My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 9, 2005


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy - Twilight in Paris Chapter - 12, Part D by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Somewhere Over the Atlantic Ocean - Jive Corporate Jet //

--- Kevin's POV ---

Here we are again Lord. Why is it that anytime we get together as a group something bad happens? Are you giving us a sign that there's something we need to fix in our lives or something? Please Lord, give me a sign here. Is everything going to be all right with my husband and my friends? Please Lord watch over us and let Nikki and D get their family back together again.

"Amen..." I whisper to myself looking up to see my baby walking over. "Any word yet baby?"

"The police in New York have been alerted to what's going on right now. They don't think Michael has anything to do with this since he's been under constant surveillance with the death of another patient." My baby tells me, sitting down. "They don't seem to think that he had all of this arranged."

"Well we know he did it, hell Steve said so." I say looking around as Justin and Nick joins us.

"Hi you two." My boo says, as Nick moves into Justin's lap. "What's on your minds guys?"

"We were about to ask you two that." Justin says, as he places a kiss to Nick's lips. "Any word about the baby yet?"

"Not yet." JT answers, dropping his head as I pull him to me and places a kiss to his lips. "Kevin not now."

"Girl cut that out. Kevin is only trying to show you his love. You should always have time for him." Justin says, shaking his finger at my boo.

"Justin...that's not...I know he's trying to show me that he loves me, but now isn't the time. A baby is missing and the more time we sit here doing nothing, the more time that Michael and Simon have to cause more problems. I feel so helpless here, not able to put that baby back into Nikki's arms." My boo says as he starts to softly cry.

"I feel so sorry that this has happened to her. I should have looked at the guy and maybe we could have stopped him before he was able to come back and take little CJ." Justin says, looking in the opposite direction.

"I just hope that doesn't happen to us. I don't think I could deal with it." Nick says, looking away from JT and me quickly.

"What do you mean by that Nick?" My boo asks, looking at Nick as Justin turns around to look at us.

"He's talking about the family we are going to start." Justin says, leaning in and kissing Nick. "On Christmas Day, me and Nicky decided to start a family."

"Start a family? How do you suppose you are going to do that?" My boo asks, as Justin and Nick start laughing.

"That's very simple JT." Justin says, smiling at JT. "We are going to find us a surrogate and go from there."

"Oh really? Do you have someone in mind?" I ask them, thinking about who they could possibly trust with carrying a child for them.

"Well we were thinking about asking BJ about the idea and see if she's interested." Nick says just as Craig came into the lounge area of the jet.

"JT I need you for just a moment." Craig says, motioning for JT to come over to where he was standing.

// In the Cockpit //

"What is it Craig? Any news about the baby yet?" JT asks, walking into the cockpit.

"Well Simon has been found, but the baby isn't with him. New York Authorities picked him up a few miles from where Michael is." Craig says, reading some information from a notepad.

"So is the baby with Michael?" JT asks.

"No he isn't. The baby is missing. The police are combing the area where they found Simon, but it doesn't sound good so far. Simon has been shot and he ain't talking." Craig replies, handing JT a readout from the fax machine. "This is the last word we have from New York."

"Oh this is fucking great. Why is he doing this to her? Hasn't he had enough? How long before we land?" JT asks aloud as the pilot turns around.

"We will be touching down in New York within three hours." The pilot responds as JT punches the wall.

"Could you speed this heap up?" JT asks, looking through the window in the door. "We need to get to New York and find that baby."

"We are traveling as fast as we can sir." The pilot replies as JT opens the door.

"Keep me posted on anything more from the NYPD." JT says, closing the door and walking back towards his husband and their friends.

"Any word?" Kevin asks, hugging JT.

"Yeah and it ain't good." JT replies. "The police found Simon, but the baby wasn't with him. He had already gotten rid of him somewhere. The police are combing the area looking for the baby, but so far nothing."

"Oh no! That's just wrong!" Justin shouts as his tears over take him.

"Calm down Justin. There's nothing we can do right now." JT says.

"So is he with Michael?" Nick asks.

"No he's not with Michael at the moment." JT answers.

"I'm thinking that Simon left the baby with someone else or someone else was at the airport waiting when he landed and he handed the baby over to someone else that's going to deliver the baby to Michael some time later." JT explains.

"That sounds plausible baby." Kevin says. "Did someone check the surveillance tapes from the airport?"

"I'm sure someone is doing that." JT replies as he lays his head down on Kevin's shoulder. "Nikki has gone through so much in the past year. She doesn't need this right now."

"Right now I don't know what she needs." Justin says looking at JT and Kevin. "Have you seen the way she, Howie and Joey have been acting? I think all three of them are getting freaky."

"Justin!" Nick exclaims.

"Well it's true baby. I went past the bedroom back there and they were talking in hushed voices. I think they were doing something and didn't want us to hear it." Justin explains.

"Yeah right Justy. I don't think D would be in a room with a gay man having sex." Nick replies. "Not after what went down in his past."

"Yeah I think we all have some bad things happen to us in our pasts but I don't think that has anything to do right now with them since all three of them are in that room and it's been five hours already and no one has come out." Justin says, pointing at the door.

"Justin, mind your business man." Kevin says, pulling JT closer to him as he drapes his arm across JT's shoulder. "They are all connected to the baby and I am quite sure Nikki needs all the support she can get right now."

"But..." Justin says as JT cuts him off.

"But nothing Justin. Nikki and Joey's baby was taken. Joey's the father and Howie's her husband. They are both trying to keep her calm." JT says, wrapping his arms around Kevin's waist.

"Baby they have a valid point there. None of that is our business. I'm sure they're not doing what you think they're doing. Besides all of them are married. I don't think Joey would cheat on his husband like that." Nick says, rubbing Justin's back.

"Look at him back there. Just look. He's sitting back there all alone. I tried to talk to him but he just pushed me away." Justin says, pointing at JC sitting at the mini-bar.

"How long has Josh been sitting back there drinking?" JT asks.

"Since we got on the plane." Justin answers with a sad expression on his face. "I think he's past drunk right now."

"Let me go talk to him." JT says, getting up and then leaning down, placing a kiss on Kevin's lips. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay handsome." Kevin says, patting JT's ass as he walks away.

"How are you two doing Kevin?" Nick asks.

"Since I've been back home he's been acting strange." Kevin replies.

"Is he still holding on to that anger from our honeymoon trip?" Nick asks.

"I really don't know Nick. It's like everything around him ticks him off." Kevin says. "I don't care what it is. If he's involved it ticks him off." Kevin says, shaking his head.

"Kevin can I ask you a personal question?" Nick asks.

"Yeah sure you can." Kevin says, turning to face Nick.

"Has he ever hit you or anything?" Nick asks, sliding over next to Kevin. "I know he gets mad and stuff. I just wanted to know if he's ever taken his anger out on you?"

"No he's never hit me before. I will say that we have our moments when we argue, but he hasn't raised his hand to me." Kevin says as he spots JT sitting down next to JC.

"Promise me Kevin. Promise me that if he ever hits you that you'll leave him." Nick says, hugging Kevin. "I know he has some anger issues Kev and I don't want him to hurt you."

"He's not going to hurt me Nick, he loves me." Kevin replies.

"He might love you." Nick says, tears falling down his cheeks. "That doesn't mean that he won't hurt you."

"I don't think he will ever physically hurt me Nick. Don't worry about me, don't worry about us." Kevin says, trying to assure Nick that he would be okay.

// Over at the Mini-Bar //

"Justin is your friend and so are the rest of us. Just tell us what's wrong Josh." JT says, taking the bottle of Alize sitting on the bar top in front of JC.

"Give me back that damn bottle JT. Don't make me hurt you!" JC shouts, pushing JT and snatching the bottle of Alize.

"Hey now. I suggest you not try that again Josh. I am trying to be your friend here." JT says, stepping closer to JC again. "Just talk to me and Justin. Why are you drinking so much man?"

"Do you really want to know why I am fucking drinking so much!?" JC asks, being sarcastic.

"Yeah. That's why I'm asking you Josh." JT says, sitting back down next to JC. "Please tell us."

"Here's why I'm drinking so much. Where is my husband?" JC asks.

"You know where your husband is." JT replies.

"I know where he is, but my heart doesn't." JC says. "The man that I'm married to hasn't been here with me at all. Since we got on this damn plane, he's been with her!"

"Josh you have to understand that the both of them are hurting. Their child was kidnapped." Justin says.

"Yeah I know that, but does he allow me to comfort him, to show him that I sympathize with him? Hell no! He goes into a room, a bedroom no less and locks up with his baby momma and her husband! Sounds like a ménage a trois to me." JC sarcastically says, pouring himself another drink.

"Josh, stop this. You know what happens when you drink like this." Justin says.

"I don't give a flying fuck how I get!" JC shouts, grabbing the bottle of Alize and walking away from the mini-bar. "I told you to leave me alone. You couldn't just leave well enough alone."

"Josh what are you doing?" JT asks, standing up now.

"What I should have done a year ago." JC says, walking over to a seat away from JT and Justin and pulls out his cell phone.

"Josh?" Justin says, as JC holds up his hand.

"Don't fucking come over here." JC says, turning his back to Justin as he places the phone to his ear, waiting for someone to talk.

// New York, NY - Liberty Springs Group Home //

"Officer he hasn't made any calls or left this room at all today." The orderly says, handing him the activity report for Michael. "See here, this report shows you what he does on a daily basis. He hasn't left his room at all today."

"Has he had any visitors?" Officer John Patrick asks, taking the clipboard from the orderly.

"Not since yesterday. His mother Phyllis Fatone stopped by for an hour and that was it." The orderly says, looking through the visitor log.

"Well here's my card. If he gets any visitors or any calls, call me or the main number on this card and let us know." Officer Patrick says.

"I will do that sir. Is Mr. Valente in any trouble?" The orderly asks.

"Don't be concerned with that right now. Just inform us if he gets any visitors or phone calls." Officer Patrick says, shaking the orderly's hand and leaving.

// Lower Eastside of Manhattan //

"Hey man, don't worry about any of that. Just keep the baby hidden like Simon said. I said don't worry about it. Just get here with the kid and I will go the rest of the way." The man says, speaking to someone on the phone.

"Well have you heard from the boss man yet?" The guy on the phone asks.

"Not yet man. He said that if we didn't hear from him within 24 hours to go ahead with plan 'B' so that's what we are doing." The man states, pulling out an envelope from his pocket. "Just get to the spot man and don't let no one see you."

"Oh yeah man that's hard to do with a screaming baby in my fucking arms." The guy on the phone says.

"What? You stupid idiot! Why didn't you sedate the kid first?" The guy asks.

"He's only a little baby. I don't want to kill it." The guy on the phone says.

"Just stick the damn needle in the kid and shut him up before he draws too much attention to you." The guy states, opening the envelope to see the money that fell out. "Handle your mess man and meet me at the spot at the time."

"I'll be there." The guy on the phone says as he hangs up the phone.

"Where did he find these stupid cunts at? This is my last gig. I'm not doing no more jobs for nobody after this." The guy says, opening the closet door, removing a board in the floor and lifting out a small cash box. Opening the box, he puts the cash in the box and takes a gun out.

// Back on the Corporate Jet //

"Why did you have to get involved in something like this Steve?" JC asks, walking over to Steve and sitting down. "Who are you helping do this?"

"Just stay out of it Josh. Why are you even worried about what I get into? It's not like you chose me or anything." Steve says, looking away from JC.

"Steve that's not fair. I like you, but I love him." JC says, reaching out to touch Steve's cheek.

"It's better to fuck and leave me, rather than to stay around huh Josh? You said it yourself that Joe wasn't interested in you, that he was still in love with that bitch. Why did you marry him Josh? Why baby, why? You could have married, I am the better man for you. I could have loved you better than him." Steve says, moving away from JC.

"I know you could have Steve, but I...I love Joey, I have always loved him. I have loved Joey since I met him when we first started the group. I couldn't just abandon that love I have for him." JC says, moving closer to Steve and wrapping his arms around him again, feeling the metal handcuffs on his hands.

"Stop it Josh. Don't do this to me again. Don't do this you fucker. Don't you dare try to make me into some kind of pity case!" Steve says, using his legs to push JC away from him. "I won't be the love struck guy you run to when my fucked up brother treats you wrong."

"Steve it's not like that. I do care for you...I sometimes believe I really do love you more than I love Joey. I just..." JC states as Steve interrupt him.

"Shut up and leave me alone Josh. You don't love me, you never did. All we had was one week full of wall-to-wall sex. It was nothing more than that and I'm not going to make it more than that. Just leave me alone Josh, it was only an affair." Steve says, crying softly, not noticing JT and Craig standing next to where he and JC were sitting.

"I'm not going to leave you alone Steve. I want to help you. You just need to tell me what you have gotten yourself into. Why did you take Nikki's baby?" JC asks.

"That's none of your business Josh. I don't need any fucking help from you and anyone else!" Steve shouts as JT and Craig make themselves seen.

"I think you two need to separate." JT says, walking over to JC as Craig helps Steve up. "Take him to another seat. I think me and JC need to have a little talk, again."

"On it. Come on Steve, let's find you another seat." Craig says, moving Steve someplace else.

"Josh what is going through that spike-haired head of yours?" JT asks, grabbing JC and pushing him up against the wall. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Stop man! Get the fuck off of me!" JC shouts, pulling out of JT's grasp.

"As of now you are confined to this spot. You are not to leave this area and you are not allowed to talk to anyone. Got that Josh?" JT asks, pushing JC down in the seat.

"You can't tell me what to fuckin' do!" JC shouts, getting back up.

"Boy don't make me pop a cap up in yo' azz." JT says, grabbing JC by the arm and pushing him back in the chair. "Don't move or you will make me regret ever being your friend!"

"Like I give a fuck if you are my friend or not JT. You are just a lowly damn security guard here." JC sarcastically says, standing up again, this time spitting in JT's face.

"I don't believe you just did that." JT says, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his face. "I...I can't believe you spit in my face like that. I guess I was wrong about celebrities. They are all evil."

"Say what you want bitch. You ain't nothing man, nothing but a security guard trying to pass for one of us." JC says, laughing as JT sits down in the chair and starts crying

"Go away you bastard!" JT shouts, turning away from JC. "Just calm down...when we get to New York I can just call Johnny and quit. I can go home and be by myself. How could he talk that way to me? I can't believe I dated him. He's such a jerk!"

"Baby what's wrong?" Kevin asks, walking into the lounge area of the plane. "Did Josh do something to you?"

"Don't worry about it Kev. Just let it go." JT says, standing up and wiping his face.

"I will not let this go baby. He said something to you didn't he...what did he say baby?" Kevin asks, hugging JT and then kissing him on the cheek.

"Don't worry about it Kevin. It's nothing. Leave it alone please." JT says, more tears coming back to his eyes again as he remembers how Brian and AJ had treated him. "You need to go back to your seat while I go check for any news about the baby."

"Baby please...don't go right now." Kevin says, reaching for JT as he was already gone from the lounge. "Baby I wish you would let me help you."

// The Corporate Jet //

*** Nikki's POV***

The ride to the airport went by in a blur. I know that Joey and D are right here beside me, but just knowing that Michael might have my son terrifies me beyond measure. I know how much he hates me, and I have no doubt in my mind that he would hurt CJ to get back at me for having Tony when he couldn't. I can't even imagine how he's going to react when he finds out that Tony is back in my life again, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I looked over at Tony and D and my heart goes out to both of them. I know that the situation between the three of us can't be easy for either of them. I close my eyes again, but I can feel them both watching me as well as the rest of our little rag tag family as both of them try their best to keep my mind off of what's going on.

Snowball's chance in hell of that happening, I think morosely as I snuggle closer to Howie and run my fingers through Joshua's hair. He's sleeping so peacefully in his daddy's arms but I'm afraid to take my eyes off of him. My baby boy is oblivious to everything that's going on. I almost envy him his ability to sleep so peacefully in the midst of so much sorrow.

Tony's sitting on my other side, his hand resting on my thigh as he tries to catch some zs, but I can tell it's not working for him. His face looks so sad, even in sleep. I'm afraid of what this will do to us, especially if Michael hurts CJ. Michael is still his brother, and in spite of how he's treated me over the past five years, I know Tony has to be hurting now and he'll never forgive him if something happens to our child.

"Mrs. Dorough?" the flight attendant says, smiling down at us. "The captain says that you all are welcome to lay your son in the crib in the bedroom if you'd like. It's soundproof so the noise shouldn't disturb him."

"Thank you, but I don't think..." I begin but Tony's hand on my arm stops me.

"Which way is it?" he asks, meeting first Howie's and then my eyes. I understand what he wants, and unfastening my seatbelt, I step out into the aisle next to D and we follow her silently to the back of the cabin past the curious stares of all our friends. I purposely avoid looking at JC because I know how much I'm hurting him... and I don't think I could follow Tony if I see how much the man who loves him is hurting.

She opens a door and leaves us to our own devices after she's shown us all of the amenities. I lay JC down in the travel crib Johnny was nice enough to provide, and stretch out on my side on the bed, leaving enough room on either side of me for Tony and D to lie down too. Howie climbs onto the bed behind me, spooning into my back and resting his chin on my shoulder. Joey lies down in front of me, his hand cupping my face, tracing little circles there.

"Guys, we need to talk," I say softly, not wanting to wake JC. I lie flat on my back, looking from one of them to the other as I try to put into words what I'm feeling. "I want both of you to hear me out... no interruptions. Okay?"

Once they'd both agreed, I began to try to explain what was going through my mind and heart. "D, I know how unfair this is to you. When you married me you did it thinking that I was over Tony. And for the longest time, I really thought I was... but now that I'm near him again and I know that he still loves me, I see that I was just lying to myself. I can't help wanting him so much it makes my heart ache."

"But the thought of not having you hurts even more. You took care of my sons and me when Tony couldn't. I don't want to cause either of you any more pain, but that's all I seem to do. I want to choose one of you, I do, but God help me, I can't... I just can't," I finished as I tried to get off of the bed to hide in the bathroom so I wouldn't have to see their faces, but two strong arms stopped that madness before it could begin.

"Nikki stop," Howie said softly, pushing me back onto the bed. He looked at Joey long and hard, the tension between the two of them dissolving as they reached some kind of silent understanding. He met my eyes again, searching them for something before speaking again.

"Mija, this is not a game. This is our lives... our hearts, at stake here. I can't rule the love you have in your heart for the two of us. I wouldn't even want to try. Your ability to love so unconditionally is what made me fall in love with you in the first place. So I can share you with Joey... especially if it keeps you happy and in my arms for the rest of our lives."

"But is that really fair to you?" I asked, sighing in frustration. "You know a lotta people are gonna have a problem with this: your mom, Phyllis, the rest of both of your families... maybe it would be better if I just left and..."

"Nikki don't start that shit again okay?" Howie retorted. "You know damned good and well that I'd only follow you no matter where you go... and I think Joey feels the same way." At Tony's nod, he continued. "Are you really listening to what I'm telling you? Because I don't think you are."

"You're telling me that you don't mind sharing me with another man," I replied, frowning. "You're telling me that you're willing to throw away everything you were raised to believe was right just to see me happy... and I'm telling you that you shouldn't have to do that! I should be woman enough to choose one of you!"

"Kick, you really don't hear what he's saying," Joey said, shaking his head. I was frustrated as hell by this point, so I just let it rip.

"Well since I'm so stupid, why don't you tell me what it is I'm missing?" I snapped, angry with both of them now. Before I could say another word, Tony was kissing me hard and deep, his hands playing over my body. When he finally let up, I was so out of it that all I could do was stare at both of them helplessly. Howie grinned, silently congratulating him on shutting me up so effectively.

Tony smiled down at me, tracing my bottom lip. "Kick, Howie knows that some people are gonna be pissed about this... we both do. But baby, seeing your eyes shining when you smile at us is worth any backlash we might have to deal with." He kissed me again, gentler this time and said, "You are worth loosing it all... because we love you."

I felt his hands on my arms, his fingers gentle as they caressed me, sending electricity shooting through me, and my eyes fluttered closed as I relaxed under his tender ministrations.

"Look at me Kick," he said softly, his fingers caressing my lips again. I whimpered, unable to bring myself to open my eyes. Tony leaned closer, his breath tickling me as he says, "Nicole, open your eyes and look at me. I want to see your eyes when I say this to you."

I opened my eyes then, even though I was scared shitless of what I might see. All I saw were the same dark brown eyes that both of our sons had inherited shining with the love he felt for me, and it brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you Nicole Dorough," he said simply, glancing over my shoulder at Howie. "I know now that no matter where I go or what I do, that one truth will always be a part of who I am. So don't be sorry for not being able to choose between us. I know you love D... hell, I love him too for everything he's done for the three of you, but I also know that I love you with my heart and soul... always."

The tears that began to trickle with the first words were a torrent by the last. Tony wiped them away, nuzzling my face with his. He looked back at D again, "Is... is it okay if I kiss her?"

"You don't need my permission," Howie replied. Tony smiled his gratitude, his lips touching mine tenderly. I could feel D's arms tighten around me as the kiss went on, but I needed to taste Tony again. At first I thought, maybe it was jealousy that was causing him to react like that... until I felt how rapid his breathing had become.

No, he's not jealous... he's getting turned on watching us, I thought with an inward smile as I continued to kiss Tony. This just might work after all.

My suspicion was confirmed when he pressed himself into my backside. His cock was straining to be freed from its involuntary imprisonment. I had to smile when I felt that, but the smile faded quickly when he rocked his hips against me. I reached back, running my hand along it, sighing when Howie's hands came up to cup my breasts, teasing my nipples. Tony leaned back, and I turned my body to kiss D.

Tony watched us silently, his eyes shining. I finally broke away from Howie, needing to catch my breath from the onslaught of sensations. I climbed over D and stood next to the bed, smiling down at the two of them as I began to unbutton my blouse. My eyes never left either of theirs as I popped the final button free, intending to slide it off my shoulder but Tony reached out a hand to stop me.

His hands came around behind me, sliding the shirt down my arms and kissing along my shoulders. I shivered involuntarily when his beard scraped my skin, heightening my awareness of what was about to happen. D sat on the bed watching us, his eyes glittering in the semi darkness. He grabbed something off the end table and music spilled from the speakers hidden in the corners of the room. He tossed the remote aside, standing in front of me with an intense expression as he watched Tony working his way down my spine. He had to catch me when Tony's lips and tongue found the hot spot in the middle of my back and my knees buckled.

I moved away from both of them, sinking gratefully onto the bed again. D sat down beside me, his fingers tracing invisible patterns across the skin of my stomach while Tony came up on my other side and lay down beside me. He watched me for a moment, his eyes smoky with desire... but there was something else there. He looked pointedly at Howie, his eyes questioning. I cupped his face in my hands, nuzzling the side of his face briefly before I placed his hand against my bare skin.

"D?" I whispered as Tony's mouth closed over my nipple, making me gasp. I was still uncertain... still afraid to let go completely. Howie was by my side instantly, soothing me as Tony worked his magic on me.

"Just relax and let us love you mija," he replied, his voice gentle as he claimed my lips.

Those words released the last of my inhibitions and allowed me to truly enjoy what they were doing. Even Tony could sense that something had changed in me and looked up at me in curiosity, anxious to know if I was still okay with this. I simply caressed his face, my fingers playing in the hair on the back of his neck. He kissed the palm of my hand, resting his cheek there as his hands trail over my abdomen, stopping at the waistband of my skirt. He looks to D again, almost like he's wondering if Howie will change his mind, but I know that we've gone too far to turn around now.

D placed his hand next to Tony's, both of them moving to slide the garment down my legs. I lifted my hips without protest, anxious now to see what's going to happen next. Tony stands up, lifting my legs to get the skirt off of me completely. His eyes lock with mine as he sits next to me on the bed, his hand on the crotch of my panties tracing the outline of my clit with one finger. He pressed down and my breath caught in my throat.

"Tony... please," I begged, my eyes drifting closed when his finger began a rhythmic dance over that now throbbing bundle of nerves. I could only moan helplessly as his mouth went back to teasing my breasts again, my body straining against him, trying in vain to get his fingers to increase their pace.

"Just let it happen mija," Howie crooned softly, pushing my hair away from my face. Tony looked up at me then, his eyes dancing with mischief. He tugged on my panties, succeeding in getting them down to my knees, and then he grabbed D's hand, placing it on my clit, When D began to tease me, Tony's hand came up to my lips, pressing lightly to get me to open for him. I did, sucking on his fingers, as our gazes remained riveted on each other, each alive with desire and need.

I let go of Tony's fingers when Howie increased the pressure on my clit, snapping my attention back to what he was doing to me. I moaned loudly, instinctively sucking Tony's fingers harder, which made him groan deep in his throat the sound going straight to my already overheated pussy and making her burn hotter. Tony removed his fingers from my mouth, replacing them with his tongue as he trailed those fingers down my body, teasing me and leaving a trail of superheated skin in his wake. When he finally arrived at his target, he broke our kiss, watching me intently as his fingers slide inside me.

"Oh... fuck," I said softly, my voice somewhere between a moan and a whimper as both of them teased me. I could barely breathe as all the sensations they were creating crashed through me, but I was loving ever minute of it. D sped up, smiling at the look of desperation on my face. "Shit... just like that!" my body was shooting off mini fireworks, and I almost screamed for real when Tony reversed his hand, hitting my G-spot with deadly accuracy. Both of them were in my ears, begging me to cum for them, sucking my earlobes, telling me how much they loved me.

"Need... to cum," I panted, bucking when Tony stroked my spot harder. The fireworks inside me flared into the real thing, my orgasm setting off a cascade of lights behind my closed eyelids that could rival a fourth of July extravaganza. D's mouth covered mine, sucking my tongue and muffling the mewling sound I made as I exploded over both of their hands, my orgasm shaking the bed with its intensity. I watched through half closed eyes as Tony brought his fingers up to D's mouth, holding them out to him. D looked down at me, uncertainty in his eyes.

"It's okay papi... he won't hurt you," I whispered, stroking his hair. D studied Tony for a moment, and then accepted the proffered fingers into his mouth, licking and sucking tentatively at first, but soon enjoying himself, as he tasted me on Tony's fingers.

Tony's eyes glazed over and I could feel him responding to the tugging on his fingers, but D wasn't letting go until he made sure that every drop of me was tasted. Tony tried to pull his fingers away, but D caught his wrist, holding him fast as their gazes locked and held, the air crackling with the electricity between them. I slid to the end of the bed, watching in awe as Howie finally released Tony and then reached out to bring him closer, teasing his lips with his tongue, and then going in for the kill.

All I could do was watch as the two of them kissed... soft and sensuous at first, but then with increasing need. Joey leaned away, breathing hard, but then leans back in, kissing D, slowly easing him onto his back as his hand strays to the zipper of D's jeans. D's hand covers his, helping him to unfasten them and lifting his hips to help ease them down, revealing his now hardened member straining against the fabric of D's boxer briefs. The kiss intensifies as Tony's hand closes around Howie's cock, stroking him deliberately, testing the waters. When Howie didn't push him off, Tony got into it, his strokes becoming strong and sure as he pleasured D in much the same way he had me.

Fuck me... this is so hot, I thought as I continued to stare.

I felt almost like a voyeur as I watched them, panting softly as I sucked on my bottom lip, enjoying the show they were putting on for me. D is lost in a whorl of sensation, his eyes opening as he reaches for me. He brings me back to his side, holding me close as Tony slanted himself across his body, licking the now purple and blood engorged head of his dripping cock, sucking him deep as D almost screams in pleasure, gripping my waist tight. I watched in fascination as Tony sucked, his tongue sliding into the slit almost made D pass out. Howie released me, both of his hands playing in Tony's hair as he guided his head up and down over his shaft, groaning in pleasure as Tony flicked his tongue over the bulging veins in his cock before returning to swallow his head, sucking harder as he deep throated Howie.

Tony finally came up for air, and D almost attacked his lips, kissing him deeply as Joey's hand took up right where his mouth had left off, stroking him fiercely as D began to cum all over his hand, kissing almost desperately as he orgasmed. I stroked his hair, kissing his cheek tenderly, but starting to feel almost jealous as they continued to kiss each other, pretty much ignoring me. I eased off the bed, grabbing my blouse and bra and disappearing into the bathroom to give the two of them some privacy, locking the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror, trying in vain to fight the feeling of helplessness as I thought of CJ out there somewhere alone, possibly hurting, and it was all I could do not to become hysterical again. I hurried to clean myself up, slipping back into my clothes as I listen for some indication that the guys are done in the other room so I can go check on Josh. I almost jumped out of my skin when there was an urgent knock at the door.

"Nikki? Baby open the door... it's me," Howie said softly, trying to turn the knob again with no success. "Mija, open the door."

"Kick, come on... let us in!" Tony said, knocking again. "We just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine guys," I stated calmly as I opened the door and walked back out into the room, ignoring both of them as I went to the crib to pick up Joshua. "You two might want to get cleaned up though. People are gonna start to wonder what the heck..."

"Look at me Nikki," Howie commanded softly. I did, my expression neutral as I watched the two of them move closer to me. D stood in front of me, his eyes narrowed as he studied me closely. "You're upset about what happened between Joey and me, aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, my gaze faltering under his intense scrutiny. I looked back down at Joshua, who grinned up at me as he reached up for my hair. I moved him to my other hip, kissing him again as I put his rattle in his hand and then sat him in the crib again. D came over to me, his hand on my chin forcing me to face him.

"I've been bisexual for ten years," Howie explained, caressing my face tenderly. "I haven't done anything since Lou because I haven't felt safe enough with any man to try. But Joey is different. I know how much you trust him, so I guess it just helped me to open up to maybe being with a man again."

I smiled crookedly, facing both of them again. "I guess it just shocked me, seeing you enjoy it so much... and I was feelin' kinda left out too. I don't want to feel jealous of whatever relationship you guys may or may not have."

Tony came closer, kissing me lovingly. "Kick, it's alright to be a little jealous. This is new to us too. I'm sure D probably feels a little stab of the ole green-eyed monster when he sees me kiss you. I know I do when you kiss him. It's natural to feel that way when you love someone... but are you gonna be okay with this?"

"I will be as long as you guys are safe... and I get to watch," I replied, grinning mischievously. They stared at me in disbelief for a split second before they too grinned, each coming up to hug me, but my mood turned somber again quickly as I thought about CJ. "Guys... I need to find my baby. I can't loose him."

"We'll find him baby... don't worry," Tony stated, kissing my forehead. "I know we will."

Just then the captain came over the intercom announcing our ETA of five minutes. I kissed each of them and then picked Joshua up, walking over to the door. "You two finish getting cleaned up so we can go back to our seats for landing."

"Yes ma'am!" they said in unison, grinning like idiots while they both saluted crookedly. Joshua giggled, kicking me in my side. Joey went to clean up with D hot on his heels, the two of them laughing as they worked side by side. I stood in the doorway, watching the two of them clowning around as they took care of cleaning up, happy that my little family was as happy as it was possible for us to be under the circumstances. My smile slipped a little as I thought of CJ, and I spoke to him in my heart.

Mommy's coming for you my boy... just hold on, I thought as the guys joined me and we made our way back to our seats, ignoring the intensely curious glances being tossed at us from all sides.

// New York City - LaGuardia Airport - VIP Lounge //

"What did you say to him Josh?" Justin asks, standing in front of JC.

"What do you care for, he's not your close personal friend or something." JC says, pushing Justin away from him and walking off.

"JT is my friend. You might not treat him as one, but I value his friendship." Justin says, grabbing JC by the arm as JC swings around and punches Justin in the face. "The fuck! Have you lost your fucking mind Josh?!"

"I told you to keep your hands off of me Justin. I don't think I need to tell you again." JC says, walking away from Justin, opening his blazer and pulling out a small flask and taking a sip.

"Justin, are you okay?" Kevin asks as he and Nick walk over to Justin.

"Yeah I will be. Just keep that bastard away from me. We are through. We are no longer friends." Justin says as Nick hugs him.

"No baby, don't say that. He's just going through some stuff right now." Nick says.

"He's not going through too much to raise his damn hand at me and to hurt JT's feelings. That's one of the reason why JT doesn't like hanging out with us because somebody in the fucking group always goes and hurts his feelings." Justin explains as Kevin turns around and looks in JC's directions.

"I know what he said to JT and he's going to get a good sound beatin' for it." Kevin says walking away from Nick and Justin as the two men look at each other.

"Kevin no!" Justin shouts as Kevin reaches JC and grabs him by the back of his blazer.

"Josh you owe my husband an apology and I think you need to do that right now." Kevin says in a calm tone.

"Fuck you Kevin. I don't owe your bitch ass husband nothing. Wait a minute, hmmm, I think I owe him a kick in his ass for being him." JC says, smirking at Kevin. "Hell I don't know what it was I saw in him when we were dating. If I knew he was going to be like this, I would have said what I said a long time ago."

"You pitiful little bastard. You owe my husband an apology and you will apologize to him or take an ass whipping. Which do you prefer Josh?" Kevin asks, voice unwavering as he claps his fist into his palm. "Waiting..."

"I already told you to fuck off Kevin. I'm not about to go..." JC says, getting popped in the mouth by Kevin.

"Aw hell naw bitch!" JC shouts as Kevin ducks, grabs him by the waist and pushing him up against the wall and then pushes him down to the floor.

"I told you to fuckin' apologize, but you didn't want to do it! You are not going to hurt my husband and get away with it damnit!" Kevin shouts, punching JC in the stomach as Nick and Justin jumped on him, trying to break the two men apart.

"Kevin stop!" Justin shouts, trying to pull Kevin away from JC. "Don't hit him no mo."

"Stay out of this Justin!" Kevin shouts, pushing Justin off of him as he goes back to work on JC. "You just had to go and hurt the man I love!"

"Get off of me Kevin!" JC shouts as Joey enters the room, sees what's going on and runs over to help JC.

"Kevin what the hell are you doing?" Joey asks, pulling Kevin off of JC. "Are you out of your mind?"

"I think I asked him that earlier!" Kevin shouts, trying to grab for JC as Joey pushes him back.

"Don't make me drop you Kevin because I will. Leave him alone." Joey says, helping JC up. "Baby, are you okay?"

"I am not your baby. Get away from me Joe." JC says, pushing Joey away from him and walking away.

"What the hell just happened here?" Joey asks, looking at Kevin like he could rip him into pieces.

"Why don't you ask your fucking husband Joey? He's been pissing people off since we left Paris." Kevin says, turning around. "But I guess you wouldn't know that since you weren't around."

"Excuse me! What da hell does that mean Kevin?" Joey asks.

"What do you think it means Joey? What the hell where you doing in a bedroom no doubt with your ex girlfriend and her husband? Why do you smell like Howie's cologne? Were you three back there fucking or something?" Kevin fires off the questions waiting on Joey to answer as the man stood there dumbfounded.

"Let's see, the last time I checked, that was none of your fucking business Kevin!" Nikki says angrily, walking up behind Kevin and Joey.

"Yeah what she said." Joey says, as Kevin looks at Nikki then at Joey.

"Fuck this!" Kevin shouts. "Your freak of a husband hurt JT and he will pay for that."

"Kevin, leave Josh alone." Joey says as Kevin walks away.

// 15 Minutes Later //

--- Phyllis Fatone's POV ---

Here I am at the airport, waiting on my son and his friends to arrive. They are here because a guy I hired to take them kidnapped my son's ex girlfriend's child, who is also his child. The guy was supposed to take both of her babies and bring them back here to me so that I could get their identities changed and adopt them myself. I know it sounds bad Lord, but I just couldn't let that bitch hang on to my grandchildren like that while she's married to another man. Everything was working out fine until the stupid cow botched the job and only got one child. So now they are en route here to follow the man because my other son told them that her ex husband was responsible for the kidnapping.

"Joey, Joey, my baby there you are." I say, walking over and hugging him as I walk into the VIP lounge. "Any word about the baby yet?"

"Nothing yet ma." My baby says, a tear falling from his eye as he hugs me. "I just wish I knew why Mike was doin' this."

"Oh God Tony I thought I was going to die when you called me and told me what had happened." I say to him, knowing fully well what was going on.

While rubbing his back as we sit down in some chairs close to the lounge exit, I kiss him on his cheek and hold his hands in mine.

"Son, Mike isn't responsible for this. That bitch Nikki is." I tell him, turning around to see her walking into the room with her husband.

"What? How do you know that ma?" He asks me, glaring at me like I said something wrong. "She's not a bitch ma. Don't ever call that again."

"I call it the way I see it son. If she would have taken better care of her kids, one of them wouldn't be missing right now." I say to him as I spot JC walking out of the room.

"That's not true ma and you know it. Nikki loves those boys. She does everything within her abilities for them." He tells me, looking over at her as she smiles at him.

"Tony when you first started dating her...I told you she wasn't good for you." I tell him, turning his face to look at me. "I told you, but you didn't listen to me. Did you ever listen to me boy?"

"She's good for me, I love her ma." He says, standing up.

"She's not good for you. You don't love her, you only lust after her because you can't make up your mind." I tell him standing up too.

"Ma..." He starts as I cut him off.

"I know what you thinking boy. Don't get smart with me." I tell him, smacking him lightly on his arm.

"I don't care what you say or think ma. I don't lust after her. I love her and always will." He states, turning away from me again.

"Boy you don't know what it is you want. You acting like a little tramp. She's running around with you and her husband. Got you running around the world with your damn nose open. Boy I can smell the sex on you."

"No ma...I love her. She's always been the one for me." He says, turning around to face me.

"No son. She's not the one for you. There's someone out there for you, but she's not the one. Lies son, all lies." I tell him.

"Stop it ma!" He shouts as all of his friends in the room turn around and look at the two of us.

"Tony she's nothing but a floozy. You don't need her in your life." I tell him, grabbing his head again.

"She is not a floozy ma. I wish you would stop talking bad about her." He says, walking away from me.

"Don't walk away from me boy." I tell him, grabbing his hand as he pulls away from me.

"No ma. You ain't right in this. I don't need this now." He says, his voice shaky a bit.

"Again I ask you, what did I tell you when you first brought her home? Answer me boy!" I shout at him, getting a little bit emotional.

"You told me she was trouble ma." He says, not meeting my eyes. "But she's not like that."

"I meant it son. That girl is nothing but trouble. She hasn't been anything else. Look at all this stuff you are in now. She even has your brothers involved." I tell him.

"None of this is her fault ma. Why you doing this?" He asks me.

"I'm trying to show you the right way baby." I tell him. "Everything that has happened to you since meeting her is her fault. Mark my words boy, things will only get worse."

"Ma, listen to me. None of this is her fault. She's the one that has been hurt in all of this." He says, looking back at her.

"No son, she has hurt you." I tell him, caressing his cheek.

"Michael married her to get to me ma." He says, looking me dead in the face telling nothing but lies. "The only thing she ever did was love him."

"She doesn't know what love is Tony." I tell him. "She just lies, tell lies boy."

"No ma. He beat her. He beat the hell out of her for over five years." He says to me, trying to convince me to believe that his brother could actually do such a thing.

"Lies Tony, all lies. That girl only knows trouble." I tell him, as he looks back over to where Nikki was sitting with the other baby.

"I wish you would stop talking about the woman I love like that." He tells me, crying now. "He hurt her for all those years."

"He never laid a hand on her. She lied to you. You can't love her. What about your husband?" I ask him.

"Ma that's a lie. He beat he all the time. I even saw him beat her before." He tells me.

"How dare you tell lies on your brother like that." I tell him, smacking him on his arm a little harder this time. "I don't know what to do or say about you Tony. First you want a woman, then a man, and now a woman yet again. Can you make up your mind son?"

"Ma I know I love her. I always will." He tells me. "You just have to believe me what I tell you about Michael. He has tried on many an occasion to kill Nikki. Hell I saw the bruises. I was there the night he almost killed my sons...your grandsons!"

"Lies more lies. I don't know where I went wrong with you. I fed you all the same; I love you all the same. I just don't know why you are telling all these lies." I say, getting tired and sitting back down in the chair. "Nikki wasn't abused by Michael. That girl is trouble. She was mixed up in drugs and prostitution. Michael told me her pimp beat her up that night."

"No ma that's not true. You need to stop it and now." He says to me. "Michael is lying ma. Why can't you believe what I am telling you?"

"You are telling lies boy that's why I don't believe you." I tell him.

"He was the one who did those things. Nikki is not a whore and she doesn't have a pimp. It was all Michael." He says, shaking his head at me.

"Why are you doing this to your brother? Michael wouldn't do those things. Never in a million years." I tell him, not believing the lies he was trying to tell on his brother.

"Listen to me ma, I was there. I saw how he nearly killed her on more than one occasion." He states. "Why do you think I was always going to Chicago?"

"You went to Chicago to make her cheat on your brother." I say to him, smacking him on his arm as he looks at me like he has had enough.

"Ma Michael didn't care one way or another about her." He tells me, waving his arms around in my face.

"No wonder your brother prays for you. Michael loves Nikki; he loves her more than life itself. You took her away from him. No wonder he hates you." I tell my son, as I look away from him in disgust. "You don't need her, you have Josh."

"Ma you are not listening to the words I have been saying." He tells me, pissing me off. "Michael has been lying to you."

"I have heard enough of this. I don't want to hear no more of these slanderous lies you are spinning." I tell him getting up in his face, shaking my finger at him to show him that I am not happy with him.

"Ma this has been going on for years. You never believed me when I tried to tell you all the stuff he was doing wrong." He says, trying to hold my hand.

"He wasn't doing wrong. You were just jealous of him." I tell him.

"Ma you always took up for him regardless of what he did. You didn't do that for Steve, or me ma. We got a spanking and that was it." He says, walking back over to the window.

"You boys got spankings because you told lies on your brother." I tell him.

"Yeah okay ma. Believe that if you want." He says, almost being spiteful to me.

"Don't get sarcastic with me boy. The both of you lied on Michael so you had to be punished. You would all get into trouble and blame him. You two always tried to take advantage of the situation and make him the bad guy." I say to him, smacking him in the back of the head. "I don't know why I never sent you boys away."

"Oh God ma! How could you say that? Did Pop lie? Did Meemah lie about what he was doing? What about Janine ma? What about when she said he was touching her. Did you believe her? Did you believe he was doing wrong then?" He asks me, as I grab him by his arm and force him to sit down.

"I told you not to get smart with me boy. Don't bring your father into this. You shut up Joseph. Shut up right now!" I shout at him.

"No ma, no. He tried to tell you the things Michael was doing, but just like always you wouldn't listen to him." He says, sitting down next to me.

"I said shut up boy. I don't want to hear another word from you. I will smack you if I have to." I tell him.

"No ma. You will just have to smack me damnit. It's never stopped you before. You need to hear this stuff." He says as I smack him across his face.

"I said shut up boy! I will not hear this. I will not hear this one bit." I tell him, as my tears overtook me.

"Michael almost killed Nicole and you just don't want to hear it ma." He says, as I cover my ears.

"I don't need to hear that Joseph. Shut up!" I scream at him

"You do ma." He says, grabbing my hands, keeping me from covering my ears.

"It's all lies Joseph. I will not listen to these lies." I tell him.

"Fine then. If you will not listen to me, maybe you would like to see the cut marks on her back when he threatened to slit her from end-to-end then." He says, standing up. "Hey Nikki, yeah Nikki can you come over here please?"

"What's going on?" Nikki asks, standing in front of Tony and me.

"Ma doesn't believe what Michael did to you." Tony says as she looks at me. "She thinks they are lies."

--- Nikki's POV ---

"No they're not lies Phyllis," I said softly.

"Get away from me, you slut!" she shouted, trying to shove me away. "I have nothing to say to you! You have only caused trouble for my children! You are not a woman, you, you jezebel!"

"Phyllis please listen to me," I begged. "Michael almost killed CJ and JC when I was pregnant! He kicked me in my stomach the night JC and Tony came to the house! Ask JC... he was there."

"A likely story," she sneered. "I don't want to hear these lies ask the sissy boy? No thank you!"

"Phyllis, I have never lied to you and I wouldn't start now just to save face," I explained calmly.

"No you just caused trouble," she shot back.

"Phyllis, Michael beat me almost every single day for over 5 years while we were married," I explained. "The police even came to the house to break up fights when the neighbors heard me crying out for help."

"Fights that you started!" she yelled, unmindful of who might be listening. "Explain why Michael is the one in the hospital right now if you were being beaten so badly! Tell me why my son is in the hospital! Tell me why he will never walk again? Answer me Nikki! Why all this trouble?"

"Look at me Phyllis," I said softly, touching her arm to get her to look at me. "Michael is there because he hated me for being able to love Tony when he couldn't and he wanted me dead for it."

"What do you mean woman?" she asked. "He can love his brother."

"That's not the kind of love he wants from Tony," I replied, unsure of how to tell her about Michael's sexual orientation. "Michael is in love with Tony Phyllis. He even admitted it to me when he followed me to Orlando and tried to kill me while I was staying at the Compound."

"What? Lies!" She shouted. "Michael isn't that way!"

"It's not a lie... no matter what you might want to believe," I stated. "Michael is gay. He cheated on me all throughout our marriage with men."

"That's why you two didn't make it," she said, looking at me like she would a lab experiment, or gum on her shoe. "I understand why now. Your lies were what made him insane. How many lies have you told on him? You are ruining his name!

"I've never lied on Michael! You don't believe because you don't want to. No... I've never hurt him! He's doing that all by himself!" I retorted, getting angry now.

"Michael didn't do that!" she shrieked, shoving me away from her. "He's in a group home, a place you and your friends put him!"

"Look at my back!" I exclaimed, ripping open my shirt to reveal two long, deep scars that almost divided my body in half. "Your son loved me so much he tried to slice me in half! And he tried to make sure no other man would have me by carving his initials into my back! Look at it! Did I do this to myself?"

"What? Did you have a bad night with your pimp?" she sneered, smirking. I snapped then, slapping her so hard my hand stung.

"You little bitch!" she hissed, staring daggers at me. "How dare you put your hands on me!"

"I have never disrespected you but you will shut up and listen to me now!" I yelled, not caring about who might hear us. "Michel is just as gay as the day is long, and he is in love with Tony!"

"Stop it" she screamed, putting her hands over her ears. "Shut up your hateful lies about my boy!"

"He's not your boy!" I yelled, furious now. "He's a sick sadistic bastard who almost killed your grandsons before they were even born!"

"He's only that way because you made him that way with your hatred," she retorted, tears in her eyes.

"That's where you're wrong Phyllis," I stated. "I don't hate Michael. I never did. I loved him more than he probably deserved."

"Then why are you doing this to him?" she asked. "Why are you causing him pain?"

"I'm not doing this to hurt him," I replied, looking over at D. "I had moved on with my life and I was happy with Howie... he came after me not the other way around!"

"Like hell you're not!" she retorted, getting up in my face again. "You weren't divorced when you started fooling around with that man! You were still his wife and you turned your back on him! You... you charlatan!"

"I might have been his wife... but he was never my husband," I stated, not flinching from the implacable hatred in her eyes. "I was a wife he hadn't made love to in almost 2 years. But he could still manage to beat the hell out of me whenever the mood struck him!"

"All these years I allowed you into my home, cooked for you and even took you in when your own mother kicked you out... and you repay me by almost killing my son! You little lying, conniving whore!" she shrieked, slapping me.

I watched her now with tears in my eyes, not believing how things had turned out between me and the woman I'd considered my second mother. "Fine Phyllis. Hate me all you want, but you look into Joshua's eyes and tell me how much you hate me. Because like it or not, I'm still those boys' mother and they are still your grandsons!"

"I have nothing more to say to you Nikki," she said coldly, trying to turn her back to me. "Just leave me alone."

I motioned for Tony to bring me Joshua, who babbled excitedly when he saw his grandmother, reaching out to her. "Look at your grandson Phyllis... look into his eyes and tell him you hate his mother."

"I have nothing more to say to you Nicole," she said, succeeding in turning away from me now. "Just get away take her away Joseph."

"No Phyllis, look at the grandson Michael almost killed," I said, holding Joshua closer to her. "Look at him!"

"You lie," she said flatly. "Michael loved those babies before he found out they weren't his sons!"

"No he didn't! He wanted me to get an abortion, and when I wouldn't he made my life a living hell! Joshua and his brother almost weren't born because of Michael's hatred of me!" I retorted, getting angry again. "So you look at him and tell your grandson how much you hate him! Because if you hate me, you hate him too!"

"Stop it Nikki!" She shouted. "He's just a baby! He's not old enough to sin like you."

"He's still a part of me Mama Phyllis! The only sins I committed were to love one man more than I should have and stay with another because I was too blind to see how much he hated me," I said, sitting in the chair behind me.

"Don't call me that! You can't call me that no more!" she said, deadly calm as I began to cry.

"I love you Momma Phyllis," I said softly, tears beginning to fall. "And no matter how much you hate me, I'll still love you and I'll teach my sons to love you too."

"Well I don't love you," Phyllis stated coldly, turning to Tony. "When you get word about the baby, call me Joseph. You and my grandson are welcome to come by the house. I'm going back home. Godspeed my son."

"Phyllis please, don't leave like this," I cried as she walks away from the VIP Lounge, never once looking back as I collapsed in Tony's arms. "Why does she hate me so much?"

"Because of Michael's lies," Howie said softly, kissing me tenderly. "It's gonna be okay babe. Let's get you to the hotel."


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