My Kinda Guy

Published on May 6, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Twilight In Paris Chapter 5 by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- The Hotel -- JC and Joey's Room //

"Baby come here for a minute." Joey spoke, motioning for JC to come over to where he was.

"What's up Joe?" JC asked, sitting on the bed.

"I have something to tell you?" Joey stated, holding JC's hand in his own. "I just don't know how to start this."

"Well baby whatever it is just tell me." JC stated. "Just tell me, whatever it is I will understand."

"You won't understand this." Joey stated. "As soon as I tell you, you will hate me and I don't want that."

"I won't hate you baby. Nothing you ever tell me would make me hate you." JC stated, lifting Joey's chin up and placing a kiss on his lips. "I love you Joey and I will never hate you."

"You promise baby?" Joey asked, a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

"I promise baby. I will never hate you, just tell me." JC stated, kissing Joey's tear away.

"Well baby here it is." Joey stated, getting up off the bed and started pacing back and forth in front of JC. "Joseph Christian and Joshua Christopher are my babies. I am their father."

"Baby what did you say?" JC asked, getting up and grabbing Joey, stopping him in the place he stood in. "I...I'm sorry...could you repeat what you just said."

"I said that I am the father of Joseph Christian and Joshua Christopher." Joey stated.

"Wait a minute. Those are Nikki's babies. That means you and Nikki slept together again!" JC screamed, running towards the main door to the room.

"Josh, Josh! Wait, don't run away from me!" Joey called out, running behind JC out of the room.

// Down the Hall //

"Nikki! Nikki open this damn door right now!" JC yelled out in the hallway.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Howie asked, opening the door to see JC standing there ready to beat on the door again as he saw me standing there.

"Where's Nikki, get her here right now!" JC screamed.

"Nicole's sleeping." Howie spoke to him. "What's your problem man, why are you making all this noise?"

"I need to talk to Nikki now!" JC replied in an urgent voice.

"I just told you she's sleeping. Come back later when we are in the mood." Howie replied turning around ready to close the door in his face.

"I am not leaving until I talk to Nikki about Joe being the father of those babies!" JC stated as Howie turned to face him again.

"What did you just say?" Howie asked, trying to comprehend what he had just heard.

"I said I am not leaving until I talk to her about Joe being the father of those babies!" JC said again this time as Nikki came to the door.

"How dare you!" Nikki yelled at him. "How could you tell him, I was going to tell him when I had the chance! I oughta put my foot up in your used and abused ass for opening your big mouth! Did I ever tell you that you couldn' t hold water? If not, you can't fuckin' hold water! You are worse than a gossiping bitch!"

"A gossiping bitch? It seems you are the bitch around here! You can't keep your legs closed!" JC stated, fuming like a bull now. "I was okay when I found out that you two slept together back in high school. I was okay when you slept with him when he was with Brian. I was even okay when I found out that you had slept with him that night we arrived in Chicago. But to find out that those babies are his is a little too much for me to handle right now!"

"Oh no the fuck you didn't!" Nikki screamed as she drew back and punched JC in the face, knocking him to the ground. "And don't you say another damn word or I will kick your ass! I have heard enough from you!"

"Hell he only slept with you to make you feel better about your fucking self. Hell you were just a charity case to him." JC stated, getting up off the floor, backing into Joey who had a mean look on his face. "Just a convenient piece of ass when he needed to get off."

"Shut up man!" Howie screamed at JC as Nikki pushed her way past Howie and pounced on JC.

"I told you I didn't want to hear another word from you. Now I guess I will have to beat your pussy ass down like I did Brian." Nikki stated slapping JC's face back and forth.

"Baby stop." Howie spoke, trying to pull her off of JC now. "Leave him alone Nikki!"

"Howie stop unless you want some of this too." Nikki stated as Howie backed away from her.

"You have gone and pushed my buttons for the last fucking time! I warned you but you didn't listen! Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry." Nikki stated, punching JC in the stomach and getting up. "Pussy ass bitch!"

"Baby come on." Howie told her, trying to pull her back into the room as she resisted him. "Baby please. Just let this go."

"He's starting to get on my nerves like Brian did." Nikki spoke as JC got a scared look on his face and took off running. Howie finally managed to pull her into the room, leaving Joey standing in the hallway.

"Nikki, Nikki I'm sorry. I didn't know he was going to react like this." Joey yelled, knocking on Nikki's door.

"Just go Tony, we will talk about this later." Nikki spoke, looking as if all the life had been drained out of her.

"Nikki please." Joey stated.

"I said we will talk about this later, just go Tony." Nikki repeated.

"Baby come here." Howie spoke, patting the spot on the bed.

"How did my life become such a comedy of errors?" Nikki asked, sitting next to Howie and putting her head on his shoulder. "All I ever really wanted was to be safe from Michael, and all I seem to have done was cause more pain for the people I love. Why can't I do anything right?"

"Baby, you haven't hurt me. Hell you have made me happier than I have been in a long time. You gave me back a sense of hope and security and I love you for that."

"I love you too Sweet D," Nikki replied, sharing a gentle, but loving kiss with Howie. "What am I going to do about JC and Tony?"

"Baby, right now the only things I care about are us and those babies. I have been thinking about this, and if it's okay with you I want us to get married in Paris at the Eiffel Tower as soon as legally possible."

"Oh my God! I have always wanted to see Paris!" Nikki said excitedly, hugging Howie as one of the babies began to cry. "I'd better go check on them."

Nikki hurried to the nursery, coming back with a baby in each arm. Howie hurried over, taking little Joshua and sitting down with him on his lap. Nikki sat next to him, cradling baby Joey in one arm and picking up her pen and paper.

"We had better get started on a guest list. How long do we have to pull this thing together?" Nikki asked

"Well, we had only planned to be here for one more day." Howie replied, taking a pen from her and sitting down to write. "And I think we need to wait 45 days after we get the license in Paris to get married, so say two months."

"I guess I can pull it off in two months. You need to get the license, minister and a ring for me. I need to get your ring, a dress, and a reception site in Paris." Nikki stated, busily writing things down on her list. "Honey, how many people are you wanting to invite?"

"Well, there's my 3 sisters and their significant others, my brother, nieces, nephews, cousins... so I'd say about 75 people all together." Howie replied, writing furiously while trying to avoid tangling Josh's fingers in his hair.

"I won't have nearly as many. I only have two sisters and a brother, the guys from N Sync, the rest of Backstreet, Mr. Wright, JT and Joey's family. I guess we can seat some people on my side from your list. Who are you going to ask to be your best man?" Nikki asked.

"AJ is my best friend so I'll probably ask him. What about your Maid of Honor?" Howie replied.

"Well, since I don't have any female friends here except for Lydia, I figured I could ask her. Wait! Where the hell am I going to find a dress this late?" Nikki asked in a panic, getting up to grab the phone. Howie watched in amusement as she moved around, a bundle of nervous but excited energy.

Nikki began to pace as she made call after call, finally nailing down a bridal salon on the island that had the style that she wanted. She went to get the baby's bouncy seats while Howie was busy on the phone with his travel agent. She put them in, watching them kick happily as they cooed. Suddenly Nikki stopped, swinging around to watch Howie as he handled his share of the wedding details.

"Damn, I don't have anybody to give me away! I mean the boys are obviously out of the question. JC is angry with me, Joey is... well that just wouldn't feel right, and I don't know anybody else," Nikki stated, flopping down on the couch.

"Well, you know Chris. Why not ask him?" Howie replied, finishing his call and hanging up to dial another number on his cell. "Hi Mom, it's me. Yeah, I 'm fine... No, everything is really good... Listen Ma I have something important to tell you... NO I'm not gay Mom!"

"Yes I have a girlfriend... yes, she's beautiful and she's very good for me... well, she has a set of twin boys and they are the most adorable babies on Earth, but that's not what I called to tell you." Howie stated, rolling his eyes at Nikki, earning himself a giggle. "No Mom, what I wanted to tell you is that I'm getting married... yes she loves me, at least she says she does. She's kind of crazy, so I take it with a grain of salt."

"Hey! Don't be making me look bad to my future mother in law you brat!" Nikki said, laughing as she smacked him on the arm.

"You hush sweet girl," Howie replied, kissing her before continuing his phone conversation. Nikki walked around behind him, nibbling on his neck while he talked. "No Mom, she just smacked my arm for being smart with you... what do you mean "good for her"? Ma! I am not a smart-ass... sure you can talk to her. Nicole, my mother wants to talk to you."

"Howie, I can't talk to your Mom! What if she hates me? What if she forbids me---," Nikki began, stopping when Howie claimed her lips in a scorching kiss.

"She won't hate you mija. She just wants to talk to you." Howie replied, caressing her cheek as he handed her the phone. "Just talk to her baby. I'll be right here."

"Hello Mrs. Dorough," Nikki said nervously, never taking her eyes off of Howie.

"Hello Nicole. You have no reason to be afraid to speak to me mija. I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the family." Paula Dorough stated. "Do you all need any help with your wedding plans or anything? How old are your sons? What are their names? When will I be able to meet your parents?"

"Well right now we are really just in the beginning of the planning stages so we are alright. But if I need your help I will definitely call you." Nikki replied, looking at Howie like a deer caught in the headlights. "Umm my sons are almost two months old. Their names are Joshua Christopher and Joseph Christian Fatone. My mother should be at the wedding, but mi padre passed away when I was fifteen."

"Did you say Fatone? As in Joey Fatone from NSync?" Paula asked in amazement. "I didn't know that he had any children besides Brianna."

"Well neither did he until our paternity test came back. That's how Howie and I met, through Joey when he brought me to Orlando to stay with him." Nikki explained.

"Oh okay. Well I have only one more question for you. How do you feel about my son?" Paula asked.

"Mrs. Dorough, I love him with my whole heart. The only other men that I love almost as much as him are my sons. The three of them combined are the reason that I wake up every morning. They are the first things I think of in the morning, and Howie is my last though at night. There is absolutely nothing that I would not do to keep him happy, safe and well loved." Nicole declared candidly.

"Then that is all I need to know. Congratulations mija and you continue to make my son smile for me okay?" Paula stated, smiling on her end of the phone. "Tell my son that I will talk to him again later. I have to start calling family and getting ready for the wedding."

"I'll tell him. Bye Mrs. D," Nikki replied, closing the phone and going over to where Howie sat playing with Joshua. "Your Mom said that she would call you later. She needed to start rounding up family for the wedding."

"Oh man, we might have a thousand people there." Howie said in mock horror. "Did you mean all of the things you said to my mother about how you felt?"

"All that and more baby... all that and more," Nikki replied, kissing him while the babies kicked and babbled in their seats.

// Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- Early Morning //

"Welcome to the Chevreux Bourges Villa." Julian stated, welcoming JT and Kevin into the house.

"Thank you sir." JT stated, shaking Julian's hand.

"I'm Julian and I am the keeper of the villa." Julian spoke. "Anything you need sirs, just as and I will do my best to produce."

"Okay." JT stated. "Just point me in the direction to go for sleep and we can save the rest of this until later."

"Right this way sirs." Julian spoke as they all walked down a short corridor to a set of rooms.

"Wow this place is beautiful." JT stated.

"It sure is." Kevin stated, holding JT's hand.

"Here's your room sir and this room here is for you." Julian spoke as Kevin and JT looked at him strangely. "Is there a problem sirs?"

"Oh well...well we normally share a room." Kevin spoke, holding up his and JT 's entwined fingers.

"Oh you two are?" Julian motioned at their hands.

"Well duh, I don't think we would be holding hands if we were not." JT stated, turning and placing a kiss on Kevin's lips. "He's my man, my big daddy."

"Oh yeah baby." Kevin growled wrapping his arms around JT as they both got a little carried away with things.

"Uh hmmmm." Julian cleared his throat, trying to get JT and Kevin's attention while they were almost stripping each other of their clothes, standing there in the hallway.

"Oh, we're sorry. We got a little carried away." Kevin stated, wiping his mouth and then wiping JT's mouth too.

"It's quite alright, it's not like I haven't seen Sir Justin and Sir Nick doing the nasty. It's nothing I haven't seen before." Julian stated, turning around and walking in the other direction. "My room is down on the other end of the hall. If you have any needs just press the button on the wall and tell me what you need."

"Well could you tell us where we can get married?" Kevin asked, kissing JT quickly.

"Get married?" JT asked, looking at Kevin with a loving look in his eyes.

"That's right baby. While we were on the plane, I had the strangest notion, baby I want to marry you and marry you now." Kevin stated, kissing JT passionately on the lips, as Julian had to clear his throat again to bring them back to reality.

"I'm sorry, but you two can't get married in Paris." Julian spoke.

"What do you mean we can't get married Julian?" JT asked, walking over to Julian.

"I am saying that you can't get married here in Paris." Julian stated, stepping back from JT.

"Would you mind telling me why I can't get married Julian?" JT asked, walking closer to Julian, scaring the man.

"Well sir you can't get married because the two of you haven't been residents here in Paris for more than a month and you haven't gone through the required sessions with the mairie nor have you obtained any of the marriage paperwork." Julian stated.

"What paperwork?" Kevin asked.

"There are just certain documents you need to file before you can get married in Paris." Julian stated.

"Can't you lie and say we have been here?" Kevin asked.

"No I will not lie about something like that just so you can get married." Julian stated. "If you two want to get married here in Paris, then I suggest you go tomorrow and get all the documentation needed."

"Oh hell. This would have been so romantic. I guess we can wait until we get back to the States." Kevin stated.

"I guess so baby, nice thought though." JT stated, hugging Kevin. "Why don 't we get to bed, we have a lot of stuff to do."

"Yeah come on babe. I do want to get you into the bed, besides I am beat and I would like to experience the JT ride." Kevin stated, winking his eyes.

"Oh damn, come on, let's get busy." JT stated, pulling Kevin into the room.

// Paris International Police -- Lockup //

"Alright buddy on your feet." The officer said to Justin, waking him up. "Inspector Tetreau will see you now."

"What, who is that?" Justin asked, getting up, rubbing his ass as the guard opened the cell.

"He's the Inspector that talked to you last night pretty boy." The guard spoke, pushing Justin, making him walk in the direction of the interview room.

"Hey man you ain't gotta push me." Justin stated, stumbling a little.

"If you moved a little faster, I wouldn't push your faggot ass now would I." The guard stated, laughing as the door opened and Justin was led to a table.

"Hello Mr. Timberlake. Are you ready to tell us what was really going on or are you going to continue to lie about it?" The inspector asked.

"Why you asking me about this shit man, you got us on tape, so why bother?" Justin asked, turning away from the man.

"Because we need you to confess to your crime." The inspector stated.

"I am not confessing to anything." Justin stated.

"Oh you will confess." The inspector stated, reaching under the table and rubbing Justin's leg. "Or you can take the second offer I gave you."

"Don't touch me man!" Justin screamed as the guard appeared in the doorway.

"Why shouldn't I touch you? You are a very handsome young man." The inspector stated, trying to touch Justin's leg again.

"I said don't touch me man!" Justin screamed, this time jumping out of the chair.

"Sit back down fag boy now!" The guard spoke walking into the room with Justin and the inspector.

"You do what you have to do, but I am not sitting back down. He has his hands all over me. I am not going to put up with this harassment any longer." Justin stated as another man walked into the room.

"Do we have a problem here Inspector Tetreau?" The man asked, walking into the room.

"Everything is fine in here Chief Janson." The inspector spoke, staring Justin down.

"What was the commotion I just heard?" Chief Janson asked.

"It seems Mr. Timberlake here is refusing to cooperate with me." The inspector spoke.

"Like hell I won't! You have been touching me since you brought me here." Justin spoke, sliding back against the wall.

"What do you mean by that kid?" Chief Janson asked.

"Well first he came on to me, then second he told me that if I slept with him all of this would go away, then he's been touching me ever chance he got and those guards haven't done anything to stop him." Justin stated.

"Is this true Inspector Tetreau?" Chief Janson asked.

"No it's not true. Why would I do something like that, I have a loving wife at home that takes care of me." The inspector stated.

"You're lying and you know it!" Justin yelled, acting as though he was about to punch the inspector as two more guards ran into the room.

"Calm down Mr. Timberlake. Inspector Tetreau come with me please." Chief Janson spoke.

// Outside the Interrogation Room //

"Look man I don't know what's going on with you, but I have heard complaints like this before. If you are making passes at that kid stop right now. We don't need this again and you know it." Chief Janson spoke.

"I haven't made any passes at that kid. He's only lying so he can get away with what he and his little boyfriend did." The inspector spoke.

"So if I ask the guards around and view the tape from yesterday I won't see anything suspicious with your hand movements correct?" Chief Janson asked.

"Oh alright, I might have put my hand on his leg, but it was in a friendly way." The inspector spoke.

"I have warned you about this sort of thing before. Send Mr. Timberlake back to his cell and you get to my office now." Chief Janson spoke.

"Yes sir." The inspector stated, walking back into the room.

// 30 Minutes Later - In Justin's Cell //

"No, stop! Don't! Please stop!" Justin screamed, trying to push the inspector off of him.

"Shut up you filthy bitch and take it like a man!" The inspector shouted, slapping Justin across his face. "Why won't you let me do to you, what you were going to do to your boyfriend in the stall? I don't see why I can't plug you the same way."

"Please man, don't do this. Let me go!" Justin screamed out, kicking the man in the crotch, running to the other side of the cell and sitting in the corner as he cried.

"You fucking bitch!" The inspector screamed out just as two guards arrived at the cell.

"What's going on here Inspector Tetreau?" The first guard asked.

"Nothing. Nothing is going on here." The inspector stated, bending over, holding his crotch.

"Sir are you okay?" The first guard asked.

"I'll be fine. I came down to ask Mr. Timberlake here some more questions and ..." The inspector stated just as Justin started speaking.

"He tried to rape me so I kicked him in his fucking nuts!" Justin screamed out as the inspector lunged forward trying to grab him in the process.

"Get him away from me." Justin stated, standing up to show the guards how his clothes had been torn.

"Are you okay man?" The second guard asked, opening the cell door, pulling Justin away from Inspector Tetreau, and placing handcuffs on him.

"Take those cuffs off of him. Get him to the infirmary while I go get the chief." The first guard stated, closing the door with Inspector Tetreau still sitting in the cell holding his crotch.

// The Police Infirmary //

"Okay Mr. Timberlake I need you to drop your pants." The doctor stated.

"What for? He didn't have sex with me, he only tried." Justin stated.

"So you are saying that there was no physical sexual intercourse between you two?" The doctor asked.

"No. He only beat me up and tore up my clothes." Justin stated, looking at the doctor strangely.

"Well why are you here young man?" The doctor asked.

"The guard brought me in here." Justin stated, getting an attitude with the doctor. "Look man, I have been here for a whole day away from my friend with a cop making passes at me and trying to get my to let him have his way with me. Can I at least speak with my lawyer?"

"Speak with your lawyer?" The doctor asked.

"That's right. I haven't spoken to a lawyer since I've been here." Justin stated. "If I haven't I am quite sure my friend hasn't either. You guys are violating my rights to counsel. I oughta sue you people for not letting me call for a lawyer."

"I am doing no such thing. Just stay right here and I will go find out what 's the deal with that." The doctor spoke, taking his gloves off and leaving the room.

// Back at The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- The Dining Room //

"Good morning sirs, how did you sleep?" Julian asked as JT and Kevin dragged into the room.

"I slept like a baby." JT stated, sitting in the chair at the table.

"I can't remember how I slept. Seems like every time I would get comfortable, a certain someone would push me out of bed." Kevin stated, glaring at JT.

"I'm sorry baby. I really didn't mean to push you out of bed. I only did it because you rolled over and farted baby. I didn't want to smell that shit." JT stated, turning his nose up at Kevin.

"Ewwww baby, why did you tell him?" Kevin asked.

"I'm sorry baby, but it's the natural truth. Will you please forgive me?" JT asked, kissing Kevin on the cheek.

"I guess I can." Kevin stated, picking up the cup of coffee Julian placed in front of him. "Mmmm this is good. What is it?"

"Hazelnut and Chocolate blend." Julian spoke, sliding a cup in front of JT.

"Mmmm this is good. I might need to start trying out new things." JT stated, taking another sip of his coffee. "Kev you might not need to continue drinking this, it might make you gassy."

"Oh hush." Kevin stated. "Are you done laughing at my expense?"

"Julian has Howard Marshall showed up yet?" JT asked, walking over to the window.

"Not yet sir." Julian spoke. "I was expecting him to be with you."

"Well he wasn't at the airport and he isn't answering his cell phone." JT stated. "I might need to call Johnny."

"Give him until ten baby. I know there's another flight coming in at nine." Kevin stated.

"That's not the point Kevin. He was supposed to be on that plane with us last night." JT stated.

// Somewhere in Paris -- An Unknown Hotel //

"Good morning Mrs. Richardson, here is your order. Also one of the bellboys will be bringing the rest of your luggage up in a few minutes." The concierge spoke.

"Thank you sir." Kristin spoke, handing the man a tip and closing the door. "If I can't be happy with my husband, I will be happy spending his money."

"Are you sure it was wise inviting me here? " Kristin heard from behind her.

"Yes it was wise. I think its poetic justice that you are here with me." Kristin stated. "My husband is with your ex, so I find that rather


"I thought you two were divorced." The man spoke, wrapping his arms around Kristin and kissing her neck.

"We are not divorced, we are somewhat separated." Kristin stated, turning around in the man's arms and kissing him passionately.

"Just separated?" The man asked.

"Yes separated and that's it. He decided that he wanted to be gay and sort out his feelings, so I gave him the opportunity to do that. There's only so much rejection a woman can take before she starts to miss the touch of a man that wants her. I'm tired of sitting around needing the caresses of a man." Kristin explained.

"Well you don't have to look any further, I will caress you as much as you want me too." The man stated, pulling Kristin down on the bed.

// Back at the International Police //

"Good morning. I'm Howard Marshall; I'm the lawyer for Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter. I would like to speak to my clients." Howard Marshall stated, speaking with the man behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, but the time for you to speak with your clients have passed." The desk sergeant spoke.

"Excuse me, I demand to see my clients right now or I will have the American Embassy all over this place." Howard stated. "I have an court order here from a judge for the release of Mr. Timberlake and Mr. Carter."

"What judge gave you an order and why?" The desk sergeant asked.

"I got the order from Judge Orman Nowak and it pertains to you illegally seizing my clients and depriving them of legal counsel." Howard spoke, handing the document over to the man.

"We did not deprive them of legal counsel." The desk sergeant spoke, handing the document back to Howard.

"What do you call holding someone in here for two days without letting them go?" Howard asked.

"We have been questioning them." The desk sergeant spoke.

"You will not be questioning them any longer. By this document, they are free to go. Again, I demand that you let me see my clients and now."

"Okay right this way sir." The desk sergeant stated, leading Howard through some doors as he got to Nick first.

"Mr. Carter, I'm Howard Marshall. Are you okay?" Howard asked.

"Hello sir. I'm okay as I am going to get considering I am in jail and haven't had food in two days and they won't let us go home." Nick spoke, rubbing his eyes.

"Well that's about to change." Howard stated. "Get him his belongings and remove those handcuffs from him and now."

"You can't just come in here giving orders." The guard spoke, as the desk sergeant grabbed his arm.

"Oh yes I can. Where's Mr. Timberlake?" Howard asked, looking at the guard.

"He's in the Infirmary." The guard spoke.

"What is Mr. Timberlake doing in the infirmary pray tell?" Howard asked.

"Well ah...ah...ah..."

"What happened to Justin?" Nick asked, standing up now.

"Well we're waiting." Howard spoke as the guard walked out of the room.

"Oh I hope he is going to get Mr. Timberlake. I am saying this now, if something happened to him you are in big trouble mister. You have kept my clients here without arrest for two days, haven't provided them with food or water and one of them could be possibly hurt. This does not fly well." Howard stated as Justin walked in with the guard.

"Nicky. Baby are you okay?" Justin stated, hugging Nick and kissing him.

"I'm fine baby, how about you?" Nick asked.

"I'm okay now." Justin stated.

"What happened to your clothes?" Nick asked.

"It's a long story that I don't want to talk about right now." Justin spoke. "Howard what are you doing here? Did Johnny send you to get us


"Yes he did. How did you know who I was?" Howard asked.

"You handled Josh's bankruptcy case, I was there during the time." Justin spoke, still hugging on to Nick.

"Well I guess that explains a lot." Howard stated. "Come on people. Get these guys belongings so they can get out of here and forget this over happened."

"Yes I want to forget this over happened." Justin stated as a guard came into the room with two packets, handing one to Justin and Nick each.

"You guys are free to go." The desk sergeant stated, with a mean look on his face.

"Thank you gentlemen. Have a nice day." Howard stated as he, Justin and Nick walked out.

"You be sure that all the information on those two get shredded. We don't need this shit coming back to bite us in the ass." The desk sergeant spoke. "What happened to the last guy?"

"Inspector Tetreau tried to rape him, but was unsuccessful." The guard spoke.

"What? Oh fuck. This shit isn't going away is it?" The desk sergeant asked.

"I don't think it will. I see some massive troubles for us in the near future." The guard spoke, walking away from the desk sergeant.

// Molokai, HI -- Lydia's Hotel Room //

"When are you going to tell him baby?" Craig asked, holding Lydia in his arms. "I talked to him earlier today and he seems strange. You have to tell him."

"I can't tell him, not now. Things are happening too fast baby." Lydia stated, kissing Craig on his cheek.

"Baby you are only making things worse. Ben is on his way here and if he sees us together like this all hell well break loose." Craig stated.

"What do you want me to tell?" Lydia asked. "What do you want me to say Craig? Here, let me try this out. Baby I'm leaving you for Craig."

"Yeah and he would probably try to kill me too with those very words." Craig stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Oh great it's him." Lydia stated, looking out the window. "What are we gonna do now?"

"I don't know, but he's going to want to know why I am here." Craig stated, walking over to the table. "Just let him in and tell him the truth."

"No Craig, I won't tell him the truth." Lydia stated as the knocking continuted.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 60: Twilight in Paris 6

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