My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 13, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 18 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Main Ballroom //

"Excuse me." Hillary Duff spoke to Leslie. "Didn't I see Aaron Carter talking with you earlier?"

"Why yes you did." Leslie stated.

"Would you happen to know where he went?" Hillary asked.

"Well he was around here just a few minutes ago, let me check something and I will be right back." Leslie stated, walking over to a phone on the wall. "Where could that brat possibly gone to?"

"Hello?" Aaron asked, answering his cell phone.

"Where are you?" Leslie asked.

"I am with a new friend walking and talking." Aaron stated. "Why?"

"Hillary Duff is looking for you right now." Leslie stated.

"Why should I care?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know why you should care, I was trying to find you for my own purposes to make sure you were not getting into any trouble." Leslie stated.

`I am not getting into any trouble. I am just talking." Aaron stated. "If that's all you wanted, I have better things to do with my time."

"Well have fun brat." Leslie stated, hanging up the phone and walking back over to Hillary. "Hello Ms. Duff, he's no longer here in the hotel, he left for the night."

"Oh darn, I wanted to see him before the night was over. I really wanted to talk to him." Hillary stated. "Oh well. Thank you ma'am."

"You are welcome." Leslie stated as the girl walked away. "She's just too damn perky for me."

// Security Room //

"Look Mr. Timberlake, if we allow you to go back into the Main Ballroom, you got to promise us that you wouldn't start another fight." The security officer stated.

"I promise." Justin stated. "I am okay now. I won't bother that creep again."

"Alright Mr. Timberlake. If we are called back to the Main Ballroom because of you, we are going to escort you to your room and keep you there until all of this is over." The security officer stated. "Is that understood?"

"Yes sir." Justin stated.

"Have fun Mr. Timberlake and congratulations." The security guard stated as Justin and Nick walked out of the room.

"Well there you have it baby, you have to behave yourself for the rest of the evening." Nick stated.

"Nicky don't start." Justin stated. "It was enough hearing those guys talk like that, don't you act like that too."

"Well that means you don't need to let Damien get on your nerves." Nick stated. "Now lets get in here and enjoy the rest of the night, so all of this will go by faster so I can see what my surprise is."

"You still have to wait until later on tonight before you get it baby." Justin stated.

"Oh alright, I guess I can wait." Nick stated as JC and Joey came walking out of the Main Ballroom.

"Where you guys going?" Justin asked.

"Just going for a walk or something, this party is boring as hell." JC stated. "I'm sorry Justin, but I was going to start gouging out my eyeballs or something."

"What happened after I left, did I miss anything?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, you missed everyone leaving, that place is dead in there. It's only a few people in there, the big wigs are all drunk or have picked up prostitutes." Joey stated.

"Well damn baby." Nick stated. "I guess you killed the party."

"I guess so." Justin stated. "Want to go for a walk?"

"Sure, that sounds nice." Nick stated. "Where are we going?"

"There's a park a few blocks down, why don't we go there." Justin stated.

"Cool, why don't we go and just talk." Nick stated as he and Justin walked down the hall towards the exit door.

// Outside in the Parking Lot //

"What do you have planned Joe?" JC asked as he and Joey walked to their cars.

"Well I was going to just go home and rest, this night is just too boring for me." Joey stated, unlocking the door to his car.

"Why don't you come back to my place, we can hang out for a while, if you like." JC stated.

"Hmmm...are you sure you want me to come over?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I am sure. You can stay over if you like." JC stated. "You still have stuff up in your room don't you?"

"I should have some stuff there still." Joey stated. "It would be good to get away from my place. Alright, I will stay over with you."

"Cool, I will see you at my place." JC stated.

// In the Park //

"So what are you currently doing?" Frankie asked, he and Aaron sitting on a park bench.

"Well I am laying down some tracks for a new album and I am doing some stuff for Nickelodeon." Aaron stated.

"Sounds cool." Frankie stated.

"What about you? What are you doing currently?" Aaron asked.

"I'm taking a break from everything for a while. We are in between seasons on the show and so I have lots of free time for now." Frankie stated. "I just need something normal to occupy my time."

"I do too." Aaron stated.

"How about this?" Frankie stated, leaning over and kissing Aaron on the lips. "Is this normal enough to occupy your time?"

"Wow, what a kiss." Aaron stated as he placed his hand on the back of Frankie's head and pulled him closer as the two of them shared another kiss.

"Aaron stop, maybe we shouldn't do this." Frankie stated.

"Why not?" Aaron asked with a hurt look on his face.

"Because I am not looking for something quick and meaningless, I want to fall in love with someone." Frankie stated. "Do you know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean. I am looking for someone to fall in love with too. I am not just looking for a sexual encounter, I can always go back to my room and spank the monkey if I need to." Aaron stated.

"Spank the monkey? I never imagined hearing that from you." Frankie laughed. "Your image is too wholesome for that kind of talk."

"Well I am sorry, but I am just your normal everyday guy." Aaron stated. "I am not the only one in the music industry that masturbate, I am quite sure the guys of O-Town, N Sync and Blue are masturbating on a regular basis."

"Probably so, all guys do it when they feel the need to." Frankie stated.

"Well I am quite sure they do, I just wish I could get the real thing from someone that loved me." Aaron stated.

"I know that feeling too well." Frankie stated. "I am tired of dealing with bimbos that don't know how to please me, I want to find a guy that I can be with that understands me, I am tired of hiding with women."

"Hiding with women?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah hiding, I am gay and gay only. I don't like women at all, but to keep everyone happy, I pretend to be involved with those bimbos that just don't know how to make me feel good." Frankie stated as he and Aaron were sitting on the bench holding hands now. "There have been a many of nights that I have cried because those girls were touching me. I require the touch of another man."

"I am so sorry Frankie." Aaron stated.

"It's not your fault Aaron, I sometimes wish I never got famous." Frankie stated. "It hurts me so much."

"Oh Frankie." Aaron stated as he pulled Frankie to him, trying to soothe him while he cried.

// In the Same Park //

"Come on baby tell me what my surprise is." Nick whined.

"No Nicky, you will just have to wait for us to go back to the hotel and I am not ready to go yet." Justin stated, pulling Nick along the trail.

"Why are you torturing me?" Nick asked. "Don't you love me enough to go ahead and tell me?"

"Stop that Nicky, you don't ever have to say something like that. Of course I love you, it's a surprise and you are just going to wait for it." Justin stated as he found a bench and the two of them sat down.

"I'm sorry Justin, I didn't mean to say that." Nick stated.

"I know." Justin stated. "You are just impatient."

"Yeah that too." Nick stated. "I just can't wait to see what it is baby."

"I know, but I guess I have kept you in suspense long enough. Are you ready to go Nicky?" Justin asked.

"Yes oh yes." Nick stated as he jumped up and pulled Justin up too. "Let's go."

"Okay Nicky we are going." Justin stated, laughing at Nick's eagerness to see what his surprise was.

// JC's House -- The Entertainment Room //

"What's the name of this movie Josh?" Joey asked.

"It's called `Trick', it's a nice movie." JC stated.

"Is this a gay movie?" Joey asked.

"Somewhat." JC stated. "I was going to watch that earlier before Justin called me this morning. We can watch something else if you like."

"This is okay." Joey stated. "I guess I need to learn about this stuff."

"Why?" JC asked, walking back into the room with soda and chips.

"Because of you and Justin." Joey stated, hoping JC would take that as an excuse.

"Oh, yeah okay." JC stated. "Are you comfy?"

"I am fine Josh, sit down." Joey stated, patting the spot next to him on the sofa. "If I want something, I know where the kitchen is remember."

"Well I am trying to be a good host." JC stated, as he grabbed the remote, dimmed the lights and sat down on the sofa.

"So what is this about?" Joey asked.

"It's supposed to be about two guys finding love." JC stated as the movie started.

"Is there any sex?" Joey asked.

"There's not supposed to be." JC stated.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to cover my eyes or anything." Joey laughed.

"If you don't want to watch this Joe, we can watch something else." JC stated.

"Josh this is fine, stop worrying about it." Joey stated, as the two of them got quiet to watch the movie.

// Regency Hotel -- 20 Minutes Earlier //

"Okay Nicky are you ready for your surprise now?" Justin asked, as he and Nick stood in front of his hotel room door.

"Yes Justin, you know I am." Nick stated. "Let me have it."

"You want it that bad?" Justin asked, leaning over to kiss Nick on the lips passionately.

"Mmmmmm Justin, you could have given me that surprise already baby." Nick stated, kissing the palm of Justin's hand.

"That wasn't the surprise baby." Justin stated, opening the room door to reveal his room decked in candlelight as the smell of food came pouring out into the hallway.

"Justin what is this? How did you do all of this?" Nick asked.

"This is a candlelight romantic dinner for two." Justin stated. "With the help of your sister and some of my friends, they were able to get this set up for me while we were on our walk, so I can surprise you with it."

"Justin it's lovely." Nick stated, kissing Justin passionately.

"Well sit down, let's see what we have on the menu." Justin stated.

"You don't know what's on the menu?" Nick asked.

"No I don't." Justin stated. "I told your sister to surprise us since she knows what you like to eat."

"Oh I see, you are using my sister to get the dirt on me." Nick stated, lifting the cover over his food. "Oh my what is this?"

"Let me see." Justin stated, lifting the cover to his food. "I have lasagna, what do you have?"

"I like lasagna, I have no idea what this is." Nick stated.

"Let me see." Justin stated, getting up, walking around the table to see what Nick had. "We are sitting in the wrong places. That's salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and sweet peas. Nicky baby, just trade seats with me."

"Will do baby." Nick stated, kissing Justin on the lips as he got up and walked past.

"Let's eat." Justin stated as the two of them started eating the meal that was prepared for them.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 19

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