My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 20, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 36 by JT Poole

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico -- Justin and Nick's Cottage //

"What the hell are you doing here Chris?" Justin asked, starring at Chris with a camera in his hand.

"None of your fucking business!" Chris screamed.

"It is my fucking business when you have a camera in your hand taking pictures of us!" Justin screamed.

"You don't have any proof of that." Chris stated.

"No I don't but I am gonna find out." Justin stated running towards Chris and tackling him.

"Get off of me gay boy!" Chris yelled. "I don't want your fucking germs on me."

"Let go of the camera Chris!" Justin screamed as he and Chris rolled around on the floor.

"Both of you stop it, Stop it right now." Nick stated.

"Give me that damn camera Chris!" Justin yelled.

"I am not giving you shit!" Chris screamed.

"Oh you are going to give it to me alright and then you are going to get the hell away from here before I fucking kill you." Justin stated, snatching the camera from Chris and getting up.

"Give that back you fucking faggot!" Chris screamed as Justin opened the camera and pulled out the film.

"Here you go." Justin stated, throwing the camera at Chris. "Get the fuck out of here!"

"You will pay for this you fucking faggot!" Chris stated, jumping over the railing and walking down the beach.

"Baby are you okay?" Nick asked, hugging Justin.

"Yeah I am fine." Justin stated as he and Nick walked back into the cottage. "Baby tell me what's wrong, you never told me before we were interrupted."

"Don't worry about it. I told you I was okay." Nick stated, sitting down on the sofa.

"Apparently something is wrong and it has something to do with me." Justin stated. "I don't want us to have a rift between us. Talk to me baby, please."

"Justin...I am jealous of you." Nick stated.

"Jealous of me?" Justin asked. "Why are you jealous of me?"

"Because you still have a career, all I have right now is a memory of something that will never be." Nick stated.

"You do have a career baby. You are writing songs and you are still performing." Justin stated.

"Not as much as you are." Nick stated. "Damien was right, I don't think I can deal with you being in the spotlight like this."

"What? Why?" Justin asked. "Our careers should have nothing to do with the love we have for each other."

"Well I know that, but I am still jealous of you." Nick stated.

"You shouldn't be jealous of me. If I wasn't Justin Timberlake, would you still love me?" Justin asked.

"Yes I would still love you." Nick stated. "It has nothing to do with not loving you..."

"Then you are just going to let this come between us. I love you more than that Nick. I would never let something like this change or interfere in my love for you." Justin stated as tears fell from his eyes and he walked out of the room.

// Down the Beach //

"What do you mean he caught you?" The voice asked on the phone.

"He caught me. I was taking pictures of them and he caught me when the flash went off." Chris stated.

"You can't do anything right." The voice stated. "Did you get the other pictures developed?"

"Yeah. I sent those to you already and I still have the negatives for those. You should have received those already." Chris stated.

"Well I haven't. How did you send them?" The voice asked.

"Private messenger." Chris stated. "You sure you don't have them?"

"I am sure I don't have them. You have screwed up enough. If you have ruined my plans in anyway, I will hurt you badly."

"I am not trying to ruin your plans. I want those two apart just as much as you do." Chris stated.

"You are not acting like it." The voice stated. "Don't fail me Chris. If I haven't received those pictures before the end of the day, you have had it."

"Look man, don't go overboard with all of this. I did what you wanted and if you play your cards right that Little Nick Carter will fall right into your arms."

"You better hope he does or you can kiss your ass good bye. I am not going to tolerate anymore failures." The voice stated as the line went dead.

"I have to break them up some how." Chris stated, placing his cell phone back into his pocket.

// Chicago, IL -- The Airport //

"Baby stop crying, just calm down." Brian stated, trying to calm Leighanne down.

"I said be quiet bitch or you can be next." Adam stated, aiming the gun at her.

"Who's in the bag Adam?" Brian asked with tears in his eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know...let's see who's in the baggie." Adam stated. "Open the bag Bruce."

The strange man walked over to Adam, grabbed the bag and started to unzip it. While he was holding the bag up, blood started to drip from the bottom of the bag.

"Oh my god, look at all that blood." Leighanne stated.

"Shut up bitch. I didn't give you permission to talk." Adam stated.

"Oh my God Kevin!" Brian screamed as Bruce, the strange man had completely opened the bad to reveal Kevin Richardson lying in the bag coughing.

"Kevin, Kevin are you alright! Can you hear me!?!" Brian called out as Kevin continued to cough.

"Keep screaming like that and I will kill him then you." Adam stated.

"Fine, fine, if you want Brian you can have him, just don't hurt Kevin, he hasn't done anything to anyone." Leighanne stated.

"Well he has done something." Adam stated.

"What has Kevin done?" Leighanne asked.

"Ah, that's none of your business. That's between Brian, Kevin and me." Adam stated, waving the gun in Leighanne's face.

"Kev are you okay?" Brian asked, trying to ease over to Kevin.

"Step back candy pants." Adam stated, pointing the gun at Brian.

"Adam just stop this." Brian stated. "If you want me, you got me, just don 't hurt them."

"Oh now you want to pledge yourself to me. Why didn't you do that a year ago?" Adam asked.

"You could have saved us a whole lot of trouble and time." Adam stated, walking over to Brian and kissing him on the lips as Leighanne dropped her head down. "That's a good boy."

"Fine you have me, just let them go." Brian stated.

"What, are you kidding? I am not letting anyone go. You and Kevin are coming with me." Adam stated. "Bruce, zip Mr. Richardson here back up and escort Mrs. Wallace here to our van."

"Please don't. Just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone please just let me go." Leighanne stated.

"I will let you go, as soon as I knock you out." Adam stated.

//Atlanta, GA -- The Home of Brian and Leighanne //

"Chief there is no sign of anyone here in the Littrell household. There are signs of some kind of struggle, but no one is here." The police officer stated.

"Well collect all the evidence and dust for fingerprints." The Chief stated. "There might be a big lead here and we are missing it."

"Well I did find these." Another police officer stated, holding a map of the Chicago area.

"I will place a call to the Chicago PD and have them be on the look out for anything strange and alert them to what we already know." The Chief stated.

// Los Angeles, CA -- Frankie Muniz Home //

"You what?" Aaron asked, speaking on the phone to someone.

"I scheduled you for a performance back here in Orlando, get on back here." Jane stated.

"But mom me and Frankie just got here." Aaron stated, getting royally pissed at his mother.

"Well I don't care. The event is in two days, come back here, you can take your trip some other time." Jane stated, hanging up the phone.

"Frankie, Frankie, we got to go." Aaron stated.

"Why? What's wrong?" Frankie asked.

"I have to go back to Orlando. My mother scheduled me to perform at some teen function, so I have to go back. Are you coming with me?" Aaron asked.

"Of course my love, I will be by your side whenever I can." Frankie stated. "I will call and make arrangements for us to go back.

"Okay, thanks babe." Aaron stated, kissing Frankie on the cheek.

"Anything for you babe." Frankie stated, hugging Aaron.

// Chicago, IL - The Airport //

"I have just gotten in Johnny. I am on my way to the hospital right now as we speak." A strange black man stated as he was standing outside, getting into a taxi.

"Alright JT, bring those guys back home. I am counting on you to keep them protected." Johnny Wright stated.

"Will do." JT stated. "I will call you as things progress."

"Alright JT, take care and I will see you all when you get back to Orlando." Johnny stated hanging up the phone.

"Get me to Loyola University Medical." JT spoke to the taxi driver. "Step on it.

// Back in Cozumel //

"What do you mean you guys are being hunted by Brian Littrell?" Justin asked, speaking on the phone with Joey and JC.

"Yeah. It's a long story Curly, just get back to Orlando as soon as you can. Johnny wants us all in one place so we can be watched." Joey stated.

"Oh alright. Me and Nick will be on the first plane back to Orlando." Justin stated. "You might need to call Chris and tell him too. He's around here somewhere trying to out me and Nick."

"What?" Joey asked.

"Yeah he's here in Mexico. He followed us here and he was taking pictures of Nick and me." Justin stated.

"Oh great. Wonder what kind of problems he's caused for you two that we don 't know about." Joey stated. "I guess we will find out soon."

"I guess so." Justin stated. "I guess we will see you guys soon."

"See you soon. Bye Justin. Tell Nick I said Hello." Joey stated, hanging up the phone.

"Baby we gots to leave, there's trouble and Johnny wants us all back home." Justin stated, walking into the living room of the cottage.

"What's wrong baby?" Nick asked.

"Nothing now that you called me baby." Justin stated, kissing Nick on the cheek.

"No Justin, I am not kidding, what's wrong, why do we have to go back?" Nick asked.

"It seems that Brian has caused some problems and well I don't understand it all, but for security reasons, Johnny wants us all in Orlando. We are supposed to report to the Compound as soon as possible." Justin stated.

"Oh great, I don't like that place. Too industry feeling." Nick stated.

"Well it won't be for long I hope." Justin stated, kissing Nick. "Besides, we can finish our little private vacation there. Seems we are all over the news there still so what the hell."

"Are you going to be okay with that Justin? I don't want to go through that with you again." Nick stated.

"I am okay with it baby. If the world knows that I am in love with you then I don't care as long as I have you." Justin stated.

"Oh Justin you are soooo sweet." Nick stated.

"Nick?" Justin spoke.

"Yes?" Nick asked.

"Well you marry me?" Justin asked.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 37

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