My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 8, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 16 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Disney World -- The Magic Kingdom //

"You are still a kid Justin." JC stated as the three man waited in line at a ride.

"Whateva Josh, you act worse than me." Justin stated, shoving JC playfully.

"You wish." JC stated.

"I don't wish, I know." Justin stated. "You should go stand in that line over there, you are so young, you should be riding the itty-bitty Tea Cup ride."

"Oh yeah two clam down." Nick stated. "We are here to have fun, not talk about which one of you act childish, in my book, both of you do."

"Hey!" Both JC and Justin spoke in unison.

"Well I was just pointing out a fact. Look how both of you are acting now." Nick stated.

"What are you guys doing here?" Joey asked as he walked up, carrying his daughter Briana.

"What are you doing here?" Justin asked, glaring at Joey.

"Me and Briana are just having a fun outing." Joey stated. "How are you doing Justin?"

"I am doing fine Joey." Justin stated as he turned his back to Joey. "What is it that you want?"

"Justin what's wrong?" Nick asked, walking around to face Justin. "Why are you acting this way towards your friends?"

"He's not my friend!" Justin stated, causing people to turn around and look at him as he walked off, leaving JC, Nick, Joey and Briana watching him leave.

"Justin, Justin where are you going?" Nick asked.

"Somewhere to get away from him." Justin stated, still walking away as Nick ran up behind him. "I am not going to hang around him, he's not my friend anymore."

"Why isn't he your friend?" Nick asked.

"I told you how he and the others treated me." Justin stated.

"Well you also told me that Josh gave you a hard time too, but you are still his friend." Nick stated.

"Josh apologized for what he did." Justin stated. "And besides, Josh was my friend a lot longer than Joey."

"Baby listen to me." Nick stated. "You have known these guys for a long time. Don't treat Joey the same way he treated you, sometimes you have to kill them with kindness."

"Well my kindness has gone on too long. I am tired of them treating me differently because I am the gay one." Justin stated. "Why should I give him another chance to be nice? He should have continued treating me like his friend regardless if I told him I liked dick instead of pussy."

"Justin lower your voice, this is a family environment." Nick stated.

"Well he had his chances, I am done with giving chances." Justin stated.

"Baby please, just give him one more chance for me?" Nick asked. "You always need your friends, cherish them."

"Nicky why are you acting this way all of a sudden?" Justin asked.

"Acting what way?" Nick asked.

"So friendly towards my old friends?" Justin asked.

"Why shouldn't I be friendly? They haven't done anything wrong to me." Nick stated. "All I am asking is for you to give all of your friends another chance is all. It will make me happy."

"Well I want you to be happy, but what about my happiness?" Justin asked. "It's not making me happy giving them chances and they shit on me again."

"Just go back over there." Nick stated. "We have been having fun all day, we are not going to stop having fun now."

"I wish I could kiss you right now." Justin stated.

"I wish you could too. This is the perfect moment for a kiss." Nick stated.

"I know, you just wait until we get on a ride, I am going to overwhelm you with kisses." Justin stated.

"Oh really? You are making me hot baby." Nick stated. "Come on, let's go back over here and talk with your friend Joey."

"Oh alright." Justin stated as he and Nick walked back over to JC, Joey and Briana.

// Regency Hotel -- Leslie and Aaron's Room //

"I thought you were going home with Mom?" Leslie asked, walking into the room to see Aaron watching television.

"She said I can stay as long as I don't get in your way." Aaron stated.

"Yeah right, you should have gone back with her." Leslie stated, walking into the bathroom. "What have you been doing since she left?"

"Watching MTV." Aaron stated. "Justin's new video `Senorita' aired today."

"How was it?" Leslie asked.

"It was hot, but the girls in it got on my nerves." Aaron stated.

"I bet." Leslie stated. "Aaron, Justin is too old for you."

"I know, but I could dream can't I?" Aaron spoke.

"Mom is okay as she's going to get with the two of you being gay, but you need to find someone your own age Aaron." Leslie stated.

"I loved Justin." Aaron stated.

"You can't love Justin. You don't even know him." Leslie stated. "You only feel that you love him because he is your crush."

"Whatever." Aaron stated.

"Well that you are still here, there's going to be a party down in the main ballroom tonight." Leslie stated.

"A party for who?" Aaron asked.

"I know you aren't going to be happy with this, but Hillary Duff is in town and some music execs are throwing a party for her and other people in the industry." Leslie stated. "You are welcomed to go."

"What the hell!" Aaron screamed.

"Watch your mouth young man." Leslie stated. "It's a formal party, so I suggest you go find something neat, clean and presentable to wear tonight."

"I don't want to go." Aaron whined.

"Why not?" Leslie asked.

"I don't really want to see Hillary and her new man." Aaron stated.

"Oh my god. You dated her too?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah and I really don't want to see her." Aaron stated. "I am depressed enough as it is."

"There are going to be some good looking guys there." Leslie stated, sitting next to Aaron on the sofa. "I bet you can have a good time there, instead of slouching around this room."

"Fine I'll go, but I am not going to talk to her or her new boyfriend." Aaron stated.

"That's fine with me, as long as you go out and have a good time." Leslie stated. "Now scoot, the party starts in six hours and I know you don't have anything to wear and it takes you forever to get ready. Go shopping and get something nice."

"I don't want to go shopping." Aaron stated.

"You not want to go shopping? Oh my god, there's something wrong with the boy." Leslie stated.

"There's nothing wrong with me, I just don't want to go shopping." Aaron stated.

"Oh just go down to the mall and have a good time." Leslie stated. "Stop pouting or your lip will stay that way."

"Fine, I'll go shopping." Aaron stated. "I need money."

"Kids." Leslie stated as she grabbed her purse and handed him some cash.

// Disney World //

"Daddee ova dare." Briana spoke, pointing at a ride she wanted to go on.

"Okay sweetie, that's going to be our next ride after this one." Joey stated, walking over to the Flying Dumbo ride.

"I am getting hungry, we have been here for like three hours and we haven't stopped yet." JC stated.

"Yeah I am getting hungry too." Justin stated.

"There's a food court over there. Why don't we grab something for now, and chow down at a restaurant after we go shopping." Nick stated.

"Sounds good." Justin stated.

"You guys are going shopping too?" Joey asked.

"Yeah. We were supposed to go shopping first, but someone got sidetracked and we ended up here." Nick stated, laughing as he held Justin's hand.

"You wanted to come here as much as I did." Justin stated, poking Nick in the shoulder playfully.

"Yeah I did. This is my favorite place to go in O-Town." Nick stated. "Justin its one o'clock now, that music exec party is at seven."

"Oh I forgot about that." Justin stated.

"How could you forget, you talked about it all last night." Nick laughed.

"I have been having so much fun here, it just slipped my mind." Justin stated. "Josh, would you and Joey like to come to the party? If you two don't have any thing to do tonight."

"Sure why not." JC stated. "I am not doing anything."

"Sure I can come. I will be free after I take Briana back over to Kelly's." Joey stated.

"Back over to Kelly's? She's not with you anymore?" Justin asked.

"We split up again after the second leg of the `Rent' tour started." Joey stated.

"Why?" Justin asked.

"She said I was never there for her, that I spent too much time with you guys or working." Joey stated. "She got so mad that she told me to marry `N Sync."

"Wow, she was mad. So you two are not getting married?" Justin asked.

"Nope. I guess it's better this way, I don't think we could have lasted long with the way our schedules are and the fighting was getting to be a little too much." Joey stated.

"I had no idea about any of this." Justin stated. "Are you okay?"

"See, this is why you hold on to your friends." Nick whispered into Justin' s ear.

"I am fine, I am enjoying freedom and so is Briana." Joey stated. "She the only woman in my life besides Ma, that I truly care about."

"Well I am glad you are happy now." Justin stated. "What's everyone getting? This is on me."

"Just get a giant order of fries and we can all share." Joey stated.

"Does that sound good to everyone?" Justin asked.

"What about some nachos too?" JC asked.

"Sounds cool." Justin stated. "Is everyone okay with Coke?"

"Yeah." All the guys spoke in unison.

"What do you want Bri to have Joey?" Justin asked.

"Orange juice." Joey stated.

"Alright. Nicky why don't you come and help me bring all of this back." Justin stated as he and Nick walked off towards the counter.

"So is he really still mad with me?" Joey asked, talking with JC.

"Honestly I don't know." JC stated. "After he and Nick came back from talking, he was much calmer."

"Calmer? Did they have sex or something?" Joey asked. "I don't think just talking to Justin is going to calm him down. He looked as though he was ready to bite my head off."

"Well he didn't so don't start anything Joe." JC stated. "Why are you being nice anyway?"

"Because you guys are my friends." Joey stated. "I know I messed up, but I don't want to loose you guys."

"Yeah you did mess up." JC stated. "You hurt my feelings and if you hurt mine, I know you hurt Justin's."

"I know I did." Joey stated. "I hope you guys give me another chance. I don't want that mistake to ruin our friendship. We have been friends for like forever it seems."

"Alright, I accept your apology." JC stated as he leaned over and hugged Joey.

"Good, I just hope Justin accepts it." Joey stated as Justin and Nick came back to the table carrying nachos, fries and drinks.

"Okay guys dig in." Justin stated as he started putting things on the table.

"So where are we going to eat?" Nick asked.

"I don't care where we eat, as long as we don't have to eat the hotel food." Justin stated.

"What's wrong with the hotel food?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, but it kept my stomach cramping last night." Justin stated.

"Oh, well we won't be eating hotel food then." Nick stated. "How about that little place down the street from the hotel, I think it's called `JT's Place' or something like that, we can go there."

"What kind of cuisine is in there?" JC asked.

"I think it's regular food, but I could have sworn that I smelled some black-eyed peas, cornbread and ham as I walked by." Nick stated.

"He knows his country cooking." JC laughed. "That sounds cool."

"Cool, we can eat there then." Nick stated.

// 3 Hours Later //

"Justin can I talk to you for a moment?" Joey asked, walking up to Justin as the two of them stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

"What's up Joe?" Justin asked, looking at Joey strangely.

"Justin I am very sorry about the way I treated you. I am so sorry. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" Joey asked.

"Why are you asking me this now? Why did you ever treat me like that in the first place, I thought you were my friend." Justin stated.

"I am your friend Justin." Joey stated. "When you came out to us, I didn't know what to do, how to act. I just didn't know how to act around you, and with the stuff going on with Kelly, I lashed out at you."

"If you were my friend, you would have shown me some support instead of turning your back on me." Justin stated as tears formed in his eyes.

"I am sorry Justin, please forgive me. I know I hurt you, I hurt JC too and I don't want to hurt the two of you. Both of you are my very best friends." Joey stated, wiping at the tears at Justin's eyes. "I was just stupid."

"Yes you were stupid you big goof." Justin stated. "You are forgiven. Just don't get on my nerves too soon."

"Thank you Justin." Joey stated as the two of them hugged each other.

// Back at the Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"Baby are you sure you want me to come with you?" Nick asked.

"Yes I am sure. I want you there with me." Justin stated.

"Wouldn't people get the wrong idea if they say us together?" Nick asked.

"What wrong idea?" Justin asked.

"The idea that me and you are dating each other." Nick stated.

"If they think that, let `em, I can care less about that." Justin stated. "We are together and that's all that matters right now. I want you there to help me celebrate."

"Alright, but I don't want this to cause problems for you later on." Nick stated.

"Don't worry about that Nicky." Justin stated. "Don't sweat it, if you want, I will introduce you as my friend."

"How were you going to introduce me?" Nick asked.

"I was going to say that you were some guy I met in the hotel parking lot." Justin laughed, wrapping his arms around Nick's waist and kissing his cheek.

"Ha Ha Ha." Nick stated. "Real funny Justin."

"Yep I thought it was." Justin stated. "Come on, let's finish getting ready."

// Leslie and Aaron's Room //

"Are you ready yet?" Leslie called out to Aaron, who was still in the bathroom getting ready for the party.

"No not yet. Give me a few more minutes." Aaron stated.

"You said that about thirty minutes ago." Leslie stated. "Hurry up or I am going to drag you out of there the way you are."

"Come on Les, I am not ready yet." Aaron stated. "I am making sure my suit looks right."

"A suit?" Leslie asked. "That's what you were hiding from me."

"Yeah I want to make an impression on the available guys there tonight." Aaron stated. "If I can't have Justin, might as well get somebody hot."

"That's the spirit bro, just make sure you don't get out of hand." Leslie stated.

"Yes mother." Aaron stated. "I won't get into trouble mom."

"Hey! I am not your mother. If I was, you wouldn't be here right now, so you watch how you speak to me, I can always send you back home to mother." Leslie stated.

"Sorrrreee." Aaron spoke. "You are no fun."

"Neither are you now hurry up." Leslie stated. "Other people need to get ready you know."

"Fine. How do I look?" Aaron asked, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Finally." Leslie stated, pushing Aaron away from the door and going into the bathroom.

"She acts like I was in there for hours." Aaron stated.

// Main Ballroom //

"Why it looks like everyone is here tonight." Justin stated as he, Nick, JC and Joey walked into the room.

"Yeah seems like it." Nick stated. "Who else is this party for?"

"Let's see, I think Hillary Duff, a new group called Thursday and The guys of Good Charlotte." Justin stated. "I think there will be some movie people here too."

"Some movie people?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, people that act, you know, stars." Justin stated.

"Ha ha, I know what movie people are." Joey stated. "I just didn't know anything was happening at this get together."

"Well there is, so have fun." Justin stated as he and Nick walked over to the bar and ordered something to drink.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 17

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