My Kinda Guy

Published on Mar 19, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris Chapter 1 by JT Poole

// Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa //

"Where are we?" Nick asked as the driver arrived at this quaint little place.

"Baby this is the Chevreux Bourges Villa, this is where we will be staying for the next few weeks on our honeymoon." Justin stated, kissing Nick on the cheek.

"Baby this place looks beautiful." Nick stated, as he and Justin stepped out of the car.

"Sirs, I am Julian Shantel-Baptiste, I will be your P.A. while you are here in Paris." The young man spoke.

"Wow a PA here?" Nick asked, walking up to the door of the villa. "Why do we need a PA?"

"Well knowing the guys, they probably hired someone to help us out that know their way around Paris." Justin spoke.

"Yeah I guess." Nick stated. "I am tired, why don't we go in and get situated so that we can take a nap or something."

"I am tired too baby, but we should eat first before we go to sleep and we also need to call the guys to let them know that we got here alright." Justin spoke, kissing Nick on the forehead.

"Oh alright, but I am really not hungry." Nick stated.

"Baby you haven't eaten since the wedding." Justin spoke. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah baby I am feeling fine, I'm just a little bit tired." Nick stated as they walked into the villa.

"Sirs you go ahead and rest, I will bring your bags in later." Julian spoke.

"Julian you don't have to call us sirs, we are Justin and Nick." Justin spoke.

"Okay Justin. I will be sure to keep that in mind." Julian spoke, closing the door behind him. "Let me show you two around and then I will leave


"Cool." Justin spoke as Julian started walking through the house pointing things out.

// Molokai, HI -- King Tonowan Hospital -- JT's ICU Room //

"Come on JT, we just met each other, you can't do this to me." Kevin spoke, sitting next to JT's bed. "I just found you and I am not ready to let you go. I love you."

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Kevin heard as a medium height black woman came into the room. "Why are you in here with him?"

"I'm Kevin, his boyfriend." Kevin spoke, getting up and walking towards the woman. "Who are you?"

"I'm his sister Lydia." The woman spoke. "So he finally got him someone in his life again. I thought after Will he was going to be single forever."

"Well no he has me." Kevin spoke, tears running down his eyes.

"It's going to be okay." Lydia said, reaching out and hugging Kevin. "He's going to come back to us, believe me he will."

"How do you know that?" Kevin asked, releasing from her. "He's been in that coma for four days now."

"I know, but things will get better, I promise you that. John isn't a quitter, he will fight tooth and nail to get back to all of us." Lydia spoke as Kevin started crying harder again.

"I hope so, I love him and I just can't let go..." Kevin stated as one of the machines started beeping behind him.

"Oh my God what is that?" Lydia asked turning around and looking at JT and the machines connected to him.

"It's the heart monitor! Oh God, he's flat-lining!" Kevin screamed, running out of the room to find a doctor.

"John don't you dare leave this place!" Lydia screamed as the doctors rushed into the room and the heart monitor returned to normal.

"Step back miss." The doctor stated, looking at the signs of the heart monitor and the other machines in the room and then picking up his chart. "Seems this was just a small drop in his heartbeat rhythm, but he seems to be fine considering his current condition."

"Doctor is there same way to get him out of this condition?" Lydia asked.

"Who are you miss?" The doctor asked.

"I'm Lydia Blair, his sister." Lydia spoke, extending her hand to the doctor.

"Ms. Blair as of the moment, we have repaired all the damage that was done to his body, it's just a matter of him wanting to wake up and so far he isn' t waking up." The doctor spoke.

"What kind of damage was there?" Lydia asked.

"Mr. Poole was shot point break in the chest, there was massive damage done to one of his lungs, he was lucky there was no damage to his heart. The bullet also exploded inside him, leaving fragments in different places in his body, luckily, we got all the fragments we were able to detect and repaired all the damage there was. The only cause for this coma is the shock he went through with all of this." The doctor spoke.

"So are you saying there is no explainable reason he is in the coma?" Lydia asked.

"So far there is none, we are just waiting for him to wake up." The doctor spoke just as the heart monitor went crazy again, causing Kevin to jump up.

"It was just another drop in his heartbeat." The doctor spoke. "Ms. Blair, is there any sign of abnormal heartbeat or heart murmurs in your family line?"

"Not that I know of doctor, could that be a reason?" Lydia asked.

"That's a possibility, but I would have to know some general history about your family." The doctor spoke. "Does your parents have any heart conditions?"

"Don't know doctor, we both are adopted." Lydia stated.

"Well that makes for a terrible quandary." The doctor spoke. "Well since we can't determine that, then has he ever had any problems like this in the past that you know of?"

"Well actually, I don't know how to explain that doctor." Lydia stated. "A few years ago, he was in a car accident. He literally broke every bone in his body. A few months later, he woke up and his body was completely healed, as though nothing had ever happened to him."

"That sounds odd." The doctor spoke.

"Well we all just said that God had his hands on him and healed him up." Lydia stated, remembering what had happened that day.

"That's a remarkable recap of that, but for the amount of time you said it took to heal his body is impossible." The doctor stated. "In fact I don't believe that at all."

"It's the truth doctor." Lydia stated, as the doctor walked out of the room.

"Calm down Lydia, I believe you." Kevin stated, walking over to her and hugging her.

"John wake up, you have me and Kevin here waiting for you to come back." Lydia stated, grabbing JT's hand. "Wake up damnit! John please wake up, we need you here."

"Need me for what?" JT spoke lightly, opening his eyes.

"Oh God oh God!" Kevin jumped up, hugging JT. "Baby you are awake."

"Yeah I am awake, could you gladly stop squeezing me Kevin." JT spoke.

"I'm sorry baby, I am just so happy that you are awake, I thought I was going to loose you." Kevin stated.

"Why would you loose me, it was just a gunshot." JT stated, trying to sit up in bed and then grabbing his chest as though he was in pain.

"Baby are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"Oh God, the pain!" JT screamed, causing Kevin and Lydia to hold their ears.

"What the hell is going on in here?" The doctor asked, walking back into the room and witnessing what was going on with JT.

"I am in pain, I can't stand the pain!" JT screamed at the doctor, as he injected something into JT, knocking him back out.

"What did you just do to him?!" Kevin asked, pushing the doctor out of the way, scaring Lydia.

"I sedated him again." The doctor spoke.

"What do you mean again?" Lydia asked.

"The first time he woke up on the operating table in did this very same thing." The doctor spoke. "Is there something you are not telling about Mr. Poole?"

"What are you talking about?" Lydia asked.

"Why is he screaming like this, this intensity?" The doctor asked.

"I don't know, this is the first I have ever heard this." Lydia stated.

"He sounds like a banshee." The doctor spoke, stepping back away from JT's body. "What is this madness?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Just save my brother." Lydia stated. "Why is he in pain?"

"I don't know why he's in pain, we have done everything we can for him. The X-rays and all the other test show that there's nothing wrong with him."

"Something must be wrong with him if he's grabbing his chest and saying he's in pain." Kevin stated.

"We have run every possible test on him that we can." The doctor spoke.

"Then maybe you did something wrong to him." Kevin stated, walking out of the room leaving Lydia and the doctor standing there.

// Kaluakoi Villas -- JC and Joey's Room //

"This has been a long weekend." JC stated, sitting down on the bed in the room.

"Yeah it has been." Joey stated.

"How are you feeling? Have you taken the meds the doctor gave you yet?" JC asked.

"Yeah, I took everything a few minutes ago." Joey stated. "Hey, have you heard anything about JT yet?"

"No not yet, I talked with Kevin this morning, he said there was no change in his condition. JT is still in the coma." JC stated. "Kevin is still holding on, I can hear the hurt in his voice."

"I just don't know why Steve would do something like this. I mean, I know why Michael would, but why Steve?" Joey asked. "I have gone to see him in jail every chance I've gotten but he won't tell me why he helped Michael do this."

"I have no clue why either, now Michael is on the run from the law." JC stated, sitting down next to Joey. "I just wish all this drama was over."

"Speaking of drama, I got a call from the police here this morning. They want to know what am I going to do about Brian. Should I press charges or what?"

"Well if you don't he won't ever be punished." JC spoke.

"But if I do press charges, then everything will get out and everyone would know about all of us." Joey stated, hugging into JC with tears in his eyes.

"Baby it's going to be okay. Whatever decision you make is okay with me, but baby he needs to be punished for what he did to you. Because Kevin beat him up doesn't make the problem go away." JC stated.

"No it doesn't make the problem go away, I just don't think I can deal with anymore of this. I just want to forget about all of this." Joey spoke, as JC hugged him closer, kissing him on his forehead.

"Joey I wish I can take you away from all of this but I can't." JC stated.

"When do we go back home baby?" Joey asked.

"Home?" JC asked.

"Yes home, the house we looked at. I am ready now, I know I want to be with you and only you forever." Joey spoke. "You did ask me to move in with you, I might as well do that since we are together."

"Oh Joey, I am so glad you finally decided to move in with me." JC stated, kissing Joey on the lips.

"Now we will be a big happy family." Joey stated. "As soon as you call the realtor and tell her yes."

"A big happy family?" JC asked, looking at Joey strangely.

"Nikki and the babies. She's going to be living in the house in back." Joey stated.

"Oh, I forgot, she slipped my mind." JC stated. "Wonder how she and Howie going to work things out?"

"I don't think he's mad with her about Michael, she was just protecting herself and her babies." Joey stated. "If it would have been me, I would have shot his ass too."

"You know how he feels about guns." JC stated.

"I am glad she had one, if she didn't have one, she probably would be in the same shape as JT." Joey stated.

"Well you are right, but still she shot Michael too, she just didn't kill him." JC stated.

"I know she wish she had. I just don't understand how a guy that can't walk, can get away from the police so quickly." Joey stated.

"I don't think he's really paralyzed, I think he's faking it." JC stated.

"Faking it? I don't think he's faking it." Joey stated. "Ma said she watched how the doctors dealt with him and how he reacted to all the test they gave him, I don't think anyone in their right mind would deal with those test."

"Well remember, Michael isn't in his right mind." JC stated, just as the phone rang. "I'll get that."

// Back in Paris //

"Hey Josh how are things in Hawaii?" Justin asked, lying in bed with Nick.

"Things are basically the same." JC stated. "How are you and Nick enjoying Paris?"

"We haven't done anything yet, we just got in a few hours ago and decided to take a nap." Justin stated.

"So you two haven't visited any of the sites at all?" JC asked.

"No, I just woke up and Nicky is still sleeping." Justin stated, leaning down, placing a soft kiss on Nick's forehead.

"Go on big daddy, you must have worn him out." JC stated, laughing.

"I did no such thing." Justin stated, easing out of bed. "I think something's wrong with him, he's been tired all day and he's not eating."

"Well maybe he isn't hungry Just." JC stated.

"Josh he hasn't eaten a real meal since our wedding night." Justin stated, standing in the bathroom now.

"Oh damn, maybe something is wrong with him. Did you ask him was he okay?" JC asked.

"Yes I asked him Josh, he told me he was okay, but now I am starting to think he's lying to me." Justin spoke.

"He's not lying to you Justin, he might not want to eat and he's just tired like he says." JC stated. "Don't read too much into things man."

"I will try." Justin stated. "Oh yeah, how is JT and Kevin?"

"The last I heard, JT was still in the coma and Kevin is shutting us out, he only talks to use when he tells us how JT is doing, and that's basically

it." JC stated.

"Well damn, I hope he wakes up soon. I don't want Kevin to hurt like that, they just got together and now this shit. How are Nikki and her babies?" Justin asked.

"The last I spoke to her she was fine and the babies were too." JC spoke.

"How is she really Josh, you know she must feel bad, she shot four people." Justin stated.

"Yeah I know, but she was only trying to keep Michael away from her. How was she to know those security guys trying to get into her room were security, I would have shot them too." JC stated.

"Well I hope she's really doing okay, I know a thing like that would scare a person." Justin stated as there was a knock on the door.

"Baby are you alright? Why did you leave the bed?" Nick asked, peeking into the bathroom.

"Hey baby, I am talking on the phone with Josh, I didn't want to disturb you while you slept." Justin stated. "Yo Josh, I will talk with you later man, my man is awake and he looks good enough to eat."

"Go get him tiger, bye Justin." JC stated, laughing as the phone went dead.

"Hey baby, are you rested?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around Nick, kissing him passionately.

"Yes I am. Are you going to tire me out baby?" Nick asked in a seductive tone.

"You know it baby. Come on." Justin stated, pulling Nick back towards the bed.

"You are too much." Nick stated, laughing as Justin threw the covers off the bed and jumped in.

"Come on baby, I am ready for you." Justin stated, lying in the bed, buck-naked.

--- Nick's POV ---

"What's that in your hand?" I asked, watching him stroke himself to hardness. As he continued to stroke himself, I could see the lust in his eyes.

I smiled at him as I let my boxers drop to the floor. We both starred at each other exchanging that look of love we shared between each other. I love him so much, I am so happy I have him in my life.

I got up on the bed and crawled over to him. As I reached him, he pulled me a little bit closer as we shared a passionate kiss. There with my ass in the air, I looked behind me to see my reflection in the mirror. At that moment, I thought about all the times he had taken my ass in this very same position. I love it when he fucks me.

We were both lying in bed now naked, not a single item of clothes, not even the thong that I had promised him that I would wear earlier. Here we are lying in bed kissing as I felt his hand move away from me and move over towards the nightstand. I heard him open the draw there and I knew what he was looking for.

I felt the cold lube on my hole as he stuck his finger in and out, causing shivers to run up and down my spine. This was feeling good already. I heard him fumbling around again on the nightstand and this time I knew he had a condom, I heard him when he tore the foil packet open. He slipped the condom on, lubed it up and then he slowly pulled me into a sitting position in his lap.

"Oh God baby, this is a new position for us." I tell him.

"I got the idea from the movie we saw that time." He told me going faster and faster in and out of my ass.

I could not help but to moan with pleasure as he held me tight in his arms, moving me up and down on his dick as I could feel myself get closer to orgasm. He went faster pounding me; you could hear his balls slap up against my ass.

He was enjoying the sex so much, that he stopped, pulled me off of him, rolled me over in front of him and entered me from behind. My ass against his hips and thighs and him fucking me doggy style. I got louder as he began to make noises himself only turning me on more. I started stroking my own dick as he kept pounding me.

"Oh God, this feels so fucking good." He moaned out now, speeding up more, which signaled me that he was getting close to orgasm himself.

I turned to look at his face now, he looked so hot in this position. Damn, I am glad this stud is my husband. Wow that sounds so nice, he's my husband and I am his. He's still fucking me, his chest is flexing, his biceps are pulsing as he held my hips as his dick moved in and out of my as fast as he could.

"Nicky, oh sweet Nicky, I'm there baby, I'm there!" he screamed out just as he started moving faster and then I felt his dick pulse and then he gasped out and collapsed on top of my back.

"I love you baby." He spoke in my ear as I collapsed on the bed, with him still lying on my back.

"I love you baby." I spoke to him as he pulled out of me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me.

We both laid there exhausted after our stint of love making. As I reached for the covers and pulled them over us, I could here Justin mumble something behind me as he cuddled back up to me and drifted off to sleep.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 56: Twilight in Paris 2

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