My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 19, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 22 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Aaron's Room //

(Scene: Aaron just moved into Nick's old Hotel Room for the time being.)

"Just a minute." Aaron stated, putting the remote control down on the table and walking over to the door to see who was knocking, opening the door to see Frankie standing there. "Oh hello Frankie."

"Hi Aaron, how are you doing?" Frankie asked.

"I am okay." Aaron stated. "You ready to go to lunch?"

"No not yet, I thought we would talk about last night." Frankie stated.

"I am not ready to talk about last night yet." Aaron stated.

"We have to talk about it sometime Aaron." Frankie stated. "I like you and I would like to know what it was that I did wrong to make you run away the way you did."

"You didn't do anything wrong, it was just me being scared." Aaron stated.

"Why were you scared?" Frankie stated. "I wasn't trying to scare you


"Just me being stupid, not wanting to face reality." Aaron stated. "I was scared that I wouldn't know how to be a good boyfriend, I am not use to having someone share their feelings with me the way you did and I am definitely not use to having someone care about me in a romantic way. Last night was getting a little heavy and my mind didn't know how to process it all."

"Oh." Frankie stated, as his smile turned into a frown. "So you are not sure what it is that you want?"

"No no, it's not like that, I know what I want, it just took my mind some time to transfer information between my consciousness and heart. I hope you understand that." Aaron stated. "But I know what I want and right now I hope you want the same thing."

"What is it that you want?" Frankie asked.

"Lunch." Aaron stated, laughing as he and Frankie walked out of the door. "Why don't we talk about this over lunch, I am starving, I didn't have a good experience at breakfast."

"What happened?" Frankie asked.

"Nick and his boyfriend left this morning and I didn't feel like eating, so I went back to bed." Aaron stated.

"Hmmm, you are still hung up on Justin huh?" Frankie asked.

"Sorta, not as much as I was, but he was my first male crush." Aaron stated.

"Is that why you ran away from me last night?" Frankie asked as he and Aaron walked towards the elevator.

"No, I was just upset a little bit." Aaron stated, lying through his teeth. "I told you my mind wasn't processing the information and the things that went on last night. That's all, don't read anything into that."

// On an Plane to New York //

"Baby I didn't realize you were terrified to fly on planes, why didn't you tell me?" Nick asked.

"I am not terrified, I just don't like it when the plane takes off." Justin stated. "We are flying now, so I am okay."

"That's odd, but okay with me." Nick stated. "When me and the guys first started out, I was scared of flying. Brian would always hug me to keep me calm."

"What happened to him, did he leave the hotel last night?" Justin asked.

"I don't know baby. After the fifth time he called my cell phone, I turned it off. I figured he would get the picture that way." Nick stated. "I am still mad with him for all the things he said to you."

"Well don't worry about that Nicky. We are on our way to New York for a couple of hours and then for two weeks we are going to have fun just the two of us." Justin stated as the flight attendant walked by and offered them drinks.

"Where are we going Justin?" Nick asked.

"Nope, I am not going to tell you." Justin stated. "You might as well stop asking. I am not going to tell you at all."

"But baby." Nick stated, giving Justin puppy dog eyes. "Not even a hint?"

"Nope. Baby just wait until we get there." Justin stated as he looked around then kissed Nick on the cheek quickly.

"Justin someone could have seen you do that." Nick stated.

"Well I looked first." Justin stated. "I so want to kiss you right now. I might not be able to wait until we get in private."

"I know how you feel baby, I want to kiss you too." Nick stated. "I have an idea."

"What baby?" Justin asked.

"Ever heard of the Mile High Club?" Nick asked.

"Yeah but we are not going to do that." Justin stated.

"Why not? We can go into the bathroom and make out until we have satisfied our urges." Nick stated.

"No we can't. I am not going to make out with you on an airplane. I love you, but I am not going into a airplane bathroom to make out with you." Justin stated. "We will just have to wait until we get to the hotel.

"I might not be able to wait that long Justin." Nick stated as he rested his hand on Justin's thigh.

"Well you just stop that. You can't do that either." Justin stated, sliding Nick's hand away from his thigh. "I am going to get back to reading my back to take my mind of committing rape on an airplane."

"I would love it if you did do that." Nick stated.

"Oh stop, before we get into trouble." Justin stated, grabbing his book and opening it to where he had left off.

// 3 Hours Later -- Orlando, FL -- JC's House //

"Joey how are you feeling?" JC asked as Joey opened his eyes.

"Josh you are still in here with me." Joey stated.

"Yes I am still in here with you, what, did you think I was going to leave you in here?" JC asked.

"Yeah I did." Joey stated as he wrapped his arms around JC's waist. "I don 't want to get up, can we just stay right here and you just hold me?"

"Yeah we can stay right here Joe." JC stated. "How are you feeling now?"

"I am just tired, I feel so drained." Joey stated.

"Joey, I am your friend, you know that right?" JC asked.

"Yeah I know that Josh." Joey stated.

"Well then you know that I won't do anything to hurt you and I won't turn my back on you, can you tell me what happened to you? I know something happened, I just need you to open up and tell me." JC stated. "I am not going to judge you or anything like that, I just want to help you."

"I know Josh, but I don't know if I can talk about that, I am just now coming to terms with it and I really didn't want to do that." Joey stated.

"Does it have anything to do with why you and Kelly split up?" JC asked.

"Yes." Joey stated. "I don't want to talk about it."

"It helps to talk about the things that hurt you Joe." JC stated. "That's the best therapy in the world."

"It might be the best in the world, but I don't know if I can talk about it yet." Joey stated.

"Well I want you to know that when you are ready to talk about it, I am here for you Joe." JC stated.

"Yeah isn't it funny that when you told me you were gay, I was mean to you, now here you are being so nice to me." Joey stated. "I am so sorry Josh, I never wanted to hurt you like that, I just didn't know how to react to it and and..."

"And what?" JC asked.

"I can't." Joey stated.

"Why can't you Joe, just talk to me, nothing bad is gonna happen. I promise you that." JC stated.

"Because I know it will upset you and cause some problems that none of us need now." Joey stated. "There's enough drama with all of us now. We are falling apart. Chris basically doesn't want to hang around you and Justin because you are gay and Lance is in LA working, doing his best to stay away from us all and Justin is probably thinking it's best for him to stay solo with the recent events with all of us."

"I don't think he will, he will come back to us." JC stated. "Regardless of that, Justin has nothing to do with what happened to you, does he?"

"No he doesn't." Joey stated. "Josh I love you."

"You love me? How can you love me?" JC asked.

"I love you Josh, I have always loved you since the day I met you." Joey stated.

"Joey you are straight. You can't love me." JC stated as he got up out of the bed and ran out of the room, into the bathroom, closed and locked the door and started crying.

// New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin and Nick's Room //

(Scene: Justin and Nick just checked in at the hotel.)

"Ummm Justin hurry up, I don't know how long I can hold out." Nick stated as Justin tried to slide the card into the room lock as he and Nick were kissing in the hallway standing in front of their room door.

"I am trying baby." Justin stated as the door beeped and opened for the two of them as the fell into the room, kissing and feeling each other up.

"Oh god Justin, I can't take it any longer, I want you to fuck me." Nick stated as he started unbuttoning Justin's shirt.

"Umm yeah baby, undo my pants." Justin stated, kicking off his shoes and pulling his shirt over his head as Nick got up and took off his shoes, pants, shirt and underclothes. "I have been waiting a while for this moment."

"Take me Justin, take me." Nick stated as he and Justin rolled around on the floor kissing each other.

"Nicky stop, what are we doing?" Justin asked.

"We were about to have sex." Nick stated.

"I'm sorry Nicky, but I don't think our first time should be on a hotel room floor." Justin stated, getting off of Nick, extending his hand to help Nick off the floor. "Our first time should be nice, it should be romantic."

"You're right Justin." Nick stated. "You have a hot body Justin."

"Thanks." Justin stated, blushing.

"Why are you blushing baby?" Nick asked.

"I just realized we are both standing here ass naked in front of each

other." Justin stated.

"Nothing to be ashamed of." Nick stated. "You have a hot body too. Come on."

"Where we going?" Justin asked.

"Into the bedroom." Nick stated.

"Didn't we just decide not to have sex?" Justin asked.

"We aren't going to have sex." Nick stated, grabbing Justin's hand and kissing it. "We are going on a little tour of our bodies with each other. How does that sound?"

"That sounds hot, but aren't you worried we might do something else?" Justin asked.

"No, why should we be worried, we are together aren't we?" Nick asked.

"Yes we are together." Justin stated.

"Then there's nothing to worry about." Nick stated.

"Nicky, I love you." Justin stated, as the two of them shared a passionate kiss.

"I love you too Justin." Nick stated as they went into the first bedroom.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Aaron's Room //

"Oh god, don't stop." Aaron moaned. "That feels so good."

"I know baby, I know." Frankie moaned. "Oh god, I can't take anymore, I am gonna cum Aaron!"

"Me too!" Aaron screamed as he shot his load of sperm all over the bed sheets, pillows and headboard.

"Oh yeah, that was awesome." Frankie stated, breathing heavy. "That was so hot."

"It sure was, that was so amazing." Aaron stated as he collapsed on the bed, with Frankie falling down besides him. "You drained all of my energy, let's just lay here for awhile, and then go take a shower."

"Sounds good to me." Frankie stated. "You drained me dry too baby."

"Did you throw the scumsack away yet?' Aaron asked.

"Scumsack?" Frankie asked.

"Yeah scumsack, ya know, condom." Aaron stated.

"Oh, no not yet, it's still on." Frankie stated, lifting the sheet. "What do you want with it?"

"I wanted to see how much juice you produced." Aaron stated, wrapping his arms around Frankie's waist. "Man that's a lot."

"Well I guess it is. I normally don't shoot this much, I guess you stimulated me more." Frankie stated as he leaned over and kissed Aaron passionately.

"I guess so." Aaron stated. "I am glad we talked. I am having a wonderful time with you."

"Same here." Frankie stated. "I hope this never ends."

"As long as we like each other, it won't." Aaron stated.

"Cool." Frankie stated. "How about that shower now?"

"I guess so, my energy has returned." Aaron stated. "We can go for round two now."

"Oh god Aaron, are you trying to kill me?" Frankie asked.

"No, but I am going to enjoy you as long as I can." Aaron stated as the two of them shared another kiss and walked into the bathroom to shower.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 23

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