My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 26, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 10 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- The Main Room //

"Oh God, he just left me, he left me!" Kevin screams, as Lydia hugs him.

"Stay right here, bro-in-law, I am going to talk to that boy." Lydia says, kissing Kevin on his cheek, walking the door to find out where JT went.

"Kev what's going on?" Nick asks as he and Justin walk around the corner.

"He left me, he left me." Kevin says, crying as he slid down the wall to the floor.

"JT left you?" Nick questions, kneeling down besides Kevin as he cried.

"He's gone, he's gone." Kevin says, through his tears.

"Oh man, this is all D's fault." Nick says, moving to his knees, holding Kevin in his arms. "It's going to be alright Kevin. Maybe JT needs to just calm down..."

"He's not coming back Nick, he's not. When he looked at me, I saw...I saw something I have never saw in his eyes before. The man I love wasn't

there." Kevin says, crying harder now as Justin wraps his arms around him too.

"All this over D calling him a pedophile? I think JT overreacted a bit." Nick says as Julian walks into the corridor.

"Is there something wrong sirs?" Julian asks, standing in front of the three men.

"Is there something wrong?" Kevin asks, standing up and getting in Julian's face, causing the man to step back in fear a little bit. "Everything's fucking wrong!"

"Sir?" Julian asks as Kevin pushes him and walks away.

"Kevin calm down, where are you going?" Nick asks, as he looks at Julian then runs behind Kevin. "Kevin man wait!"

"No Nick, just leave me alone. I want to be left alone right now!" Kevin shouts, stopping Nick in his tracks. "Don't bother me, don't bother me ever!"

"Kevin you don't mean that man." Justin says, joining Nick.

"I mean what I just said, I don't want to be bothered!" Kevin shouts, turning around and heading towards the French Doors that led to the pool.

// Outside of the House //

--- Lydia's POV ---

Oh that boy needs his ass whipped three ways from fucking Sunday! What the hell is he thinking to pull this shit again. He can't keep running away from things because he feels that he doesn't want to deal with them. He's going to get back there and talk or I will kick his ass like daddy use to.

"JT what the hell do you think you are doing?" I ask him as he opens the door to the taxi. "You are not leaving. Your husband is back there and you need to go back there and talk with him."

"I'm leaving, that's what I am doing. Now go back to your boyfriend and leave me alone." He says, moving to get into the car.

"I think not bro." I tell him, grabbing him by his arm and pushing his ass back, grabbing his duffle back and tossing it back over to the steps. "Driver was this all he had?"

"No ma'am there's more in the back." The drivers says, as JT gets up, goes for his bag, grabs it and makes a beeline back to the car.

"I said no JT, don't try me man, you are already trying my fucking patience with you." I tell him, as the driver gets out of the car and pops the trunk, removing JT's bags.

"Look sir I am not going to get in the middle of this, call yourself another taxi later." The driver says, closing the trunk and taking JT's bags back over to the steps. "G'day sir, madam."

"Look what you did, now I have to call another fucking taxi!" He shouts, looking at me.

"You ain't goin' anywhere that requires the use of a taxi big bro. You are not running this time bro, go back in there and talk to Kevin. I don't know what actually happened between you two, but go back in there and talk to him." I say to him, waiting for him to try something else.

"I don't need to go back in there, I need to catch my flight and go back to New York and forget any of this ever happened!" He shouts, looking down at the ground.

"What did Kevin do to you to cause all of this?" I ask him, looking at him as he moves away from me. "Tell me bro, what did Kevin do?"

"Kevin didn't do anything. I just need to go home." He says, looking back at the house and then away, as I notice that he was crying.

"Boy talk to me. What's going on here?" I ask him, grabbing his hand. "If Kevin didn't do anything, then what happened?"

"I don't belong here with Kevin Lydie. Kevin needs someone that is suited with living the rock-star lifestyle. That life isn't for me and it isn't for you either. Pretty soon these guys will get tired of you being around and show their true colors to you too." He says, pulling away from me.

"What are you talking about? If Kevin didn't do it, then someone else here did? Who caused all of this? What happened? I keep asking you that, but you are not making any kind of sense." I tell him, as we sit on the steps.

"Lydie just remember what I said. We don't belong here." He says, as he pulls out his cell phone, pointing it at me. "You listen and listen good girl. We don't belong here with these guys. We don't fit in with them, we never have. Why can't you see that? I don't know why I didn't see myself until now, I guess I was blinded by love and lust."

"JT stop, stop right now!" I scream at him. "Are you trying to pull the racial card on me again?"

"I am not puling anything, you can see things for yourself. It has nothing to do with race, it has to do with these guys being way out of our league Lydie." He says, opening his phone and starts dialing numbers.

"Stop JT, stop. Just listen to yourself. Kevin isn't Will and those other freaks of his. Kevin and the guys are not going to treat you like those jerks did JT." I tell him, hugging him. "Is that what's going on?" Did one of the guys do something compared to Will and his friends?"

"Howie called me a pedophile and said that all gay men, all gay men in the world were pedophiles. We started arguing, I beat his ass and they all looked at me like I was the bad one." He tells me, shaking his head at me.

"I don't believe that JT, I don't think they would look at you as the bad one." I say to him as the door creaks behind me and Kevin steps outside to join us. "Kevin talk to him."

"I don't want to talk to him." JT says, getting up and walking away from the steps. "I have a plane to catch."

"Baby please, please don't leave." Kevin says, walking towards JT. "I love you baby, can't you see that?"

"I don't belong here, I don't belong here with you." JT says, pushing Kevin away from him.

"Don't you love me JT?" Kevin asks him.

"Yes I love you Kevin, but I am not the person for you, I don't belong in your life, you don't need me." JT says, as I walk over to him.

"Boy are you fucking crazee?" I ask him, hitting him on his arm. "For the past few months you have done nothing but tell me about Kevin. You have him, why are you so quick to leave him? Did he tell you he didn't want you or need you in his life?"

"No he didn't tell me, he doesn't have to." JT says, as I through my hands up and walk towards the house.

"I have had enough. If you want to leave, then leave, but if you leave here now, don't call me ever again. Also, if you leave, I no longer have a brother." I say walking back into the house and crying as I thought about what I just said to my brother.

"Baby please don't leave me, I love you." Kevin says, walking towards JT again, this time JT not moving away. "I know Howie was wrong, I know he hurt you with his words, but don't let that ruin us baby. Don't let what he did drive us apart."

"Kevin I..." JT says as Kevin stops him with a kiss.

"I love you and I know you love me. Stay here with me baby, if you don't want to stay we can go, just as long as we are together." Kevin says, wrapping his arms around JT's waist.

"Kevin I don't belong here with you, I don't belong here with all of you. You guys are way out of my league." JT says to him.

"No baby that's not true. When it comes to love, you are right in the same league with me baby." Kevin says, hugging JT to his chest. "We need to get your stuff and go back inside."

"Kevin I can't do that." JT says, looking away from Kevin as he cried. "I can't go back in there, not after all the stuff Howie said, the way he sees gay men. I don't think I...I don't think I can stay around him without kicking his ass every time I see him."

"Baby something bad happened to him. I can see his point of not liking gay men..." Kevin says, caressing JT's face.

"We haven't given him any reason to hate us. He knows us, well rather he knows you and Nick and he said you were pedophiles too." JT says, as Kevin lifts his chin and kisses him again.

"We just need to give Howie some time and maybe get him some counseling for dealing with what Lou did to him." Kevin says.

"Kevin we..." JT starts, but stops and looks away again. "I can't stay


"Why are you making this hard for us baby? I don't want to loose you. You know that JT. I will give anything to keep you...keep you in my life." Kevin says as the door opens and Lydia steps out with Nikki.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Nikki asks, getting up in JT's face. "He said he was sorry JT, you kicked his ass! I think that was enough fucking drama right there. We don't need this crap JT, stop acting silly and go to your room with your husband."

"I am not out of my mind! I am doing what I think will keep me happy and sane." JT replies staring her down.

"Leaving your husband will keep you happy and sane? You must be insane

now." Nikki says, turning around. "I know I haven't known you for a long time and all, but I feel if you leave now you will be making a real big mistake in your life."

"That's right you haven't known me for a long time and you don't know me." JT says, pulling away from Kevin. "I am not going to be around people that accuse me of the thing your husband did, a man that I thought I was beginning to be friends with, but I see I was wrong. I am always wrong!"

"You were not wrong JT. D is just confused right now." Nikki says.

"Confused my ass, he wants to label all gay men pedophiles for something that happened to him a long time ago. I say he shouldn't be confused, he should be over it by now." JT says, glaring at Nikki as Nick and Justin walk outside.

"JT have to understand him, he didn't want anyone to know what happened." Nikki says.

"Okay then, if that's the case, then I think all woman are rapists and crazy ass whores!" JT shouts, turning to look at Nikki. "How do you feel about that?"

"You are blowing this way out of proportion here JT." Nikki says as Nick and Justin step up behind her.

"What's this all about?" Justin asks.

"Guess." Nikki says, shooting an evil look back at JT.

"It's about her husband, that's what its about." JT says, walking away from them. "I'm still leaving."

"Leaving? You can't leave, you have to stay here with us." Justin says, walking past Nikki and Kevin.

"There's no reason for me to stay here." JT says.

"Yes there is. You are the security director here aren't you?" Justin says, thinking fast. "You are the head man in charge of the bodyguards."

"I can be replaced." JT says as Justin grabs his hand. "What do you think you are doing Justin?"

"Stopping you from leaving us. We are your friends. I thought you liked us?" Justin asks, looking at JT as he stops moving.

"I do...that's not the point Justin." JT says, shaking his head. "Everybody stop!"

"JT?" Justin asks as JT falls to his knees and start crying again. "JT are you okay?"

"Stay away from me!" JT screams, pushing Justin away from him. "Just leave me alone, all of you!"

"We are not going to leave you alone, not now, not ever." Justin says as Kevin, Nick and Nikki surround him. "We know that Howie hurt your feelings and all JT, but you have a husband here, right here that loves you and the rest of us love you too rather you believe it or not."

"Just go, what you say isn't true, not true at all." JT says, still crying as Kevin moves past Nick and Justin and kneels down behind JT, wrapping his arms around him from behind.

"Baby when I said, `I do', I meant those words. I am the head, heart and soul of you baby. When you hurt, I hurt. I don't want to hurt baby. Let me help you, let me show you what our vows meant." Kevin says, rubbing the ring on JT's ring finger. "This right here is us."

"Kevin..." JT says, as Kevin kisses him on the cheek.

"Baby remember what you promised me." Kevin says, as he and JT stands up. "I know you value those vows just like I do."

"I...I do value them." JT says as he and Kevin share a passionate kiss as Nick and Justin step away from them.

"That's more like it." Kevin says, wiping JT's tears away. "Why don't we go back inside, there's something we need to talk about in our bedroom."

"Okay Kevin." JT says as he walks back towards the house with Kevin with Nick, Justin and Nikki following them into the house.

// New York -- Lance and Carson's Home //

"Hey baby what are you doing?" Lance asks, walking into the room and sitting behind his husband Carson., placing a kiss on his neck. "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to find a place for us to go baby." Carson says, leaning back to accept a kiss on the lips from Lance.

"A place to go? Why?" Lance asks, making himself a home next to Carson on the sofa looking at the laptop screen.

"Well since I have free time now that I don't work at MTV, I think we should go away and just chill out and be ourselves." Carson says, running his finger across Lance's chest, teasing his nipple. "I love you Lance."

"I love you Carson." Lance says as the two of them share a passionate kiss. "You know Nick and Justin went to Paris for their honeymoon. They say it's very beautiful right now."

"Yes I know they went to Paris Lance, we were there when they left." Carson says, getting up off the sofa.

"Carson are you okay?" Lance asks, getting up too.

"I am perfectly fine Lance. What would give you the idea that there was something wrong with me?" Carson asks, stepping away from Lance.

"Could it be the way you are talking to me now, the way you are acting towards me! Why aren't you looking at me Carson?" Lance asks, grabbing Carson and forcing him to look at him.

"Stop James you are hurting me!" Carson shouts, jerking his arm away from Lance's grasp.

"No you are hurting me. This is about you thinking back to that damn night with me and Justin!" Lance screams.

"So what if I am! You were the one that slept with him! You were the one that cheated, not me!" Carson screams, walking away from Lance.

"Don't you walk away from me Carson, I am not letting you do this again!" Lance screams as dish comes flying towards his head. "What da fuck!"

"Leave me alone James! I want to be alone right now! I don't want to talk or be around you!" Carson screams as another disk flies by, barely missing Lance.

"I'm not leaving you alone, I'm about to kick your fucking ass for breaking up my shit!" Lance screams as yet another dish comes flying by. "That's fucking it Carson!"

"What are you going to do Lance?" Carson asks. "You are the one that created this problem between us!"

"And you are the one that keeps bringing that problem back!" Lance screams, getting up in Carson's face and smacking him, causing him to drop the dish. "I am really tired of this shit Carson, this is getting old. One minute we are lovey dovey and then we are fighting and arguing like this!"

"You said you were not going to hit me again!" Carson yells, walking past Lance, going back into the living room crying.

"You said that you were not going to bring this shit up again. You said you forgave me and here we are arguing yet again!" Lance says, standing in the doorway of the living room, watching Carson cry.

"I forgave you baby, but it still hurts to hear you talk about Justin, Justin like he's the guy you should have married." Carson says, sniffling.

"I don't talk like that about Justin. Justin is my friend, only my friend. You are the guy that I love, you are the guy that I married. If I loved Justin so much...I would have married him before marrying you. If I loved him, I would have waited for him." Lance explains as Carson gets up and walks over to where Lance was standing.

"I know he's your friend baby, but I still think you have feelings for him." Carson says, laying his head on Lance's shoulder. "I get so jealous when I think about that night you gave him what's mine."

"He's my friend and you are my husband Carson. There's a big difference between the two. You are the person that I come home to and he's just a close personal acquaintance." Lance says, trying to calm down his husband.

"I'm sorry baby for loosing my nerve like I did." Carson says.

"I guess its okay since you didn't break much this time." Lance says as he and Carson looks at each other and bursts out laughing. "No one got hurt this time."

"Yeah that's a good thing. I was starting to get scared I was running out of excuses of explaining why we were at the hospital." Carson says, hugging Lance. "Maybe we should go to Paris. Do you think we can go where Nick and Justin are?"

"What!" Lance screams, looking at Carson. "You want to go there after all that crap?"

"Well yeah. We can go there, I am sure Justin is busy with Nick and you will be very busy with me." Carson says, patting Lance on his ass. "Why don't we go make up."

// Orlando, FL -- Joey's House //

"Come on Joey what are we doing tonight?" JC asks, walking into the bedroom, lying down on the bed next to Joey.

"I don't feel like doing anything tonight Josh." Joey says, rolling over in bed, wrapping his arms around JC. "Why don't we just stay in and just chill out, order some Chinese and make out?"

"Naughty boy." JC says, kissing Joey passionately. "If you are not up for going out, we can stay in."

"Thank you baby." Joey says, yawning and stretching as JC tickles his stomach. "Baby that tickles."

"Um hmmm." JC says, smiling at Joey as the phone rings. "Hello?"

"Ummmmm Hello Josh, may I speak to Joey?" Phyllis Fatone asks as JC flinches.

"Hold on just a moment Mrs. Phyllis." JC says handing the phone to Joey as Joey looks at him strange.

"Ahhh hi mom." Joey says, dreading hearing his mom's voice after what went on at Nikki's wedding. "What's going on?"

"I am calling you to invite and Josh to come stay a bit." Phyllis says.

"Inviting us for what?" Joey asks, looking at JC who was shrugging his shoulders.

"Joey I know what happened between you and Michael and I know what happened between Steve, Michael and the rest of your friends." Phyllis says. "We went to visit Michael the other day and he expressed very much that he wanted to see you, see you so that he could apologize to you."

"I am not the person he should apologize to. He needs to be talking to Nikki and JT." Joey says, as JC wraps him up in his arms. "Those are the people he hurt the most mah."

"Right now they are not in the picture you are. He wants to apologize for all that he has done. Will you and...and Josh give him the chance to do

that?" Phyllis asks.

// Tampa, FL -- The Home of Robert Carter //

"Aaron! Aaron where the hell are you?" Robert Carter, Aaron's father screamed out.

"We are back here dad. What's wrong?" Aaron asks walking into the house.

"You can start by explaining this to me." Robert says, handing Aaron a tabloid newspaper and pointing to a picture of him and Frankie on the cover. "What the hell is this?"

"Well dad it's a picture." Aaron replies, looking at his father strangely.

"Of course it's a picture. The question is, why is this picture of you and him in the damn `Enquirer'?" Robert asks, waiting on Aaron to answer the question as Frankie walks into the house. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was...ah...well...ah..." Frankie stutters as Aaron steps in front of him.

"He was here with me, he's still my boyfriend dad." Aaron says, wrapping his arms around Frankie.

"You defied me boy! I told you that I didn't want you with him." Robert says, walking towards the two boys. "He's bad for your image."

"He's not bad for my image dad, I love him." Aaron says, as Robert stops and looks at him.

"You can't love him, you don't know what fucking love is!" Robert shouts, grabbing Aaron, pulling him away from Frankie.

"No dad!" Aaron screams as Robert grabs Frankie and pushes him outside.

"You get away from here and don't you come back!" Robert shouts, pushing Frankie again. "I don't ever want to see you around here again. If I catch you with my boy again, let's just say you won't have any problems to deal with because I will kill you."

"Dad!" Aaron shouts. "You won't hurt him! I love him and I always will!"

"Aaron get back into the house!" Robert shouts, anger in his eyes.

"No dad, I won't let you hurt him." Aaron says, crying as he hugged a crying Frankie that was scared out of his mind.

"Aaron do as he says, don't worry about me, I love you and always will." Frankie says, pulling away from Aaron as he grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door. "Remember I will always love you."

"No Frankie, don't go!" Aaron shouts, looking at Frankie.

"I have no choice but to baby." Frankie says as Aaron turns around and looks at his father.

"Get off my property!" Robert shouts, walking towards Frankie.

"I love him Mr. Carter, nothing but heaven will keep me from him." Frankie says as he runs from his lover and his crazy father.

// Los Angeles, CA -- AJ McLean's Home //

"Just tell me the fucking truth Alex, how many men did you actually fuck while we were separated?" Chris asks, getting up out of the chair he was in and walking around to the window.

"Why does it matter Chris? Why are you asking me this anyway, it's not like it's cheating. We were not together and that's your fault." Alex says, getting up walking over to where Chris was standing.

"How the hell is it my fault? You were the one that wanted some fucking space Alex!" Chris shouts.

"I only wanted that space because of the shit you said about fucking Damien trying to fuck up your career!" Alex shouts back. "I was only doing what you wanted me to do."

"I didn't want you to go around and fuck Tom, Dick and Harry Alex. I only wanted us to cool it off a bit. Damn Alex, how could you do this?" Chris asks, sitting down on windowsill.

"Chris this isn't fair." Alex says, grabbing Chris' hand as Chris snatches his hand away.

"Don't touch me Alex. I don't know where we stand on this right now." Chris says, sliding away from Alex.

"Chris why are you acting this way. You act like I slept with every fucking guy I saw." Alex says, as Chris turns around.

"No Alex you did worse, you slept with Brian!" Chris shouts. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I needed to feel wanted Chris." Alex responds. "When you took off to go to New York did you ever think about how I would feel about all of this?"

"Yes I did, but that doesn't give you the right to go and fuck Brian!" Chris shouts. "Apparently you don't give a damn about what you let screw you!"

"How dare you!" Alex shouts, slapping Chris and walking out of the room.

"Alex! Alex come back here!" Chris shouts, running behind Alex.


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