My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 7, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: Special thanks and shout outs goes to Mz. Nikki for helping me with the development of the new characters in the story. Kisses and Hugs...

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 31 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- JC's House //

"What's it Joe, what's wrong?" JC asked walking to Joey, who just hung up the phone.

"We got to leave. I don't care where we go, we have to leave." Joey stated, getting frantic and pacing around the room.

"What's going on Joe, talk to me." JC stated.

"Okay, but you got to promise me you won't get mad at me or do anything rash." Joey stated.

"I promise, just tell me already." JC stated.

"The guy that I was involved with is coming to Orlando." Joey stated.

"Why?" JC asked.

"He called me and told me that he wanted to get together with me." Joey stated. "He wanted me to fly to where he was and I told him no."

"Good going baby." JC stated.

"That's not it. I told him I wasn't coming because I was in a relationship and he got furious. He said he was coming to take care of me and whoever it was I was in a relationship with." Joey stated, as the tears started to flow from his eyes. "We got to leave and now."

"Joe I just can't up and leave like this, I have things to do." JC stated.

"If you want to live, you will leave." Joey stated. "I know this guy and he has a lot of connections to people in crime."

"I don't care. I am not going to let some guy make me leave my home and work because he's a lunatic." JC stated. "Where did you meet up with a freak like that?"

"In the music industry just like us other freaks." Joey stated.

"Joey baby, you are not a freak. I was just saying that if he's that crazy, the way you told me the stuff that he did to you, then he's a freak, hell he 's a pervert." JC stated.

"Well that freak is on his way to Orlando and he isn't happy." Joey stated.

"Well happy or not, I am not leaving and you are not either." JC stated. "I think it's time you stood up to this guy."

"I can't stand up to him, I have tried." Joey stated, as he sat down on the sofa and assumed the fetal position.

"Joe get up from there, and come here." JC stated, holding his hand out to Joey.

"We are going to die if we don't leave." Joey stated, crying harder now.

"We are not going to die." JC stated. "Who is this guy?"

// Fast Forward 2 Days -- Chicago, IL -- O'Hare Airport //

"Where is that goofus at, I told him I would meet him at the baggage claim." A woman stated, walking around in the airport. "His plane landed two hours ago and I can't find him at all. Damn pop stars, always hiding from the people that need to find them."

"Paging Nicole Valente, your party is waiting in the VIP lounge, in the west wing." The woman heard over the PA system.

"Great, I have walked this far, I am going to kick his ass when I see him, got me wasting my time and my energy." The woman stated. "I don't care if he's in trouble or not, he knows not to keep me waiting like this."

The woman continued walking in the direction of the VIP lounge, showing her ID to the guard, he let her pass and she walked into the room to see Joey and JC.

"It's about time you made it, we have been waiting for hours Nikki." Joey stated, walking over to the woman, grabbing her in a hug and spinning her around.

"I have been here all over the place looking for you." The woman spoke. "You said you were going to meet me at the baggage claim."

"I know, I'm sorry. Josh thought it would be safer if we waited in here." Joey stated. "Come here Josh. Josh this is my long time friend Nicole Thomas."

"Nice to meet you miss." JC stated. "I'm Joshua Chasez, you can call me Josh."

"Nice to meet you too." The woman spoke, shaking hands with JC. "You can call me Nikki, all of my friends do."

"Let us get our stuff then we will be ready to go." Joey stated.

"Well go on get your stuff so we can get out of here, this place gets on my nerves." Nikki stated, walking behind JC and Joey.

// 30 Minutes Later -- Nicole's Home //

"Where's Michael?" Joey asked, walking into the house.

"Well as of the other night, he's in jail." Nikki stated.

"In jail for what? What has he done now?" Joey asked.

"You know how he is." Nikki stated.

"Is he still hitting you?" Joey asked.

"Hitting her?" JC asked.

"Well he didn't hit me much, one of the neighbors heard us and they called the police before he got too physical with me." Nikki stated.

"Oh my god, how can a man raise his hand to a woman, hell to the person he loves?" JC asked. "I don't understand that at all."

"He goes through too much at times and he doesn't deal with reality well." Nikki stated.

"I thought he would have changed when you told me you were pregnant." Joey stated.

"That only made him worse Tony." Nikki stated. "The night I told him I was pregnant, he got all upset and started using again."

"He's back on the drugs again?" Joey asked.

"Yeah and it got worse as the months drew on." Nikki stated. "The house has gone into foreclosure and pretty soon we will have to leave here."

"Oh my god Nikki, I am so sorry, why didn't you tell me this? I could have helped you." Joey stated.

"No Tony, I can't ask you to do that, it's my and Michael's problem." Nikki stated.

"More of just his problem." JC stated. "How can you stay with a man that hits you, and hits you will you are carrying his child?"

"I love him." Nikki stated.

"What caused him to beat you the last time?" JC asked.

"He got upset because I wouldn't give him money, then he got mad because I wouldn't give him my wedding rings so that he could go pawn them." Nikki explained.

"He's really fucked up." JC stated. "Sorry, I don't know him that well, but from what you are saying, he is really fucked up. Have you tried to get him help for his addition?"

"Yes I tried to get him to go, but when the time came for him to go, he never went, and he always made promises to me that he was going to change, he finally started going, but he didn't finish his steps." Nikki stated.

"Why didn't you tell me Nikki, I could have came here and help you guys, he would have listened to me." Joey stated.

"Tony, you know as well as I do that Michael is stubborn and pig-headed." Nikki stated.

"Well is there anything you want me to do? Do you know when he's supposed to get out?" Joey asked.

"He normally stays in lock up for a week then they let him out." Nikki stated.

"How long has he been gone already exactly?" JC asked.

"For two days." Nikki stated.

"Well I don't want you staying like this Nikki, we have to take you away from here." Joey stated.

"I can't leave him, I love him." Nikki stated.

"You might love him, but does he love you?" JC asked. "If he loved you, he wouldn't do the things he does to you."

"Hush your mouth. He only does it because he's stressed about the things going on in our life." Nikki stated.

"Well stressed or not, he shouldn't be putting his hands on you like that." JC stated. "Joey we must do something, We got to get her away from here."

"I know, but she's stubborn too." Joey stated.

"Hello, I am standing right here in the room." Nikki stated. "You two don' t have to talk about me like I am nobody or something."

"Sorry, I am just worried about your safety." JC stated.

"Well that's okay, I will live." Nikki stated.

"But will your unborn child live in this condition?" JC asked.

"He has a point Nikki, we can't let you stay here." Joey stated.

"Besides, you never told me why you were here, what's going on Tony?" Nikki asked.

"I had to get away from someone that wants to hurt the two of us." Joey stated, walking over to JC. "Me and JC are together now, and with that, someone else wants to hurt both of us for that."

"When did that happen, I thought you were still dating Brian?" Nikki asked.

"Brian? Brian who?" JC asked.

"Brian Littrell of course." Nikki stated, causing Joey to flinch and hide his face.

"You were with Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys?" JC asked.

"Yes, that's the guy." Joey stated.

"I don't fucking believe this." JC stated. "I had no clue."

"Well he's the guy." Joey stated. "Now we have to get you away from Michael and the two of us need to get somewhere that Brian can't find us."

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico //

"Wake up baby, we are here." Justin stated, rubbing Nick's hair away from his face and kissing him on the cheek.

"Where are we?" Nick asked.

"Surprise." Justin stated. "We are in Cozumel Mexico."

"Mexico?" Nick asked.

"Yes we are in lovely Mexico." Justin stated.

"Okay, now baby don't get upset or offended, but why are we here?" Nick asked.

"I have been here before and I thought it was a nice place to get away from it all." Justin stated.

"Okay, so what's the first thing we need to do?" Nick asked.

"Well we are going to our little cottage, and we are going to see what isn't stocked and spend some time in town, just being us." Justin stated.

"Shopping trip." Nick stated.

"You know it baby." Justin stated, kissing Nick passionately on the lips. "Get your stuff so we can get off this boat and get inside and make love for awhile."

"Oh yeah, let's go." Nick stated, grabbing his stuff and pulling Justin by the hand.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 32

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