My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 23, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 10 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Nick's Hotel Room //

"Your room is right down the hall from mine." Justin stated.

"Cool." Nick stated. "Do you need to run down and get something?"

"Yeah. I'll be back here in just a sec. I am going to get something to change into." Justin stated.

"Alright. I will wait here." Nick stated as Justin walked off down the hall.

"Nick what are you doing here?" Nick turned and heard Aaron's voice.

"Aaron, what are you doing here?" Nick asked.

"I came here earlier today." Aaron stated. "When you left, I thought you came here so I came here and had Leslie set me up in a room."

"I got that from her. What are you doing here, out here now. You are on the other end of the hall, why are you down here on this end?" Nick asked.

"I was coming to look for you." Aaron stated.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"Uhhhhh..." Aaron stuttered. "I came to see if you were okay."

"Why? How did you know I was here? I don't think Leslie told you I was coming here." Nick stated.

"Damn." Aaron stated.

"Watch your mouth." Nick stated.

"Sorry." Aaron stated as he turned to start to walk away.

"Wait a minute. You haven't answered me yet. Why were you on this end of the hall?" Nick asked again.

"Fine. I was watching a guy down here." Aaron stated.

"A guy? Who?" Nick asked just as Justin walked out of his room and Aaron started blushing.

"I am ready Nick." Justin spoke as he got close to Nick. "Hey, isn't this your brother?"

"Yes this is my `little' brother Aaron." Nick stated. "Seems he has some secrets of his own that I will talk to him about later."

"Oh?" Justin asked. "Do you need to talk to your brother Nick? If so, I can go back to my room."

"I am not going to worry about that now, I am sleepy, let's head in." Nick stated. "Good night Aaron."

"Night Aaron." Justin stated as he shook Aaron's hand and Nick directed him into the room and closed the door.

"Would you like something to drink?" Nick asked.

"No, not right now." Justin stated. "I think I just wanted to sit down and curl up."

"Okay." Nick stated. "I am going to change, I will be right back."

"Okay Nick." Justin stated as he sat down on the sofa.

// Aaron's Room //

"Why? Why? Why does Nick have to get him? I wanted him." Aaron stated as he slammed the door to the hotel room. "I want him. I am the one that loves him. God why can't Justin Timberlake be mine?"

"What is your problem Aaron?" Leslie asked as she walked into the room.

"Nothing." Aaron stated as he slowly started crying.

"Oh there's something wrong, it's not a nothing when you go around here slamming doors!" Leslie shouted. "Have you lost your freakin' mind?"

"No I haven't lost my mind." Aaron stated. "I lost the guy I loved."

"Who?" Leslie asked.

"Justin." Aaron stated.

"Who's Justin? I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Leslie stated.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Aaron stated.

"Okay I am lost here. Who's Justin?" Leslie asked.

"Justin Timberlake." Aaron stated.

"Justin Timberlake, as in Justin Timberlake that's a guest on this floor?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah that's him." Aaron stated.

"Please don't tell me you did something stupid." Leslie stated.

"No I didn't do anything stupid." Aaron stated. "He and Nick are


"Together?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah together." Aaron stated. "Justin's in Nick's room right now."

"What!" Leslie screamed.

"Yeah, they are sleeping together as we speak." Aaron stated.

// Nick's Room //

"I must admit that in the past, I have had fantasies about what it would be like to have sex with you." Nick stated.

"No, not me." Justin stated. "I am not all that."

"Yes you are." Nick stated. "I know I am going to regret saying this, but I use to jerk off thinking about you and other singers."

"Ewwwww. You are so gross." Justin stated, laughing and pointing at Nick. "You are not alone there. I actually was jerking off today and had an image of you in my mind when I did it and I came quickly after seeing your face."

"You are pulling my leg Justin." Nick stated.

"No I am not, I was actually pulling on my cock." Justin stated, laughing at Nick.

"Creep." Nick stated as he picked up the sofa cushion and smacked Justin in the head with it.

"Well I was just telling you that I wasn't pulling your leg." Justin stated, still laughing. "So you want to play rough, I can handle that."

"Oh no you don't." Nick stated, pushing Justin back on the sofa. "I am not going to let you get your hands on anything that you can use against me."

"You hit me, I am going to hit you back Nicky." Justin stated.

"I like it when you call me that." Nick stated.

"Oh? Why?" Justin asked.

"It sounds special when you say it." Nick stated.

"Well how sweet. I am still going to get you for smacking me with that pillow." Justin stated as he pinned Nick to the corner of the sofa trying to grab the pillow cushion from him.

"You might as well give up. I am not giving any of these pillows up so just stop." Nick stated.

"Nada, you hit me and you must be punished." Justin stated as Nick fell off the sofa and he landed on top of him.

"Look what you did." Nick stated. "Now we are on the floor."

"What's your point?" Justin asked as he leaned over and kissed Nick on the lips.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 11

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