My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 10, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 33 by JT Poole

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico //

"Hey what's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Nothing." Nick stated.

"I'm sorry, but on this vacation no one will get upset, be mad or have sad looking moments." Justin stated. "Now tell me what's wrong baby."

"Nothing is wrong baby, I was just thinking how good is to be finally alone with someone that loves me." Nick stated.

"Well you know I love you Nicky, I hope you love me as much as I love you." Justin stated.

"You know I do Justin." Nick stated, raising Justin's hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"Well Nicky, I do want you to know that you can talk to me...about anything." Justin stated. "Regardless of whatever it is on your mind, you can always talk to me, no matter what."

"I know babe. Nothing's wrong," Nick stated, squeezing Justin's hand.

"Come on, let's go see Cozumel." Justin stated. "We have the whole place to have fun and experience."

"Well let's go." Nick stated.

"Alright our carriage awaits." Justin stated, opening the door for Nick.

"Wow a carriage, with four white horses, this is out of some fairy tale." Nick stated, as he stepped up into the carriage.

"Mr. Timberlake would you like to go to the first place you have highlighted on your agenda?" The carriage driver asked.

"Yes sir." Justin spoke as the carriage began to move. "Thank you."

"So I'm guessing we're supposed to be headed towards the ball?" Nick asked.

"Of course we are. We are going to dance the night away." Justin stated.

"Where?" Nick asked, as they continue to ride through the town.

"Over there," Justin said pointing to a place that looked like a small castle.

"Oh my Justin, what is all of this?" Nick asked.

"This is for you Nicky." Justin stated. "You are the prince of the ball."

"Oh Justin, this is so beautiful." Nick stated.

"Anything you want baby." Justin stated.

"I love it when you say that," Nick said, kissing Justin passionately.

As they kissed Justin ran his finger over Nick's cheek, down to his neck, and placed his hand on his chest between them. Nick began to run his hands up Justin's leg slowly as the two of them stood there kissing.

"Justin," Nick spoke softly.

"Yes baby?" Justin asked, still kissing on Nick's neck.

"Is it okay for us to be out here in the open like this?" Nick asked.

"I had everyone sign confidentiality statements. You know about those contracts, whatever they say, they can't talk about without being sued." Justin stated.

"Okay." Nick laughed. "So we can do just about anything and not have to worry about it?"

"You got it baby." Justin stated, resuming his attack on Nick's neck.

"Baby you are going to leave one giant hickey on my neck." Nick stated.

"Yeah I know. Everyone would know that I had been there." Justin stated, pecking Nick on the lips quickly.

"Naughty boy." Nick stated.

"You haven't seen naughty yet. You just wait until we get back to the cottage and get you alone." Justin stated, teasingly grabbing Nick's crotch.

"Oh you are getting frisky now." Nick stated.

"Oh believe me, I am going to do more than that." Justin stated, embracing Nick and kissing him passionately.

// A Few Hours Later //

"Baby I am having a wonderful time here, I am glad you brought me here." Nick stated, kissing Justin passionately as the two of them walked through the city.

"I am glad you are having a wonderful time. It was good for us to just get away from everyone else and just be ourselves here." Justin stated.

"Yeah that's true. I feel more relaxed now that I don't have to worry about the reactions of other people." Nick stated.

"I know how you feel." Justin stated as he wrapped his arms around Nick's waist as the two stopped where they were and shared another kiss.

"Justin we are out in the open, we aren't inside anymore. Aren't you afraid someone will see us?" Nick asked. "Is it okay with you that we are showing affection in public?"

"Of course it is. We our not in our country right now, we are in theirs. It's kind of hard for the rumors to follow us back home and get circulated without people really stopping to think about it." Justin stated.

"But with the stuff already happening back home. If this got out, they would put all this stuff together and believe all the hype." Nick stated.

"Well that's something we will have to deal with. Right now you know our reps aren't completely innocent right, it's just another something to put with the big story." Justin stated. "You know that it comes with the territory when you are famous that someone is going to start a rumor or add to one that is already out there."

"You have a point there baby." Nick stated.

"Just don't worry about any of this Nicky, we are here to enjoy ourselves." Justin stated, kissing Nick passionately, grabbing his ass.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting that." Nick stated.

"Well you better learn to expect a lot from me." Justin stated.

"I have seen you naked, I know to expect a lot." Nick stated, grinning at Justin.

"Oh stop that." Justin stated, blushing.

"Let's go back. It looks like it's going to rain." Nick stated, just as the clouds burst and raindrops began to fall on them.

"You just had to go and call for the rain didn't you?" Justin spoke as he grabbed Nick's hand and the two of them ran to the nearest building.

// Chicago, IL -- Few Hours Prior -- Police Dept. //

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I should have killed you when I had the chance." Joey stated. "Your wife is in the hospital. Don't you even care about her?"

"I never liked that bitch anyway, she was just a way to keep people off my back." Michael stated, talking with Joey through the glass in his holding cell. "I hope she falls over and dies."

"Well because of you she just might and if she does, let's just say your ass is going up the river for a long while." Joey stated.

"I don't care about her Joe, I am gay and you know that." Michael stated. "I only married her so people wouldn't know. Like I would actually love her, she's black. I married her because she was always around being nice and she was your friend."

"What!" Joey screamed. "You piece of shit!"

"Calm down mister, don't make me escort you out of here." The police officer stated.

"Hey you know as well as I do that a mouth is a mouth." Michael stated. "She gives damn good head."

"Bastard! I hope you rot in here." Joey stated.

"So what, it's not like you care. You probably would have treated her the same way if you had married her." Michael stated.

"No I wouldn't have." Joey stated. "I would have treated her with dignity and respect. Treated her like the queen that she is, not beat her, degrade and belittle her every chance I got. I am nothing like you and again, I hope you root in here."

"Whatever man." Michael stated.

"I am going to the hospital now, to check on your wife and your baby." Joey stated.

"Do whatever the fuck you want. I am done with the bitch." Michael stated. "When I get out of here, she better not be in that house."

"You can guarantee she won't and you will never see your kid when it is born." Joey stated.

"Man I don't care about her or the kid, just get the fuck outta my life." Michael stated.

"You said it Michael, I will do what you ask. From this point on, I don't know you, you are no longer my brother, nor my friend." Joey stated, walking away from the cell.

// At the Hospital //

"Are you Mr. Chasez?" A tall man, resembling a doctor asked, walking into the waiting area.

"Yes I am. Are you Nikki's doctor?" JC asked.

"Yes I am." The man spoke. "She's asking for you and Tony."

"Okay, is it okay for me to go in and see her?" JC asked.

"Yea, go right ahead. She's heavily sedated, so don't stay too long." The man spoke.

"Alright doctor, thank you." JC stated.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 34

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