My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 17, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 35 by JT Poole

// Chicago, IL -- The Hospital -- Waiting Room //

"Joe what's wrong?" JC asked, walking up to Joey.

"I don't know." Joey stated. "After she had the last baby, she passed out and they kicked me out of the room."

"She passed out?" JC asked. "Oh god, I hope she's alright."

"I hope so too." Joey stated. "Those little babies need her."

"Yes they do." JC stated. "I am sure she's okay. God wouldn't take her from her babies right now."

"I hope you are right." Joey stated as Lance and a strange man walked into the room.

"Joey how is your friend?" Lance asked as he walked up to Joey and hugged him.

"She just got finished delivering the babies, but she passed out

afterwards." Joey stated as he hugged JC, as Lance looked at the two of them strangely.

"Why is Carson Daly here Lance?" JC asked, spying the man over Joey's shoulder.

"Well ah...ah Carson is here with me." Lance stated.

"We have established that Lance, why is he here with you?" JC asked.

"You might as well tell them baby." Carson spoke.

"He just called you baby." Joey stated.

" and Carson are married." Lance stated as he got death stares from JC and Joey.

"You are fucking what!" Joey screamed.

"Calm down Joe." JC stated.

"Calm down!" Joey screamed again. "He just said he and Carson were married!"

"Joey calm down, you are in a hospital for God's sake." Lance stated.

"Ah Scoop you better start running now!" Joey stated.

"Running for what?" Lance asked, getting a scared look on his face.

"Both of you better start running. When I catch you I am going to kick your ass for the way you treated Justin." Joey stated.

"I didn't do anything to Justin." Lance stated.

"The way you acted towards him when he came out to us and here you are married to him, him of all people." Joey stated.

"What's so wrong with me?" Carson asked.

"I saw the MTV special about Justin and Nick!" Joey stated.

"I had nothing to do with that." Carson spoke.

"If I remember correctly, you are the producer of TRL and you could have stopped that from happening." Joey stated.

"Well maybe you should talk to MTV about that, as of yesterday I am suspended, so take that up with them." Carson spoke.

"I don't give a damn if you got fired! You allowed that crap to be aired!" Joey screamed.

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico -- Justin and Nick's Cottage //

"Baby turn on the TV." Justin stated, cuddling up to Nick.

"Do you really want to watch that?" Nick asked, picking up the remote control. "There are better things we can be doing besides watching TV."

"Baby we have been having sex most of the morning. Aren't you tired or sore?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I am, but I was thinking of curling up in the hot tub in there and just relaxing." Nick stated.

"We can do that, but let's catch some MTV first." Justin stated, grabbing the remote from Nick and changing the channels until he came across MTV.

"Hey baby it's your video." Nick stated with some sarcasm in his voice.

"Baby I know that, why did you say it like that?' Justin asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"No there's nothing wrong." Nick stated, rolling over in bed.

"Oh there's something wrong baby. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong." Justin stated.

"There's nothing wrong with me Justin." Nick stated.

"Nicky tell me." Justin stated.

"I just did. There's nothing wrong with me Justin." Nick stated.

"There is something wrong Nicky, when did I become Justin?' Justin asked.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"When did it get to the point that you called me Justin in that tone of voice?" Justin asked with a frown on his face.

"Oh stop it Justin, that look might work for other people but it doesn't work on me." Nick stated getting out of bed and grabbing a robe, walking out of the room.

"What look?" Justin asked, jumping out of bed and following Nick out of the room. "What's the problem Nicky?"

"Justin Timberlake is the problem right now." Nick stated.

"What did I do?" Justin asked with a confused look on his face.

"You, now, this...everything...I don't know." Nick stated, jumbling his words. "I don't think I can deal with you right now. Just leave me alone."

"No baby, I am not going to leave you alone." Justin stated, as there was a flash of light. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." Nick stated. "Go see what it was and leave me alone for now. I just need to be by myself."

"This isn't over by a longshot." Justin stated, grabbing a robe, putting it on and opening the doors to the patio. "What the hell are you doing here Chris?"

"Chris? As in your band mate Chris?" Nick asked, running to the patio.

// Chicago, IL -- The Hospital -- Nikki's Room //

"Okay we got a heartbeat and a pulse." The doctor stated. "She's with us again."

"Doctor what caused that?" The nurse asked.

"I don't know, it could have been the injuries her husband caused to her during their tussle." The doctor spoke.

"Where are my babies?!" Nikki screamed as she came to.

"Mrs. Valente you are awake." The doctor stated as Joey came running into the room.

"Nikki you are okay." Joey stated, walking over to her side. "You have some cute little babies."

"I do?" Nikki asked. "I want to see them."

"Soon Mrs. Valente, but first we want to make sure that you are okay." The doctor stated.

"I am okay. I want to see my babies." Nikki stated. "Bring me my babies."

"Mrs. Valente we need to run some test on you to be sure there is nothing internally wrong with you." The doctor stated.

"I see my babies first then you can run all the test you want. Babies first, test next." Nikki stated.

"Fine. Nurse go get her babies." The doctor spoke defeated.

"Thank you." Nikki stated. "Are they beautiful Tony?"

"They are gorgeous. Two cute little boys." Joey stated.

"Two little boys? I wanted a girl." Nikki stated.

"Well God gave you boys." Joey stated as the nurse walked into the room with one of the babies as another nurse came in carrying the other baby.

"Here are your two healthy baby boys." The nurse spoke.

"What are you going to name them?" Joey asked as JC walked into the room.

"I don't know yet. I am not naming them anything resembling that no good daddy of theirs." Nikki stated.

"No one said you had to name them after Michael." Joey stated, holding up his hands and stepping away from the bed.

"I think I will name them after some people I know." Nikki stated.

"What are the names?" Joey asked.

"Let's are going to be Joseph Christian Thomas and you are going to be Joshua Christopher Thomas." Nikki stated as JC walked into the room with Lance and Carson.

"You named the babies after me and Josh." Joey stated. "That is so cool."

"She named the babies after me and you?" JC asked.

"Yeah. That's Joseph Christian Thomas and that's Joshua Christopher

Thomas." Joey stated, pointing each baby out to JC.

"Cool." JC stated.

"Well you guys are cool, if it weren't for you two, we three might not be here right now." Nikki stated, grabbing JC by the short and pulling him down to hug him and kiss him on the cheek.

// Chicago, IL -- The Airport //

"So you followed me this far, do you really think I should let you continue following me?" The man spoke. "You have cost me more than you know, I should kill you right now."

"You can't kill me. I have you right were I want you." The kid stated.

"And where is that supposed to be?" The man asked.

"Look over there." The kid pointed behind the man. "If something happens to me, that man over there will alert authorities. So regardless of what happens, you are still ruined."

"Why you little shit, I don't know how I got mixed up with you in the first fucking place." The man stated.

"You liked my ass. Now keep walking." The kid stated as he and the man walked down the corridor of the airport.

"Where are we going?" The man asked.

"We are going to a private room, a room that I have reserved for us." The kid stated.

"What are you trying to pull here Adam?" The man asked.

"Let's just say you are going to carry out my wishes from now on." The kid stated, "Starting now. Go in there."

"Why?" The man asked.

"Just go, there's a surprise in there waiting for you." The kid stated as he and the man walked into the room.

"What the hell is this?" The man asked. "What's going on here Adam?"

"I believe you know your lovely wife. If you really love her, then you will shut the fuck up and sit your ass down." The kid stated as the man he had pointed to earlier walked into the room.

"Leighanne are you okay?" The man asked.

"Brian, Brian what's going on here?" Leighanne asked.

"Shut up bitch, I didn't give you permission to talk." The kid stated. "From this moment on, both of you are under my control."

"Kid you are loosing your fuckin mind." Brian stated.

"Am I?" The kid asked. "Well let's see if you think that way now. Go bring in the other guest."

As the strange man stepped out of the room, Brian and Leighanne exchange looks between each other, trying to figure out who the kid had as a surprise guest when the man came back into the room and through a body bag on the floor.

"Oh my god!" Leighanne screamed.

"What have you done Adam?" Brian asked.

"I haven't done anything yet." The kid stated, pulling a gun out of his jacket. "No what's it going to be Brian, me or her?"

"What the you want Adam?" Brian asked. "I thought you only wanted money."

"I don't want your money, I have my own. I want you, and I want Joey Fatone." The kid stated.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I am married and Joey is in a relationship with someone." Brian stated.

"I don't care. I have you here now and I can easily remedy the problem with you, I can just kill her." Adam stated, aiming the gun at Leighanne.

"No don't! Don't kill her." Brian stated.

"Don't you move again, I will shoot you if I have to." Adam stated. "You have caused me some hurt Mr. Littrell and I have no hang ups about shooting you right now."

"You are not going to shoot me. Why go through all of this if you just shoot me?" Brian asked.

"You are right, then I will just shoot her or whoever is in the bag." Adam stated.

"Who's in there Adam?" Brian asked.

"Why don't we just see." Adam stated as he aimed the gun at the bag and fired two shots at it.

"Oh my fucking god!" Brian screamed as the strange man walked over to him and covered his mouth.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 36

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