My Journey Series

By Gary Sechen

Published on Apr 2, 2014


The following story is fiction. If you are thinking of playing out anything like what happens here, play safe in all aspects of your life. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to

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Interracial, Anal, BD, Exhib, WS, master/slave

Part 5

Again I woke before Master and noticed that it was at least an hour before he needed to be awake. I started reviewing what I needed to do for Master and how I could accomplish my tasks. I made the mental list reviewing it over and over. I'd needed to write my thoughts down when I had a chance. Master's moan startled me; l looked to him and saw he was starting to wake up. My morning duties would begin thank god. I got myself into position and was tonguing his balls and trying to look at his face as his big cock grew. I lunged for it and had it down my throat in no time. Master wrapped his legs around my head to lock me into place and he took over pounding my face. I breathed threw my nose so that I could take master's cock as he needed. He soon started groaning and he gave me his offering. He did not stop until his cock was getting soft. He relaxed his legs and I left his cock. I held Master's legs up and he shot a glare at me but all I was doing was giving his ass a pre-bath. I had my tongue up and down his hairy crack and found my way to his perfect hole. Master's smells drove me to a new level; I couldn't get enough of him. I tried my best to clean him up and get my tongue in as far I could. Master ordered me to stop otherwise he would have to dump another load into me and it was getting late.

He left for the bathroom, I heard him pissing into my thermos. I was in the kitchen, made the coffee and was working on breakfast when master sat at the table. He said he needed to discuss the offer Alvin had proposed. Alvin claimed it could be very profitable and if he wanted to try it short term out without any commitments he would understand. Alvin would draw up a contract with Master and e-mail it later today with the details. Master said he would think about it during work today and he wanted to hear my thoughts when he got home. Once he read the contract we would discuss further. I said I would think it through and write down my thoughts for him. Master had me get on all fours in front of him and he roughly pulled out the plug. He inspected it and told me to use my mouth to lube it up again. I swallowed it as if it were Master and got as much spit onto it as possible; thankfully it was clean except for some lube. Master inserted a couple of fingers in my pussy and felt around. Master said things are improving then he grabbed the plug and rammed it in. Thankfully it entered and found its place fairly easily. Master had me suck his fingers clean and I eagerly obliged.

Master quickly ate and skimmed the paper with his second cup of coffee. He dressed and I tried to help but his mind was in a different place and was on his way. He also complimented me on taking care of the house and to keep up the good work. I bowed my head and kissed his boots.

Now that I was alone, I got out the list of my chores and had them done in no time. My bathroom duties seemed to be accomplished with ease. I decided to take a few minutes on the back deck and gathered my thoughts on how I could be a better slave. Then I made some notes on the offer from Alvin to Master. I chugged my thermos and returned it to the bathroom. The last load of laundry had just finished and I folded and hung up Master's clothes.

I went back to my list and modified both, I wanted the one regarding Alvin's proposal to correctly reflect my thoughts. I rewrote it once again. The afternoon passed with me working in the garden; however I couldn't stop thinking about Master and the proposal. I sat on the deck rocking on the plug in my pussy wishing that it was really Master's cock filling me. I hadn't notice that my own cock was full and leaking. I licked it off of the deck.

I went back into the bathroom and as forcefully as I could I ripped the plug from my pussy and cleaned myself once again. I placed the plug on the floor and sat on it without lube and forced it back into place. While it did hurt all I could think of was my Master.

Dinner was ready to be cooked and the table set for Master on the deck. Plenty of beverages were in the frig; this could be a long night. I reviewed my list regarding Alvin's offer one more time.

Master's truck pulled up and he walked in, he wasn't in a good mood. After kissing his boots I asked master if I could do anything for him. He was bitching about the slackers at work. First of all they don't work hard. Secondly they are goofing off, first it is one guy then it is two or three. I've got to figure out a way get them fired or have them resign. The paperwork is such a bitch if we fire them, they just go to the unemployment office and that affects our UC rating. Another supervisor Dan had been trying to figure out a plan.

Boy, get me out of these clothes, forget the Bud I want a Jack. I brought Master his Jack and he downed the first one handing the glass back to me for another. I put a little more in this one hopping he would begin to slow down. It seems to work. Another factor was that I was massaging his feet. I asked permission to speak; it took Maser to about 5 minutes and a couple of more swigs of Jack before he acknowledged my offer. Please forgive me from speaking without knowing all of the particulars in this situation. When I dealt with a problem such as this it helped to discuss the issue with someone disconnect from the situation

I asked how many employees were involved or could be involved. He listed 5 names that I wrote down, Tim, Ralph, James, Bill and Carlos. Next I asked who was the leader, the one who was always in trouble and that was Tim. If Tim were removed from the situation wood Ralph, James, Bill and Carlos get into trouble or were they good valued employee. If Tim was removed from the situation, would the other four guys fall into line and be good? Do you have another person who could do he work of Tim?

Sir, I think one way or another Tim should be removed from the situation. If it is too bureaucratic thru normal channel, if we thought long and about it I'm sure that with a little thinking "out side of the box" a resolution would appear. What kind of trouble does Tim get into, is it drugs, women, drinking, men......

Master thought and said he really did know what the trigger was in Tim's in his trouble matrix. Ok sir, what does he usually do just before he get's into trouble. Sir don't answer right know; just think about it for a while. I'll refresh your Jack and let's go sit out side on the deck. Master lumbered out and sat on his chair. Another big swig of Jack and Master sat back. The answer will come sooner or later, maybe as you are eating, maybe while you are shitting. Maybe it will come during the morning. It is never easy finding that one trigger but once you have that figured out the answer to your problem will correctly appear. Please let me know if you have a breakthrough. I'll be in the kitchen if you need my help sir. It may be that you will notice the trigger in him tomorrow. With that I left to fix dinner. Master sat on the deck pondering these ideas.

I returned with Master's dinner and sat on the deck with my bowl. Master told me to sit in a chair at the table with him and I brought my bowl to the table. Master told me while he was eating that he thanked me for offering to help him. Master said we would discuss this further when he had some ideas.

Master offered me some of his food; I kissed his hand while he filled my bowl. I dove in appreciating my master's kindness. When master had finished I removed the dishes and asked what he desired. I was told to clean the kitchen and return to him. With those duties finished I crawled back to master's feet and began to lick them. I had one foot in my mouth while Master's other foot rubbed my head.

Master boomed it was time to go into the living room and discuss Alvin's proposal. I followed Master crawling at his feet. Master went to his computer and printed out the info Alvin had e-mailed. Master had me turn on the slideshow of Alvin's photo/video shoot and allowed me to sit on his lap. Master had not yet read what Alvin set him.

Master was massaging my head and nips when he asked me if I had thought about the potential offer. I told Master that I indeed had thought long and hard (if Master only knew) about it all day and that I had written down my thoughts. Master confirmed that his mind wandered all day about it as well except for the times he had to discipline his workers.

Master asked me for my thoughts. I inhaled deeply and said that first and foremost I was Master's property and that I only wanted what was best for him. I said I would abide by whatever his decision was without any qualms. I said I had only one request of Master. I said I didn't know what types of photos or videos Alvin was proposing but whatever happened I wanted Master to be the first one to take me if Master agreed. I said that I wanted our special moment to be just that between the two of us. If Master wanted me to be in the photos, I would do whatever he and Alvin had proposed. And if I could continue I said that whatever would happen in any photos, my thoughts would always be that I was doing this for Master and I would do this to make me a better slave for Master. I would never think of a potential photo partner as of anything else. I would do whatever Master wanted and needed and I would do all to make him proud of his property. Lastly I offered that if indeed this would be profitable to Master I wanted him to use the funds to better himself and his home so that he would be more comfortable. I said that was the ends of my considerations and thanked him for allowing me to give my thoughts.

Master grabbed my balls and while massaging them he thanked me for giving the proposal some thought. He said he chose me to be his property because I did have a brain and that I could add to his household. He said if we did go forth with this project that all of the funds would be added to a special account to be used only for special purposes, for example creating a playroom, furthering our toy chest or perhaps a vacation. He said these funds would not be used for daily living expenses as those were being covered today. Master further agreed that all potential activities would be arranged in advance and agreed to by all parties. Master said that during any trial period he would attend all of the photo sessions to insure that everyone abided by the rules, but he also said he trusted Alvin to follow any contract. Lastly Master said he was going to be the one who popped my pussy cherry. He said he had waited too long for that not be his.

Master said I guess it is time to see what Alvin has proposed. Master read the contract, I could not see it. Master still had one hand on my balls, while he read, he would squeeze and then return to just playing with them. He put page one down and started the second the second page, his free hand moved to my nips. I snuggled up and licked the exposed pit to take in Master's aroma. I cuddled as best I could as I sit on his lap. Then it hit me I should be taking care of his big black cock while he read. I slide down to his feet and consumed Master while he read the third page.

Master put down the three pages as he enjoyed my attention. Master more forcefully than ever before grabbed my head and violently fucked my face. Master came down my throat and emitted a satisfied moan. I finished cleaning his big black cock and licked his balls. Master stood up and said into the bedroom.

He was already laid out as he grabbed my collar and pulled me up to him. He said he had more for me and told me to take his cock in his mouth. I started to crawl between his legs but he turned me around so that I had my ass towards his face while I took his cock in my mouth. I had Master's cock and he started slapping my ass. He started talking very authoritatively as my cheeks were turning red. Master let loose with his golden nectar and he pulled the plug out of my pussy. Just as quickly it was plunged back in and out. I was busy taking all that he had to offer while he continued to play with my pussy. Master finished unloading and then stopped slapping my ass. He grabbed me and pulled me up to him. I suckled on his nips and he soothed my head. He kissed my head and pulled the covers over us.

As usual Master pulled me close to himself and started purring in my ear. I didn't know what was happening, all that I knew I was Master's property and he was protecting me right now.

Next: Chapter 6: My Journey 6

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