My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 27, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 12, Part B by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Paris, France -- Chevreux Bourges Villa -- JT and Kevin's Room //

--- Kevin's POV ---

This place brings back some good memories and some bad. Here we are again in the room that we spent our honeymoon in many months ago. Since then things between the two of us have been a little bit strained, but not too much. There was a period of hatred and bitterness against D and Nikki when we left here. I can't believe that one single event can cause drama for countless months to come. Things got better after me and JT moved into our new house in Orlando. At the house warming party, I thought JT and D buried the hatchet when they were so chummy, but now that I think about it, it might have been a show for me.

Please God, this is our very first Christmas together. This is a time when we should come together and be happy, not be against each other. Please God, please let this be a happy occasion for me and my husband.

"Hey baby." I say walking up behind JT sitting on the bed writing out his security report on his laptop.

"Hello Kevin." He says, not meeting my eyes as he continues typing on the computer.

"Baby its Christmas Eve. You don't have to spend all your time in here working." I say, sitting next to him, placing a kiss to his cheek. "Let's go join the others baby. They are sitting around watching `Miracle on 34th Street.' and drinking Egg Nog."

"I have work to do Kev. Maybe later." He says, still not looking at me. "Its alright if you go join them."

"Baby I don't want to go if you are not with me." I tell him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder as he tenses up. "Baby what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong Kev. I'm just fine." He says, turning the page in the folder he was looking in.

"Baby please." I say looking at him.

"Not now Kev. Maybe later." He says, as he still hasn't looked at me.

"Baby look at me." I say, grabbing the laptop, closing the lid and placing it on the floor. "What's wrong with you?"

"There's nothing wrong with me Kev, I was doing my work." He says to me, reaching for the laptop as I pull him closer to me. "Kevin I have a report to finish."

"No you don't JT. You need to be working with me." I say, placing a kiss to his lips. "I need you more than you need to finish that report."

"Kev I..." He says as I kiss him again.

"No baby. This is our first Christmas together as a married couple. I want to spend every moment of it with you baby." I tell him, rubbing his back. "I know you have some issues being around everyone again, but please baby, please. That stuff was all in the past. Give them another chance."

"Why should I give them another chance Kevin?" He asks me. "To them I am not one of you, I am just security."

"You are also my husband JT. I love you JT, they all love you too." I say, trying to convince him that my words were true. "Nick, Justin, Nikki and D love you. You are part of their family too just like I am."

"No Kevin you are part of their family, I am just a person that works for you all." He says, tears streaming down his face.

"What? Where did you get an idea like that?" I ask him.

"It's not an idea Kevin, I am the head of security. I work for you, just like I work for them." He says, looking at me. "You know I am telling you the truth."

"Yes you are telling the truth but it isn't clear to you. You don't work for us baby, you are my husband and you work with us to make sure that we are all protected." I say as I wrap my arms around him.

"Kevin your friends made it pretty clear what my job was a long time ago." He says, looking away from me with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck AJ and Brian. Neither myself, nor D thinks that, neither does Nick baby." I say kissing at his cheeks. "You know Nick and Justin love you as if you were their brother. Hell there are times that I think they would have you as something more if I let them."

"Ewwww that's just wrong baby." He says smiling, the first smile I have seen since we've been here.

"It's true baby. I bet if you were alone with Nick and Justin and we were not married, they would be two very naughty boys." I say, kissing him again.

"That's one image I don't want in my head Kev." He says, shaking his head laughing at me.

"Come on baby. I know you can put off work for a while. It's Christmas Eve, let's go celebrate it with our friends." I say, kissing him on the lips as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"Okay Kev, I guess I can let work slide for a bit." He says, leaning in and kissing me. "Lets go beat up someone."

"There will be none of that Mr. Richardson." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind as we walk out of the room.

// The Main Room //

"Evening everyone." JT says walking into the room as everyone turns around and looks in his direction.

"JT!" Nick and Justin shout in unison as they jump up and run over to him.

`I guess Kev was right.' JT thought to himself as Nick and Justin hugs him.

"Man please say you are felling better." Nick says, wrapping his arms around JT's shoulder as Justin did the same on the other side.

"Come on over here and sit with us. Boy do we have a story to tell you." Justin says, giggling as they sat down on the sofa.

"Excuse me he's my husband, you have your own." Kevin says, standing in front of JT, sitting down in his lap as Justin and Nick slides over to give them room. "That's much much better you two."

"Yeah whateva Kevin." Justin says, smiling as he got up, walked around to where Nick was sitting and sat in Nick's lap. "This is my husband and your husband is my friend. What you gotta say about that?"

"I don't know. Baby what do you have to say?" Kevin asks, leaning in, placing a kiss on JT's lips.

"Say about what?" JT asks, pulling Kevin back in for another kiss. "Oh hi Nick, Justin."

"Damn that was some kiss." Kevin says, capturing JT's bottom lip in his mouth. "Mmmm you taste good baby."

"You taste good too." JT says, moving his hands under Kevin's shirt, making contact with his skin, moving up his chest to his nipples.

"Excuse me, hey...excuse me. What are you two doing here?" Justin asks as JT starts to unbutton Kevin's shirt while they continue kissing.

" two snap out of it." Nick says, tapping the back of Kevin's head.

"Wh...what?" Kevin asks, breaking the kiss with his husband as he turns and looks at Nick and Justin.

"What do you two think you are doing?" Nick asks.

"We were making out. What do you think we were doing?" JT asks, sliding his hands around Kevin's back into his pants and squeezing his ass. "I am quite sure you two know what we were doing."

"Hey hey what's up?" JC asks walking into the room with Joey in his arms.

"Hello you two." Kevin says, smiling at the two men. "Ya'll going to join us?"

"What's shakin' in here?" JC asks.

"We are just chilling out watching some movies on TV." Justin replies, wrapping his arms around Nick. "Those two are trying to give everyone a free show."

"Oh no we weren't." Kevin says, giggling. "We were just really into the kiss."

"Yeah you surely were. If we hadn't interrupted you two when we did, you might be naked right now and humping." Justin says, laughing as Kevin starts to blush.

"Oh stop. It's not like we haven't witnessed you two having sex before." JT says, winking at Kevin. "Mile High Club."

"No comment." Justin says as he and Nick start to blush.

"Hey tell us. What's the `Mile High Club' thing all about?" JC asks, sitting across from Kevin and JT.

"Let's just say the friendly skies know about Nick and Justin." JT states, laughing full out now.

"They know about us too baby, but not like Nick and Justin. They got a standing ovation and lots and lots of applause." Kevin says, sliding out of JT's lap, leaning in and placing a kiss to his lips and helping him up.

// Nick and Justin's Room //

"I am finally glad we are alone. I like our friends and all, but I like our alone time better." Justin says, pulling Nick to him as they kiss.

"Mmmm baby. I like our alone time too." Nick says, running his hands under Justin's shirt, rubbing his back. "Why don't we go shower and take care of some unfinished business."

"What kind of unfinished business do we have baby?" Justin asks, placing a kiss to Nick's lips.

"The transactions we didn't get finished with this morning." Nick says, slipping Justin's shirt over his head as he throws it across the room.

"Oh that." Justin says, unbuttoning Nick's shirt and then reaching down to undo his pants. "I thought we took care of that business before we rejoined Nikki shopping today."

"That was just to hold me over until we were able to be alone with each other." Nick says as Justin steps out of his pants and the two of them walk towards their bathroom.

// Several Hours Later That Night -- Howie and Nikki's Room //

--- Nikki's POV ---

I woke up with a start, looking around for my babies. I look over at my sleeping husband, grateful that he's here to hold me. The soft, rhythmic sound of his breathing lulls me into a false sense of security. But that security is quickly replaced by memories of my son in that man's hands and all I want is to hold my boys and keep them safe.

I walk into the nursery, slightly unsteady on my feet as I stop next to Joshua's crib. He's sleeping soundly, nothing to disturb his peaceful dreams. I kiss him softly and then move on to his brother's bed. Joseph is lying in his crib; his bright brown eyes wide open. He smiles when he sees me, reaching his chubby little arms out to me.

"Hey my baby," I whisper softly as I cradle him close to my heart and sit down in the rocking chair near the window. I start the rocker, moving back and forth slowly as I hold my son close.

"I love you Joseph Christian Fatone. I can't even begin to think of how I would have acted if something had happened to you today. You and your little brother are my sunshine and my joy. Add Daddy D, and you three are my entire world. I would do anything to keep you safe..." I said softly as I rocked Joey back to sleep.

When he finally closed his eyes, I put him in his crib, swaying slightly as I battled nausea for the umpteenth time this week. I moaned, breathing deep to try to settle my stomach, but my stomach was having none of that as it began to lurch and I felt a need to retch.

I ran into the bathroom, barely making it before I toss my cookies. Maybe it 's all the stress I've been under these last few weeks since D got hurt, but I think all this rich French food Julian insists on feeding me is upsetting my stomach too. Then when that maniac tried to grab Joey and I flipped out, they shot me up with something so that ain't helping either. God, what have I gotten myself into marrying D? I rinse my mouth, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Damn I look like crap, I think sarcastically, pushing my hair back and wiping my face with a cool washcloth. I haven't looked this bad since I was pregnant.

"Baby, are you okay?" Howie asks when I finally walk back out into our bedroom. He's sitting with Joey on the bed, looking so serious as he plays with him. He picks Joe up, kissing him softly then putting him on his knee. "Come on little man... say "dada"."

Joey smiles his sweet little grin, showing off his two new teeth, his sweet nature shining in his coffee brown eyes. I have to admit, my boys are definitely like Tony in temperament. They are always smiling and talking, and they add so much joy and light to all of our lives. They are such easygoing babies that sometimes I wonder if maybe somebody gave me the wrong kids in the hospital.

"Mijo I think he might still be a little too young for that yet," I say with an amused smile. Howie sticks his tongue out at me, tickling the baby. "Hey! Don't stick it out unless you plan to use it."

"Oh trust me corazón, I plan on using it very, very soon," he replies with a devilish grin. I start to respond in kind when my stomach lurches again and I'm running back into the bathroom.

This time when I come out, D is in the room by himself. "Where is Joey?"

"In the nursery," Howie replied, coming to stand next to me. "Are you sure you're okay mija? You look tired."

"I said I'm fine damn it," I snapped, instantly contrite when I saw the hurt on D's face. "I'm sorry papi... I-I think I need to go eat something."

I left D standing there with a speculative gleam in his eye. I made my way to the kitchen, not really surprised to see Julian in there putting the last touches on another fantastic meal for all of us for the next evening. He looked up, smiling in greeting when he sees me heading for the refrigerator.

"Madam needs something to settle her stomach again?" he asked, pouring me a glass of ginger ale and grabbing a small plate to arrange crackers on.

This has become so much of a regular occurrence over the last week that he just places the crackers in front of me, smiling sympathetically. I return the smile, eating my crackers in silence for a few minutes. I'm so sleepy now I can barely stay awake to follow Julian's conversation until he places the pregnancy test box on the counter in front of me. Oh yeah, now I'm wide-awake.

"What's this for?" I ask like a total idiot as I stare at the box like it might bite me.

"Madam, I think you would recognize a pregnancy test when you would see one. I believe you American's call it checking for a bun in the oven," Julian replied, his eyes twinkling. "I took the liberty of getting one for you when we were out today. I hope you do not mind, but I think you are needing one, yes?"

I was about to say something flip when D came into the kitchen. His eyes immediately went to the box in my hand and then came up to meet mine. I could see a million and one questions in them, but I could also see fear... and excitement. I don't want to get his hopes up.

"This might not mean anything," I say softly, putting the box back on the counter and crossing to stand next to him, my eyes glued to a spot on the floor.

"Baby? A-are you?" he asked, his voice scared, but so happy. I stood there, my mind quickly scanning dates. I've never had the most regular cycles, but I can't remember having had a cycle for at least two months. Well hello Mommy to be.

"I don't know... maybe?" I replied, still not looking up. D's had was so gentle when he touched my cheek that it started the waterworks. He tugs on my hair, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to make me look up at him.

His eyes are so gentle, love shining like a beacon. He picks up the box and with a casual goodnight to Julian, takes my hand and walks us back to our room. He didn't say a word as he held me close to him, just kissed my hair, rubbing comforting circles in my back. I have to admit, after what happened tonight, I'm terrified to even think of having his baby now.

When we got back to the room, he handed me the test and pushed me into the bathroom. Once I'd used it, I washed my hands and came back out into the main bedroom. D was waiting for me outside the door, his eyes worried and questioning at the same time.

"Two minutes," I said softly as he led me over to the bed and sat down.

D wrapped his arms around me, kissing the side of my neck and letting his tongue trail over my skin. I shivered when the air hit me, raising gooseflesh. D tightened his grip on me, massaging my shoulders. I want to relax, I do, but I can't help being scared to death right now.

"D... what if they try to hurt our babies?" I whispered, shaking as I clung to him. I pulled away from him, frantic now. "Howie listen to me. I have to leave you. I-I can take the twins someplace and you can be safe."

"Baby stop! You're not leaving me," Howie replied, grabbing my hands again. "At least not for another 40 or 50 years. I love you Nicole, and I told you I would give my life to keep you and our sons safe. I meant what I said. I won't let you leave me! You can't leave me!"

"D please!" I begged but he stopped my with a mind drugging kiss that seemed to go on forever. When he finally released me, I felt dizzy and hot... and horny as all hell.

"You listen to me Nicole Dorough and you listen good. You are my life and I won't loose you because you have some insane idea that you're jinxed! Damn it, you're not gonna make me love you and then run away from me! I can't... no, I won't loose you!" Howie stated, his hands holding my face and forcing me to meet his gaze. The tears in his eyes weakened my resolve. "I can keep you safe baby, but you have to trust me to do that. J-just don't take my heart and soul away from me!"

"D... please don't cry because of me," I whispered as I held him close.

"How can I not? You want to steal the only joy I've known since ..." Howie replied, rocking me in his arms. "I need you mija. I love you!"

"I love you too, D," I replied as I glanced down at my watch. I wasn't surprised to see that more than the required two minutes had passed.

I stood up, suddenly afraid again as I moved toward the bathroom. D laced his fingers through mine, nudging me silently when I seemed unable to move. With one last glance into his eyes, I opened the door to the bathroom and went inside to check the test. I picked it up, stunned for a second before I burst out laughing.

"Baby? What does it say?" D asked through the door, the excitement making his voice tremble. I walked out the door, my face blank as I handed him the test. He looked down, his face registering shock then elation.

"Merry Christmas Daddy!" I whispered as he picked me up and held me tight, almost crushing me in his embrace.

"Oh God... I need to call my Mom!" Howie said, tears falling as he kissed me again. He picked up the phone, dialing quickly. When someone answered he just started babbling. "Polly? Lemme talk to Mom! It's really important! No, nothing's wrong... just go get her!"

"Mom? I-I'm gonna be a Daddy!" Howie stated, his voice breaking as I heard someone screaming on the line. I stood there laughing and crying, holding D tight as he talked to our family. "We just took the test a few minutes ago... yeah, she's fine Mom... she's laughing and crying, and she's so beautiful right now... yeah hold on. She wants to talk to you."

"Hi Mrs. Dorough," I said softly, gripping D's hand.

"What did I tell you about that Mrs. Dorough?" Paula said sternly, her voice betraying the tears she was shedding. "Congratulations mija! How do you feel?"

"Nikki? Are you feeling okay? Congrats sis in law!" Pollyanna said at the exact same time.

"I feel fine Mama D... and thanks Polly," I replied, laughing as D rolled his eyes.

We stayed on the phone for another twenty minutes, tossing around baby names and them making me promise to stop in Orlando as soon as we made it back to the States. I hung up the phone, sleep coming fast. D helped me into bed and spooned into my back, holding me close as we both lay wrapped in each other.

"Congratulations Daddy D," I whispered just as sleep claimed me.

"Congrats mija," he whispered softly as he stroked my hair until he too fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

// Before Morning -- Nick and Justin's Room //

--- Justin's POV ---

Damn Damn Damn! (dang he's Florida Evans now.) What is wrong with me? I didn't eat anything strange for dinner tonight and I didn't watch anything remotely similar to this before bed. I thought these dreams were over and done with, but I guess I was wrong, yet again. I guess these dreams are a sign from God sent to open my eyes to what it is I really want.

I have talked to Nicky, I have talked to momma and I have even gone to a therapist and I don't know why I am having these dreams. Momma seems to think that I have them because I want something to fill a void somewhere in my life, but I don't have any voids. Nicky just doesn't know what to think about my dreams. He laughs and thinks that the whole situation is just corny. The psychiatrist I spoke to told me that I was just dreaming about the affection that I didn't get when I was younger, or that I feel that I have too much affection and not enough people to pass it too. What a load of crock if I've heard any.

Looking at the clock, it's almost six and I am just sitting here doing nothing. Nicky is sound asleep on his stomach as usual and I am awake here, alone with my crazed thoughts. I know what it is that I am missing.

"Nicky, Nicky baby wake up." I say, shaking Nick lightly as he stirs a little but doesn't wake up. "Come on baby wake up. I need to talk to you baby."

"Hmmmm? What you say baby?" He asks, turning to turn his face to me and opening one eye.

"Baby I need to talk to you." I say as he lifts his head.

"What do you need to talk about baby?" He asks, as he yawns and pushes the cover away from his body.

"I need...I want...want to talk about dreams." I say as he opens both eyes and looks at me strangely.

"What do you want to talk about your dreams for baby?" He asks me, sitting up in bed.

"I want to talk about them because I think I know what they mean now." I say, as he rubs his eyes. "I know what my dreams have been trying to show me."

"What have your dreams been trying to show you baby?" He asks me as I get up out of bed now and walk over to the windows.

"Baby is something wrong?" He asks, getting out of bed too. "Did you have another dream baby? Did it upset you again?"

"Yes I had another dream, but this one didn't upset me...upset me like the others, it just showed me something. I think it showed me why I was having the dreams." I tell him as he steps closer to me.

"And...and what did you see?" He asks me.

"I saw you, me and a little baby." I tell him as that gets his attention.

"You saw a baby?" He asks, looking at me like his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

"Yeah I saw a little baby, our little baby Nicky." I say. "The dreams were showing me a family, the family that I always wanted. That's the missing key Nicky."

"The missing key?" He says, turning away from me.

"Yeah Nicky that's the missing key...the child is the key to it all." I tell him as he turns around with tears in his eyes. "Baby what's wrong?"

"I'm okay baby." He says, looking into my eyes.

"Why the tears?" I ask him as I reach out my hand to him and he accepts it, sitting into my lap.

"Because I always wanted to have a family baby. When I got older and decided I was happier with a man, my dreams of having a family went out the window." He tells me, more tears falling from his eyes.

"Shhhh baby." I say to him. "We can have us a little family baby."

"No we can't Just. We are gay men, it's totally impossible, well except for adoption and that isn't the same thing." He says, as I rub his back. "What court is going to give two gay celebrities a child?"

"You are wrong Nicky." I tell him, lifting his chin as I place a kiss to his lips. "We don't have to adopt, there's always the option of having a surrogate."

"A surrogate? Who would have a baby for us that would be ours?" He asks me, sniffling, as he looks me in the eye.

"I don't know baby. We will find someone that will allow us to become a family." I say as the sun starts to rise.

"I hope so baby." He says kissing me.

"We will baby. We will find someone that will allow you to be a baby

daddy." I say laughing as he starts tickling me. "Okay I surrender."

"You better." He says as we kiss.

"Baby you do know it's Christmas right?" I say being mesmerized by the way the sunlight sparkled in those green pools of his eyes.

"Yes I know baby." He says, kissing me, snapping me out of my trance. "Merry Christmas baby. Thanks for my present."

"Present? What present?" I ask him, caressing his face as he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on the palm.

"Yeah baby. You gave me my dream of having a family back. Finding out that you want a child, a family is the best present I have ever gotten from you, well beside you of course, but you know what I mean." He says, smiling as we just sit in the window holding each other.

// Later in Kevin and JT's Room //

--- Kevin's POV ---

Last night was wonderful. It was like damn, it was like it was when we first met. I miss that romantic side of him. I hardly ever see that side of him unless we have lots of free time or one of us is stuck at home. I was so happy yesterday when he came to his senses and decided to let bygones be bygones. He actually spent the whole evening last night with me and the guys just having fun. I was happy that he was having a good time. It seems its been a long while since I've seen him smile. I just wish Nikki and D were around to see that side of him again. Poor Nikki, I feel so sorry for what happened to her yesterday. I bet that ex husband of hers had something to do with that damn kidnapping attempt. Oh well my baby's on the case, he will find out what's going on.

"Merry Christmas baby." I say placing a kiss to JT's lips as he opens his eyes.

"Merry Christmas Kevin." He says, smiling as he sits up and stretches.

"How did you sleep baby?" I ask him, pulling him closer to me as we cuddle up next to each other.

"I slept like a little baby it seems." He says, kissing me on the cheek. "Remember what we did last Christmas?"

"Yeah I do." I answer him thinking back to the first time I let him take me. "I remember it as if it was yesterday."

"Oh really? Dang, I thought I was going to get to refresh your memory." He says, smirking as he pulls me to him again. "I love you Kevin."

"I love you too baby." I say to him. "Why don't we go shower. I am quite sure the others are probably up and ready to exchange gifts."

"Probably so." He says. "I know Justin and Nick are probably throwing paper around the place. You know how those two are with gifts."

"Yeah I do." I say laughing as we get out of bed.

"'s a little bit chilly in here." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bathroom. "Turn the water on baby and get it nice and hot."

"Oh no babe, we are not going to take a hot hot shower again. The last time we did, you almost scalded me." I say, testing the temperature of the water.

"Yeah whateva baby. It's cold and I am about to warm up." He says, stripping out of his pajama bottoms.

"I love the view from here." I say, as he turns around, steps out of boxers and steps into the shower, his ass muscles flexing as he went.

"I bet you do." He says, as he motions for me to come on into the shower. "I will be in there in just a sec."

"Make it quick, I have something I want to put in your box." He says, smirking as I start laughing at his attempts at dirty talk.

"I am quite sure you could have said something else besides my box." I say as we embrace and start kissing. "Is little Johnny ready yet?"

"Baby there ain't nothing little about Johnny." He says, as I kneel down in front of him, taking his manhood into my mouth.

Here we are in the shower as the spray of water rains down on the both of us. I am on my knees in front of my husband sucking his beautiful cock so he can give me his personal Christmas present. He's moaning, I'm slurping and I feel him tense up quickly. He reaches down to me and stops me from moving. I pull off of him and stand up as we start kissing again.

"Mmmm that felt good baby." He says, as I push him up against the back of the shower stall as we continue to kiss.

"I got something that feels better." I say, as he moves his hand down to my ass and starts massaging my ass crack. "Oh God baby, I really need to feel you."

"I need to feel you too Kev." He says as he kisses me quickly, turns me around and pushes me up against the stall wall. "Assume the position baby."

"Oh yeah baby." I say as I lean face first on the wall with my ass sticking out for him.

"Shit yeah baby." He says as he grabs the shower gel and squirts some in his hand. "Brace yourself baby...uh hmmm...this is going to be cold."

As soon as he said it I felt the cold substance at my entrance as he starts to massage it into my ass. He leans into me and starts to nibble on my ear. I moan and start rocking my ass on his finger as he pulls out and inserts a second finger into my ass. He starts to piston the two fingers in and out of my hole trying to loosen me up more for his cock. I moan louder to show him that I was enjoying what he was doing to me. He pulls out his fingers and before I could move again I felt the full onslaught of his cock slide into me.

"Oh shit!" I scream out in pain and pleasure as wave after wave of his love emanates through me.

"Shit Kev you really tight. I thought you were loosened up enough." He says, pushing all the way into me again as he stops, flexes his dick and then starts to pull out.

"Baby stop." I say, stopping him from moving so I can adapt to him being inside of me again. It's like we don't do this all the time. I am normally the aggressive one and he's usually the submissive. It's always good to change roles.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't...I didn't mean to hurt you." He says, as he leans down and places a kiss on my back and up to my neck and then my collarbone. "If you want we can stop."

"No no we are not going to stop. Hell we don't do this very often." I tell him, flexing my ass muscles as he takes the hint and starts pumping.

"Mmmm I like it when you do that." He tells me, moving in and out of me as we get a steady rhythm going on.

"This really feels good after you get past the initial pain." I tell him as I start meeting his thrusts.

We settled into a nice rhythm and continued our love making until we heard what sounded like someone pounding on our bedroom door. I am quite sure he ignored it like I did because he kept thrusting in and out of me. Feeling him getting closer to orgasm, I start stroking myself in time with his strokes.

"Oh God baby I am so close." I tell him as I speed up my stroking.

"Oh shit, I'm cumming." He says as he starts shaking and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to his body. I love it when he does that.

"Fuck! Baby I'm cumming too!" I scream as my orgasm takes control and I shoot my load on the shower wall and the shower spray washes it away.

"Merry Christmas baby." He says as he pulls out of me and places kisses along my neck.

"Merry Christmas JT." I say to him as I turn around and we start kissing passionately as the pounding on the door starts again.

"I think we better get cleaned up and join whoever that is." He says, taking the soap from me as he lathers me up and starts washing me.

// Out in the Corridor //

"I know they are in there fucking and not coming to the door." Justin says. "I know you two hear me in there. Its Christmas day damnit. Its time to open presents and the such."

"Baby calm down." Nick says, caressing Justin's cheek. "Let them have their fun."

"It's Christmas we have to open presents and stuff." Justin says as Nick starts laughing.

"You sound like a little kid saying that." Nick says, still laughing.

"So what. I don't care if I do. I want to go open presents." Justin says as he knocks on the Kevin and JT's door again.

"Yes Justin." JT says opening the door.

"Come on you two. It's time go open presents and stuff." Justin says as Kevin an JT start laughing.

"We will be down there in a few minutes. Can you give us time to get

ready?" JT asks as he stands there in nothing but his towel, opens it a little showing skin.

"Ahh yeah. You two get ready. We will see you when you come down." Justin says as he and Nick start walking down the hall.

"Baby you didn't have to do that." Kevin says, giggling as JT closes his towel and closes the door.

"Well you were the one that said that they had a strange crush on me." JT says, still laughing as he walks over to the closet and pulls out something to put on.

"Well you didn't have to embarrass them like that." Kevin says, as he picks up JT's shirt. "I think I want to wear this shirt instead. Pick something else baby."

"Always wearing my clothes. You are the famous pop star you are supposed to have fashion of your own, not steal mine." JT says, laughing as he opens the closet door again.

"Its not stealing when you are married baby." Kevin says, pulling out a pair of boxer briefs. "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."

"Yeah yeah whateva Kev." JT says as the two of them get dressed.

// Later Christmas Day -- The Main Dining Room //

"Let me tell you about the time that my mom accidentally gave all of our presents to good will and Lydie almost died." JT says as Lydia gets up and smacks him on the back of the head.

"You will not tell that story." Lydia says, walking past JT. "Julian is ready to serve the Christmas Dinner. Come on, lets help him get this place ready."

"Come on Justin, Nikki, Josh let's help them get this place ready." JT says, standing up as Nikki kisses Howie on the cheek, looking at JT strangely as she stands up.

"Kevin, Craig you two pass the plates around." Lydia instructs, standing at the door to the kitchen. "Joey you help with glassware."

"Howie why don't you get the silverware passed around." Nikki says, walking through the door behind JT and Justin.

"Left the men in here to do the easy work." Howie says, walking around the room laying out the silverware.

"Don't start that man, I can hear a Lydia calling you a chauvinistic pig right now." Craig says, helping Kevin place the plates.

"Well setting the table is something that a woman or someone soft would do." Howie says, walking around the table placing silverware down for each of his friends.

"Don't let the others hear you say that." Kevin says. "This is supposed to be a joyous time. We don't need drama recreated. You are good about creating drama D."

"Alright guys it's on. Look what we have here." Lydia says as she holds the door open for Julian and the others.

Julian pushes the cart into the room and stops at the head of the table. He then places the main course out on the table, which included a baked turkey, baked chicken, green-bean casserole and sweet peas that Lydia made along with some yams, squash casserole and baked mac-n-cheese that Nikki made with some collard greens, cornbread dressing, and potato salad that JT made.

"This stuff looks and smell great. Is there more in the kitchen?" Kevin asks, walking over to where JT stood.

"There are some rolls, the giblet gravy, cranberry sauce and some corn back there handsome. Would you please get it for me?" JT asks, pecking Kevin on the cheek as he passed.

"Sure baby." Kevin says, walking into the kitchen and returning with a tray full of the items JT called out. "Here we are. Where do you want them baby?"

"Just place that stuff in the center of the table baby." JT replies, removing foil and plastic wrap from different items. "I guess its time for us to have a seat and get this Christmas Dinner on the road."

"Damn right. I'm hungry." Joey says standing next to JC as Julian starts carving the turkey. "Oh yeah that's what you call prime turkey."

"Best there is in this dining room." Julian says as he continues to cut the turkey.

"Why don't we say the blessing while we are waiting?" JT suggests.

All of the various family members joined hands around the table smiles and giggles quieting as they all prepared to say a blessing. Kevin stood in his spot at the head of the table, looking around at all of his loved ones, happiness shining in his eyes. He bowed his head, and everyone else followed suit.

"Father, we come before you on this, the birthday of Your most Beloved Son. We are so blessed and grateful for the chance we have to come together as a family, both old and new, to celebrate this holiday season. Thank You for blessing our lives with new spouses and friends, second chances at love.

Father, we ask Thee to bless this food as we partake of it, that it might strengthen and nourish our bodies, for we know well that there are so many who have not this holiday season. And we ask a special blessing for the men and women serving their countries in this time of war. Father, let them know that we know of their sacrifices and that we pray for their safe return to the loving arms of their own families. These things we pray in Jesus name, Amen."

"Amen." Was said in unison around the room.

"Let's eat." Kevin says, as everyone starts passing bowls and plates around the table.

// A Bit Later //

"Oh God I am so stuffed." Joey says, leaning back in his chair, covering his eyes as JC leans over and whispers to him.

"You will get stuffed later." JC whispers to Joey as Joey almost falls out of his chair.

"Okay people now comes the time that we sit around and tell our loyal friends, our new family what we are most thankful for." Kevin says, turning to look at JT as he leans in and places a kiss to his lips. "I'm most thankful for my husband JT. Thankful for the love that he has brought into my life and the love I am quite sure he has brought into all of yours. I am thankful for all of my friends here today that are able this occasion with me."

"Well I'm thankful for my husband and friends in this room. Thankful for the family and friends that are not here with us now and I am thankful that God allows us all to continue to see another day." JT says wrapping his arms around Kevin.

"Well I am thankful for all of you, as well as my brother, even when he acts like an asshole." Lydia says, playfully punching JT in the arm. "I am thankful for my husband Craig and I am thankful for being able to be around nice people as yourself."

"That's so sweet Lydie." JT says.

"I was referring to them, not you." Lydia says. "You been an ass all


"Whateva gal." JT says, laughing as Nick and Justin stand up.

"Well we are thankful for each other and thankful that we are able to share this occasion with you all." Justin says, kissing Nick on the cheek.

"Well I am thankful for all of you too. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you all in my life." Nick says, kissing Justin on the cheek as they both of them sat down.

"Nikki, D?" Kevin says, looking at Howie and Nikki.

"Well we are thankful for each other, our friends, and our three kids." Nikki says, kissing Howie as JC stands up.

"Wait a minute. Three kids? You only have two kids Nikki." JC says.

"You are right Josh, we only have two kids, but we will soon have another." Nikki replies as Joey looks at Nikki and then falls back in his chair hitting the floor.

"Oh my God girl you with child." Lydia says, jumping up and hugging Nikki. "I am so happy with you."

"I am too girl." JT says as he and Kevin run over to her. "Someone help Joey up he blocking people walking by."

"Baby are you okay?" JC asks, helping Joey up off the floor.

"I think so baby. Did I hear right? Did Nikki say she was having a baby?" Joey asks, as JC hands him a glass of water.

"That's right Joey we are having a baby." Howie replies as Joey closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"That's great news Nikki. I am happy for you." Joey says, taking a sip of the water.

"I am glad you feel that way." Howie says, wrapping his arms around Nikki and placing a kiss to her cheek. "Now that you are here in the same room with us, maybe we can ask you something."

"Sure go ahead." Joey says.

"Well Joe, Nikki and I were talking and since we're gonna have a baby now, I was wondering if you would consider letting me adopt the boys." Howie says, standing up and walking over to where Joey sat. The boys are growing up and well...well they already call me daddy."

"What! They call you daddy? I'm their daddy and always will be!" Joey shouts, standing up in front of the table.

"Tony calm down." Nikki says.

"I'm not gonna calm down!" Joey shouts as JT walks over to the two of them. "Stay the fuck out of this JT!"

"Joey just calm down man. Is just a simple convo man." JT says, stepping back as Joey picks up the butter knife at his place setting. "Hey man ain't no need for that."

"You think I am going to sit here listening to him telling me about my sons calling him daddy and then have the fucking nerve to ask me can he adopt them!" Joey shouts as JC tries to take the butter knife away from him.

"Baby please..." JC says as Joey pushes him away.

"I am not about to let you have my rights to my boys!" Joey shouts as Nikki stands up.

"Why not Tony? It's not like you are in their lives every day." Nikki says, stepping closer to Joey. "D is with them everyday. He's the only father they know."

"I'm their father. I didn't tell you to marry him!" Joey shouts as he realizes what words just came out of his mouth.

"No you didn't tell me to marry him, I chose to marry him because I love him." Nikki says, not backing down from Joey. "I love him and I want him to really be the father the boys need since you can't do the job!"

"I...I can't deal with this right now!" Joey shouts as he starts crying and leaves the room.

"Wow enter more drama." Kevin says, as he hugs JT to his chest. "At least its not with us."

"Oh hush Kev. Nikki doesn't need that kind of drama. This is supposed to be a happy time for her and Howie." JT says, as JC looks at Nikki, then Howie and leaves the room too.

"Well we can look forward to a longer night." Kevin says as he and JT sat back down at the table.


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