My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 7, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 11 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Paris, France - The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- Nikki & Howie's Room //

"D, are you okay?" Nikki said softly as she crossed the room and touched his shoulder. Howie jerked away, yelping in pain.

"God Nikki... it hurts... so bad," he gasped, tears in his eyes. He tried to move, but stopped with a yelp when his shoulder touched the bed. "I think... I need a ... hot bath."

"Come on papi, let's get you undressed," Nikki said, kissing him gently as she helped him to pull his shirt over his head. When she finally got the shirt out of the way, she gasped in horror at the large, deep purple bruising on Howie's chest and back. "Oh D... he hurt you... I-I'm so sorry."

"You don't... have any... reason to be... sorry mi corazon," Howie managed to say before he began to cough violently. "I caused... this to... happen... shit... I need... to sit."

He began to wheeze, gasping in vain to try to catch his breath and holding on to his wife. Nikki held him upright as best she could, praying silently that he wasn't bleeding internally as he eased him down onto the bed. When Howie finally stopped coughing, he turned to face Nikki and there was a small trickle of blood near his mouth.

"Oh God, mijo, you're bleeding!" Nikki exclaimed as she jumped up to grab Howie's discarded shirt. "We have to get you to the hospital!"

Nikki helped Howie put his shirt back on and then rang for Julian. When his voice came on the intercom, she explained what she needed and told him to get Nick and Justin to come to her room as soon as possible. While she waited for the guys to come, Nikki sat with Howie, trying to keep him still and calm.

"D, do you need anything?" she said softly as she caressed his sweat-drenched face. Howie tried to smile, but the pain was too intense for him to really carry it off.

"I... just want... you to... smile... for me," Howie replied, lifting his hand to touch her face. Nikki smiled, rubbing her face against his hand like a cat. "That's... better..."

"D, you really need to apologize to JT," Nikki whispered, kissing Howie on his hand. "I-I know that Lou Perlman hurt you, but you shouldn't have said those things about him... and I..."

"I will... mija," Howie replied, coughing again. There was more blood on his mouth this time and it was beginning to scare Nikki.

There was a knock at the door just before Julian, Justin and Nick came rushing into the room. When they saw the blood on Howie's mouth, they both froze in their tracks.

"Madame, the car is waiting," Julian said politely before moving to hold the door open for the other men.

"Don't just stand there staring... help me get him into the car!" Nikki shouted, grabbing Nick's hand and forcing him to move. She turned to her husband, who was now unconscious. "D? D baby, wake up!"

Howie's eyes opened briefly and he smiled at his wife before dropping off into unconsciousness again. Nikki ran to grab her purse and Howie's wallet while Nick and Justin got Howie off the bed and outside to where the car waited. She ran out into the hall, almost barreling Julian over.

"Julian, I need you to stay here with my sons! Don't let anyone who's not family anywhere near my babies!" Nikki explained as she and Julian ran toward the door. "Tell Kevin and JT where we went, but don't tell them why. I'll try to call as soon as I know something."

"Yes Madame," Julian replied as he helped her into her jacket and opened the front door for her. "I hope that your husband will be alright, Mrs."

"I hope so too, Julian... I hope so too," Nikki replied as she rushed to get into the car with her husband and the others. "Let's go!"

// Someplace in Paris //

"Do you understand what we need to do Will?" Kristin asks, walking over to where Will laid out on the patio in a lounge chair.

"Yeah yeah I get it Kristin. If I want to get JT back we have to break him and Kevin up." Will states, taking a sip of his drink. "How do you plan on getting to Kevin and making him want to leave JT and get back with you?"

"I will think of something. You just need to think of way to get JT away from Kevin for a few hours." Kristin states, pacing back and forth in front of Will.

"How in the hell am I going to get him away from Kevin for a few hours?" Will asks, sitting up in the lounge chair now.

"You dated JT, you should know what to do to get him to come to you." Kristin states, picking up her phone and dialing a number.

"Great, I guess I can think of something." Will states, getting up and walking back into the building.

//The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- JT & Kevin's Room //

"Kevin I am just saying I can't live my life like this. I love you but..." JT says, looking away from Kevin.

"JT listen to me." Kevin says, pulling JT down into his lap. "I love you and I always will. You are my husband and no matter what goes on, we will always be together, always."

"Are you sure about that Kevin?" JT asks, looking away from Kevin. "How long are we going to last if we are arguing about who's friend or whoever did what?"

"That doesn't matter baby, we are the only thing that matter, just us two." Kevin says, wrapping his arms around JT, kissing the back of his neck, and massaging his nipples through his shirt.

"What are you doing Kevin?" JT asks, moaning as he leans his head back and Kevin goes to work on his neck. "Oh God Kevin...oh God that's my spot."

"I know baby. Be quiet." Kevin says, unbuttoning JT's shirt, pulling it over his head and then tossing it to the floor, as he turns JT to face him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit." JT moans out, breathing fast. "Ohhhhh God."

"Shhhh baby." Kevin says, working on JT's belt buckle and zipper.

--- Kevin's POV ---

I have had it with this pity little game he's playing. What's the matter with him, don't he understand I love him no matter what? I guess I have no choice but to show him the only good way I know how. We are gonna make love until he gets the picture.

"Kevin stop, I..." He says, pulling away from me as I open his pants and starts stroking his manhood.

"You don't want to what?" I ask him as he continues to moan as I stroke his cock and tweak his nipple with my left hand. "Do you like that baby?"

"Yes Kevin I like that...I love it." His voice trembles each time I touch him. "Oh God Kevin..."

"How much do you love it?" I ask him, pulling his pants down his leg, leaving them around his ankles, reaching down to pull off his boots.

"A whole lot." He gasps, as my mouth connects with his nipple, as I start working on his boxers this time, sliding them down his legs, off his ankles as I let them fall to the floor with his boots, and his pants.

"Oh God Kevin...don't stop...don't stop...oh shit." He moans out just as I remove my own shirt, laying him back on our bed, moving down his chest as I find his belly button and starts teasing it with my tongue.

Stopping for just a moment, I get off of him, giving him a chance to catch his breath as I remove my pants, showing him my excitement for him. Getting a glimpse of how hard I was, he pushes me back on the bed, eyeing me like he wanted to sexually attack me. Before I could fully get my pants off of my legs, he crawls up the bed, grabs my dick and gives it a few strokes, using his thumb to play with the precum that had gathered there already.

Stopping him from getting the upper hand, I stop him from stoking me and push him back on the bed as I get my pants completely off and crawl back over to him as a place a kiss to his lips, nipping at his bottom lip a few times, as I allow him to touch my chest as we kiss.

"Baby I love you." I tell him, using my tongue to tease his lips as I sit cross-legged on the bed as I pull him into my lap.

"I love you Kevin." He says, as we start kissing again, exploring each other like we had lost something on the other's body. "Kevin make love to me, I need you."

"I need you." I say, laying him back on the bed as I reach for the bottle of lube in the bedside table drawer.

"Kevin hurry it up, I can't wait." He says, reaching for me, pulling me closer before he's given me a chance to prepare him for my entry.

"We will be one in just a sec baby." I tell him placing a kiss to the inside of his thigh as I lift his legs up and start applying lube to his ass.

"Oh yeah baby, keep going." He says, moaning and moving his hips as I insert my fingers into his ass to help loosen him up.

"Baby you ready?" I ask him, leaning over him.

"You know I am Kevin, fuck me baby, fuck me like you know you want to." He says, pulling his legs up to his chest, holding them under his arms, as I slid into him, moaning from the sensations he was giving me. "Oh yeah Kevin, come on fuck me."

"Oh damn baby." I say, thrusting in to him now, establishing a rhythm as we both started moving together.

"Oh God Kevin, fuck me, fuck me!" He shouts, placing his hands on my ass, trying to pull me in deeper.

// In The Foyer //

"Fuck me Kevin, fuck me!" JT shouts as Nick and Justin look at each other, walking into the house. "Oh shit that's my spot, that's my spot!"

"Oh God is that JT and Kevin? Are they having sex?" Nick asks, as he and Justin stood in the center of the hallway, not really listening, but not moving along to their room either.

"Fuck yeah baby, I like that ass!" Kevin shouts, as the faint sounds of the bed could be heard beating up against the wall.

"Damn man, Kevin must be waxing that ass like a boy scout." Justin says, smirking looking at Nick and wiggling his eyes. "Why don't we go and catch up to them?"

"Do you want to have sex at a time like this?" Nick asks as Justin wraps his arm around him.

"No time like the present." Justin says, grabbing Nick's hand and pulling him down the hall to their room, pushing him up against the door, attacking his neck, trying to take his clothes off before they got into the room.

// Back and JT and Kevin's Room //

"Oh God, that's it Kevin, fuck me, harder! Harder!" JT shouts, still trying to pull Kevin deeper into his ass.

"Ah damn baby, I'm close...I'm close!" Kevin shouts, thrusting faster into JT 's ass now, holding his legs straight up, trying to enter him at a different angle.

"Do it Kevin, do it Damnit!" JT shouts, slamming his fist into the mattress as Kevin thrust into him faster and harder.

"Baby I can't hold it, I'm cumming..." Kevin grunts, leaning down on top of JT, hugging him tight as he started pumping into faster.

"Oh yeah baby I love you, I love you." JT says, still breathing heavy as he starts jacking off, cumming between him and Kevin, coating both of their chests with his cream.

"I love you too JT." Kevin says, collapsing on top of JT, allowing him to let his legs fall as his manhood pops out of JT's ass with an audible `POP', causing the two men to laugh.

"If we weren't already married and I hadn't had sex before, I could have said you popped my cherry just now." JT states, smiling as Kevin kisses him.

// Down in Nick and Justin's Room //

--- Justin's POV ---

Here we are kissing and touching, getting ready to do the do and I can't do it. Every time we get to this point, I can't do it, I don't want to let him touch me. I must be crazy or something to not want to let my husband touch me, but I am scared to. I know he's starting to get frustrated with me and I know the sexual tension between us is so thick that you can cut through it with a knife.

For the last couple of nights I have been having these strange dreams, dreams where the things are not like they are really real. In the dreams, me and Nicky are married, but the kicker is, I'm pregnant like a woman would be and I am experiencing the symptoms that a pregnant woman would go through and the such. I gotta stop eating crazy stuff before bed because this is getting out of hand. I must be going crazy or something, to actually let these dreams scare me. Like please, I am taking this too seriously. My latest dream was of the doctor telling me that I was pregnant, which came to a shock to me and Nicky, a real shock because I wasn't expecting the doctor to tell me something like that. Sheesh, like I can really get pregnant, I am really crazy to be scared to let my husband, the man I love so much not touch me because of those dreams.

I know my tossing and turning has kept Nicky up, just as much as it has kept me up. When he talked to me this morning after the last dream, I wanted to tell him and hold him, but I was scared to. I know he's starting to suspect something. Sooner or later I will have to tell him.

"Okay Justin out with it. Why is it every time we start making out, you pull back and go cold turkey on me?" He asks, sliding closer to me as my nerves get the better of me and I slide over a bit on the bed. "Justin what 's the matter here? You don't love me anymore? Is that it?"

"What, no that's not it Nicky. I love you baby and I always will. Nothing can change the way I feel about you baby." I say, shaking my head quickly, wrapping my arms around him.

"Something's not right here Justin. What's going on baby, tell me please?" He says, wrapping his arms around me as I tense up a little bit. "What's that right there? Why did you tense up when I touched you? Have I done something to hurt you?"

"No baby, you've done nothing to hurt me. It's not you, it's me." I say, tears coming to my eyes.

"What is it then, talk to me Justy." He says, reaching for me again as I stand up quickly.

"Okay maybe I should just leave and go outside and leave you here for a while.

"No Nicky, don't leave me." I say, standing in front of him as he stands up now.

"Justin, something's going on and I don't like it." He says, walking towards the door.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you." I say, as he turns and looks at me.

"Well, I'm waiting." He says, standing there tapping his foot with his hands on his hips.

"Baby I...I have been having these dreams." I say, not meeting his eyes.

"Go on." He says, still looking at me as he stops tapping his foot.

"The dreams have been scaring me, scaring me a lot actually." I say, looking down at the floor.

"Scaring you how Justy?" He asks, walking over to me now, not getting to close to me.

"In the dreams we are married and well...well I'm pregnant." I say.

"You're what?" He asks, looking at me, stepping closer to me as I look at him and he steps back again.

"In the dreams I'm pregnant baby. Since then I've been actually scared to have sex. In my heart I know it's not possible, but my mind is playing tricks on me." I say, still not meeting his eyes.

"Justin why didn't you tell me this?" He asks me, being cautious as he steps closer to me, and I reach out and hug him.

"Because I let my mind run away with this instead of looking at things logically. I know I can't get pregnant, but I think this goes deeper than I think it does." I say, looking up at him.

"How so baby?" He asks me, lifting my chin so that I am now looking into his eyes.

"I think I want to be a mommie." I says, shaking my head. "A daddy I


"Really Justy? Me too. I want to be a daddy too." He says, kissing me.

"I think we have been around Nikki's kids too much." I say, smiling at him.

"Maybe so, but they could have been the reason why you are dreaming that you are pregnant baby." He says, kissing me again as he pulls me closer to him. "You have been scared to have sex all this time because your mind thought I was going to knock you up. I don't know what to say."

"I do. I'm sorry baby. I should have told you the first night I woke up with that dream." I say, as we lay back on the bed kissing and touching.

"You know you can't get pregnant, but we sure can try to get you knocked

up." He says as someone knocks on the door.

"Damn it." I say, grabbing my lover's crotch quickly and getting up as I walk over to the door. "Yes? Who's there?"

"It's JT and Kevin." Kevin's voice could be heard through the door.

"Yes?" I say, opening the door to see the two of them standing there.

"Ah hi guys. Where is everybody else?" Kevin asks, not entering the room.

"Like?" Nick asks.

"Like Nikki and D?" Kevin asks.

"Well ah...ah...they went to the hospital." Nick answers as Kevin and JT looks at each other.

"Why did they go to the hospital?" JT asks, looking at Nick as they could all hear the front door open.

"You!" Nikki screams, spotting JT and Kevin and walking down the hall quickly.

"What?" Kevin asks, stepping in front of JT. "What's wrong Nikki?"

"Uh oh." I say, looking at the expression on Nikki's face as she continues to walk towards JT and Kevin.

"You just had to keep on hitting him didn't you!" Nikki screams, getting up in JT's face. "You just had to keep fighting!"

"Nikki..." Kevin says, as Nikki pushes him out of the way in gets up in JT's face, hitting him on his arm.

"You just had to beat him up! All over a fucking misunderstanding! You are scum JT! Scum!" Nikki screams as she falls into JT's arms crying. "He was sorry! He was sorry! He didn't mean any or it!"

"Nikki..." JT says, holding Nikki in his arms.

"He tried to apologize and you wouldn't hear it and's hurt JT! He's hurt!" Nikki says, pounding on JT's chest. "Are you happy now? Because of you, he's in the hospital and hurt badly!"

"Nikki I..." JT says as she interrupts him again.

"You wanted to make me a widow didn't you?" Nikki asks, pulling away from JT, looking at him with anger and sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Nikki, I didn't mean..." JT states, turning to look at Kevin and then at Nick and Justin.

"Yes you did mean to JT. You are bigger than he is and more experienced at fighting than he is. You knew he wouldn't be able to take you in a fight and you kept on fighting him!" Nikki screams, as Julian walks into the corridor.

"Is everything alright Madame? " Julian asks, looking at Nikki's face.

"Where are my sons?" Nikki asks, looking at Julian, glaring at JT as she walks towards the man.

"The babies are still in their suite." Julian answers her, walking with her down the corridor towards the babies' room.

"He's in the hospital? When did you all leave?" JT asks, looking at the two of us.

"A few hours ago." I tell him as his expression changes.

"Why didn't you tell us?" JT asks, looking at the both of us.

"Well we were kinda in a hurry and you two were already stressed you know." Nick says, walking over to JT and rubbing his back.

"Not enough to tell me and Kevin that you were going to the hospital." JT says, moving away from Nick. "I told you Kevin..."

"What?" I ask, looking at JT. "What did you tell Kevin?"

"I told him we would always have a problem somewhere, somehow." JT states, turning around. "The both of you probably blame me the same as Nikki."

"No we don't blame you fully. The fight was both of your faults." Nick says, stepping closer to JT again. "He should have stopped with the whole thing instead of going on with the matter. You on the other hand should know your own strength. You didn't have to keep hitting him. When he fell in the corner the first time, you should have left him alone instead of going after him again."

"But..." JT says.

"No buts JT, you shoulda known better. I agree with Nikki on that matter. He was done, once was enough." I say, turning around waiting on Nick and Kevin's responses.

"Baby they are not blaming you, they are just saying that this could have been handled differently." Kevin states, frowning a little bit.

"Yeah right. These guys are your friends, they are going to take up for him." JT says, turning and walking towards his and Kevin's bedroom.

"We are not taking up for anyone. We are your friends too JT and I say you need to stop acting like a prima donna." I say, walking out into the hallway behind him. "Since we met you, you have been one of us, don't you start this drama now and expect not to get it back miss thang."

"Excuse me?" JT says, turning around to look at me.

"You heard me Miz Thang. We don't need this drama. Stop acting like a prima donna and be happy that you are here with your husband in this fabulous place to have this ghetto fabulous honeymoon." I say, snapping my fingers as he looks at me, smiles and starts laughing.

"I guess all I can say is. Work it gurl." JT says, placing his hands on his hips as Kevin lets out the breath he had been holding.

// New York -- Lance and Carson's Home //

"Did you pack everything that we needed baby?" Lance asks, walking into the room with the phone in his hand.

"Yeah I think I packed everything." Carson replies, zipping up a suitcase and standing up.

"I'm trying to get our flight information from Becky now and once I have that I will call Justin and Nick and let them know." Lance says, kissing Carson, wrapping his arm around his husband.

"Who is Becky baby?" Carson asks.

"Becky is my travel agent that handles things for Free Lance." Lance answers him.

"Do she have you on hold or something, baby?" Carson asks, turning around in Lance's arms.

"Well actually she is trying to locate the first available flight for us and her connection to the airports are down right now." Lance replies as he and Carson sits on the bed.

"Well that's a bummer. Will we be leaving out early in the morning or will be leaving out some time tonight?" Carson asks.

"Well whatever Becky can book us on baby." Lance says as he puts the phone back to his ear.

"Mr. Bass I got seats on a flight leaving LaGuardia at 2 AM. Can you make that or do you want something later?" Becky, Lance's Travel Agent asks.

"Is that the earliest you have?" Lance asks.

"For now that's all I was able to find." Becky replies.

"Well book two seats. One for myself and the other for Carson Daly." Lance says, looking at the man in his arms.

"Alright sir. I have booked those seats and your boarding passes will be waiting when you arrive." Becky replies. "Is there anything else I can handle for you sir?"

"No Becky that's all." Lance says, thanking the woman for her help and hanging up.

"So when do we leave baby?" Carson asks.

"I'm going to call Justin and Nick now, then we can go ahead and leave for the airport since it's almost midnight now." Lance states. "We have to be at LaGuardia by two."

"Two? The flight leaves at two in the morning?" Carson asks.

"Yes babe. We are ready. Let me call them and we can leave." Lance says, dialing some numbers waiting for Nick or Justin to answer the phone.

// Orlando, FL -- Joey's House //

"Baby what are you going to do?" JC asks, walking into the room, sitting next to Joey in the bed.

"I don't know Josh." Joey answers him. "I don't want to go no where near Michael and I know you and ma ain't getting' along right now."

"True, but he's your brother and he wants to see you Joe." JC states, leaning up against the headboard as Joey lays his head in JC's lap.

"He might want to see me, but I don't want to see him baby." Joey says, as JC plays in his hair.

"So how are you going to explain that to Phyllis?" JC asks, leaning down and placing an upside down kiss to Joey's lips.

"I will think of something tomorrow. Right now it's me and you time and I think you know what I want." Joey says, sliding under the covers of the bed, making some moves under the covers to take his shorts off and tosses them across the room. "Come on baby I'm hot and I need your lovin."

"Oh yeah? How much lovin' do you want?" JC asks, taking his sweats off and hopping into bed with Joey.

"Enough to make me call your name over and over again." Joey answers, pulling JC down to his chest as the phone rings.

"Man I don't believe this. It's Phyllis. Why is she calling back this late now?" JC asks, picking up the phone and answering it. "Hello?"

"Let me speak to my son penito." Phyllis says, as she hears some grumbling and then the phone being passed.

"Yeah ma?" Joey says into the phone.

"Well are you on your way here?" Phyllis asks.

"No ma, we ain't coming." Joey answers her.

"We? You brother wants to see you, not that little penito." Phyllis says as Joey cuts her off.

"Josh is not a prick." Joey says, as JC turns and looks at him strangely. "I don't appreciate you talking about the man I love like that."

"What the hell did you just say boy? Don't be disrespectful." Phyllis states, as Joey sits up in bed.

"I am not being disrespectful ma, you are." Joey says, getting out of bed and standing up now.

"Lower your voice boy!" Phyllis shouts.

"Ma I am not going to talk to you now and we nor I am going to see Michael. I hope he rots wherever he is." Joey says, breathing heavy now.

"He's done wrong boy, but he still be your brother. How dare you wish something like that on him? Hasn't he gone through enough lately? Hasn't he gone through hell dealing with that girl, that girl that you brought here!? If it wasn't for you and her being together, my other son, my other son wouldn't be close to death!" Phyllis shouts.

"That's not Nikki's fault and you know it ma. I am not going to listen to this anymore. Goodnight ma." Joey says, hanging up the phone and handing it to JC. "I'm going for a walk. I will be back in a bit."

"Joey it's really dark outside, you can't leave now." JC says, getting up, grabbing his pajama bottoms as Joey put some pants on.

"I need to clear my head. I will be back in a bit baby. I need to do

this." Joey says, kissing JC on the cheek and walking out of the room.

// Back in Paris -- The Baby Nursery //

--- Nikki's POV ---

"Hey my boy," I said softly as I lifted baby Joshua from his bassinette. I sat down in the rocking chair nearby, cradling the baby close. "Mommy's sorry she didn't come see you earlier, but she had to take Daddy D to the hospital. He's gonna be okay though. He sends his love and told me to tell you that he wants you two to be good while he's away."

Joshua reached up and put his hand against my mouth, playing with my bottom lip. I smiled down at him; the tears I had been holding back since the doctors had told me the extent of Howie's injuries beginning to slide slowly down my face. I had yet to get over the shock of seeing my husband laying in a hospital bed in that much pain.


"Mrs. Dorough?" a tall, distinguished man said as he came out of Howie's hospital room.

"I'm Nicole Dorough," I replied as I shook hands with the doctor. He shook hands with Nick and Justin, startled when recognition of who they were came, before turning his attention back to me.

"Madame, My name is Doctor Jacques Batiste, and I am in charge of your husband's case," he explained.

"How is he?" I asked, shivering from a combination of cold and dread. Nick put his arm around me, trying in vain to comfort me. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, how is D?" Justin asked, coming up on my other side, the three of us forming a unified front.

"Please have a seat everyone," Dr. Batiste replied as he guided me down into a chair. "Mr. Dorough is fine for now, but I am afraid that he may need surgery to repair some of his internal damage."

"I-internal damage?" I stammered, my teeth beginning to chatter audibly.

Dr. Batiste looked at me closely, watching me like a hawk for any signs that I might be breaking down, but I wouldn't... no, I couldn't do that right now. Nick and Justin looked equally as worried, but they don't know me very well. If Tony were here, he could tell them about the steel spine I inherited from my abuelita, but it's up to me to show them better than I can tell them. I shook my head, summoning the strength to deal with yet more drama in my already overly dramatic life.

"I'm sorry Doctor... you were saying?" I said, my voice conveying the quiet strength that has gotten me through my life thus far. I could see the newfound gleam of respect in Nick and Justin's eyes, and it made me feel much better. "Please, tell me what's wrong with my husband."

"Mr. Dorough sustained some serious injuries," he began, looking suitably serious. "He has a badly sprained wrist, three broken ribs, several contusions, and he also dislocated his shoulder. Those things we can repair without incident, but the broken ribs may have also punctured his lung. We cannot know this until we are in the operating theater."

"May I see him?" I asked softly, praying that I could do this without having a complete meltdown.

"Of course you may... but please keep it brief," Dr. Batiste replied, standing up and offering me a hand. "He is drowsy from the medications that we have given him, but he has asked to see you also."

"Tell D we love him baby girl," Justin said as he hugged me, and then passed me off to Nick.

"Tell my big bro that he'd better get his ass well or he's gonna have me to deal with!" Nick said severely, hugging me tight and then allowing me to follow the doctor.

Dr. Batiste walked with me the short distance down the hall. I could feel Nick and Justin's eyes on me, but I refused to crack in front of them. When I reached D's door I squared my shoulders, knowing that my love would need me to be strong for him now. I knocked shortly before I pushed the door open, plastering a smile on my face.

"Hola mijo," I said softly as I sat in the chair next to his bed. Howie's eyes were closed, so I guessed that he had finally fallen asleep from the pain meds. I picked up his hand, smiling when I saw his wedding band glistening in the late afternoon sunshine.

"Hey love," I said softly as I held his hand in mine. I could feel myself starting to crack, so I hurried to say what was in my heart. "Nicky and Justin send their love... and Nick said to tell you that you'd better get well or you'll have him to deal with. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I need you to get better, okay? You can't leave your sons, corazon. You promised that you would never leave us. So you have to get well mijo... please don't leave us yet."

"You won't... get rid... of... me that... easily," Howie whispered as he squeezed my hand lightly. I kissed his lips gently, afraid to hurt him more than he already was. "Where are... my boys?"

"At the villa with Julian, Kevin and JT," I replied, fighting a strong desire to fling myself on him and cry my eyes out. He looked so helpless lying there... almost like Josh and Joey when they need me to do things for them. I felt a hand at my cheek brushing away a tear I hadn't even realized was falling.

"Don't cry mija," Howie said softly as he stroked my face. "I'll be... fine. And I'll... be home... to see... my boys soon... too."

"How can I not cry D?" I asked, tears flowing harder now. "I feel like this is my fault. I should never have let you go into the house alone... I should have known that JT..."

"Stop... blaming yourself... or I'm... gonna spank... you mija," Howie said as sternly as he could. I looked at him, the first real smile of the day breaking through. "That's better. Those... eyes are... made for... smiling, not tears."

"Te quiero tanto, Howie Dorough," I said before I leaned over to kiss him on his lips. His hand cupped my face, stroking circles on my cheek as we looked into each other's eyes. "Damn it... now I'm all worked up. Bad, bad D."

"What... can I say?" Howie replied with a mischievous grin. He looked so angelic that it just made me want to hold him tight and never let anybody hurt him again. There was a soft knock at the door before it was pushed open.

"Excuse me Madame, but we must ready Monsieur Dorough for his operation," someone said behind me.

I kissed D again quickly, whispering "I love you" in his ear before I moved aside to allow the nurse to do her job. I stood off to one side, watching her work closely. D managed to make a few funny faces at me, his sweet nature making him want to take care of me even when he wasn't really able to.

I held his hand all the way to the doors of the operating theater, kissing him one last time before he disappeared behind the doors. I sent Nick and Justin back to the villa, knowing that it could be bad news for them to be out without security and then settled down to wait for news about my husband alone. I think I must have drifted off, because the next thing I knew I was being awakened by a worried looking Dr Batiste.

"Mrs. Dorough?" Dr Batiste said softly as he shook me, his face showing his concern for my well-being. I came awake slowly, disoriented and groggy until I remembered where I was and why.

"How is my husband?" I asked, shaking off the last of the cobwebs as the doctor made himself comfortable in the chair beside me.

"He is well," Dr Batiste replied with a smile. "There was a small puncture in his lung that we managed to repair without incident. We also repaired some other damage to his liver and his gallbladder."

"But will he be okay?" I asked, dreading a negative answer, but Dr Batiste simply smiled as he patted my hand.

"I think he will be back to pestering you to make more babies soon," he replied with a grin that widened when I blushed. "Anyway, I came to tell you that you will not be allowed to see him again unless you promise me that you will go home and rest for a few hours."

"What do you mean go home?" I asked in a huff, wanting to fight him to see Howie, even if only to reassure myself that he was actually going to be okay.

"Ma'am, I realize that you are a strong woman, but even "Super Woman" has limits," the doctor said patiently, touching my hand again. "Your husband will need your strength in the coming days. So for his sake, as well as that of your sons, I want you to go home and rest. Doctor's orders!"

"Oh, alright!" I relented as I stood up to go in search of a payphone before I remembered I hadn't brought any francs with me when I'd left the house in such a hurry. "I-I forgot to bring money with me. Would you happen to know where I could find a free phone?"

"You don't need a phone Nikki," someone said from behind me. I turned to see Craig standing there with two other men I knew to be from Backstreet's security detail. "I'll take you back to the house."

"When did you guys get here?" I asked as we headed out the door. When we got to the doors I froze at the sight that greeted me. "What the hell?"

There was a bevy of photographers and reporters outside in front of the hospital, and cameras began to flash like crazy when I got near the door. I backpedaled right into Craig, who held my hand tighter and pulled me out of sight of the paparazzi.

"I-I don't get it! Why are they interested in me?" I asked, feeling like I was going to have a panic attack right there.

"Honey you married a Backstreet Boy," Craig quipped as he pulled out a cell phone and made a quick call. When he was done he turned to me again. "That makes you a semi-celebrity."

"Shit!" I exclaimed as two more guards came inside the hospital.

Craig issued orders quickly and efficiently, and the men moved into position. They surrounded me, shielding me from prying eyes and cameras as we headed out the door again. When the flashes blinded me momentarily, I stopped, trying to get my bearings again. Craig just grabbed my arm and led me to the waiting limo.

"Welcome to the world of Backstreet mania!" Craig said softly as I closed my eyes, dreading what my life would be like from now on as we rode the rest of the way to the house in silence.

*** End Flashback ***

"Oh Josh... what would Mommy have done if Daddy D left us?" I asked as I sobbed and held my son close. "He has to be okay..."

"Nikki?" Justin called softly as he came into the nursery. He took one look at my face and hurried to where I sat, rocking Joshua and crying like a baby myself. "I was wondering when this would happen."

I was so out of it that I couldn't even make a smartass comeback. I felt somebody taking the baby from my arms, and then I was wrapped in a tight embrace. I completely lost it, crying until I was nauseated and hot. When I was done, Nick carried me into my room and laid me on the bed.

"You okay now?" he asked quietly when I'd finally calmed down enough to talk. I just stared at him, not really sure of how to answer that, but knowing that I should probably say something.

"I won't be alright until my husband is back here with me... in our bed," I replied, my voice catching as I began to cry again. Nick sat down on the bed near me and put my head on his lap. He stroked my hair, singing softly until I drifted off to sleep again.

When I woke up again, I could hear someone in the nursery with the twins, talking softly to them while the babies babbled. I walked over to the door, curious to see whom it was. Nick and Justin sat on the floor, side by side with the boys in their bouncy seats. The babies kicked and talked to them while the guys went back and forth singing the chorus from "The Two of Us".

You see I toss and turn when I'm alone and I just can't wait till you get home waiting for your call cuz tonight we're gonna do it all girl it's just the two of us cuz I'm thinkin bout you day and night and I just can't get you off my mind when you get a minute baby I was thinkin we could hook up it's just the two of us the two of us cuz in a room full of people you're the only one around and nothing in this world could ever bring us down baby I'll be there telling you i care this I swear girl it's just the two of us the two of us

"I think they're enjoying the free concert almost as much as I am," I said from the doorway. Nick flashed me the trademark "Carter Grin" as he picked Joshua up and sat him on his lap.

"Yeah well, they're a good audience," Nick said as he tickled Joshua's stomach. The baby screamed, giggling up a storm as Nick continued to play with him.

"You feelin' better Nikki?" Justin asked, his face full of concern. I smiled as I walked over to him, running my fingers through his curls.

"I'm gettin' there Justin," I replied as there was a commotion out in the hallway. "What the hell is that now?"

"I don't know, but it sounds like JT and Kev." Nick said, getting up, handing the baby to Nikki as he walked over to the door.

"Baby what's going on out there?" Justin asked from his seat on the floor with the other baby.

"What are you two doing?" Nick asked as JT and Kevin walked into the room.

"I'm trying to stop him from doing or saying something stoopid." JT answered, standing between Nick and Kevin.

"What would Kevin say or do that would be stupid?" Nikki asked, standing up now.

"Lets just all forget about this and call it a day." JT stated, trying to push Kevin back out of the room. "It's been a long day already."

"What's going on Kevin?" Justin asked, walking over to him.

"Does this have anything to do with the current situation?" Nikki asked.

"Yes it does!" Kevin shouts, scaring both of the babies. "It has very much to do with that."

"Calm down Kevin and be quiet. Now isn't the time." JT stated.

"No JT now is the time. If Kevin has something to say, let him say it and get the fuck over it." Nikki spoke, walking over to Kevin and JT, her expression not changing.

"I am not going to get over anything Nikki. Damn! Twice today my husband has been crying and screaming because it seems to him that he doesn't belong here with me and the rest of you." Kevin spoke, looking down at the floor. ""I've spent all morning and the afternoon trying to convince him that he is wanted here."

"I thought we had this discussion already." Justin stated, still holding the baby as he turned his back and walked back over to the bassinette and laid the baby back down.

"What discussion?" Nikki asked, looking at Justin and then back at Kevin and JT.

"One that I didn't think we needed to have again." Justin stated, walking over to JT. "Is this because of how Nikki reacted?"

"Yes it is." Kevin replied, looking at Justin. "She didn't have to hit him and treat him that way."

"JT did Nikki hurt you?" Justin asked. "Are you bruised? Are you in the hospital?"

"Well no I am not bruised and I am not in the hospital." JT answered him.

"Then Kevin you should be thankful." Justin stated. "Your friend is in the hospital and that friend got into a brawl with your husband. Nikki has a right to be upset with all that has gone on today. If things were the other way around, you would be upset too."

"Yes I would be mad, but I would place blame where blame is due. John's isn 't all to blame for this, D had fault too. He brought all of this on himself when he started that shit. He might have had some problems in the past, but he didn't have to blame that on all gay men." Kevin spoke.

"I don't fucking believe this." Nikki stated, walking over to the other bassinette and placing the baby in it. "So what are you saying Kevin? You are upset that I hit JT in the chest and said the things I said? JT did I hurt you? You couldn't handle the licks I gave you? Huh?"

"This isn't my argument, this is between you and Kevin." JT replied, turning around.

"I must be your fight too since your husband is here defending you. Ole punk ass can't take a lick from a woman. Fucking whiner. You are starting to act like Josh did. Whine whine whine." Nikki explained, walking over to JT and Kevin. "That's all you have done today is whine. Is there something else you are good at?"

"That's not called for now." JT stated, turning back around. "If I you would have hurt me, I would have told you I was hurt. Don't go jumping to the wrong conclusions about things because I can jump to them too."

"Hey hey hey. Calm down everybody." Nick stated, raising his hands, looking at Kevin, JT then at Nikki. "Isn't there been enough drama in this house already? This is supposed to be our honeymoon and so far the only thing that has happened is fighting."

"We wouldn't be fighting right now if JT hadn't taken it upon himself to defend all gay men and beat my husband down the way he did." Nikki said, glaring at JT.

"I was defending me. He called me a fucking pedophile." JT stated, turning around. "I don't care if it was your husband or anybody. Call me a name I don't agree with and I'm going to commence the ass whipping."

"You might need to commence the anger management or something. That was uncalled for and unnecessary." Nikki stated, walking over to JT. "I consider you a friend and all, but right now I don't see you in the same light I use to. I have lost a lot of respect for you for what you have done to my husband. It's going to take some time to get that respect back."

"What the hell? I don't fucking believe this. You lost respect for him? He is not the person you should have lost respect for. D is the person that caused all of this and he is the one that should be trying to make amends here. Baby let's go before something else gets blamed on you." Kevin stated, grabbing JT's hand, pulling him out of the room. "The nerve of that woman."

"This is getting worse Nikki." Justin stated. "Why did you have to say that?"

"I only said how I felt about the whole matter. I have lost respect for JT and it's going to take some time before he regains that respect again. Right now all I see when I look at him is the person that brutalized my husband." Nikki stated, tears in her eyes.

"Yeah I know you did, but I feel this is going to cause more drama. The way JT has been acting, he probably will leave Kevin this time." Nick stated, looking out the door to see JT and Kevin walking in opposite directions of each other.

"Baby JT isn't going to leave Kevin. He was okay earlier today." Justin stated.

"Yeah that was earlier, this is now." Nick stated, wrapping his arm around Justin. "Maybe things will be better tomorrow."

"Lawd I hope so." Justin stated, kissing Nick on the cheek, smiling at him.


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