My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 16, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 20 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Justin's Room //

(Scene: 15 Minutes after Aaron ran away from Frankie in the park, Aaron runs into Nick in the hallway as he was crying.)

"Where is Nicky, what's keeping him so long?" Justin stated. "He's been gone now for over thirty minutes. I better go check on him. Nick pick up the phone."

"Hello?" Nick asked into the phone.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I am okay. I'm sorry; I am with Aaron right now. We are talking." Nick stated.

"Is he okay Nicky?" Justin asked.

"No." Nick stated. "No, just a whole lot of stuff going on right now."

"Do you want me to come down there?" Justin asked.

"No, I don't think that would be good, just let me deal with this for now." Nick stated, hanging up the phone.

// JC's House -- Joey's Room //

"I so want to sleep in the same bed with him, but I don't want him to think I am making a move on him. I have had these feelings for him a long time, but that's wrong. Josh is my friend, I can't get involved with him." Joey stated, lying in bed crying softly and talking to himself. "I love him, but I can't bring myself to be with him like that."

"Why not Joe?" JC asked, walking into the room.

"Josh, you heard me?" Joey asked.

"Yes I heard everything you said." JC stated. "I have been standing here since you walked out of my room. What happened to you Joe?"

"Nothing happened to me, what makes you think that?" Joey asked.

"Who hurt you, why can't you bring yourself to be with me? Was it something that I did?" JC asked. "I love you Joe, I love you like a brother, a friend and I would like to love you as my partner."

"We can't, I can't do that." Joey stated, as more tears fell from his eyes. "I don't want to talk about any of that."

"Joe don't close me out." JC stated. "I want to be with you, help you any way I can."

"You can't help me. No one can help me anymore." Joey stated.

"What happened to you that was so bad?" JC asked.

"Just drop it Josh, I can't deal with this right now." Joey stated, rolling over in bed.

"Oh Joe, please let me help you." JC stated, pulling the covers back in sliding into bed behind Joey holding him in his arms. "I am here for you."

// New York -- Airport //

"Well I see you are back early." The man stated, looking at Damien funny. "Can you tell me what happened that had you call me and tell me to be here to pick you up when you were not to be back here for four days?"

"Too much happened." Damien stated with tears in his eyes.

"What exactly happened Damien?" The man asked.

"I fell in love with someone and let my ignorance get in the way of things." Damien spoke, choking back tears.

"Who did you fall in love with?" The man asked.

"Nick Carter." Damien spoke.

"Nick Carter as in Backstreet Boy Nick Carter?" The man asked.

"Yeah, the one and only." Damien spoke. "I fell in love with him and I screwed up and now he's with Justin Timberlake. I didn't get a chance to show him the real me."

"I don't believe this man, are you saying that Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake are Ass-Pirates?" The man asked.

"Hey!" Damien shouted.

"Sorry I keep forgetting that you are one too." The man spoke, "So you fell in love with him and you did what?"

"He invited me to this little cabin in the woods. We were playing around in the lake and he came on to me and I pushed him away, saying that I wasn't interested in him and I ran away from him." Damien spoke, crying harder now. "And then tonight at the party hold in Orlando for Hillary Duff, Justin and some other stars, I met the two of them together with some of the guys of N Sync."

"Well that doesn't sound so bad." The man stated.

"That's not it. When I saw the two of them together, I slipped into bitch mode and I was very mean to Nick, I tried to make him get mad at Justin because of his star status." Damien spoke. "When Nick got upset and walked away, Justin came back and the two of us got into a fight."

"You and Justin Timberlake got into a fight?" The man asked.

"Yeah, that's how I got this bruise." Damien spoke, turning on the roof light in the car and showing the guy his face.

"Whoa! Justin Timberlake whipped your ass man." The man spoke.

"No he didn't, he just got a good shot at my eye." Damien stated. "Just shut up Gideon."

"Just telling it like it is man." Gideon stated.

"Well I would rather you just shut up about it." Damien stated. "Just get me home."

"Fine man, I will get you home so you can get your beauty sleep, you are starting to act like a little bitch." Gideon stated.

"Just let me out right here, I will get a taxi home, I don't need this shit from you! I thought you were my friend." Damien stated.

"I am your friend, but I am not going to take crap off of you either." Gideon stated. "You are going home, when you get there get to bed, you are loosing it."

"Maybe you are right." Damien stated, wiping his eyes on his shirt. "I'm sorry. Just look over me, my heart is hurting right now.

// 1 Hour Later -- Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Nick's Room //

"Are you okay now Aaron?" Nick asked.

"I don't know bro." Aaron stated. "I just don't know what to do anymore. I am still mad at you for getting the guy I have had a crush on for so long and Frankie is cute and sweet, but I just don't know. I am scared."

"Don't be scared." Nick stated. "Give it time and you and he will be happy together if you want to be happy with him."

"I want to be happy with a guy, but how am I supposed to know if he's the one I am supposed to be happy with?" Aaron asked.

"If he's the guy you will know." Nick stated. "You will get a special feeling whenever you are with him."

"How?" Aaron stated.

"You will find out one day." Nick stated. "Now cheer up, I bet Justin is worried about us."

"Oh, I am sorry bro, I wasn't trying to keep you away from him." Aaron stated. "Why would he be worried about us?"

"It's okay, he called earlier when you were in the bathroom." Nick stated. "I told him I was talking with you."

"Oh, well let me get back to my room, I bet Leslie is worried about me, it's almost four in the morning." Aaron stated. "I am tired, I better get to bed."

"I am heading that way too. It has been a long night." Nick stated as he got what he came to his room for and left with Aaron.

// Frankie Muniz's room //

"Leave me alone you bitch, don't you get it already! I don't like you, I don't like girls, just leave me!" Frankie shouted at a crying Hillary sitting on the bed.

"But Frankie..." Hillary started to say.

"But nothing. I don't love you at all, I was only with you because of that freakin' movie!" Frankie screamed. "If it wasn't for that movie, we would have never met."

"You act as though you don't like me at all!" Hillary screamed back.

"I don't! You are just a spoiled pompous brat that has found stardom and you think you can walk all over people." Frankie stated.

"I am not a brat!" Hillary screamed back as there was a knock at the door.

"Yes you are!" Frankie screamed, walking over to the door and opening it. "What!"

"Mr. Muniz what seems to be the problem here? Do you realize it's early in the morning?" The person stated at the door.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Frankie asked.

"The hotel has had many complaints from other hotel guest that can hear your argument." The man stated. "It would be beneficial if you kept it down or take your argument somewhere else."

"Are you throwing me out?" Frankie asked.

"No sir we are not throwing you out, we just require that you lower the volume in here. We do not wish to alert the authorities." The man stated.

"So now you are going to call the cops on me?" Frankie asked.

"Well sir, with the number of complaints we have had and the situation currently going on, that would be our next step." The man stated.

"Fine, you get out and take her with you and the problem is solved." Frankie stated.

"What! I am not going anywhere. Where am I supposed to go?" Hillary asked.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" Frankie stated. "Now get out. So there will be no more complaints."

// Justin's Room //

"Hey baby." Nick stated, walking into the bedroom to see Justin lying in bed already with a book reading. "I am sorry I took so long."

"It's okay baby. You were helping your brother." Justin stated. "Is he okay now?"

"I don't know. He seems to be a little upset that you are with me and then there's the latest drama in his life." Nick stated.

"What drama baby?" Justin asked.

"He was at the party tonight and he met Frankie Muniz, that guy from `Malcolm in the Middle' and the two of them talked in the park together tonight and well he got scared and ran away from him." Nick stated. "I think he likes Frankie, he just don't know what to do about it."

"Well he shouldn't be scared about that." Justin stated.

"Well I convinced him to talk to the guy later on today." Nick stated. "I am beat. Did you shower already?"

"Yeah I did, I got bored and watched some TV and then came to bed and started reading my book here." Justin stated, waving his book.

"Well I am so sorry." Nick stated. "I am gonna hop in the shower so we can get some sleep."

"Alright baby, I will keep the bed warm for you." Justin stated.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 21

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