowed the trip on the proviso he be back in time for exams which did not suit me at all, it would have meant a shortned trip, so she agreed to come get him in 4 days time, so we headed off with the usual enthisiasm fishing people have until reality sets in.

I was 33 at the time so a good deal older than Chris, he kind of liked the notion of me treating him as an equal, from what I could gather most adults in his life let him know in no uncertain circumstances that he was a child still, anyway we get along famously, no topics or subject tabooed.

Of course most 17 year olds find a way to introduce sex into discussions and this situation was no different with Chris, he often talked about women but I had this underlying suspicion that he may stray to the other side given the right conditions.

I would often joke that Chris would toss off during the night as I could hear the tell tale noises of a body being abused and then fulfilled, he claimed it was his feet moving across the sheets, yeah right I'd say.

Chris had a nice body, not wiry and not fully developed but the outlines of what one day would be a fine muscular defined body, he was around 180cm tall with nice red hair everwhere, a nice treasure trail leading down to his bush, Chris would have no hesitation stripping down in front of me to change clothes or ready himself for bed, I could tell he was hung through the outlines of his briefs.

We were 3 days into our trip and I mentioned to Chris that we should tidy up the cabin in preparation for his Mothers arrival tomorrow, typically while there was plenty of space in the cabin everything was strewn around and untidy, we packed everything up neatly and prepared for the arrival of his Mum.

I jokingly said to Chris he better have a good wank tonight because his Mum would be here to catch him tomorrow night, Chris retorted that he doesn't wank with an innocence that anyone would believe, I responded by saying everyone wanks you included, again he cried foul and said he doesn't wank, so I asked why and there was silence, this silence was enough to prove even to Chris that this was a losing argument.

Not wanting the conversation to end without an admission I admitted to Chris that I wank regularly and that his Dad probably did as well, Chris said, "yeah I know I have caught my Dad wanking a few times at home when Mum is not around", this admission shocked me a bit but thiking about it I sort of felt it was possible because the dad was an asshole and the Mum probably wouldn't want anything to do with him at all in the sex department.

Intrigued by Chris's declaration about him catching his Dad wanking I pressed for more information which Chris volunteered readily, he explained that he spied on his Dad laying on the sofa watching porn while he thought no one was at home and how his Dads dick would tent through his trousers before being let out and how his Dad would stroke his dick until he blew a load all over his shirt and the sofa.

I asked Chris if he thought it was horny to watch his Dad do that and he said "yeah it sort of gets you going a bit", so I pressed for more info and he continued to explain that he often saw his dad wanking like that.

So I suggested to Chris that seeing his Dad did it often why don't you, he replied "I do but not very well, so I asked what he meant about that?

He claimed that occassionally he could blow a load and experience intense excitement and relief but most times he would just dribble a few squirts and little excitement/relief, this was my cue to explain the virtues and possibilities of having a decent wank.

I explained to Chris that I was an experienced wanker and that whilst the ultimate aim was to blow your load the session should include as much thought provoking imagination as possible, think and imagine al lof your sexual desires and fantasies then hone in on them, put all of your energy and sensations into the wank to make it as realistic as possible and concentrate on those thoughts until you blow even if the situation and surroundings are not comfortable or exciting.

Chris seemed very interested in this description and said he would try that next time he wanked, so of course I picked up on the admission immediately and inncoently asked when was the last time he wanked, he claimed he wanked just about everyday, sometimes a couple of times a day, so of course I asked if he had been wanking on this trip and he said"of course".

I couldn't let the subject go, I was getting aroused listening to him admit his wanking, I was also imagining what he looked like when he wanked and how his body would be writhing and spasming while he worked on his dick. Of course I asked him where had he been wanking and he confessed to wanking in the shower and also in bed, I said "I thought so because I could here you tugging away under the covers" he claimed to not have blown his load every time so I asked why" and he said he just gave up and fell asleep, what a waste !!!!!!!

So I asked him if he had heard me wanking and he said no with a really shocked look on his face, the kind of look that gives you the impression that someone had held you in a higher regard than needing to wank.

It was an interesting response indeed, I thought to myself that this kid thinks I'm a bit of a hero which was kind of cute, from that point on I decided to be a bit more progressive in my approach to anything that involed sexuality, I didn't want to expose myself as a gay predator or the like so I was careful to introduce innocent flashes of my dick and body whilst around Chris to see how he would re-act.

The weather turned foul which meant we could not go for an afternoon fish, so we watched Tv, Chris asked if I had any porn and of course I did, so I put on a video of straight sex to see how he would take to it, Chris was mesmorized by the whole situation, he had obviously never seen porn like this before.

I was watching him intently to see how he would cope with the display of pussy and dicks across the screen, almost immediately he starts to get a hard on, he adjusts himself several times until he settles into a half arched position across his chair, his legs splayed out in front of him and he leaning back into the chair, a perfect stance to let your dick grow and flex.

It wasn't long before he had a raging boner, I could see it was a decent dick, he had good control of it as well, he continually flexed it to its max and I could see it clearly dancing in his underwear, very erotic indeed.

Chris was sitting in front of me so I didn't have to sneak any peeks at him, it was all displayed in front of me as a side show to what was on Tv, several times Chris put his hand on his dick only to take it away again, a couple of times he turned around to look at me, probably just to see if I was watching him or not, I quickly tuned into the Tv rather than looking at his dick just in time not to be noticed ogling him.

The porn show had only be going about 5 minutes or so, Chris was very aroused by this stage, he hardly said a word during this time preferring to concentrate on the goodies on display, occassionally he would make a comment about tits and pussey and one time he mentioned a guys big dick but generally he silently glued his eyes to the Tv.

A very untimely knock comes at the door, it is the owner of the cabin, I quickly turn off the Tv and answer the door, the owner has brought some firewood for us seeing that the weather has gone crazy, nice of him indeed, he stayed about 10 minutes chatting about the fishing and general trade of the ones that got away, how profetic was that !!!!!!!

After the owner left I felt the moment has been lost to see how Chris would play out the porn show and his dick had subsided, he didn't ask me to turn it back on or mention anything about it which was rather disappointing indeed, we just carried on with other discussions and watched Tv again.

About an hour after the porn stopped I decided it was time to get things ready for dinner, it was almost dark and Chris offered to light the fire, I decided to have a quick shower and while at it have a quick wank about the show I had just seem from Chris so I stripped down to my underwear in front of him and moved into the bathroom.

I had a quick wank in the shower thinking about Chris, I was finished and drying myself off when Chris walked in to take a piss, under normal circumstances the shower curtain would be drawn and there would be no line of sight from the toilet, however this time I had not closed off the curtain and I was naked and in full view of Chris as he took a piss.

He looked at me a couple of times but never said a word, I saw him looking at my dick for a few moments a couple of times but he never made eye contact with me, he finished his piss and then took off out into the cabin, I then realized that I had no clothes with me so I asked Chris to bring them to me which he did immediately.

When Chris came into the bathroom he again looked at my dick and said what no guy likes to hear, "I thought you would have had a bigger dick than that", how can one respond to that gut wrenching comment?

I just said it does whats required and Ive had no complaints which is not exactly true but I thought for the sake of the conversation I should at least acknowledge that I wasn't anything to brag about, I think he appreciated that comment because he smiled as he went out.

Just as I was about to get dressed Chris comes back in and strips down in front of me ready for his own shower, it was a very quick strip down indeed as if he was hoping I wouldn't have time to see him naked before he got into the shower, I caught a fleeting glance of his dick and body, indeed it was a nice cut dick complimented by a fair bit of hair under his armpits, pecs and significant treasure trail for a 17 year old, his porcelain type coloured ski only enhanced his features, I was starting to get a hard on as he stood there in front of him.

As quick as the display began it was over and he brushed past me to get into the shower and closed the curtain, I decided to stay in the bathroom under the guise that I would take a shave, so I fiddled around in my shower bag and shaved even though I didn't need to and chatted to Chris as he showered.

He asked me why I was still in there so I told him I was taking a shave and also that I wanted to watch if he was going to take a wank in the shower, he said he wouldn't be and I aksed why not after seeing the porn, he said he didn't feel like it.

He gets out of the shower and I was just cleaning up my shaving mess, he displays all of his body to me without any inhibitions at all, I'm thinking to myself why the hell hasn't this been happening while we were here for the previous 3 days, god he was hot.

Chris continued to dry himself off and did not seem to be concerned that I was there while he was totally naked, I guess he is used to being naked around other guys as he plays regular sport so naked bodies around him would not be unusual it seems.

I watch him dry himself off with a thoroughness I hadn't seen before, he dries his bum crack several times and also pays particular attention to his dick and nuts spending at least a minute there making sure they are dry, I guess he knew I was watching because he said what do I think about his dick, "I thought this is my chance for pay back for his comment about my dick but acknowledged that he had a decent dick.

He got dressed in front of me and went back into the cabin in anticipation of a hot meal. Around about an hour after dinner there is another knock at the door, it is Chris's Mum and his youngest sister a day earlier than agreed to.

Chris is glad to see them both and I notice immediately that he is a different person, almost childlike towards both of them very unsual indeed, he proceeds to them all about our 3 days fishing and goofing around and sounds really excited about being away from any family member for the very first time, we had done day trips before but never overnighters so it was a first experience in that regard for him and he seemed genuinely happy about it all.

Chris again portrayed me as hero type fellow and then straight out of the blue he comes up with a comment that nearly floors me and his mother as well, Chris announces to his Mum and sister that I am going to teach him to wank properly !!!!!!!!!!!

There is a deathly silence across the cabin.

A few seconds pass which seemed like minutes and all these crazy thoughts are going through my mind such as they are going to think I am a pedophile, that I brought Chris up here to fool around with him, that I am preying on him, that I am leading him astray ect ect.

The last thing I want is to be seen as untrustworthy and opportunistic so I start laughing and immediately Chris follows with laughter, his Mother takes a moment or 2 too also begin laughing and then comes up with another flooring comment, "I didn't think anyone could teach you anything about that seeing you do it so often now you should be an expert", Chris goes red in the face but offers no comment but his sister laughs her head off, what an ice breaker.

We carry on with general chit chat for another hour or so before the Mother announces that the reason she is a day early is to get back and visit the older brother Tim who is in hospital experiencing physcotic episodes due to his heavy use of weed and the like, so this would be Chris's last night with me on this trip.

There was another issue that needed to be addressed as well which would ultimately play into my keeness for a hit on Chris's dick, there were only 2 double beds in the cabin so we are going to have to share now that the Mother and sister is here, not wanting to appear to be opportunistic I offer to go to the owner and ask for a camp bed or the like, Chris suggests that his Mother and sister can share a bed and me and him could share the other, no one says otherwise so it appears to be settled.

We all stay up late chatting and generally talking crap about anything and everything that had happened here and at home, the Mother describes Tims use of weed and how it has imapcted on the family particulary the father who cant or wont deal with it, I offer innocently to take Tim on board as a mentor and offer respite for her if needed which she agreed would be a help.

It was well past midnight when bed is discussed, Chris and his sister seem very tired so they go off to bed, I watch Chris strip down to his underwear and jump in on the side I was hoping to get, the sister suggests that she she sleep with Chris and he says no he wants to sleep with me which was nice, all innocent stuff and comments I think.

About half an hour later me and the Mother decide to call it a night, she goes to bed about 20 minutes before I do, I stoked the fire and put more wood on and then set the alarm for 6am, turn the light out and go to bed, there is silence in the cabin for the first time in a few hours and I think to myself I should be able to sleep quickly.

Around 3.30am a huge thunderstorm rolls in and wakes up everyone, we all laid there in the dark for a while before I get up and turn the lights on, no one else gets up, I have a look outside and can see that lightning is lighting up the night sky and coming our way, I inform everyone to expect a bit of show, both Chris and his sister explain they are scared of thunder and lightning, Chris gets out of bed and jumps into the bed with his Mum and sister much to my disgust.

Maybe some 20 minutes pass and I am back in bed with the lights off, Chris comes back into my bed, we say nothing.

As the storm rages outside I feel Chris spooning up to me a bit, I am facing the wall with my back to him, he is gradually pressing up against my back, he settles for a moment and then moves a little closer, he again settles, I can feel his legs against mine and his upper arms against my shoulders, I can also hear his breathing which appears to be normal, neither excited or strained.

After another few minutes I feel Chris put his arm around my upper body and he moves right up against my back with most of his torso, I cant feel any of his dick against me though which is disappointing but it cant be far away because I can feel his chest inhale and exhale with each breath he makes. I guess he is just testing me out to see what I will do about him being so close, another minute or so passes and I can feel the tell tale nudging of Chris's dick get hard against my back, ever so slightly it makes an impression against my back and then a sudden flex as he encourages it to expand, then another flex as it gets a bit harder and making a definite impact on my lower back, again I listen for his breathing and I notice now that it appears to be a bit more excitable, I lay there as still and straight as a post hoping that this situation will last a long time.

Again Chris flexes his dick and now I can feel the throbbing against my lower back, Chris moves ever so closer to me forming a complete spoon against me, I just lay there savouring the moment, his dick is as hard as a rock and fairly decent indeed, I'd say 8 inches with a big mushroom head which I can clearly feel.

Every now and then I can feel his dick twitching with anger, Chris flexes his dick several times in a few seconds as though he is preparing to cum, the expansion of his dick with each flex is quite powerful, there is no mistaking he is awake and doing this deliberately, I'm pretty much in heaven and now have a raging hardon myself.

I want so much to turn over and let him go to work on me if that's what he wants, I'm thinking to myself is this for real, is he doing this voluntarily out of excitement or is he just hard because that's what 17 year old's do regular, no it cant be that because he has deliberately moved inch by inch until he is against my back so it was a calculated move indeed.

Amidst all this excitement I must have dozed off to sleep, once I awoke I was particulary angry with myself because the first strands of daylight were now making an impression in the cabin and it would soon be time for the alarm to go off, I still had a raging hardon which needed attention, should I be so bold as to wank off next to Chris and with his Mum and sister close by?

I could no longer feel Chris pressed up against me but I could feel his breathe on my shoulders so he was still close, I turned over onto my back and sure enough Chris is right next to me, my shoulder is now touching against his head, I remain silent and still to see if there is any movement or change in his breathing, there is none, I move my hand under the cover in an attempt to find out whether he is hard or not.

My hand goes all the way down to his leg which I brush past and realize that I have travelled too far, so I move my hand back up to a point where I can imagine where Chris's dick is, I estimate I am close and slowly move my hand towards Chris's body, I can clearly feel the outline of his briefs so I know I have once again missed the mark.

I move my hand down slightly and then feel his dick pushing against the briefs, its semi hard but still impressive, I feel around the top of his knob and it flexes with each touch I make, very exciting indeed.

I leave my hand there for a few minutes clusping Chris's dick with very gentle pressure between the fingers next to the thumb and the one next to that, each gentle squeeze excites a response from his dick, it throbs with acknowledgement but gets no bigger or fatter, by now my hand is an awkward position and it is causing me some discomfort so I turn over onto my side to face Chris.

By now there is just enough light in the cabin to make the outline of Chris's face, I can tell he is fast asleep, I again move my other hand down to Chris's dick and begin to fiddle around with it again, I am in a much more comfortable position now so I figure I can be a bit more adventurous.

I can manouvre my hand side ways and upwards now so I take my whole hand across his dick to get an idea of its size and rigidity, its still semi hard but impressive, Chris is laying side on and still in a semi foetal position so his dick cannot fully extend into his briefs, the junction of his nuts and dick are caught up in a tight bundle, I figure I should be just satisfied with that and leave my hand there for as long as I can and just enjoy the moment.

A few minutes later Chris moves into a more agreeable position, still laying on his side but his legs are now apart and his back is against the mattress, I retrieved my hand when Chris moved so again I have to guide it back to the prize with precision, I find it almost instantaneously, his dick is in a better position now to be manipulated, I place my whole hand on it to find the lay of the land so to speak, his dick is pointing upwards towards the waist band of his briefs but stil well short of it, his balls are still tight but looser than before, there is no impediment to any forthcoming expansion if I can get him hard.

I gently work on his dick squeezing it mid length and then go to his knob and brush that bit, I repeat this motion several times before I notice an increase in his dicks activity, it is on the rise and expanding nicely into the cavity formed by his new position, it only takes a few seconds to be become very hard, it has reached the top of the waiste band and still growing, occassionally it will flex.

I carefully lift up the waiste band and allow Chris's dick to exand out of his briefs, I could almost feel the dicks relief myself such was the power of the movment.

Chris's dick was now fully hard, a very damp warmth to it as it formed a perfect pole towards his naval, I played around with it for about 20 minutes I guess before it sprang to life, I could feel it flexing each time I moved my fingers into a different position, his dick almost felt angry such was the agression of its flexing, I sort of figured that Chris was now awake but there was still silence and steady breathing.

Of course by now I am fully hard and in need of relief, so with my other hand I begin to toss off while holding Chris's dick in the other, it was very exciting indeed, something I have always dreamed of, having control of another guys dick in such a vulnerable situation, the rush of excitement was immense for me and it didn't take long to be at the presibice of blowing my load, I was reluctant to do so because there was nothing handy to blow onto so I stopped momentarily to find a hanky close to my side of the bed to shoot onto, doing this caused Chris to move away onto the other side of the bed, I dare not follow him over in case he realized what I was doing or in case he mother saw me as it was now light in the room.

I decided to carry on with my own wank and sort of stretched out in the bed a bit and opened my legs as wide as possible, my right leg was against Chris's legs, I could clearly feel the very tight wiry red hair of his legas against mine, that was a bit of a rush as well and it was all that was needed to bring me to the cusp of blowing once again, I lifted up the covers a bit to allow my juice to flow out of my dick onto my chest without impacting on the covers, I didn't want to leave any evidence at all for anyone !!!!!!!!!!

I blew an enromous load of hot cum onto the hanky and my chest, for me it was a good amount of spoof and an extended stream of squirts so I must have been pretty excited, I cleaned up pretty quickly because surely the alarm was not far off, I wiped away all of my spoof onto the hanky and just laid there for a few minutes feeling pretty good about myself just having fiddled with such a nice young dick.

Chris's mother got up and went to the loo and then back into bed, it was now light outside but the room remained fairly dim, I could see Chris and the start of the bed his mother and sister were in but I couldn't see them so I figured they couldn't see me either.

I was still laying there with my eyes closed and dick hanging out of my underwear when Chris rustled and moved over onto his back, he sort of made a bit of a commotion by yawning but did not talk, neither did I, I just laid there with a semi hard wet dick.

Chris turned over onto his side facing me, I turned my head instictively and looked at him, he was looking straight at me and he smiled and then put his hand straight onto my dick and left it there for a few seconds, he must have realized I had just wanked because he looked back at my face with shock when he realized my dick was a bit wet, he then smiled again and moved his hand away without saying a word.

I took charge of the moment and whispered to him "is that all I get" he giggled a bit and then got up as the alarm went off.

That was the last time I got to play with Chris's dick, but my connection with family grew stronger and more intense over the next few months, more about that in my next expose.

Next: Chapter 2

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