My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 11, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 7 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Justin's Bedroom //

"Oh Justin that was so wonderful. I have never felt anything like that before." Simon stated.

"It can get better if you like." Justin stated.

"How can this pleasure get better than this?" Simon asked.

"We can have sex." Justin stated.

"Sex? I don't know about sex. We just met, we can't do that yet." Simon stated.

"I know that we just met, but as I said before, I really want to make love to you." Justin stated as he kissed Simon on the lips again.

"I am scared Justin. I have never had sex with a guy before." Simon stated.

"Never?" Justin asked.

"Never. This is my first experience with a guy." Simon stated.

"You are joking me right?" Justin asked.

"I am not joking Justin. I am telling you the truth. You are the first guy that I have done anything with." Simon stated.

"So why are you doing it now?" Justin asked. "Are you only doing it because I am Justin Timberlake?"

"No no no. It has nothing to do with who you are." Simon stated.

"Then what is it?" Justin asked, getting out of the bed now, anger apparent on his face.

"I have always been curious about what it was like to be with another man and so far you were the first guy to make a move on me." Simon stated. "Honest Justin."

"Leave Simon." Justin stated as he started putting his clothes on and walked out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

"Justin. Justin?" Simon stated as he opened the door and ran behind Justin.

"You are not gone yet?" Justin asked.

"Why do you want me to leave?" Simon asked.

"You know why I want you to leave." Justin stated. "You probably wanted to be here with me so you can just say that you had me in bed."

"No I didn't." Simon stated. "I actually didn't know rather to come here or not. I was too scared to come and my friend convince me that I should hang out and have some fun."

"You told someone you were coming here to see me?" Justin asked, as fear flashed across his face.

"No I didn't tell her I was coming to see you. I just told her that a guy asked me to hang out." Simon stated.

"Maybe you are trouble." Justin stated. "I don't know. I thought you were a nice person that I could get to know while I was staying here, but I guess I was wrong again."

"You were not wrong Justin." Simon stated. "But I will leave if that's what you want."

"That's what I want right now." Justin stated as he turned his back to Simon, slowly crying.

"Well Justin if you ever want to hang out again, here's my number." Simon stated, leaving a slip of paper on the counter with his name and number on it. "I wish you would change your mind. I am sorry if you got the wrong idea about everything."

"Just go Simon." Justin stated, sobbing softly. "It's just the same thing all the time."

"Okay Justin. I will go." Simon stated as he finished dressing and walked out of the front door leaving Justin standing there crying.

// Justin's Bedroom -- The Closet //

"Oh damn, I just saw Justin and some guy go at it." Aaron whispered to himself. "That was so hot. Justin's body looked so good. What am I going to do? He's still in here and I got to go to the bathroom. How long is he going to be here?"


"Hello?" Justin spoke as he answered the phone in the room.

"Justin can we talk?" JC asked.

"What do you want JC? Now isn't a good time." Justin spoke into the phone.

"Come on Curly please. I need to talk to you." JC stated.

"Don't call me that." Justin stated. "I only allow my friends to call me by nicknames."

"I am your friend. I have always been your friend." JC stated. "Can you please come over to my place and we can have dinner and talk? Please?"

"Alright fine, I will come. When?" Justin asked.

"Now." JC stated. "I will order pizza and we can talk. I just want you to come over, I need to talk to you."

"Fine let me go shower and I will be right over." Justin stated as he hung up the phone. "Let me get something out to wear. This has been one fucking bad night and I feel it's about to get worse."

Walking into the bathroom, Justin turned on the shower and removed his clothes again, thinking about the events that had just happened. Stepping into the water, he proceeded to wash away his worries under the spray of water, hoping the shower would really wash away his worries, knowing that it 's only a matter of time before he fully snaps and looses his mind. Feeling that he didn't get the chance to relieve his sexual tension with Simon, Justin soaps up his hand and lathers up his dick and starts to slowly jack off. As he's stroking his dick, he sees images of Simon replay in his mind. Using the images to create an erotic fantasy, Justin starts to stroke faster and out of nowhere he remembers an image he had seen of Nick Carter and he suddenly cums.

"Damn." Justin stated, panting heavy as he turned off the water and stepping out of the shower. "Nick Carter? He's hot and he's cute, I might have to look him up."

Drying off, Justin walked back to the bedroom. Dressing in the clothing he had laid out for himself, he checked himself in the mirror and grabbed his stuff and walked out of the room and leaving the hotel room too.

"Finally. He's gone. He's hot but my bladder is more important. I thought I was going to get caught or either piss on his floor in here." Aaron stated as he ran into the bathroom to relieve his bladder. "That's a relief. Now let me get out of here before he comes back. Wait, I better take something to remember him by."

Going back into Justin's bedroom, Aaron looked around the room until he came across Justin's dirty laundry pile. Picking through the items, he came across a pair of Justin's boxer briefs, he held them to his face, took a sniff then placed them in his pocket.

"That smells so good." Aaron stated. "I better get out of here."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 8

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