My Kinda Guy

Published on Apr 4, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Twilight In Paris Chapter 3 by JT Poole

// Paris, France -- Paris International Police //

"Oh great, oh great. If I didn't have problems now, I surely will have some when this is all over." Justin stated as police officer came into the room that he was in.

"Okay mister, tell me what was going on again?" The officer asked Justin with a heavy French accent.

"I told you that my friend needed help with something in the bathroom and I went in to help him." Justin spoke, shaking his head at the man.

"That's not the story we have." The officer stated, walking around the table, slamming his hand down on the table in front of Justin. "Now tell me what happened again."

"I have told you what happened." Justin stated, getting agitated now. "What is it that you want to hear man?"

"I want to hear the truth." The officer stated. "When your story and your little friend's story matches, then we can get down to business."

"I told you what happened, and I am quite sure my friend told you what happened." Justin stated. "If you are not going to charge us with anything, you need to let us go."

// Two Rooms Down //

"Look we have gone through this six times already, I told you he was helping me with something." Nick stated, as the officer across the table looked at him and waved his finger at him.

"That's not what happened and you know it. You story and your friend's story don't match. When you tell us the truth about what you were doing in that bathroom stall, then we can charge you and send you on your way." The officer stated.

"I told you what was going on. If you are not going to charge us with anything you need to let us go." Nick stated, getting upset. "If I am going to be here I might as well have my lawyer here since you are questioning me and I have told you the truth."

"You don't need a lawyer, you are not under arrest." The officer stated.

"Well in that case, why am I being held here?" Nick asked.

"Because you and your friend did something and we want the both of you to tell us what really happened." The officer spoke.

"I am quite sure both of us have told you what really happened." Nick stated.

"That's right you both have told us what you wanted to say, but you haven't told us the truth." The officer stated, walking over to the television that was in the room and turning it on, as there on the screen was an image of Justin and Nick undressing each other in the bathroom stall.

"Oh my fucking God." Nick spoke under his breathe.

"Do you want to change your story now kid?" The officer asked.

"I don't have to change it, you know the answer." Nick stated.

// Back with Justin //

"Okay I am going to prove to you that you are lying to us. Take a look at this." The officer stated, walking over to the television that was in the room and turning it on as there was footage of Justin and Nick's actions previously on the tape.

"Oh fuck." Justin stated.

"Yeah that's the truth now, you were fucking in the toilet." The officer stated.

"No we were not fucking, we were about to fuck until you guys interrupted us." Justin stated.

"Well all in all, you both were undressed and in our book that's a lewd and vulgar act." The officer stated, walking around to Justin and sitting next to him. "This can all go away if you give me some of what you were going to give him."

"What the fuck!" Justin screamed. "Are you trying to blackmail me or something?"

"No I am not blackmailing you at all, I am just saying that I can make this go away for you." The officer stated, scooting his chair a little closer to Justin now. "Just give me a little something and I promise you that all of this will go away and you and your friend can go back to your lives. If not, then the both of you can stay here in jail and go through a public trial."

// Molokai, HI - King Tonowan Hospital - JT's ICU Room //

"Well you have been doing good for the last few hours. Are you ready to get out of here?" Dr. Benson asked.

"Of course I am ready." JT spoke. "I don't like hospitals and I will do everything I can to get out of here."

"I can't release you. From what your sister told me, you are a work-a-holic and you would only get back to work. If I release you, you have to get rest and not strain yourself. Your body needs to finish healing." Dr. Benson stated, reading through JT's chart.

"How long?" JT asked.

"At least a few months." Dr. Benson spoke. "You need to get lots of rest. You shouldn't be doing too much of anything."

"Well that takes the fun out of life doc." JT spoke.

"Well if you strain your body it might take the life out of you." Dr. Benson spoke, writing something on his clipboard. "You will need to come see me in April, at that time we can determine if the damage to your body has completely healed."

"In a few months I would have lost my mind by then." JT spoke.

"I am not going to let you loose your mind." Kevin stated. "I am going to make sure you don't do anything too strenuous like the doctor says."

"Good Mr. Richardson, you be sure to keep him resting." Dr. Benson spoke. "And Mr. Richardson, keep the play to a minimum in the bedroom. "

"How did you know?" Kevin asked.

"I see how you two look at each other, I can see the love between the two of you." Dr. Benson spoke. "Again, keep the play in the bedroom to a minimum, nothing too rough and any action should be passive."

"Okay doctor." JT stated. "Can I get up out of here now?"

"Yes you can get out of here, as soon as the nurses come and disconnect everything from you." Dr. Benson spoke. "By that time I should have all of your discharge papers complete."

"Thank you doctor." JT stated.

"Yes, thank you Dr. Benson." Kevin stated, shaking Dr. Benson's hand as he walked out of the room.

"Wow he's talking about action, like he knew we had sex. I am quite sure we can do something that isn't strenuous to me." JT spoke as the nurse came in and started disconnecting the wires and the IV.

// Molokai, HI -- At the Hotel //

"Well if it isn't the bitch from hell. I thought you would have been dead by the time I got back." Brian stated, walking into the hotel lobby to see Nikki walking towards the restaurant.

"What the hell do you want Brian, I am not looking to get my nerves rattled by you right now." Nikki stated, as Brian walked over to her.

"What do I want? I want you to leave and never come back again." Brian stated.

"What will I leaving get you?" Nikki asked.

"You would be gone and I wouldn't have to look at your ugly face again." Brian stated as Nikki pushed him up against a nearby wall.

"Look here Brian, I don't like being around you either. For all the drama you have created since meeting you, I am glad I will be getting away from a bastard like you. If you don't ever hear it from anyone else, you will hear it from me. You are a conniving, manipulative, pain in the ass creep. Unlike Tony, I hope you do root in hell. I don't have his heart for forgiving you, in any case I will never forgive you for what you have done. You have hurt me; you hurt him and other people. Because of you, other people have gotten hurt because of your actions Brian and for that I wish you were dead." Nikki stated, turning around, crying now as she came to the realization that she had never in her life wished death on anyone before.

"You bitch!" Brian screamed, taking a swing at Nikki as she caught his hand, punched him in the stomach and threw him to the ground.

"Owwww! I'm gonna get you bitch!" Brian screamed, jumping up, grabbing Nikki by her hair and pulling her down to the ground.

"Arggggghhhh!!!!" Nikki screamed, trying to grab for Brian unsuccessfully.

"I'm gonna kill you bitch, I'm gonna make sure that you don't bother me or anyone else for that matter, ever again." Brian stated, dragging Nikki by her hair.

"You are going to do no such thing!" Nikki screamed, grabbing Brian by his leg, causing him to trip and fall, jumping on top of him, punching him in the face. "You will not hurt me again! My father hurt me! My husband hurt me! I will be damned if I let you hurt me!"

"Miss, please miss, stop this fighting." A hotel employee stated, trying to pull Nikki off of Brian as she continued to punch him in the face.

"Get off of me!" Brian screamed as he continued to struggle under Nikki's weight on top of him as she continued to punch him more.

"Miss you are causing considerable damage to him." The hotel employee spoke, as there was a puddle of blood under Brian's head.

"I haven't done enough damage to him!" Nikki screamed as Joey and JC ran into the room.

"Nikki stop! You are killing him!" Joey screamed out, trying to pull Nikki off of Brian as he lay there on the floor not moving.

"I am not done with him yet, I am not done with him yet!" Nikki screamed, struggling with Joey now to get free.

"Nikki stop, he's not moving, he might be dead." JC stated, leaning down in front of Brian. "Someone get an ambulance!"

"I hope he is dead! He deserves death for everything he has done!" Nikki screamed as Brian suddenly started coughing, spitting up blood. "He's not dead, let me at him some more!"

"No Nikki, you have done enough." Joey stated, hugging Nikki as she cried.

"I haven't done enough, he hurt you, he hurt you and me." Nikki stated, holding on to Joey.

"I know he did Nikki, but he will get what's coming to him from a higher power." Joey stated, as Howie, AJ and Chris walked into the room.

"What's going on in here?" Chris asked.

"That damn bitch tried to kill me." Brian spoke out as he coughed again, spitting out more blood just as the paramedics arrived.

"Keep on buddy, Tony won't be able to save you again." Nikki stated, turning around, looking at Brian.

"Calm down baby." Howie stated, walking over to Nikki, hugging her close to his chest. "Just let the anger pass. Let it all go. I'm here now, don't worry about Brian."

"I can care less about him. He's lucky you guys got here when you did or he wouldn't be on that stretcher right now, he would be dead." Nikki stated, walking away from Howie.

"Baby, baby come back here." Howie called out, running after Nikki.

// 10 Miles Away at Another Hotel //

"Craig I don't know about this, what if this gets out, what if JT finds

out?" Lydia asked.

"What if he does, so what, I love you, you love me. That's all that matters." Craig spoke, wrapping his arms around Lydia, kissing her passionately.

"Craig I do love you, but I don't want to hide this from him, he's my brother, and I don't want him to think I lied to him or anything." Lydia spoke. "He has asked me too many time how things are going with Ben and I and I don't know what else to say."

"Why don't you go ahead and tell him what's going on." Craig spoke.

"I can't do that, if he found out that Ben was cheating on me, I don't know what he would do. He would probably hunt Ben down and kill him." Lydia stated. "I don't want that on my consciousness."

"I know honey, I know, but to save you the trouble of lying about what's going on with you two, just tell him baby, and ask him not to hurt Ben." Craig stated, just as his cell phone started ringing. "Is that yours?"

"That's your phone. Go ahead and answer it." Lydia stated.

"I don't want to answer it." Craig stated, looking at the number on the caller id. "It's your brother, I am not ready to talk to him yet."

"Why not? You haven't talked to him since that bastard shot him." Lydia spoke. "You are his friend, you didn't even visit him."

"I know, I just don't know how to talk to him. It's my fault that Michael shot him. If I was in place like I was supposed to had been, Michael would have never been able to shoot him." Craig stated, sitting down on the bed.

"Well listen to his voice mail message and then call him back. I am quite sure he would like to talk to the person that he values as his friend so much." Lydia stated, taking Craig's phone and dialing the voicemail number. "Here listen."

--- Voicemail Message from JT ---

"Hey buddy, where you been? Oh well, guess you are busy. I am being released from the hospital at this moment, but I am not able to return to work. After talking to Johnny, he said that you should take my place being in charge of everything else for the N Sync and Backstreet guys. With that taken care of, a problem has developed in Paris with Justin and Nick. On the request of Johnny, he wanted me to fly over and see about helping them out as needed. I am going to get there and set up security detail for the two of them and if possible, spend a few weeks there for myself. I am going to take Kevin with me and hopefully we can get things back to normal with the two of us. I will talk to you later on and advise you of any changes. Until then...


--- End Voicemail Message ---

"He's going to Paris where Nick and Justin are. It seems there's a problem with the two of them over there so he's going to set up security and the such and Kevin's going with him." Craig spoke.

"Good that gives me enough time to think about what to do about Ben." Lydia stated.

"Are you sure that will be enough time?" Craig asked. "I want you now, I want to marry you. How is JT going to take it that we were together all this time when you finally tell him?"

"I don't know, but we will think of something." Lydia stated, kissing Craig on the cheek and walking out of the room.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 58: Twilight in Paris 4

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