My Kinda Guy

Published on Mar 7, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note -- I don't own the copyrights to Simply Red's You Make Me Feel Brand New, nor did I write it or sang it. I also didn't write, sing or own the copyrights to Kylie Minogue's Love at First Sight either.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 50 -- E by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Down on The Beach, In a Tent -- Valentine's Day Afternoon //

"I don't believe this buddy, you are about to be married." JC stated, hugging Justin and kissing him on the cheek. "Are you nervous? Are you feeling queasy?"

"Yes I am nervous and you are getting on my nerves Josh. You act like you are the one getting married." Justin stated, giggling.

"Well one day maybe I will, but today is your day." JC stated, as Lance, Joey and Chris walked into the tent.

"So are you ready to take this big step?" Lance asked, walking over and hugging Justin.

"I guess so. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Now it's here." Justin spoke.

"That's right Justin. It's your time to be happy now with the person that you love." Joey stated, hugging Justin too.

"Hey guys." Randall Timberlake stated, walking into the tent. "Can me and Justin have a few minutes?"

"Sure." The guys said in unison.

"Dad?" Justin asked. "What are you doing here? I was told that you were not coming."

"I know son, I told your mother that I wasn't coming." Randall spoke.

"Why are you here then?" Justin asked, dropping his head down.

"Justin I know I haven't been around lately for you son, but now I think I need to show you that I do care about you and your life. You are my son and I need to start acting like you are." Randall spoke, walking over and hugging Justin. "At first, I didn't agree with you being gay and marrying a man, but I think I can learn to see past that as long as you are in my


"Dad..." Justin stated, tears running down his face.

"Shhhh son, I know I am not the father you want, but I will do what I can to stay in your life from now on." Randall stated as Justin wrapped his arms around him, crying into his chest. "It's going to be alright Justin. This is your wedding day, the happiest day of your life."

"It is the happiest day of my life now that all of my family is here." Justin stated as Lynn walked in to witness the scene between father and son.

// 20 Minutes Previously -- Nick's Tent //

"Baby how are you feeing?" Jane Carter asked, walking into the tent to see Nick sitting there crying.

"I'm so happy, but nervous at the same time." Nick stated, sniffling. "I feel a little queasy."

"Oh baby, you just have butterflies in your stomach. You are going to be okay." Jane stated, hugging Nick.

"I know mom." Nick stated, wiping at his eyes.

"Honey are you sure this is what you want to do?" Jane asked.

"I am sure mom. I love Justin with all my heart." Nick stated.

"Okay son, I am behind you 100%." Jane stated, kissing Nick on the forehead. "I hope you two have a wonderful life together."

"We will mom, we will." Nick stated as he heard a commotion outside. "Oh great what now?"

"I said get your fuckin' hands off me. If I want to see my best friend I can!" Brian screamed, pushing JT and some other security guards away from him.

"This will only get worse honey, just talk to him." Jane stated, pointing at Brian.

"I don't want to talk to him mom. Brian did something wrong mom, very wrong. I can't talk to him; I won't talk to him right now. Just tell him to go away." Nick stated, turning around to face the wall of the tent. "I don't want Brian here today, not my special day."

"But honey he's your best friend. Can't you let what he's done wait until after the wedding?" Jane asked.

"He raped someone mom, not once, not twice but many times. Brian isn't the person I thought he was." Nick stated, walking back outside again. "JT make sure he doesn't stay here. I don't care where he goes, but I don't want him here at my wedding."

"Are you sure Nick?" JT asked as he and the two other security guards wrestled with Brian.

"I'm sure JT, I don't want him here at all." Nick stated, turning around and walking back into the tent.

"Nick! Nick! Please, don't let them throw me out!" Brian screamed as JT punched Brian, knocking him out as the other two guards, dragged him away.

"JT did you have to knock him out like that, you could have hurt him." Jane stated.

"Mrs. Carter, Brian is a strong man for his size. It was either I punched him or shot him, so I chose to punch him." JT spoke, smoothing out his tux and walking away.

"That guy scares me." Jane stated, walking back into Nick's tent.

// Down at the Wedding Spot //

"Look there's Britney." Chris stated as he and AJ walked along the beach.

"Oh great, I hope she isn't here to cause drama for Nick and Justin." AJ stated. "They don't need that kind of crap today."

"She probably is. Let me go find JT." Chris stated, just as he saw JT and one of the guards walking towards them. "JT we have a problem."

"What is it Chris?" JT asked.

"Britney Spears is here, as in here at the wedding." Chris stated.

"I know. I talked with her this morning. She wants to see Justin before he marries Nick." JT stated.

"That's a murder waiting to happen JT and you know it. She's only here to cause trouble." Chris stated as AJ joined them.

"What are you going to do about her being here?" AJ asked, pointing at Britney, as she got closer to them.

"Nothing right now. I will wait for Justin to tell me what to do." JT spoke as Britney reached them.

"Hello again Mr. Poole. Is Justin ready to see me now?" Britney asked, standing in front of JT.

"Let me find out. You just wait right here." JT stated, turning around and pulling out his cell phone, calling Justin.

"Hello?" Justin asked.

"Justin, JT here. Britney is here to see you. Are you ready to talk to her now?" JT asked.

"Well ah...ah, I guess I can talk to her now. Bring her over." Justin stated, hanging up the phone.

"Come on Ms. Spears, Justin will see you now." JT stated, walking towards Justin's tent with Britney following.

// Back At The Hotel -- Nikki's Room //

"Oh yeah this is great. Is this day going to be bad luck for me or what?" Nikki asked, walking around the room looking for something.

"Babe what's going on, are you okay?" Howie asked, walking into the room. "What are you doing Nikki?"

"I can't find my earrings, I just had them." Nikki stated.

"Angel calm down." Howie stated, hugging her. "What's wrong Nikki, talk to me."

"Everything is wrong." Nikki stated.

"Everything how?" Howie asked.

"I got a call from him again." Nikki stated.

"Him? As in you got a call from Michael?" Howie asked, kissing Nikki on the forehead.

"Yes he called me. He's here on the island." Nikki stated, crying softly on Howie's chest. "He said he was going to come here and put me out of my misery."

"What! Oh my god, Nikki why didn't you tell someone?" Howie asked.

"He's been making threats like this since Tony took me away from Chicago." Nikki stated.

"If he's here, it's not just a threat, he means to do what he says." Howie stated. "I have to get you out of here."

"We need to get to the wedding." Nikki stated.

"Yes that's right, JT and his guys are there." Howie stated, grabbing Nikki by the hand. "Forget about your earrings, come on."

"Oh alright." Nikki stated, grabbing her purse as Howie pulled her out of the room.

// The Wedding Platform //

"Wow look at all these people. How did they all know where the wedding

was?" Carson asked, walking hand to hand with Lance.

"Word of mouth I guess." Lance stated as he and Carson took their place on the quickly built stage.

"This looks so magical." Carson spoke, leaning over and kissing Lance on the cheek.

"Yes it looks wonderful baby." Lance stated. "I am glad we had all of this set up yesterday for the guys."

"Yeah, if we didn't practice this stuff today, this would really ruin things for Justin and Nick." Carson spoke.

"Well with everything those two have gone through lately, they need something to go right for once." Lance stated, as there was a loud sound.

"That sounded like a gunshot. Where's JT?" Carson asked, looking around.

"I don't know, we better find out what's going on." Lance stated, as they heard the sound again. "There it was again. Sounds like someone is shooting."

"Look, it's only the fireworks." Carson stated as they saw some men farther down on the beach igniting the fireworks.

"Well that was a close one, I thought maybe Nikki's husband or Damien was responsible for that." Lance stated.

"That's right, blame me for something I didn't do." Damien spoke, walking up to Lance and Carson.

"Oh great, just what we need, drama at the wedding." Lance spoke.

"Look, I am not here to cause drama. I am here like everyone else, to see two people get married." Damien spoke.

"Yeah right, like we are going to believe that." Carson spoke. "Because of you, I almost lost my job and Justin and Nick were outed because of you being jealous."

"So what, you didn't loose your job and they are still together." Damien spoke. "Get the fuck over it already, everyone else has."

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Lance asked.

"I'm here aren't I?" Damien spoke, getting in Lance's face.

"That's because I didn't shoot you." JT stated, walking up behind Damien and tapping him on the shoulder. "You are only allowed to stay here, only if you don't cause trouble. If you get any complaints from any of the guys here, I am throwing you into a jail cell, and yes I have the authority to do that."

"I am not bothering anyone, they are the ones bothering me." Damien spoke.

"Well since they are the ones bothering you, why don't you go down there and take your seat like everyone else." JT stated, directing Damien to where to go. "Have you guys seen Nikki?"

"Not since we left the hotel around lunch, why?" Lance asked.

"I just got a call that her husband is here." JT stated.

"Oh my god, he's here. We better tell Joe and the others." Lance stated.

"No we are not going to do that, not just yet anyway. I have beefed up security all around. Right now I am trying to find her. Where is Howie?" JT asked.

"Let me call and see." AJ stated, pulling out his cell phone just as JT noticed Howie and Nikki.

"Never mind, there they are." JT stated, walking away from the two men.

// Back At Justin's Tent //

"But Justin I love you, I have always loved you." Britney stated, reaching for Justin's hand, as he slapped it away.

"I don't love you Brit, that's the problem, I love Nick." Justin stated. "Why can't you get that through your head?"

"It's just not natural Justin, you are supposed to be with me, not him." Britney stated.

"Brit I don't love you, I love him. There's nothing more to say about it really." Justin stated.

"But Justin..." Britney stated, as Justin cut her off.

"But nothing Brit, there's nothing left to say." Justin stated, walking towards the tent opening. "We can still be friends Brit, but there's nothing physical or romantic that will ever happen between us."

"Yo Justin, it's that time." JC yelled, walking up to Justin, and then catching a glimpse of Britney. "What the hell are you doing back here?"

"Nothing now." Britney stated, walking past Justin and JC.

"Are you okay man?" JC asked.

"Yeah I am okay, I am about to start a new life." Justin stated as he and JC walked towards the portico.


// Down on the Beach //

--- JT's POV ---

This sight is so beautiful; I can't wait until it's my turn to get married. I am standing here watching, keeping an eye out for any trouble that may arise as everyone walks over to take their seats. The wedding march music starts and then people in the wedding start walking down the aisle. First Jane and Aaron Carter walked by, followed by Lynn and Paul Harless. After they had taken their seats, Joey, JC, AJ and Howie followed them.

As the four men stood there watching, Mick Hucknall of Simply Red walked out on the adjoining stage and started singing as the band started performing the music to `You Make Me Feel Brand New'.

"My love I'll never find the words, my love To tell you how I feel, my love Mere words could not explain

Precious love You held my life within your hands Created everything I am Taught me how to live again

Only you Cared when I needed a friend Believed in me through thick and thin This song is for you Filled with gratitude and love

God bless you You make me feel brand new For God blessed me with you You make me feel brand new I sing this song 'cause you Make me feel brand new." Mick sang as Lynn started crying.

Looking around, I saw most of the people there in the crowd with tears in their eyes.

"My love Whenever I was insecure You built me up and made me sure You gave my pride back to me

Precious friend With you I'll always have a friend You're someone who I can depend To walk a path that never ends

Without you My life has no meaning or rhyme Like notes to a song out of time How can I repay You for having faith in me

God bless you You make me feel brand new For God blessed me with you You make me feel brand new I sing this song 'cause you Make me feel so brand new...

Honey you making me feel so new Honey you making me feel so new

You make me feel brand new You make me feel brand new

Thank God for you You make me feel brand new." Mick finished singing as the crowd broke out in applause.

By the time the song was over, Kevin was standing by my side holding me in his arms. We shared a passionate kiss as he spoke to me.

"That was so beautiful." He spoke. "As soon as I heard those lyrics, I just had to come over here and be with you baby."

"I felt the same way Kevin." I said, kissing him on his lips as he squeezed my hand to walk back to his seat.

Now that the applause had died down, the wedding march music started up again and this time, Robert Carter came walking down the aisle with Nick Carter. As the two men walked by, Jane, Leslie, BJ and Aaron (yes Aaron) were crying. After Nick was at the terrace standing on the side with Howie and AJ, Robert Carter hugged Nick and took his seat next to Jane as the two shared a kiss. She said something to him, but I was too far away to hear what she had said.

Moving things along, Randall Timberlake came out walking with Justin on his arm. When JC, Joey and Lance saw this, they all looked to Lynn, who shook her head in affirmation. I must say that it was a shocking scene to me, after all the things I had heard about Randall Timberlake and his attitude about Justin and Nick being together. This is truly a happy event. As Randal and Justin reached the terrace, Randall hugged Justin, and kissed him on his forehead. He whispered something in Justin's ear that caused his smile to brighten, and patted him on the back. Randall took his seat and the gentleman residing over the wedding walked up to the podium and started speaking.

"Good afternoon everyone." The man spoke. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this day in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together these men, Justin Randall Timberlake and Nickolas Gene Carter, together in the bonds of holy matrimony"

"Who gives these young men away?" The man asked.

"I do sir." Randall Timberlake spoke.

"I do." Robert Carter spoke.

"Come up here gentlemen." The man spoke. "Do you give these gentlemen to each other?"

"Yes sir." Robert spoke.

"And you sir?" The man asked Randall.

"Yes sir I do." Randall stated, causing a small sweat to break out over Justin's forehead.

"Thank you gentlemen, you may have a seat." The man spoke, directing both fathers back to their seats. "Marriage is a sacred commitment between two people who vow to cleave unto each other and be one in heart, mind, body and soul. "

Do you Justin Randall Timberlake take this man, Nickolas Gene Carter, to be your lawfully wedded husband, To have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, forsaking all others, until in death shall ye part?" The man asked.

"I do." Justin stated.

"Do you Nickolas Gene Carter take this man, Justin Randall Timberlake, to be your lawfully wedded husband, To have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, forsaking all others, until in death shall ye part?" The man asked.

"I do." Nick stated.

"The rings please." The man stated, as little Jonathan came walking down the aisle with two rings sitting on a velvet pillow. As he carried the rings, camera flashes and applause went on all around. He walked up the steps and stood in the middle of Justin and Nick.

"Here are the rings Justy." Jonathan spoke as awwwws were heard around the room.

"Justin, take Nick's left hand and place the ring on his ring finger, and repeat these words after me, "with this ring I thee wed." The man spoke.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Justin stated.

"Nick, take Justin's left hand and place the ring on his ring finger, and repeat these words after me, "with this ring I thee wed." The man spoke.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Nick stated.

"I will ask this to the general consensus now. Is there any one here present who have cause to object to this union, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The man stated as Damien and Britney both stood up.

"Oh fuck." JC whispered to Joey. "They are going to ruin this for them. Please God stop them, please."

"Do you two have anything to say about this union?" The man asked.

"I just want to say that I am happy for the two of them, they have finally gotten to this point and that I am sorry for my previous actions." Damien spoke as he sat back down.

"He could have said that sometime after the wedding." JC whispered to Joey again.

"You miss." The man spoke, directing his words towards Britney.

"Just wanted to say I am happy also." Britney stated, bursting into tears as a strange man escorted her away.

"Now by the powers vested in me by the State of Hawaii...I now pronounce you husband and husband. You my now kiss."

Justin and Nick kissed each other and to put it lightly, I could feel the passion of the kiss way back here. That was some kiss. The crowd broke out to clapping and cheering as the two of them continued kissing each other.

Things turned funny when little Jonathan spoke.

"Hey Justy, Justy what about me?" Jonathan asked pulling on Justin's hand.

"Hey little man." Justin stated, picking up Jonathan and kissing him on his forehead.

"Stop it with the mushy stuff." Jonathan stated causing some people in the crowd to laugh.

--- Nick's POV ---

Wow we are married now, after all the crap we have been through, we are finally married. There are over 200 people here and they were all here to witness this happy event for us. We are walking down the steps of the terrace heading back to the hotel for the reception. I was very shocked when Damien and Britney didn't cause a scene. I was praying for a miracle and God has given me two of them in one day. Thank you God.

// Back at the Hotel -- The Main Dining Room //

"I would like to propose a toast to the married couple." JC spoke, standing up with his wine glass. "To Justin and Nick, may you forever experience happiness and love together."

"Here Here." Joey spoke, as everyone in the room all clinked their glasses to toast.

"Speech speech." Lance stated as Justin stood up.

"Oh guys, I really don't know what to say." Justin stated, grabbing Nick's hand and kissing it.

"Yes you do, just speak from your heart man." Carson spoke.

"Well all I can say is that this is one of the happiest days in my life. Since I ran into Nick in the parking lot of his sister's hotel, my life has only gotten better with him with me. I must say that we did have some ups and downs, but we got through them. We are connected now heart, mind, body and soul. I love you Nickolas Gene Carter." Justin spoke.

"That's Nickolas Gene Timberlake." Nick spoke, kissing Justin as the room broke out in applause.

"So you decided to take my name?" Justin asked.

"Yes, makes my name sound even cooler." Nick stated laughing.

"It does doesn't it." Justin stated, reaching over, and pulling Nick up in his arms. "Come on baby, I feel like a dance."

"Are you going to serenade me while we dance this time?" Nick asked.

"No but someone else is." JC stated as he and Joey walked past the two of them.

"What's that all about?" Nick asked as JC and Joey walked up on stage.

"Can we have everyone's attention please?" JC asked, speaking into the microphone. "As one of our gifts to the married couple, we have a special guest here tonight today to perform for the happy couple. I hope you guys enjoy this."

"Wonder who could it be?" Justin asked as Kylie Minogue walked on stage.

"Oh my God Nick, it's Kylie Minogue." Nick stated.

"Hello guys, congratulations." Kylie spoke, her accent clearly present in her voice. "I say it's about time you two got married. I have been following the news about your relationship and I am happy that we are finally here. When I first heard about you two being together, I thought it would be nice to sing a song for you two, so, I would like to dedicate this song to you. "

"She's going to sing for us. Oh wow." Justin stated.

"Here goes guys, I hope you like it. It's one of my older songs, but we are going to do it with some flare this time." Kylie spoke, walking over to the band and handing the director something.

"What is she doing?" Joey whispered to JC.

"She's making her arrangements." JC spoke.

"I thought that I was going crazy Just having one of those days yeah Didn't know what to do Then there was you

And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight

'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

Was tired of running out of luck Thinking 'bout giving up oh Didn't know what to do Then there was you

And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight

'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

To be as one...

'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight

Love at first sight Love at first sight Love at first sight

Baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

Baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

It was love, it was love, it was love, it was love It was love, it was love, it was love, it was love." Kylie sang.

"That was so beautiful." Nick stated as Kylie walked down off the stage to them.

"Thank you so much." Justin stated as Kylie hugged and kissed them on their cheeks.

"It was my pleasure gentleman." Kylie stated. "When Josh called me and told me that you two were getting married, I had to drop everything and get here as fast as I can."

"You didn't have to do that for us." Justin stated.

"Yes I did, you two are making a statement here today." Kylie spoke. "You two are paving the way for the rest of us."

"What do you mean by that?" Nick asked.

"You two are in the business. If you two are married, then others will possibly come out and not be afraid to show the world who they love." Kylie spoke.

"I never looked at it that way." Nick spoke, kissing Justin on the cheek. "We are trend setters baby."

"We were not the first to get married." Justin stated. "Lance and Carson were."

"Well you are the first that the common world knows about." Kylie stated.

"You have a point there. I guess it's time to make more history. Let's cut the cake." Justin stated, grabbing Nick's hand as the group of people walked over to the table that held the cake.

"Hey Justy. Can I have a piece of cake?" Jonathan asked, walking up to Nick and Justin, standing in the middle of them.

"Sure you can buddy." Nick stated, as he and Justin held the knife and cut the cake.

"Oh that's so sweet." Lynn stated, snapping a picture of the two of them.

"Get a picture of Kylie two." Justin called out.

"This is so cool." Nick stated. "We are getting our picture taken with Kylie, Kylie Minogue."

"Calm down sweetie, she isn't going anywhere, she's still here." Justin spoke, just as Nick smeared cake on Justin's face and the camera flash went off. "Baby, that was so not right."

"I know, but I had to keep up with tradition." Nick stated, laughing, running from Justin.

"You wait until I catch you." Justin spoke, grabbing a piece of cake, running after Nick.

"Boys will be boys." Jane stated, laughing with Lynn and Paul. "I guess they will calm down in a minute or two."

"Well I doubt they will, it's their wedding day." Lynn stated.

// 1 Hour Later -- A Few Meters Down The Beach //

"So is everything ready for tonight?" Michael asked, passing Brian some money.

"Yeah it is. I have someone that will kidnap the babies." Brian stated.

"Good, very good. What will happen to that bitch?" Michael asked.

"Oh I have something special planned for her. She will regret over putting her hands on me." Brian stated.

"Look, I don't want no half stepping here. I want the bitch dead." Michael stated.

"She's going to get what's coming to her." Brian stated as his cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Yeah boss, everything is ready to go down." The guy spoke on the phone.

"Good, do it, do it now." Brian stated, hanging up his phone. "They are going after her right now.

"I think not Mr. Littrell." JT spoke, walking up behind Michael and Brian. "You are not going to do anything to anyone. Get him guys and take him in."

"What the hell? It's a setup!" Michael screamed.

"I didn't set up!" Brian screamed. "They must have followed me or something."

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you." Michael spoke pulling out a gun and firing it at Brian, getting him in the shoulder. "And now for you."

"Put the gun down Michael. I have shot you before, I don't want to do it again." JT spoke, pointing his gun at Michael. "Don't make me shoot you again."

"You are not going to shoot me. Get him Steve!" Michael shouted as a strange man jumped on JT from behind.

"What the hell!" JT screamed, struggling with the man. "Who the hell are you?"

"That's none of your business man." Steve spoke.

"It is my business when you are trying to kill me. Get the fuck off of me man!" JT screamed as his gun went off."

"Shit!" Steve stated, falling to the ground. "You fucking shot me."

"Get over it, you lucky I didn't kill you." JT stated, picking up the walkie talkie off the ground. "JT to base, enemy down behind the docks. Send medical crew."

"Michael get away, get Nikki and Joey!" Steve stated, passing out.

"I don't think you are going to be getting anyone." JT stated, walking over to Michael and grabbing him by his shirt, pulling him up out of the wheelchair.

"Put me down! Get your filthy hands off me!" Michael screamed.

"I will get my hands off you after I have put you in jail." JT stated as some other security guys joined him.

"JT what are you doing?" One of the security guys asked.

"This is Michael Valente, Nikki's abusive husband." JT stated, as there was a gunshot and Michael started laughing.

"The fool forgot I had a gun." Michael stated as he and JT fell to the ground. "Pitiful bastard! Who's going to save you now?"

"JT...JT man can you hear me?" The security guy spoke. "Base this is Craig, JT's been shot bad, we need the medical crew here fast. He's down, I can't get him to talk and his pulse is weakening.

// Back at the Hotel //

"Hello?" Johnny spoke into his phone.

"Mr. Wright we have some problems." The man spoke on the phone.

"What's wrong Craig?" Johnny asked.

"JT's been shot along with Joey's brother Steve." Craig spoke.

"JT's been shot!" Johnny screamed out getting everyone's attention in the room.

"What's going on Johnny? Did you say that JT was shot?" Kevin asked, running over the table with Howie, Nikki and Ted.

"Yes, shhhhh, I need to hear this." Johnny stated. "Did you say Joey's brother Steve? Steve Fatone?"

"Yes sir. Both of them have been shot. Steve's being loaded into the ambulance now, they say the bullet grazed his stomach and intestines, but JT on the other hand was shot point blank in the chest. They can't determine all that's wrong with him right now." Craig spoke.

"Oh God. Who shot him?" Johnny asked.

"Michael Valente sir. He's been taken into custody by the Molokai Police." Craig said.

"What! Michael shot him? What the hell is going on Craig?" Johnny asked.

"We got word that he was here on the island this morning. Apparently, he and Brian Littrell were plotting to kill Michael's wife. JT followed them here and tried to stop them. The police has also taken Brian Littrell into custody as well." Craig spoke.

"Thank you Craig. Keep me posted." Johnny stated, hanging up his phone.

"What's going Johnny? What's wrong with JT?" Kevin asked, tears running down his face now.

"Michael Valente shot him." Johnny stated.

"Wait, that's your husband." Kevin stated.

"Yes he's my husband." Nikki stated.

"Did you know he was coming here?" Kevin asked.

"Yes. He called me earlier today and told me he was going to finally kill me." Nikki stated, tears running down her face. "Because of me, someone else has been hurt, yet again."

"Mrs. Valente, this wasn't your fault. The fault needs to be placed with Steve Fatone, Brian Littrell and Michael Valente." Johnny stated.

"What? What does Brian have to do with this Johnny?" Kevin asked.

"Seems they were all working together to kill Nikki here." Johnny stated.

"Oh God, the people I thought I could trust are trying to kill me." Nikki stated. "Why would Steve help Michael to kill me?"

"Don't know, but I am leaving to go to Police Headquarters and find out why, then on to the Hospital to check on JT." Johnny stated. "It would be advisable not to tell Justin and Nick or Joey about this right now. Keep this shout mouth until I get back."

"I'm coming with you. I want to know how JT is. I just can't loose him, we just got together." Kevin stated, tears streaming down his face.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the end of Season 1 of My Kinda Guy. Keep your eyes and ears open for the new season.

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Next: Chapter 55: Twilight in Paris 1

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