My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 14, 2005


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 12, Part F by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Later That Night -- Back at the Hotel -- Nick and Justin's Room -- Late Monday Night //

"Justin what is with you?" Nick asks, walking up behind Justin, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Nothing baby. I am alright," Justin answers, pulling out of Nick's arms and walking over to the windows.

"You have been quiet and moody all day long Justin. I just want to know what's going on with you baby," Nick says, caressing Justin's face.

"I told you there's nothing wrong with me Nick. I just don't have much to say," Justin says, not meeting Nick's eyes.

"I am not buying that Justin and you know it," Nick says, taking Justin's hand in his own. "This is about Kevin and JT isn't it?"

"No baby it's..." Justin says, holding his head down, still not meeting Nick's eyes.

"It is them isn't it? This has something to do with that fantasy of yours doesn't it? Are you really wanting to sleep with JT that badly?" Nick asks, turning away from Justin.

"Nick, don't make me answer that," Justin says, tears streaming down his face.

"Go ahead and answer it Justin, it's not like I don't already know the answer. It's not like I will be mad with you or anything. Hell if I could I would want to make love with him too," Nick states, then closes his mouth as he blushes when he realizes what he just said.

"I knew it baby. You want him just as much as I do," Justin says, turning to face Nick.

"Well I don't know if I want him as much as you do, but I totally want to see what's under those Chinos," Nick replies as Justin grabs his hand.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Justin asks.

"I think we seduce him and see what happens baby," Nick says as he and Justin start kissing. "Wait baby."

"What's wrong Nicky?" Justin asks.

"Before we act on our feelings with JT, we have to remember that we are married to each other and that we love each other very much. We have to promise each other that we won't let this change our relationship in any way. Promise?" Nick says, pulling Justin into his arms.

"I promise baby," Justin says, as he and Nick kiss passionately again. "Now how are we going to do this?"

"Hmmmmm, I don't know baby. We will figure something out," Nick says as he and Justin walk out of their room.

// In Kevin and JT's Room //

--- JT's POV ---

This has been one of those weird days for me. Since we've been here in New York, I've had this very strange feeling as though my life is about to change drastically. Besides starting my own business, I feel me and Kevin's life is about to turn upside down. I bet this has something to do with what he told Nick and Justin. I think that is the main thing with me. I just can 't believe he would tell them that. Remembering the phone call from that night he told them, I think he got off on them talking sexually about me. I really think my husband really has a kinky side, a side he has yet to fully tell me about. Hell I thought I knew everything about my lover when it came to sex, so I guess I was wrong. By gosh, Kevin likes to play and play a lot and I bet he likes to watch.

Hmmm that might be something good to get into with my husband. I must say that Justin has been flirting with me every chance he's gotten. First it was the thing with him putting his hand on my thigh, leaving it there a little two long. Then there was the ass grab when he hugged me after I had told them about my company, which got me thinking a little bit of how good it felt to have Justin hug me and squeeze my ass like that. Next, as we were leaving Liberty Springs, Justin acted as though he had tripped over something and fell to the floor. I lean down to help him up and he pulls me down on top of him, so he says it was an accident, but it was. While I was trying to get off of him (no pun intended) he let his lips brush over mine. This boy is doing things to get me hot.

What am I going to do about this? What am I going to do about Justin and his cute little ass? Damn, I don't want this to fuck up my marriage. I feel something is going to happen with Justin and I am scared that it's going to fuck up my life. I need a sign, what should I do?

"Baby, how do you feel about the two of us doing something erotic?" My husband asks me as he sits down on the bed next to me.

"What do you mean by erotic Kevin?" I ask him for this seemingly strange question from out of the blue like that.

"You know what erotic means baby," He tells me, taking off his shirt and tossing it over in the corner.

"Yeah I know what the word means, but what do you, Kevin Richardson mean when you say erotic?" I ask him as he starts unbuttoning my shirt.

"Hmmmmm... let's see? How would you feel about the two of us getting our freak on with Nick and Justin?" My loving husband asks me as I look at him like he has lost his mind. "What? Why are you looking at me like that JT?"

"Have you lost your mind?" I ask him as I slide off the bed.

"No baby I haven't. I think it would be fun since I already know that Justin and Nick like you and really want to get it on with you," He says, smiling as he gets out of the bed, walking behind me, kissing my neck as he starts to unbuckle my pants, letting them slide to the floor. "I think we can add some spice to our love life while letting Justin and Nick live out their fantasies."

"But Kevin, what happens when one of them gets too involved? What happens with us? I love you Kevin. I am not going to jeopardize our marriage. I vowed to love you and only you. You are the person that I share my bed with," I say, not meeting his eyes.

"I love you too JT, but think of it this way. We will be here together, doing something fun that I am quite sure we both want to do," he says, kissing my neck again.

"What! You want to get your freak on with Nick and Justin? Hmmmm, so how long have you wanted to let Mr. Happy come out to play with Nick and

Justin?" I ask him, turning around and placing my hand on his crotch and squeezing. "This right here belongs to me and only me."

"Baby why can't you share it?" He asks me, leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

"Because you are my husband and I am your husband. Nick and Justin are not married to us and we are not married to them," I say, turning away from him as the idea of having sex with Justin and Nick plays around in my mind.

"But its not like we can't have a little fun baby." He says, as he starts kissing me on the neck again, moving down, and towards my shoulder.

"Stop Kevin. I'm serious here. What happens when we do something like this? What happens to us? What happens to them?" I ask him, looking into his eyes.

"We do it, we have fun, and we make sure that all questions are answered," He suggests, smirking at me.

"Questions? What kind of questions?" I ask him.

"The questions that Nick and Justin have about how we are together in bed. We answer their questions and then things will be back the normal," He replies, stepping out of his pants.

"I still don't know about this Kev. What do we do if one of them falls in love with one of us?" I ask him, not really resisting much.

"Then we have fun with it baby," He tells me, brushing up against me, pushing my boxer briefs down my hips. "Come on baby, I know you want to do this. I can feel your heart beating and you're already hard as a rock."

"I'm hard for you Kevin." I answer him, moving back to feel the heat of his body.

"Okay I have a simple solution to this baby. We can set up some rules and boundaries. If either one of us crosses the boundaries we've set, then we pull back. What do you think?" He asks, running his fingers teasingly across my back.

"That tickles baby," I say, giggling as we move closer to the bed.

"I know it does baby, that's why I'm doing it," He says, pulling the covers back on the bed. "Come here baby."

"What Kevin?" I say, smiling as he starts kissing me again, this time touching me here and there, trying to explore my body as quickly as he can.

"Why don't you get over here and tell me what's up," He says, licking his lips, grabbing my hand and placing it on his crotch. "Why don't you get acquainted with Mr. Happy and we can see what's in store for tonight."

"Oh I know what you have in store for tonight," I say, pulling the covers over us, attacking his lips with my own as I start stroking his dick.

"Mmmmmm, I love it when you touch me like that," He moans, wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me closer, deepening the kiss.

"I love it when I touch you like that." I tell him, climbing on top of him and straddling his hips.

"Is my baby ready for some sexercise?" He asks me, his dick finding it's home in the crevice of my ass.

"You know I am," I moan, deep and loud as someone starts knocking on the wall.

"Hey! We don't want to hear that racket!" Lydia shouts from the room next to us.

"Oh shut up and mind yo bizness woman!" My baby shouts as he pulls me down to him.

"I had no idea I was that loud," I say, giggling as someone knocks on the door. "Oh great, she's beating on the door now."

"Well get up and tell her to mind her bizness so we can take care of each other," He says, kissing me as I get up and grab my robe, pissed that Lydia was at the door interrupting us. "Don't make me get my gun girl."

"Baby stop that, you won't be shooting anyone with that gun tonight," He says playfully as I open the door to see Justin and Nick standing there.

"What are you..." I ask as Justin wraps his arms around my neck and starts kissing me.

"Do it Justin, give him some tongue!" Kevin shouts from behind me as Nick walks in. "Get over here Nicky."

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," Justin says, pulling back as I look at him decked out in a black overcoat.

"Glad you got it out of your system," I say as I turn around to look at Kevin and Nick sitting on the bed together. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Well Kevin told us to drop by an hour after we all got back. So here we are," Nick says taking off his coat to reveal that he was wear some black silk shorts.

"Kevin you planned this?" I ask him, as he gets out of bed, still naked, not caring that we had onlookers in the room.

"Yeah baby I did," He says standing behind me, pulling the knot loose on my robe and letting it drop to the floor. "Baby I know you want this as much as we all do. This isn't going to change anything with us. I will always love you forever baby."

"Kevin I..." I start to say as Justin smiles at me, steps back and opens his coat, letting it fall to the floor revealing his naked, hot chiseled body,

"I take it you like what you see," Justin says, wrapping his arms around me again as he kisses me and I wrap my arms around his waist. "Mmmmmm, that feels nice JT."

"Oh yeah baby," Nick says, playing with his nipples.

"JT can I...I touch you down there?" Justin asks me, letting his fingers trail across my chest, tickling me a little bit.

"No you may not." I say, looking down to see that Justin's dick was poking me in the leg. "I'm sorry but you are invading my personal space right


"Ah...well...I'm sorry. I thought..." Justin says, as I pull him back to me, kissing him as I grab his dick and start massaging it. "Oooooohhhhh yeah."

"Oh you like that do you?" I ask, using my other hand to rub my fingers through his hair. "Is this anything you expected it to be?"

"Yes it is," Justin says, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Why don't you two kiss again...need something to get the juices flowing," Kevin says, as Nick slides up in the bed next to him as the two of them sit side-by-side touching themselves.

"What is this some kind of command performance peepshow?" I ask, turning around, looking at Nick as the sight of my exposed and hard dick causes him to gasp. "What?"

"I...I...damn...I didn't know it was so big," Nick says, licking his lips as he looks up at Kevin. "Kevin does he hurt you with that?"

"Not at all. He knows what he's doing with it Nicky," Kevin says to him, as I place my hands on my hips.

"Okay you two break it up. Party's over." I say, walking over to the bed and grabbing Kevin by his ear. "Get it mista man."

"Baby...why you stopping?" Kevin asks me, as I still hold his ear as he gets out of the bed.

"Shut up and move," I tell him. "Ah you move to Nick. Get out of my bed. You will be sleeping elsewhere tonight."

"Baby please..." He says, as his expression changes.

"Justin, come here," I say as Kevin looks at me quickly and then at Justin. "Get the molasses out ya ass. You betta git yo azz in this bed before I change my mind."

"Yes sir," Justin says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I said git yo' azz in this bed. In the bed, your feet in the bed, your body next to me, under the covers, you know in the bed," I tell him as he looks back at Kevin and Nick and then at me.

"Okay," He says, lying down in the bed next to me. "JT what's going on?"

"We are in bed together," I tell him, smiling as I wrap my arm around him.

"Why are Nicky and Kev over there?" He asks me, a scared look on his face.

"This is about me and you, not those two. From what I just witnessed, those two like to watch," I say, letting my finger glide over his skin as he starts to smile at me.

"So what should we do about that JT?" He asks me, as I pull him closer to me, our noses touching.

"This," I replied, pressing my lips to Justin and wrapping my arms around him as we continue to kiss.

Kissing Justin the way I was turned me on and hipped me to the idea of making love to Justin. I was so hot and hard kissing Justin, I'm sure I could have poked a hole in his side with just a small push if I wanted too. Looking out the corner of my eye, I can see Nick and Kevin still standing over by the door looking at us as I maneuver Justin on top of my hips.

"Why don't we do something to make those two feel jealous," I say, squeezing Justin's ass as he sits atop my hips. "How do you feel about that?"

"Mmmm that feels good JT. I want you to..." He says, leaning down to kiss me.

"Baby come on. We want to play too," Kevin says, still looking at us.

"Well play baby, I'm not stopping you. Nick is standing there all alone with nothing to do," I tell him. "I'm quite sure Nick has something you can do."

"Why can't we play with you two?" He asks me, almost whiny like.

"Because I don't want you to. Now be a good husband and keep Nick there company," I say, kissing Justin again, as he moves up on me, causing my dick to rub in between his ass crack.

"Oh God it's so big. Do you think you will hurt me?" Justin asks in a shaky voice.

"Are you sure you want to have sex Justin?" I ask him, making sure this is what he wanted.

"Yes, I want it. I want it more than anything," Justin, answers me, leaning down to kiss me again.

"Well I don't know Justin..." I say as he kisses me again and moves out of the way.

"JT look over at Nick," Justin says as my eyes wander over to Nick.

"Baby why don't you take the shorts off already. You are the only one here still dressed," Justin says as Nick looks at Kevin, then at Justin.

"Ah...I am fine the way I am," Nick says, not looking up again.

"Nick is there something wrong?" I ask him.

"No JT, nothing's wrong," Nick replies, looking down at the floor.

"Nick leave my husband over there by himself and come here," I say as he slowly walks over to the bed. "Nick you gotta pick up the speed."

"I'm sorry JT. This is just...just so new to me," Nick says, smiling weakly.

"Well it's new for me too," I tell him, extending my hand to rub his leg. "Why don't you take off your shorts and come in here next to me..."

"Are you sure about that JT?" He asks me.

"Yes I'm sure Nick. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have told you to get in here, now hurry it up," I say as Nick turns his back to me, drops his shorts, lifts up the covers and quickly slides into bed. "Nick, are you shy? You don't have to be shy around me. Hell I have seen you two fuck before."

"Oh yeah you have," He says blushing as I lift the covers to see his growing erection.

"Whoa there, looks like somebody is hung too," I say.

"Not as hung as you or Kevin," He says, frowning a little bit.

"We won't be having any of that in this bed," I say, leaning over and placing a kiss to Nick's lips as he turns his body closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

"That's totally better," I say, wrapping my arms around him too, kissing him again as I motions for Kevin to get into the bed.

Getting into the bed with us, Kevin lies down next to Nick and starts rubbing his body. Getting things flowing again, I tap Justin on his shoulder and motion with my head to my cock. Taking the hint, Justin crawls around on the bed and gets between my legs and takes a hold of my dick. Examining it closely, Justin inspects my balls, and then lifts my legs as he looks at my pucker. Wrapping his arms around my legs, Justin takes a breath and then goes down on my dick.

"Oh shit yeah that feels good," I moan as Justin continues to suck my dick as he uses his tongue to massage the head of my dick. "Oh yeah baby suck my dick."

"Why don't you help them out Nick," Kevin says, kissing Nick on his cheek, moving up to his ear and whispering to him. "Why don't you help them out Nick. I am quite sure Justin's ass is feeling mighty lonely right now."

"Huh?" Nick asks, looking at Kevin.

"Here," Kevin says, kissing Nick on the lips this time, handing him a bottle of lube and a condom. "Open Justin up for JT."

Nick looks at Kevin strangely while holding the bottle of lube and condom in his hand. Getting up on his knees, he gives his dick a few strokes and crawl behind Justin. Leaning down and placing a kiss to Justin's left butt cheek, Nick licks his finger and starts playing with Justin's hole.

"Mmmmmm" Justin moans, still sucking on my cock.

"Baby you look so hot from this angle," Nick says, opening the foil packet, taking the condom out and rolling it on his dick, tossing the packet on the floor as he pops the lube bottle open.

Watching the scene unfold between me, Justin and Nick, Kevin takes the bottle of lube from Nick and squirts some of the liquid in his hand. Still looking at us, Kevin starts stroking his manhood, moaning as he plays with the ring in his nipple.

"Oh God baby. How does it feel?" Kevin asks me as Justin stops sucking me and I feel him tense up.

"Go slow baby," Justin says as he goes back to work sucking my dick and Nick moves forward, I assume entering Justin as he starts moving his hips a little bit, rubbing my legs with his.

"Shit baby you're always tight," Nick says, moving slowly behind Justin, as Kevin sits up in the bed, touching Nick, then Justin as he strokes his dick.

"Oh this is so hot," Kevin says in a somewhat strange sounding moan. "Oh God the view from here is so divine. Nick I want to fuck you. Can I?"

"What? Right now?" Nick asks, looking at Kevin strangely.

"Yeah Nicky right now. Can I?" Kevin asks, as I look up and smile at him. "I want us all to be connected."

"If you can Kev, go for it," Nick says, as Kevin picks up the lube bottle and the condom that I passed to him from the night table. "Just be prepared."

"Believe me I can," Kevin says, lubing up his dick as he leans into Nick, causing him to winch in pain, me knowing that Kevin was entering him.

"Ah shit," Nick moans, almost a groan as Kevin continues to push into him.

"I'm sorry Nick," Kevin says, kissing Nick on his neck. "I wasn't trying to hurt you."

"I know Kevin, just take it easy, you feel even bigger than you look," Nick says, taking in breathes quickly. "Okay I think I'm ready now."

"This feels so gooooooooooood," Justin moans, as I lean up to kiss him.

Damn! Here the four of us are having sex in me and Kevin's bed. We look so hot and sexy fooling around like this. At first I had my fears about doing this, but now that we are, I think we should have done this a long time. I just hope this doesn't hurt any of us. I don't want to loose the friendships I've made with these guys. I hope none of us regret this tomorrow. Like damn, if the tabloids saw something like this, the guys would never live this shit down. Hell I'm not going to worry about that right now. Justin is doing such a good job polishing my knob I can hardly contain myself.

"I think you are ready for a little sumthin' more," Justin says, looking up to me as he rubs Nick's leg behind him and moves forward.

"Oh? What am I ready for Justin?" I ask him as Nick smiles at Justin and nods his head while he and Kevin were still moving in time with each other in their shared ecstasy.

"This," Justin says, accepting the condom from Nick along with the bottle of lube. "I think I am ready for you to be inside me right now. Thank baby."

"Welcome love." Nick says, leaning his head back as Kevin starts attacking his neck with kisses. "Oh God Kevin you feel so good in me."

"I hope not better `an me," Justin says, applying some lube to my dick. "Kevin, don't get his box out of whack or anything."

"Oh yeah right. You just don't let JT rip you a new one baby," Nick says, laughing as Justin opened the condom and rolled it down on my dick.

"Justin I suggest you go very slow," Kevin says, nibbling on Nick's ear.

"Oh I intend Kev. I want to savor every moment of this," Justin says, maneuvering himself over my dick as he starts to slide down. "Oh damn."

"Justin stop," I say, placing my hands on his hips as he shakes his head. "Justin you're in pain. I can see it."

"It will pass," Justin says, eyes closed tightly as he continued moving down my shaft. "It's starting to pass already."

Justin opens his eyes and looks at me. Looking back at Nick, he smiles and then turns around to face me again. Placing his hands on my chest, he starts moving up and down on my cock, moaning in pleasure.

"Oh God, this feels so good," Justin says, still moving up an down on my dick. "Kevin you never told us how this felt."

"You already know," Kevin replies, pumping into Nick faster now.

"Oh God Kevin are you close?" Nick asks, moving with Kevin's thrust, their skin slapping together.

"You know I am Nicky," Kevin says, pushing Nick down on the bed and laying flat on his back, still thrusting into his ass.

"Oh Kev that feels good." Nick moans.

"I know it does Nicky...shit." Kevin stutters out. "Come on Nicky...come on...oh shit...oh that's some ass right there..."

"Oh I am getting close," Nick's high-pitched voice squeaks.

"Shit yeah Nicky. I want...shit...oh damn...I want you to...I want you to squeal for me baby, squeal like the hungry sex pig that you are!" Kevin shouts, thrusting harder into Nick's ass, not worrying if he was hurting his partner or not.

"What? Are you...mmmmmm...kidding me?" Nick asks, still moaning as he and Kevin move into a standing position up against the wall.

"He's not kidding." I say, as Justin covers my lips with a kiss. "Mmmmm"

"Don't worry about them, me and you is all that matters now JT." Justin says, speeding up his movements as Nick and Kevin fade away from his mind.

--- Justin's POV ---

Oh God I'm in fucking heaven. I don't think I can hold out much longer. It feels like I was meant to make...make love with JT. It's like our bodies were made for each other. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but I think I'm falling for JT and falling for him badly. Pulling off of JT's dick, I kiss him again and crawl off, sitting next to him in the bed. I start stroking myself as we kiss and in no time flat, I am shooting my load all over my hands. Breathing heavy, I look over at him and he's still stroking himself. Wanting to feel him in me again, I lie on my back and wink at him. Catching on to what I want, he kisses me hard on the lips and reaches over me. Opening the bedside table drawer, he pulls out something that looked like it had fur on it. Kneeling in between my legs, JT starts kissing the inside of my thigh as he shows me what he had in his hand.

"Oh shit JT. What do you plan on doing with those?" I ask him, getting a little bit scared.

"This," He says, leaning over me, taking my left hand and pulling it up to the headboard, cuffing my hand and looping the other handcuff again through the headboard and taking my right hand and cuffing it. "Trust me Justin......I'm not going to hurt you."

"Ah...ah yeah...okay," I say to him, still scared of what was about to happen.

With that JT reached down and groped my cum-slick dick. Leaning over to kiss me again, he reaches into the drawer and pulls out another condom. Steadied by his lube slick dick, he rolls the condom on his dick and shoves his cock deep into my ass again. Settling into a study rhythm I groan loudly and smile at the man that was making me feel new things. Oh God man, the pressure his big ass cock moving in and out of me, sent wave after wave of pleasure through me. At the angle he was fucking me, I knew his massive cock was massaging my prostate over and over again, which had my cock regain it's full size again. Each thrust of his love tool inside me pushed me closer and closer to my second orgasm of the night.

"I love you JT...I don't think I will ever get enough of this...I really do love you," I say, muttering something else that my own mind couldn't comprehend.

At that moment, JT mutters something unintelligible through his clenched teeth that got Kevin's attention. It wasn't that I regretted what I just said, it's like I needed to say it, I needed to hear myself say those words to someone that was able to take me to a new level like he was. I said those words and somehow feel that I have opened something that can't be closed. I know that JT loves his husband, hell I love my husband, but I know I can't stop these feelings that I am experience right now.

"What did you just say baby?" Nick asks, a tear rolling down his cheek as he looks over to JT and Justin fucking on the bed.

"Aw, shit--!" I howl, bucking my hips with JT's thrust, wishing my hands were not cuffed. "I love you, JT. Oh god, I REALLY LOVE YOU!"

Just as I start to orgasm again, JT starts to shake a little bit and I can feel the heated warmth of his love fill the condom deep in my ass. Shaking violently, he starts to calm down. Still thrusting in and out of my ass, he leans down and starts kissing me again. I want to touch him, wrap my arms around him, let my skin touch his, but I can't for those damn handcuffs. Wanting to feel him deeper in my as he thrusts, I start tugging at my handcuffed hands. Tugging with all my might, the bed starts creaking and all of a sudden the headboard cracks and the metal bar of the bed flies up, freeing my handcuffed hands.

"What the fuck!" JT shouts as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck, the cold metal of the handcuffs resting on the back of his neck.

His orgasm over, his dick spent, he leans down and kisses me again as his dick slides out of my ass. Collapsing on top of me, he pants as he roles off of me onto the bed. I repeat my promise to myself over and over again as I sink into my own little world remembering that Kevin and Nick were in the room with us as JT brings me out of my trance by touching my lips with his fingers as he rubs my cum against my lips.

Looking at the clock on the bedside table, it reads 2 am, the bed sinks and I feel hands on me. Opening my eyes, I see Kevin wrapping his arms around JT and Nick sitting behind me on the bed. Turning my body to wrap my arms around Nick, I see tears in his eyes. Looking up into his eyes, I see something there I thought I would never see...sadness.

"Damn that was a hot scene baby," Kevin says, kissing JT passionately. "That was just awesome you two."

"Yes it was," I say, rubbing JT leg is Nick looks away from me. "I don't think I have ever been worked over like that. I loved this soo much."

"I liked it too." JT says, smiling as Kevin kisses him again.

"I must say that this cured one of my all time fantasies. How about you Nick?" Kevin asks, leaning over JT and me and kissing Nick, who melted into the kiss, moaning as he reached over and started caressing Kevin's face. "Mmmmmm that was good."

"Thanks." Nick says, smiling and blushing as he looks at me again.

"Nick?" I say as he ignores me. "Nick?"

"Oh...yes Justin?" He asks.

"Why don't we go take a shower?" I suggest, rubbing his leg.

"Ah okay," He says, getting off the bed, stumbling and falling back onto the bed, causing the whole bed to fall down to the floor.

"What the hell?" JT says, laughing as the four of as laid back on the fallen bed laughing.

"Justin broke the bed first," Kevin says.

"Yeah you did do that," JT says, still laughing as I remember I did break the bed.

"Let me remedy you of those," JT says, reaching over me, kissing Nick on the lips as he went by and grabbed the handcuff key. "Now you are free. Go take a shower."

"Yes sir." Nick says, getting up and pulling Justin up with him.

// In the Bathroom //

"Nicky baby what's wrong?" Justin asks, closing the door behind the two of them.

"What do you mean Justin?" Nick asks, not meeting Justin's eyes.

"You know what I mean Nicky. That look back there before Kevin kissed you. I saw sadness in your eyes. Why baby?" Justin asks.

"Do you realize what you said to JT when you two were fucking?" Nick asks, turning away from Justin.

"Ah...well...yeah I know what I said. I said I loved him," Justin says, grabbing Nick's arm. "I know I said I loved him, but you are my husband, I love you Nicky."

"You love me? How can you tell me that after you have told him that

Justin?" Nick asks.

"I love him in a different way. He's my friend just like he's your friend. Tonight...tonight I feel we have taken our friendship to a new level. I love him for that. He helped me...he helped me live out a fantasy. A fantasy that we both wanted to experience." Justin explains, wrapping his arms around Nick and placing a kiss to his lips.

"You said you love him, and you said it more than once Justin," Nick says, tears running down his face. "I don't think we should have done this."

"Baby, stop this. There's nothing to worry about here. This was just some experimenting between friends. Everything is going to be okay," Justin says.

"How can I be so sure Justin? How am I to be sure that you still love me?" Nick asks, still crying.

"This ring baby. This ring on your finger is the symbol of my love for

you," Justin says, kissing Nick again and touching the ring on his finger, holding his hand up and kissing the ring. "This is our love Nick. Nothing Kevin or JT do can ever break that bond."

"Are you sure Justin?" Nick asks, picking up a washcloth and wiping his eyes.

"Yes baby I am sure. What do I have to do to prove that to you?" Justin asks, kissing Nick again.

"You already have," Nick says, kissing Justin on the forehead. "I'm sorry baby. I think my jealous side took over when I heard you say you loved him. I shouldn't be upset, when Kevin was fucking me, I told him I loved him


"See, we both love our friends," Justin says, kissing Nick again. "Why don' t we get into the shower and clean up."

"Sure baby," Justin says, walking bowlegged as he and Nick step into the shower.

// Back in the Bedroom //

"Damn, you're a handsome stud, baby" Kevin says, helping JT off the floor. "I don't know how we're going to explain this to the hotel staff."

"Hell I don't know either. I just hope I don't have to pay for it." JT says, laughing as he and Kevin kissed. "Kevin I think something is wrong with those two."

"No baby, don't go there. They are going to be all right. I know Justin said he loved you, but it was just something he said in the heat of passion. Nick said the same thing to me. They are our friends and that's all baby. Don't make this into something it isn't. We're just four adults that wanted to play around sexually," Kevin explains, kissing JT.

"I know baby, I know. I just don't want them to break up over this. You three planned this so I shouldn't be held responsible for anything that happens," JT says, walking over to the bathroom door, forgetting that Justin and Nick were in there. "Oops."

"What?" Kevin asks.

"They're fucking," JT says, smiling as he hugs Kevin. "I guess they're going to be alright after all. Nick is reclaiming his territory."

"See I told you so," Kevin says patting JT's ass as they kiss again. "Wish we had a bed in here. I feel I need to reclaim my territory."

"Oh please man, you know I'm your territory." JT says, smiling as he kisses Kevin on the cheek. "Isn't there a spare room in this suite?"

"Yeah there is, but why don't you two come sleep in our room." Nick suggest as he and Justin stood in the bathroom doorway drying off. "We would love to have the cuddle company."

"Ah I don't..." JT says as Nick moves over to him, kissing him quickly.

"I didn't get to get the attention you gave my husband. Why don't we work on that after we have gotten something to eat? I'm sure we all need our strength."

"How about it Kev?" JT asks, smirking as Kevin smiles and nods his head. "I guess we bunking with you two the rest of the morning."

"Hell it's almost four now. Why don't we jus go out somewhere and grab some breakfast, get some rest and pick up where we left off later on tonight," Justin suggests.

"Sounds good baby," Nick says, kissing Justin on his cheek. "Do you two agree?"

"Sure we do," JT says, grabbing Kevin's hand. "But first, mmmmm, we are going to shower."

"Be quick about it you two. We are going to our room to get dress. Should we meet you two back over here or will you come over and get us?" Justin asks.

"We'll come get you," Kevin says. "Like you Nick, I might have some territory to reclaim too."

"I bet you do handsome," Nick says laughing. "We are okay. Don't worry about us."

"Good. We will see you in a few minutes," JT says, waving as he and Kevin walk into the bathroom.


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