My Kinda Guy

Published on Apr 3, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Twilight In Paris Chapter 2 by JT Poole (Some elements by MzNikkiGotStyle)

// Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa //

"Hey baby, are you sure you are okay?" Justin asked, rubbing Nick's back.

"Yes honey I am fine, I told you I am fine." Nick stated, kissing Justin on the check. "Don't worry about me so much baby."

"Well I have to worry about you when you are not yourself baby." Justin stated. "You haven't had a regular meal since our wedding night baby."

"I am just trying to loose weight baby, I am fat as it is." Nick stated.

"Baby you are not fat." Justin stated, rubbing Nick's stomach now. "I love you just the way you are."

"Well I feel I need to loose some pounds. When I look in the mirror at myself, I am disgusted at my image. I am flabby all over." Nick stated, tears running down his face.

"Stop it baby. You are not flabby, you are the most beautiful person in the world to me." Justin stated, wrapping his arms around Nick, holding him closer to his body. "You stop talking like this baby, you are the perfect man for me."

"Baby..." Nick spoke as Justin, covered his lips with his own, kissing him, eliciting a moan from him.

"I love you Nick, just the way you are." Justin stated. "Let's go eat. Julian is downstairs with food."

"How do you know that?" Nick asked.

"He called earlier while you were still sleeping." Justin stated, kissing Nick on the cheek. "Come on babe, let's go."

"I..." Nick trailed off. "Okay baby I will eat. Pass me my robe."

"Here you go baby, now coming on, I am starving." Justin spoke, as he and Nick walked hand-in-hand out of the room.

// Molokai, HI -- King Tonowan Hospital -- JT's ICU Room //

"Look, I don't care what you say. Something's wrong with him! If he's complaining about he's in pain and grabbing his chest still, there's a problem!" Lydia screamed.

"Ms. Blair please calm down." The doctor spoke.

"I will not calm down. Something's wrong with my brother and you are not giving me any usable information." Lydia spoke.

"I'm sorry Ms. Blair, according to our test, he's supposed to be fine." The doctor spoke.

"Then maybe you missed something." Lydia stated.

"Ms. Blair please calm down." The doctor spoke. "We have done all that there is that we can do for him."

"I don't think you have. I want someone else to look at him, since it's his heart, I want a cardiologist to look at him and tell me what's wrong." Lydia stated.

"I will page Dr. Benson and get him down here, but he will tell you the same thing Ms. Blair." The doctor spoke.

"Get him down here, I would like to hear what he has to say." Lydia stated, pulling out her cell phone. "When I am off this phone, this Dr. Benson best be here with a good explanation of what's going on with my brother."

"I have to page him first, I don't even know if he's in the hospital or not Ms. Blair." The doctor spoke.

"I'm going to `talk' with our lawyers, when I get back, my brother be in a better condition." Lydia stated, walking away from the doctor.

"What's going on Lydia?" Kevin asked, walking through the door as Lydia was going out. "Why were you screaming? I heard you outside."

"I am going back to my hotel to get some rest. If the cardiologist, Dr. Benson doesn't come to see John, call me, I will be calling our lawyer. Something is very wrong around here." Lydia stated.

"What could possibly be wrong? The doctor said he didn't know what was wrong with JT, all the test doesn't show anything wrong." Kevin stated.

"I don't believe that doctor ran all the test he claims he ran. If he had, we would know John's condition. Something just ain't right." Lydia stated, hugging Kevin. "I will be back later. I hope the cardiologist can find out what's wrong with him."

"I hope so too Lydia." Kevin stated as she walked out of the hospital. "Please God, bring him back to me. I wish things were back to normal."

// Back in Hawaii at the Hotel -- Nikki's Room //

"Well I am sorry Howie, but my life and the lives of my babies are more important. You may not like the fact that I shot them but still, I was trying to protect myself. How was I supposed to know they were security? Those guys could have been with Michael or someone working with him." Nikki explained.

"But you shot them Nikki, you almost killed those men." Howie stated, walking away from her. "I know you were trying to protect yourself, but one shot would have done it, not ten."

"I am not going to argue with you about this matter any longer Howie, I have feelings for you but enough is enough. If you want to be in my life fine, but I am not going to sit here and try to justify my actions to you over this." Nikki stated, sitting down on the bed.

"Nikki, honey, I'm sorry, I just...I just...I don't like guns regardless of if you are protecting yourself or not." Howie stated.

"Tell you what, when Michael comes back for me and the babies and he does something to hurt me and the babies and possibly someone else here, like JT, then you tell him not to use a gun too. Don't just jump on my case about guns, guns can hurt and protect people." Nikki stated.

"I know guns can be used for protection, they can be used for lots of things, but..." Howie stated, being cut off by Nikki.

"Nothing Howie, I see we are not getting anywhere with this argument. You go back to your room and leave me here. When you can see past me shooting those guys, then you come back. I don't want to hear about this anymore from you Howie." Nikki stated, walking to the door and opening it, waiting for Howie to leave.

"I am not going to leave you Nikki, I am going to stay here with you." Howie stated.

"Oh no you're not. I am tired of dealing with you; you are getting up out of here. I don't care where you go but you have to get the hell out of here." Nikki stated, as Howie walked to the door.

"Fine Nikki I'll go, but I love you." Howie stated, kissing her on the cheek and walking out of the room. "Please baby, don't let this ruin us."

"If he loved me so much, he wouldn't care about me shooting Michael. He should be happy that me and the babies are alive." Nikki stated, walking over to the bed as the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Valente, this is James Baxter over at the medical hospital, your paternity test results are in." The man spoke. "If you like I can schedule you in now for you and Mr. Fatone to come in and view the test results."

"Mr. Baxter can you tell me the results over the phone?" Nikki asked.

"It's not policy for test results to be discussed over the phone. It shouldn't take long to review the results. If you would prefer to wait until tomorrow to do this, then I can make an appointment for you tomorrow." Mr. Baxter spoke.

"No sir, I will get Mr. Fatone and we should be there in a few minutes." Nikki stated.

"Okay Mrs. Valente I will expect you momentarily." Mr. Baxter spoke.

"See you then." Nikki stated, hanging up the phone. "Great, now all I need to do is get Tony and go see who the father of my babies are."

// 30 Minutes Later -- Down at the Medical Center //

"So I am the father." Joey stated, as he and Nikki walked down the hall.

"Well this is what the test says. You are 99.99% the father of Joshua and Joseph." Nikki spoke.

"I should be happy at this moment, but I feel I have done something wrong." Joey spoke as he and Nikki exited the building.

"You haven't done anything wrong, not in my eyes anyway. I am glad you are the father and not that damn Michael." Nikki stated, getting into the car.

"We already have enough issues with him, this just gives him something else to hate you for." Joey stated.

"Tony I believe he already knew he wasn't the father of the babies, he was the one that told me to get the paternity test." Nikki stated.

"Great, just great." Joey stated as they rode back to the hotel. "This just get more and more drawn out."

"I am not going to worry about Michael for right now. I am just happy that we are all alive." Nikki stated, holding Joey's hand. "So are you going to tell Josh?"

"I don't know. I actually don't know what to do right now." Joey stated. "I think I better call mom."

"What for?" Nikki asked.

"Well for advice." Joey stated.

"What do you need advice for?" Nikki asked. "You have two more babies under your belt, what can Phyllis tell you about that?"

"Yeah, I can at least call Bri and tell her that she has two brothers." Joey stated, pulling into the hotel parking lot. "Nikki, don't tell Josh and the others."

"Well I won't tell Josh, but the others already know. Brian already told them." Nikki stated.

"Brian? How did he know?" Joey asked.

"He somehow found out about the affair that we had. He added up the months and calculated the date of when our babies were conceived." Nikki stated.

"I don't see how he would know." Joey stated.

"From what he told me while I was kicking his ass, he knew you were sleeping with me when you were not sleeping with him." Nikki stated.

"Oh, well that would shed some light on things." Joey stated, as all the color drained from his face. "Does everyone but Josh knows about the babies?"

"He's the only one and Tony, just tell him and get it over with. Besides, I don't see the problem, we happened before you got with him."

"I don't know, I just feel like I have done some wrong things." Joey stated.

"The only thing that you could feel guilty about is sleeping with your brother's wife, other than that, there's nothing wrong that I know of that you did." Nikki stated, opening the car door. "Just sit him down and tell him that you are the father of the babies."

"I don't know how he will take it." Joey stated.

"Grow a backbone will ya." Nikki stated, closing the door and walking towards the door.

"Grow a backbone, hell my life is crumbling as we speak." Joey stated.

"What do you mean your life is crumbling Tony?" Nikki asked, turning around.

"I don't know what to do. I just told you that. What's going to happen between you and me? You are with Howie now and I have Josh. I can't be the father of the babies." Joey stated.

"Tony Fatone! You don't have to be with me to be a father to the babies." Nikki stated.

"I am not going to have any baby of mine growing up without a father

figure." Joey stated.

"Hello, you are the father, that doesn't mean they won't have a father figure in their lives." Nikki stated.

"Hello, Earth to Nikki, if your current situation is anything like the future of things to come in you life, the babies will grow up without a father." Joey stated as Nikki turned around and smacked him one.

"I am going to act like you didn't just say that." Nikki stated, walking through the doors, leaving Joey standing there holding his face.

// Chris and AJ's Room //

"No! Fuck you." AJ stated, walking towards the door. "I don't know what the hell I was thinking getting into a relationship with you."

"Excuse me! Brian is your friend, not mine!" Chris screamed, turning around.

"Yeah he's my friend, but you didn't have to go and kick his ass." AJ stated.

"He raped Joey, that's reason enough to kick his ass and kill him." Chris stated, throwing his hands up and walking back over to AJ. "If I had my way, I would cut his dick off and shove it up his ass."

"I know he raped Joey, but you should have let the law handle it, you didn't have to go and beat him like that. You could have killed him." AJ stated.

"Oh I was trying to." Chris stated.

"I am leaving now." AJ stated. "I am not going to stay here and listen to this crap. I don't know why you are trying to justify what you did to him."

"If you want to leave, then go ahead and leave. I am not going to beg you to stay here. I love you Alex, but I am not going to feel sorry for defending Joey." Chris stated, sitting back down on the bed. "Be sure to lock the fucking door behind you."

"Fine." AJ stated, walking out of the room and slamming the door.

// Molokai, HI -- King Tonowan Hospital -- JT's ICU Room //

"Excuse me Miss, are you Lydia Blair?" a tall gentleman with an English accent asked.

"Yes, I am Lydia Blair. Who are you?" Lydia asked.

"My name is Dr. Lyle Benson. I am the head of the Cardiology department here and I have just gotten your brother's lab reports back. I think I have pinpointed the problem." The doctor told her.

"What's wrong with my brother Doctor? He keeps screaming about being in intense pain, but the other doctors have said that there's nothing wrong with him. Did you find something?" Lydia asked, concern for her brother making her seem angry.

"Well Miss Blair, after looking at your brother's test results, I think that he might be suffering from lead poisoning." Dr. Benson replied.

"Lead poisoning? How is that possible?" Lydia wondered aloud.

"Has your brother ever been shot before?" Dr. Benson asked, taking out a pen to take notes.

"Yes. He was shot two years ago when he first started working for Johnny Wright. But it was only a flesh wound. Is that what's causing this reaction Dr. Benson?" Lydia asked

"It could very well be. The human body can develop antibodies with just a tiny exposure to an antigen. When your brother was shot, his immune system went into overdrive building up antibodies to the lead in the bullet. All it would have taken was another exposure to the antigen, in this case lead, for his body to produce a massive histamine reaction." The doctor explained.

"From what you have said, it seems like his body was just doing what it was supposed to do. Why is he in so much pain then?" Lydia demanded to know.

"Please Miss Blair, let me finish. Your brother has had a massive reaction to the lead in his body. Under normal circumstances, this is a self-limiting reaction. But in your brother's case for some reason his body did not cut off the reaction. It began to do some reversible damage to his muscles, but luckily it was caught in time to prevent any permanent damage. He is being treated with antibiotics and a histamine blocker. He should be regaining consciousness relatively soon," Dr Benson concluded.

"Oh thank God." Lydia stated, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer.

"If there's anything else you need Ms. Blair, just have one of the nurses page me." Dr. Benson spoke, picking up his clipboard and walking towards the door.

"Thank you doctor." Lydia stated, as Kevin walked into the room.

"Has there been any change in his condition Lydia?" Kevin asked, tears in his eyes.

"Yes Kevin, he's going to be okay. Dr. Benson just said he should be waking up shortly, he was having a bad reaction to some lead from the bullet." Lydia spoke.

"Oh thank God, I am glad my man is okay." Kevin stated.

"Well I am going to make some calls, you keep him company." Lydia stated, hugging Kevin and leaving the room.

"I will." Kevin stated. "Hey baby. Lydia says you are to wake up soon. I miss you. Why don't you hurry up and come back to me?"

Sitting down next to JT's bed, Kevin entwines his fingers with JT's and starts to hum a song. As he continued humming, he put the words to his humming.

"Some people live for the fortune Some people live just for the fame Some people live for the power yeah Some people live just to play the game Some people think that the physical things define what's within And I've been there before But that life's a bore So full of the superficial

Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything But everything means nothing If I ain't got you

Some people search for a fountain That promises forever young Some people need three dozen roses And that's the only way to prove you love them

Hand me the world on a silver platter And what good would it be? With no one to share, with no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything But everything means nothing If I ain't got you, you, you

Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything But everything means nothing If I ain't got you

If I ain't got you with me baby Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing If I ain't got you with me baby..." Kevin sang as he felt JT squeeze his hand.

"That was beautiful Kevin." JT spoke, opening his eyes.

"Baby you are awake. How do you feel?" Kevin asked, pressing the button to call the nurse in.

"I feel okay compared to the last time I was awake." JT spoke, rubbing his head, trying to sit up in the bed.

"No baby stay down. Wait for the doctor to come in. I don't want you doing anything that will delay you from being with me any longer." Kevin stated, placing a kiss on JT's lips. "I love you."

"I love you Kevin." JT stated, just as the nurse walked into the room.

// Back at the Hotel -- Nikki's Room //

"Who's there?" Nikki asked, walking towards the door.

"It's me Howie." Howie spoke from the other side of the door.

"What the hell do you want Howie?" Nikki asked, opening the door.

"Baby please..." Howie stated.

"I don't have anything to say to you Howie. You said what you had to say earlier today." Nikki stated.

"Well I have more to say." Howie stated.

"No you don't. Just go away Howie." Nikki stated.

"I am not leaving." Howie stated. "I still love you Nikki, I just don't like the idea that you shot people."

"Fuck you Howie." Nikki stated, getting ready to close the door on Howie.

"Gladly." Howie stated, stopping Nikki from closing the door, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her passionately.

"What are you doing Howie?" Nikki asked as Howie started undressing her.

"What does it look like baby?" Howie spoke, pulling her shirt over her head.

"We are not going to do this Howie." Nikki stated, pushing Howie away.

"Why not baby. I am not leaving this room until..." Howie spoke, being cut off by Nikki.

"Until what? What is it Howie, you want to bust a nut in me or something? Tell me, is that it?" Nikki spoke, getting an angry look on her face.

"I love you Nikki, I am not leaving you. You are stuck with me forever if that's possible." Howie stated.

"I am not just some sperm receptacle that you can use when you want. Telling me you love me isn't some magic way of getting me to give you sex." Nikki stated. "What is that you want Howie, why is it that you are here now?"

"I am sorry that I was rude to you earlier today." Howie stated. "When I saw you shoot Michael, it brought up some bad memories that I had buried."

"What kind of memories?" Nikki asked.

"The kind of memories that turn men like me into mean bitter men." Howie spoke.

"You are not making any sense Howie, what are you talking about?" Nikki asked. "Why don't you start from the beginning."

"Well a while ago back in college, I was held at gun point." Howie stated, grabbing Nikki by the hand and walking over to the bed and sitting down. "The person that held me up was someone that I could trust. He was my friend and he used a gun to hurt me."

"How did he hurt you?" Nikki asked, looking at Howie strangely now.

"He's the reason why I don't like gays." Howie stated.

"What did he do to you Howie?" Nikki asked. "Did he do something sexual to you?"

"He held the gun to my throat, force me into his car. He hit me with the gun and made me drive us to a cabin out of town. Once we got to the cabin, he hit me again and made me get out of the car. Once we were inside the cabin, he made me go take a shower. While I was showering, he kept telling me that what he was going to do was something that he knew I wanted." Howie explained.

"Oh my God, who did this to you?" Nikki asked.

"Let me finish baby." Howie stated, as Nikki grabbed his hand, placing a kiss on it. "Anyway, when I stepped out of the shower, he was standing in the bathroom naked waiting for me. He handed me a towel and told me to dry off. I dried off as he said and he directed me back to the main room of the cabin. He pushed me into the room and I fell on the floor. He told me to stay down there and to pleasure him like I know I wanted to. I didn't want to do anything with him, but he put the gun to my head and told me that if I didn't, he would pull the trigger. So as he wanted, I put his cock in my mouth and started sucking him. After a few minutes of sucking, he started coming. He hit me with the gun across my forehead and told me it was my fault for making him cum to quick. He then pushed me back on the floor where he had a sleeping bag laid out. He directed me back to the sleeping bag and told me to get on my hands and knees."

"No Howie, I don't want to hear anymore." Nikki stated, now with tears in here eyes.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but I need to tell you all of this." Howie stated, leaning over, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I don't want to hear about your pain. Please stop." Nikki stated,

"Please baby, I need to tell you this." Howie stated, holding her hand tighter. "As I was there with my body turned away from him, he spit on my ass and then I felt his fingers moving inside of me. I cried out for him to stop but he wouldn't listen to me. I turned to hit him, but he held the gun to my head again and threatened to pull the trigger. He had sex with me, he hurt me, used me and when he was done, I asked him could I shower. He got up off of me and told me to lay there in my filth. I started crying and then he shot me. He shot me in the arm. He said he had meant to kill me, but I guess all the drugs he had taken earlier that day had distorted his vision."

"Howie please." Nikki stated.

"Nikki, I am telling you the reason why I don't like guns." Howie stated. "I laid there on the floor holding my arm trying to stop the blood as he came back and shot me again."

"Who is this he?" Nikki asked.

"Lou, Lou Pearlman was the man that hurt me like that. He is the reason why I don't like gays." Howie stated, crying in Nikki's arms.

"You mean you guys' first manager Lou?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah one in the same." Howie stated, sniffling and wiping his eyes on his short.

"Baby I am so sorry that he did those things to you, but all gays in general are not like that. Nick, Justin, Lance, Carson or Kevin have treated you that way have they?" Nikki asked.

"No, no they haven't." Howie stated.

"Then that should tell you that all gays are not evil like that. You were mean to those guys because of Lou. I hope Lou is in prison for what he did to you." Nikki stated.

"No he's not, he did community service for a few months and that was it. He got the rape and the kidnapping charges thrown out of court." Howie stated, still crying. "The judge didn't believe that I had been kidnapped or rape, so he only cited him for the shooting."

"That's just wrong." Nikki stated.

"Yeah and from that point on it stuck in my head that gay people were mean sadistic people that could get away with anything." Howie stated, as Nikki pulled him into a lying position on the bed.

"Well things are alright now. I am not going to let anyone hurt you like that again." Nikki spoke, kissing Howie on the forehead.

"I am your protector, not you being mine." Howie spoke, holding on to Nikki now.

"Well at this moment, you need the comfort more than I do." Nikki stated, reaching over to the lamp and turning it off.

// In Tampa, FL -- Jane Carter's House //

"Look mom I know how much money is missing. You might as well come clean with it." Aaron stated.

"Aaron I didn't take any money from you." Jane spoke, walking around the room looking for something.

"Yes you did mom, don't lie about this. The chairman of the American Cancer Society called and said that they did not receive all the proceeds raised from that concert I did a couple of weeks back." Aaron stated, flinging his arms in the air.

"Aaron honey, I don't have any clue what you are talking about." Jane spoke.

"Try this out for size, out of the two hundred thousand dollars that was raised, they only received one hundred thousand of that money. Where did the other one hundred thousand go mother?" Aaron asked, throwing the account information at Jane.

"You are accusing me of stealing money from a charity? How could you accuse me, I'm your mother." Jane stated.

"Mom I know you, I know the things you do. I knew it would only be time before I actually had enough proof to get you on this." Aaron stated, pulling some more papers out of his pocket. "This is from my lawyers. I will see you in court."

"What the hell! Aaron come back here, where the hell are you going? What have you done?" Jane called out, running behind Aaron.

// Back in Paris -- The Eiffel Tower //

"Baby this is so beautiful." Nick stated as he and Justin stood in front of the Eiffel Tower kissing.

"This is a beautiful place. There's a restaurant over there. Let's go

eat." Justin stated as the two of them walked down the street to the restaurant hand-in-hand.

"What are you going to order baby?" Nick asked as they sat down at the table.

"I think I will have the duck." Justin stated.

"Good, I can share that with you." Nick stated, kissing Justin's hand.

"Oh baby, I know we had sex a few hours ago, but I want you again." Justin stated, breathing heavy.

"Baby we are in public, we can't have sex now." Nick stated.

"Yes we can. Let's go." Justin stated, grabbing Nick's hand and dragging him as he laughed to the bathroom.

"Justin this is the bathroom. We can't do it here either." Nick spoke.

"Come on baby, the thrill of doing it in a stall is turning me on." Justin spoke, grabbing Nick by the waist, pulling him close and placing a kiss on his lips. "Hell I can do you right here on the sink."

"No Justin, I would rather us go home, I don't want anyone walking in here while we are connected intimately like that." Nick stated, pushing Justin back a little. "I couldn't bare it if people knew how we had sex too."

"Oh come on baby, you know you want to do it." Justin stated, pulling Nick into the closet stall, opening his shirt as he kissed along his collarbone.

"Oh Justin, you are..." Nick trailed off as he leaned up against the wall of the stall panting heavy. "Oh God Justin, I want you right here right now."

"I want you too baby." Justin stated, unbuttoning Nick's pants, and turning him around. "Oh yeah, you aren't wearing boxers. You were prepared for this, that's my baby."

"Take me Justin, take me now." Nick moaned out as Justin continued to kiss along his neck.

"Oh shit yeah, I am going to fuck you good." Justin spoke out huskily. "Glad I came prepared too."

As Justin spoke those words, he pulled out a lubricated condom, opened it up and rolled it onto his hardness.

"Baby hurry up, I want to feel you inside of me." Nick moaned out, reaching his hands behind him, pulling Justin's hips closer to his ass. "Fuck me baby, I can't wait."

"I can't wait either baby." Justin stated as the exterior door to the bathroom opened and someone spoke.

"This is the police. Will the parties in the stall please come out in a decent manner." The voice stated.

ANTHOR'S NOTE: Musical Scores -- "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 57: Twilight in Paris 3

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