My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 10, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 45 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound -- The Main Room //

"Guys we have come to a decision." Justin stated as he and Nick walked into the Main Room. "We are going to get married on Saturday."

"Saturday? As in this Saturday coming?" Chris asked.

"Yes." Justin stated, glaring at Chris.

"But tonight is Tuesday, we don't have enough time to get all the stuff ready for a wedding." AJ stated.

"Well that's because we aren't getting married here. We are flying to Hawaii." Nick stated.

"What about us?" AJ asked.

"You can go, but we are staying for a while. Oh yeah, if you come, no cameras." Justin stated, glaring at Chris again.

"Stop it Justin. I told you what happened. How long are you going to blame me for this?" Chris asked as JT and Kevin stumbled into the room and fell on the floor, still kissing.

"Mr. Poole?" Justin asked.

"Kevin?" Nick asked.

"What?" JT and Kevin spoke in unison.

"What the hell are you two doing?" AJ asked.

"What does it look like we are doing?" Kevin asked.

"I think I better go now." JT stated, as he got up off the floor, looked around the room and took off running out of the room.

"Great you had to go and make him feel embarrassed." Kevin stated.

"You two did that yourselves." Justin stated, laughing at Kevin.

"Oh shut up." Kevin stated as he left the room as the others kept talking.

// Main Kitchen Room -- Wednesday Morning //

"Good morning guys. Sleep well?" JT asked, sipping his coffee as JC, Joey, AJ and Chris walked into the room.

"No, Justin and Nick kept us up most of the night fucking." AJ stated, waling over to the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of water.

"You guys heard them too?" JC asked, making gagging faces. "I thought me and this lug here were kinky, but Justin and Nick take the cake."

"Sounded like they were swinging from the ceiling or something." Chris stated.

"I thought I heard wild animals." JC stated, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know what I heard, but I couldn't sleep." AJ stated, sitting next to Chris and laying his head on Chris' shoulder.

"Morning guys." Kevin stated, walking into the kitchen, stopping behind JT, tapping him on the shoulder. When JT turned around, Kevin placed a kiss on JT's lips causing the other guys to look at them strangely.

"What's going on between you two?" AJ asked.

"Nothing." JT stated, grabbing his cup of coffee and newspaper as he turned and walked out of the room.

"There he goes again." Joey stated. "I swear that guy can move fast."

"He likes you Kev." AJ stated.

"He has a funny way of showing it." Kevin stated as he plopped down in the seat JT was just sitting in. "I want to get to know him and see what happens, but he keeps running from me."

"Give him some time Kevin." JC stated. "JT just needs a little time. When he's ready, you will know."

"How do you know that?" Kevin asked.

"We used to date." JC stated, looking down at the table.

"What!" AJ, Chris and Kevin all spoke at the same time.

"Yeah we used to date." JC stated.

"Oh my god, I didn't know that." Chris stated. "Are you okay with him being here?"

"Yeah I am okay with him being here. I am with Joey now and basically the feelings we had for each other are no longer there." JC stated, placing his arm around Joey, causing Joey to tense up.

"Well why won't he give me a chance?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you are pushing too hard. You might be moving to fast." JC stated.

"I don't think I am moving too fast." Kevin stated.

"Maybe he's scared to get into another relationship due to the way things turned out between me and him." JC stated.

"What actually happened?" Kevin asked.

"He got an assignment overseas and we were not able to see each other often so we kinda lost touch with each other and when he got back, I kinda had moved on." JC stated.

"Oh, so you broke his heart?" Kevin asked.

"Well..." JC stated, getting up and leaving the room.

"That's the problem. He's heartbroken." Kevin stated, frowning.

// 10 Minutes Before -- the Main Room //

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" JT asked, helping Nikki up off the floor.

"Yes I am okay. Nothing a bottle of club soda can't fix. Where are you heading off to in such a big hurry?" Nikki asked.

"I am just trying to get out of here. Trying to find a place to be alone and get away from Kevin." JT stated.

"Why are you running chile?" Nikki asked.

"I just need to get away from Kevin." JT stated.

"Why?" Nikki asked.

"I just don't know what to do with him, I don't know what to think about the situation that he's involved in." JT stated.

"What situation is that?" Nikki asked, taking JT's hand as the two of them walked towards the patio door and exited.

"The thing that he, Joey and Brian are mixed up in with that guy that I had to shoot back in Chicago." JT stated, sitting down on a nearby patio chair.

"Okay putting that aside for a minute, if that stuff wasn't in the picture would you be acting like this now?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know. I really can't say." JT stated, putting the paper down. "Kevin is a cute guy, and I think he has everything I would want in a boyfriend, I am just scared."

"Why are you scared?" Nikki asked.

"Because it seems every time I open my heart, I get hurt." JT stated, holding his head in his hands. "I don't want to start liking Kevin and then he dump me like Josh did."

"Josh as in JC Josh?" Nikki asked.

"One in the same." JT stated.

"You and he actually dated? I thought that was someone else." Nikki stated. "I knew he and Tony talked about his relationship with a security guy, but I didn't know that was you."

"Yeah it was me." JT stated, getting out of the chair and pacing back and forth. "I just wish this wasn't so hard. I wish there was an easy answer."

"There is an easy answer. Go for it. We all have a past, not everyone has a squeaky clean one. We all have skeletons in the closet." Nikki stated, rubbing JT's back. "Just give him a chance and don't think about his past, that part of his life didn't concern you. Think about something you and he will share. Now go in there and stop playing hard to get."

"Oh alright." JT stated, picking up his paper and walking towards the house again.

// Justin and Nick's Room //

"Good morning baby." Justin stated.

"Morning Justin." Nick spoke, turning over in bed and hugging Justin as they shared a passionate kiss.

"How do you feel?" Justin asked.

"I'm hungry. Let's shower and go find food." Nick stated.

"Okay baby." Justin stated as he hoped over Nick, leaned down, picked Nick up in his arms and carried him to the bathroom.

"Justin you can stop carrying me around in here." Nick stated. "I feel fine honey, promise."

"Well I don't know baby, you said your legs were hurting last night before we fell asleep, so I decided to keep you from feeling pain." Justin stated, putting Nick down on the sink.

"Baby that's because of the strange position we were in last night." Nick stated. "I didn't expect we would fuck like that."

"Well they were doing it like that on the tape." Justin stated, laughing. "You were the one that wanted us to copy everything we saw on the movie."

"Yeah I know. I won't suggest that again unless I know what actually happens in the movie." Nick stated, giggling.

"Well the movie was good until the guys started having sex while riding on the horse and the other guy actually letting the bull fuck him." Justin stated, turning the water on in the shower. "You ready baby?"

"Stop Justin, I can get into the shower myself." Nick stated, kissing Justin as he hoped down off of the sink and grabbed Justin's hand as the two of them stepped into the shower.

"Do you want to go a round now or wait until later on today?" Justin asked, kissing on Nick's neck.

"We might need a round now. You never know how long it's going to take to get away and find privacy." Nick stated, leaning his head back as Justin continued working on his neck.

"Baby I think it's your turn to fuck me." Justin stated, kissing Nick. "How do you want me baby?"

"Like this." Nick stated, pushing Justin up against the shower wall. "Spread `em baby."

"Oh you want it like that huh." Justin stated, spreading his legs as Nick entered him. "Please officer, I want do it again."

"Oh you have been very very bad Mr. Timberlake, you must pay for your

crime." Nick stated, teasing Justin's earlobe with his tongue.

"Please officer give me another chance." Justin stated, going along with the role-play fantasy that he and Nick acted out. "I promise that I will not do it again. Please officer, don't hurt me."

"I'm going to give you what you deserve." Nick stated, grunting as he started to slam in and out of Justin's ass quickly. "Oh baby, I don't think I can last long."

"Me either." Justin stated as his body started twitching as he shot his load of cum on the shower well.

"Oh god baby, I'm cumming." Nick stated, as his orgasm took over his body, causing him to collapse onto Justin's back against the shower stall. "Oh baby, you were awesome."

"You were too baby." Justin stated. "Tonight it's Cowboys and Indians."

"Oh yeah baby." Nick stated, grabbing the washcloth and soaping it up, washing Justin's back with it.

"We have to go and finished reserving rooms." Justin stated. "Did you call your mom back and let her know?"

"I left a message for her to call me back." Nick stated, kissing Justin's neck. "Seems Aaron and Frankie have gotten into trouble with Hillary Duff. She followed them back to Tampa and well let's just say Aaron was outed at the charity even he was performing at."

"That little trick." Justin stated.

"Be nice baby." Nick stated. "She claims that Aaron stole Frankie from her."

"That's no reason for her to out him." Justin stated.

"True, but you know how scorned women are." Nick stated. "Or fucking men. Men named Damien Fahey."

"Baby calm down." Justin stated as he turned around, taking the washcloth from Nick and washing his chest with it. "Don't worry about Damien. He will get his punishment in the end."

"Well he needs more than a punishment, he needs to be shot." Nick stated, as Justin stopped and the two of them kissed. "I think we better get out of here, the water is getting cold."

"Yeah it is baby. Why don't we go find something to eat now." Justin stated as they rinsed the soap off their bodies and stepped out of the shower, drying each other off.

// Lance and Carson's Room //

"Lance are you guys going to come to breakfast?" JC asked, knocking on the door. "The food's getting cold."

"Just leave me alone Jayce, I am not hungry." Lance stated.

"Well what about Carson, doesn't he want food?" JC asked.

"No he doesn't." Lance stated, opening the door to the room. "Carson doesn 't want anything because he isn't here. Now leave me the fuck alone."

"What?" JC asked. "What do you mean he isn't here?"

"He left me last night. He went back to New York." Lance stated as he walked back over to the bed as JC followed him into the room.

"Why did he leave?" JC asked.

"He left because of a stupid mistake I made." Lance stated, lying back down in bed.

"What did you do?' JC asked.

"I slept with Justin." Lance stated.

"You slept with Justin? When?" JC asked.

"When he came out." Lance stated, tears falling from his eyes slowly. "I shouldn't have done it."

"Why did you do it?" JC asked.

"Because before I married Carson, I was in love with him." Lance stated.

"You were in love with Justin?" JC asked.

"Yeah I was. Before Carson came along, I always wanted what it would be like to be with Justin, and then I gave up on being with him and moved on. After a while of crying my eyes out and drinking, I met Carson. Things changed for me and got better. Things were so good that we got married a year later." Lance explained sitting up in bed. "I have lost him forever now."

"I am lost here. What does Justin have to do with Carson leaving you?" JC asked.

"I slept with Justin after me and Carson were married." Lance stated.

"You what?" JC asked. "Are you crazy?"

"Yes I am crazy. I went and fucked up a good thing for a messed up

fantasy." Lance stated, getting up and walking into the bathroom. "Just leave JC. I need to be alone."

"I will go, but let me know if you need me." JC stated, getting up and walking out of the room.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 46

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