My Journey Series

By Gary Sechen

Published on Mar 26, 2014


The following story is fiction. If you are thinking of playing out anything like what happens here, play safe in all aspects of your life. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to

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Interracial, Anal, BD, Exhib, WS, master/slave

Part 3

Master introduced me to Jake his cousin and Franklin his best friend. Both readily leaned over to shake my hand and I returned their strong handshakes. Master told me that they would take their beverages in the living room and gave me a little nudge as my dismissal. I prepared a tray with their beverages; Jake had the Diet Coke while Franklin and Master had Buds. The chips and other snacks were on another tray and I brought both to the living room. Master said I could have my special beverage, I left and went to the bathroom and grabbed my mug of master's piss. I sat on the floor next to Master as the pre-game show started. Each of Master's friends asked questions of Master and me. Master politely and firmly answered questions, when asked of me I would answer as I believed and then look at Master when I was finished. The questions were plentiful and probing. Both wanted to know how long we each were into "this scene". They wanted to know how we hooked up. They wanted to know the meaning of the collar and especially that thing that was on whitey's cock. Lastly Franklin asked about the "thing" in my ass. Master replied that I had a rather small pussy and that he needed to stretch it out so that I could completely service him. Master answered all of their remaining questions directly and factually. They both seemed ok with me and my presence in Master house, they certainly liked the food and beverage service I performed for each of them.

Franklin asked me if I had any questions or comments, I just offered that I was glad to met Master's friends and hoped that they would come to like me as well as they like him. I said that I was here to serve Master and make him happy as well as his friends. They thanked me for my honesty. I also asked if they would permit me to ask questions about the b-ball game on TV, I had watched a lot of games but did not understand the various plays or foul calls. Master rubbed my head and said they would offer their suggestions but I was not to interrupt the game too much.

Part way thru the 1st quarter I refreshed the beverages and the snacks that had been consumed by Master and his friends. Master's friends thanked me and I said it was my duty and to let me know if they needed anything else. At the end of the 1st quarter, Master had me follow him into the bathroom. He complimented me on my hosting skills and said he thought everything was going well. I thanked him as only a slave can as said how else can I serve you. He said to open up and take my cock which only took a second. I drank in his offering and cleaned him up before he returned to his friends. I followed at his feet; however I was constantly reminded of the plug up my pussy.

Part way thru the second quarter Jake was sawing logs on the couch. Franklin and Master looked at each other, Franklin said Jake had been busy all day working around his house and completing the "honey dew" list that his wife had planned. Master said to let him snooze thru the end of the half. Franklin definitely gave me the "eye". As we watched the remainder of the 1st half I did ask a question about the defense that the Lakers where trying against the Heat. I wondered why they did that, both Franklin and Master offered their responses but each had a different reason. Master said that he and Franklin could use another beer and I crawled to the kitchen for a refill. While in the kitchen I heard them discussing something that did not relate to the game. I waited for their conversation to finish before returning with their drinks.

The 1st half came to a close and Franklin hit Jake who finally woke up. Jake claimed he was only resting his eyes but both Master and Franklin laughed heartily. Franklin suggested that he should walk the two blocks home and continue resting his eyes. Master snickered and walked Jake to the door and thanked him for coming by and returned to the living room. Franklin told Master that he knew he didn't like smoke in the house and said he was going to the back deck for a few minutes. Franklin asked if his slave could join me and Master said that I would as Master ordered and offered my leash to him. Franklin led me thru the kitchen suggesting that I grab him another Bud which I did and followed him.

When we arrived on the deck, Franklin lit up a cig taking a long puff. He saw that I was watching him intently. He asked me if I wanted to smoke with him, I said I would if it pleased him. He said here boy, make yourself and me happy and light one up. Franklin said I want you to answer me honestly boy and if I think you are lying I'll be sure to tell my friend. I sat at his feet and said I would only tell him an answer that I truly believed to be the truth. Franklin wanted to know why someone would submit to such humility as I had done tonight. He wanted to know how a man could lower himself to such a level. He said he really couldn't understand my frame of mind. As I puffed on the cig he had given me, I said that I honestly felt it was my position in life to serve another man. I felt that I was placed on this earth to make another man a better man and that I thought I could best do that by what I was doing now. I said I didn't think of what I was doing for Master as lowly, I took my place honestly and sincerely. I took another drag on my cig and Franklin nodded, thinking about what I had said. Franklin said he still could not understand why I would let someone put a locked cage around my cock and certainly he did not understand how I could let someone put something up my butt. I pondered as I held Franklin's cig that I was smoking and looked into his eyes and said haven't you ever done something for a friend without asking why? Didn't you do that for a friend? I said that is why I was doing this for my Master, I wanted to help him be a better person and that we thought we both could be better if we did this together. Franklin and I both put out our cigs, he grabbed his beer and with the leash he led me back to the living room.

Master asked if everything was ok and Franklin said all was good. Master asked for another Bud and I left to retrieve it. I waited in the kitchen for a minute to see if Master and Franklin were having a conversation, they were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I counted to 60 and then brought Master his beer. I again sat at his feet, gently massaging them while the game resumed. As the game neared the end of the third quarter Franklin said he needed to lite up a joint. Master said you know the rules, outside. Franklin got up and walked toward the outside deck and I noticed that Master easily passed my leash to him. All it took was a slight tug on the leash and I was at Franklin's side.

Once on the deck, Franklin had the joint fired up. After he took a couple of deep hits, he offered it to me. Before I could take it he asked me what I would do for a hit. I sat as an obedient slave would and said I would do what ever he asked of me, he was Master's friend. I was here to make my Master's life better and that making Master's friends comfortable would make Master a better person. Franklin said that is what my owner said, and that he should find out what makes him comfortable. Franklin offered me the joint and I took a long hit and passed it back to him. Franklin said he never had free range sexually or otherwise with another person, let alone a guy. He said he only up until now had a woman's mouth (rarely) or pussy around his cock. He said he didn't really know if he wanted a guy to go down on him but tonight he would try it. He passed the joint back to me and said my Master had said what I was good at and that he should try it. After another hit on the joint I passed it back to Franklin and I undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants and with a little help slid them down over his ass. Out popped a beautiful black cock that I jumped on. Franklin said for me to hold on, he had always wanted to piss in one of his girlfriends and tonight was his first opportunity. I held his cock in my mouth and waited for him to let loose. Franklin rubbed his hand over my head and tried, I massaged his balls hoping to help. Finally a little dribble left his cock into my mouth. Slowly the stream built until I was barely able to keep up. It nearly filled my mouth before I had a chance to swallow. This kept up for an eternity, but that is what I loved. Franklin finally slowed down and that was my clue to start sucking his cock. In no time I had Franklin moaning, his head was back as I watched him writhing in the chair. Franklin was nearly climbing the walls as I worked his cock, I reached up and rubbed his nips and he shot load after load down my throat. I milked his cock until it gave up his last and he pushed me off. I licked his balls and cleaned him up, Franklin was moaning and he had his hand all over my head and face. I leaned back to give him some space and he thanked me. We shared another cig, one puff for him and one for me until it was finished. Franklin stood up and I was ready to follow him but he stopped. He asked if my pussy was clean and I said yes sir. Franklin reached around my back and grabbed my plug and twisted it, I moaned. He said it was time for more b-ball. We stopped by the frig and grabbed him and Master another beer and returned to the game.

The game was near the end of the fourth quarter by the time Franklin and I had returned. The Heat were up by a few points and Master and Franklin were shouting at the TV. I was glued to their reactions. I grabbed Master's feet and massaged them during the TV time-outs. Franklin watched as I made Master happy. Soon the game ended and the Heat won, Franklin had to pay Master on the bet they made.

Master stood up; I got up to the slave's position on my knees but since my hands were cuffed I lifted them up behind my head. Master and Franklin hugged and Franklin let Master know that what he saw and felt was that Master had made a good decision. Franklin asked if he could come back soon since his g/f had recently left. Master said whenever he need to come over he was welcome. Franklin left and I started to clean up after the party. Master grabbed me and started working over my nipples, he spoke into my ear, thank you boy, and you have made my night. I reached around as best as I could and grabbed my clothed Master's ass and said I'm here only for you sir.

Before I had a chance to finish cleaning up, Master had me in front of him to take his cock. Master was on a high, I had passed his initial introduction with his close friends. I had passed as well as Master had passed scrutiny. Master offered his cock to me and I jumped on it in no time. Master was violently face fucking me; I knew he was in the moment. I wanted to be all I could for him and he was happy tonight. All I could do was offer my mouth and body to him. His load found my mouth and when he was finished he pulled me up to him. I licked his big black chest, nips and pits as all I could offer.

Master told me to finish cleaning up and to join him in the bedroom. I rushed through the job and was at Master's bed soon. Master invited me to his bed and again his body enveloped me. It had been a long and rewarding day and I was asleep as soon as Master.

Next: Chapter 4: My Journey 4

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