My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 22, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 23 by JT Poole

// New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin and Nick's Room //

(Scene: Justin and Nick lying in bed together.)

"Stop baby, that tickles." Justin stated.

"I know, that's why I am still doing it." Nick stated.

"Baby stop, you are going to make me piss my pants." Justin stated, still laughing as Nick tickled his sides.

"Fine I will stop. We don't need to explain to the hotel staff why there was a flash flood in your bed." Nick stated, leaning in to kiss Justin passionately. "I am glad you decided to bring me along with you."

"I am glad to. I don't think we should be parting right now. We just found each other and we need to build on that." Justin stated. "Now that I have found you, I don't want to loose you."

"I don't want to loose you either." Nick stated as he and Justin shared another kiss as Justin's cell phone started beeping.

"Sounds like mine. I bet its mom reminding me to go to my photo shoot." Justin stated. "Hello?"

"Hi baby, are you in New York yet?" Lynn asked. "Are you at the hotel?"

"Yes, I am here. I am already at the hotel, checked in and resting up until the shoot." Justin stated.

"Oh, did I disturb you son?" Lynn asked.

"No ma, I was just lying here watching television before I have to go." Justin stated as Nick looked at him strangely.

"Alright son, I was just calling to make sure you had gotten there okay." Lynn stated. "So what time is your flight back here?"

"My flight back there? What are you talking about ma?" Justin asked.

"Weren't you coming back here after the photo shoot?" Lynn asked.

"No ma, I have somewhere else to go after the photo shoot is over." Justin stated.

"Where?" Lynn asked. "Where are you going dear?"

"Just for a small vacation ma." Justin stated, getting a little annoyed at the questioning from his mother. "I just need to take a week or so off for me."

"A week or so, you don't have time for that Justin." Lynn stated. "Don't you and the guys have to get back into the studio to start recording and laying down tracks?"

"No ma we don't. All of that has been postponed for a while." Justin spoke, shaking his head now as Nick got up and walked out of the room.

"You didn't call to tell me this Justin." Lynn stated. "How am I supposed to keep up with this stuff if I don't know about it."

"I am sorry ma, I forgot to tell you, it slipped my mind." Justin stated, getting out of the bed, grabbing the hotel robe and sliding it on, following Nick.

"Well you have to keep me informed of this kind of stuff honey." Lynn stated.

"I will ma, right now I have to go." Justin stated, spotting Nick sitting on the sofa.

"Alright, good luck with the photo shoot." Lynn stated. "Take care honey, bye."

"Bye ma." Justin stated, hanging up the cell phone. "Nicky, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Justin." Nick stated.

"Then why did you get up and leave?" Justin asked.

"Does your mother know about you being gay? Does your mother know about

me?" Nick asked.

"Well ah...ah, no she doesn't." Justin stated.

"So you are lying to your mother about us then?" Nick asked.

"I am not lying, I just haven't told her about me yet. I am not ready to tell her baby." Justin stated, sitting down besides Nick.

"Why not Justin? Am I going to be your dirty little secret from your mother?" Nick asked. "Do I have to hide and act differently when you around her?"

"I don't know why baby. I think I am still scared to tell her or anyone in my family for that matter. I don't know how she is going to take it." Justin stated. "If there's any notion that she will act like Joey, Lance and Chris did, I am not sure I want to tell her."

"Baby I don't want to hide from your family. I don't like hiding from loved ones." Nick stated.

"I know Nicky, I don't like hiding either, but I don't know if I can take it if they all reject me or disown me or whatever. I can't put up with that kind of hurt again. It was bad enough dealing with it from the guys, but I don't want to deal with it anymore." Justin stated as he laid his hide down on Nick's shoulder. "I am still thinking of a way to tell them."

"Why not just tell her and them? What's the worst that can happen Justin?" Nick asked.

"They'll hate me. That's the worst that can happen." Justin stated.

"Probably so, but they will get over it." Nick stated, rubbing his hand up and down Justin's back. "Joey and JC got over it."

"Well I don't know Nicky, let me think of a way to tell everyone so it wont hurt them as bad." Justin stated.

"Come on baby, you have to get ready for your photo shoot, it's in thirty minutes." Nick stated.

"Time sure is flying by so fast." Justin stated as he got up and grabbed Nick's hand. "You are coming with me, so you might as well fix your face."

// Orlando, FL -- JC's House //

"Josh, Josh please come out of the bathroom. Talk to me Josh." Joey stated, knocking on the bathroom door. "You told me to talk to you and when I do that, you lock yourself in the bathroom."

"I am not the person that is causing you pain Joe." JC spoke. "I asked you to talk about who hurt you, then you tell me you love me."

"I do love you Josh. I have always loved you, I was just too scared to talk to you or do anything about it." Joey stated. "Please come out and talk to me."

"No Joe, I can't, you need to leave." JC stated. "Once I know you are gone, I will come out of the bathroom then."

"Come out now or I am going to break in there." Joey stated.

"You wouldn't." JC stated.

"Yes I would." Joey stated. "You wanted me to talk to you and now we are going to talk."

"I don't want to talk anymore." JC stated.

"One..." Joey stated, "I'm giving you until the count of three to open the door or I am going to break it down...two..."

"No you won't Joe, just leave me alone right now." JC stated.

"I thought you would have been happy knowing that I have feelings for you." Joey stated.

"I don't know what to think right now Joe, this is all getting so strained." JC stated.

"Strained?" Joey asked. "How?"

"You are straight Joey, I am gay, and those two types don't mix." JC stated. "You can't love me Joey, you just can't."

"I am not straight Josh, I am gay too, I have always been." Joey spoke, as there was a click and the bathroom door opened.

"You are gay too? Is that why Kelly left?" JC asked.

"Yes that's why and she also found out about the person I was seeing while she was pregnant with Bri." Joey stated.

"You were seeing someone?" JC asked.

"Yeah and while I kinda got into trouble with that person." Joey stated.

"What kind of trouble? I don't remember you telling any of us about this." JC stated.

"I couldn't tell anyone. I didn't know how any of you were going to react, but after seeing how we all reacted to Justin and then you coming out, I let the problem stay hidden." Joey stated.

"What is this problem you are referring to?" JC asked.

"Well, caught in the act of having sex with someone and in return that person betrayed me and did something very bad to me." Joey spoke as tears came to his eyes.

"What happened?" JC asked, grabbing Joey's hand, holding it in his own, and the two of them walking back to the bedroom to finish talking. "What caused you to get in this trouble that none of us know about and what did that person do to you that was so bad?"

"He used sex to get me to do things. He used me when he wanted to and when I stopped doing what he wanted, he had some guys kidnap me and then he raped me." Joey explained.

"What!" JC screamed. "Who was this guy?"

"I can't tell you." Joey stated, "I am not ready to talk about him yet."

"Well what was this trouble you talked about, what did you do?" JC asked.

"He had me sleep with random guys so he could watch me sleep with them. He got off on seeing me sleep with other men." Joey explained. "He enjoyed it more when men fucked me, made me act like a sex slave."

"Oh my god Joe, I didn't know." JC stated.

"That's not all. He later got me involved with this young man that was heavily into drugs. The kid looked like he was no older than seventeen or something. Like clockwork, whenever we were on break, or the guy was in a town close by to me, we would hook up and he would bring that kid with him. I started to question him about the kid, I wanted to know why he was making the kid come along with him and then it dawned on me that he was feeding the kid's drug habit. I tried to get the kid away from him, but the kid didn't want to leave him. I started feeling sorry for the kid and I told the guy that I wouldn't be involved with him or anyone else that was associated with him and he told me I would regret it if I didn't do as he said. That's when he started making me and the kid have sex with each other." Joey explained.

"Joey you didn't?" JC spoke.

"I did. Me and the kid had sex regularly until one day I got a call on my cell from the kid talking about he needed help." Joey stated. "That's when everything started falling apart. The kid was trying to get away from the guy and he couldn't. I tried to call back and that's when Kelly found out I was messing around."

"How?" JC asked.

"You remember that night you guys met Kelly for the first time?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I remember that then, we didn't know she was pregnant at that time." JC stated.

"Well that night, the kid followed me back to our hotel and he and Kelly bumped into each other coming to my room." Joey stated. "She opened the door to the room and the kid saw me and then looked at her and he asked me what the deal was. I asked him what he was doing there at the hotel that night and he told me that he needed help, that he couldn't continue having sex with guys just to keep living."

"So after hearing all of what she said, she put things together?" JC asked.

"Yeah and she walked out, leaving me and the kid there. I didn't hear from here for about three weeks later. She asked me was I gay and at the time I told her no. I knew that would upset her, so I wanted to wait until after Bri was born." Joey stated.

"How did all of that cause trouble?" JC asked.

"The kid was followed to my hotel room by one of his friends. That friend took pictures of me and the kid and took those pictures to the kids

parents." Joey explained. "When I first met the kid, I was told that his parents were dead and that he was a kid that the guy had found on the streets, but come to find out, that the kid had living parents and they were angry that I had taking their child away from them. They actually thought that I had forced him to leave his home and start taking drugs, so I had to get a private lawyer to help me out of that."

"A private lawyer?" JC asked.

"Yeah a private lawyer. I didn't want any of you guys knowing what was happening so I found a lawyer on my own to have the problem taken care of." Joey stated. "Once that problem was out of the way, a new problem came about. The guy started black mailing me to do stuff for him. I didn't want to do any of it, but he showed me the proof he had that could possibly ruin me and N Sync. I had no choice but to do what he wanted me to do."

"Oh my, Joey I am so sorry that all of that happened to you." JC spoke. "So where is this guy now?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard from him since we announced that we were taking a small break from touring and such." Joey stated.

"Do you think he has forgotten about you?" JC asked.

"I doubt he has." Joey stated. "I wish I never let myself sink that low."

"What happened to the kid?" JC asked.

"He's actually fine, I saw him a couple of days ago." Joey stated. "He's happy now that he's clean, off the drugs and has a boyfriend that loves him a lot."

"Well that's one thing happy I have heard since we have been talking." JC stated. "That's a little bit much to hold in Joe, you could have talked to me about some of this. I thought you trusted it us more than that?"

"I do, but like I said, look how you and Justin got treated for coming out." Joey stated. "I can already see how Chris is going to react so I am not even going to tell him, hell I might not need to tell Lance either."

"Well at least me and Justin are still your friends." JC stated.

"Yeah two are the only ones I have." Joey stated.

// 3 Hours Later -- New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- The Lobby //

"Good afternoon Mr. Fahey may I help you?" The receptionist behind the desk asked.

"Yes you can, I wanted to reserve a couple of rooms for a few days." Damien spoke as Justin and Nick were walking into the hotel.

"How many rooms will you need Mr. Fahey?" The young woman asked. "What date do you need the rooms available by?"

"I will need one suite with five rooms in it, do you have one of those available right now?" Damien asked, watching every move Nick and Justin made. "The guests are flying in later today."

"Right now sir we don't have one with five rooms, we have one with six rooms available on the tenth floor, is that okay sir?" The young woman asked.

"Yes that's okay." Damien spoke. "Go ahead and reserve that."

"What time will your guests be in?" The young woman asked.

"Should be here around 8 or 9 o'clock tonight." Damien spoke. "I also need to reserve the use of one of your ballrooms, there's going to be need for a big ceremony."

"Okay Mr. Fahey, I can arrange that for you." The young woman stated. "Here you are Mr. Fahey, here are the room keycards, I hope your guests enjoy their stay here at the Grand Hilton."

"I am sure they will. Thank you miss." Damien stated as he walked towards the restaurant where Justin and Nick had gone.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 24

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