My Lab Mistake

By moc.loa@441ngisreiF

Published on Feb 5, 2011


I have always wished to get rich quick, not to be rich but to be free from society's grind, free to explore my inner ideas and hobbies and not to work for payday. I stumbled on a formula in Mexico, from a Bruja (witch) which supposedly grew hair. Knowing the adult male population as I did, I assumed a hair re growth cream would dwarf the sales of viagra. Now I am not nieve and was very skeptical of the Bruja's claims, however being an dreamer, I bought a years supply to take home to test and experiment with. I enjoyed my vacation and returned to the grind of lab work testing, failing testing, failing, then off to my small apartment to recoup for the next day. About a week after my return, I finished unpacking and found the cream I had bought. On a whim I decided to test the cream on the small balding spot in the back of my hair, the sand trap I called it. I left the cream open on my sink and each day morning and night, I rubbed some on my scalp. My expectations were low but always the optimist, I continued the treatments.

It must have been six weeks later, I woke up and felt a tenderness in my chest. I brushed it off, but it made me more self aware, so I decided to take a mirror and give my sand trap a good review. Much to my surprise, I was stunned to see my hair filling in, in the bare spot. I was cautiously optimistic but took a jar of the cream to work to test after hours on my own time. I also shot a few pictures of my head, for comparison later. For several days I forgot I had the cream in my backpack, and each day I awoke with

definite sensitivity in my chest area. I looked in the mirror and noticed no problems like swelling or redness, however my nipples looked enlarged and pinker than usual. I made a mental note to set an annual physical appointment with my doctor.

I think it was about two weeks after my photo session that I picked up the mirror again and was now sure, my scalp was disappearing and hair was covering it gradually. I took a couple more pictures and made a note to compare them tonight after work. At work my mind began to wander and I was thinking what if this cream really works? Man am I on easy street. I dismissed it but still reminded myself to check the ingredients tonight after work Several times during the day, I found myself rubbing my chest gently, because it was so sensitive, I can't put my finger on it but my nipples felt different. After many hours of tedious work, I forced myself to examine the cream, ingredients,additives, propellants and so on. There were no labels on the jar, since the Bruja was making it in her back room, so I ran a test to find out what all it contained. This took several nights, of late night work, meanwhile my nipples got more tender, actually causing me to wear a cotton t-shirt to keep from irritating them. I can't be sure but it seemed that my breast were somewhat larger as well, not much but enough to be caused by swelling.

Saturday night I was lying in bed, watching an R rated movie and when the sex scene came on, I found myself touching my breast and caressing my nipples, and feeling some great deal of pleasure in the process. Oddly my penis was flaccid, but my nipples were like little receptors to my brain. I was still un aroused down below, when I felt a warm liquid on my thighs. I had an ejection with no hard on. This was very strange, but not at all unpleasant. I got a little startled by this and jumped up and got the hair pictures for comparison. This was the only explanation, I was not changing anything else in my life yet my nipples were without a doubt very sensitive and my hair in the pictures was definitely growing in. I got in the car and headed to the lab. I had to find some answers. At four am I was tired and exhausted and still could not identify any ingredients in the cream. I made up my mind as a scientist to try the cream in other areas to find the results. I now knew, results happened in four to six weeks, so I began a journal. I picked a spot on my leg, a spot on my chest and a spot on my back, that I could reach. I continued with the sand trap applications. Then on a whim, I covered my genitals, figuring if I grew more hair there, who would know and I could always stop and trim it.

I was dying to tell someone about my discovery, I had some friends but none so close I could trust with such a discovery also had become somewhat aware that my breast continued to swell and it made me uncomfortable in public. In private, I found them quite arousing, I suddenly found more pleasure in my breast than in my penis. This was unusual however so pleasant that I decided to roll with it for now.

Six weeks later, I began an analysis of the test. My breast were the most disturbing. they had grown significantly, I actually had small woman type breast, with large pink nipples. My back showed no hair at all, in fact the small amount I had there seemed to have dissolved. The same with my leg. My chest hair had vanished as well and my genitals were denuded and seemed

slightly smaller. I was in a quandary, it grew hair on my head and stopped

growth elsewhere. My breast were enlarged and my penis shrunken. What did I have here? How could I tame this formula to suit my purpose? I decided since there were few side effects, to double the applications and wait six more weeks for results.

During this period, I found myself purchasing silk garments to protect the sensitivity in my nipples, and I decided that since I was in the ladies department anyway, I would get some satin panties to wear, since my cotton whities seemed to be irritating me. After all no one but me knew what was happening under my street cloths. During this six weeks, I had to cut the back of my hair several times as the growth was spectacular. I now knew this cream worked on hair, at least on head hair but what other side effects were involved? My experiment continued. I now wore silk camisoles under my shirt, to keep me from chaffing, satin panties to make my smaller penis feel more comfortable and less irritated and since I discovered lingerie, I bought silk stockings because with the bare skin on my leg they felt wonderful. I had of late begun shaving my legs to make them all even. All this feminine attire made ma a little nervous, I began to wonder what was happening, however it suited my new purposes and made me feel terrific, so I decided to roll with it. I now had six pairs of stockings and twelve panties and twelve camisoles. My breast had grown at an alarming rate as I increased the treatments, I was in the back of my mind thinking of a sports bra to hide the bulge in my shirt, but opted for loose shirts and over shirts.

Magic marker denoted the test areas, the rest of my body was now shaved as it felt weird to have hair here and there and none other places. My main concern with the results so far were the changes to my genitals, I seemed to be losing my male organ and such at an alarming pace. The good thing was as I had naughty thoughts, my penis still discharged seamen as usual, however it remained flaccid. I made the decision to keep on the program as long as it was giving me new results, I even decided to add cream to the rest of my head, why not have a high school head of hair while I experimented.

My new cream was now an obsession, I found myself distracted at work and cheating the company by experimenting on their time to try and decipher the formula the Bruja had made up. I began spending less and less company time on their projects and more and more on mine. My breast were becoming an issue, they subtly got in the way in the lab, my stockings felt so good against my bare legs, I found myself getting aroused at random times and wanting the touch of another human.

My boss called me in the office and asked me to explain my lack of productivity, I guess I should have seen this coming. I made some excuses, but in the end he told me to use up my vacation and annual leave to get my act together. This was not a subtle nudge but a command, so I went on paid leave for seven weeks was in a mess in my mind, all the changes to my body felt so right yet society made me feel so wrong. I went home and opened a bottle of red wine and ended up drinking the whole bottle. I found myself feeling myself up. my breast were so sensitive and so nicely shaped, my legs so sexy with the silk against flesh, my chest now clean of hair was so sensitive against everything. I shot three loads that night out of the tiny organ that had been my average sized penis. Right then I was so awake and so alive, I decided to try and experiment. I got on the Internet and found a web site that catered to men who wish to be women. I ordered up a wig, not that I needed it now so mush as it made me feel invisible, several dresses, some under garments, some jewelry and some shoes, a couple purses and a beginners cosmetic kit, guaranteed to have anything I needed to transform myself into a woman. That night I decided to triple the treatments and score the results. I went to bed, covered from head to toe in my special cream. I dreamt of silk and satin and felt I was beginning to understand the feminine mystique.

I spent hours on the computer waiting for my attire to arrive, I researched she males, transvestites and gay men and found myself with little connection to any of them. I just felt more and more like a woman each day. I had a deep down desire to live as a woman, to dress and act as one. With the new treatments, my penis and balls shrunk to almost nothing and I researched hormone therapy and transition. The Internet is amazing, with a couple questions, I was able to order hormones to help me transition. I did not need much as my breast were now more feminine than masculine, my skin was soft and my hair was thick and full .I found myself living in panties and some new bras I had purchased, my breast were becoming so obvious, I wanted to restrain them or keep them where they were or maybe to feel satin against them. While I waited for my package to arrive, I went to a lingerie shop and under the pretense of buying for my girlfriend, purchased silk pajama's, a couple bustiers, some very nice matching bras and panties and a couple satin slips and a couple half slips and even a garter belt. In my life I never felt so free until now.

When my package finally arrived, I tried it all on, one item at a time, and found myself in a state of arousal such as I had never known. My wig was perfect, short and sassy and blonde, my two dresses were cute and my legs did not;look half bad with the heals on. I tried the accessories and found two combinations that worked and looked quite feminine. Ok now I was equipped and sexy, what do I do? Do I dare go out like this? Do I call an agency and order a call girl, who will come in and compliment me regardless of how I look? Go to a gay bar and face the challenge of men laughing at me? I opened the web and searched transsexual bars and cross dresser bars .I decided after a lot of research to try a gay bar that catered to cross dressers on Thursday nights. I had a day to perfect my makeup application, crap I forgot about nails, all women have nice painted nails. I used the yellow pages to find a Korean nail salon, way across town from my house. I was a nervous wreck when I walked in, what would they think, would they laugh me out of there? My fears were calmed as I asked for a mani/peti and as they worked on me, the girl loosened up, maybe noticing my breast but asked me if I would like longer nails, maybe a french manicure. She described a french manicure and said all she would so is extend my nails and make them look very rich and delicate. It was obvious was not her first cross dresser, so I agreed and got the works. I was a little overanxious leaving the shop, afraid I would meet someone I knew or someone would notice my beautiful nails. I was in luck and made it home for more practice putting on makeup. I had to pluck my eyebrows and stick an eyelash brush in my eye a few times but I did get the hang of it. I have to say, that after I was finished, and had on my wig, I was not that bad looking. In the dim light of a bar, I could almost pass.

Thursday morning and this was d-day, I tried on makeup three times and took it off, I tried on my outfits several times and found myself worried and under confident. Finally I mustered my courage and called a cab. It was around 11pm and I got in and handed him and address, he tried to chit chat but I remained aloof, afraid my voice would betray me. I gave him $30.00 as I got out and straightened my dress as I approached the door. I felt like I might vomit, my stomach was in knots. I finally

opened the door and the man with a small cash box looked at me and said welcome, we don't charge the ladies. He gave me a warm welcoming smile and I went in. The lights were dim, the music loud. I stopped and let my eyes get accustomed, then saw the layout. There was a long bar at the front, all the stools were full, a nice sized dance floor and several tables that would seat four to six around the edges. The place smelled of stale beer but the crowd was

so far ignoring me, which I found to be a good thing. I chose a seat at the far end of the bar, separated by a stool from the next patron which happened to be a man. He nodded at me politely as I sat and ordered a cosmopolitan, why I have no idea, I just remember women of class ordering Cosmo's in the movies, so it slipped out. For what seemed like eternity the music pulsed and the people danced and everyone seemed to be unaware I was there. This was both a good feeling and a bad feeling.

Next: Chapter 2

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