My Kinda Guy

Published on Feb 16, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 50 -- C by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Kaluakoi Villas (Friday Morning) -- The Main Dining Room //

"Good morning guys." JT stated, walking into the room.

"Good morning JT. Is there something you would like to tell us?" JC asked, looking at JT strangely. "Like when are you going to tell Kevin about your man?"

"My man?" JT asked, looking at JC like he has lost his mind.

"Yeah dude your man." JC spoke. "How could you lead Kevin on like that?"

"Lead Kevin on like what. What are you talking about?" JT asked.

"Hello, that guy out there." JC stated, pointing to Wilmer sitting on the dais.

"Oh my God Will!" JT exclaimed running to the door like a schoolgirl. "Will what are you doing here?"

"Hey man, I heard you were having a bad time. I cam here to cheer you up and to see Nick and Justin get married." Will stated.

"When did you get here?" JT asked.

"I got here early this morning with Johnny." Will spoke, getting up to hug JT. "I talked to Johnny yesterday and he thought it would be a good idea if I came to cheer you up."

"Well I don't think I need cheering up." JT stated as Kevin came outside and walked up behind JT.

"Morning baby." Kevin spoke, leaning over to kiss JT on the cheek, wrapping his arms around JT's waist.

"Ah hi Kevin." JT stated, tensing up.

"Who's your friend?" Kevin asked, looking at Will.

"Well Kevin this is Wilmer Valderrama, Will this is Kevin Richardson, my boyfriend." JT spoke.

"Your boyfriend? Johnny didn't tell me you were attached." Will spoke, getting up to shake hands with Kevin.

"Well Johnny didn't know. This is a recent event." JT stated as Kevin kissed him on the cheek.

"So I guess I don't need to cheer you up, I am quite sure you are happy." Will spoke, returning to his seat at the table.

"No you don't, Kevin is doing a good job of cheering me up." JT spoke, holding Kevin's hand.

"Baby let's go for a walk." Kevin stated, kissing me again. "The rehearsal isn't for another hour."

"Okay come on." JT stated as he and Kevin walked down the steps of the dais heading towards the beach.

// Nikki's Room //

"What the hell are you trying to pull Michael?" Nikki asked, talking into the phone. "Why do you want a paternity test?"

"I am not trying to pull anything. I just don't trust a bitch like you." Michael stated.

"A bitch like me?" Nikki stated.

"That's right a bitch like you. I don't believe those babies are mine." Michael stated. "I saw those babies and they don't look nothing like me."

"You bastard! I ought to shoot you!" Nikki stated.

"Say what you want. I know where you guys are." Michael stated.

"What!" Nikki screamed.

"That's right, I know where you guys are. I suggest you go get a paternity test on those babies as soon as you can, if not you and my so called brother will regret it." Michael stated.

"What? What does Joey have to do with this?" Nikki asked.

"Just get the fucking test." Michael stated, hanging up the phone on Nikki.

"I don't fucking believe this." Nikki spoke aloud. "What does Joey have to do with this, its not like he's the daddy of those babies, it's not like we were having... Oh shit!"

// JC and Joey's Room //

----- JC's POV -----

I was so angry with JT I didn't know what to do. Here he is hooking up with Kevin and then this other guy shows up from outta nowhere claiming to be his guy. Was he with that guy when we were together? If he was, that explains a lot of things. Here I am feeling sorry for his ass for getting with Joey and he was probably cheating on me.

"Hey Joe you here?" I asked walking into the room. "Yo Joe!"

Where the hell is he. He should be in here. I thought he would have been up by now. Let me check the bedroom. I bet his pissed off with me that I stayed up with Justin and Nick instead of coming back here with him. I should have never believed that he was cheating on me, I love him and I know he loves me.

"Yo Joe!" I call out to him opening the door to see him lying on the bed shaking violently and foaming at the mouth, drooling on the pillow. "Joe! Joe can you hear me? Oh God! Joe, what's happening to you?"

"What's going on in here?" Justin asks, running into the bedroom of our suite.

"I don't know, I don't know. I just came in here and he was doing this." I tell him holding Joey, trying to get him to stop.

"Fuck! We better get him to the hospital!" Justin screams, jumping up, running to the phone.

"No Justin, we better take him ourselves, we can't wait." I say, trying to lift Joey up. "Oh God baby, what's happening to you?"

"What's the deal? What's with all the...what the hell is going on in here?" Nick asks peeking in the room.

"Don't move him, wait for the emergency staff to get here." Justin stated.

"We have to get him to the hospital. I don't know how long he's been like this." I say trying to carry Joey in my arms.

"Let me help you with him." Nick says as Justin's joins them.

"I called the lobby, they are getting EMS here as quick as they can." Justin spoke as we carried Joey through the hallway.

"What happened to him Josh?" Justin asks me.

"I don't know." I tell him. "I walk into the bedroom and he's shaking and spitting."

"Could it be drugs?" Nick spoke.

"Joey doesn't do drugs." I tell him as we arrive in the lobby just as the Ambulance arrives.

"There's the ambulance, let's get him over there." Justin spoke, as some men rushed into the room, helping us with Joey, who was still shaking and foaming at the mouth.

// 2 Hours Later -- Molokai General Hospital //

"What's wrong with him doctor?" Justin asks.

"It seems he was injected with something." The man spoke, walking over to where JC, Justin and Nick were sitting. "Who's responsible for this man?"

"I am." JC spoke.

"Come with me please." The doctor spoke.

"Doctor what is wrong with him?" JC asked.

"To be honest with you, someone drugged him then raped him." The doctor spoke, picking up the chart for Joey. "He had a violent reaction to the drug that was used on him. We also found traces of semen in his rectum."

"What! Oh my God!" JC spoke, covering his mouth with his hand, knowing that it wasn't his semen. He and Joey always used condoms..

"Someone used a large, pure dose of Rohypnol on him." The doctor spoke.

"Rohypnol? What is that?" JC asked.

"That's better known as the date rape drug." The doctor spoke.

"Oh no? How do you know he was raped?" JC asked.

"The signs." The doctor spoke. "Someone forced themselves into his rectum, tearing the tissue there. After all the test we have run, he has also contracted gonorrhea."

"Oh God, I don't believe this. Who would do something like this to him?" JC asked, thinking to himself as he put the pieces of the puzzle together in his mind. "Where is he doctor?"

"He's in an ICU room right now sleeping it off. He will probably sleep for a couple of more hours. There was a lot in his system." The doctor spoke.

"Can I go see him?" JC asked, tears in his eyes.

"Yes you can see him, but don't stay too long." The doctor spoke, leading JC down the corridor to Joey's room.

"Okay Doctor." JC spoke walking into Joey's room.

"Remember don't stay too long." The doctor spoke, leaving JC in the room with Joey.

"I won't doctor." JC stated, sitting in the chair next to the bed. "Oh baby I am so sorry this happened to you. I should have listened to you. I should have known you wouldn't have cheated on me."

"I wouldn't cheat on you, I love you Josh." Joey stated, speaking groggily.

"Baby you are awake." JC spoke.

"I'm so tired. Where am I?" Joey asked.

"We are at the hospital baby." JC spoke, leaning over and caressing Joey's face.

"What are we doing here? Did something happen to me?" Joey asked, looking around the room.

"Yeah baby something did." JC spoke, crying harder now.

"Baby what's wrong, what happened to me?" Joey asked, grabbing JC's hand. "Josh talk to me."

"Someone injected you with drugs and raped you." JC spoke, kissing Joey's hand. "You had a violent reaction to the Rohypnol that was injected into your system and you started having spasms and foaming at the mouth, so we got an ambulance for you and you were brought here."

"He hurt me again." Joey stated, letting JC's hand go. "He hurt me again. I made promised that I wouldn't let him hurt me and you again."

"Baby, what are you talking about?" JC asked.

"It was Brian, he's responsible for this." Joey stated, turning away from JC. "It's all my fault, all my fault."

"No it isn't baby. You didn't tell him to do what he did to you." JC stated, trying to hold Joey's hand.

"It is my fault, I could have done something to stop him." Joey spoke, crying still.

"No baby it isn't your fault. You are a victim here, you had no control of what Brian did." JC stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"I don't want to see anybody." Joey spoke, grabbing the pillow and using it to cover his face.

"We are here to see Mr. Fatone." The police officer stated, walking into the room. "Doctor Owaya contacted us and told us that a rape had been committed."

"He's not ready to see you right now. Can't you do this another time?" JC asked.

"It is best if we did this now. While all the evidence is still fresh." The officer stated.

"No, I don't want to say or do anything, just go away." Joey spoke as the doctor walked into the room.

"Officers I have already done a rape kit on Mr. Fatone." The doctor spoke, handing the police officers two plastic bags with containers and cotton swabs inside.

// Back at the Hotel //

"Why didn't someone tell me what was going on?" Nikki asked, walking into the large dinner room. "I should have known something was wrong with him when I saw him earlier."

"Well Johnny just told us." Lance stated, walking over to Nikki, sitting next to her.

"What kind of friend am I? I haven't done anything but beat on Tony about seeing him and Brian together. I should go put my foot up Brian's ass!" Nikki stated. "How could he do something like that to Tony? Why would he do something like that?"

"No Nikki, let the police take care of Brian. You don't need to get yourself hurt for no reason. You have two beautiful babies to take care

of." Lance spoke, rubbing her back. "I don't know why Brian would do that. I thought he had gotten over Joey."

"I have to do something. I almost broke Tony and JC up because I thought he was cheating." Nikki stated, crying now.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay Nikki. Brian will get his, I promise you that." Lance stated as Carson, AJ, Chris and Brian walked into the room.

"You!" Nikki screamed as Brian walked into the room.

"Nikki stop!" Lance spoke, trying to hold Nikki back.

"What the hell is her problem?" Brian asked, sitting down in a nearby chair.

"My problem! My problem! What the hell is your problem?!" Nikki screamed at Brian. "How could you do that to him? How?"

"Do what to who? What are you talking about?" Brian asked, leaning forward in the chair now.

"You! You raped him! You raped Tony!" Nikki screamed.

"Yeah right, it's not possible to rape the willing bitch!" Brian stated, getting up and walking towards the door as Howie was walking in.

"What did you just say to her?" Howie stated, pushing Brian back into the room.

"What's your problem man?" Brian asked, stepping back from Howie.

"I said, `what did you say to her'?" Howie asked again.

"I called her a bitch, that's what I said to her." Brian stated, pushing Howie out of his way. "Fuck off man, I have no time for this shit."

"Now now Brian, I think you should turn around and go sit back down." JT spoke, as he and Kevin walked into the room.

"What?" Brian spoke out.

"Sit down Brian." JT stated, looking at him.

"Kevin you gon' let your bitch talk to me like that?" Brian asked.

"That's it!" Nikki screamed, pulling out of Lance's arms as she jumped forward, landing on top of Brian, knocking him to the ground and pouncing on him.

"Oh God, stop them." Howie stated.

"I say she should kick his ass. If he moves to hurt her, I will shot him." JT stated, pulling his gun from his holster.

"What? No!" Kevin spoke, pushing past Lance and Carson. "If you guys won' t stop them I will."

As Kevin tried pulling Nikki off of Brian, Nikki turned and smacked Kevin, knocking him backwards into Howie.

"Don't you touch me again Kevin, stay outta this!" Nikki screamed, grabbing Brian again by his collar, trying to choke him.

"Okay Nikki stop before you kill him." JT stated, jumping in now and trying to hold her off of Brian.

"Someone better keep that dumb bitch off of me before she gets what she deserves!" Brian screamed, coughing, rubbing his neck.

"Oh what is it that I deserve Brian?" Nikki asked, struggling with JT to get loose from his grasp.

"You need your ass whipped for cheating on your husband with Joey!" Brian stated.

"What!" Nikki screamed, kicking JT on the shin, causing him to let go of her. "What the hell are you talking about Brian?"

"You know what I am talking about. You and Joey, that little fling you two had last year, just about the same time those babies of yours would have been conceived! You cheated on your husband with Joey; I honestly believe those babies are Joey's babies. You lying ass cheating bitch!" Brian screamed as Howie grabbed him and threw him up against the wall.

"Shut the fuck up man!" Howie screamed, punching Brian in the stomach.

"How dare you!" Nikki screamed, getting up in Brian's face. "First, I had nothing to do with Tony leaving you, Second, He is not the father of my babies..."

"Add up the months bitch! Joey is the father of the babies, even he knows it." Brian stated, cutting Nikki off, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"No he's not the father of my babies!" Nikki screamed.

"Yes he is the father of those babies." Brian stated, getting closer to her. "If you don't believe me, do what Michael wants and do the paternity test."

"What the hell!" Nikki screamed. "How did you know that Michael wanted a paternity test?"

"How would you know that Brian?" Kevin asked, walking over to Brian.

"I just know." Brian stated, turning his back on Kevin and the others.

"That son of a bitch!" Nikki screamed, running after Brian, grabbing him by the back of his hair, pulling him down to the ground and punching him some more.

"Here we go again." JT stated, walking out of the room.

// A Bit Later -- The Hotel Patio //

"What the hell is he doing here?" Chris asked, spotting Damien Fahey walking out to the patio.

"I don't know." AJ spoke. "Didn't Nick and Justin rent out the whole hotel?"

"I thought they did." Chris spoke.

"Then why the hell is he here then?" AJ asked as Damien walked over to the two of them.

"Hello boys." Damien spoke. "Lovely weather we are having today."

"What the hell do you want Fahey?" Chris asked, jumping up from his seat, grabbing Damien by his shirt.

"Get the hell off me Kirkpatrick!" Damien yelled, drawing the attention of the hotel staff.

"I'm gonna make this nice and sweet. Get the fuck away from here. You have caused enough problems for us and our friends!" Chris spoke.

"I am not going anywhere and there's nothing you can do to make me leave." Damien spoke, pushing Chris backwards into AJ's arms. "I am here and I'm going to enjoy everything that happens."

"You fucking snake!" Chris screamed, grabbing Damien by the throat, trying to choke him.

"Baby stop, you are going to kill him." AJ spoke, grabbing Chris' hands, trying to pry them away from Damien's neck.

"No I am going to kill him Alex. He almost broke us up. He deserves to die for all the shit he put Justin and Nick through!" Chris spoke, tears running down his face.

"No baby this isn't the way. Stop before you really hurt him, he's turning blue." AJ stated, smacking Chris.

"What the hell is going on here?" JT asked, running over with Kevin following.

"He's the guy that caused all of our drama." Chris stated, breathing heavy.

"This is the guy?" JT asked, looking strangely at Damien. "This is the guy that blackmailed you into outing Justin and Nick?"

"Yeah that's the rat." Chris spoke.

"You gots to be kidding me right?" JT asked, laughing a little bit.

"Baby why are you laughing?" Kevin asked.

"This guy has no legs to stand on for outing someone, he's gayer than me and you put together. I have seen this guy around New York doing drag shows." JT stated, laughing harder now.

"I doubt the fans of TRL know about that little part of your life, huh Damien?" Chris asked, looking at Damien with an evil look on his face.

"Probably not, but I am quite sure I have some footage of him back at my apartment in Albany." JT spoke.

"Oh really? Can we see that footage sometime?" AJ asked, with an evil grin on his face.

"Sure you can. I don't mind showing anyone how bad he is at doing RuPaul and Donna Summer drag, he sucks ass big time." JT spoke, laughing again.

"Oh shut the fuck up man!" Damien spoke.

"Don't make me pull my gun out and pistol whip you like Ike Turner was going to do to Tina in `What's Love Got To Do With It'." JT stated, laughing again.

"Whatever man." Damien stated as JT walked over with a straight face and pulled his gun out, then broke out laughing again. "You are not worth the bullet."

"Aren't you gonna have him arrested JT?" Chris asked, walking over to JT. "He's only here to cause problems for Justin and Nick. I think he's here to disrupt the wedding."

"I think I might." JT spoke, pulling out his phone and calling someone.

// Nikki's Room //

"What!" Nikki screamed, as there was a knock on her door.

"Nikki, it's me Howie. Can I come in?" Howie asked, sticking his head into the room . "Well you are already almost in, so you might as well come all the way in." Nikki stated, sitting up on the sofa in the main part of the room. "What is it that you want?"

"I came to see if you were okay Nikki." Howie stated, sitting next to her and placing his arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry for the things Brian said out there. He has no tact whatsoever."

"Well it's not your fault. I should have ripped him to pieces." Nikki stated, punching her fist into the sofa.

"No you shouldn't have. Leave Brian to the authorities." Howie stated. "Regardless of his warped reasons, he had no right to hurt Joey like he did and he had no right to say what he said to you."

"Poor Tony, why would Brian hurt him like that?" Nikki stated. "How could someone be so heartless?"

"I am wondering that myself." Howie stated, still rubbing Nikki's back.

"I just wish that this weekend was over so I could just go home and be with my babies, Howie." Nikki stated, tears running down her face. "I only ever wanted to get away from my psycho ex husband. I never wanted all of this stuff to happen."

"Hey, it's going to be okay angel," Howie stated, kissing Nikki softly. "Things are not as bad as they seem, but there is something, well two things actually, that I need to ask you before things go any further between us."

"You can ask me whatever it is that you want to know" Nikki stated.

"First, is Joey the father of your children?" Howie asked softly, looking deeply into Nikki's eyes.

"I... I think he might be, but I'm not sure," Nikki replied. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Not if you answer the second question honestly," Howie replied.

"So what's the second question?" Nikki asked.

"Do you still have feelings for Joey?" Howie asked, running his fingers over Nikki's face and tracing the curve of her cheek.

"I love him... but I'm not in love with him if that's what you mean," Nikki replied. "Joey was my very first kiss... my first crush... and when you get right down to it, my very first love. I will always love him for being the one to show me what true love was all about, but I know that he's with Josh now. I see how happy they are, and I want that for me, but only with someone who loves me as much as I love them. That's not Joey, and it never will be."

"But what if you find out that he is the father of those babies?" Howie stated, kissing Nikki gently on the lips.

"He can be their father without being my boyfriend." Nikki replied grabbing Howie's face in her hands and staring deeply into his eyes. "Joey is going to be a fantastic dad to his sons, but you are going to be a fantastic boyfriend to their mother. Would you like to meet the other men in my life?"

"Later." Howie replied, pulling Nikki onto his lap and covering her lips with his. The kiss deepened, the passion building rapidly to a fever pitch between the two of them until Nikki pulled away and stood up, reaching out a hand to Howie.

"Howie, will you stay with me tonight? I do not want to be alone, after everything that has happened today. I need someone to talk to. I mean, I just want to have a friend to talk to." Nikki asked shyly.

"Sleep as in sleep, or sleep as in have sex." Howie stated.

"I meant sleep as in two people who like each other sleeping in the same bed for the night... come what may," Nikki stated.

"Yes I will sleep with you Nikki," Howie replied, getting up and following Nikki into the bedroom.

--- Nikki's POV ---

Howie and I went into the bedroom, turning off the lights and getting undressed. I slipped into a silk nightie and slipped between the cool sheets. Howie stripped down to his boxer briefs and followed suit. He spooned into my back, holding me close to him. We talked for a little while, getting to know each other better while I willed my mind to slow down. Soon the rhythmic beating of his heart and the soft kisses we had shared allowed my tried mind and body to relax, and I fell asleep.

I woke up a little later and I could feel him bury his nose in my hair, inhaling the scent of green apples left there by my shampoo. Howie kissed my neck, trailing kisses over to my shoulder as he gently messaged my shoulders. It feels so good, but at the same time the fear I have for all men is still there. His breath was warm on my skin, sending chills up and down my spine. I knew that I was not going to be able to run from him this time if things got too heated, so I decided then and there to stop being afraid of him and just allow things to go where they would.

I smiled as I turned over to face him, teasing his lips with gentle little nips. He smiled at me, and all of a sudden I knew that he was this man for me. His eyes held a secret that I had long forgotten, and one that I would remember soon. I wrapped my arms around him, deepening the kiss. His hands came up to my face, tracing my eyebrows down to my chin, then going lower.

""Dios, usted tiene tales ojos hermosos." Howie said, kissing me again. (God you have such beautiful eyes)

Howie slipped his hands into the bodice of my gown, gently caressing my nipples. I gasped, wanting him to stop, but at the same time hoping he never would. He brought his hands back out, smiling as he tongued my lips, making me want to beg him to hurry... hurry. Howie pulled back, pushing me over onto my back and lying on top of me. He kissed me again; igniting a fire in me that was begging him to put it out.

His hands roamed freely over my body, sending shivers to places that I didn' t even know could feel that good. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, knowing that this man was going to be a part of me in the most intimate way imaginable. I moaned when his mouth covered my nipple, making me feel like my nipple was the best thing on my body.

Howie lifted the hem of my gown, pulling me to a sitting position so that he could pull it over my head. Our lips came together again, fusing us together in mutual heat and attraction. I lay back on the bed, bringing him with me. We used our tongues like sabers in a duel, fighting to see who would win this contest. I ran my hands over his back, enjoying the play of muscles and sinew under his butter soft skin. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties, pulling on them as I lifted my hips to help him.

Howie pulled them down my legs slowly, tossing them on the floor to join the other clothes we'd both taken off. He stood up next to the bed, looking deep into my eyes as he slid his boxer briefs down his legs. He didn't make a move to come back to bed, so I reached out a hand to him, but he ignored it. Instead, Howie sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me.

"Are you sure this is what you want Nicole?" Howie asked, looking serious but vulnerable. "If we do this, there is no turning back for us. I don't want it to just be about meaningless sex between us. I want us to mean more to each other than just a casual screw. You deserve better than that. So if we do this then that means we are together, and you are going to be my woman. I need for you to look me in the eyes and tell me that this is what you want."

I looked at him sitting there looking like a nervous little boy. I felt my heart melt just a little and I decided to take a chance on trusting him. I touched his cheek, never flinching as I told him how I felt, straight from my heart.

"You know about my past. You know about the pain that my ex-husband put me through. I trust you here and now not to hurt me. So yes, this is what I want. Now more than ever, I want this with you Howard Dewaine Dorough."

Howie moved quickly to settle back in the vee of my thighs, stopping only to slip into a rubber poppa stopper. He found his way into me, sliding deep into my love in one firm stroke that left me gasping and reeling from the torrent of sensations ripping through my body. He began to rock his hips, moving in and out of me slowly. Our lips never left each other's, fusing together in passionate abandon. All thoughts of Joey and his drama floated away like leaves on yesterday's breeze.

We moved together as one, seeking and finding each other's rhythm as if we had been doing this together forever. He whispered sweetly naughty things to me in Spanish, things that only added to the eroticism of the moment. Howie kept racing me, moving faster until I was panting helplessly, but then slowing down until I begged him to take me there faster. Soon he had me begging and crying, desperate for release. I closed my eyes to concentrate on what I was feeling until Howie stopped abruptly.

"Look at me mi amor," Howie stated, thrusting into me hard and fast. "I want you to see who is the one making you feel this good. Open your eyes mi corazón."

We locked eyes, a wicked warmth stealing over me as he began to move faster and harder. I grabbed his hips, attempting to pull him farther inside of me. Howie kissed me, never letting his eyes waver for a second. Howie was crashing into me, making me release little screams and moans that were like a siren's song to him, pulling him deeper inside of my love. I felt a tidal wave hit as my orgasm poured through me. I screamed out pleasure bordering on pain into Howie's mouth, his own groans of pleasure mingling with mine until he collapsed on top of me, spent and panting.

Howie rolled off of me, gathering me to him and wrapping him arms around me. I snuggled into him, content for the first time in forever. I felt like laughing and singing and crying all at the same time because I was so happy. Howie kissed my forehead, pushing my damn hair back. I smiled up at him, grateful that he had come into my life.

"What's so funny sweet girl?" Howie asked as he kissed me, making my smile grow by leaps and bounds.

"I'm just very happy that we got past all of the hostility to get to this place tonight." I replied, kissing the corner of his mouth. "For a very, very long time, I didn't believe that I was beautiful or sexy enough to get a man like you. You helped me to remember just how beautiful I really am tonight, and for that I will always be grateful to you. Gracias mi amor."

"No sabía que usted habló español, *" Howie stated, looking at me in shock.

"Si, Mi padre era de México, y él insistió que sus niños aprenden su lengua materna," I replied in perfect Mexican Spanish, grinning at the astonished look on his face. **

"Wow, this is so cool. Now I have a partner in crime when I say snarky things about people en español," Howie replied with a grin that matched mine. "We are going to have so much fun together mija. But I do want to say one more thing. Gracias por mirar más allá de la cólera y ver al hombre que soy y perdonándome mi estupidez." ***

"No hay nada perdonar mi amor. Sleep now, and I'll be here in your arms when you wake up." I said softly, kissing him again before I settled down to sleep wrapped tight in the arms of the man who I hoped would want to keep me there for the rest of my days. ****

  • I didn't know you spoke Spanish. ** Yes I do. My father was from Mexico, and he insisted that his children learn his native language. *** Thank you for looking past the anger and seeing the man I am and forgiving me my stupidity. **** There is nothing to forgive my love.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 53

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